Minutes of the Crime Prevention Working Group held on Monday 26 August 2019.






Neil Caldicott            Department of Housing and Family and Community Services





Andrew Stockman               Department of Premier and Cabinet

Simone Jolley                       Department of Justice

Adrian Telfer                         NSW Police, Wagga Wagga Local Area Command

Bob Noble                             NSW Police, Wagga Wagga Local Area Command

Mayor, Cr Greg Conkey     Wagga Wagga City Council

Cr Paul Funnell                    Wagga Wagga City Council

Cr Kerry Pascoe                   Wagga Wagga City Council

Cr Tim Koschel                    Wagga Wagga City Council

Dr Joe McGirr                       Member for Riverina

Colin Taggart                        Neighbourhood Watch

Saba Nabi                             Community Member

Justin Busuttil                       Community Member

Thomas Gardiner                 Community Member

Kat van der Winjgaart         Community Member





Peter Thompson                  General Manager

Janice Summerhayes         Director Community

Madeleine Scully                 Manager Community Services

Lisa Saffery                           Social Planning Coordinator

Michelle Castle                     Minute Taker



The meeting of the Crime Prevention Working Group commenced at 1:04pm.

Acknowledgement Of Country

I would like to Acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of this Land, on which this meeting takes place and to pay my respects to Elders past and present.


Declarations Of Interest

There was no declarations received.






                        On the Motion of K van der Winjaart  and Councillor T Koschel

That the Crime Prevention Working Group receive and note this report.




RP-2          Presentation from Wagga Wagga Local Area Command - Crime Trends



                        On the Motion of B Noble and S Nabi

That the Crime Prevention Working Group receive and note the presentation from the Wagga Wagga Local Area Command.




RP-3          Crime Prevention Working Group - 2019/2020 Meeting Schedule



                        On the Motion of B Noble and Councillor T Koschel

That the Crime Prevention Working Group adopt the 2019/2020 meeting schedule.














GB-1 - additional Members


Dr Joe McGirr proposed to add two additional state agencies being the NSW Department of Health and NSW Department of Education to the Crime Prevention Working Group Committee.


Director of Community advised on the process for adding additional members of which requires a Council resolution. Such a report would be prepared for the 23 September 2019 Ordinary Council Meeting where the minutes for the working group would also be tabled.


Recommendation moved by Dr J McGirr and seconded: Cr K Pascoe



GB-2 - Closure of Laneways

colin Taggart requested a report be presented back to the next Crime Prevention Working Group on assessment of pedestrian laneways including:


·         The current status of laneways

·         Approaches that Council have taken to closing laneways and the legislative parameters

·         Inclusion of maps and

·         Potential solutions and design of laneways in new subdivisions

GB-3 - Abandoned Houses


Dr Joe McGirr requested a report back to the next Crime Prevention Working Group Committee on burnt out houses, including:


·         Does Council have a list of the number of burnt out houses?

·         How many burnt out houses are privately owned?

·         A list of burnt out houses that Council has orders over?


Justin Busuttil left the meeting at 2:39pm.


The Crime Prevention Working Group rose at 2:47pm.