Councillor Dan Hayes Wagga Wagga City Council
Mr Josh Dorey Qantaslink
Mr Warrick Lodge Regional Express
Mr Geoff Breust Aviation Industry Participant
In Attendance
Peter Thompson General Manager
Caroline Angel Director Commercial Operations
Natalie Te Pohe Director Finance
Darryl Woods Senior Project Manager
Leon Burger Airport Manager
Liz Cox Minute Taker
The meeting of the Airport Advisory Committee commenced at 6:00pm.
Acknowledgement Of Country
I would like to Acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of this Land, on which this meeting takes place and to pay my respects to Elders past and present.
Councillor Kerry Pascoe Wagga Wagga City Council
Mrs Dannielle Wait Wagga Wagga Business Chamber
Carolyn Rodney Manager Finance
Mr Ross Magno Department of Defence - RAAF
On the Motion of W Lodge and J Dorey That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Airport Advisory Committee Meeting held on 3 October 2018 be confirmed as a true and accurate record. |
No Declaration of Interest
On the Motion of W Lodge and J Dorey That the Committee adopt the 2019 meeting schedule. |
P Thompson – additional meeting to be scheduled in between February and May 2019.
J Dorey – this is also noted in the report, that additional workshops and meetings may be scheduled.
On the Motion of J Dorey and W Lodge That the Committee: a Receive and note the draft budget details, including the proposed fees and charges contained within the report b Provide feedback to Council on the draft budget by 29 January 2019 c confirm that when fees and charges are finally adopted by Council, all companies represented on the committee will receive notification of those charges in accordance with Councils standard notification procedures and in line with notifications sent to all Wagga Wagga City Airport users. |
Discussion Points
· W Lodge – hasn’t had an opportunity to look at the budget yet. Noted that it is a tight timeframe to have feedback completed by the 11 January 2019, considering the Christmas break. Would like to have this date pushed out to end January 2019.
· P Thompson – Noted that this may affect the budget process and that 11 January should be the target date with an informal meeting at the end of January. And then two weeks after that date have a formal meeting on the 6 February 2019. Does the Committee agree to an informal meeting in late January 2019?
· All – agreed to additional informal meeting in late January 2019.
· N Te Pohe – it is important to note that Council is required to provide a minimum of 28 days, with a submission period of 42 days for the budget process.
· W Lodge – The main queries for him are regarding the fees and charges, CPI related increase and that he was surprised about the fee increases. He thought it would be a far better approach not to touch the fees and charges and to put more strength into the Working Group. Also that there are changes to the forecasting passenger numbers which would see a larger increase over and above the CPI increases noted.
· G Breust – Would like further explanation around the budget and proposed fees and charges. Would prefer the end of January 2019 for the feedback due date, to allow enough time to respond.
· Cr Hayes – Late January, will that allow enough time for Council to consider the report in February.
· N Te Pohe – Noted her concerns regarding the timeframes for reports to be included in the Council business papers.
· P Thompson – An outcome from the last meeting was that information would be provided at this meeting. Peter explained the process for reports to be presented to Council. Noted that there are two main priorities for the Committee to consider:
1. To have the three months’ notice notification, with information then falling short at around two and a half months’ notice or:
2. The ability to have better discussions regarding these important discussions.
So the proposed way forward would be for:
· information to be sent out to the Committee,
· the Committee digests the information,
· Working Group meeting to be held,
· Digest the information,
· 29 January end of submissions;
· 6 February 2019 Airport Advisory Committee meeting held.
· P Thompson – requested C Angel distribute this information to the Committee before Friday 21 December 2018.
· J Dorey – advised that he didn’t want the adoption of the budget to be noted that this is formal acceptance from Qantaslink and that they would be able to provide additional feedback on the budget, via the normal feedback process.
· P Thompson - Change to recommendation to include a point allow for concerns raised by J Dorey.
· D Woods - noted that there are some main areas to be considered regarding the budget including staffing, internal charges, documenting plant and equipment and depreciation.
· G Breust – Would like more detailed information around the rational regarding the fees and charges and CPI increase.
· W Lodge – Would like to know if there will be routine CPI increases?
· P Thompson – Provided notes from the last Committee Meeting on what the main areas of concern for the Committee. Advised that he would circulate the notes to the Committee.
· W Lodge – How does the budget get set, based on the charges at the Airport? Footprint of the Airport to be discussed.
· D Woods – advised that it is baseline work and that the proposed new screening can be added to the budget as needed. The fees and charges need to be finalised to ensure we meet legislative requirements and to move ahead.
· W Lodge – Noted that some of the screening equipment is reaching the end of its life and that the working group had been discussing the equipment.
· L Burger – the replacement of the screening equipment project runs parallel with the requirements for security changes that are required to be made.
· Cr Hayes – is cautious about getting caught up with Council’s budget process and that it needs to progress as legislated.
· G Breust – discussed the need for an independent audit and noted that this would take time and that this would make the 19/20 budget easier for the Committee. This will take into account the need for new security measures. There will need to be new terms of reference in relation to the independent auditor.
On the Motion of W Lodge and D Hayes That the Committee note the contents of the attached Preliminary Airspace Review of Wagga Wagga, NSW. |
G Breust – no changes
RP-4 Wagga Wagga Airport Security Compliance System Test Findings |
On the Motion of D Hayes and J Dorey That the Committee note the contents of this report |
On the Motion of D Hayes and W Lodge That the Committee note the contents of this report. |
Discussion Points
· D Woods – provided a presentation regarding the proposed changes to the security screening footprint.
· J Dorey – unsure why the presentation was provided on designs.
· D Woods – noted that this was just to start the conversation and that changes would be required to need to be made to the Airport to allow for larger security screening area and building changes that would need to be made to allow for this.
· G Breust - suggested an extension to the East.
· L Burger – advised that this is currently office space and where air conditioning units are placed.
· W Lodge – said that REX customers are not required to be screened as their planes are under 40 seats, as this is what is stated in the regulations.
· J Dorey – all Qantas planes are required to be screened.
· Cr Hayes – asked Peter how do we get the Committee involved? How do we move forward? Further briefing needs to be provided.
· P Thompson – need to look at existing floorplan to cater for all crowds. Peter had seen that on occasions there is inadequate seating for peak periods, with people sitting on the floor in the existing arrangements. So if there is an increased area needed for the security screening something will need to be done. May need to consider two different areas for REX and Qantaslink.
· Cr Hayes – could a detailed briefing report be presented to the 6 February 2019 meeting for a more detailed discussion?
· P Thompson – yes
· J Dorey – he didn’t feel that we need to structurally make any changes and that only one plane of glass may need to be removed to allow for a larger screening area.
· D Woods – noted that the 25 metre line up area for screening is a much larger area than is existing, as noted on the drafted plans. This will make a difference to the amount of customers lining up to be screened and that all options should be considered and not just what he has drafted today.
· C Angel – asked if all areas could be looked at, such as reducing the existing check-in footprints by REX and Qantaslink?
· J Dorey – yes that would be acceptable
· W Lodge – cannot see how any space could be gained as the two counters for Rex (covering services to SYD & MEL) and the two counters for QantasLink (covering up to a 74seat aircraft) were covering the minimum requirements and that reducing check-in space (or reducing counters) would actually lead to more congestion. Given that the check-in counters previously used by JetGo are no longer used, could they possibly be reviewed.
· P Thompson – Council will be applying for the grant funding that is available for the screening equipment, to ensure that we meet the deadline for the installation by 2020.
· L Burger – required to know what we are purchasing before we can submit a grant application. There is also a 50 per cent difference it the sizes of the equipment.
· J Dorey – depending on supplier this will also have an impact on the differences in processing of screening.
· D Woods – Council will have to contact suppliers to provide their recommendations based on the space available and how to adapt the equipment to suit.
· Cr Hayes – can the grant application come back to the 6 February 2019 meeting for discussion.
· D Woods – yes and Council will be applying for the grant funding without knowing the equipment to be purchased as there is Councils tender process to be considered and this will be noted in the grant application. Would like to request an informal meeting with Qantas staff to further discuss screening requirements?
· J Dorey – that’s acceptable and willing to assist.
· Cr Hayes – briefing to come back to the 6 February 2019 meeting and to include the investigation into the screening equipment, proposed floorplans, designs for arrivals and departures and the reduction of floor space for REX and Qantaslink.
· W Lodge – would like to have clear pathways for arrivals and departures, so that crowds are adequately managed in peak periods.
· Cr Hayes – any feedback regarding these changes should come back to this Committee for further discussion.
Flooring and Seating
· J Dorey – why are we replacing the flooring and seating in 19/20, when the screening change is scheduled to occur in 2020?
· D Woods – regular complaints are being received on the condition of the carpet and seating. The flooring and seating are not able to be cleaned further due to the staining. They simply just need to be upgraded.
· C Angel – seats will need to be able to be relocatable, to accommodate any futureproofing changes to seating and screening requirements.
· J Dorey – may be just replacing the seat coverings and not the whole structure may work. Also a more practical darker style fabric and flooring should be considered.
Security Screening
· L Burger – the existing security equipment was due to be replaced in 2020. The existing equipment will remain in place until the new system is installed, but will not be current after 2020. This is normal replace of equipment charges. The grant and replacement screening are two separate matters as one is at the end of its life cycle and the other is in regarding to increasing the security requirements.
· Cr Hayes – Will the existing equipment be supported until 2020?
· L Burger – yes, the manufacturer has advised that they will continue to provide service and support until this date.
· G Breust – Council should start to lobby hard to receive funding to cover the costs of the infrastructure funding required to make these changes. This is a real Federal government issue.
· Cr Hayes – advised that whoever is elected next year that they will be required to lobby and seek funding from possibly the Snowy Hydro funding.
· N Te Pohe – indicated that she would distribute the accounting standard from the ATO to the Committee for their information.
· G Breust – request for the presentation from D Woods to be distributed to the Committee.
· J Dorey – the car park has reached its capacity and it has previously been discuss putting down gravel on a grassed area to create more space. Can advise be provided on whether this is achievable?
· P Thompson – yes that is an option
· Cr Hayes – staff to email J Dorey regarding the solution/s for additional car parking and to place on the agenda for the next meeting.
No Questions With Notice were received.
The Airport Advisory Committee rose at 8:10pm.