Minutes of the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee held on Tuesday 18 June 2019.




Cr Tim Koschel                                       Wagga Wagga City Council

Craig Ronan                                           State Emergency Service (SES)




Cr Vanessa Keenan                              Wagga Wagga City Council

Cr Rod Kendall                                       Wagga Wagga City Council

Jenny Rolfe                                             Community Member – dialled in to the meeting

Brian Mahony                                         Community Member

Ros Prangnell                                        Community Member

Patricia Murray                                       Community Member






Barry Griffiths                                         State Emergency Service (SES)

Steve Manwaring                                   Office of Environment and Heritage

Caroline Angel                                       Commercial Operations Sector Director

Sam Robins                                            Town Planner

Mark Gardiner                                        Manager Environment & City Compliance

Adriaan Stander                                     Strategic Planning Coordinator

Peter Ross                                              Manager Technical and Strategy

Kate Roberts                                           Project Communications Officer

Darryl Woods                                          Manager Council Businesses

S Otieno                                                  Manager Operations

Michael Friend                                       Co-opted Community Member

Greg Gilmour                                          Co-opted Community Member

Fiona Ziff                                                 Co-opted Community Member

Felix Taaffe                                             GRC Hydro

Cath Goonan                                          WMAwater

Erin Askew                                              WMAwater

Maree Ingram                                         Administration Coordinator (Minute Taker)



The meeting of the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee commenced at 8.40am.

Acknowledgement Of Country

I would like to Acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of this Land, on which this meeting takes place and to pay my respects to Elders past and present.




At this stage of the meeting the Committee elected to bring forward RP-2 NORTH WAGGA FLOODPLAIN to allow Committee member Jenny Rolfe to be a part of the discussion relating to this report and to enable a resolution to be made in respect to the report.



RP-2          North Wagga Floodplain



                        On the Motion of Councillor V Keenan and P Murray

That the Committee:

a       receive and note this report

b       receive a detailed communications engagement plan at the next meeting of the Committee on 6 August 2019, in respect to the Wagga Wagga Villages Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

c       receive a detailed communications engagement plan at the 1 October 2019 Committee meeting, relating to the recommendations identified in the Wagga Wagga Revised Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan.



Discussion on the Report


Discussion centred on the development of the Wagga Wagga Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan with co-opted members from North Wagga raising concerns about the processes undertaken by Council in the development of the Plan.


OEH representative Steve Manwaring  advised that Council has been following due process and policy however North Wagga is a difficult situation. He said that the 2015 Public Works Department report, referred to by the North Wagga co-opted members, was of a financial nature and did not include any social aspects. It was very simplified with third party impacts not highly considered.


Caroline Angel advised that the 2015 PWD report was a preliminary report that was developed to inform the next stage of the process and was based on a civil works earthenware levee. It was financial based and did not include social or environmental factors.


Fiona Ziff entered the meeting at 9am


Advice from Steve Manwaring is that levees are only in place to protect properties not lives.


Advice from SES is that preservation of life is the SES’s first priority in a flood event and that if a 1in 100 year flood is predicted then North Wagga would be evacuated.


Caroline Angel advised that following adoption of the Plan by Council, funding is now being sought to enable the implementation of a number actions within the Plan. Without an adopted Plan, further funding could not be sought. The North Wagga feasibility Study is one of the first priorities of the Plan however other activities require attention as well.


Caroline Angel advised that feedback will be sought from the Committee for the scope of works relating to the Flood Mitigation Option Feasibility Study for North Wagga and Floodplain Residents.


Fiona Ziff provided all present with a copy of a submission made to the Government by the North Wagga Wagga Residents Association to the Minister for Energy and Environment, The Hon Matt Kean MP. The letter related to the mandatory management by Wagga Wagga City Council in respect to the mitigation of flood risk to residents living in the Wagga Wagga Floodplain, by way of regular flood studies and management plans as directed by the NSW Ste Government’s 2005 Flood Prone Land Policy (the State Policy).


Cr Kendall advised that there was no truth in the comments that Council had resolved not to spend any funds on North Wagga and also that it is not fair to categorise a 1 in 100 year levee as absolute protection as levees are not built to a Maximum Possible Flood (MPF) which still will pose a threat to North Wagga residents and property, even though it ticks insurance boxes.


Cr Kendall also stated that it must be noted that the FRMAC makes recommendations to Council and it is ultimately Council that makes the decisions. The intention is that the Committee is not dominated by Councillors or by any particular people. North Wagga residents have been represented on the committee in the past and recently had the opportunity to apply for representation again on the committee.



Jenny Rolfe left the meeting at 9.15am


Cr Rod Kendall left the meeting at 10.15am


Brian Mahony left the meeting at 10.15am





CM-1         Meeting Minutes - 7 May 2019



As there was no quorum at this stage of the meeting it was the decision of the members present that the confirmation of the Minutes of the proceedings of the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee Meeting held on 7 May 2019, be deferred to the next Committee meeting.



Declarations Of Interest


No Declarations received






RP-1          Project Updates



As there was no quorum at this stage of the meeting, this report was only noted and no resolution was made.




A presentation was made by representatives from WMAwater in respect to the Major Overland Flood Flow Risk Management Study as well as a presentation from GRCHydro in respect to the Wagga Wagga Villages Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan.


There was also an update provided to attendees by project managers and a general discussion took place.






No Questions With Notice were received.



The Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee rose at 11.15am.