Minutes of the Development Assessment Team held on Monday 3 May 2021.



Frank Goodyer              Local Emergency Management Officer (Chair)

Owen Plowman            REMO, NSW Police Force

Nigel Turney                  LEOCON, NSW Police Force

Wendy Frankham         Department of Defence, Wagga Wagga

Andrew Behan              Army Recruit Training Centre, Kapooka

Lisa McNaughton         31 Squadron RAAF Base Wagga Wagga

Donna Argus                 Family & Community Services

Roger Orr                      Rural Fire Service

Scott Conlan                 Rural Fire Service

Stewart Alexander       NSW Fire & Rescue

Daryl Manson               NSW Fire & Rescue

Phil Jenkins                  APA

Denise Garner              NSW Health

Lee Shoemark              Transport for NSW

Justin Bentley               State Emergency Service

Barry Griffiths               State Emergency Service

Eamon Purcell              NSW Ambulance

Jason Ip                         Riverina Water

Nigel Glennon              Essential Energy

Sandra Grentell            Anglicare

Leon Burger                  Airport Manager, Wagga Wagga City Council

Sharomi Dayanand      Environmental Health Coordinator, Wagga Wagga City Council


The meeting of the Local Emergency Management Committee commenced at 2.10pm.


Acknowledgement Of Country

I would like to acknowledge the Wiradjuri people who are the Traditional Custodians of this Land. I would also like to pay respect to the Elders both past and present of the Wiradjuri Nation and extend that respect to other Community members present.


Apologies were received and accepted by the Committee for the following officers:


Darren Raeck                Director Projects & Strategy, Wagga Wagga City Council

Mark Luff                       Local Land Services

Sam Quinton                Essential Energy

Bob Noble                     Riverina Police District Commander

Sam Quinton                 Essential Energy

Lauren Prezet               ABC radio

Warren Bremmer          Graincorp

Richard Meyer              DPI







On the Motion of Leon Burger and Stewart Alexander


That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Local Emergency Management Committee Meeting held on 8 February 2021 be confirmed as a true and accurate record.





Local Emergency Management Plan

The Local Emergency Management Plan update is progressing – The LEMO advised latest census data to be updated and document to be made more concise.

Action : In progress


Emergency Management Plan Working Group

Evacuation Centre audit document completed and forwarded to REMO for attention of SEOCON.

Action: No further action required.


Meeting with St Vincent De Paul

Discussion on role and function during emergency response including LEMO, LEOCON, REMO, D. Argus. TBA – LEMO.  LEMO advised this will progress prior to August LEMC.

Action: Meeting with relevant officers to be held prior to the August LEMC.




Airport Emergency response

The Committee received advice from Leon Burger, Airport Facility Manager, Wagga Wagga City Council, confirming:

·         Revised date of Saturday 14 August 2021 for facilitation of the exercise

·         Debrief session to be held 18 August 2021

·         Agency reports due three weeks after exercise being 4 September 2021


Riverina Water presentation

The Committee received a presentation by Jason Ip, Manager Operations, Riverina Water County Council, providing an overview of water supply area and impact during emergencies.


Wagga Wagga Flood Emergency Sub-Plan


Barry Griffiths, Deputy Zone Commander, SES Southern Zone.

The Committee received a brief overview of the Wagga Wagga Flood Emergency Sub-Plan.

Action: Agencies to review and comment if required.






As per Business Arising item.



Region Rescue exercise planned for 11 September 2021 in the Livingstone State Forest. See attached report.



Position of LEOCON and future LEMC representation to be confirmed.



§ NSW State Emergency Service      As per General Business item

§ NSW Ambulance Service                Agency report attached

§ Fire and Rescue NSW                     Agency report attached

§ NSW Rural Fire Service                          

§ NSW Police Force

§ NSW Rescue Association



§ Defence

o   Gradual return to normal operations post COVID including                                    spectators at march out parades and local leave for recruits.



§ Essential Energy

§ Department of Primary Industry

§ APA Group

§ Murrumbidgee Local Health District

o   Stage 3 of Wagga Wagga Base Hospital operational

§ Wagga Wagga City Council – Airport

o   Overview of 3 x emergency incident activations since February 2021.

o   Issues identified with emergency response vehicles and accessing correct staging point location.

o   Emphasised the need for emergency service vehicles standing by at the staging area until aircraft have landed and services are required to respond.

§ Wagga Wagga City Council - Public Health

o   Currently working with Public Health on program of food business inspections.

§ Transport for NSW

o   Travers Street and Old Narrandera Road upgrades in testing stage with geotechnical drilling.

o   Marshalls Creek Bridge widening to  commence before end of year. Will require total closure to traffic during some phases of construction and consultation will take place with WWCC re traffic diversions.

o   COVID travel habits have seen a large increase in travel movements on the states road network especially the towing of caravans.

o   Significant impacts of recent flood emergencies outside of this LGA on the road network and resources required to repair damage.

§ Anglicare

o   Emergency response training for volunteers conducted in March with about 20 people attending.

§ Community Services

§ Other




The next Local Emergency Management Committee Meeting will be held on 2 August 2021 at 2:00pm and the Bob Osbourne Skill Centre, Fernleigh Road, Wagga Wagga.



The Local Emergency Management Committee rose at 3.35pm.