Minutes of the Traffic Committee held on Thursday 9 May 2019.




Councillor Dan Hayes





Mr Fazlul Hoque                                          (RMS)

Sgt Steve Bloomfield                                  (NSW Police)

A/Sgt Jamie Mooney                                   (NSW Police)




Council’s Senior Traffic Officer                                          Mr Bill Harvey

Council’s Infrastructure Administration Coordinator      Maree Ingram - Minute Taker




The meeting of the Traffic Committee commenced at 9.15am.

Acknowledgement Of Country

I would like to Acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of this Land, on which this meeting takes place and to pay my respects to Elders past and present.


Confirmation of Minutes




                        On the Motion of Mr F Hoque and Mr B Harvey

That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Traffic Committee Meeting held on 14 March 2019 be confirmed as a true and accurate record.




Declarations Of Interest

Nil Declarations of Interest received.







                        On the Motion of Mr F Hoque and Mr B Harvey

That Traffic Committee note that the following matter was distributed to members by email on 29 March 2019 with members replying in favour of the event.


That Traffic Committee endorse the conduct of the ANZAC Day Dawn Service at 5:30am and the parade and commemorative service at 10:00am on 25 April 2019 in the Victory Memorial Gardens and on Baylis Street, Morgan Street and Morrow Street subject to the following conditions:


a       Road closures for the event to commence from 6:00pm on 24 April 2019 to permit set up in Baylis and Morrow Streets around the Victory Memorial Gardens.

b       The event is to be conducted as per the location and times that are stipulated in the application documents.

c       A certified and approved Traffic Control plan to be implemented by authorised personnel from Wagga Wagga City Council prior to and throughout the event.

d       No vehicular movement in the nominated areas during the event except for those vehicles that are used as part of the parade.

e       Organisers and event participants obey all Police directions.

f        Organisers and event participants obey any direction from a Wagga Wagga City Council Officer.

g       Morgan Street, from Berry Street to Baylis Street, is to be opened to normal use by the non-event community once the parade has completely cleared that section of road and the street can safely be opened.

h       Baylis Street, from Morgan Street to the northern side of the intersection with Tompson Street is to be opened for normal use by the non-event community once the parade has cleared that section of road and the street can be safely opened to traffic.

i         No event participant is to occupy a position on a road that is outside of the closed area.

j         Failure to comply with any condition immediately voids approval for the event and traffic regulation and restriction will apply from that time.



Points of Discussion


No issues raised.





                        On the Motion of Mr F Hoque and Mr B Harvey

That Traffic Committee note that the following matter was distributed to members by way of email on 1 April 2019 with members responding in favour of the recommendation.


That Traffic Committee endorse the conduct of the Butch Menz Memorial Bicycle Race, starting and finishing at Collingullie on Sunday 2 June 2019, subject to the following conditions:


a       The arrangements regarding route, timing and other issues that are set out in the application documents are adhered to,

b       All provisions of Road Transport Legislation are complied with,

c       Any direction given by a member of the NSW Police that is pursuant to Road Transport Legislation or Work Health and Safety Legislation is to be promptly complied with,

d       Any reasonable direction that is given by an Officer of Wagga Wagga City Council is to be promptly complied with,

e       Authorised Traffic Control Plans to be implemented, monitored and removed by a person who holds the appropriate level of ‘Traffic Control at Worksites’ certification,

f        Responsibility for sourcing signs, barriers and witches hats, required for implementation of the traffic control plans, lays with Wagga Wagga Cycling Club,

g       The race is to be run in accordance with NSW Bicycle Federation rules,

h       Approval pursuant to section 115 of the Road Transport Act, 2013 being given by the Commissioner of Police or his delegated officer.

i         Consent for the portion of the race that is in Lockhart Local Government Area  being given by Lockhart Council,

j         Failure to comply with any of these conditions will immediately void approval for the event.



Points of Discussion


Sgt Steve Bloomfield – Application has been processed by NSW Police however an updated insurance policy is still required.







                        On the Motion of Mr B Harvey and Mr F Hoque

Traffic Committee recommends that an 84 metre length of NO STOPPING zone, using standard R5-400 series signs, be installed on the southern side of Little Hammond Lane, from the intersection with Kooringal Road, towards the west, as per the diagram that is attached to the report.



Points of Discussion


No issues raised






                        On the Motion of Mr B Harvey and Mr F Hoque

Traffic Committee recommends the following initiatives in Macleay Street between the intersections with Grandview Avenue and Sunshine Avenue:

a       the remarking of the BB (double unbroken) centre line

b       marking an E1 (edge) line on the western side of the street that extends past the intersection with Grandview Street, establishing a parking lane that is at least 2.7m wide as per the diagram that is contained in the report.





Points of Discussion


Mr B Harvey – Defining the left edge of the northbound travelling lane in Macleay Street will help to direct drivers around the back of the angle parked vehicles that are north of the intersection with Grandview Avenue as well as showing drivers who are entering from Grandview Avenue how far forward they can move without being in the path of a vehicle that is on the intersecting street.  The double unbroken centre line is very faded and needs to be remarked.







                        On the Motion of Mr F Hoque and Mr B Harvey

Traffic Committee recommends the implementation of the following controls at and between Morgan Street and the Morgan Street Service Road at the western end of Morgan Street between Docker Street and Murray Street:

a       Mark a longitudinal  continuity line on the northern side of Morgan Street, across the face of both driveway connections, that is on the line of the outer edge of the parking lane as defined by the ‘T’ and ‘L’ marks.

b       Install a single ‘A’ size R2-2(R) (ONE WAY) sign on the northern side of the service road opposite the western entry driveway.

c       Mark the words ONE WAY on the service road immediately on the eastern side of the western driveway connection.

d       Install a single ‘A’ size R2-11 (TWO WAY) sign on the southern side of the service road immediately west of the western connection driveway.

e       Install duplicated ‘A’ size R1-2 (GIVE WAY) signs on the service road, facing east bound traffic, immediately on the western side of the eastern driveway connection to Morgan Street.

f        Mark a TB (GIVE WAY) line across the service road in conjunction with the signs that are mentioned at point ‘f’.

g       Install duplicated ‘A’ size R2-4 (NO ENTRY) signs on the reverse side of the signs that are mentioned at point ‘f’, facing west bound traffic in the service road.

h       Install duplicated ‘A’ size R2-11 (TWO WAY) signs on both sides of the service road, facing east bound traffic, immediately on the eastern side of the eastern driveway connection.

i         Install a single ‘A’ size R2-14(L) (Left arrow / ONLY) sign on the southern side of the service road, facing west bound traffic, on the reverse side of the sign that is mentioned at point ‘i’.

j         Mark white painted arrows on the service road as per the diagram that is attached to the report.



Points Of Discussion


Bill Harvey – Cr Hayes requested further advice on treatments for the driveways. RMS have opposed no right turn from eastern driveway. Cr Hayes has suggested the installation of a continuity line at each driveway as a stepped approach that might be employed before going to the extreme measure of imposing a prohibition on right turn movements.


Fazlul Hoque – has Council considered removing parking bays to improve sightlines?


Bill Harvey – Two spaces have already been removed on the western side of both driveway connections and with parking being fully utilised in this area on a daily basis, Council is opposed to removing any further spaces.


B Harvey – Issues could be address through the use of a mixture of treatments. Including running a continuity line outside the edge of the parking bays as well as no right turn out of the western driveway with no turning restrictions on the eastern driveway.


Fazlul Hoque – A mixture could be done.


Bill Harvey – Response could be stepped. Initially trial continuity lines at both driveways, if they don’t work then introduce restrictions.


Sgt Bloomfield – Is the issue traffic getting out of the service area?


Bill Harvey – Yes, have had problems at the eastern driveway – numerous near misses and one reported crash. Near misses are reported anecdotally at the western driveway.


Bill Harvey – Suggested that points a and b are removed from the recommendation and a new point included referring to the installation of a continuity line at each driveway. All other points of the recommendation to remain as documented.


All committee members agreed to the above approach with the new recommendation to be distributed to committee members for review and comment prior to the publication of the committee minutes.






                        On the Motion of Mr F Hoque and Mr B Harvey

Traffic Committee recommends:

a          marking an E1 (unbroken) edge line on the northern side of Kooringal Road between the intersections with Lake Albert Road and Plumpton Road with appropriate returns at the intersection with Cochrane Street. The edge line should define a parking lane that is at least 2.3 metres wide.

b          this work to be undertaken by Workforce Road Services (RMS contractor) at their own cost and to appropriate standards.



Points of Discussion


Bill Harvey – Cr Hayes requested further information in respect to safety aspects associated with this matter. The response is that installing any delineation enhances safety.  In this case an EI edge line will guide drivers to the travelling lane which is 3.1 metres wide through this section with a 2.3 metre wide parking lane. 

Fazlul Hoque – Questioned the impact on parking lane and travelling lane widths.


Bill Harvey – A 2.3 metre wide parking lane is generally the narrowest that should be employed in NSW under all but exceptional circumstances. The 3.1 metre wide travelling lane, while not overly generous, exceeds the normal minimum travelling lane width of 2.9 metres.





bWN-1           Henwood Avenue Parking Review


This Matter was raised by Senior Traffic Officer, Mr Bill Harvey as a possible future report to Traffic Committee


BWN-2           Request for a pedestrian crossing at Lake Street, Lake Albert


This Matter was raised by Senior Traffic Officer, Mr Bill Harvey as a possible future report to Traffic Committee


BWN-3           Macleay Street/Railway Street Resident’s Safety Concerns


This Matter was raised by Senior Traffic Officer, Mr Bill Harvey as a possible future report to Traffic Committee




The Traffic Committee rose at 10.00am.