Councillor Gary Hiscock
Peter Barellli (RMS)
Pat Peter (Local Member’s Representative)
Sgt David McCann (NSW Police)
Bill Harvey (Wagga Wagga City Council – Senior Traffic Officer)
Jessica Crawford (Wagga Wagga City Council – Minute Taker)
Alex Fenwick (Wagga Wagga City Council – Manager Engineering)
Tim Cahill (Wagga Wagga City Council – Traffic Officer)
Peter Ross (Wagga Wagga City Council – Engineer)
The meeting of the Traffic Committee commenced at 9.20am.
Acknowledgement Of Country
I would like to Acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of this Land, on which this meeting takes place and to pay my respects to Elders past and present.
Confirmation of Minutes
Declarations Of Interest
No Declarations of Interest received.
That Traffic Committee note that the following matter was distributed to members by email on 9 December 2015 with members responding unanimously in favour of the event. That Traffic Committee endorse the conduct of the ‘WAGGA LIVE NYE 2015’ Special Event, organised by the Committee 4 Wagga, scheduled for 31 December 2015, subject to the following conditions: a The event is conducted as per the times, location, conditions and circumstances that are indicated in the application documents. b Certified Traffic Control Plans for the event, reflecting the needs at specific stages of the event, are to be prepared and implemented, monitored and decommissioned by accredited persons. c No vehicular movements to be permitted in the closed areas of Fitzmaurice, Baylis or Morrow Streets or Ivan Jack Drive during the event. d Organisers and event participants must immediately obey all directions that may be given by Police. e Organisers and event participants obey all directions that may be given by Wagga Wagga City Council Officers. f The organiser must produce a copy of a certificate of currency for a public liability insurance policy, to the minimum value of $20 million and that endorses Wagga Wagga City Council and the NSW Roads and Maritime Services as interested parties in this event, to Wagga Wagga City Council not later than close of business on 18 December 2015. g A copy of a traffic control plan document that thoroughly describes how traffic is to be managed around the event site is to be produced to the Wagga Wagga City Council Traffic Section for review and approval not later than 16 December 2015. h Failure to comply with any and all of the above conditions will immediately void this approval. CARRIED |
That Traffic Committee note that the following matter was dealt with by way of an extra ordinary meeting on 9 December 2015.
That Traffic Committee
a receive and note the content of the attached report
b endorse the following actions in respect of the attached report:
i support the conceptual layout of the arterial road network within the Bomen Business Park
ii acknowledge development of the area as a freight hub and support the upgrade of service roads to provide for access of all freight vehicles noting the constraints on the existing surrounding road network, including Eunony Bridge and the Dampier Street level crossing, to access and safety for higher productivity vehicles (vehicles that exceed general access limits in mass and / or dimensions)
iii all new roads and intersection designs are to be subject to traffic analysis and be designed to meet the requirements of the Austroads Guide to Road Design 2006, as amended, and Roads and Maritime Services supplements
iv all traffic control devices that are to be established as part of the development are to be individually considered and endorsed by Traffic Committee before the roads are open for general use as part of the road network
v recommend that all roads and intersections be constructed with a view toward accommodating vehicles that exceed general mass limits and general access limits
c recommend that an option for a high vehicle by-pass route to replace the Dampier Street level crossing, that will be closed as part of this project, be identified and developed to accommodate the east-west movement of over size and over mass vehicles through Wagga Wagga. CARRIED |
That Traffic Committee note the following matter was discussed at the extra-ordinary meeting on 9 December 2015.
That Traffic Committee endorse the adoption of the kerb position, lane widths, parking arrangements and painted lines as depicted in the drawing attachment to the accompanying report for Johnston Street between Trail Street and Simmons Street. CARRIED |
That Traffic Committee note that the following matter was distributed to members by email on 7 January 2016 with members responding in favour of the recommendation.
That Traffic Committee endorse the conduct of the Butch Menz Memorial Bicycle Race, starting and finishing at Collingullie on Sunday 3 April 2016, subject to the following conditions:
a The arrangements regarding route, timing and other issues that are set out in the application documents are adhered to, b All provisions of Road Transport Legislation are complied with, c Any direction given by a member of the NSW Police that is pursuant to Road Transport Legislation or Work Health and Safety Legislation is to be promptly complied with, d Any reasonable direction that is given by an Officer of Wagga Wagga City Council is to be promptly complied with, e Authorised Traffic Control Plans to be implemented, monitored and removed by a person who holds the appropriate level of ‘Traffic Control at Worksites’ certification, f Responsibility for sourcing signs, barriers and witches hats, required for implementation of the traffic control plans, lays with Wagga Wagga Cycling Club, g Wagga Wagga Cycling Club will notify and liaise with NSW Ambulance Service, Rural Fire Service and the NSW Fire and Rescue so that they are aware of the traffic control arrangements for the event, h The race is to be run in accordance with NSW Bicycle Federation rules, i Approval pursuant to section 115 of the Road Transport Act, 2013 being given by the Commissioner of Police or his delegated officer. j Consent for the portion of the race that is in Lockhart Local Government Area being given by Lockhart Council, k Failure to comply with any of these conditions will immediately void approval for the event. CARRIED |
That Traffic Committee endorse the installation of a compliant disabled parking zone on the western side of the access lane bedside Bolton Park Stadium, using standard R5-3-1 series signs and a decal to be painted on the road seal. The parking space is to be located as per the diagram that is attached to the report. CARRIED |
That Traffic Committee endorse the conversion of four 60° angle front to kerb parking spaces on the western side of Church Street, adjacent to the intersection with Cross Street as per the diagram that is contained in the report, to three 60° angle front to kerb disabled parking spaces that are compliant with the provisions of Australian Standard 2890.5, figure 2.4 and Section 4.5. CARRIED |
That Traffic Committee endorse the installation of a single ‘A’ size R1-1 STOP sign and STOP line, as per the provisions of the Guide to Delineation Section 6.2, at the ‘T’ junction of Un-named Lane and South Lane, on the north-west corner, facing traffic travelling east in Un-named Lane. CARRIED |
That Traffic Committee endorse: a Installation of a NO STOPPING zone, using standard R5-400 signs, for the full length of the eastern side of Gray’s Lane where that lane is adjacent to the eastern boundary of South Wagga Wagga Public School. b Installation of a 35 metre long length of NO PARKING zone, using standard R5-40 signs, on the western side of Gray’s Lane, from the northern right angle bend in the lane, toward the south. c Installation of a 32 metre long length of NO STOPPING zone, using standard R5-400 signs, on the western side of Gray’s Lane, from the southern end of the zone that is mentioned at point ‘b’ and extending to the southern end of the lane. CARRIED |
That Traffic Committee endorse the installation of W6-209 (School Bus Stopping) signs on both sides of Holbrook Road, 200 metres on the approach side of a 6720 Holbrook Road Rowan. CARRIED |
That Traffic Committee note that the following matter was distributed to members by email on 23 February 2016 with members responding in favour of the recommendations.
That Traffic Committee endorse the conduct of the ANZAC Day Dawn Service at 5:30am and the parade and commemorative service at 10:00am on 25 April 2016 in the Victory Memorial Gardens and on Baylis Street, Morgan Street and Morrow Street subject to the following conditions:
a Road closures for the event to commence from 6:00pm on 24 April 2016 to permit set up in Baylis and Morrow Streets around the Victory Memorial Gardens. b The event is to be conducted as per the location and times that are stipulated in the application documents. c A certified and approved Traffic Control plan to be implemented by authorised personnel from Wagga Wagga City Council prior to and throughout the event. d No vehicular movement in the nominated areas during the event except for those vehicles that are used as part of the parade. e Organisers and event participants obey all Police directions. f Organisers and event participants obey any direction from a Wagga Wagga City Council Officer. g Morgan Street, from Berry Street to Baylis Street, is to be opened to normal use by the non-event community once the parade has completely cleared that section of road and the street can safely be opened. h Baylis Street, from Morgan Street to the northern side of the intersection with Tompson Street is to be opened for normal use by the non-event community once the parade has cleared that section of road and the street can be safely opened to traffic. i No event participant is to occupy a position on a road that is outside of the closed area. j Failure to comply with any condition immediately voids approval for the event and traffic regulation and restriction will apply from that time. CARRIED |
That Traffic Committee endorse: a The extension of the 1.2 metre wide concrete footpath on the eastern side of Boorooma Street from near the intersection with Farrer Road for an additional length of 85 metres toward the south before turning the path to cross Boorooma Street at right angles and link to the existing shared path on the western side of the street. b Installation of two W6-1 (Pedestrian Warning graphic) signs, one on the north and one on the south approach to the new crossing point, at a distance of 60 metres from the crossing point. c Remove the kerb ramps and footpath linkages from the existing crossing point. d Reinstate kerb and gutter in place of the kerb ramps. CARRIED |
That Traffic Committee endorse the use of three pedestrian refuges as a treatment option on Fay Avenue between Zeigler Avenue and Willow Street, with funding for design and construction of the structures being sought from the New South Wales Government’s five million dollar program for pedestrian infrastructure safety around schools. CARRIED |
That Traffic Committee endorse the installation of a pedestrian refuge and splitter island, to be designed to comply with current accepted standards, in Plunkett Drive, immediately on the northern side of the T intersection with the end of Plunkett Drive, adjacent to Mater Dei Primary School, provided that such a structure can be funded as part of the New South Wales Government’s five million dollar program for pedestrian infrastructure safety around schools. CARRIED |
No Questions with Notice received.
The Traffic Committee rose at 11.45am.