Minutes of the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee held on Tuesday 8 June 2021.




Councillor Greg Conkey OAM              Wagga Wagga City Council

Councillor Vanessa Keenan                Wagga Wagga City Council

Councillor Rod Kendall                         Wagga Wagga City Council

Jenny Rolfe                                             Community Member

Ros Prangnell                                        Community Member

Patricia Murray                                       Community Member

Brian Mahony                                         Community Member




Peter Thompson                                    General Manager (WWCC)

Steve Manwaring                                   Department Planning, Industry & Environment

Darren Raeck                                         Director Projects & Strategy

Peter Garland                                         Senior Engineer - Strategy

Amir Abbasnia                                        Design Engineer - Sewer & Stormwater

Carly Hood                                              Environmental Coordinator

Janice Summerhayes                           Director Community Service

Sam Robins                                            Town Planner

Andrew Mason                                       Project Manager

Scott Gray                                               Manager Executive Support

Olivia Jones                                            Executive Assistant (Minute Taker)

Erin Askew                                              WMAwater

Stephen Gray                                         GRCHydro




Darryl Heaslip                                         State Emergency Service (SES)

Craig Ronan                                           State Emergency Service (SES)

Peter Ross                                              Manager Technical and Strategy

Fin Martin                                                Local Land Services (LLS)

Michael Casey                                        Communications & Engagement Coordinator


The meeting of the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee commenced at 8:34am


Acknowledgement Of Country

I would like to acknowledge the Wiradjuri people who are the Traditional Custodians of this Land. I would also like to pay respect to the Elders both past and present of the Wiradjuri Nation and extend that respect to other Community members present.


Declarations Of Interest


Reports from Staff




That the committee receive and note the report.


Erin Askew and Stephen Gray presented to the Committee. Presentations to be distributed to the Committee for further reference.


Erin Askew Presentation

Councillor Vanessa Kennan:

·         What is our plan of communicating and engaging with the people impacted?

Sam Robins advised that this is high on the Agenda, and that Council is working on ways to ensure it is proactive in its approach. For example; references on the S10 Certificates “this property may be subject to flood management controls”

·         Can we expand this to North Wagga?

Erin Askew advised, it is not within the Scope.


Councillor Rod Kendall

·         Will we be identifying which other local areas which will be included in an additional study, to ensure we are covering all problem areas?

Erin Askew advised that this would definitely be the case, and agreed with the importance of this being included.

·         I am concerned that the costing seems low. Less the $300,000 – Culvert under the road plus additional drainage channel. Should we be checking the costings to make sure they are in accordance with what we think they should be. Especially for Crocked Creek, seeing as this will probably require significant work.

This is something that Council staff will look in to. Costings have been slightly updated in the most recent Report. This will be recirculated.


Stephen Gray Presentation

Councillor Vanessa Kennan:

·         FDM – What is the difference between drainage and over flow and how would you determine the difference.

Stephen Gray said that this was very vague, however would be similar to PMF, and having to continually reinsert common sense.

·         Would velocity come in to play?

Yes it would. (Stephen Gray)


Councillor Rod Kendall:

·         Is it intended that we have a proactive forecast (weather) for flood plan response to be able to locate pumps out in Uranquinty for example.

Stephen Gray responded by saying that we shouldn’t have that onus, the Bureau of Meteorology needs to take responsibility and offer these warnings, so it doesn’t come back on to Council. Wagga Wagga is also too small of a catchment area.

·         (QWN) Internal Funding

Steven Manwaring mentioned that Council have put in three (3) separate applications for funding, including Glenfield Drain, Lake Albert and Uranquinty.


Brian Mahony:

·         There have been regular maintenance during 2012 and the 2016 events, we managed to get the area cleared and the flow through the creek. As we have discussed with the raising of the levee, there is a breach point between the two bridged that needs to be addressed – raising gate 5 between the road and the bridge. In adverse situations water does come in to the town through that bridge point, I agree with the improvement to the northern levee that Council is currently working on but, this is a new development which has had no trouble. Dunns Road and the higher ground surrounding had issues in the last event, 10 hours of flowing water. Did you have any comment on that Stephen?

Stephen advised that the drainage elements are a model, and some of that water has been transferred. This was all raised during public exhibition.

·         The February event had water overflow in areas that we had never seen before.

Stephen confirmed that this was an unusual event, and could be put down to how the soil performs, and the amount how water that was already there . However, these areas aren’t high risk and are annoying more than anything and don’t require intervention.


Ros Prangnell:

·         Given that these plans are adopted, the projects are prioritised and we have the money. Will there be a follow up or feedback plan down the track?

Darren confirmed that Council does have maintenance plans, for example Levees have 3 monthly inspections. 


Patricia Murray:

·         Are there any implications in regards to getting various Government bodies to put the 1 in 100 levee around Uranquinty vs North Wagga Wagga (River vs Creek), and further upgrading of gates along the levee.

Stephen Gray replied by saying that based on the data this is something that won’t be endorsed. We haven’t seen a difference in intensity of the rainfall which would result in reactive time.


Brian recommended that all Committee members take a tour of Uranquinty to see on the ground what the proposed works are. Tour to be arranged and provide further information on this if there is sufficient demand.





QWN-1 Councillor rod kendall requested council staff look in to whether or not there are interal funding which may be avaliable

General business

The next meeting will be held on 6 July 2021.


The Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee rose at 10:34am.