Minutes of the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee held on Tuesday 1 October 2019.





Cr Vanessa Keenan                     Wagga Wagga City Council

Cr Rod Kendall                             Wagga Wagga City Council

Cr Tim Koschel                             Wagga Wagga City Council

Brian Mahony                                Community Member

Ros Prangnell                               Community Member

Patricia Murray                              Community Member





Peter Thompson                           General Manager

Barry Griffiths                                State Emergency Service (SES)

Craig Ronan                                 State Emergency Service (SES)

Steve Manwaring                         Department Planning, Industry and Environment

Caroline Angel                              Director Commercial Operations

Janice Summerhayes                  Director Community

Mark Gardiner                               Manager Environment & City Compliance

Peter Ross                                     Manager Technical and Strategy

Darryl Woods                                Manager Council Businesses

Sylvester Otieno                           Manager Operations

Rup Shah                                      Manager Project Delivery

Mark Gardiner                               Manager Environment and City Compliance

Adriaan Stander                           Strategic Planning Coordinator

Sam Robins                                  Town Planner

Andrew Mason                              Project Manager

Michael Friend                              Co-opted Community Member

Greg Gilmour                                Co-opted Community Member

Sue Hardwick                                Co-opted Community Member

Maree Ingram                                Administration Coordinator (Minute Taker)

Cath Goonan                                WMAwater

Erin Askew                                    WMAwater

Peter Morris                                   Observer





Cr Greg Conkey                           Wagga Wagga City Council

Jenny Rolfe                                   Community Member




The meeting of the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee commenced at 8.35am.



Acknowledgement Of Country

I would like to Acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of this Land, on which this meeting takes place and to pay my respects to Elders past and present.



Confirmation of Minutes

CM-1         Meeting Minutes - 6 August 2019



                        On the Motion of Councillor T Koschel and P Murray  

That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee Meeting held on 6 August 2019 be confirmed as a true and accurate record.



Declarations Of Interest

No declarations of interest were received.



Reports from Staff

RP-1          Project Updates



                        On the Motion of Councillor R Kendall and R Prangnell  

That the Committee receive and note the report     






Discussion on the Report

Project 1753 – Wagga Wagga Major Overland Flow Flood (MOFF) Risk Management Study and Plan


WMAwater made a presentation to the Committee on the progress of the MOFFS including a number of maps that identified both overland flow hotspots and stormwater issues in the urban area with potential flood modification measures identified for the overland flow hotspots.


The presentation also provided specific projects for Lake Albert which relate to inflow, outflow and storage for Lake Albert..


The presentation also included information pertaining to property modification measures.


There was considerable discussion relating to the information contained in the presentation which also confirmed the critical nature of the Glenfield Road drain and the role it will play in alleviating significant drainage issues from the Lloyd, Bourkelands and Glenfield catchment areas.


WMAwater have completed a first draft of the Planning Policy and this will be distributed to Committee members and stakeholders.

Janice Summerhayes left the meeting at 9:50am


Councillor Koschel left the meeting at 10:16am.


Project 19555 – Flood Mitigation Option Feasibility Study for North Wagga & Floodplain Residents


The brief is almost complete and is anticipated to be released to the market via Tenderlink, by the end of this week.


It has been reviewed by a number of parties and will be distributed to the Committee following the meeting.


Although the scope of works was not altered, co-opted Community Member, Michael Friend, raised concerns in relation to North Wagga residents likely viewing the study as unnecessary and repetitive, which may hamper participation by residents, noting the residents also seek a 1 in 100 year level of protection.


Peter Thompson left the meeting at 10:30am.


Michael Friend left the meeting at 10:38am



Project 1793 – Main City and North Wagga Levee


It is anticipated that the Wiradjuri walking track between Johnston Street and the Wiradjuri Bridge will be reopened by Thursday, 3/10/19.


The Mason Street section of the levee has been lifted to the required height.


The installation of sheetmetal piles has commenced west of the viaduct with approximately 600mm of sheetpiling work remaining.


Easements are in place to facilitate the construction of the levee.


There are some constraints in respect to the continuity of the Active Travel Plan path in Tarcutta Street as result of current land ownership.


Discussions are still occurring in relation to land values in Tarcutta Street.


There are also some Essential Energy and Riverina Water County Council issues that are to be resolved.



Project 18640 – Wagga Wagga Villages Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan


Council staff to request a schedule for the planned Ladysmith and Tarcutta community consultation from GRCHydro, for provision to the applicable co-opted community members.




RP-2          Communications and Engagement Strategy



                        On the Motion of Councillor R Kendall and R Prangnell

That the Committee receive and note the report.






No Questions With Notice were received.



The Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee rose at 11.55am.