Minutes of the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee held on Tuesday 27 February 2024.





The Mayor Councillor Dallas Tout      

Councillor Jenny McKinnon

Councillor Rod Kendall (arrived 9.46am)

Jenny Rolfe (via Zoom)                        

Ros Prangnell                                       

Patricia Murray                                      

Tim Kurylowicz (via Zoom)                  





Peter Thompson                                    General Manager

Josh Sainsbury                                       State Emergency Service (SES)

Steve Manwaring                                   Department Planning, Industry & Environment

Erin Askew                                              WMAwater (via Zoom)

Nigel Rajaratnam                                   The Centre for International Economics (CIE) (via Zoom)

Karyn Wong                                            Woolcott Research & Engagement (via Zoom)

Liz Sparham                                            Woolcott Research & Engagement(via Zoom)

Michael Friend                                        North Wagga Co-opted Community Member

Phil McMurray                                         Director Projects and Strategy

Janice Summerhayes                            Director Community

Scott Gray                                               Chief Operating Officer

Carly Hood                                              Strategic Sustainability Advisor 

Andrew Mason                                       Project Manager

Erin Brown                                               Project Communications Officer (via Zoom)

Brittany Fitzsimmons                             Executive Assistant

Kori West                                                 Corporate Governance Officer (Minute Taker)



The meeting of the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee commenced at 9.00am.


Acknowledgement Of Country

Wagga Wagga City Council acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land, the Wiradjuri people, and pays respect to Elders past, present and future and extends our respect to all First Nations Peoples in Wagga Wagga.


We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and continuing connection with the land and rivers. We also recognise the resilience, strength and pride of the Wiradjuri and First Nations communities.


Declarations Of Interest

Mr T Kurylowicz declared a general interest that he is a resident of North Wagga, however as a community representative he is representing the whole community.




Co-opted Member for North Wagga – Karen Murray

Reports from Staff

RP-1          2018-19-FM-0071 - North Wagga Flood Mitigation Options

T Kurylowicz vacated the meeting, the time being 9:59am and did not return.


                    On the Motion of Councillor J McKinnon and R Prangnell

That the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee receive and note the draft report and recommends to the Council that it receive the report and places it on Public Exhibition.

The committee notes its preliminary view is to recommend a combined approach that is staged and includes:

a.    Upgrading the existing North Wagga Levee system (Stage 1 of L4B - 5% AEP (1 in 20)) and offering Voluntary House Raising and Purchase subject to risk reduction and cost effectiveness

b.    Increasing the road heights and bridges along Hampden Ave to provide a safe evacuation route (Stage 2 of Option L4B) subject to funding

This preliminary view will be updated following the Public Exhibition before a final recommendation from the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee is made to Council.



For the Motion

Against the Motion

D Tout


R Kendall


J McKinnon


J Rolfe


R Prangnell


P Murray






No Questions with Notice were received.


The Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee rose at 10.34am.