Minutes of the Sister City Community Committee held on Thursday 28 March 2019.










The Mayor, Councillor Greg Conkey OAM

Councillor Rod Kendall

Councillor Kerry Pascoe

Mrs Ali Tanner

Mr Brian Andrews PSM

Mrs Janine Tout

Mrs Lesley Vennell

Mrs Melissa McKinnon

Mrs Robyn McPherson






Mr Scott Gray, Manager Executive Services

Mrs Liz Cox, Executive Assistant – Mayor

Ms Stina Constantine, Miss Wagga Wagga                               



The meeting of the Sister City Community Committee commenced at 4.30pm.

Acknowledgement Of Country

I would like to Acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of this Land, on which this meeting takes place and to pay my respects to Elders past and present.


Confirmation of Minutes

CM-1         Sister City Community Committee - Minutes - 6 December 2018



            On the Motion of Mrs L Vennell and Mrs J Tout


That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Sister City Community Committee Meeting held on 6 December 2018 be confirmed as a true and accurate record.



At  this stage of the meeting it was requested by the Mayor, Councillor Greg Conkey OAM for RP-2 OFFICIAL DELEGATION TO THE 2019 STADTMAUERFEST IN NöRDLINGEN to be moved forward to be considered before RP-1 Request for Partnership between Wagga Wagga and Koya City in Kurdistan-Iraq.

Declarations Of Interest


Reports from Staff





            On the Motion of Councillors K Pascoe and R Kendall


That the Committee:

a       receive and note the update on the progress of the Official Delegation travelling to Nördlingen

b       note the members travelling in the Official Delegation will be

·         The Mayor, Councillor G Conkey OAM

·         Mrs Jenny Conkey

·         Deputy Mayor, Councillor D Tout

·         Mrs Janine Tout

·         Miss Stina Constantine, Miss Wagga Wagga

·         Miss Presslea Cowan, Miss Community Princess

·         Mrs Robyn McPherson, Sister City Community Committee Member

·         Mrs Ali Tanner, Sister City Community Committee Member

·         Mr Lindsay Tanner

·         Ms Sally Tanner








RP-1          Request for Partnership between Wagga Wagga and Koya City in Kurdistan-Iraq



On the Motion of Councillors K Pascoe and R Kendall

That the Committee:

a       consider the request for a partnership between Wagga Wagga and Koya City in Kurdistan-Iraq

b       decline the request for partnership between Wagga Wagga and Koya City in Kurdistan-Iraq

c       refer the Koya City in Kurdistan-Iraq to the Sister City Association

d       conduct a review of Council’s guidelines regarding the existing sister cities/ friendships with Council









BWN-1           The committee discussed the proposed meeting date for the 20 June 2019, due to the Mayors schedule he is unavailable to attend.


                        The Committee agreed to hold the meeting on the 4 July 2019. An updated meeting request will be distributed to all committee Members.

BWN-2           Mrs J Tout discussed contacting local primary schools to gauge their interest in writing letters to primary school students in Nördlingen.

                        Mrs J Tout will work with the Mayors Office to progress this matter.

BWN-3           Mr S Gray discussed the Sister City budget plan for 2020, noting that it there was a plan for a major event and to invite all Sister Cities to visit Wagga Wagga in 2020. Further discussion around the timing of the visit will occur at the next meeting.


The Sister City Community Committee rose at 5:26pm.