Councillor Dan Hayes
Mr Fazlul Hoque (RMS)
Mr Don Qvist (NSW Police)
Mr Pat Peter (Local Member’s Representative)
Mr Bill Harvey (Wagga Wagga City Council – Senior Traffic Officer)
Ms Belinda King (Wagga Wagga City Council – Minute Taker)
The meeting of the Traffic Committee commenced at 9.15am.
Acknowledgement Of Country
I would like to Acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of this Land, on which this meeting takes place and to pay my respects to Elders past and present.
Confirmation of Minutes
On the Motion of F Hoque and Councillor D Hayes That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Traffic Committee Meeting held on 9 November 2017 be confirmed as a true and accurate record. |
Declarations Of Interest
No Declarations of Interest received.
On the Motion of F Hoque and Councillor D Hayes Traffic Committee note that the following matter was distributed to members by email on 8 February 2018 with members responding in favour of the recommendation.
That Traffic Committee endorse the conduct of the ANZAC Day Dawn Service at 5:30am and the parade and commemorative service at 10:30am on 25 April 2018 in the Victory Memorial Gardens and on Baylis Street, Morgan Street and Morrow Street subject to the following conditions:
a Road closures for the event to commence from 6:00pm on 24 April 2018 to permit set up in Baylis and Morrow Streets around the Victory Memorial Gardens. b The event is to be conducted as per the location and times that are stipulated in the application documents. c A certified and approved Traffic Control plan to be implemented by authorised personnel from Wagga Wagga City Council prior to and throughout the event. d No vehicular movement in the nominated areas during the event except for those vehicles that are used as part of the parade. e Organisers and event participants obey all Police directions. f Organisers and event participants obey any direction from a Wagga Wagga City Council Officer. g Morgan Street, from Berry Street to Baylis Street, is to be opened to normal use by the non-event community once the parade has completely cleared that section of road and the street can safely be opened. h Baylis Street, from Morgan Street to the northern side of the intersection with Tompson Street is to be opened for normal use by the non-event community once the parade has cleared that section of road and the street can be safely opened to traffic. i No event participant is to occupy a position on a road that is outside of the closed area. j Failure to comply with any condition immediately voids approval for the event and traffic regulation and restriction will apply from that time.
On the Motion of P Peter and D Qvist Traffic Committee note that the following matter was distributed to members by way of email on 15 January 2018 with members responding in favour of the event. That Traffic Committee endorse the conduct of a bicycle races on 3 and 4 March 2018, using a course at Ladysmith and Gregadoo East, as per attached traffic control plans, subject to the following conditions: a The arrangements regarding route, timing and other issues that are set out in the application documents are adhered to, b All provisions of Road Transport Legislation are complied with, c Approval pursuant to section 115 of the Road Transport Act, 2013 being given by the Commissioner of Police or his delegated officer. d Any direction given by a member of the NSW Police that is pursuant to Road Transport Legislation or Work Health and Safety Legislation is to be promptly complied with, e Any reasonable direction that is given by an Officer of Wagga Wagga City Council is to be promptly complied with, f Authorised Traffic Control Plans to be implemented, monitored and removed by a person who holds the appropriate level of certification under the provisions of the ‘Traffic Control at Worksites’ manual, g Racing should not commence or should immediately cease in the event that sight distance, due to weather or other conditions, does not render an adult person wearing dark clothing clearly visible at a distance of 200 metres. h Responsibility for sourcing signs, barriers and witches hats, required for implementation of the traffic control plans, lays with Tolland Cycling Club, i All racing is to be run in accordance with NSW Bicycle Federation rules, j Failure to comply with any of these conditions will immediately void approval for the event. |
On the Motion of P Peter and D Qvist Traffic Committee note that the following matter was distributed to members by email on 16 January 2018 with members responding in favour of the event. That Traffic Committee endorses the conduct of a weekly bicycle race club meeting on a course along Uranquinty Cross Road between Uranquinty and The Rock-Collingullie Road, subject to the following conditions: a The arrangements regarding route, timing and other issues that are set out in the application documents are adhered to, b All provisions of Road Transport Legislation are complied with. c Approval pursuant to section 115 of the Road Transport Act, 2013 being given by the Commissioner of Police or his delegated officer. d Any direction given by a member of the NSW Police that is pursuant to Road Transport Legislation or Work Health and Safety Legislation is to be promptly complied with. e Any reasonable direction that is given by an Officer of Wagga Wagga City Council is to be promptly complied with. f Authorised Traffic Control Plans to be implemented, monitored and removed by a person who holds the appropriate level of ‘Traffic Control at Worksites’ accreditation. g Racing should not commence or should immediately cease in the event that sight distance, due to weather or other conditions, does not render an adult person wearing dark clothing clearly visible at a distance of 200 metres. h Responsibility for sourcing signs, barriers and witches hats, required for implementation of the traffic control plans, lays with Tolland Cycling Club, i Production of a copy of the renewed public liability insurance certificate of currency to Wagga Wagga City Council after the current policy expires on 30 April 2019, before any further racing is undertaken, j The race is to be run in accordance with NSW Bicycle Federation rules, k Failure to comply with any of these conditions will immediately void approval for the event. |
On the Motion of Councillor D Hayes and D Qvist Traffic Committee recommend that Council undertake the marking of parallel parking bays: a. on the northern side of Tompson Street between O’Reilly Street and Tarcutta Street, and b. on the southern side of Tompson Street between Tarcutta Street and Berry Street, in accordance with the provisions of Australian Standard 1742 Part 11 Section 7.1, with the aim of maximising the utilisation of space that is available for on-street vehicle parking in that area. |
On the Motion of Councillor D Hayes and D Qvist Traffic Committee recommends that Council undertake: a the installation of a 20 metre length of NO STOPPING zone, using a standard R5-400(R) sign, on the eastern side of Docker Street immediately north of the intersection with Morgan Street b review crash reports for the intersection of Docker, Morgan and Bolton Streets with a view to applying for funding under the blackspot program to further treat intersection |
On the Motion of Councillor D Hayes and D Qvist Traffic Committee defer this matter until the next available Traffic Committee Meeting. |
On the Motion of F Hoque and D Qvist Traffic Committee recommends that Council undertake the installation of a 13 metre length of NO PARKING zone on the southern side of Fernleigh Road, between driveways to numbers 168 and 170, using standard R5-40 series signs. |
On the Motion of D Qvist and Councillor D Hayes Traffic Committee does not recommend that Council undertake the installation of a NO PARKING zone, using standard R5-40 series signs, on both sides of Tamba Lane for the full length from the intersection with Beckwith Street to the intersection with Dobbs Street. |
On the Motion of F Hoque and D Qvist Traffic Committee recommends that Council undertake the installation of a painted traffic island on the eastern end of Albury Street at the intersection with Docker Street, similar to the diagram that is contained in the report, with the aim of providing safe separation between traffic travelling in opposing directions at the intersection. |
On the Motion of Councillor D Hayes and D Qvist That Traffic Committee: a receive and note the content of the following report and attachments, and b recommends that Council undertake to implement the traffic control signs and other devices that are described in the Traffic Management Plan document, the Traffic Control Plan diagram and Sign Inventory that is attached to the report and was devised in collaboration with Management of the Livestock Marketing Centre |
A report will be prepared for the May 2018 Traffic Committee meeting. A brief on this matter was given to members at today’s meeting for their information, so they are across the matter prior to May Traffic Committee meeting.
QWN-2 councillor d hayes requested a Follow up on the potential request on bus zones on rural roads
Most bus service providers have not supplied Council officers with a list of bus routes and stopping locations on each route. This has prevented assessment of locations.
What is the opinion of Traffic Committee members to a proposal that Baylis Street be reduced to a speed limit of 40 km/h and sign posted as a ‘HIGH PEDESTRIAN’ area?
Traffic Committee members did not see a need to make any change in Baylis Street at this time. There is no crash history to support a change in strategy.
Can a 60km ahead sign be installed on the north bound approach to the 60 km/h residential area on the northern end of Bakers Lane?
Roads and Maritime Services are currently reviewing the speed limit on the full length of Bakers Lane. There is expected to be a change for the bulk of the length in the near future. An advance warning sign is likely not to be warranted if a new speed limit is installed.
Can speed signs placed on every exit from the roundabout so that it is clear to drivers what the correct speed limit is on each of the roads?
Roads and Maritime Services have authorised the installation of repeater sign posts as a minimum, on each of the exists.
Traffic Section to arrange forthwith.
The Traffic Committee rose at 11.07am