Minutes of the Crime Prevention Working Group held on Monday 25 November 2019.





Cr Tim Koschel     Wagga Wagga City Council

Cr Paul Funnell     Wagga Wagga City Council

Simone Jolley        Department of Justice

Neil Caldicott         Department of Communities and Justice

Saba Nabi              Community Member

Bob Noble              NSW Police, Wagga Wagga Local Area Command

Adrian Telfer          NSW Police, Wagga Wagga Local Area Command





Andrew Stockman                          Department of Premier and Cabinet

Acting Inspector Brent Fletcher    NSW Police, Wagga Wagga Local Area Command

Inspector Peter McLay                   NSW Police, Wagga Wagga Local Area Command

Mayor, Councillor Greg Conkey   Wagga Wagga City Council

Cr Kerry Pascoe                              Wagga Wagga City Council

Dr Joe McGirr                                  Member for Riverina

Colin Taggart                                   Neighbourhood Watch

Justin Busuttil                                  Community Member

Thomas Gardiner                            Community Member

Kat van der Wijngaart                    Community Member

Jenene McGrath                             Department of Education

Tracey Pahl                                     Department of Communities and Justice




Peter Thompson                 General Manager

Janice Summerhayes        Director Community

Madeleine Scully                 Manager Community Services

Lisa Saffery                          Social Planning Coordinator

Diane Wright                        Land and Real Property Coordinator

Mark Gardiner                      Manager Environment and City Compliance

Michelle Castle                    Minute Taker


The meeting of the Crime Prevention Working Group commenced at 1:00pm.

Acknowledgement Of Country

I would like to Acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of this Land, on which this meeting takes place and to pay my respects to Elders past and present.



Confirmation of Minutes

CM-1         Crime Prevention Working Group - 26 August 2019



                        On the Motion of K van der Wijngaart and Councillor K Pascoe

That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Crime Prevention Working Group Meeting held on 26 August 2019 be confirmed as a true and accurate record.


Declarations Of Interest

No declarations of interest received


Tracey Pahl from Department of Communities and Justice entered the meeting at 1:17pm.





                        On the Motion of K van der Wijngaart and T Gardiner

That the Crime Prevention Working Group;

a          receive and note the report

b          receive a report from Department of Communities and Justice on number of abandoned houses relating to social housing properties





RP-2          Closure of Laneways Report for Crime Prevention Working Group



                        On the Motion of C Taggart and K van der Wijngaart

That the Crime Prevention Working Group:

a       note and receive this report

b       note that Council staff will undertake a review of laneways in response to the Laneways item 1.2 of the Crime Prevention Plan 2021 and present this review to the Crime Prevention Working Group at the 25 May 2020 Crime Prevention Working Group meeting







                        On the Motion of T Gardiner and K van der Wigngaart

That the Crime Prevention Working Group:

a          defer any closure of the pedestrian laneway in Walla Place, Glenfield Park until the full laneway review report is completed for 25 May 2020

b          receive information to inform the report in a) above that considers      physical treatment measures in the pedestrian laneway of Walla Place,   Glenfield Park that will address crime and antisocial activities.





1.     Wagga Wagga Local Area Command Acting Inspector Brent Fletcher provided an update on crime statistics advising that crime of Steal from a Motor Vehicle and stolen cars has decreased this month compared to previous months. The Police also tabled their regular contact with the Youth Action Program and the PCYC activities.


2.     Justin Busuttil raised the frequency and timing of the Crime Prevention Working Group meetings. Justin would like to see the meetings held every two months and for a period of two hours from 12:00noon – 2:00pm.


Action: This matter will be on the agenda for the next meeting of the 24 February 2020 for all working group members to consider.


3.     Justin Busuttil raised the question of what are the major issues and impacts that the Crime Prevention Working Group would like to achieve. There was general discussion on linking priorities to the existing Council Crime Prevention Plan given it was developed out of extensive consultation. Justin encouraged all working group members to bring back their priorities for consideration noting the purpose of the working group is for crime prevention strategies.


Action: This matter will be on the agenda for the next meeting of the 24 February 2020 for all working group members to consider.


4.     Kat van der Wijngaart raised a question in regards to the support Council and the Community provides to refugees arriving in the City. Director Community and Manager Community Services Wagga Wagga City Council provided a verbal response and offered to provide further information and community contacts as required between meetings.


5.     Thomas Gardiner raised a question on the nature of crimes and how many crimes youth commit before being placed in the Juvenile Justice Centre. A verbal response was provide by Police on current legal processes and actions in this area.


6.     Colin Taggart raised that there are panels missing from the fence along the railway track at Grinton Avenue.


Action: Colin to provide information to Council’s Social Planner, Lisa Saffery. Council staff will then follow up with ARTC as the responsible land owner authority.


7.     Colin Taggart moved that the Crime Prevention Working Group invite PCYC to be a member of the Working Group. Seconded Dr Joe McGirr. The motion was put for all voting members present. The motion was lost.



The Crime Prevention Working Group rose at 2:30pm.