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Agenda and
Business Paper


Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee




To be held on
Thursday 15 February 2024

at 8.30am


Civic Centre cnr Baylis and Morrow Streets,
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 (PO Box 20)
P 1300 292 442
P council@wagga.nsw.gov.au



Reports submitted to the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee to be held on Thursday 15 February 2024.

Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee AGENDA AND BUSINESS PAPER

Thursday 15 February 2024


CLAUSE               PRECIS                            PAGE

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2

APOLOGIES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2

DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST                                                                                                                                                                                    2

Reports from Staff

RP-1           SES Introduction                                                                                                                                                     3

RP-2           2021-22-FM-0024 - Glenfield Drain and Flowerdale Storage Flood Mitigation Works                                                                                                                                                     4

RP-3           Local & Regional Risk Reduction Stream - Levee Pump Augmentation                                                                                                                                                     6

RP-4           2021-22-FM-0039 - Lake Albert Flood Mitigation Options - Feasibility Study                                                                                                                                                     8

RP-5           2021-22-FM-0032 - Uranquinty Levee Upgrade - Investigation and Design                                                                                                                                                   10

RP-6           2022-FMP-0103 Humula and Mangoplah Flood Studies                                                                                                                                                   12

RP-7           2018-19-FM-0071 - North Wagga Flood Mitigation Options                                                                                                                                                   13

RP-8           Flood Project Implementation Status                                                                                                                                                   15

QUESTIONS WITH NOTICE                                                                                                                -                                                                                                             17








Report submitted to the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee on Thursday 15 February 2024



Reports from Staff

RP-1             SES Introduction

Author:        Andrew Mason 

Director:      Phil McMurray




SES have had some staff changes recently.




That the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee receive and note the update provided in relation to SES staff changes.



The new local controller for the SES is Shane Hargraves.


The new Coordinator Emergency Planning – Southern Zone is Josh Stanbury


Financial Implications


Policy and Legislation


Link to Strategic Plan

Safe and Healthy Community

Objective: Our community feel safe

Be responsive to emergencies


Risk Management Issues for Council


Internal / External Consultation




Report submitted to the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee on Thursday 15 February 2024



RP-2             2021-22-FM-0024 - Glenfield Drain and Flowerdale Storage Flood Mitigation Works

Author:        Andrew Mason 

Director:      Phil McMurray




Lyall and Associates have provided an update on the project. 




That the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee receive and note the update provided in relation to the Glenfield Drain and Flowerdale Storage Area Flood Mitigation Works Project.



From Lyall and Associates:


“We are in the process of completing a small task for Warren in the lower reaches of the Glenfield Road drain catchment, after which we’ll embark on modifying the structure of the flood models over the wider catchment.  As such, I don’t believe we need to attend the FRMAC meeting until such time as we have an updated set of baseline model results.”


This time, scope and cost variation has been approved by Council and will be funded through the internal budget process.


The revised timeline has been provided by Lyall and Associates and is an attachment to the business papers for this meeting.


A time variation request outlining the revised study program has been submitted to DPE for approval.


Financial Implications


Policy and Legislation



Link to Strategic Plan

Safe and Healthy Community

Objective: Our community feel safe

Be responsive to emergencies




Risk Management Issues for Council


Internal / External Consultation







Report submitted to the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee on Thursday 15 February 2024



RP-3             Local & Regional Risk Reduction Stream - Levee Pump Augmentation

Author:        Andrew Mason 

Director:      Phil McMurray




A consultant has been appointed for this project.




That the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee receive and note the update provided in relation to the Levee Pump Augmentation Project.



Stantec have begun work on this project.


The following steps have been completed or are currently underway:

·    Site visit to 5 floodgates.

·    Topographic survey of sites, pipes, and levee.

·    Flood model analysis completed.

·    Gate 15A assessment completed.

·    Gate 15A construction drawings 100% complete.

·    Gate 15A tender for earthworks out to market.

·    Gate 15A pipework quote is being finalised.


A variation for model calibration and updating has been approved by Council.


Stantec will join the meeting to provide a brief update and an outline of their findings regarding the flood modelling for the levee pumps.


Financial Implications


Policy and Legislation



Link to Strategic Plan

Community leadership and collaboration

Objective: Wagga Wagga has strong community leadership and a shared vision for the future

Plan long term for the future of Wagga Wagga





Risk Management Issues for Council


Internal / External Consultation




Report submitted to the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee on Thursday 15 February 2024



RP-4             2021-22-FM-0039 - Lake Albert Flood Mitigation Options - Feasibility Study

Author:        Andrew Mason 

Director:      Phil McMurray




Work on this project has commenced and Stantec are working on the project in line with the program, two reports are provided for the committee.




That the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee receive and note the update provided in relation to the Lake Albert Flood Mitigation Project.



Stantec have completed two stages of their program and provided the reports to Council for acceptance. The consultant is unable to attend the meeting today and will be providing their consultation plan for approval in the next couple of weeks. 

The two reports are:

·    Lake Albert Feasibility Study, Data Review and Hydraulic Model Review.

·    Lake Albert Feasibility Study, Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Due Diligence Assessment.

Financial Implications


Policy and Legislation



Link to Strategic Plan

Safe and Healthy Community

Objective: Our community feel safe

Be responsive to emergencies


Risk Management Issues for Council


Internal / External Consultation





Report submitted to the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee on Thursday 15 February 2024



RP-5             2021-22-FM-0032 - Uranquinty Levee Upgrade - Investigation and Design

Author:        Andrew Mason  

Director:      Phil McMurray



The project is progressing as per the required program. The preliminary design has been completed.



That the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee receive and note the update provided in relation to the Uranquinty Levee project.



RHDHV have completed the preliminary design and developed their consultation plan and will be providing an update to the meeting via Zoom.


Financial Implications


Policy and Legislation


Link to Strategic Plan

Safe and Healthy Community

Objective: Our community feel safe

Be responsive to emergencies

Risk Management Issues for Council


Internal / External Consultation




Report submitted to the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee on Thursday 15 February 2024



RP-6             2022-FMP-0103 Humula and Mangoplah Flood Studies

Author:        Andrew Mason 

Director:      Phil McMurray




WMAwater have commenced the study for Humula and Mangoplah and will present to the committee at the meeting




That the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee receive and note the update provided in relation to the Humula and Mangoplah Flood Studies Project.



Council engaged WMAwater in late September 2023, to undertake the Humula and Mangoplah Flood Study.  A project inception meeting and site visit was undertaken in early November with Council staff and the WMAwater team.  This was a great opportunity for the project team to see the study area and understand the flood impacts experienced by the communities in the 2010 and 2012 flood events.   


WMA Water have provided a presentation to the committee and will attend the meeting in person to discuss this project.


Financial Implications


Policy and Legislation


Link to Strategic Plan

Safe and Healthy Community

Objective: Our community feel safe

Be responsive to emergencies


Risk Management Issues for Council


Internal / External Consultation



Report submitted to the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee on Thursday 15 February 2024



RP-7             2018-19-FM-0071 - North Wagga Flood Mitigation Options

Author:        Andrew Mason 

Director:      Phil McMurray




The project is progressing well, and the final stage of the community consultation has been completed.




That the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee receive and note the update provided in relation to the North Wagga Flood Mitigation Options Project.



The consultant CIE, Woolcott, and WMAwater have been working on the 2nd stage of the community consultation. The phone survey and online survey have been completed.


The economic analysis has been completed and CIE have developed the economic BCR of each option and a draft report has been provided to the committee for feedback.


The community consultation has been completed and some analysis of the survey will be provided to the committee today.


There has been a timeline developed for this project that will ensure it is completed in a timely manner.


The consultant will be attending the meeting to discuss the draft reports and seek feedback from the committee so a recommendation from the committee can be developed and the finalisation of the draft report can be undertaken.


Financial Implications


Policy and Legislation


Link to Strategic Plan

Safe and Healthy Community

Objective: Our community feel safe

Be responsive to emergencies

Risk Management Issues for Council


Internal / External Consultation



Report submitted to the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee on Thursday 15 February 2024



RP-8             Flood Project Implementation Status

Author:        Andrew Mason 

Director:      Phil McMurray




This Report outlines the status of the flood projects across the various studies that Council currently has underway.




That the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee receive and note the report in relation to Flood Project Implementation Status



Council has over 60 recommendations from the three recently completed studies and is working its way through the studies. The spreadsheet tracking these projects is an attachment to this report.

Financial Implications


Policy and Legislation


Link to Strategic Plan

Safe and Healthy Community

Objective: Our community feel safe

Be responsive to emergencies


Risk Management Issues for Council

As outlined in the Report.

Internal / External Consultation




Reports submitted to the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee to be held on Thursday 15 February 2024.