Minutes of the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee held on Tuesday 10 April 2018.






Cr Vanessa Keenan                              Wagga Wagga City Council

Cr Rod Kendall                                       Wagga Wagga City Council

Jenny Rolfe                                             Community Member

Ros Prangnell                                        Community Member







Cr Greg Conkey                                     Wagga Wagga City Council

Peter Thompson                                    General Manager

Jon Gregory                                            State Emergency Service (SES)

Steve Manwaring                                   Office of Environment and Heritage

Caroline Angel                                       Commercial Operations Sector Director

Shaula Siregar                                       Engineer - Water & Waste Assets

Darryl Woods                                          Manager Council Businesses

Brett Koschel                                          Marketing & Communications Coordinator

Maree Ingram                                         Administration Coordinator (Minute Taker)





The meeting of the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee commenced at 8.30am.


Acknowledgement Of Country

I would like to Acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of this Land, on which this meeting takes place and to pay my respects to Elders past and present.






Sam Robins                                            Town Planner



Confirmation of Minutes




                        On the Motion of R Kendall and R Prangnell

That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee Meeting held on 13 February 2018 be confirmed as a true and accurate record.



Declarations Of Interest

No declarations of interest received.

Reports from Staff




                        On the Motion of R Kendall and J Rolfe

That the Committee receive and note the report.



Discussion Points in respect to RP-1


C Keenan thanked Shaula Siregar for her contribution to the development of the Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan and its subsequent endorsement by Council.


Steve Manwarring suggested that it would be beneficial for the Committee to review and have input into the project brief for the Flood Mitigation Option Study for North Wagga and Floodplain Residents, once a draft has been developed by Council staff.


Shaula Siregar advised that the application submitted for the NSW Government’s Floodplain Management Program to undertake a Feasibility Study for Flood Mitigation Option Study for North Wagga and Floodplain Resident, included looking at both and upgrade of the North Wagga levee to a 5% AEP level of protection with an equivalent upgrade to Hampden Avenue as an embankment style and Voluntary House Raising/Purchase Scheme in the study area which encompasses residential properties in North Wagga and on the wider floodplain options, in parallel.


Darryl Woods advised the Committee that the tender period for Stage 2 of the construction of the Wagga Wagga Main City Levee is likely to be eight weeks due to the complexity of the construction required.


Darryl Woods advised the Committee that steel sheetpiling and precaste concrete capping will be installed in the levee from behind the Visitors Information Centre to the 30m south of the Centre, from 16 April 2018.


The installation of the sheetpiling and capping will:


·         Allow the general public an opportunity to see and appreciate how some sections of the new levee will look when finished

·         Showcase a variety of finishes on the new levee for staff to assess their suitability

·         Demonstrate to Council staff and contractors the latest Sheetpiling technology and suitability of that technology for use in the Wagga Wagga levee project.


The sheetpiling will remain in place as part of the Stage 2 construction process and this will be communicated to the public



Tristan Kell entered the meeting at 8.50am





No questions with notice were received however Wagga Wagga City Council General Manager, Mr Peter Thompson advised the Committee that following the resolution of Council at its February 2018 meeting to defer consideration of the appointment of community members to the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee, this process can now recommence.


The process will still take the form of an Expression of Interest with emphasis on upcoming projects relevant to the committee.





The Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee rose at 8.55am.