Minutes of the Traffic Committee held on Thursday 8 February 2024.




Councillor Richard Foley     Wagga Wagga City Council

Peter Braneley                    Representative of Local State Member of Parliament

Sergeant Gerard Horsley     NSW Police (via Teams)        

Greg Minehan                     Transport for NSW





Mr Warren Faulkner            Director Infrastructure Services

Ms Louise Weaton              Executive Assistant Infrastructure Services



Darren Moulds                     NSW Police

Paul Kemp                          NSW Police


The meeting of the Traffic Committee commenced at 9.40 am.

Acknowledgement Of Country

Wagga Wagga City Council acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land, the Wiradjuri people, and pays respect to Elders past, present and future and extends our respect to all First Nations Peoples in Wagga Wagga.


We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and continuing connection with the land and rivers. We also recognise the resilience, strength and pride of the Wiradjuri and First Nations communities.

Confirmation of Minutes



Officer Recommendation

That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on the 16 November 2023 be confirmed as a true and accurate record.

Committee Recommendation

That the Committee confirm the Minutes of the proceedings of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on the 16 November 2023 be confirmed as a true and accurate record.


For the Motion

Against the Motion

Warren Faulkner - Wagga City Council


Clr Richard Foley – Wagga City Council



Declarations Of Interest

No declarations received.


RP-1        Proposed Mobility Parking Space - Forsyth Street adjacent to the Market Place Mall


Officer Recommendation

That the Local Traffic Committee approve the installation of a compliant 7.8 metre length of Mobility Parking Scheme zone on the southern side of Forsyth Street immediately west of the traffic light controlled pedestrian crossing between Baylis and Berry Streets, using standard R5-1-3 series signs with the additional information “2P’ to be displayed on the sign and the adjacent T & L marked spaces to be adjusted accordingly to a minimum of 6 metres each.


Committee Recommendation


That the Council approve the installation of a compliant 7.8 metre length of Mobility Parking Scheme zone on the southern side of Forsyth Street immediately west of the traffic light controlled pedestrian crossing between Baylis and Berry Streets, using standard R5-1-3 series signs with the additional information “2P’ to be displayed on the sign and the adjacent T & L marked spaces to be adjusted accordingly to a minimum of 6 metres each.



For the Motion

Against the Motion

Greg Minehan - Transport NSW


Clr Richard Foley – Wagga City Council


Peter Braneley - Community Representative


Sgt Gerard Horsley - NSW Police



RP-2        Installation of 70/50 Speed Limit Sign - Indigo Drive to Deakin Avenue, Lloyd


Officer Recommendation

That the local Traffic Committee endorse the installation of R4-1 70/50 Speed Limit signs where Indigo Drive and Deakin Avenue meet as shown on Sheet 2 of 67 of the Eslers “Lloyd Stage 10” Plan, Revision D dated June 2021 attached.

Committee Recommendation


At the request of Transport for NSW, a speed zone assessment is to be carried out in Indigo Drive.



For the Motion

Against the Motion

Greg Minehan - Transport NSW


Clr Richard Foley – Wagga City Council


Peter Braneley - Community Representative


Sgt Gerard Horsley - NSW Police



RP-3        Change of Date - August 2024 Local Traffic Committee Meeting


Officer Recommendation

That the Local Traffic Committee endorse the change of meeting date from 29 August 2024 to 8 August 2024 to ensure the advice of the Local Traffic Committee will be considered by the current Council at its Ordinary Meeting on the 26 August 2024.

Committee Recommendation

That the Council endorse the change of meeting date from 29 August 2024 to 8 August 2024 to ensure the advice of the Local Traffic Committee will be considered by the current Council at its Ordinary Meeting on the 26 August 2024.




For the Motion

Against the Motion

Greg Minehan - Transport NSW


Clr Richard Foley – Wagga City Council


Peter Braneley - Community Representative


Sgt Gerard Horsley - NSW Police



RP-4        Request for a change of Movement Control - Kincaid & Beckwith Street Intersection, Wagga Wagga


Officer Recommendation

That the Local Traffic Committee consider changing the north and south bound Give Way movement control on Beckwith Street at its intersection with Kincaid Street to a Stop control in accordance with Australian Standards.



Committee Recommendation

At the request of Transport for NSW this item be deferred to the next meeting  and be reviewed in conjunction with the plans for the ATP on Beckwith Street.


The existing give way signs to be changed to the larger C size signs to increase visibility



For the Motion

Against the Motion

Greg Minehan - Transport NSW


Clr Richard Foley


Peter Braneley - Community Representative


Sgt Gerard Horsley - NSW Police







Clr Richard Foley – on behalf of Clr Michael Henderson - Just following up as per phone call couple of days ago in regards to the day care centre on the intersection of Lake Albert road and Plumpton road. The owner has safety issues with the current stop sign at this intersection and has seen numerous accidents.


There has been discussions previously with council and they erected armco railing along their front fence to assist in the safety of the children at the centre


The question has been asked can a roundabout be designed for this intersection to improve the current situation.



Clr Richard Foley – When is Avocet Drive extension opening?


Response: Stage 15A has started, Alatalo Bros advise September 2024 but more likely end of 2024.



Greg Minehan – Transport for NSW – Queried where the Farrer Road – Installation of control devices matter for TRAC got up to noting that Council acted contrary to the advice of the LTC. Has Transport for NSW and the Police been notified in accordance with the delegation?


Response: Not as yet noting that the control device have not been installed as yet and the works are still ongoing.




Greg Minehan – Transport for NSW - On Road Events – are they being referred to the Local Traffic Committee?

Response: Only if required and the application is submitted at least 3 months before the event to enable enough time for it to be submitted to the LTC. Otherwise, Council is using it’s delegation’s to process the application with a customer focus in mind.


The Traffic Committee rose at 10.14am.


Next Meeting – Thursday 11 April 2024