Pat Peter (Local Member’s Representative)
Sgt Don Qvist (NSW Police)
Sgt Stephen Sivewright (NSW Police
Councillor Daniel Hayes
Michael Buckley (RMS)
Senior Constable Amber Brown (NSW Police)
Bill Harvey (Wagga Wagga City Council – Senior Traffic Officer)
Tim Cahill (Wagga Wagga City Council – Traffic Officer)
The meeting of the Traffic Committee commenced at 9.17am.
Acknowledgement Of Country
I would like to Acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of this Land, on which this meeting takes place and to pay my respects to Elders past and present.
Confirmation of Minutes
That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Traffic Committee held on 10 November 2016 be confirmed as a true and accurate record. CARRIED |
Declarations Of Interest
No Declarations of Interest received.
That Traffic Committee note that the following matter was distributed to members by way of email on 22 December 2016 with members responding in favour of the recommendation. That Traffic Committee endorse the conduct of the Butch Menz Memorial Bicycle Race, starting and finishing at Collingullie on Sunday 26 March 2017, subject to the following conditions:
a The arrangements regarding route, timing and other issues that are set out in the application documents are adhered to, b All provisions of Road Transport Legislation are complied with, c Any direction given by a member of the NSW Police that is pursuant to Road Transport Legislation or Work Health and Safety Legislation is to be promptly complied with, d Any reasonable direction that is given by an Officer of Wagga Wagga City Council is to be promptly complied with, e Authorised Traffic Control Plans to be implemented, monitored and removed by a person who holds the appropriate level of 'Traffic Control at Worksites' certification, f Responsibility for sourcing signs, barriers and witches hats, required for implementation of the traffic control plans, lays with Wagga Wagga Cycling Club, g Wagga Wagga Cycling Club will notify and liaise with NSW Ambulance Service, Rural Fire Service and the NSW Fire and Rescue so that they are aware of the traffic control arrangements for the event, h The race is to be run in accordance with NSW Bicycle Federation rules, i Approval pursuant to section 115 of the Road Transport Act, 2013 being given by the Commissioner of Police or his delegated officer. j Consent for the portion of the race that is in Lockhart Local Government Area being given by Lockhart Council, k Failure to comply with any of these conditions will immediately void approval for the event. CARRIED |
That Traffic Committee note that the following matter was distributed to members by way of email on 22 December 2016 with members responding in favour of the recommendation.
That Traffic Committee endorse the conduct of the ‘Come and Try’ Triathlon event on Sunday 29 January 2017, requiring the closure of Pine Gully Road to accommodate the event subject to the following conditions:
a The stated arrangements regarding route, timing and other issues, which are set out in the application documents, are adhered to. b All provisions of Road Transport Legislation are complied with. c Approval is granted by the Commissioner of Police for the race to take place under section 115 of the Road Transport Act, 2013. d Any direction given by a member of the NSW Police is to be promptly complied with. e Any direction that is given by an Officer of Wagga Wagga City Council is to be promptly complied with. f All Traffic control plans comply with, and are applied in accordance with, the provisions of the most recent edition of the ‘Traffic Control at Worksites’ manual g Authorised Traffic Control Plans are to be implemented, monitored and removed by a person who holds the appropriate level of ‘Traffic Control at Worksites’ certification. h Permission to hold that portion of the event that is within the CSU boundary is given by an authorised person from CSU. i The identity and contact details for the person who is nominated as the Site Controller, as indicated in the Traffic Control Plan document, must be provided to the Wagga Wagga City Council Traffic Section not later than close of business on 20 January 2017. j Responsibility for sourcing all traffic control devices that are required for implementation of the traffic control plans, lays with Wagga Triathlon Club. k Wagga Triathlon Club will notify NSW Fire Brigade of the traffic control arrangements for the event and make provisions for emergency access to the closed area, if necessary. l Wagga Triathlon Club will notify and liaise with NSW Ambulance Service so that they are aware of the traffic control arrangements for the event, with arrangements for emergency access and egress from the closed area, if necessary. m The Organiser will be responsible for liaising with any resident that is living at a location that only has access through the closed portion of Pine Gully Road and make suitable arrangements for access to and from that property, if that is necessary, while the road is closed. n The event is conducted in accordance with the rules of any governing body with which the Wagga Triathlon Club is affiliated. o An adequate number of marshals are to be provided to each location around the course, where traffic control devices are used, to maintain the devices and to encourage safe spectator behaviour. p Failure to comply with any of these conditions will immediately void approval for the event CARRIED |
That Traffic Committee note that the following matter was distributed to members by email on 11 November 2016 with members responding unanimously in favour of the event.
That Traffic Committee endorse the conduct of the ‘WAGGA LIVE NYE 2016’ Special Event, organised by the Committee 4 Wagga, scheduled for Saturday 31 December 2016, subject to the following conditions: a The event is conducted as per the times, location, conditions and circumstances that are indicated in the application documents. b Certified Traffic Control Plans for the event, reflecting the needs at specific stages of the event, are to be prepared and implemented, monitored and decommissioned by accredited persons. c No vehicular movements to be permitted in the closed areas of Fitzmaurice, Baylis or Morrow Streets or Ivan Jack Drive during the event. d Organisers and event participants must immediately obey all directions that may be given by Police. e Organisers and event participants obey all directions that may be given by Wagga Wagga City Council Officers. f Failure to comply with any and all of the above conditions will immediately void this approval. CARRIED |
That Traffic Committee note that the following matter was distributed to members by email on 15 November 2016 with members responding in favour of the event.
That Traffic Committee endorses the conduct of a weekly bicycle race club meeting on a course along Uranquinty Cross Road between Uranquinty and The Rock-Collingullie Road, subject to the following conditions:
a The arrangements regarding route, timing and other issues that are set out in the application documents are adhered to, b All provisions of Road Transport Legislation are complied with. c Approval pursuant to section 115 of the Road Transport Act, 2013 being given by the Commissioner of Police or his delegated officer. d Any direction given by a member of the NSW Police that is pursuant to Road Transport Legislation or Work Health and Safety Legislation is to be promptly complied with. e Any reasonable direction that is given by an Officer of Wagga Wagga City Council is to be promptly complied with. f Authorised Traffic Control Plans to be implemented, monitored and removed by a person who holds the appropriate level of "Traffic Control at Worksites" certification. g Racing should not commence or should immediately cease in the event that sight distance, due to weather or other conditions, does not render an adult person wearing dark clothing clearly visible at a distance of 200 metres. h Responsibility for sourcing signs, barriers and witches hats, required for implementation of the traffic control plans, lays with Tolland Cycling Club, i Production of a copy of the renewed public liability insurance certificate of currency to Wagga Wagga City Council after the current policy expires on 30 November 2016, before any further racing is undertaken, j The race is to be run in accordance with NSW Bicycle Federation rules, k Failure to comply with any of these conditions will immediately void approval for the event. CARRIED |
That Traffic Committee endorse the installation of a 19 metre long BUS ZONE, using standard R5-20 series signs, with the additional words: 8:30am – 4pm School Days On the northern side of the Sturt Highway Forest Hill, immediately to the east of the driveway entry to the staff car park at Forest Hill Public School, as per the diagrams that are included in the following report. CARRIED |
That Traffic Committee endorse the installation of about 300 metres of S1 broken centre line in Jones Street from north of the intersection with Nagle Street to near 28 Jones Street, as per the indication in the diagram that is attached to the following report. CARRIED |
That Traffic Committee: a receive and note the content of the following report and the attached memo from the Roads and Maritime Services Safety Around School Project Officer b endorse an option to establish a single 40 km/h School Zone on Bourke Street from the commencement of the existing zone that is about 165 metres north of the intersection with Fernleigh Road to the southernmost end of the existing zone which is about 100 metres south of the intersection with Fosbery Street. CARRIED |
That Traffic Committee receive and note the content of the following report. CARRIED |
That Traffic Committee endorse the installation of 10 metres of NO STOPPING zone, using standard series R5-400 signs, commencing at the 90° angle turn and continuing toward the west where Edel Quinn Lane intersects with Trail Street. CARRIED |
Traffic Committee members received a briefing from the Roads and Maritime Services representative regarding the nature of the delegation to Councils for the regulation of traffic.
The Traffic Committee rose at 12:40pm.