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Agenda and
Business Paper


Traffic Committee




To be held on
Wednesday 7 August 2024

at 8:30 AM




Civic Centre cnr Baylis and Morrow Streets,
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 (PO Box 20)
P 1300 292 442
P council@wagga.nsw.gov.au


Reports submitted to the Traffic Committee to be held on Wednesday 7 August 2024.


Wednesday 7 August 2024


CLAUSE               PRECIS                                                                                            PAGE

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY                                                                                   2

APOLOGIES                                                                                                                          2

Confirmation of Minutes

CM-1           Confirmation of Minutes - 13 June 2024 - Local Traffic Committee Meeting                                                                                                                           2

DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST                                                                                             2


RP-1            DA22/0346.01  New Service Station at 226-236 Hammond Avenue East Wagga Wagga - No Parking and other Prescribed Traffic Control Devices                                                                                                                     3

RP-2            Mahogany Drive and Gregadoo Road Intersection, Lake Albert            6

RP-3            Blakelys Road and Dunns Road Intersection – Springvale           8

RP-4            2024 Lake Run & Ride Event - Sunday 29 September 2024                     10

RP-5            Gears & Beers Festival 2024 - Sunday 6 October 2024                        40

RP-6            Kincaid Street - Centre of Road Parking                                              41

RP-7            Active Travel Plan - Central link - Beckwith Street                        49

QUESTIONS WITH NOTICE                                                                                                   65







Confirmation of Minutes

CM-1              Confirmation of Minutes - 13 June 2024 - Local Traffic Committee Meeting


That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Local Traffic Committee E-Meeting held on 13 June 2024 be confirmed as a true and accurate record.





Minutes of the Traffic Committee held Thursday 13 June 2024





Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Wednesday 7 August 2024




RP-1               DA22/0346.01  New Service Station at 226-236 Hammond Avenue East Wagga Wagga - No Parking and other Prescribed Traffic Control Devices

Author:          Warren Faulkner         


Officer Recommendation

That the Local Traffic Committee endorse the installation of a length of NO STOPPING and other prescribed traffic control devices on Hammond Avenue as shown on Xeros Piccolo Line and Signage Plan for Project Number 230318, Sheet C8 Revision E dated 08.04.2024 and stamped Accepted for Construction by Transport for NSW on 26 June 2024.


Condition C.17 of the determination for Development Application DA22/0346.01 is:


Prior to the release of the Construction Certificate a plan shall be submitted to and approved by the General Manager or delegate, that identifies a no stopping restriction in Hammond Avenue for the length of the site, as well as any other proposed prescribed traffic control devices.


This plan is required to be referred to and approved by the Local Traffic Committee before it is approved as these works incorporate a prescribed traffic control device.


NOTE 1: A prescribed traffic control device is a sign, signal, marking, structure or other device to direct or warn traffic on a road or road related area.


NOTE2: The Local Traffic Committee only meets two-monthly and only between the months of March and November. Therefore, to avoid delays the timing of meetings should be taken into consideration in preparing your plan for submission.


The attached plan has been Approved for Construction by Transport for NSW as the Roads Authority by way of a Works Authorisation Deed as required by condition C.18 of the determination.


The plan is presented for the consideration of the Committee.

Risk Management Issues for Council

There are no risk management issues for Council.  Transport for NSW are the Roads Authority and have issued a Works Authorisation Deed as required by condition C.18 of DA22/0346.01

Internal / External Consultation

Consultation was conducted as part of the Development Application process.  Transport for NSW have been consulted as they have issued a Works Authorisation Deed for the works as the Roads Authority.





232-236 Hammond Avenue East Wagga Wagga - Linemarking and Signage Plan - Issued for Construction




Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Wednesday 7 August 2024



Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Wednesday 7 August 2024



RP-2               Mahogany Drive and Gregadoo Road Intersection, Lake Albert

Author:          Warren Faulkner         



That the Local Traffic Committee endorse the installation of a Give Way sign and line marking for a CHR(s) treatment as shown on MJM Sheet Number C5 of Project Number 200102


Development Application DA22/0192 is a 44 Lot residential subdivision that is being completed in 5 stages.

The first stage of the development involves the creation of a new access into the subdivision off Gregadoo Road to create 8 Lots.

Condition C.12 of the consent for the development is:

Prior to the release of the Subdivision Works Certificate for Stage 1 a plan shall be submitted to and approved by the General Manager or delegate, that identifies the intersection design of Road 1 and Gregadoo Road. This plan is required to be referred to, and approved by the Local Traffic Committee before it is approved as these works incorporate a prescribed traffic control device.

NOTE 1: A prescribed traffic control device is a sign, signal, marking, structure or other device to direct or warn traffic on a road or road related area.

NOTE 2: The Local Traffic Committee only meets two-monthly and only between the months of March and November. Therefore to avoid delays the timing of meetings should be taken into consideration in preparing your plan for submission.

The plan for the intersection submitted to Council as part of the Subdivision Works Certificate application (SWC24/0002) is attached for the consideration of the committee. 

Risk Management Issues for Council

There are no significant risk management issues for Council associated with this report

Internal / External Consultation

Not Applicable





Intersection detail - Stage 1 - Subdivision - 66-70 Gregadoo Road Lake Albert




Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Wednesday 7 August 2024



Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Wednesday 7 August 2024



RP-3               Blakelys Road and Dunns Road Intersection - Springvale

Author:                        Warren Faulkner         



That the Local Traffic Committee endorse the installation of a Give Way sign and line marking as shown on MJM Sheet Number C6 of Project Number 210613


Development Application DA22/0094.01 is a 16 Lot residential subdivision that is currently under construction.

Condition C.59A of the consent for the development is:

Prior to the release of the Subdivision Certificate a plan shall be submitted to and approved by the General Manager or delegate, that identifies signage and linemarking required for the intersection of Dunns Road and Blakelys Road. This plan is required to be referred to, and approved by the Local Traffic Committee before it is approved as these works incorporate a prescribed traffic control device.

NOTE 1: A prescribed traffic control device is a sign, signal, marking, structure or other device to direct or warn traffic on a road or road related area.

NOTE 2: The Local Traffic Committee only meets two-monthly and only between the months of March and November. Therefore to avoid delays the timing of meetings should be taken into consideration in preparing your plan for submission.

The plan for the intersection submitted to Council as part of the Subdivision Works Certificate application (SWC24/0001) is attached for the consideration of the committee. 

Risk Management Issues for Council

There are no significant risk management issues for Council associated with this report

Internal / External Consultation

Not Applicable





Intersection and LInemarking Design - Subdivision - 39 Currawang Drive Springvale




Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Wednesday 7 August 2024



Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Wednesday 7 August 2024



RP-4               2024 Lake Run & Ride Event - Sunday 29 September 2024

Author:                        Warren Faulkner         


Officer Recommendation

That the Local Traffic Committee approve the conduct of the 2024 Lake Run and Ride Event on Sunday 29 September 2024.


The Wagga Lake Run and ride, is a free to enter, community participation event where participants walk, run 5km or run, walk or cycle 10km through the streets of Wagga and around Lake Albert.

The lntersport (formerly Sportsmans Warehouse) Warehouse Wagga Lake Run and Ride has been going since 1972. Formerly known as the Wagga Lake to Lagoon Fun Run and Family Cycle, our event was originally titled the Wagga City to Lake. The event is usually held in September - is FREE and includes the unusual mix of family cyclists, runners and walkers.

For many, the Lake Run and Ride is an iconic regional event not to be missed every year - and as such is part of the fabric of the community.

10km Cycle, Run and Walk: Starts at Eastlake Drive, Lake Albert, continues north along Lake Albert Road. The route turns near the intersection with Lord Baden Powell Drive and participants will reverse direction along Lake Albert Road to a point near the northern end of Lake Albert at Lakeside Drive where the event leaves the road network and continues on the shared path around the western side of Lake Albert.

5km Run and walk: Starts at Eastlake Drive, Lake Albert, also continues north along Lake Albert Road to the northern end of Lake Albert at Lakeside Drive where the event leaves the road network and continues on the shared path around the western side of Lake Albert.

Lake Albert Road will be divided by witches hats and participants will keep to the RIGHT to avoid the necessity of participants crossing paths at the point where the event leaves the road network or participants need access to drinks stations.

Risk Management Issues for Council

The purpose of this report is to adequately manage risks that are associated with an on-street event.

Internal / External Consultation

Consultation was undertaken with the event organiser.





Lake Run & Ride 2024 - combined papers & approval letter




Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Wednesday 7 August 2024



Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Wednesday 7 August 2024



RP-5               Gears & Beers Festival 2024 - Sunday 6 October 2024

Author:          Warren Faulkner         



That the Local Traffic Committee support the conduct of the 2024 Gears and Beers Event on Sunday 6 October 2024.


The Gears and Beers Festival and the Dirty 130, has been held annually in Wagga Wagga since 2013. It is one of the largest and most popular events on the Australian and international gravel cycling calendar.


The 2024 Gears and Beers Festival is to be conducted along Baylis Street, Fitzmaurice Street and Morrow Street in Wagga Wagga on Sunday 6 October 2024. The event will involve five separate escorted bicycle rides over varying lengths from 10 kilometres to 130 kilometres.


On Sunday 6th October, Baylis street will be closed from Morrow Street to Johnson Street between the hours of 5.30am – 4.00pm.


Morrow street will be closed between Peter Street and O’Reilly Street’s.


5 Rides will depart the start finish area between the Council chambers and Victory Memorial Gardens. First ride beginning at 7.00am last ride to leave at 10.00am. It is expected all rides will return before 2.30pm.


The event is not a race or a time trial. Participants will be discouraged from undertaking any form of behaviour that could be construed to come within the definition that is contained in Section 115 of the Road Transport Act 2013.


A high standard of traffic control can only be undertaken through the systematic consideration of the conditions that may be encountered during the event and the implementation of specific traffic control and contingency plans.

Risk Management Issues for Council

The purpose of the report is to adequately manage risks that are associated with an on-street event.  Officers do not consider there will be any significant risk management issues for the Council with the conduct of the event.

Internal / External Consultation

Consultation is in progress with the event organiser.




Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Wednesday 7 August 2024



RP-6               Kincaid Street - Centre of Road Parking

Author:          Warren Faulkner         



Officer Recommendation

That the Local Traffic Committee endorse the installation of regulatory signs for the centre-of-road parking arrangement in Kincaid Street between Fitzmaurice Street and Trail Street as detailed on Council Plan Registration C1970 Sheet Number 004 Issue 1 dated 15 July 2024.



At the 13 June 2024 Local Traffic Committee meeting, the Centre of Road Parking arrangement on Kincaid Street between Fitzmaurice Street and Trail Street was an agenda item.


Concerns were raised by the Transport for NSW representative that the length of the centre parking bays were not long enough for the length of some vehicles commonly used today.  This was also supported by the Police representative.  Typically a lot of larger cars (4WD’s/Ford Rangers/Twin cab utes) are around 6m long.


With this in mind, the layout for the centre of road parking has been redesigned to increase the length of the parking bays to 6.4m to give the following proposed allocations for the travel lanes, centre parking and parallel parking to address these concerns as well as make the arrangement compliant with AS 2890.5




Turning paths for 5.2m passenger vehicles (common passenger vehicle) and 6.4m small rigid vehicles (ie. representative of large utilities such as Dodge RAM 1500 or Ford F-150) show that the arrangement is satisfactory to accommodate all movements in a forward direction for the 5.2m vehicle, however for the 6.4m vehicle, reversing is required to get the vehicle into the centre parking from the east bound (northern) travel lane.  These movements are shown following.



It is for this reason that the length of vehicles that can park in the centre parking bays be limited to 6m.  It is proposed to install the following parking sign for the centre parking bays.

The Transport for NSW representative requested that Council explore alternate centre of road parking, for example 45 degree parking which would provide an area of safety for users accessing the rear compartment of their vehicles. 


Council has investigated 45 degree centre parking, however the departure paths for forward movements cannot be accommodated within the formation width of the road as shown following:



60 degree centre angle parking bays were also considered as shown following with the same outcome being that the departure paths for forward movements cannot be accommodated within the formation width of the road.



Sheet Number 4 of the attached plan set provides the proposed island construction and signage to delineate all the centre-of-road parking bays along Kincaid Street between Fitzmaurice and Trail Streets.


The Local Traffic Committee supported centre of road parking at its meeting on 8 September 2022, but not in its current form. The LTC advice was that an alternate recommendation would be considered after investigation and presentation of an alternative concept that meets the required standard.  This report now provides the alternative concept.


Resurfacing of Kincaid Street between Fitzmaurice Street and Trail Street will take place before the longer 6.4m bays will be installed.  Construction of the permanent islands and installation of the associated line marking and signage as shown on the attached plans will be undertaken in conjunction with the resurfacing works.

Risk Management Issues for Council

The intended purpose of this report is to safely manage a risk issue that has been identified and that is detailed in previous reports to Traffic Committee and Council.

Internal / External Consultation

Previous consultation was undertaken with community and business stakeholders via online and face to face surveys and reply paid survey postcards




Kincaid Street Centre 90 Degree parking between Fitzmaurice and Trail




Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Wednesday 7 August 2024



Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Wednesday 7 August 2024



RP-7               Active Travel Plan - Central link - Beckwith Street

Author:          Warren Faulkner         



Officer Recommendation

That Traffic Local Committee approve the installation of traffic control devices relating to the Active Travel Project, as per the attached design plan C2129, issue B, dated 1 August 2024.



At the 13 June 2024 Local Traffic Committee meeting, the active travel plan for the Beckwith Street segment of the Active Travel Project was an agenda item.


The item was for the entire length of Beckwith Street and the plan that was referenced in the recommendation is for the entire length of Beckwith Street.


However, the plan referenced in the recommendation (design plan C2129) was not attached to the report and included in the business paper.  Rather, plans for the intersection of Beckwith Street with Gurwood Street (design plan C2254) and Kincaid Street (design plan C2258) only were attached.


This report has design plan C2129 attached for the review of the committee.


The body of the report to the LTC meeting on the 13th June 2024 is reproduced as follows for the convenience of the committee: 


The proposed extension of the Active Travel network was originally conceived as a barrier-separated, contraflow cycleway on the western kerbside of Beckwith Street.


After undertaking extensive community consultation, the concept was redesigned to provide dedicated bicycle lanes along Beckwith Street and improve pedestrian facilities at all adjoining intersections.


Features include:

·    dedicated one-way pair cycle lanes

·    additional kerb blisters

·    pedestrian refuge

·    centre medians

·    all associated line marking and signage


New raised medians are to be constructed at the intersection of Beckwith Street and The Esplanade to slow traffic and provide a left turn slip lane and pedestrian refuge.


Additional kerb blisters will be installed at each adjoining intersection to narrow the roadway and create inset parking bays and left turn slip lanes.


It is proposed that Gurwood Street be narrowed to two lanes from the western approach to reduce the number of lanes being crossed by cyclists and pedestrians and allow for the creation of additional angled parking spaces between Beckwith Street and Simmons Street.


A new centre median and pedestrian refuge will also be installed at the intersection of Beckwith Street and Travers Street, in conjunction with a kerb blister to allow the cycle lane to transition into the existing Travers Street shared path.


Feedback received from the Police and Transport for NSW committee members on the 13th June 2024 report was mainly concerned with the interaction of the path with the alfresco dining area of the Sporties Hotel on the corner of Beckwith and Kincaid Streets.  Council will consult with the Sporties Hotel before implementation of the ATP at this location to minimise the interaction.  


Risk Management Issues for Council

The design plans enhance road safety at the intersections of Gurwood Street and Kincaid Street with Beckwith Street by reducing the number of traffic lanes to be crossed at Gurwood Street and improving sight distance along Gurwood Street and Kincaid Street for vehicles crossing them on Beckwith Street by bringing the holding lines as far forward as possible.  Road safety is also improved for cyclists using the ATP at these intersections as they are separated from motor traffic.

Internal / External Consultation

Extensive consultation undertaken with community and affected residents as indicated in the body of the report.





Beckwith Street Active Travel Plan




Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Wednesday 7 August 2024



Reports submitted to the Traffic Committee to be held on Wednesday 7 August 2024.



Reports submitted to the Traffic Committee to be held on Wednesday 7 August 2024.