Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Monday 25 June 2018.




The Mayor, Councillor Greg Conkey OAM

Councillor Yvonne Braid OAM

Councillor Paul Funnell

Councillor Dan Hayes

Councillor Rod Kendall

Councillor Tim Koschel

Councillor Kerry Pascoe

Councillor Dallas Tout

In Attendance

General Manager                                                                    (Mr P Thompson)

Director Finance                                                                     (Mrs N Te Pohe)

Director Community                                                               (Mrs J Summerhayes)

Director Commercial Operations                                          (Ms C Angel)

Manager Audit, Risk & Governance                                    (Mrs N Johnson)

Manager Finance                                                                   (Mrs C Rodney)

Manager Executive Support                                                  (Mr S Gray)

Manager City Development                                                   (Mr P O’Brien)

Manager Technical & Strategy                                              (Mr P Ross)

Communications & Engagement Officer                             (Ms K Roberts)

Governance Officer                                                                (Ms B King)





Almighty God,


Help protect our Mayor, elected Councillors and staff.


Help Councillors to govern with justice, integrity, and respect for equality, to preserve rights and liberties, to be guided by wisdom when making decisions and settling priorities, and not least of all to preserve harmony.



Acknowledgement Of Country

I would like to acknowledge the Wiradjuri people who are the Traditional Custodians of this Land. I would also like to pay respect to the Elders both past and present of the Wiradjuri Nation and extend that respect to other Community members present.






No apologies received.





Council noted a leave of absence that was granted at the 12 June 2018 Ordinary Council meeting to Councillor V Keenan (22 June 2018 to 16 July 2018 inclusive).





CM-1         Ordinary Council Meeting - 12 June 2018


18/223       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors D Hayes and T Koschel

That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 12 June 2018 be confirmed as a true and accurate record.



For the Motion

Against the Motion

Y Braid OAM


G Conkey OAM


P Funnell


R Kendall


K Pascoe


D Hayes


T Koschel


D Tout



Declarations Of Interest


Councillor R Kendall declared a Significant, Non-Pecuniary Interest in CONF-5 DA17/0211 - 199 Gurwood Street Wagga Wagga - Council ats Debgar Holdings Pty Limited the reason being that he is a business associate of the Directors of Debgar Holdings Pty Ltd and vacated the chamber during its consideration.


Councillor K Pascoe declared a Pecuniary Interest in RP-4 Integrated Planning and Reporting - Adoption of Documents the reason being that a family member of his is the President of the Wagga Wagga Business Chamber and vacated the chamber during its consideration.



Councillor K Pascoe declared a Pecuniary Interest in RP-6 BRADMAN DRIVE LINEAL CREEK CROSSING the reason being that his company owns property in close proximity to the land in question and vacated the chamber during its consideration.







18/224       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of The Mayor, Councillor G Conkey OAM

That Council:

a       reaffirms that Wagga Wagga is a community that welcomes refugees

b       supports an expanded and improved Community Sponsorship Program (CSP)

c       calls on the Federal Government to improve and expand the CSP to ensure the program:

i         does not take places from others in need;

ii        provides adequate support and services;

iii       limits the costs on sponsors;

iv      allows community, family and businesses to act as sponsors; and

v       creates more places for people in need of protection to settle in Australia



For the Motion

Against the Motion

Y Braid OAM


G Conkey OAM


P Funnell


D Hayes


R Kendall


T Koschel


K Pascoe


D Tout







18/225       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of The Mayor, Councillor G Conkey OAM

That Council write to the Deputy Prime Minister and Federal Member for Riverina, the Hon Michael McCormack MP, the Treasurer, the Hon Scott Morrison MP and the Leader of the Opposition, the Hon Bill Shorten MP urging them to increase funding allocated to Local Government through the Financial Assistance Grants program to reflect one percent of total tax income received by the Federal Government.



For the Motion

Against the Motion

Y Braid OAM


G Conkey OAM


P Funnell


D Hayes


R Kendall


T Koschel


K Pascoe


D Tout





18/226       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors P Funnell and T Koschel

That the standing orders be varied for the meeting as set out hereunder:

  • Items where councillors wish to speak
  • Items where no councillors wish to speak
  • Confidential
  • Matter of urgency
  • Closure of Meeting

That RP-1, RP-2, RP-5, RP-8, M-1, CONF-1, CONF-3 and CONF-4, be adopted as recommended in the business papers.









RP-1          Financial Performance Report as at 31 May 2018


18/227       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors P Funnell and T Koschel

That Council:

a       approve the proposed 2017/18 budget variations for the month ended 31 May 2018 and note the balanced budget position as presented in this report

b       note the Responsible Accounting Officer’s reports, in accordance with the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 (Part 9 Division 3: Clause 203) that the financial position of Council is satisfactory having regard to the original estimates of income and expenditure and the recommendations made above

c       note details of the external investments as at 31 May 2018 in accordance with section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993



For the Motion

Against the Motion

Y Braid OAM


G Conkey OAM


P Funnell


D Hayes


R Kendall


T Koschel


K Pascoe


D Tout






RP-2          Outstanding Debtors Deemed Unrecoverable - Proposed Write Off List


18/228       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors P Funnell and T Koschel

That Council:

a       authorise, in accordance with Clause 131 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, the write-off of outstanding debtor accounts totalling $9,619.50 against the existing Provisions for Doubtful Debts as outlined in the report

b       note the $14,553.69 total for outstanding accounts under $1,000 which is also to be written off under the General Manager’s delegation




For the Motion

Against the Motion

Y Braid OAM


G Conkey OAM


P Funnell


D Hayes


R Kendall


T Koschel


K Pascoe


D Tout





RP-3          NSW Department of Planning & Environment - Low Cost Loans Initiative


18/229       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors R Kendall and D Hayes

That Council:

a       endorse the General Manager or their delegate to submit an application to the Low Cost Loans Initiative (LCLI) program, for the projects listed in this report

b       approve the inclusion of the Potential Projects outlined in this report to be included in Council’s Delivery Program

c       note that a subsequent report will be provided to Council once a determination has been made by NSW Planning & Environment which will outline any budget variations required

d       alter the current wording Old Narrandera Road/Olympic Highway roundabout to be old Narrandera Road Intersection (item in Northern growth area)



For the Motion

Against the Motion

Y Braid OAM


G Conkey OAM


P Funnell


D Hayes


R Kendall


T Koschel


K Pascoe


D Tout





RP-4          Integrated Planning and Reporting - Adoption of Documents

Councillor K Pascoe declared a Pecuniary Interest and vacated the chamber, the time being 6:37pm.

18/230       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors R Kendall and D Tout

That Council, having considered all submissions received relating to the exhibited documents:

a       adopt the Combined Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/2019

b       adopt the Fees and Charges for the financial year 2018/2019

c       adopt the Long Term Financial Plan 2018/2028

d       sets the interest on overdue rates and charges for 2018/19, in accordance with Section 566(3) of the Local Government Act 1993, at 7.50% per annum, calculated on a daily simple interest basis (set in accordance with the limit advised by the NSW Office of Local Government)

e       makes and levy the following Rates and Annual Charges for 2018/19 under the relevant sections of the Local Government Act 1993:

i         Residential – City and Suburbs rate of 0.80182 cents in the dollar in terms of Sections 516 and 529 of the Local Government Act 1993, calculated on the land value in respect of all rateable lands situated in the centres of population defined by Council Resolution 12/176 as the City of Wagga Wagga and the Village of Forest Hill, excluding Business - City and Suburbs land, rated in accordance with the provisions of Section 518 of the Local Government Act 1993, Residential (Other) land as defined, and also Farmland, rated in accordance with the provisions of Section 515 of the Local Government Act, within such centres of population

A minimum rate of $680.00 for each parcel of land as prescribed under Section 548 of the Local Government Act 1993 shall apply to this rate

ii        Residential – Other rate of 0.60377 cents in the dollar calculated on the land value in respect of all rateable land within the Council’s area, which, in the Council’s opinion, is land which:-

(a)     is not less than two hectares and not more than 40 hectares in area

(b)    is either:

(i)      not zoned or otherwise designated for use under an environmental planning instrument

(ii)     zoned or otherwise designated for use under such an environmental planning instrument for non-urban purposes

(c)     does not have a significant and substantial commercial purpose or character

Excludes Business - City and Suburbs land, rated in accordance with the provisions of Section 518 of the Local Government Act 1993, and also Farmland, rated in accordance with the provisions of Section 515 of the Local Government Act, within such centres of population

A minimum rate of $305.00 for each parcel of land as prescribed under Section 548 of the Local Government Act 1993 shall apply to this rate.

iii       Residential – Villages rate of 0.53656 cents in the dollar in terms of Sections 516 and 529 of the Local Government Act 1993, calculated on the land value of all rateable land situated in the centres of population defined by Council Resolution 12/176 as the villages of San Isidore, Gumly Gumly, Tarcutta, Humula, Uranquinty, Mangoplah, Oura, Currawarna, Ladysmith, Galore, Collingullie and North Wagga excluding Business - Villages and Rural land, rated in accordance with the provisions of Section 518 of the Local Government Act 1993, Residential (Other) land as defined, and also Farmland, rated in accordance with the provisions of Section 515 of the Local Government Act, within such centres of population

A minimum rate of $256.00 for each parcel of land as prescribed under section 548 of the Local Government Act 1993 shall apply to this rate.

iv      Business - City and Suburbs rate of 1.50680 cents in the dollar calculated on the land value of all rateable non-residential land, which cannot be classified as residential, or farmland land in the centres of population defined by Council Resolution 12/176 as the City of Wagga Wagga and the Village of Forest Hill, in terms of Sections 518 and 529 of the Local Government Act 1993

A minimum rate of $652.00 for each parcel of land as prescribed under Section 548 of the Local Government Act 1993 shall apply to this rate.

v       Business - Villages and Rural rate of 0.67589 cents in the dollar calculated on the land value of all rateable land in the Council’s area, in terms of Sections 518 and 529 of the Local Government Act 1993, defined by Council Resolution 12/176, excluding lands defined as Business - City and Suburbs, Residential, and Farmland

A minimum rate of $109.00 for each parcel of land as prescribed under Section 548 of the Local Government Act 1993 shall apply to this rate.

vi      Farmland rate of 0.36674 cents in the dollar, calculated on the land value of all rateable land, which, in Council’s opinion, qualifies as farmland as defined in Section 515 of the Local Government Act 1993

A minimum rate of $295.00 for each parcel of land as prescribed under Section 548 of the Local Government Act 1993 shall apply to this rate.

Special Rate - Levee Upgrade 

vii     Residential - City and Suburbs Special Rate - Levee upgrade rate of 0.03255 cents in the dollar in terms of Sections 516 and 529 of the Local Government Act 1993, calculated on the land value in respect of all rateable lands situated in the centres of population defined by Council Resolution 12/176 as the City of Wagga Wagga and the Village of Forest Hill, excluding Business - City and Suburbs land, rated in accordance with the provisions of Section 518 of the Local Government Act 1993, Residential (Other) land as defined, and also Farmland, rated in accordance with the provisions of Section 515 of the Local Government Act 1993, within such centres of population

viii    Residential – Other Special Rate - Levee upgrade rate of 0.02424 cents in the dollar calculated on the land value in respect of all rateable land within the Council’s area, which, in the Council’s opinion, is land which:-

(a)     is not less than two hectares and not more than 40 hectares in area

(b)    is either:

(i)      not zoned or otherwise designated for use under an environmental planning instrument

(ii)     zoned or otherwise designated for use under such an environmental planning instrument for non urban purposes

(c)     does not have a significant and substantial commercial purpose or character

Excludes Business - City and Suburbs land, rated in accordance with the provisions of Section 518 of the Local Government Act 1993, and also Farmland, rated in accordance with the provisions of Section 515 of the Local Government Act 1993, within such centres of population

ix      Residential – Villages Special Rate - Levee upgrade rate of 0.02146 cents in the dollar in terms of Sections 516 and 529 of the Local Government Act 1993, calculated on the land value of all rateable lands situated in the centres of population defined by Council Resolution 12/176 as the villages of San Isidore, Gumly Gumly, Tarcutta, Humula, Uranquinty, Mangoplah, Oura, Currawarna, Ladysmith, Galore, Collingullie and North Wagga excluding Business - Villages and Rural land, rated in accordance with the provisions of Section 518 of the Local Government Act 1993, Residential (Other) land as defined, and also Farmland, rated in accordance with the provisions of Section 515 of the Local Government Act, within such centres of population

x       Business - City and Suburbs Special Rate - Levee upgrade rate of 0.06061 cents in the dollar calculated on the land value of all rateable non-residential land, which cannot be classified as residential, or farmland land in the centres of population defined by Council Resolution 12/176 as the City of Wagga Wagga and the Village of Forest Hill, in terms of Sections 518 and 529 of the Local Government Act 1993

xi      Business - Villages and Rural Special Rate - Levee upgrade rate of 0.02711 cents in the dollar calculated on the land value of all rateable land in the Council’s area, in terms of Sections 518 and 529 of the Local Government Act 1993, defined by Council Resolution 12/176, excluding lands defined as Business - City and Suburbs, Residential, and Farmland

xii     Farmland - Special Rate - Levee upgrade rate of 0.00690 cents in the dollar, calculated on the land value of all rateable land, which, in Council’s opinion, qualifies as farmland as defined in Section 515 of the Local Government Act 1993

xiii    Sewerage Services Annual Charge of $522.00 per dwelling unit.  Multiple residence properties are charged at $522.00 per residence, for all residences, and non-strata title residential premises on a single allotment (flats/units) situated within the Council’s centres of population, capable of being connected to the sewerage service scheme except when excluded by specific council policy, such charge being made in terms of Section 501 of the Local Government Act 1993

xiv    Non Residential Sewer Charges

Access charge based on each and every meter connection per non-residential allotment for all non-residential premises and non-residential allotments situated within the Council’s centres of population, capable of being connected to the sewerage service scheme except when excluded by specific council policy, such charge being made in terms of Section 501 of the Local Government Act 1993.

Access charge based on Meter size for 2018/19 is as follows:


















Non Residential includes:

(a)     Non-residential strata

(b)    Small community property

(c)     land owned by the Crown, not being land held under a lease for private purposes

(d)    land that belongs to a religious body and is occupied and used in connection with:

(i)      a church or other building used or occupied for public worship

(ii)     a building used or occupied for the purpose of religious teaching or training

(e)     land that belongs to and is occupied and used in connection with a school (being a government school or non-government school within the meaning of the Education Reform Act 1990 or a school in respect of which a certificate of exemption under section 78 of that Act is in force), including:

(i)      a playground that belongs to and is used in connection with the school; and

(ii)     land that belongs to a public benevolent institution or public charity and is used or occupied by the institution or charity for the purposes of the institution or charity

(f)      land that belongs to a public hospital

(g)    land that is vested in the Minister for Health, the Health Administration Corporation or the New South Wales Health Foundation

(h)    land that is vested in a university, or a university college, and is used or occupied by the university or college solely for its purposes

Usage charge

Per kl usage charge of $2.20 per kl will apply to all Non Residential Sewer customers except excluded by specific Council Policy, such charge being made in accordance with Section 501 of the Local Government Act 1993.

xv    Pressure Sewer Scheme – Annual pump maintenance charge (rural residential and villages). An additional sewerage service charge of $163.00 per pump for all premises connected to the sewerage system via a pressure service for the maintenance and replacement of the pump unit as necessary

xvi    Domestic Waste Management Service Charge of $330.00 per service on a per occupancy basis per annum for a service rendered in the centres of population and within the scavenging areas defined as the City of Wagga Wagga and the villages of North Wagga Wagga, Gumly Gumly, Forest Hill, Kapooka, Tarcutta, Mangoplah, Oura, Ladysmith, Brucedale, Uranquinty, Bomen and Cartwrights Hill, charged in accordance with the provisions of Section 496 of the Local Government Act 1993

xvii   Domestic Waste Management Service Charge Rural Residential of $330.00 per service to be applied to all properties utilising a waste collection service managed by Council, but outside Council’s defined waste collection service areas charged in accordance with the provisions of Section 496 of the Local Government Act 1993

xviii  Domestic Waste Management Annual Charge of $54.00 per service to be applied to all properties utilising an upgraded general waste bin in accordance with the provisions of Section 496 of the Local Government Act 1993

xix    Domestic Waste Management Annual Charge of $59.00 per service to be applied to all properties utilising an upgraded recycling bin in accordance with the provisions of Section 496 of the Local Government Act 1993

xx     Domestic Waste Management Service Charge of $34.00 for each parcel of rateable undeveloped land not receiving a service within the scavenging areas of the City of Wagga Wagga and the villages of North Wagga Wagga, Gumly Gumly, Forest Hill, Kapooka, Tarcutta, Mangoplah, Oura, Ladysmith, Brucedale, Uranquinty, Bomen and Cartwrights Hill, such charge being levied in accordance with the provisions of Sections 496 of the Local Government Act 1993

xxi    Domestic Waste Management Service Charge of $110.00 for each additional domestic bin, being an additional domestic bin provided over and above the three bins already provided by the service, rendered in the centres of population, and within the scavenging areas defined as the City of Wagga Wagga and the villages of North Wagga Wagga, Gumly Gumly, Forest Hill, Kapooka, Tarcutta, Mangoplah, Oura, Ladysmith, Brucedale, Uranquinty, Bomen and Cartwrights Hill, charged in accordance with the provisions of Section 496 of the Local Government Act 1993. On application, depending on individual circumstances, this fee may be waived.

xxii   Commercial Waste Management Service Charge of $330.00 per occupancy per annum, for a service rendered in the centre of population and within the scavenging areas defined as the City of Wagga Wagga and the villages of North Wagga Wagga, Gumly Gumly, Forest Hill, Kapooka, Tarcutta, Mangoplah, Oura, Ladysmith, Brucedale, Uranquinty, Bomen and Cartwrights Hill, charged in accordance with the provisions of Section 501 of the Local Government Act 1993

xxiii  Commercial Waste Management Service Charge of $110.00 for each additional commercial general waste bin, being an additional bin provided over and above the bin/s already provided by the service, rendered in the centres of population and within the scavenging areas defined as the City of Wagga Wagga, and the villages of Forest Hill, Ladysmith, Mangoplah, Tarcutta, Oura, North Wagga and Gumly Gumly, charged in accordance with the provisions of Section 501 of the Local Government Act 1993

xxiv  Commercial Waste Management Service Charge of $110.00 for each additional commercial recycling or food organics and garden organics bin, being an additional bin provided over and above the bin/s already provided by the service, rendered in the centres of population and within the scavenging areas defined as the City of Wagga Wagga and the villages of North Wagga Wagga, Gumly Gumly, Forest Hill, Kapooka, Tarcutta, Mangoplah, Oura, Ladysmith, Brucedale, Uranquinty, Bomen and Cartwrights Hill, charged in accordance with the provisions of Section 501 of the Local Government Act 1993

xxv   Commercial Waste Management Charge – Small Commercial Strata Properties of $110.00 to be applied to all commercial strata properties with a parcel area of less than 70 square metres not utilising a Council commercial waste service, and capable of using waste service funded by the body corporate

xxvi  Commercial Waste Management Annual Charge of $61.00 per service to be applied to all commercial properties utilising an upgraded recycling bin in accordance with the provisions of Section 501 of the Local Government Act 1993

xxvii Multi Unit Developments (Non Strata) Domestic Waste Management Service Charge of $330.00 for each rateable property with an additional bin charge of $110.00 to apply for each additional bin charged in accordance with the provisions of Section 496 of the Local Government Act 1993. For the purposes of Council’s Fees and Charges the definition of Multi-Unit developments (Non Strata) involves the development of three or more residential units on a site at a higher density than general housing development. This reduced charge is available on application to Council, otherwise full Domestic Waste Service Charge of $330.00 applies, per occupancy.

xxviii     Multi Unit Developments Wheel Out Wheel In (WOWI) Services Charge of $200.00 per occupancy. For the purposes of Council’s Fees and Charges the definition of Multi-Unit developments (Non Strata) involves the development of three or more residential units, including Strata and Non Strata properties, on a site at a higher density than general housing development. On application, this service may be available to individual properties. Depending on individual circumstances, this fee may be waived.

xxix  Stormwater Management Service Charges

Stormwater Management Service charges will be applicable for all urban properties (i.e. residential and business) as referenced below with the following exceptions in accordance with the Division of Local Government (DLG) Stormwater Management Service Charge Guidelines dated July 2006:

·         Non rateable land

·         Crown Land

·         Council Owned Land

·         Land held under lease for private purposes granted under the Housing Act 2001 or the Aboriginal Housing Act 1998

·         Vacant Land

·         Rural Residential or Rural Business land not located in a village, town or city

·         Land belonging to a charity and public benevolent institutions

(a)     Residential Stormwater Management Service Charge of $25.00 per residential property levied in accordance with the provisions of Section 496A of the Local Government Act 1993

(b)    Residential Medium/High Density Stormwater Management Service Charge of $12.50 per occupancy: Residential Strata, Community Title, Multiple Occupancy properties (flats and units), and Retirement Village style developments. Subject to a maximum charge of $250.00 per rateable assessment levied in accordance with the provisions of Section 496A of the Local Government Act 1993

(c)     Business Stormwater Management Service Charge of $25.00 per business property. Properties are charged on a basis of $25.00 per 350 square metres of land area. Subject to a maximum charge of $250.00 per rateable assessment levied in accordance with the provisions of Section 496A of the Local Government Act 1993

(d)    Business Medium/High Density Stormwater Management Service Charge of $5.00 per occupancy - Business Strata and Multiple Occupancy Business properties. Subject to a maximum charge of $250.00 per rateable assessment levied in accordance with the provisions of Section 496A of the Local Government Act 1993

f           alter the description in appendix eight c of the Long Term Financial plan to project reference 13 to now read Old Narrandera Road/Olympic Highway intersection

g          defer any decision on the funding requests identified under the “Submissions Received” section of the report pending a workshop with Councillors




For the Motion

Against the Motion

Y Braid OAM


G Conkey OAM


P Funnell


D Hayes


R Kendall


T Koschel


D Tout



Councillor K Pascoe re-entered the chamber, the time being 7:05pm.




18/231       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors P Funnell and T Koschel

That Council receive and note this report.



For the Motion

Against the Motion

Y Braid OAM


G Conkey OAM


P Funnell


D Hayes


R Kendall


T Koschel


K Pascoe


D Tout



















RP-6          Bradman Drive Lineal Creek Crossing

Councillor K Pascoe declared a Pecuniary Interest and vacated the chamber, the time being 7:12pm.

18/232       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors D Hayes and R Kendall

That Council:

a       receive and note the contents of this report, including the change in scope and revised total estimated cost for the project

b       note the proposed mechanism for funding this project is through the new Section 7.11 Contributions Plan (previously Section 94) which is currently being developed by staff

c       receive a further report if the project is not adopted as part of the new Section 7.11 Contributions Plan



For the Motion

Against the Motion

Y Braid OAM


G Conkey OAM


P Funnell


D Hayes


R Kendall


T Koschel


D Tout



Councillor K Pascoe re-entered the chamber, the time being 7:16pm.


RP-7          Management of Derelict houses and buildings


18/233       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors D Hayes and T Koschel

That Council receive and note the report.



For the Motion

Against the Motion

Y Braid OAM


G Conkey OAM


P Funnell


D Hayes


R Kendall


T Koschel


K Pascoe


D Tout



RP-8          Response to Questions/Business with Notice


18/234       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors P Funnell and T Koschel

That Council receive and note the report.



For the Motion

Against the Motion

Y Braid OAM


G Conkey OAM


P Funnell


D Hayes


R Kendall


T Koschel


K Pascoe


D Tout









18/235       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors P Funnell and T Koschel

That Council receive the minutes of the Airport Advisory Committee Meeting held on 1 May 2018.



For the Motion

Against the Motion

Y Braid OAM


G Conkey OAM


P Funnell


D Hayes


R Kendall


T Koschel


K Pascoe


D Tout







The following Questions/Business with Notice were raised and will be addressed in the next available Business paper:


1.         Councillor P Funnell requested that someone look into the 2 hour car parking sign in Brookong Avenue out the front of the Doctor clinic which has been removed?


2.         Councillor R Kendall enquired if the current Poly-Fluoro alkyl Substances (PFAS) investigation being undertaken by the Department of Defence impacting on any development application considerations?


3.         Councillors D Hayes, R Kendall & The Mayor, G Conkey OAM congratulated all Council staff and community involved in the Lost Lanes event held on the weekend 23 June 2018.




closed COUNCIL

18/236       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors T Koschel and D Hayes

That the Council now resolve itself into a Closed Council, the time being 7.31pm.




Councillor K Pascoe vacated the chamber and did not return, the time being 7.34pm.







18/237       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors P Funnell and T Koschel

That Council:

a       accept the tender of S & K Kenyon Pty Ltd (ABN: 61 001 592 909) for Stage II of the footpath connectivity program in the lump sum amount of $209,882 excluding GST for Separable Portion 1

b       authorise the General Manager or their delegate to enter into a contract with S & K Kenyon Pty Ltd (ABN: 61 001 592 909) for the construction of footpaths Stage II Separable Portion 1

c       authorise the affixing of Council’s Common Seal to all relevant documents as required



For the Motion

Against the Motion

Y Braid OAM


G Conkey OAM


P Funnell


D Hayes


R Kendall


K Pascoe


T Koschel


D Tout






18/238       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors D Hayes and T Koschel

That Council formally adopt the Procurement Process as outlined in this report.



For the Motion

Against the Motion

Y Braid OAM


G Conkey OAM


P Funnell


D Hayes


R Kendall


T Koschel


D Tout







CONF-3    RFQ2018-540 Supply of One Street Sweeper


18/239       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors P Funnell and T Koschel

That Council:

a       accept the offer of Bucher Pty Ltd to supply one Bucher RT655/1426 Street Sweeper for the amount of $299,466.09 excluding GST

b       authorise the General Manager or their delegate to enter into a contract with Bucher Pty Ltd for the supply of one Bucher RT655/1426 Street Sweeper

c       authorise the affixing of Council’s Common seal to all relevant documents as required



For the Motion

Against the Motion

Y Braid OAM


G Conkey OAM


P Funnell


D Hayes


R Kendall


K Pascoe


T Koschel


D Tout







18/240       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors P Funnell and T Koschel

That Council:

a       enter into a grazing licence agreement with James Anthony and Christopher Harold Rodham upon the following basis:

i         Property – Part Lot 1 DP 709456 known as 1267 Oxley Bridge Road, Uranquinty

ii        Duration – three years commencing 1 July 2018

iii       Annual rental commencing at $1,900.00 (incl GST) per annum with annual CPI rental increases

b       authorise the General Manager or their delegate to execute all the necessary documentation under Common Seal if required



For the Motion

Against the Motion

Y Braid OAM


G Conkey OAM


P Funnell


D Hayes


R Kendall


K Pascoe


T Koschel


D Tout




CONF-5    DA17/0211 - 199 Gurwood Street Wagga Wagga - Council ats Debgar Holdings Pty Limited

Councillor R Kendall declared a Significant, Non-Pecuniary Interest and vacated the chamber, the time being 7:35pm.

Council considered a Confidential Motion on DA17/0211 - 199 Gurwood Street Wagga Wagga - Council ats Debgar Holdings Pty Limited that was put to the closed meeting and was LOST.


For the Motion

Against the Motion

G Conkey OAM

Y Braid OAM

D Hayes

P Funnell


T Koschel


D Tout


Councillor R Kendall re-entered the chamber, the time being 7.43pm.


Reversion to open COUNCIL

18/241       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors P Funnell and D Hayes

That this meeting of the Closed Council revert to an open meeting of the Council, the time being 7.4 7pm.






