Business Paper
To be held on
Monday 24
June 2024
at 6.00pm
Civic Centre cnr Baylis and Morrow Streets,
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 (PO Box 20)
P 1300 292 442
The proceedings of all Council meetings in open session, including all debate and addresses by the public, are recorded (audio visual) and livestreamed on Council’s website including for the purpose of facilitating community access to meetings and accuracy of the Minutes.
In addition to webcasting council meetings, audio recordings of confidential sessions of Ordinary Meetings of Council are also recorded, but do not form part of the webcast.
Councillors are reminded of their Oath or Affirmation of Office made under Section 233A of the Local Government Act 1993 and their obligation under Council’s Code of Conduct to disclose and appropriately manage Conflicts of Interest.
The quorum for a meeting of the Council, is a majority of the Councillors of the Council, who hold office for the time being, who are eligible to vote at the meeting.
Reports submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council to be held on Monday 24 June 2024.
Ordinary Meeting of Council AGENDA AND BUSINESS PAPER
Monday 24 June 2024
Confirmation of Minutes
Reports from Staff
Confidential Reports
Wagga Wagga City Council acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land, the Wiradjuri people, and pays respect to Elders past, present and future and extends our respect to all First Nations Peoples in Wagga Wagga.
We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and continuing connection with the land and rivers. We also recognise the resilience, strength and pride of the Wiradjuri and First Nations communities
Councillors, let us in silence reflect upon our responsibilities to the community which we represent, and to all future generations and faithfully, and impartially, carry out the functions, powers, authorities and discretions vested in us, to the best of our skill and judgement.
That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 11 June 2024 be confirmed as a true and accurate record.
1⇩. |
Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 11 June 2024 |
91 |
That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Extraordinary Council Meeting held on 17 June 2024 be confirmed as a true and accurate record.
1⇩. |
MINUTES - Extraordinary Meeting - 17 June 2024 |
104 |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 24 June 2024 |
RP-1 |
Reports from Staff
Author: Victoria Rice
General Manager: Peter Thompson
Summary: |
This report is for a development application and is presented to Council for determination. The application has been referred to Council under 2.1.2 of Council Policy 046 as the applicant is a relative of a Councillor.
The Development Application seeks consent to construct a multi-dwelling development comprising three single storey two bedroom units. The proposed development includes community title subdivision. |
That Council approve DA23/0673 for 3 x single storey attached dwellings and 4 lot community title subdivision at 16 Kenneally St, Kooringal NSW 2650 (Lot 4 DP 847576) subject to the conditions outlined in the Section 4.15 Assessment Report.
Development Application Details
Applicant |
CK Design and Drafting Pty Ltd Director: Christopher William Kendall |
Owner |
S & V Stanley Pty Ltd Director: Slade Stanley |
Development Cost |
$770,600 |
Development Description |
3 x single storey attached dwellings and 4 lot community title subdivision. |
Key Issues
· Variations proposed to Control 4 of 9.2.2 - Streetscape and Control 1 of 9.3.3 R3 Zones – Minimum frontage of the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010.
· Under the LEP the site is zoned R3 – Medium Density Residential. The development is characterised by “multi dwelling housing”. The development is permitted with consent within the R3 zone and is consistent with the objectives of the zone.
· The application seeks variation to Control 4 of 9.2.2 - Streetscape and Control 1 of 9.3.3 R3 Zones – Minimum frontage of the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010.
· The proposed development has been assessed as generally consistent with the objectives and controls of the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010.
· A comprehensive assessment report completed in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.15(1) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 is provided as an attachment to this report. This assessment addresses all maters identified above in further detail and also considers all other relevant heads of consideration including the likely impacts of the development and the suitability of the site.
· Having regard to this assessment, the application is recommended for approval subject to the inclusion of recommended conditions of consent.
Reasons for Approval
1. The proposed development is consistent with the objectives and provisions of the Wagga Wagga Local Environmental Plan 2010.
2. The requested variation to development standards contained in Control 4 of 9.2.2 - Streetscape and Control 1 of 9.3.3 R3 Zones – Minimum frontage of the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010 are appropriate having regard to the assessment requirements under 1.11 of the DCP.
3. The proposed development is generally consistent with the objectives and controls of the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010.
4. The site is considered suitable for the proposed development and is in the public interest.
Site Location
The subject land, 16 Kenneally Street, is legally identified as Lot 4 DP 847576 and is located on the western side of Kennelly Street, approximately 98m north of the intersection with Sherwood Avenue. The site measures 895.70m2 and has a rise and fall across the site of approximately 1m.
The site is located within the established medium density residential precinct in Kooringal. The adjoining lots to the south, north and west are already developed with single dwellings and multi-units.
The surrounding locality comprises various housing types, including single dwellings, dual occupancies, and multi-units. Single driveways and 3m-6m front setbacks and front garages dominate the streetscape.
Financial Implications
Wagga Wagga Local Environmental Plan 2010
Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010
Link to Strategic Plan
The Environment
Objective: Future growth and development of Wagga Wagga is planned for in a sustainable manner
Provide for a diversity of housing that meets our needs
Risk Management Issues for Council
Approval of the application is not considered to raise risk management issues for Council as the proposed development is consistent with LEP and DCP controls.
Internal / External Consultation
Traditional Media |
Community Engagement |
Digital |
Rates notices insert |
Direct mail |
Letterbox drop |
Council news |
Media release |
Media opportunity |
TV/radio advertising |
One-on-one meeting(s) |
Community meeting(s) |
Stakeholder workshop(s) |
Drop-in session(s) |
Survey/feedback form(s) |
Connect.Wagga |
Email newsletter |
Social media |
Website |
Inform |
x |
Consult |
x |
Involve |
Collaborate |
1. |
DA23/0673 - s4.15 Assessment Report - Provided under separate cover |
2. |
DA23/0673 - Plan Set - Provided under separate cover |
3. |
DA23/0673 - Statement of Environmental Effects - Provided under separate cover |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 24 June 2024 |
RP-2 |
Author: Scott Gray
Summary: |
This report addresses Council’s obligations in ensuring legislative compliance and meeting the requirements of the Office of Local Government in adopting and implementing the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework. |
That Council: a adopt the Operational Plan 2024/25 b adopt the Fees and Charges for the financial year 2024/25 c adopt the Long Term Financial Plan 2024/25 d sets the interest on overdue rates and charges for 2024/25, in accordance with Section 566(3) of the Local Government Act 1993 at 10.5% per annum calculated on a daily simple interest basis. e makes and levy the following Rates and Annual Charges for 2024/25: i Residential – City and Suburbs rate of 0.640933 cents in the dollar in terms of Sections 516 and 529 of the Local Government Act 1993, calculated on the land value in respect of all rateable lands situated in the centres of population defined as the City of Wagga Wagga and the Village of Forest Hill, excluding Business - City and Suburbs land, rated in accordance with the provisions of Section 518 of the Local Government Act 1993, Residential (Other) land as defined, and also Farmland, rated in accordance with the provisions of Section 515 of the Local Government Act, within such centres of population A minimum rate of $810.00 for each parcel of land as prescribed under Section 548 of the Local Government Act 1993 shall apply to this rate ii Residential – Other rate of 0.357367 cents in the dollar calculated on the land value in respect of all rateable land within the Council’s area, which, in the Council’s opinion, is land which: (a) is not less than two (2) hectares and not more than 40 hectares in area (b) is either: (i) not zoned or otherwise designated for use under an environmental planning instrument (ii) zoned or otherwise designated for use under such an environmental planning instrument for non-urban purposes (c) does not have a significant and substantial commercial purpose or character Excludes Business - City and Suburbs land, rated in accordance with the provisions of Section 518 of the Local Government Act 1993, and also Farmland, rated in accordance with the provisions of Section 515 of the Local Government Act, within such centres of population A minimum rate of $362.00 for each parcel of land as prescribed under Section 548 of the Local Government Act 1993 shall apply to this rate. iii Residential – Villages rate of 0.368146 cents in the dollar in terms of Sections 516 and 529 of the Local Government Act 1993, calculated on the land value of all rateable land situated in the centres of population defined as the villages of San Isidore, Gumly Gumly, Tarcutta, Humula, Uranquinty, Mangoplah, Oura, Currawarna, Ladysmith, Galore, Collingullie, Belfrayden and North Wagga excluding Business - Villages and Rural land, rated in accordance with the provisions of Section 518 of the Local Government Act 1993, Residential (Other) land as defined, and also Farmland, rated in accordance with the provisions of Section 515 of the Local Government Act, within such centres of population A minimum rate of $302.00 for each parcel of land as prescribed under section 548 of the Local Government Act 1993 shall apply to this rate. iv Business - City and Suburbs rate of 1.315399 cents in the dollar calculated on the land value of all rateable non-residential land, which cannot be classified as residential, or farmland land in the centres of population defined as the City of Wagga Wagga and the Village of Forest Hill, in terms of Sections 518 and 529 of the Local Government Act 1993 A minimum rate of $775.00 for each parcel of land as prescribed under Section 548 of the Local Government Act 1993 shall apply to this rate. v Business - Villages and Rural rate of 0.322113 cents in the dollar calculated on the land value of all rateable land in the Council’s area, in terms of Sections 518 and 529 of the Local Government Act 1993, excluding lands defined as Business - City and Suburbs, Residential, and Farmland A minimum rate of $127.00 for each parcel of land as prescribed under Section 548 of the Local Government Act 1993 shall apply to this rate. vi Farmland rate of 0.122483 cents in the dollar, calculated on the land value of all rateable land, which, in Council’s opinion, qualifies as farmland as defined in Section 515 of the Local Government Act 1993 A minimum rate of $349.00 for each parcel of land as prescribed under Section 548 of the Local Government Act 1993 shall apply to this rate. vii Sewerage Services Annual Charge of $638.00 per dwelling unit. Multiple residence properties are charged at $638.00 per residence, for all residences, and non-strata title residential premises on a single allotment (flats/units) situated within the Council’s centres of population, capable of being connected to the sewerage service scheme except when excluded by specific council policy, such charge being made in terms of Section 501 of the Local Government Act 1993 viii Non Residential Sewer Charges Access charge based on each and every meter connection per non-residential allotment for all non-residential premises and non-residential allotments situated within the Council’s centres of population, capable of being connected to the sewerage service scheme except when excluded by specific council policy, such charge being made in terms of Section 501 of the Local Government Act 1993. Access charge based on Meter size for 2024/25 is as follows:
Non Residential includes: (a) Non-residential strata (b) Small community property (c) land owned by the Crown, not being land held under a lease for private purposes (d) land that belongs to a religious body and is occupied and used in connection with: (i) a church or other building used or occupied for public worship (ii) a building used or occupied for the purpose of religious teaching or training (e) land that belongs to and is occupied and used in connection with a school (being a government school or non-government school within the meaning of the Education Reform Act 1990 or a school in respect of which a certificate of exemption under section 78 of that Act is in force), including: (i) a playground that belongs to and is used in connection with the school; and (ii) land that belongs to a public benevolent institution or public charity and is used or occupied by the institution or charity for the purposes of the institution or charity (f) land that belongs to a public hospital (g) land that is vested in the Minister for Health, the Health Administration Corporation or the New South Wales Health Foundation (h) land that is vested in a university, or a university college, and is used or occupied by the university or college solely for its purposes Usage charge Per kl usage charge of $2.64 per kl will apply to all Non Residential Sewer customers except excluded by specific Council Policy, such charge being made in accordance with Section 501 of the Local Government Act 1993. ix Pressure Sewer Scheme – Annual pump maintenance charge (rural residential and villages). An additional sewerage service charge of $197.00 per pump for all premises connected to the sewerage system via a pressure service for the maintenance and replacement of the pump unit as necessary x Domestic Waste Management Service Charge of $426.00 per service on a per occupancy basis per annum for a service rendered in the centres of population and within the scavenging areas defined as the City of Wagga Wagga and the villages of North Wagga Wagga, Gumly Gumly, Forest Hill, Kapooka, Tarcutta, Mangoplah, Oura, Ladysmith, Brucedale, Uranquinty, Bomen and Cartwrights Hill, charged in accordance with the provisions of Section 496 of the Local Government Act 1993 xi Domestic Waste Management Service Charge Rural Residential of $426.00 per service to be applied to all properties utilising a waste collection service managed by Council, but outside Council’s defined waste collection service areas charged in accordance with the provisions of Section 496 of the Local Government Act 1993 xii Domestic Waste Management Annual Charge of $69.00 per service to be applied to all properties utilising an upgraded general waste bin in accordance with the provisions of Section 496 of the Local Government Act 1993 xiii Domestic Waste Management Annual Charge of $75.00 per service to be applied to all properties utilising an upgraded recycling bin in accordance with the provisions of Section 496 of the Local Government Act 1993 xiv Domestic Waste Management Service Charge of $44.00 for each parcel of rateable undeveloped land not receiving a service within the scavenging areas of the City of Wagga Wagga and the villages of North Wagga Wagga, Gumly Gumly, Forest Hill, Kapooka, Tarcutta, Mangoplah, Oura, Ladysmith, Brucedale, Uranquinty, Bomen and Cartwrights Hill, such charge being levied in accordance with the provisions of Sections 496 of the Local Government Act 1993 xv Domestic Waste Management Service Charge of $142.00 for each additional domestic bin, being an additional domestic bin provided over and above the three bins already provided by the service, rendered in the centres of population, and within the scavenging areas defined as the City of Wagga Wagga and the villages of North Wagga Wagga, Gumly Gumly, Forest Hill, Kapooka, Tarcutta, Mangoplah, Oura, Ladysmith, Brucedale, Uranquinty, Bomen and Cartwrights Hill, charged in accordance with the provisions of Section 496 of the Local Government Act 1993. On application, depending on individual circumstances, this fee may be waived. xvi Domestic Waste Scheduled Off Week Pickup Service Charge of $565.00 per general waste bin for each domestic service within the scavenging areas defined as the City of Wagga Wagga and the villages of North Wagga Wagga, Gumly Gumly, Forest Hill, Kapooka, Tarcutta, Mangoplah, Oura, Ladysmith, Brucedale, Uranquinty, Bomen and Cartwrights Hill, charged in addition to the Domestic Waste Management Service Charge in accordance with the provisions of Section 496 of the Local Government Act 1993. xvii Commercial Waste Management Service Charge of $426.00 per service per annum, for a two-bin commercial waste service rendered in the centre of population and within the scavenging areas defined as the City of Wagga Wagga and the villages of North Wagga Wagga, Gumly Gumly, Forest Hill, Kapooka, Tarcutta, Mangoplah, Oura, Ladysmith, Brucedale, Uranquinty, Bomen and Cartwrights Hill, charged in accordance with the provisions of Section 501 of the Local Government Act 1993 xviii Commercial Waste Management Service Charge of $213.00 per service per annum, for a one-bin commercial waste service rendered in the centre of population and within the scavenging areas defined as the City of Wagga Wagga and the villages of North Wagga Wagga, Gumly Gumly, Forest Hill, Kapooka, Tarcutta, Mangoplah, Oura, Ladysmith, Brucedale, Uranquinty, Bomen and Cartwrights Hill, charged in accordance with the provisions of Section 501 of the Local Government Act 1993 xix Commercial Waste Management Service Charge of $142.00 for each additional commercial bin, being an additional bin provided over and above the bin/s already provided by the service, rendered in the centres of population and within the scavenging areas defined as the City of Wagga Wagga and the villages of North Wagga Wagga, Gumly Gumly, Forest Hill, Kapooka, Tarcutta, Mangoplah, Oura, Ladysmith, Brucedale, Uranquinty, Bomen and Cartwrights Hill, charged in accordance with the provisions of Section 501 of the Local Government Act 1993 xx Commercial Waste Management Annual Charge of $77.00 per service to be applied to all commercial properties utilising an upgraded recycling bin in accordance with the provisions of Section 501 of the Local Government Act 1993 xxi Urban Area: Scheduled Off Week Commercial Pickup Service Charge of $559.00 per bin for each commercial service with 1-2 bins onsite, charged in addition to the Commercial Waste Management Service Charge in accordance with the provisions of Section 501 of the Local Government Act 1993 xxii Urban Area: Scheduled Off Week Commercial Pickup Service Charge of $302.00 per bin for each commercial service with 3-5 bins onsite, charged in addition to the Commercial Waste Management Service Charge in accordance with the provisions of Section 501 of the Local Government Act 1993 xxiii Urban Area: Scheduled Off Week Commercial Pickup Service Charge of $230.00 per bin for each commercial service with over 5 bins onsite, charged in addition to the Commercial Waste Management Service Charge in accordance with the provisions of Section 501 of the Local Government Act 1993 xxiv Rural Areas and Villages: Scheduled Off Week Commercial Pickup Service Charge of $559.00 per bin for each commercial service onsite, charged in addition to the Commercial Waste Management Service Charge in accordance with the provisions of Section 501 of the Local Government Act 1993 xxv Multi Unit Developments (Non-Strata) Domestic Waste Management Service Charge of $426.00 for each rateable property with an additional bin charge of $142.00 to apply for each additional bin charged in accordance with the provisions of Section 496 of the Local Government Act 1993. For the purposes of Council’s Fees and Charges the definition of Multi-Unit developments (Non-Strata) involves the development of three or more residential units on a site at a higher density than general housing development. This reduced charge is available on application to Council, otherwise full Domestic Waste Service Charge of $405.00 applies, per occupancy. xxvi Multi Unit Developments Wheel Out Wheel In (WOWI) Services Charge of $253.00 per occupancy. For the purposes of Council’s Fees and Charges the definition of Multi-Unit developments (Non-Strata) involves the development of three or more residential units, including Strata and Non-Strata properties, on a site at a higher density than general housing development. On application, this service may be available to individual properties. Depending on individual circumstances, this fee may be waived. xxvii Stormwater Management Service Charges Stormwater Management Service charges will be applicable for all urban properties (i.e. residential and business) as referenced below with the following exceptions in accordance with the Division of Local Government (DLG) Stormwater Management Service Charge Guidelines dated July 2006: · Non rateable land · Crown Land · Council Owned Land · Land held under lease for private purposes granted under the Housing Act 2001 or the Aboriginal Housing Act 1998 · Vacant Land · Rural Residential or Rural Business land not located in a village, town or city · Land belonging to a charity and public benevolent institutions (a) Residential Stormwater Management Service Charge of $25.00 per residential property levied in accordance with the provisions of Section 496A of the Local Government Act 1993 (b) Residential Medium/High Density Stormwater Management Service Charge of $12.50 per occupancy: Residential Strata, Community Title, Multiple Occupancy properties (flats and units), and Retirement Village style developments. Subject to a maximum charge of $250.00 per rateable assessment levied in accordance with the provisions of Section 496A of the Local Government Act 1993 (c) Business Stormwater Management Service Charge of $25.00 per business property. Properties are charged on a basis of $25.00 per 350 square metres of land area. Subject to a maximum charge of $250.00 per rateable assessment levied in accordance with the provisions of Section 496A of the Local Government Act 1993 (d) Business Medium/High Density Stormwater Management Service Charge of $5.00 per occupancy - Business Strata and Multiple Occupancy Business properties. Subject to a maximum charge of $250.00 per rateable assessment levied in accordance with the provisions of Section 496A of the Local Government Act 1993 |
At the 13 May 2024 Council Meeting, Council resolved to place the following documents on public exhibition for 28 days commencing 14 May 2024 and concluding on 11 June 2024:
· draft Operational Plan 2024/25
· draft Fees and Charges for the financial year 2024/25
· draft Long Term Financial Plan 2024/25
Operational Plan 2024/25
No changes have been made to the Operational Plan placed on public exhibition.
Fees and Charges
Below is a summary of changes to fees and charges placed on public exhibition.
Cemeteries & Crematorium NSW Levy
The interment services levy is a levy on interment services to fund the cost of Cemeteries and Crematoria NSW to deliver better outcomes for customers and the community, and to support the industry to meet the new licensing standards. The previous levy was only applicable to the 2 Crown operators, however this was inequitable as only 2 operators were paying the levy for the whole sector. The levy applies at the time the interment service (burial, ash interment or cremation) is rendered, regardless of when it is purchased. The rates of the levy may increase by amounts equal to or less than changes to the consumer price index (CPI).
The amounts for each type of service have now been set. The applicable charges from 1 July 2024 are:
· $41 per cremation
· $63 per ash interment
· $156 per burial
These amounts have been added into the final document.
Development Application Fees and Charges
During the public exhibition period, the NSW Department of Planning and Environment advised that those fees contained within Schedule 4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021 would be updated from 1 July 2024 to reflect the increased movement in the consumer price index (CPI). The fee unit for planning services will be increased from $107.28 to $111.32, and mainly impacts Development Application (DA) fees as well as some planning certificate fees. The below table provides an outline of the changes made as a result of this notification.
Item Number (Public Exhibition Item Number) |
Fee Name |
2024/25 Public Exhibition Fee |
2024/25 Final Proposed Fee |
0905 (0905) |
D.A. Fee for Advertisements |
$357.00 for 1st advertisement plus $93 for each additional advertisement (where fee exceeds that payable under item 2.1 of Schedule 4) |
$371.00 for 1st advertisement plus $93 for each additional advertisement (where fee exceeds that payable under item 2.1 of Schedule 4) |
0906 (0906) |
D.A. Fee (not involving erection of building, carrying out of work or subdivision of land) |
$357.00 |
$371.00 |
0907 (0907) |
D.A. Fee (Dwelling with estimated construction cost $100,000 or less) |
$571.00 |
$592.00 |
0908 (0908) |
D.A. Fee – Subdivisions not involving opening of public road |
$414.00 plus $53.00 for each additional lot created by the subdivision |
$430.00 plus $53.00 for each additional lot created by the subdivision |
0909 (0909) |
D.A. Fee – Subdivisions involving opening of public road |
$834.00 plus $65.00 for each additional lot created by the subdivision |
$865.00 plus $65.00 for each additional lot created by the subdivision |
0910 (0910) |
D.A. Fee – Strata Subdivision |
$414.00 plus $65.00 for each additional lot created by the subdivision |
$430.00 plus $65.00 for each additional lot created by the subdivision |
0911 (0911) |
D.A. Fee (estimated cost up to $5,000) |
$138.00 |
$144.00 |
0912 (0912) |
D.A. Fee (estimated cost $5,001 to $50,000) |
$212.00 plus an additional $3.00 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $5,000 |
$220.00 plus an additional $3.00 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $5,000 |
0913 (0913) |
D.A. Fee (estimated cost $50,001 – $250,000) |
$442.00 plus an additional $3.64 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $50,000 |
$459.00 plus an additional $3.64 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $50,000 |
0914 (0914) |
D.A. Fee (estimated cost $250,001 – $500,000) |
$1,455.00 plus an additional $2.34 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $250,000 |
$1,509.00 plus an additional $2.34 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $250,000 |
0915 (0915) |
D.A. Fee (estimated cost $500,001 – $1,000,000) |
$2,190.00 plus an additional $1.64 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $500,000 |
$2,272.00 plus an additional $1.64 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $500,000 |
0916 (0916) |
D.A. Fee (estimated cost $1,000,001 – $10,000,000) |
$3,281.00 plus an additional $1.44 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $1,000,000 |
$3,404.00 plus an additional $1.44 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $1,000,000 |
0917 (0917) |
D.A. Fee (estimated cost of more than $10,000,000) |
$19,917.00 plus an additional $1.19 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $10,000,000 |
$20,667.00 plus an additional $1.19 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $10,000,000 |
0920 (0920) |
Development requiring Concurrence – Fee for Concurrence Authority plus additional Council processing fee |
$401.00 per approval body plus a single Council administration fee of $164.00 |
$416.00 per approval body plus a single Council administration fee of $176.00 |
0921 (0921) |
Integrated Development – Fee for approval body plus additional Council processing fee |
$401.00 per approval body plus a single Council administration fee of $164.00 |
$416.00 per approval body plus a single Council administration fee of $176.00 |
0922 (0922) |
Designated Development (in addition to D.A. fee) |
$1,154.00 |
$1,198.00 |
0924 (0924) |
Giving of Notice of Designated Development |
$2,924.00 |
$2,890.00 |
0926 (0926) |
D.A. Modification of consent: S.4.55(1) (minor error, misdescription or miscalculation) |
$93.40 |
$92.00 |
0928 (0928) |
D.A. Modification of consent: S.4.55(1A) or S.4.56(1) (minimal environmental impact) |
50% of original DA fee or $809 whichever is the lesser |
50% of original DA fee or $839 whichever is the lesser |
0931 (0931) |
D.A. Modification of consent: S.4.55(2) or S.4.56(1) (not of minimal environmental impact) Original DA fee $107.28 or greater and for the erection of a dwelling-house with an estimated cost of construction of $100,000 or less |
$249.90 |
$247.00 |
0932 (0932) |
D.A. Modification of consent: S.4.55(2) or S.4.56(1) (not of minimal environmental impact) (estimated cost up to $5,000) |
$72.40 |
$71.00 |
0933 (0933) |
D.A. Modification of consent: S.4.55(2) or S.4.56(1) (not of minimal environmental impact) (estimated cost $5,001 – $250,000) |
$106.00 plus an additional $1.50 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $5,000 |
$110.00 plus an additional $1.50 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $5,000 |
0934 (0934) |
D.A. Modification of consent: S.4.55(2) or S.4.56(1) (not of minimal environmental impact) (estimated cost $250,001–$500,000) |
$628.00 plus an additional $0.85 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $250,000 |
$651.00 plus an additional $0.85 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $250,000 |
0935 (0935) |
D.A. Modification of consent: S.4.55(2) or S.4.56(1) (not of minimal environmental impact) (estimated cost $500,001–$1,000,000) |
$894.00 plus an additional $0.50 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $500,000 |
$927.00 plus an additional $0.50 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $500,000 |
0936 (0936) |
D.A. Modification of consent: S.4.55(2) or S.4.56(1) (not of minimal environmental impact) (estimated cost $1,000,001– $10,000,000) |
$1,238.00 plus an additional $0.40 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $1,000,000 |
$1,285.00 plus an additional $0.40 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $1,000,000 |
0937 (0937) |
D.A. Modification of consent: S.4.55(2) or S.4.56(1) (not of minimal environmental impact) (estimated cost more than $10,000,000) |
$5,943.00 plus an additional $0.27 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $10,000,000 |
$6,167.00 plus an additional $0.27 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $10,000,000 |
0939 (0939) |
D.A. Review of determination: Division 8.2 Review for the erection of a dwelling-house with an estimated cost of construction of $100,000 or less |
$249.90 |
$247.00 |
0941 (0941) |
D.A. Review of determination: Division 8.2 Review (estimated cost up to $5,000) |
$72.40 |
$71.00 |
0942 (0942) |
D.A. Review of determination: Division 8.2 Review (estimated cost $5,001 – $250,000) |
$107.00 plus an additional $1.50 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $5,000 |
$111.00 plus an additional $1.50 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $5,000 |
0943 (0943) |
D.A. Review of determination: Division 8.2 Review (estimated cost $250,001 – $500,000) |
$628.00 plus an additional $0.85 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $250,000 |
$651.00 plus an additional $0.85 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $250,000 |
0944 (0944) |
D.A. Review of determination: Division 8.2 Review (estimated cost $500,001 – $1,000,000) |
$894.00 plus an additional $0.50 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $500,000 |
$927.00 plus an additional $0.50 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $500,000 |
0945 (0945) |
D.A. Review of determination: Division 8.2 Review (estimated cost $1,000,001– $10,000,000) |
$1,238.00 plus an additional $0.40 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $1,000,000 |
$1,285.00 plus an additional $0.40 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $1,000,000 |
0946 (0946) |
D.A. Review of determination: Division 8.2 Review (estimated cost more than $10,000,000) |
$5,943.00 plus an additional $0.27 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $10,000,00 |
$6,167.00 plus an additional $0.27 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $10,000,000 |
0947 (0947) |
D.A. Review of Decision – to reject a Development Application (estimated cost of development less than $100,000) |
$72.40 |
$71.00 |
0948 (0948) |
D.A. Review of Decision – to reject a Development Application (estimated cost of development $100,000 – $1,000,000) |
$197.40 |
$195.00 |
0949 (0949) |
D.A. Review of Decision – to reject a Development Application (estimated cost of development greater than $1,000,000) |
$328.60 |
$325.00 |
1011 (1011) |
Section 10.7(2) Certificate Fee |
$70.40 |
$69.00 |
1012 (1012) |
Section 10.7(2) & (5) Certificate Fee |
$175.40 |
$174.00 |
1016 (1016) |
Certified copy of a document, map or plan (S.10.8(2)) |
$70.40 |
$69.00 |
The above fees and charges amendments have been included in the final document.
Long Term Financial Plan 2024/25
During the public exhibition period Council received ten (10) submissions on the draft Long Term Financial Plan 2024/25. Below is summary of the submissions and responses from staff.
Topic |
Detail Summary |
Council Response |
1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 |
Public Art Reserve |
Council received eight submissions on the public art reserve on page 36 of the draft Long Term Financial Plan. The public art reserve states it will be cut from $49,332 per year to $19,322 per year over the next 10 years. The $30,000 budget cut to public art will reduce acquisitions from contemporary artists and limit the ability for public art to be renewed. It was suggested that Council restore the budget to 1% of capital works. The submissions are urging council to reconsider the cuts to the public art budget and suggest council should be investing more, not less, in this area to establish our city as a premier visitor destination that celebrates art and artists in public spaces. The submissions suggested that investing in public art will make this happen for the community to enjoy into the future. One submission also suggests the reduction in funding does not fulfill the statement in the Community Strategic Plan to support and invest in local artists |
The funds allocated to the Public Art Reserve to fund Public Art Projects are based on the currently adopted Council Public Art Policy, POL 109. POL 109 states “The Public Art Reserve will receive the first $50,000 raised annually from the 1% levy on the budget of all capital works projects funded by General Purpose Revenue.” The cost of maintaining Council’s Public Art Infrastructure is funded from General Purpose Revenue up to an annual allocation of $20,000”. The amounts shown in the Public Art Reserve on page 36 of the draft Long Term Financial Plan are the estimated financial year end balances. As per the policy, a $50,000 budget allocation each financial year is transferred into the Public Art Reserve, with an estimated $50,000 spend each financial year. The $19,332 balance of the reserve shown from year 2025/26 is the estimated surplus amount at the end of the current 2025/26 Public Art Plan based on project savings. In summary, there has been no reduction in funding for Public Art. The draft Long Term Financial Plan shows the estimated year end Reserve balances. The funding allocation is based on the adopted Public Art Policy. Council’s Public Art Policy is due for review September 2025, which aligns with the new Public Art Plan to be adopted. Council will be placing the Public Art Policy and Plan on public exhibition for comment prior to readopting the Policy and the new Public Art Plan. |
10, |
Art Gallery Reserve |
Council has received one submission on the Art Gallery Reserve on page 36 of the draft Long Term Financial Plan. The submission states the reserve for acquisitions on printmaking is too little, as monies for acquisitions for the Nationally Renowned Margaret Carnegie Print Collection only increase every year by 0.04%. The submitter has specialist knowledge in the industry and states that if council don't spend enough the community don't get the best pieces. Furthermore, they believe there needs to be a studio space for local artist with equipment like an etching press. |
The draft Long Term Financial Plan shows the estimated year end Reserve balances. For the 2024/25 financial year, Council has allocated $9,963 for the Art Gallery Acquire pieces for the Australian Print Collection and a further $24,908 for the Art Gallery Acquire pieces for the National Art Glass Collection. For the 10 year draft Long Term Financial Plan, these budget amounts increase by 4% each financial year. Council staff acknowledge the submission and would welcome additional General Purpose Revenue funding for Art Gallery Acquisitions; however, staff also acknowledge the budget pressures faced by Council with balancing funding across the many and varied Council provided services to the community. If Council staff source a print or glass piece over the currently allocated annual budget, with a Council resolution, the funds contained in the Art Gallery Reserve (reserve balance between $10K-$22K over the 10 year life of the Long Term Financial Plan) can be utilised for the additional budget required for a piece. |
10 |
Museum Acquisitions Reserve |
Council has received one submission on the Museum Acquisitions Reserve on page 36 of the draft Long Term Financial Plan. The submitter urged council to increase the amount allocated to the funding for museum acquisitions. |
The Museum Acquisitions Reserve in the draft Long Term Financial Plan has an uncommitted balance of $30,234 available for acquisitions (pending Council resolution). Council staff acknowledge the submission and would welcome additional General Purpose Revenue funding for Museum Acquisitions and other collection management priorities; however, staff also acknowledge the budget pressures faced by Council with balancing funding across the many and varied Council provided services to the community. |
4 |
Community Art Studio |
Council has received one submission expressing the need for a community art studio. The submitter believes there needs to be a studio space for local artist with equipment like an etching press for the creation of artworks. |
Council staff acknowledge the submission and confirm the priority project for the 2024/25 financial year is to undertake the capital works upgrade to the E3 Gallery workshop as detailed in this report. Council Staff acknowledge the budget pressures faced by Council with balancing funding across the many and varied Council provided services. The acquisition of additional equipment such as an etching press for the E3 Gallery workshop will be considered as part of the business planning process for the 2025/26 financial year. |
3 |
Wagga Wagga Art Gallery & National Art Glass Gallery |
Council has received one submission expressing the need for the Art Gallery and National Art Glass Gallery budget to be increased. The submitter believes the budget allocated is inadequate and an increased budget will boost opportunities and increase revenue to the region. |
Council staff acknowledge the submission and confirm the priority project for the 2024/25 financial year is to undertake the capital works upgrade to E3 Gallery workshop as detailed in this report. Council staff acknowledge the budget pressures faced by Council with balancing funding across the many and varied Council provided services to the community and will consider this feedback as part of the business planning process for the 2025/26 financial year. |
Financial Implications
The Base Case budget detailed in this Long Term Financial Plan indicates Council will maintain a balanced budget for 2024/25. Arriving at this balanced position for Year 1 was a complex and challenging task. These ongoing adjustments will continue to have a substantial impact on the delivery of projects and services, which will require Council to be highly innovative and efficient in delivering the Operational Plan and Delivery Plan items.
The budget for 2024/25 is balanced with the financial years 2025/26 to 2026/27 projecting deficits and years 2027/28 to 2033/34 showing surpluses for the 10-year rolling plan as shown in the table.
2024/25 |
2025/26 |
2026/27 |
2027/28 |
2028/29 |
2029/30 |
2030/31 |
2031/32 |
2032/33 |
2033/34 |
0 |
2,132,309 |
1,531,214 |
(595,010) |
(395,040) |
(1,077,297) |
(1,119,934) |
(734,397) |
(1,749,765) |
(1,279,671) |
Council’s 10-year budgeted bottom lines – (surplus)/deficits
These figures will again be reviewed as part of the 2025/26 Long Term Financial Plan to ensure that a balance budget for at least the initial financial year is achieved.
2024/25 Budget Snapshot
2024/25 Capital Works
Capital works projects and programs account for over $81M of the planned activities for the 2024/25 financial year. There are three different categories of capital works:
$23.7M – Recurrent Capital Program
$21.4M – New Capital Projects – one off Confirmed
$45.1M – Total 2024/25 Capital works included in Delivery Program
$35.9M – Pending Capital Projects
Confirmed Capital Projects refer to the new one-off projects Council will undertake during the year. Recurrent Capital Projects refer to the expenditure allocated on an annual basis for capital works programs. Both of these categories are included in the Delivery Program for the 2024/25 financial year.
The Pending Capital Projects category are those projects that are not delivery ready and are essentially a ‘holding’ category for all funded projects and require a resolution of Council to proceed when a project progresses or priorities change to move the project from Pending into the ‘Confirmed’ stage.
For the 2024/25 financial year, included in the overall Capital Works project budgets of $81M there is a total allocation of $16.7M for roads, which includes one-off projects of ($5.4M) and recurrent programs of ($11.3M).
Please note that due to the timing of the funding announcement, a further report will be provided to Council during 2024/25 for the Lake Albert Pipeline Project (grant funding of $4.5M and Council’s matching co-contribution of $4.5M for a total budget of $9M).
Policy and Legislation
The documents have been created to meet Council’s Integrated Planning and Reporting requirements under the Local Government Act 1993 and Local Government Regulations 2021.
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Leadership and Collaboration
Objective: We have strong leadership
Outcome: We plan long term
Risk Management Issues for Council
A number of risk management issues were identified and have been actively managed.
A summary of these risks are as follows:
- Lack of engagement from the community
- Inability to meet everyone’s expectations
- Inability to resource and deliver on plans
Internal / External Consultation
The draft documents were placed on public exhibition for a period of 28 days. A connect.wagga site was established to enable users to review documents and submit feedback. A variety of communication methods were used (e.g. Council Websites and Social Media platform including Council Facebook), to not only promote the public exhibition period but also promote the purpose of the documents. Ten (10) submissions were received as addressed in the report.
1. |
Operational Plan 2024/2025 - Provided under separate cover |
2. |
Fees and Charges 2024/25 - Provided under separate cover |
3. |
Long Term Financial Plan 2024/25 - Provided under separate cover |
4. |
Public Submissions - Provided under separate cover |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 24 June 2024 |
RP-3 |
Author: Belinda Maclure
Executive: John Sidgwick
Summary: |
Council currently levies section 7.12 contributions at a rate of 1% of the developer’s construction costs through the Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan.
The Regional Growth NSW Development Corporation (RGDC) has approached Council with a proposal to utilise the local contribution plan framework to capture an additional 2% Section 7.12 contributions (on top of the existing 1% council contribution) to contribute towards funding existing and future local infrastructure in the Wagga Wagga Special Activation Precinct (SAP) area. The additional 2% is only proposed to be levied in the SAP area.
If the proposal is approved, Council will: · collect the additional 2% Section 7.12 contributions from developers in the SAP area (calculated as 2% of construction costs), · hold the funds in reserve · transfer the balance of the reserve to RGDC bi-annually in line with costs incurred or to be incurred.
RGDC will then allocate this funding to identified existing and future local infrastructure in the Wagga Wagga SAP area.
There are no changes proposed for the existing 1% of Section 7.12 contributions applied to development in the SAP. These contributions will continue to be collected in accordance with the LICP and allocated to projects in Council’s existing Contributions Plan.
RGDC, in consultation with Council staff, has developed a draft Appendix to the Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 – 2034 (LICP) to outline the governance of the proposal and identify the local infrastructure in the Wagga Wagga SAP to be funded by the additional 2% Section 7.12 contributions.
Council officers are requesting Council endorsement to place the draft LICP Appendix on public exhibition. |
That Council:
a endorse the draft Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 - 2034 Appendix G and place on public exhibition from 28 June 2024 and invite public submissions until 26 July 2024
b seek support from the Minister for Planning for the draft Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 – 2034 Appendix G
c receive a further report following the public exhibition period and receipt of a response from the Minister for Planning:
i addressing any submissions made with respect to the proposed Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 - 2034 Appendix G
ii proposing adoption of the Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 - 2034 Appendix G unless there are any recommended amendments deemed to be substantial and requiring a further public exhibition period
RGDC has approached relevant Councils with a proposal to utilise the Section 7.12 contributions framework to partly fund identified existing and future local infrastructure in these areas. The proposal seeks to fund identified local infrastructure, which services the wider Wagga Wagga SAP area with Section 7.12 contributions collected by developers in the Wagga Wagga SAP area.
RGDC approached Council with a proposal for an additional 2% Section 7.12 contribution (based on construction cost of development) to be levied on development in the Wagga Wagga SAP and allocated towards funding local road related and stormwater infrastructure in the area which is classified as local infrastructure as it services the wider SAP area.
There are no changes proposed for the existing 1% of Section 7.12 contributions applied to development in the SAP. These contributions will continue to be collected in accordance with the LICP and allocated to projects in Council’s existing Contributions Plan.
If the proposal is agreed to by Council, Council will collect the additional 2% of Section 7.12 contributions on behalf of RGDC. These funds will be held in a reserve and the balance will be transferred to RGDC bi-annually to fund identified existing and future local infrastructure in the Wagga Wagga SAP area. To set out the methodology for the management of these Section 7.12 contributions in accordance with the relevant legislation, a draft Deed has been developed by RGDC and reviewed by Council officers and Council’s legal services. Once the draft Deed is finalised, it will be executed by the General Manager as it is considered an operational matter.
The additional 2% of Section 7.12 contributions will be allocated to identified local infrastructure in the Wagga Wagga SAP as identified in draft Appendix G to the LICP (Attachment 1). It should be noted that the costings for the infrastructure included in Appendix G are based on actual costs for Stage A and estimated costs on the 80% Design Plans for Stage B of the SAP. These costs have been provided by RGDC and it is considered by Council Officers that the costs for Stage B are high as they are disproportionate to the rates used for Stage A. However, a commitment has been given by RGDC that if the estimated costs and actual costs following completion are materially different, a review of the Appendix will be triggered.
Financial Implications
As the additional 2% Section 7.12 contributions will be held in reserve by Council and the balance will be transferred to RGDC every six months there is no impact on Council’s existing budgets. There is a cost to manage the additional contributions, report on them and transfer them to RGDC, however this cost has no impact on Council’s budget as it covered by project AD2 in the Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019-2034.
RGDC will receive the funding, which will be allocated to identified existing and future local infrastructure projects.
Policy and Legislation
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 Section 7.12
Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 – 2034
Link to Strategic Plan
The Environment
Objective: Future growth and development of Wagga Wagga is planned for in a sustainable manner
Ensure sustainable urban development
Risk Management Issues for Council
There is a risk the community will not support the proposal to allocate additional Section 7.12 contributions to the local infrastructure projects identified in the draft Appendix and in the SAP. The public exhibition will allow for the community to have their say on the proposal.
The additional 2% Section 7.12 contributions may be a deterrent to investment in the Wagga Wagga SAP for potential investors.
After public exhibition, Council will receive a further report. Even if Council adopts the draft Appendix, it will need to be approved by the Minister. This will be managed by RGDC.
There is always a level of risk of Section 7.12 funds collected, held and allocated to local infrastructure are mis-managed. To address this, in addition to Council’s normal processes, a Deed will be developed to set out the governance issues of the proposal. Council and RGDC have worked together to draft the Deed, which has been reviewed by Council’s legal services. In addition, Council and RGDC have worked together to identify the appropriate costings for relevant local infrastructure to be included in the draft Appendix.
If RGDC ceases to exist, Council can modify the Appendix to reflect any changes in the delivery of the local infrastructure included.
Internal / External Consultation
A Communications and Engagement Plan has been developed and form Attachment 2 to this report.
Traditional Media |
Community Engagement |
Digital |
Rates notices insert |
Direct mail |
Letterbox drop |
Council news |
Media release |
Media opportunity |
TV/radio advertising |
One-on-one meeting(s) |
Community meeting(s) |
Stakeholder workshop(s) |
Drop-in session(s) |
Survey/feedback form(s) |
Have your Say |
Email newsletter |
Social media |
Website |
Inform |
Consult |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Involve |
Collaborate |
Other methods (please list specific details below) |
1. |
Draft Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 - 2034 Appendix G – Provided under separate cover |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 24 June 2024 |
RP-4 |
Author: Ben Creighton
Executive: John Sidgwick
Summary: |
The North Wagga Australian Football and Netball Club has received grant funding through the Level the Playing Field program for the purpose of building female friendly changerooms and toilet facilities at McPherson Oval. During discussions with staff, the club has proposed to complete these works prior to handing ownership to Council. |
That Council:
a endorse the development of new female friendly changerooms at McPherson Oval
b authorise the General Manager or their delegate to enter into an agreement with North Wagga Australian Football Club for the construction of female friendly changerooms at McPherson Oval
c authorise the affixing of Council’s Common Seal to all relevant documents as required
The North Wagga Australian Football and Netball Club has been awarded $739,000 from the State Government, Level the Playing Field Grant Program for the purpose of constructing new, female friendly amenities at McPherson Oval.
During discussions with staff, they have proposed to complete these works on behalf of Council. It is proposed that Council enter a construction agreement with the North Wagga Australian Football and Netball Club who will be responsible for the design, development, project management, and construction of the new building. This process would be overseen by Council staff to ensure appropriate outcomes and safety on-site during the construction phase.
Once completed, the new facility will become a Council asset, providing all users and the broader community with access to the new changerooms and toilet facilities. Council will then be responsible for the ongoing maintenance of the facilities.
Financial Implications
Council staff will provide in-kind support and oversight during the construction phase of the project.
Policy and Legislation
Recreation, Open Space and Community Strategy 2040
Link to Strategic Plan
Safe and Healthy Community
Objective: Our community embraces healthier lifestyle choices and practices
Promote access and participation for all sections of the community to a full range of sports and recreational activities
Risk Management Issues for Council
The risks associated with implementing this project relate to process, cost, environmental, WHS and contractor performance. These risks will be addressed in partnership with the North Wagga Australian Football and Netball Club as part of the Council’s project management and contractor performance management systems.
Internal / External Consultation
External Consultation have been undertaken with the North Wagga Australian Football and Netball Club.
Internal consultation has been undertaken with the Buildings and Strategic Recreation teams.
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 24 June 2024 |
RP-5 |
Author: Craig Katsoolis
Executive: Carolyn Rodney
Summary: |
This report lists the outstanding accounts whereby Council officers have undertaken all available debt recovery methods and are now deeming them unrecoverable. Council officers are now recommending for these accounts to be written off.
That Council: a authorise in accordance with Clause 131 of the Local Government Act the write off of $7,746.70 in total for two (2) debts deemed unrecoverable, as detailed in the Confidential Attachment A to this report b approve the budget variations as detailed in the Financial Implications section of the report |
Unlike the rates and charges outstanding where the last avenue Council has for recovery is the sale of property, for user Fees and charges debts, when all available debt recovery methods have been exhausted, at times the only practical option is to write the debt off.
Pursuant to Clause 131 (4) of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005:
An amount of rates or charges can be written off under this clause only:
(a) if there is an error in the assessment, or
(b) if the amount is not lawfully recoverable, or
(c) as a result of a decision of a court, or
(d) if the council or the general manager believes on reasonable grounds that an attempt to recover the amount would not be cost effective.
Pursuant to Council’s Debt Management Policy – POL 017, a Council resolution is required to write off debts deemed non-collectible which are greater than $1,000 each.
Confidential Attachment A:
Outstanding accounts over $1,000 each – Council resolution required for write-off:
Debtor Information |
Number |
Amount |
Gregadoo Waste Management Charges -Debtor Company in Liquidation. Debtor Number 105811 |
1 |
$5,477.40 |
Legal costs associated with property clean up and rates and charges recovery – deceased ratepayer’s estate has no remaining funds. Debtor Number 205623 |
1 |
$2,269.30 |
Total Over $1,000 each – Council Resolution Required |
2 |
$7,746.70 |
Financial Implications
The amounts proposed to be written off which total $7,746.70 are proposed to be funded from the following sources:
· $5,477.40 Gregadoo Waste Management charges – to be funded from the small forecast surplus over original budget within the Gregadoo Waste Management Centre.
· $2,269.30 legal costs associated with property clean up and rates and charges recovery – to be funded from operational savings within the Finance Division.
Policy and Legislation
Clause 131 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005
Council’s Debt Management Policy – POL 017
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Leadership and Collaboration
Objective: We have strong leadership
Outcome: We are accountable and transparent
Risk Management Issues for Council
No specific issues identified.
Internal / External Consultation
The Finance Division has consulted with the appropriate areas of the organisation, where required, in determining those amounts proposed to be written off.
1. |
Confidential Attachment A - proposed write offs 2024 This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, as it deals with: personnel matters concerning particular individuals. |
2. |
Worrells Advice to Creditors This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, as it deals with: personnel matters concerning particular individuals. |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 24 June 2024 |
RP-6 |
Author: Matthew Dombrovski
Executive: John Sidgwick
Summary: |
This report relates to a request that Council officers have received to assign the current lease agreement between Council and the Tarcutta Transport and Farming Museum Incorporated to Tarcutta Mens Shed Incorporated at Gresham Street, Tarcutta (being Lot 7009 DP 1028847 and part Lot 16 DP 1189207) |
That Council:
a agree to assign the lease agreement at Gresham Street, Tarcutta (being Lot 7009 DP 1028847 and part Lot 16 DP 1189207) to Tarcutta Mens Shed Incorporated
b delegate authority to the General Manager or their delegate to execute any necessary documentation on behalf of Council
c authorise the affixing of Council’s Common Seal to documents relating to this matter as required
Reference is made to a parcel of Crown Land managed by Council known as Crown Reserve 1037368 (being Lot 7009 DP 1028847 and part Lot 16 DP 1189207) at Gresham Street, Tarcutta. The Crown Reserve was gazetted on 31/05/2013 for the purpose of Community Purposes, Public Recreation, Tourist Facilities and Services. The reserve is approximately 11.74H.
The above land is currently leased to the Tarcutta Transport and Farming Museum Incorporated (TTFM) until the 28 February 2025 with the option to renew for a further ten (10) years. The permitted use under the lease agreement is for development of road transport museum, men shed, tourist and ancillary uses.
Council staff have been advised that TTFM no longer has the capacity to meet the lease obligations or continue to support the development of the site for TTFM purposes. TTFM have met with the Tarcutta Mens Shed Incorporated (Mens Shed) and offered the site to the Mens Shed. The Mens Shed have confirmed that they are agreeable to the assignment of the lease from the TTFM on the same terms and have undertaken an assessment of the site to determine that it is suitable for their operations.
As the leased land is Crown Land, Council is required under the Crown Land Management Act 2016 to conduct Crown Land and Native Title Assessments before entering into any lease or licence agreement. On review, Council’s Native Title Managers have confirmed that should the existing lease be terminated, Council would be unable to validly enter into a new lease or licence agreement of the site without either applying to the Federal Court for protection pursuant to Section 24FA of the Native Title Act 1993, or a formal determination of Native Title having been made in relation to this site.
It is therefore recommended that Council endorse the assignment of the lease from the Tarcutta Transport and Farming Museum Incorporated to Tarcutta Mens Shed Incorporated at Gresham Street, Tarcutta (being Lot 7009 DP 1028847 and part Lot 16 DP 1189207).
Financial Implications
As the lease will be assigned on the same financial terms, there will be no budget adjustment required to the Long Term Financial Plan.
In accordance with Council’s endorsed Fees and Charges for 2023/2024, an administration fee of $520 (including GST) is payable in respect of any tenant-initiated dealings including assignment of lease. In addition, Council is entitled to recover 100% of legal costs and disbursements in relation to these matters.
Policy and Legislation
Native Title Act 1993
Crown Land Management Act 2016
Local Government Act 1993
Acquisition, Disposal and Management of Land Policy POL038
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Place and Identity
Objective: Our community feel welcome, included and connected
Activate community spaces to promote connectedness
Risk Management Issues for Council
Council is responsible for appropriately managing its property assets. In respect of Crown land, this includes taking into consideration obligations imposed pursuant under the Native Title Act 1993 and the Crown Land Management Act 2016 when considering the grant of a lease or licence over Crown Land.
Internal / External Consultation
Council has engaged in external consultation with both its current tenant, TTFM and the Mens Shed in relation to this matter.
1⇩. |
Location Map |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 24 June 2024 |
RP-7 |
Author: Kimberly Parker
Executive: Janice Summerhayes
Summary: |
Council is in receipt of three applications for the first round of the 2024/25 Major Events, Festivals and Film Sponsorship Program. The funding is available to support events held from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025. |
That Council:
a authorise the General Manager or their delegate to enter into an agreement to sponsor the following events through the 2024/25 Major Events and Sponsorship budget:
i Carols by Candlelight by Specialist Medical Resources Foundation to the amount of $10,000 through the incubator event stream
ii Wagga Wagga Swap Meet by Classic and Historic Automobile Club of Australia (CHACA) to the amount of $3,000 through the developing event stream
iii Christmas with the Con by Riverina Conservatorium of Music to the amount of $15,000 through the developing event stream
Council is in receipt of three (3) applications for the first round of the 2024/25 Major Events, Festival and Films Sponsorship Program. This funding is available to support events held from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.
Applications have been assessed by the Major Events Advisory Panel (the Panel) consisting of two community members and two council staff. The Panel has assessed the applications in line with the Major Events, Festivals and Films Sponsorship guidelines. The details of the applications received along with the recommended sponsorship funding amounts are summarised as follows:
Event Name & Organisation |
Amount Requested |
Event Budget |
Reason |
Carols by Candlelight by Specialist Medical Resources Foundation (SMRF)
$10,000 |
$64,593.80 |
The Panel recommends sponsorship of the event to the full amount of $10,000 requested for the delivery of this multi-day event. The Panel scored the event well, being a new event that provided diverse experiences for the community to participate and enjoy. The application demonstrated strong community and strategic partnerships to demonstrate their capabilities to deliver an event to this scale. |
Wagga Wagga Swap Meet |
$10,000 |
$28,281.44 |
The Panel recommends sponsorship of the event to the partial amount of $3,000 for the marketing and promotion of this multi-day event to encourage visitation in the city. The Panel identified that the application did not demonstrate a clear need for Council’s financial support as per the criteria. The application strongly demonstrated the success of their event model and financial capabilities with strong income and profit streams which is reinvested back into the delivery of the event. The application did not
detail how they would provide a new offering or experience beyond their
existing model to grow further and therefore did not score highly against
this criterion under the developing event stream. |
Christmas with the Con by The Riverina Conservatorium of Music
$20,000 |
$37,927 |
The Panel recommends sponsorship of the event to the maximum eligibility of $15,000, being 40% of total event costs, for delivery and staging of the event. The Panel recognised that the event has broad appeal to the community and has demonstrated growth in attendance across the previous two years. The applicant has clearly demonstrated how they are inclusive and support local creative industries. The Panel has recommended that conditions on the funding be applied to ensure sponsorship funds are used for event logistics, and marketing initiatives to attract both local and visiting attendees. |
Event Details: Carols by Candlelight | 6 – 7 December 2024
After a hiatus, the Carols by Candlelight will return to Wagga Wagga rejuvenated by the non-for-profit organisation, Specialist Medical Resources Foundation (SMRF). SMRF has over 10-years’ experience in producing and delivering professional theatre and events in Wagga Wagga. The event is scheduled to be held from 6-7 December at the iconic Music Bowl, Wagga Wagga Botanic Gardens.
Carols by Candlelight will focus on creating an inclusive environment and supporting local creative industries. The event will showcase an exciting program of roving entertainers, face painting, a jumping castle, petting zoo that will appeal to young families, and seniors. The pre-show entertainment features indigenous and multi-cultural talent that will foster greater understanding between different sections of the community.
Carols by Candlelight has demonstrated in their application that the event will support local businesses collaborations through the creation of overnight packages for visitors, promotion of Christmas shopping, dining, and accommodation in Wagga Wagga. Event organisers will also engage marketing strategies in Wagga Wagga and our LGAs to attract both local and visiting attendees.
Event summary
· Date: 6 - 7 December 2024
· Expected attendance: 4,000
· Visitors outside of the Local Government Area: 350
· Program duration: 2 days
· Proposed venue: Music Bowl
· Total income (excluding Council sponsorship funds): $65,000
· Total event cost: $64,593.80
· Total amount requested: $10,000
· Event committee members: Angela Boulton, Conner Crawford, Chloe Sutton, Jolene Green, Sophie McKeller, Tony Boulton
The applicant is seeking $10,000 in cash funding from Council’s Major Events, Festivals and Films Sponsorship to stage and deliver the event.
If successful in securing the requested funding the applicant will acknowledge Council’s funding through logo placement on all marketing material and promotion through media opportunities as they arise.
The Panel has assessed this application against the Major Events, Festivals and Films Sponsorship Guidelines for an Incubator Event and recommend this event receives the full amount requested of $10,000 towards the delivery and staging of their multi-day event.
The Panel’s assessment and recommendation is summarised as follows:
· The application scored well in terms of having strong community links and strategic partnerships within the local community.
· The Panel agreed that the team delivering this event were well experienced and demonstrated a strong track record of staging community events
· The Panel were supportive of the multi-day program to encourage repeat visitation for residence and visitors.
· The application was well detailed and addressed each criterion well.
· The Panel recommends sponsorship of the event to the full amount of $10,000 requested for the delivery of this multi-day event.
Event Details: Wagga Wagga Swap Meet | 21 - 22 July 2024
Wagga Wagga Swap Meet is a multiday event delivered by the ‘Classic and Historic Automobile Club of Australia - Wagga Wagga Region’. The event is scheduled to be held from 21 - 22 July 2024 at Wagga Wagga Showgrounds. The Wagga Wagga Swap Meet is a long-standing event in the City’s annual major event calendar and has been consecutively running for the last 27 years.
With over 900 stall holders, the event is recognised as the third largest swap meet in Australia and attracts thousands of car enthusiasts and collectors. The Wagga Wagga Swap Meet has demonstrated in this application their record of success with local partnerships, business collaborations and community donations, and how these combined have made a positive economic and social impact to the city.
Over the lifetime of the Wagga Wagga Swap Meet, the Swap has been able to financially support more than 70 local charities and community groups in areas of health, wellbeing and emergency volunteer services. Each year different local charities are chosen to be the recipients of the entry ticket proceeds of the Swap Meet. All catering available on the event ground is offered through other community groups and charities such as local sports groups, local clubs and Veteran groups. All the profits from the catering goes to the respective organisations.
Event summary
· Date: 21-22 July
· Expected attendance: 5,000
· Visitors outside of the Local Government Area: 2,000
· Program duration: 2 Days
· Proposed venue: Wagga Wagga Showgrounds
· Total income (excluding Council sponsorship funds): $45,000
· Total event cost: $24,281.44
· Total amount requested: $10,000
· Event organiser: Gordon Saggers
The applicant is seeking $10,000 in cash funding from Council’s Major Events, Festivals and Films Sponsorship to stage and deliver the event.
If successful in securing the requested funding the applicant will acknowledge Council’s funding through logo placement on all marketing material and promotion through media opportunities as they arise.
The Panel has assessed this application against the Major Events, Festivals and Films Sponsorship Guidelines for a Developing Event and recommends this event receives $3,000 of their requested amount of $10,000 to contribute to their marketing and promotional activities. The rationale for this decision was in accordance with the sponsorship guidelines.
The Panel’s assessment and recommendation is summarised as follows:
· The Panel identified that the application did not demonstrate a clear need for Council’s financial support as per the criteria. The application strongly demonstrated the success of their event model and financial capabilities with strong income streams and profits being reinvested back into the delivery of the event.
· The application did not detail how they would provide a new offering or experience beyond their existing model to grow further and therefore did not score highly against this criterion under the developing event stream.
· The Panel acknowledged the high economic impact the event generates, and the funding support of $3,000 to enable additional marketing will help maximise the economic return to the city.
· The benefits and value of this project scored well in terms of event experience, event management, and direct benefit to the community
· The applicant has demonstrated strong community connections and demonstrated support from a variety of local industries and organisations
· The Panel recommended they receive $3,000 of council’s sponsorship funds.
Event Details: Christmas with the Con | 14 December 2024
Christmas with the Con is an event staged and delivered by Riverina Conservatorium of Music scheduled to be held at the Riverside: Wagga Beach event space and mainstage area. The proposed event’s primary goal is to bring community groups together to enjoy a free evening of live music performances.
Christmas with the Con 2024 is the fourth time the organisation will be delivering the event and is programmed to include the Riverina Youth Orchestra along with instrumental ensembles, choirs, and feature soloists from the Riverina Conservatorium of Music.
The staging of the event is expected to engage with over 90 musicians from the Riverina Conservatorium of Music and will be supported by local suppliers and vendors including professional sound and lighting suppliers.
The programming for the event will also feature a short fireworks display, pending appropriate risk management and approvals.
Event summary
· Date: 14 December 2024
· Expected attendance: 3,400
· Visitors outside of the Local Government Area: 200
· Program duration: 1 day
· Proposed venue: Riverside: Wagga Beach
· Total income (excluding Council sponsorship funds): $0
· Total event cost: $37,927
· Total amount requested: $20,000
· Event organiser: Kylie Dunstan
The applicant is seeking $20,000 in cash funding from Council’s Major Events, Festivals and Films Sponsorship for their initiative.
Upon the success of funding, the applicant has detailed clear strategies to ensure Council is acknowledge across their marketing initiatives. This includes the use of logos on print and digital assets, acknowledgments in media interviews and media releases, as well as the display of Council promotional banners/flags on the event site.
The Panel has assessed this application against the Major Events, Festivals and Films Sponsorship Guidelines for a Developing Event and recommend this event receives the maximum eligibility of $15,000, being 40% of total event costs, for delivery and staging of the event.
The Panel has recommended conditions in place including funds to be spent on:
(a) event programming costs; and,
(b) marketing initiatives with a strong focus on regional audiences for improved economic benefit.
The Panel’s assessment and recommendation is summarised as follows:
· The benefits and value of this project scored well in terms of event experience, event management, innovation, and direct benefit to the community
· The panel has commended the selected venue and will be great to see the space further activated
· The event organiser has a proven track record of hosting and delivering events in the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area
· The Applicant has demonstrated strong community connections and demonstrated support from a variety of local creative industries and organisations
· The Panel identified the application specified a niche audience however the Panel believes it has the potential to attract a broader range of audience
· The Panel encourages the event to consider stronger market research methodologies and consider targeting out of region visitors including the Friends and Relatives market.
· The Panel has recommended that they receive $15,000 toward the event at this location
Financial Implications
2024/25 Major Events Sponsorship Budget |
$100,000 |
Less Current Commitments |
· Gears & Beers Festival (year two of three) |
($20,000) |
Total Current Commitments |
($20,000) |
Recommended sponsorship |
· Carols by Candlelight |
($10,000) |
· Wagga Wagga Swap Meet |
($3,000) |
· Christmas with the Con |
($15,000) |
Total Major Events Sponsorship funding recommended in this report |
($28,000) |
Remaining budget for 2024/25 Major Events, Festivals and Films Sponsorship |
$52,000 |
Applications for Round 2 are currently open for the remaining $52,000 available and closing on Sunday 14 July 2024. This funding opportunity is widely promoted through digital social media platforms, industry newsletters and through direct consultation with event organisers throughout the year.
Policy and Legislation
POL087 – Major Events, Festivals and Films Sponsorship
Link to Strategic Plan
Growing Economy
Objective: Wagga Wagga is an attractive tourist destination
Provide a variety of events, festivals, and activities
Risk Management Issues for Council
Risk management will be addressed as part of any future sponsorship agreement, with terms and conditions ensuring events are managed appropriately. A staged payment schedule based on event planning and delivery milestones will also be implemented to mitigate against non-delivery of event with each applicant.
Internal / External Consultation
Traditional Media |
Community Engagement |
Digital |
Rates notices insert |
Direct mail |
Letterbox drop |
Council news |
Media release |
Media opportunity |
TV/radio advertising |
One-on-one meeting(s) |
Community meeting(s) |
Stakeholder workshop(s) |
Drop-in session(s) |
Survey/feedback form(s) |
Have your Say |
Email newsletter |
Social media |
Website |
Inform |
Consult |
Involve |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Collaborate |
Other methods (please list specific details below) |
1. |
Carols by Candlelight application This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, as it deals with: commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council. - Provided under separate cover |
2. |
Wagga Wagga Swap Meet application This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, as it deals with: commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council. - Provided under separate cover |
3. |
Christmas with the Con application This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, as it deals with: commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council. - Provided under separate cover |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 24 June 2024 |
RP-8 |
Author: Carolyn Rodney
Summary: |
This report is for Council to consider information presented on the 2023/24 budget and Long-Term Financial Plan, and details Council’s external investments and performance as at 31 May 2024. |
That Council:
a approve the proposed 2023/24 budget variations for the month ended 31 May 2024 and note the balanced budget position as presented in this report
b note the Responsible Accounting Officer’s reports, in accordance with the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 (Part 9 Division 3: Clause 203) that the financial position of Council is satisfactory having regard to the original estimates of income and expenditure and the recommendations made above
c note the details of the external investments as of 31 May 2024 in accordance with section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993
Wagga Wagga City Council (Council) forecasts a balanced budget position as of 31 May 2024.
Proposed budget variations are detailed in this report for Council’s consideration and adoption.
Council has experienced a positive monthly investment performance for the month of May when compared to budget ($413,337 up on the monthly budget). This is mainly due to better than budgeted returns on Council’s investment portfolio as a result of the ongoing movement in the interest rate environment, as well as a higher than anticipated investment portfolio balance. Council did experience a positive return on its NSW T-Corp Managed Fund for the month of May, as domestic and international shares rebounded during the month.
Key Performance Indicators
Total operating income is 96% of approved budget and is tracking ahead for the month of May 2024 mainly a result of increased interest on investments income received this year.
An adjustment has been made to reflect the levy of rates that occurred at the start of the financial year. Excluding this adjustment, operating income received is 101% when compared to budget.
Total operating expenditure is 88% of approved budget and is tracking under budget at this stage of the financial year.
Total capital income is 66% of approved budget. It is important to note that the actual income from capital is influenced by the timing of the receipt of capital grants and contributions in relation to expenditure incurred on the projects.
Total capital expenditure including commitments is 75% of approved budget including pending projects. Excluding commitments, the total expenditure is 48% when compared to the approved budget.
Years 2-10 Current Adopted Long Term Financial Plan (Surplus) /Deficit*
* Please note that Council has recently reviewed the 2024/25 Long Term Financial Plan, with the draft plan currently on public exhibition. The above table is the current adopted position and not the draft plan which is planned to be adopted at this Council Meeting.
The proposed Operating and Capital Budget Variations for 31 May 2024 which affect the current 2023/24 financial year are listed below.
Budget Variation |
Amount |
Funding Source |
Net Impact (Fav)/ Unfav |
3 – Growing Economy |
Vibrant Streets Package – Open Streets Program (Festival of W) |
$150K |
Department of Transport Grant ($150K) |
Nil |
Festival of W is Wagga Wagga’s premiere destination event held across 16 days in winter. Council staff have been advised of a successful grant application totalling $150,000 through Transport for NSW’s Open Streets Program. This grant funding will be used to upscale the festival with an additional festival feature of a temporary street-level activation programmed across the middle weekend of the festival.
The aim of the Open Streets Program is to: temporarily close streets to vehicles and open them for people, with projects over a day, or series of days, and provide safe spaces for community events and activities; bring vibrancy to our streets by creating a sense of excitement and discovery with creative events and activations that are inviting and inclusive to the community and support job creation in local businesses and the cultural sector.
Estimated Completion: 21 July 2024 Job Consolidation: 23128 |
2023/24 Capital Works Summary
Approved Budget |
Proposed Movement |
Proposed Budget |
One-off |
$64,976,677 |
$0 |
$64,976,677 |
Recurrent |
$31,585,994 |
$0 |
$31,585,994 |
Pending |
$748,105 |
$0 |
$748,105 |
Total Capital Works |
$97,310,776 |
$0 |
$97,310,776 |
Current Restrictions
*These amounts relate to 29 April 2024 Council meeting adopted budget variations that impact on the draft 2024/25 Long Term Financial Plan that is currently on public exhibition and will be updated 1 July 2024 as advised previously.
Investment Summary as at 31 May 2024
In accordance with Regulation 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021, details of Wagga Wagga City Council’s external investments are outlined below.
Council’s investment portfolio is dominated by Term Deposits, equating to approximately 57% of the portfolio across a broad range of counterparties. Cash equates to 11%, with Floating Rate Notes (FRNs) around 22%, fixed rate bonds around 9% and growth funds around 1% of the portfolio.
Council’s investment portfolio is well diversified in complying assets across the entire credit spectrum. It is also well diversified from a rating perspective. Credit quality is diversified and is predominately invested amongst the investment grade Authorised Deposit-Taking Institutions (ADIs) (being BBB- or higher), with a smaller allocation to unrated ADIs.
All investments are within the defined Policy limits, as outlined in the Rating Allocation chart below:
Investment Portfolio Balance
Council’s investment portfolio balance increased over the past month, up from $220.83M to $223.74M. This increase is reflective of the final rates instalment for the financial year being due on 31 May 2024.
Monthly Investment Movements
Redemptions/Sales – Council redeemed/sold the following investment securities during May 2024:
Institution and Type |
Amount |
Investment Term |
Interest Rate |
Comments |
CBA (AA-) Term Deposit |
$2M |
2 years |
3.78% |
This term deposit was redeemed on maturity and these funds were reinvested in a new 2-year NAB term deposit (as below). |
Australian Military Bank (BBB+) Term Deposit |
$1M |
12 months |
5.06% |
This term deposit was redeemed on maturity and these funds were reinvested in a new 4-year ING Bank term deposit (as below). |
Westpac (AA-) Floating Rate Note |
$2.5M |
5 ¼ years |
BBSW +88bps |
This floating rate note was sold prior to maturity and funds were used to purchase the new 5-yr BoQ floating rate note and fixed rate bond purchased in April 2024. Council recognised a capital gain of $4,400. |
ANZ Bank (AA-) Floating Rate Note |
$2M |
5 years |
BBSW + 77bps |
This floating rate note was sold prior to maturity and funds were used to purchase the new 5-yr BoQ floating rate note and fixed rate bond purchased in April 2024. Council recognised a capital gain of $3,240. |
New Investments – Council purchased the following investment securities during May 2024:
Institution and Type |
Amount |
Investment Term |
Interest Rate |
Comments |
NAB (AA-) Term Deposit |
$2M |
2 years |
5.10% |
The NAB rate of 5.10% compared favourably to the rest of the market for this term. The next best rate for this term was 5.05%. |
ING Bank (A) Term Deposit |
$2M |
3 years |
5.12% |
The ING Bank rate of 5.12% compared favourably to the rest of the market for this term. The next best rate for this term was 5.00%. |
ING Bank (A) Term Deposit |
$2M |
4 years |
5.26% |
The ING Bank rate of 5.26% compared favourably to the rest of the market for this term. The next best rate for this term was 5.05%. |
Bendigo Bank (A-) Floating Rate Note |
$800K |
3 years |
BBSW +100bps |
Council’s independent Investment Advisor advised this Floating Rate Note represented good value with a potential grossed-up value of +115-120bps after 2 years. |
Rollovers – Council rolled over the following investment security during May 2024:
Institution and Type |
Amount |
Investment Term |
Interest Rate |
Comments |
ING Bank (A) Term Deposit |
$2M |
2 years |
5.11% |
This term deposit was a 2-year investment earning 3.76% and was rolled at maturity into a new 2-year term deposit at 5.11%. |
Monthly Investment Performance
Interest/growth/capital gains/(losses) for the month totalled $798,202, which compares favourably with the budget for the period of $384,865 - outperforming budget for the month by $413,337.
Council’s outperformance to budget for May is mainly due to better than budgeted returns on Councils investment portfolio as well as a higher than anticipated investment portfolio balance. This is a result of the ongoing movements in the cash rate made by the Reserve Bank of Australia, with the latest increase in early November 2023 bringing the cash rate to 4.35% from a record low of 0.10% in April 2022.
Council also experienced a positive return on its NSW T-Corp Managed Fund for the month of May, with the fund returning +1.32% (or $26,570) as domestic (+0.92%) and international (+4.26%) shares rebounded during the month.
On Cash and At‑Call accounts returned 4.35% (annualised) for the month. These funds are utilised for daily cash flow management and need to be available to meet operating and contractual payments as they fall due.
Over the past year, Council’s investment portfolio has returned 3.82%, marginally underperforming the AusBond Bank Bill index by -0.50%. Councils investment portfolio has continued to outperform the AusBond Bank Bill Index* over the longer-term time period, returning 2.60% per annum over the past 3 years – outperforming the benchmark by 0.28% over this time.
* The AusBond Bank Bill Index is the leading benchmark for the Australian fixed income market. It is interpolated from the RBA Cash rate, 1 month and 3-month Bank Bill Swap rates.
Report by Responsible Accounting Officer
I hereby certify that all of the above investments have been made in accordance with the provision of Section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993 and the regulations there under, and in accordance with the Investment Policy adopted by Council on 11 December 2023.
Carolyn Rodney
Responsible Accounting Officer
Policy and Legislation
Budget variations are reported in accordance with Council’s POL 052 Budget Policy.
Investments are reported in accordance with Council’s POL 075 Investment Policy.
Local Government Act 1993
Section 625 - How may councils invest?
Local Government (General) Regulation 2021
Section 212 - Reports on council investments
Link to Strategic Plan
Community leadership and collaboration
Objective: Wagga Wagga City Council leads through engaged civic governance and is recognised and distinguished by its ethical decision-making, efficient management, innovation and quality customer service
Ensure transparency and accountability
Risk Management Issues for Council
This report is a control mechanism that assists in addressing the following potential risks to Council:
· Loss of investment income or capital resulting from ongoing management of investments, especially during difficult economic times
· Failure to demonstrate to the community that its funds are being expended in an efficient and effective manner
Internal / External Consultation
All relevant areas within Council have consulted with the Finance Division in relation to the budget variations listed in this report.
The Finance Division has consulted with relevant external parties to confirm Council’s investment portfolio balances.
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 24 June 2024 |
RP-9 |
Author: Carolyn Rodney
Summary: |
Pro Patria is a not-for-profit organisation and wellness centre for current and past veterans and first responders (police, firemen, ambulance personnel, nurses etc) to receive health and wellbeing therapies to improve their general wellbeing. Pro Patria has requested financial support from Council to assist with the cost of the construction of new community workshop rooms. |
That Council in accordance with Section 356 of the Local Government Act 1993, provide a financial contribution of $13,828.86 to Pro Patria for the construction of their new community workshop rooms.
Pro Patria operates wellness centre for current and past veterans and first responders (police, firemen, ambulance personnel, nurses etc) to receive health and wellbeing therapies to improve their general wellbeing at 19 Morshead Street, Ashmont. The trustees of Pro Patria have raised the $1.5M required to purchase the Carmelite Monastery and are now carrying out renovations to make the site fit for purpose.
The next stage of the renovations is the construction of two community facility buildings to be used as workshops for the Defense Shed. The new facility will provide veterans with access to a range of practical skills training there and a space for them to meet regularly. The construction of the workshops is funded by grant funding, with an estimated cost of $1M.
The Pro Patria Trust is seeking financial contributions from supporters and community organisations to enable the completion of the current stage. It is proposed to offer the balance unallocated in the Section 356 budget for 2023/24 of $13,828.86 to support their development and the important services they offer to people in the community living with the ongoing effects of their service.
Financial Implications
Section 356 Budget Summary |
2023/24 Budget available for requests received during financial year |
$42,060.00 |
Total of fee waivers approved to date |
($28,231.14) |
Revised Balance of Section 356 Budget prior to this report recommendation |
$13,828.86 |
Financial Support proposed to be provided to Pro Patria |
($13,828.86) |
Balance of Section 356 Budget for 2023/24 financial year |
$0 |
Policy and Legislation
Section 356 of the Local Government Act 1993
POL 078 – Financial Assistance Policy
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Place and Identity
Objective: Our community feel welcome, included and connected
Activate community spaces to promote connectedness
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
Cross Directorate consultation has been undertaken as required.
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 24 June 2024 |
RP-10 |
Author: Zachary Wilson
Executive: Carolyn Rodney
Summary: |
With the recently announced grant funding Council was successful with under the Accelerated Infrastructure Funding, a minor amendment is required to Council’s POL 075 Investment Policy, to ensure staff adhere to the policy limits once the grant funding is received. |
That Council adopt the proposed temporary amendments to POL 075 Investment Policy, due to the reasons outlined in this report.
The Investment Policy was recently adopted with minor amendments at the 11 December 2023 Council meeting. This Policy is reviewed and updated biennially. The policy notes that:
The Investment Policy may also be changed as a result of other amendments that are to the advantage of Council and in the spirit of this Policy.
Council’s Investment Policy
includes limits to Counterparty Credit Framework, see extract below from the
The recently announced $70M in funding under the Accelerated Infrastructure Funding (with the majority of the funding milestone payments to be receipted upfront) will result in an overexposure in the Counterparty limit under the Major Banks category.
To ensure the efficient management of the grant funding, it is proposed to increase the AA Category or Major Banks percentage up from the current 30% to 40%. This was discussed and recommended by Council’s Independent Investment Advisor, Arlo Advisory.
During each Policy review iteration, all limits are reviewed again, and proposed amendments recommended to Council for adoption.
Financial Implications
Resolving as per the recommendation will ensure staff adhere to the category limits contained within the Policy.
Policy and Legislation
POL 075 – Investment Policy
Link to Strategic Plan
Community leadership and collaboration
Objective: Wagga Wagga City Council leads through engaged civic governance and is recognised and distinguished by its ethical decision-making, efficient management, innovation and quality customer service
Ensure transparency and accountability
Risk Management Issues for Council
As noted earlier in this report, resolving as per the recommendation will ensure staff adhere to the category limits contained within the Policy.
Internal / External Consultation
Staff have liaised with Council’s independent investment advisor, Arlo Advisory.
1⇩. |
Investment Policy (POL 075) - Proposed Temporary Amendment |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 24 June 2024 |
RP-11 |
Author: Nicole Johnson
Executive: Scott Gray
Summary: |
This report provides Councillors with an update on the status of all resolutions of Council including Notices of Motion. |
That Council receive and note the following registers: a Active Resolutions as at 18 June 2024 b Active Notice of Motions as at 18 June 2024 c Resolutions including Notice of Motions completed from 22 April to 18 June 2024 |
The attached registers, outline details of each resolution with the following analysis provided as a snapshot as at 18 June 2024:
· 105 active resolutions
· 13 active Notices of Motions
· 39 resolutions including Notice of Motions have been completed from 22 April to 18 June 2024
Financial Implications
Policy and Legislation
Council’s Code of Meeting Practice
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Leadership and Collaboration
Objective: We are informed and involved in decision making
Outcome: Everyone in our community feels they have been heard and understood
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
1. |
Active Resolution Register - June 2024 - Provided under separate cover |
2. |
Active Notice of Motions Resolution Register - June 2024 - Provided under separate cover |
3. |
Completed Resolution Register - June 2024 - Provided under separate cover |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 24 June 2024 |
RP-12 |
Author: Scott Gray
Summary: |
This report is to list questions with notice raised by Councillors in accordance with Council’s Code of Meeting Practice. |
That Council receive and note the report. |
The following questions with notice were received prior to the meeting, in accordance with the Code of Meeting Practice.
Councillor J McKinnon asked if Council are aware that recent road works on Cloughs Road has done significant damage to roadside trees that have been nurtured and cared for the past 10 years. Is council prepared to renumerate the damage. |
Council recently gravel re-sheeted Cloughs Road. In doing so, the longitudinal and mitre drains along the road were cleaned out as well. Approximately six small trees (less than 100mm diameter measured 1.5m from the ground) were removed along the length of the road because they were located within the clear zone and drainage zone. It is common practice for small saplings to be cleared during maintenance work. Maintenance work on unsealed roads focusses on the road pavement, the shoulder, and drainage corridor and that can involve clearing of small trees that could in the future provided a significant risk to motorist once mature. Council will not be providing remuneration for the removal of the trees. |
Councillor T Koschell asked if there has been any further feedback from the community and local organisations after some Councillor comments in the meeting and voting against the renaming of Michael Slater Oval due to Domestic Violence charges? |
In addition to the information provided at the last meeting Council has received 19 submissions so far through the YourSay platform with suggestions for names. |
Financial Implications
Policy and Legislation
Code of Meeting Practice
Link to Strategic Plan
Community leadership and collaboration
Objective: Our community is informed and actively engaged in decision making and problem-solving to shape the future of Wagga Wagga
Ensure our community feels heard and understood
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Monday 24 June 2024 |
CONF-1 |
Confidential Reports
Author: Lauren Reynolds
Executive: Janice Summerhayes
This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -
(d) (i) commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.
Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Monday 24 June 2024 |
CONF-2 |
Author: Darryl Woods
General Manager: Peter Thompson
This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -
(d) (i) commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.
Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Monday 24 June 2024 |
CONF-3 |
Author: Darryl Woods
General Manager: Peter Thompson
This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -
(d) (i) commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.
Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Monday 24 June 2024 |
CONF-4 |
Author: Matthew Dombrovski
Executive: John Sidgwick
This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -
(c) information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business; and
(d) (i) commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.
Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Monday 24 June 2024 |
CONF-5 |
Author: Matthew Dombrovski
Executive: John Sidgwick
This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -
(c) information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business; and
(d) (i) commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.
Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Monday 24 June 2024 |
CONF-6 |
Author: Peter Thompson
This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -
(a) personnel matters concerning particular individuals.