Minutes of the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee held on Tuesday 11 December 2018.






Cr Vanessa Keenan                              Wagga Wagga City Council

Cr Rod Kendall                                       Wagga Wagga City Council

Cr Tim Koschel                                       Wagga Wagga City Council

Jenny Rolfe                                             Community Member

Patricia Murray                                       Community Member

Ros Prangnell                                        Community Member

Brian Mahony                                         Community Member





Steve Manwaring                                   Office of Environment and Heritage

Janice Summerhayes                           Director Community

Shaula Siregar                                       Engineer - Water & Waste Assets

Kate Roberts                                           Project Communications Officer

Darryl Woods                                          Senior Project Manager

Peter Ross                                              Manager Technical and Strategy

Logan Robinson                                    Cadet Engineer

Maree Ingram                                         Administration Coordinator (Minute Taker)




The meeting of the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee commenced at 8.35am.





Peter Thompson                                    General Manager

Caroline Angel                                       Director Commercial Operations

Meredith McIntyre                                  Department of Planning NSW

Sam Robins                                            Town Planner

Adriaan Stander                                     Strategic Planning Coordinator

Craig Ronan                                           State Emergency Service (SES)






Acknowledgement Of Country

I would like to Acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of this Land, on which this meeting takes place and to pay my respects to Elders past and present.



Confirmation of Minutes

CM-1         Meeting Minutes - 30 October 2018



                        On the Motion of Councillor R Kendall and P Murray

That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee Meeting held on 30 October 2018 be confirmed as a true and accurate record.



Declarations Of Interest

No Declarations of Interest received

Reports from Staff

RP-1          Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee - 2019 Meeting Schedule



                        On the Motion of Councillor R Kendall and B Mahoney

That the Committee adopt the 2019 meeting schedule of the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee.






RP-2          Project Updates



                        On the Motion of Councillor T Koschel and R Prangnell

That the Committee receive and note the report.





Items Discussed


Project 1753 - Wagga Wagga Major Overland Flow Flood (MOFF) Risk Management Study and Plan


The committee agreed to an additional meeting to be held on 29 January 2019 to enable WMAwater to present new data in respect to the modelling relating to the Study and Plan, prior to a report being included in the agenda for the meeting on 5 February 2019.


Project 1793 – Main City and North Wagga Levee


Issues with carparking and impacted business are being work through by staff. Stage two to commence 7 January 2019 with the first section to take approximately 3 months to complete. Cadell Place will remain open except for when concrete is being poured.


Stage 1 is nearing completion. Contractors, Burgess Earthmoving, have done a great job.


Cr Keenan – Has the fencing issues been resolved?


D Wood – It is intended that trial fencing be installed.


Cr Kendall – Is the shared path, that was closed as part of the Flowerdale Stage 1 works going to be opened again to the public or is it to remain closed permanently?


D Woods – The path has been reopened. The fence has been moved to allow for where the bike path is to go. The erection of the final fence from Hutcheon and Pearce to the drain will commence next week and should be completed by Christmas. A granite path has been constructed.


Cr Kendall – When will the Kooringal Rd fence be finished and subsequently opened to the public?


D Woods – Won’t be opened to the public until the second week in January. The intention is to get the fence up first and then seek Councillor’s thoughts on the fencing style.


Cr Keenan – What will the community information sessions planned for tonight and tomorrow cover?


D Woods – Construction methods of the first section of Stage 2. Will be targeting local business where access will be restricted and how Council staff and the businesses can work together to address any issues. Staff have talked to all land holders previously with attention being given to suggestions such as screenings being included in the tender specifications.


Cr Kendall – When notifying the residents of the upcoming information sessions, were letters sent to be the owner and the occupants of the impacted properties


K Roberts – Both


Project 2000 – Wagga Wagga Revised Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan


Cr Keenan – Good news that Council has secured funding for the Feasibility Study

for North Wagga


s Siregar – It is intended that Council staff and the Committee will work together to develop the brief for the tender.


Cr Keenan – What are the timelines for the Study – 12 months?


S Siregar – At least


P Ross – Likely 18 months from the release of the Tender.


S Manwarring – Now that the funding has been approved, the Grants unit are working to get the funding agreement to Council before Christmas for acceptance by Council.


Cr Keenan – A Resolution by Council to accept the funding will not occur until the first Council meeting on 29 January 2019.


S Manwarring – Despite this, Council staff can still be working in the background on the Tender specifications.


Project 18640 – Wagga Wagga Villages Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan


S Siregar – All modelling data has been provided to GRC Hydro. Currently staff are working on the community consultation materials with draft documents to be distributed to the Committee for review and feedback. Community meetings planned to be held in early 2019.


Cr Keenan – Additionally the Committee needs to source community contacts from Ladysmith and Tarcutta.


S Siregar – Staff will be utilising village Progress Associations and other community groups to assist with engaging the members of the village communities.


B Mahoney – Is it possible to get different committees in the villages involved to make the process more successful? Are the sub committees going to be formed that were discussed in previous Floodplain Committee meetings?


Cr Keenan – Yes, the sub committees will be set up.





No Questions With Notice were received.



The Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee rose at 8.55am.