Minutes of the Crime Prevention Working Group held on Monday 21 June 2021.



Mayor, Cr Greg Conkey     Wagga Wagga City Council

Brad Wotton                          Department of Communities and Justice

Madeleine Scully                 Wagga Wagga City Council





Cr Kerry Pascoe                           Wagga Wagga City Council

Andrew Stockman                        Department of Premier and Cabinet

Tracey Pahl                                   Department Communities and Justice

Nadine Roberts                             NSW Police, Wagga Wagga Local Area Command

Bob Noble                                      NSW Police, Wagga Wagga Local Area Command

Dr Joe McGirr                                Member for Wagga Wagga

Jenene McGrath                           Department of Education

Colin Taggart                                 Neighbourhood Watch

Saba Nabi                                      Community Member

Johanna Hough                            Communities and Justice





Janice Summerhayes                  Director Community

Victoria Lowe                                 Acting Social Planning Coordinator

Michelle Castle                             Minute Taker



The meeting of the Crime Prevention Working Group commenced at 12 noon.

Acknowledgement Of Country

Wagga Wagga City Council acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land, the Wiradjuri people, and pays respect to Elders past, present and future and extends our respect to all First Nations Peoples in Wagga Wagga.


We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and continuing connection with the land and rivers. We also recognise the resilience, strength and pride of the Wiradjuri and First Nations communities.

Confirmation of Minutes

CM-1         Crime Prevention Working Group - 19 April 2021



                        On the Motion of A Stockman and C Taggart

That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Crime Prevention Working Group Meeting held on 19 April 2021 be confirmed as a true and accurate record.



Declarations Of Interest

No declarations of interest were received.


Johanna Hough, Communications and Community Engagement Manager, Communities and Justice informed the Crime Prevention Working Group of what the Step Together Program is and how this assists people who require support.


RP-1          Officer's Report



                        On the Motion of B Noble and S Nabi

That the Crime Prevention Working Group

a       Receive and note this report






1.     Superintendent Bob Noble, Wagga Wagga Local Area Command acknowledged Detective Inspector Adrian Telfer’s time on the Crime Prevention Working Group. Mr Telfer has taken a new position with the Australian Federal Police Counter Terrorism Unit.


Mr Noble also provided an update on top priorities for the Wagga Wagga Local Area Command.


2.  Dr Joe McGirr thanked the members of the working group for their work, and advised the working group had been effective, in particular linking government agencies to community members was very important in this area of work. Dr Joe McGirr also wished to thank Wagga Wagga City Council for establishing and hosting the working group.

3.  Janice Summerhayes advised this was the last meeting for the Crime Prevention Working Group, as all committees and working groups will cease in line with the upcoming Local Government Elections in September 2021. Once a new Council is appointed all committees and working groups will be reviewed.


4.  Janice Summerhayes and members of the Crime Prevention Working Group thanked everyone for their time and contributions to the meetings held for this term of Council.


The Crime Prevention Working Group rose at 13:05pm .