Minutes of the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee held on Tuesday 30 March 2021.






Councillor Greg Conkey OAM              Wagga Wagga City Council

Councillor Vanessa Keenan                Wagga Wagga City Council

Councillor Tim Koschel                         Wagga Wagga City Council

Jenny Rolfe                                             Community Member

Ros Prangnell                                        Community Member

Patricia Murray                                       Community Member

Brian Mahony                                         Community Member





Peter Thompson                                    General Manager (WWCC)

Barry Griffiths                                         State Emergency Service (SES)

Craig Ronan                                           State Emergency Service (SES)

Steve Manwaring                                   Department Planning, Industry & Environment

Darren Raeck                                         Director Projects & Strategy

Janice Summerhayes                           Director Community Service

Peter Ross                                              Manager Technical and Strategy

Andrew Mason                                       Project Manager

Michael Casey                                        Communications & Engagement Coordinator

Amir Abbasnia                                        Design Engineer -  Sewer & Stormwater

Carly Hood                                              Environmental Coordinator

Mark Lerry                                               Office Water

Fiona Graham                                         (Minute Taker)




Councillor Rod Kendall                         Wagga Wagga City Council
Fin Martin                                                Local Land Services                 


The meeting of the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee commenced at 8.35am.

Acknowledgement Of Country

I would like to acknowledge the Wiradjuri people who are the Traditional Custodians of this Land. I would also like to pay respect to the Elders both past and present of the Wiradjuri Nation and extend that respect to other Community members present.


Confirmation of Minutes

CM-1         Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee - minutes - 23 February 2021



                        On the Motion of B Mahony and Patricia Murray

That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee Meeting held on 23 February be confirmed as a true and accurate record.

Note that the recommendations contained in the minutes of 23 February 2021 were endorsed by Council on 22 March 2021.



Declarations Of Interest


Reports from Staff

RP-1          PROJECT UPDATES - 30 MARCH 2021



                        On the Motion of J Rolfe and G Conkey OAM

That the Committee receive and note the report     


MOFS is on public exhibition from 26 March 2021 to 5 May 2021. A summary of submissions will be presented to the Committee for consideration. An extension of time for submissions will be granted upon request due to the complexity of the documents and taking into consideration the Easter period.


There are three funding grants lodged and awaiting outcomes:

-       Lake Albert Project

-       Glenfield Drain and Flowerdale Lagoon

-       Uranquinty levee feasibility study detailed design.

Webpage is currently being revitalised.

Council staff have met with Cardno and all required information has been provided. Meetings have been held with Bryan Short (Engineer), who has  been involved in emergency management and flooding with Council over many years. Staff are currently trying to obtain an abridged  version of the  Burrinjuck Dam Safety Management Plan.




RP-2          Project Updates - Villages



                        On the Motion of P Murray and J Rolfe

That the Committee receive and note the report.


VOFs is currently on public exhibition. An extension of time for submissions will be granted upon request due to the complexity of the documents and taking into consideration the Easter period.


Webpage is being revitalised. Media and Communications team are liaising with Felix and GRC Hydro.





RP-3          Project Updates - North Wagga Wagga



                        On the Motion of R Prangnell and G Conkey OAM

That the Committee receive and note the report


Is currently on hold – awaiting outcome.




RP-4          Peer Review Update and Presentation



                        On the Motion of R Prangnell and P Murray

That the committee

a       receive and note the report

b       note that a representative from BMT attended the meeting to provide a summary of the terms of engagement and an update on the project.


Jacquie Hannan – Project Manager NSW Flood Team Leader (BMT) presented an overview and update of the Peer Review 2018 Wagga Wagga Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan to the meeting.

Presentation is to be sent out to Committee.


Steve Manwaring:

-       Queried model – advised model is accepted and endorsed by the Consultant and Council. The review is to look at how the levee is modelled. It does not model different levee options as part of this review.

Mayor Greg Conkey:

-       Queried consultation with residents of North Wagga. Targeted consultation is being undertaken whilst looking at previous consultations. Can accept written submissions from residents but are not undertaking exhaustive consultation. Agreed Mayor Conkey to organise meetings with East Wagga Industrial area business owners.




RP-5          Flood Warning Review Project Update and Presentation



                        On the Motion of G Conkey OAM and B Mahony

That the committee

a       receive and note the draft report

b       note that representatives from Cardno are attending the meeting to present project updates


Catherine Walker – Cardno – presented to the Committee on the Wagga Wagga Flood Warning Review.

Stage 1 Summary report Review of current system has been submitted. Completion of Stage 3 is scheduled for July 2021.


Cr Vanessa Keenan:

-       Cost of automatic gates $500 thousand ($10,000 per actuator)

-       Total project cost including power connection would be approximately $800 thousand

-       Investigating Flowerdale

-       Requested a progress summary to be provided to Council within the next month for the Early warning System review.

-       Question on Notice for Council and Cardno on scope to co-opt committee members from Oura to gain their local knowledge for this project. Cardno would like to contact community leaders and hold a workshop, in addition to invitation to attend meetings. Cr Keenan to provide suggested contact details.


Barry Griffiths:

-       Queried population figures being used and if taking into account future population growth. Cardno advised that they will take this into consideration when at that stage.

Patricia Murray:

-       2012 flood (Hampton Bridge) – queried the implications of flood levels rising much faster than in the 1974 flood. Cardno advised liaising with BoM to ensure flood behaviour is understood. It is not a static flood characteristic. It may be recommended that a detailed analysis of this date can be undertaken in the future. Is dependant on where the rainfall is received. Many factors are affecting how fast the levels rise, eg saturation levels, fires resulting in loss of vegetation.

Darren Raeck:

Advised that are currently looking at a range of measuring devices, and reviewing available technologies. More details will be available in the next stage of the project.









No Questions With Notice were received.




Next meeting to be held 6 July 2021. A report will be provided to the Committee once community feedback is received, information collated and recommendations provided. Is estimated to be a two month process. Darren Raeck will provide email updates to committee on the community consultation provided prior to the next meeting.


The Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee rose at 10.00am.