Minutes of the Sister City Community Committee held on Thursday 6 December 2018.






Councillor Rod Kendall

Councillor Kerry Pascoe

Mrs Corinne Mendham







The Mayor, Councillor Greg Conkey OAM

Mrs Ali Tanner

Mr Brian Andrews PSM

Mrs Janine Tout

Mrs Lesley Vennell

Mrs Melissa McKinnon

Mrs Robyn McPherson







Mr Scott Gray, Manager Executive Services

Miss Melissa Donges, Acting Executive Assistant - Mayor


The meeting of the Sister City Community Committee commenced at 4:30pm.

Acknowledgement Of Country

I would like to Acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of this Land, on which this meeting takes place and to pay my respects to Elders past and present.



Confirmation of Minutes

CM-1         Sister City Community Committee - Minutes - 11 October 2018



                        On the Motion of Mr B Andrews PSM and Mrs L Vennell

That the Committee:

a          confirm the Minutes of the proceedings of the Sister City Community Committee Meeting held on 11 October 2018 as a true and accurate record

b          invite Miss Wagga Wagga Zoe Martin and the Community Princess Maddie Smith to attend the next Sister City Community Committee Meeting to provide a presentation of their visit to Leavenworth.




Declarations Of Interest

Mrs J Tout declared a non-pecuniary interest in RP-2 under the Local Government Act as her husband is Deputy Mayor Dallas Tout, who has been nominated as part of the delegation and she will be attending as his wife and not a member of the Sister City Committee, and took no further part in debate or discussion.

Reports from Staff

RP-1          Request for Partnership between Wagga Wagga and Nkonkwa Village, Tanzania



                        On the Motion of Mrs A Tanner and Mrs L Vennell

That the committee:

a          consider the request for a partnership between Wagga Wagga and Nkonkwa Village, Tanzania

b          refer this request to the Mayor’s office for a response by way of an offer of friendship letter









                        On the Motion of Mrs R McPherson and Mrs M McKinnon

That the Committee:

a          receive and note the report

b          seek expressions of interest from Committee members wishing to attend the Historisches Stadtmauerfest 2019 - Historic Wall Festival

c          request the Mayor’s office to make contact with Nordlingen to confirm the amount allowed in the delegation and rooms available, once expressions of interest are received









QWN-1 – Mrs L Vennell asked where the signage project is up to.

Mr S Gray advised at this point that the signs are aiming to be installed in the first half of 2019, after receiving the Committee’s and Council’s approval. The placement of the signs will be in a prominent position, taking into account further works planned around the area (i.e, Riverside). A celebration for the official launch of the signs will be organised once they are in place and this will be communicated to the committee once it has been organised.






The Sister City Community Committee rose at 4:56pm.