Minutes of the Extraordinary Traffic Committee held on Monday 1 February 2021.






Councillor Dan Hayes

Katherine Boulton               TfNSW

Sgt Steven Bloomfield       NSW Police




Peter Braneley                    Crouch Transport (Local Member’s Representative)


The Traffic Committee considered items via email.

Declarations Of Interest



0                 Implementation of NO RIGHT TURN signs at exits from Primary School situated at 127 Farrer Road Boorooma - DA/0224



That Traffic Committee endorse the recommendation for the implementation of the following regulatory “No Right Turn” restrictions at 127 Farrer Road, Boorooma.

a       Install one NO RIGHT TURN sign at the western-most light vehicle exit. This sign to face drivers exiting onto Farrer Road regulating all vehicles to turn left.

b       Install one NO RIGHT TURN sign with an additional sign BUSES EXCEPTED at the exit of the Bus Zone. This sign to face drivers exiting onto Farrer Road, regulating all vehicles, except buses, to turn left.



There was unanimous support for the recommendation




The Transport for NSW representative advised they had no issues at this point; however, should further safety feedback be received after buses commence taking these turns, the Traffic Committee can revisit and review



The Wagga Wagga City Council representative advised that the recommendation looked okay, but would like it reviewed during the year to see if is the best solution in particular with it being required outside of school zone times and the effectiveness of the arrangement with respect to traffic movements and safety.




No Questions With Notice were received.