Minutes of the Traffic Committee held on Thursday 12 March 2020.




Sergeant Steven Bloomfield          NSW Police

Senior Constable Gary Lawson    NSW Police

Katherine Boulton                           Transport for NSW




Bill Harvey                                          Council’s Senior Traffic Officer (Chair)

Emma Reynolds                                Council’s Road Safety Officer     

Shannon Coghlan                             Council’s Infrastructure Administration Coordinator




Councillor Dan Hayes                     Council – voting instructions provided to Chair

Peter Braneley                                 Local Member’s Representative – voting instructions provided to Chair



The meeting of the Traffic Committee commenced at 9.15am.

Acknowledgement Of Country

I would like to Acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of this Land, on which this meeting takes place and to pay my respects to Elders past and present.


Confirmation of Minutes




                        On the Motion of Councillor D Hayes and S Bloomfield  

That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Traffic Committee Meeting held on 14 November 2019 be confirmed as a true and accurate record.


Declarations Of Interest

No Declarations of Interest were received.







                        On the Motion of K Boulton and S Bloomfield

Traffic Committee members note that the following matter was distributed to members by email on 18 December 2019 with members voting in favour of the recommendation.

Traffic Committee endorses the conduct of bicycle races on 7 and 8 March 2020 using a course at Ladysmith and Gregadoo East, as per attached traffic control plans, and subject to the following conditions:

a       the arrangements for route, timing and other issues that are set out in the application documents are adhered to

b       all provisions of Road Transport Legislation are followed

c       approval pursuant to section 115 of the Road Transport Act 2013 being given by the Commissioner of Police or their delegated officer

d       any direction given by a member of the NSW Police that is pursuant to road transport legislation or work health and safety legislation is to be promptly followed

e       any reasonable direction that is given by a Wagga Wagga City Council Officer is to be promptly complied with

f        authorised Traffic Control Plans to be implemented, monitored and removed by a person who holds the appropriate level of certification under the provisions of the ‘Traffic Control at Worksites’ manual

g       racing should not commence or should immediately cease in the event that sight distance, due to weather or other conditions, does not render an adult person wearing dark clothing clearly visible at a distance of 200 metres

h       responsibility for sourcing signs, barriers, and road cones (required for implementation of the traffic control plans) lays with Tolland Cycling Club

i         the race is to be run in accordance with NSW Bicycle Federation rules

j         failure to comply with any of these conditions will immediately void approval for the event


Points of Discussion

There have been no adverse issues raised about the conduct of this event in 2020.





                        On the Motion of K Boulton and S Bloomfield

That Traffic Committee note that the following matter was electronically distributed to members on 18 December 2018 with members responding in favour of the recommendations.

That Traffic Committee endorse the conduct of the Touch New South Wales – Junior State Cup Southern Conference event that will impact on roads in Wagga Wagga from 21 to 23 February 2020, subject to the following conditions being met:

a       a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) is prepared with the intent of managing the interaction of event and non-event vehicle and pedestrian traffic on roads surrounding and nearby to Jubilee Park

b       certified and approved traffic control plans that manage the interaction of non-event traffic with traffic that is travelling to the event are implemented and maintained by appropriately authorised personnel prior to and throughout the event

c       the road closures that are associated with the event are to be implemented as per the times and locations that are detailed in the TMP

d       the event organiser will have variable message board systems in place continuously for seven days before the event, providing warnings for changed traffic conditions during the event

e       message boards will stay in place at approaches to road closure points throughout the event providing advance warning for approaching drivers

f        all provisions of the TMP are to be implemented and maintained throughout the event

g       organisers and event participants obey directions given by Police

h       organisers and event participants obey any reasonable direction that is made by a Wagga Wagga City Council Officer in respect of the management of the road network

i         the event organiser will conduct a local media campaign in Wagga Wagga to provide advance warning for the non-event community of the road closures that are planned to be implemented for this event and the detour routes that will be available

j         failure to comply with any of these conditions will immediately void approval for the event in respect of the proposed road closures


Points of Discussion

There have been no adverse issues raised about the conduct of this event in 2020.





                        On the Motion of K Boulton and S Bloomfield

That Traffic Committee members note that the following matter was distributed to members on 11 January 2020 with members responding in favour of the event.


That Traffic Committee endorse the conduct of the Mardi Gras parade in Morgan Street, Baylis Street and Morrow Street on Saturday 14 March 2020 subject to the following conditions:


a       The event is conducted as per the times, locations, conditions, and circumstances that are listed in the application documents

b       A certified and approved traffic control plan for the event is to be prepared and implemented, monitored and decommissioned by accredited persons

c       No vehicular movement in the nominated areas during the event except for those vehicles that are used as part of the parade

d       Organisers and event participants obey all Police directions

e       Organisers and event participants obey any direction from a Wagga Wagga City Council Officer

f        Morgan Street is to be opened to normal use by the non-event community once the parade has completely cleared that section of road and the street can safely be opened

g       Baylis Street is to be opened for normal use by the non-event community once the parade has cleared that section of road and the street can be safely opened to traffic

h       No event participant is to occupy a position on a road that is outside of the closed area

i         Motorised floats must be constructed on registered vehicles that are permitted to use roads in New South Wales

j         Motorised floats must be driven by a person with an appropriate class of driver’s licence to drive the vehicle

k       The driver of each motorised float must have clear direct vision of the road in front of the vehicle

l         No motorised float or any other type of vehicle that takes part in the event is to exceed a speed of 10 km/h (walking pace) during the parade

m      Any person who is riding on a motorised float must be secured from falling from the vehicle by the use of side gates or railings or by the use of a personal tether device that is connected to a solid anchor point on the vehicle and that is capable of preventing the participant from falling from the vehicle

n       No person who is riding on a motorised float is permitted to ride on any structure or addition to the vehicle that does not have a solid standing space or a tether system that is connected to an appropriate anchor point and that is capable of preventing that person from falling from the vehicle

o       Any child under the age of 16 years that is riding on a motorised float must be under the immediate supervision of an adult on a one-to-one basis

p       Any other motorised vehicle that takes part in the parade must be registered for use on roads in New South Wales

q       Any other motorised vehicle that participates in the parade must be ridden or driven by a person who holds an appropriate class of driver’s licence

r        The driver of any motorised vehicle must maintain a clear zone of at least 10 metres in front, between the vehicle and any other parade participant

s       Failure to comply with any condition immediately voids approval for the event and traffic regulation and restriction will apply from that time








                        On the Motion of K Boulton and S Bloomfield

Traffic Committee members note that the following matter was distributed to members as a class 3 event by email on 14 February 2020 with members voting in favour of the recommendation.


That Traffic Committee endorse the conduct of the on-street event in the form of a ride by members of the Light Horse Association on 22 February 2020 subject to the following conditions:


a       Failure to comply with any of the following conditions will immediately cancel approval for the event

b       A certified traffic control plan is to be implemented and monitored by accredited traffic control personnel at Ivan Jack Drive

c       The event is to start and finish in Dobbs Street with the Victory Memorial Gardens (VMG) as the extent of the ride

d       The event will follow the route from Dobbs Street, Freer Street, Beckwith Street, The Esplanade, Ivan Jack Drive, Morrow Street and return by reverse route

e       All horses that are involved in this event will be under the direct control of a competent rider

f        Riders must comply with road transport legislation that applies to the movement of horse and riders on the road network

g       Organisers and event participants are to obey all directions that are given by Police or by Council Officers

h       The event organiser will produce a certificate of currency for public liability insurance to the value of at least $20 million that relates to this event and that mentions the Wagga Wagga City Council and Transport for NSW as interested parties



Points of Discussion

There have been no adverse issues raised about the conduct of this event in 2020.





                        On the Motion of K Boulton and S Bloomfield

Traffic Committee members note that a matter relating to the proposed changes to be made to control of traffic on the full length of Farrer Road was sent to members by email on 4 December 2019.

Traffic Committee recommends that:

a       The line marking and painted traffic controls that are depicted on pages 3–12 of the attachment are generally correct; however, there are  concerns about the merging lanes on Farrer Road opposite the intersection with Lindrum Way where drivers will be making left turn manoeuvres. The merge length should be completed before reaching the intersection with consideration given to removing the second westbound lane, if that is necessary

b       The regulatory signs that are depicted on pages 18–23 of the attachment are generally correct except that the speed zone repeater signs must be removed from inside of the school zone area

c       The advance warning and advice signs that are depicted on pages 18–23 of the attachment are generally correct except that there is no need for advance warning at the westbound approach to the roundabout

d       The bus bays that are depicted on the southern side of the road at chainage 200 and 1450 must be at least 18 metres in length and should be regulated by installing standard R5-20 series BUS ZONE signs with the additional words:

7am – 7pm

Sun to Wed

7am – 10pm

Thu to Sat

e       The driveway entry and exit points that provide access for the Riverina Anglican College from the southern side of Farrer Road should be limited to only those driveways that are approved in development applications associated with the Riverina Anglican College

f        The road designer should provide a certification that the design is compliant with the Austroads Guide to Road Design, the Austroads Guide to Traffic Management, Australian Standards 1742 and 1743, and all associated Transport for New South Wales supplements



Points of Discussion

·         The Committee discussed the need for a second lane for westbound traffic between TRAC and Boorooma Street given that the roundabout is reduced to one lane in.

·         Members understand the limitations that have caused the westbound entry to the Boorooma Street roundabout to be limited to one lane.

·         The intersection with Lindrum Way, as shown in the design adjacent to a merging lane, is not regarded as good design practice. The merging manoeuvre should be completed before the intersection.

·         Under no circumstances should there be speed zone repeater signs displayed in a school zone as they could cause confusion.





                        On the Motion of K Boulton and S Bloomfield

Traffic Committee recommends a proposal subjecting the full length of the southern kerb of Edward Street, from Best Street to Fox Street, to a NO STOPPING control using standard R5-400 series signs.



Points of discussion

·         Members were shown a letter that was sent to the Traffic Committee, arriving after the business paper was assembled and distributed.

·         Members are satisfied that residences on that section of Edward Street have adequate off-street parking.

·         Parking is normally available in Fox Street, within 50 metres of the front gate to number 164 Edward Street.

·         The width of the available parking space is too narrow to safely allow parking in any case.





                        On the Motion of K Boulton and S Bloomfield

Traffic Committee recommends the installation of a length of NO PARKING zone on the southern side of Forsyth Street, using standard R5-40 series signs, that extends a distance of five metres on both sides of the single entry / exit driveway at 160 Forsyth Street.






                        On the Motion of K Boulton and S Bloomfield

Traffic Committee recommends that a 20-metre length of LOADING ZONE, using standard R5-23 series signs with the added words:

5am – 7am

Wed to Fri

be installed on the eastern side of Baylis Street at the front of number 55–57 (Victoria Hotel) as depicted in the diagram below.


Points of discussion

·         The access to cellar is through a door that is located in the middle of the hotel’s front wall.

·         The access door is too far from the bus zone for that zone to be used for this purpose.





                        On the Motion of K Boulton and S Bloomfield

Traffic Committee recommends that the following actions be taken on the southern side of Sturt Street immediately west of the intersection with Henley Lane in the first two available parallel parking spaces that exist now:

a       install a 12-metre length of LOADING ZONE using standard R5-23 series signs with the added words:

7am – 9am Wed to Fri as per the diagram below

b       remove the ‘T’ and ‘L’ road markings from the two spaces that will in the times mentioned at Point ‘a’, be used as a LOADING ZONE

c       paint a short length of E1 unbroken edge line from the kerb alignment of Henley Lane, around the curve into Sturt Street as indicated in the diagram below



Points of discussion

·         Contrary to the recommendation contained in the business paper, members suggest that the LOADING ZONE should be established in the first two marked parking bays but only be active for the very limited time.

·         Members were concerned about the rear offside corner of any delivery vehicle that was parked closer than necessary to Henley Lane.





                        On the Motion of K Boulton and S Bloomfield

Traffic Committee recommends that:

a       no additional advance warning device/s should be employed in Travers Street in association with the point at which riders often walk racehorses across the street between stables on the north side and the racecourse on the south side

b       the Road Safety Officer engage with the public with a view to reminding drivers of the road rules that apply to traffic is entering a road from a driveway and the expected behaviour of drivers who are travelling along a street and who might be passing that point



Points of discussion

·         Members are not aware of any problems that have arisen since the additional flashing warning lights were installed.





                        On the Motion of K Boulton and S Bloomfield

Traffic Committee members note that the following matter was distributed to members by email on 10 February 2020 with members responding in favour of the recommendation.

Traffic Committee recommends that the existing BUS ZONE located on the western side of Fitzmaurice Street, immediately north of the intersection with Johnston Street, should be increased in length from 18 to 30 metres, by converting two parallel parking bays to be included in the BUS ZONE. This will enable two buses to be accommodated in the zone at one time, as per the diagram below.







                        On the Motion of K Boulton and S Bloomfield

Traffic Committee recommends the installation of 21 metres of BUS ZONE, using standard R5-20 series signs with added words:

7am – 7pm

Sun to Wed

7am to 10pm

Thu to Sat

on the eastern side of Macleay Street between the southern end of the NO PARKING zone at the front of the TAFE administration building and the northern end of the NO STOPPING zone that is associated with the pedestrian kerb bulb.



Points of discussion

·         This is a new BUS ZONE on a new route.





                        On the Motion of K Boulton and S Bloomfield

Traffic Committee recommends that the developer and the road designer be asked to attend a future meeting of Traffic Committee to discuss matters with members, including the following specific issues:

a       the number of children who will be enrolled at the school

b       activity around the intersection of Estella Road and Gunn Drive

c       proximity of the intersection of Estrella Road and Gunn Drive to the nominated crossing point on Estella Road and how that proximity aligns with the required design of a Children’s’ Crossing

d       required clear sight distance for the implementation of a Children’s’ Crossing

e       how the pedestrian desire lines are intended to be changed

f        the effect that any change to the location of the Children’s’ Crossing will have on the location and function of the proposed bus bay

g       requirement for a channelised right turn arrangement to enter the drop off and pickup lane

h       the general operation of the staff car park

i         the interaction between traffic that is leaving the staff car park and traffic that is entering the drop off and pickup lane

j         implementation of Kiss-and-Go zones around the school

k       how parking can be restricted on the southern side of Estella Road opposite the school to minimise risk of pedestrians crossing the road

l         the length of the drop off and pickup lane

m      how the road around the drop off and pickup lane is proposed to operate        when the lane is full



Points of discussion

·         Contrary to the suggested recommendation in the business paper, members were not satisfied that the proposed pedestrian and vehicle traffic environment would be safe, particularly with the high number of young pedestrians that are likely to be in the area.

·         Members have many questions that only the project manager and/or the traffic facility designer will be able to answer.






                        On the Motion of K Boulton and S Bloomfield

Traffic Committee recommends that the following strategies be employed on the western Bourke Service Road and at intersecting streets and driveways between Huthwaite Street and Jack Avenue:

a       install a 240-metre length of NO PARKING zone, using standard R5-40 series signs along the eastern kerb of Bourke Service Road, i.e., the kerb between the service road and Bourke Street proper.

b       install an ‘A’ size R2-11 TWO-WAY graphic arrows sign on the western kerb of Bourke Service Road, as near as possible to the intersection with Huthwaite Street, facing north bound traffic.

c       paint two-way graphic arrows on the road seal in Bourke Service Road at 100 metres intervals between the intersections with Huthwaite Street and McKell Avenue

d       remove the R2-14(L) arrow graphic all traffic left sign from the eastern side of the Bourke Service Road opposite the main entry and exit from The Haven complex

e       install an ‘A’ size D4-2-3 bi-directional hazard marker on the eastern side of Bourke Service Road opposite the main entry and exit from The Haven complex, facing traffic that is exiting through that driveway.

f        remove the R2-14(L) arrow graphic all traffic left sign from the eastern side of the Bourke Service Road opposite the intersection with McKell Avenue.

g       install an ‘A’ size D4-2-3 bi-directional hazard marker on the eastern side of Bourke Service Road opposite the intersection with McKell Avenue, facing traffic that is travelling east in McKell Avenue

h       install an R2-2(L) ONE-WAY sign on the eastern side of Bourke Service Road immediately on the northern side of the intersection with McKell Avenue

i         install an ‘A’ size R2-17 ONE WAY sign on the western side of Bourke Service Road 10 metres north of the intersection with McKell Avenue and facing north bound traffic.

j         paint one-way graphic arrows on the road seal in Bourke Service Road at 100 metres intervals between the intersections with McKell Avenue and Jack Avenue

k       Council’s Road Safety Officer to undertake engagement with drivers who live and work at The Haven to explain the intended traffic flow plan

l         Council to design an improved intersection layout of formed islands and medians near the intersection of Huthwaite Street, Bourke Street and Bourke Service Road that will provide improved traffic flow.



Points of discussion

·         Reduction in vehicle traffic around a school is regarded as a worthwhile goal.





                        On the Motion of K Boulton and S Bloomfield

Traffic Committee recommends that the attached plans relating to the intersection of the Southern Exit Road from the Exhibition Centre with Kooringal Road be implemented including:

a       installation of an ‘A’ size R1-2 GIVE WAY sign on the south-east corner of the intersection, facing traffic that is travelling on the Southern Exit Road

b       installation of a TB line across the face of the intersection in conjunction with the GIVE WAY sign

c       installation of duplicated ‘A’ size R2-4 NO ENTRY sign on the north-east corner of the intersection, facing any driver that might consider turning from Kooringal Road into the Southern Exit Road

d       installation of an ‘A’ size R2-14(L) symbolic ALL TRAFFIC LEFT sign on the back of the sign that is mentioned at point ‘c’ (above) and that faces west bound traffic that is exiting the Exhibition Centre on Southern Exit Road

e       construction of a length of semi-mountable 1.2-metre-wide median island along the centre of Kooringal Road that is capable of preventing a right turn movement from Kooringal Road into the Southern Exit Road or from the Southern Exit Road into Kooringal Road

f        installation of ‘A’ size R2-31 KEEP LEFT plates on the ends of the median island that is mentioned at point ‘e’ (above), facing north and south bound traffic.

g       installation of overhead street lighting that complies with Australian Standard AS/NZS 1158 that is in place and operational before any construction of a structure that stands above the level of the road seal is commenced.







                        On the Motion of K Boulton and S Bloomfield

That Traffic Committee note the following matter was distributed to members on 20 February 2020 with members responding in favour of the event.


That Traffic Committee endorse the conduct of the Food and Wine Festival, to be held in the Victory Memorial Gardens and on Morrow Street between Baylis Street and Peter Street on Saturday 28 March 2020 subject to the following conditions:


a       a certified and approved Traffic Control Plan (TCP) that prevents ordinary traffic access to the area is to be implemented and maintained by appropriately authorised personnel prior to and throughout the event

b       there is to be no vehicular movement in the nominated areas during the event once setup is complete

c       organisers and event participants obey all Police directions

d       organisers and event participants obey any reasonable direction that is made by a Wagga Wagga City Council Officer in respect of the management of the road network

e       no event participant is to occupy a position on a road that is outside of the closed area

f        failure to comply with any condition immediately voids approval for the event and normal traffic regulation and restriction will apply from that time









A report on traffic controls in Forsyth Street, between Baylis Street and Berry Street, and the high number of U turns that are made by drivers in that area to be prepared and presented to a future meeting of Traffic Committee.



The Traffic Committee rose at 11:10am.