Minutes of the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee held on Tuesday 6 August 2019.





Keith Seghers                                   Development & Subdivisions Engineer Coordinator

Rebecca Byrne                                Co-opted Community Member

Fiona Ziff                                           Co-opted Community Member




Cr Vanessa Keenan                              Wagga Wagga City Council

Cr Rod Kendall                                       Wagga Wagga City Council

Cr Tim Koschel                                       Wagga Wagga City Council

Jenny Rolfe                                             Community Member

Brian Mahony                                         Community Member

Ros Prangnell                                        Community Member

Patricia Murray                                       Community Member





Cr Greg Conkey                                     Wagga Wagga City Council

Peter Thompson                                    General Manager

Barry Griffiths                                         State Emergency Service (SES)

Craig Ronan                                           State Emergency Service (SES)

Ailsa Schofield                                       State Emergency Service (SES)

Steve Manwaring                                   Office of Environment and Heritage

Caroline Angel                                       Director Commercial Operations

Janice Summerhayes                           Director Community

Scott Gray                                               Manager Executive Services

Mark Gardiner                                        Manager Environment & City Compliance

Peter Ross                                              Manager Technical and Strategy

Darryl Woods                                          Manager Council Businesses

Sylvester Otieno                                     Manager Operations

Rup Shah                                                Manager Project Delivery

Mark Gardiner                                        Manager Environment and City Compliance

Adriaan Stander                                     Strategic Planning Coordinator

Sam Robins                                            Town Planner

Andrew Mason                                       Project Manager

Kate Roberts                                           Project Communications Officer

Michael Friend                                       Co-opted Community Member

Greg Gilmour                                          Co-opted Community Member

Maree Ingram                                         Administration Coordinator (Minute Taker)



The meeting of the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee commenced at 8.35am.

Acknowledgement Of Country

I would like to Acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of this Land, on which this meeting takes place and to pay my respects to Elders past and present.


Confirmation of Minutes

CM-1         Meeting Minutes - 18 June 2019



                        On the Motion of R Prangnell and Councillor T Koschel

That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee held on 18 June 2019 be confirmed as a true and accurate record.




Declarations Of Interest

No Declarations of Interest received

Reports from Staff

RP-1          Project Updates



                        On the Motion of Councillor T Koschel and P Murray  

That the Committee receive and note the report.



Discussion on the Report


Project 1753 – Wagga Wagga Major Overland Flow Flood (MOFF) Risk Management Study and Plan

Clarification provided in respect to the use of Bolton Park ovals as temporary stormwater storage areas and that the capacity for storage is only 300/400mm and therefore does not pose a threat to public safety.


Clarification provided in respect to the following point:


Bolton Park – optimising and increasing basin storage by reducing the size of the existing pipe through the park.

Explanation given in respect to the above - the storage of water in the Bolton Park basin will allow stormwater from Forsyth street to enter the system earlier with an aim to minimise on street flooding between the Sturt Mall and the Marketplace.



Project 1793 – Main City and North Wagga Levee


Confirmation provided that Council staff are working through the creation of easements with respect to public access for Active Travel Plan over privately owned sections of the levee.

Community tolerance of works adjacent to Watermark and Bishop J W Dwyer Retirement Village,  acknowledged by the Committee.

Project currently running to budget.

Correspondence has been exchanged in respect to OEH funding for the Main City Levee as result of OEH are indicating that Council cannot utilise Federal funding ($9M Main City/$1M North Wagga) as its matching contribution to the Main City construction.


Project 2000 – Wagga Wagga Revised Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan


RE1: Improve Flood Warning System – Original intent was only for Oura, scope has now been extended to include the whole of the Wagga Wagga Floodplain including subsidiary creeks.


Future discussion required by the Committee in respect to the fact that Wagga Wagga Study area does not incorporate the entire floodplain contained within the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area. With the Committee’s recommendation, Council will need to discuss with DPIE about initiating the process to fund a more accurate LGA wide flood model.


Project 18640 – Wagga Wagga Villages Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan


Consultation with villages continuing.


Issues raised at Uranquinty in respect to lack of coordinated internal drainage and the capacity of the system during a significant rain event.


Concerns raised in respect to the absence of ARTC in this process. Council staff to make approach ARTC.


Council to request GRCHydro to run modelling with a larger culvert under the railway and if outcomes are significant, Council to approach ARTC with the results for consideration.


Updated modelling report to be presented by GRCHydro at next FRMAC meeting.


Draft final report to be provided to the Committee prior to being reported to Council.


PMO Reports

Explanation of PMO reports provided.


Project 19555 – Flood Mitigation Option Feasibility Study for North Wagga & Floodplain Residents


Project brief to be discussed in workshop following this meeting.




RP-2          CommunicAtions and Engagement Strategy



                        On the Motion of J Rolfe and R Prangnell  

That the Committee receive and note the report.



Discussion on the report


Feedback on the draft strategy was provided by Committee members.






No Questions With Notice were received.




The Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee rose at 9.30am.