The Mayor, Councillor Dallas Tout
Councillor Georgie Davies
Councillor Michael Henderson
Councillor Richard Foley
Councillor Rod Kendall
Councillor Tim Koschel
Councillor Jenny McKinnon
Councillor Amelia Parkins
General Manager (Mr P Thompson)
Director Community (Ms J Summerhayes)
Director Infrastructure Services (Mr W Faulkner)
Director Strategy and Projects (Mr P McMurray)
Director Regional Activation (Mr J Sidgwick)
Chief Financial Officer (Mrs C Rodney)
Chief Operating Officer (Mr S Gray)
Executive Director - People & Culture (Mrs F Piltz)
Project Director Regulatory Planning Reform (Ms R Fox)
Town Planner (Ms V Rice)
Destination & Events Coordinator (Ms K Parker)
Manager Community Services (Ms M Scully)
Executive Manager - Major Projects (Mr D Woods)
Manager Corporate Governance & Performance (Mr D Galloway)
Manager City Growth & Regional Assets (Mr B Creighton)
Corporate Governance Coordinator (Mrs N Johnson)
Communications & Engagement Coordinator (Mr M Casey)
Corporate Governance Officer (Ms K West)
The proceedings of all Council meetings in open session, including all debate and addresses by the public, are recorded (audio visual) and livestreamed on Council’s website including for the purpose of facilitating community access to meetings and accuracy of the Minutes.
In addition to webcasting council meetings, audio recordings of confidential sessions of Ordinary Meetings of Council are also recorded, but do not form part of the webcast.
Council Meetings are also subject to filming and photographing by media agencies which may form part of news and media broadcasts. Members of the gallery are also advised that recording the proceedings of the meeting of the council is prohibited without the prior authorisation of the council.
Wagga Wagga City Council acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land, the Wiradjuri people, and pays respect to Elders past, present and future and extends our respect to all First Nations Peoples in Wagga Wagga.
We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and continuing connection with the land and rivers. We also recognise the resilience, strength and pride of the Wiradjuri and First Nations communities.
Councillors, let us in silence reflect upon our responsibilities to the community which we represent, and to all future generations and faithfully, and impartially, carry out the functions, powers, authorities and discretions vested in us, to the best of our skill and judgement.
No apologies were received.
On the Motion of Councillors T Koschel and R Kendall That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 11 June 2024 be confirmed as a true and accurate record. |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
D Tout |
G Davies |
R Foley |
M Henderson |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
J McKinnon |
A Parkins |
On the Motion of Councillors G Davies and R Foley That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Extraordinary Council Meeting held on 17 June 2024 be confirmed as a true and accurate record. |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
D Tout |
G Davies |
R Foley |
M Henderson |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
J McKinnon |
A Parkins |
Councillor T Koschel declared a Non-Significant Non-Pecuniary Interest in RP-7 - MAJOR EVENTS, FESTIVALS AND FILMS SPONSORSHIP 2024/25 ROUND 1 the reason being that he has participated in a few events as an invited guest for the charity for one of the applicants, noting he does not work or sit on the organising committee for the charity and remained in the chamber during its consideration.
Councillor T Koschel declared a Non-Significant Non-Pecuniary Interest in RP-8 FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE REPORT AS AT 31 MAY 2024 the reason being that he works for a financial institution and remained in the chamber during its consideration.
Councillor T Koschel declared a Significant Non-Pecuniary Interest in RP-10 - POL 075 - INVESTMENT POLICY - PROPOSED AMENDMENT the reason being that he works in the financial industry and vacated the chamber during its consideration.
Councillor R Kendall declared a Significant Non-Pecuniary Interest in RP-1 - DA23/0673 - 3 x SINGLE STOREY ATTACHED DWELLINGS AND 4 LOT COMMUNITY TITLE SUBDIVISION, 16 KENNEALLY ST KOORINGAL, LOT 4 DP 847576 the reason being that a family member's business is the applicant and he regularly works for the builder and vacated the chamber during its consideration.
Councillor M Henderson declared a Significant Non-Pecuniary Interest in RP-2 PLANNING AND REPORTING (IP&R) - ADOPTION OF DOCUMENTS the reason being that there is reference to the Lake Albert Pipeline within the report and he is the Commodore of the Wagga Boat Club and remained in the chamber during its consideration.
Councillor M Henderson declared a Significant Non-Pecuniary Interest in RP-7 MAJOR EVENTS, FESTIVALS AND FILMS SPONSORSHIP 2024/25 ROUND 1 the reason being that he is a member of the Classic and Historic Automobile Club of Australia and vacated the chamber during its consideration.
Councillor M Henderson declared a Significant Non-Pecuniary Interest in CONF-4 EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR GRAZING LICENCES OVER MULTIPLE PARCELS OF COUNCIL LAND - OUTCOME REPORT the reason being that he knows some of the applicants and remained in the chamber during its consideration.
Councillor M Henderson declared a Significant Non-Pecuniary Interest in CONF-5 TARCUTTA FOOD VAN - REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF OPERATING HOURS the reason being that he has meet with the applicant and vacated the chamber during its consideration.
Councillor G Davies declared a Non-Significant Non-Pecuniary Interest in CONF-1 -COMMISSIONING OF 'RIVER LIFE' PUBLIC ARTWORK the reason being that a member of her family leases an office space off one of the contractors and remained in a chamber during its consideration.
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
D Tout |
G Davies |
R Foley |
M Henderson |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
J McKinnon |
A Parkins |
Reports from Staff
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
D Tout |
G Davies |
R Foley |
M Henderson |
T Koschel |
J McKinnon |
A Parkins |
Councillor R Kendall re-entered the chamber, the time being 6:08pm.
On the Motion of Councillors J McKinnon and R Kendall That Council: a adopt the Operational Plan 2024/25 b adopt the Fees and Charges for the financial year 2024/25 c adopt the Long Term Financial Plan 2024/25 d receive a further report at the next available Council meeting with the information necessary to consider an amendment to the Public Art Policy (POL109) to remove the $50,000 cap currently placed on Public Art funding e sets the interest on overdue rates and charges for 2024/25, in accordance with Section 566(3) of the Local Government Act 1993 at 10.5% per annum calculated on a daily simple interest basis. f makes and levy the following Rates and Annual Charges for 2024/25: i Residential – City and Suburbs rate of 0.640933 cents in the dollar in terms of Sections 516 and 529 of the Local Government Act 1993, calculated on the land value in respect of all rateable lands situated in the centres of population defined as the City of Wagga Wagga and the Village of Forest Hill, excluding Business - City and Suburbs land, rated in accordance with the provisions of Section 518 of the Local Government Act 1993, Residential (Other) land as defined, and also Farmland, rated in accordance with the provisions of Section 515 of the Local Government Act, within such centres of population A minimum rate of $810.00 for each parcel of land as prescribed under Section 548 of the Local Government Act 1993 shall apply to this rate ii Residential – Other rate of 0.357367 cents in the dollar calculated on the land value in respect of all rateable land within the Council’s area, which, in the Council’s opinion, is land which: (a) is not less than two (2) hectares and not more than 40 hectares in area (b) is either: (i) not zoned or otherwise designated for use under an environmental planning instrument (ii) zoned or otherwise designated for use under such an environmental planning instrument for non-urban purposes (c) does not have a significant and substantial commercial purpose or character Excludes Business - City and Suburbs land, rated in accordance with the provisions of Section 518 of the Local Government Act 1993, and also Farmland, rated in accordance with the provisions of Section 515 of the Local Government Act, within such centres of population A minimum rate of $362.00 for each parcel of land as prescribed under Section 548 of the Local Government Act 1993 shall apply to this rate. iii Residential – Villages rate of 0.368146 cents in the dollar in terms of Sections 516 and 529 of the Local Government Act 1993, calculated on the land value of all rateable land situated in the centres of population defined as the villages of San Isidore, Gumly Gumly, Tarcutta, Humula, Uranquinty, Mangoplah, Oura, Currawarna, Ladysmith, Galore, Collingullie, Belfrayden and North Wagga excluding Business - Villages and Rural land, rated in accordance with the provisions of Section 518 of the Local Government Act 1993, Residential (Other) land as defined, and also Farmland, rated in accordance with the provisions of Section 515 of the Local Government Act, within such centres of population A minimum rate of $302.00 for each parcel of land as prescribed under section 548 of the Local Government Act 1993 shall apply to this rate. iv Business - City and Suburbs rate of 1.315399 cents in the dollar calculated on the land value of all rateable non-residential land, which cannot be classified as residential, or farmland land in the centres of population defined as the City of Wagga Wagga and the Village of Forest Hill, in terms of Sections 518 and 529 of the Local Government Act 1993 A minimum rate of $775.00 for each parcel of land as prescribed under Section 548 of the Local Government Act 1993 shall apply to this rate. v Business - Villages and Rural rate of 0.322113 cents in the dollar calculated on the land value of all rateable land in the Council’s area, in terms of Sections 518 and 529 of the Local Government Act 1993, excluding lands defined as Business - City and Suburbs, Residential, and Farmland A minimum rate of $127.00 for each parcel of land as prescribed under Section 548 of the Local Government Act 1993 shall apply to this rate. vi Farmland rate of 0.122483 cents in the dollar, calculated on the land value of all rateable land, which, in Council’s opinion, qualifies as farmland as defined in Section 515 of the Local Government Act 1993 A minimum rate of $349.00 for each parcel of land as prescribed under Section 548 of the Local Government Act 1993 shall apply to this rate. vii Sewerage Services Annual Charge of $638.00 per dwelling unit. Multiple residence properties are charged at $638.00 per residence, for all residences, and non-strata title residential premises on a single allotment (flats/units) situated within the Council’s centres of population, capable of being connected to the sewerage service scheme except when excluded by specific council policy, such charge being made in terms of Section 501 of the Local Government Act 1993 viii Non Residential Sewer Charges Access charge based on each and every meter connection per non-residential allotment for all non-residential premises and non-residential allotments situated within the Council’s centres of population, capable of being connected to the sewerage service scheme except when excluded by specific council policy, such charge being made in terms of Section 501 of the Local Government Act 1993. Access charge based on Meter size for 2024/25 is as follows:
Non Residential includes: (a) Non-residential strata (b) Small community property (c) land owned by the Crown, not being land held under a lease for private purposes (d) land that belongs to a religious body and is occupied and used in connection with: (i) a church or other building used or occupied for public worship (ii) a building used or occupied for the purpose of religious teaching or training (e) land that belongs to and is occupied and used in connection with a school (being a government school or non-government school within the meaning of the Education Reform Act 1990 or a school in respect of which a certificate of exemption under section 78 of that Act is in force), including: (i) a playground that belongs to and is used in connection with the school; and (ii) land that belongs to a public benevolent institution or public charity and is used or occupied by the institution or charity for the purposes of the institution or charity (f) land that belongs to a public hospital (g) land that is vested in the Minister for Health, the Health Administration Corporation or the New South Wales Health Foundation (h) land that is vested in a university, or a university college, and is used or occupied by the university or college solely for its purposes Usage charge Per kl usage charge of $2.64 per kl will apply to all Non Residential Sewer customers except excluded by specific Council Policy, such charge being made in accordance with Section 501 of the Local Government Act 1993. ix Pressure Sewer Scheme – Annual pump maintenance charge (rural residential and villages). An additional sewerage service charge of $197.00 per pump for all premises connected to the sewerage system via a pressure service for the maintenance and replacement of the pump unit as necessary x Domestic Waste Management Service Charge of $426.00 per service on a per occupancy basis per annum for a service rendered in the centres of population and within the scavenging areas defined as the City of Wagga Wagga and the villages of North Wagga Wagga, Gumly Gumly, Forest Hill, Kapooka, Tarcutta, Mangoplah, Oura, Ladysmith, Brucedale, Uranquinty, Bomen and Cartwrights Hill, charged in accordance with the provisions of Section 496 of the Local Government Act 1993 xi Domestic Waste Management Service Charge Rural Residential of $426.00 per service to be applied to all properties utilising a waste collection service managed by Council, but outside Council’s defined waste collection service areas charged in accordance with the provisions of Section 496 of the Local Government Act 1993 xii Domestic Waste Management Annual Charge of $69.00 per service to be applied to all properties utilising an upgraded general waste bin in accordance with the provisions of Section 496 of the Local Government Act 1993 xiii Domestic Waste Management Annual Charge of $75.00 per service to be applied to all properties utilising an upgraded recycling bin in accordance with the provisions of Section 496 of the Local Government Act 1993 xiv Domestic Waste Management Service Charge of $44.00 for each parcel of rateable undeveloped land not receiving a service within the scavenging areas of the City of Wagga Wagga and the villages of North Wagga Wagga, Gumly Gumly, Forest Hill, Kapooka, Tarcutta, Mangoplah, Oura, Ladysmith, Brucedale, Uranquinty, Bomen and Cartwrights Hill, such charge being levied in accordance with the provisions of Sections 496 of the Local Government Act 1993 xv Domestic Waste Management Service Charge of $142.00 for each additional domestic bin, being an additional domestic bin provided over and above the three bins already provided by the service, rendered in the centres of population, and within the scavenging areas defined as the City of Wagga Wagga and the villages of North Wagga Wagga, Gumly Gumly, Forest Hill, Kapooka, Tarcutta, Mangoplah, Oura, Ladysmith, Brucedale, Uranquinty, Bomen and Cartwrights Hill, charged in accordance with the provisions of Section 496 of the Local Government Act 1993. On application, depending on individual circumstances, this fee may be waived. xvi Domestic Waste Scheduled Off Week Pickup Service Charge of $565.00 per general waste bin for each domestic service within the scavenging areas defined as the City of Wagga Wagga and the villages of North Wagga Wagga, Gumly Gumly, Forest Hill, Kapooka, Tarcutta, Mangoplah, Oura, Ladysmith, Brucedale, Uranquinty, Bomen and Cartwrights Hill, charged in addition to the Domestic Waste Management Service Charge in accordance with the provisions of Section 496 of the Local Government Act 1993. xvii Commercial Waste Management Service Charge of $426.00 per service per annum, for a two-bin commercial waste service rendered in the centre of population and within the scavenging areas defined as the City of Wagga Wagga and the villages of North Wagga Wagga, Gumly Gumly, Forest Hill, Kapooka, Tarcutta, Mangoplah, Oura, Ladysmith, Brucedale, Uranquinty, Bomen and Cartwrights Hill, charged in accordance with the provisions of Section 501 of the Local Government Act 1993 xviii Commercial Waste Management Service Charge of $213.00 per service per annum, for a one-bin commercial waste service rendered in the centre of population and within the scavenging areas defined as the City of Wagga Wagga and the villages of North Wagga Wagga, Gumly Gumly, Forest Hill, Kapooka, Tarcutta, Mangoplah, Oura, Ladysmith, Brucedale, Uranquinty, Bomen and Cartwrights Hill, charged in accordance with the provisions of Section 501 of the Local Government Act 1993 xix Commercial Waste Management Service Charge of $142.00 for each additional commercial bin, being an additional bin provided over and above the bin/s already provided by the service, rendered in the centres of population and within the scavenging areas defined as the City of Wagga Wagga and the villages of North Wagga Wagga, Gumly Gumly, Forest Hill, Kapooka, Tarcutta, Mangoplah, Oura, Ladysmith, Brucedale, Uranquinty, Bomen and Cartwrights Hill, charged in accordance with the provisions of Section 501 of the Local Government Act 1993 xx Commercial Waste Management Annual Charge of $77.00 per service to be applied to all commercial properties utilising an upgraded recycling bin in accordance with the provisions of Section 501 of the Local Government Act 1993 xxi Urban Area: Scheduled Off Week Commercial Pickup Service Charge of $559.00 per bin for each commercial service with 1-2 bins onsite, charged in addition to the Commercial Waste Management Service Charge in accordance with the provisions of Section 501 of the Local Government Act 1993 xxii Urban Area: Scheduled Off Week Commercial Pickup Service Charge of $302.00 per bin for each commercial service with 3-5 bins onsite, charged in addition to the Commercial Waste Management Service Charge in accordance with the provisions of Section 501 of the Local Government Act 1993 xxiii Urban Area: Scheduled Off Week Commercial Pickup Service Charge of $230.00 per bin for each commercial service with over 5 bins onsite, charged in addition to the Commercial Waste Management Service Charge in accordance with the provisions of Section 501 of the Local Government Act 1993 xxiv Rural Areas and Villages: Scheduled Off Week Commercial Pickup Service Charge of $559.00 per bin for each commercial service onsite, charged in addition to the Commercial Waste Management Service Charge in accordance with the provisions of Section 501 of the Local Government Act 1993 xxv Multi Unit Developments (Non-Strata) Domestic Waste Management Service Charge of $426.00 for each rateable property with an additional bin charge of $142.00 to apply for each additional bin charged in accordance with the provisions of Section 496 of the Local Government Act 1993. For the purposes of Council’s Fees and Charges the definition of Multi-Unit developments (Non-Strata) involves the development of three or more residential units on a site at a higher density than general housing development. This reduced charge is available on application to Council, otherwise full Domestic Waste Service Charge of $405.00 applies, per occupancy. xxvi Multi Unit Developments Wheel Out Wheel In (WOWI) Services Charge of $253.00 per occupancy. For the purposes of Council’s Fees and Charges the definition of Multi-Unit developments (Non-Strata) involves the development of three or more residential units, including Strata and Non-Strata properties, on a site at a higher density than general housing development. On application, this service may be available to individual properties. Depending on individual circumstances, this fee may be waived. xxvii Stormwater Management Service Charges Stormwater Management Service charges will be applicable for all urban properties (i.e. residential and business) as referenced below with the following exceptions in accordance with the Division of Local Government (DLG) Stormwater Management Service Charge Guidelines dated July 2006: · Non rateable land · Crown Land · Council Owned Land · Land held under lease for private purposes granted under the Housing Act 2001 or the Aboriginal Housing Act 1998 · Vacant Land · Rural Residential or Rural Business land not located in a village, town or city · Land belonging to a charity and public benevolent institutions (a) Residential Stormwater Management Service Charge of $25.00 per residential property levied in accordance with the provisions of Section 496A of the Local Government Act 1993 (b) Residential Medium/High Density Stormwater Management Service Charge of $12.50 per occupancy: Residential Strata, Community Title, Multiple Occupancy properties (flats and units), and Retirement Village style developments. Subject to a maximum charge of $250.00 per rateable assessment levied in accordance with the provisions of Section 496A of the Local Government Act 1993 (c) Business Stormwater Management Service Charge of $25.00 per business property. Properties are charged on a basis of $25.00 per 350 square metres of land area. Subject to a maximum charge of $250.00 per rateable assessment levied in accordance with the provisions of Section 496A of the Local Government Act 1993 (d) Business Medium/High Density Stormwater Management Service Charge of $5.00 per occupancy - Business Strata and Multiple Occupancy Business properties. Subject to a maximum charge of $250.00 per rateable assessment levied in accordance with the provisions of Section 496A of the Local Government Act 1993 |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
D Tout |
G Davies |
R Foley |
M Henderson |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
J McKinnon |
A Parkins |
On the Motion of Councillors T Koschel and R Kendall That Council: a endorse the draft Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 - 2034 Appendix G and place on public exhibition from 28 June 2024 and invite public submissions until 26 July 2024 b seek support from the Minister for Planning for the draft Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 – 2034 Appendix G c receive a further report following the public exhibition period and receipt of a response from the Minister for Planning: i addressing any submissions made with respect to the proposed Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 - 2034 Appendix G ii proposing adoption of the Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 - 2034 Appendix G unless there are any recommended amendments deemed to be substantial and requiring a further public exhibition period |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
D Tout |
G Davies |
R Foley |
M Henderson |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
J McKinnon |
A Parkins |
On the Motion of Councillors T Koschel and R Kendall That Council: a endorse the development of new female friendly changerooms at McPherson Oval b authorise the General Manager or their delegate to enter into an agreement with North Wagga Australian Football Club for the construction of female friendly changerooms at McPherson Oval c authorise the affixing of Council’s Common Seal to all relevant documents as required |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
D Tout |
G Davies |
R Foley |
M Henderson |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
J McKinnon |
A Parkins |
On the Motion of Councillors T Koschel and R Kendall That Council: a authorise in accordance with Clause 131 of the Local Government Act the write off of $7,746.70 in total for two (2) debts deemed unrecoverable, as detailed in the Confidential Attachment A to this report b approve the budget variations as detailed in the Financial Implications section of the report |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
D Tout |
G Davies |
R Foley |
M Henderson |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
J McKinnon |
A Parkins |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
D Tout |
G Davies |
R Foley |
M Henderson |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
J McKinnon |
A Parkins |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
D Tout |
G Davies |
R Foley |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
J McKinnon |
A Parkins |
Councillor M Henderson re-entered the chamber, the time being 6:37pm.
On the Motion of Councillors T Koschel and R Kendall That Council: a approve the proposed 2023/24 budget variations for the month ended 31 May 2024 and note the balanced budget position as presented in this report b note the Responsible Accounting Officer’s reports, in accordance with the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 (Part 9 Division 3: Clause 203) that the financial position of Council is satisfactory having regard to the original estimates of income and expenditure and the recommendations made above c note the details of the external investments as of 31 May 2024 in accordance with section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993 |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
D Tout |
G Davies |
R Foley |
M Henderson |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
J McKinnon |
A Parkins |
On the Motion of Councillors T Koschel and R Kendall That Council in accordance with Section 356 of the Local Government Act 1993, provide a financial contribution of $13,828.86 to Pro Patria for the construction of their new community workshop rooms. |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
D Tout |
G Davies |
R Foley |
M Henderson |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
J McKinnon |
A Parkins |
Councillor T Koschel declared a Significant Non-Pecuniary Interest and vacated the chamber, the time being 6:38pm. |
On the Motion of Councillors R Kendall and J McKinnon That Council adopt the proposed temporary amendments to POL 075 Investment Policy, due to the reasons outlined in this report. |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
D Tout |
G Davies |
R Foley |
M Henderson |
R Kendall |
J McKinnon |
A Parkins |
Councillor T Koschel re-entered the chamber, the time being 6:39pm.
On the Motion of Councillors T Koschel and R Kendall That Council receive and note the following registers: a Active Resolutions as at 18 June 2024 b Active Notice of Motions as at 18 June 2024 c Resolutions including Notice of Motions completed from 22 April to 18 June 2024 |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
D Tout |
G Davies |
R Foley |
M Henderson |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
J McKinnon |
A Parkins |
On the Motion of Councillors J McKinnon and M Henderson That Council receive and note the report. |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
D Tout |
G Davies |
R Foley |
M Henderson |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
J McKinnon |
A Parkins |
On the Motion of Councillors T Koschel and J McKinnon That the Council now resolve itself into a Closed Council, the time being 6.44pm. |
On the Motion of Councillors T Koschel and R Kendall That Council: a accept the proposals put forward by artists Melinda Jennings and Shelby Lyons-Kschenka for the River Life public art commission b authorise the General Manager or their delegate to enter into contracts with the recommended artists Melinda Jennings and Shelby Lyons-Kschenka for the River Life commission |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
D Tout |
G Davies |
R Foley |
M Henderson |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
J McKinnon |
A Parkins |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
D Tout |
G Davies |
R Foley |
M Henderson |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
J McKinnon |
A Parkins |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
D Tout |
G Davies |
R Foley |
M Henderson |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
J McKinnon |
A Parkins |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
D Tout |
G Davies |
R Foley |
M Henderson |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
J McKinnon |
A Parkins |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
D Tout |
G Davies |
R Foley |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
J McKinnon |
A Parkins |
Councillor M Henderson re-entered the chamber, the time being 6:47pm.
At this stage of the meeting all staff excluding the General Manager and the Executive Director, People and Culture vacated the chamber the time being 6:48pm.
On the Motion of Councillors R Kendall and J McKinnon That Council endorse the organisation structure changes and recommendations outlined in the report distributed under separate cover. |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
D Tout |
G Davies |
R Foley |
M Henderson |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
J McKinnon |
A Parkins |
On the Motion of Councillors R Foley and A Parkins That this meeting of the Closed Council revert to an open meeting of the Council, the time being 7.09pm. |