Business Paper
To be held on
Monday 26
August 2024
at 6.00pm
Civic Centre cnr Baylis and Morrow Streets,
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 (PO Box 20)
P 1300 292 442
The proceedings of all Council meetings in open session, including all debate and addresses by the public, are recorded (audio visual) and livestreamed on Council’s website including for the purpose of facilitating community access to meetings and accuracy of the Minutes.
In addition to webcasting council meetings, audio recordings of confidential sessions of Ordinary Meetings of Council are also recorded, but do not form part of the webcast.
Councillors are reminded of their Oath or Affirmation of Office made under Section 233A of the Local Government Act 1993 and their obligation under Council’s Code of Conduct to disclose and appropriately manage Conflicts of Interest.
The quorum for a meeting of the Council, is a majority of the Councillors of the Council, who hold office for the time being, who are eligible to vote at the meeting.
Reports submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council to be held on Monday 26 August 2024.
Ordinary Meeting of Council AGENDA AND BUSINESS PAPER
Monday 26 August 2024
Confirmation of Minutes
Reports from Staff
RP-1 DA24/0188 - Alterations and additions including retention of Home Hotel, ground floor commercial tenancies, off-street parking, shop top housing (levels 1-4) and strata subdivision 4
RP-2 DA23/0588 - Self storage units and signage, 226-236 Hammond Ave, East Wagga Wagga NSW, Lot 31 DP 874819 and Lot 32 DP 874819 9
RP-4 Henwood Park Netball Court Project 40
RP-5 Request to waive Section 64 Sewer contributions for DA24/0109 43
RP-6 Proposed Planning Agreement Tolland Renewal Project 47
RP-11 Marrambidya Wetland Plan of Management 2024/2034 135
Committee Minutes
M-1 Local Traffic Committee - Minutes - 13 June 2024 148
M-2 Local Traffic Committee - Minutes - 7 August 2024 153
Confidential Mayoral Minutes
MM-CONF-1 General Managers Performance Review - 6 August 2024 193
Confidential Reports
Wagga Wagga City Council acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land, the Wiradjuri people, and pays respect to Elders past, present and future and extends our respect to all First Nations Peoples in Wagga Wagga.
We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and continuing connection with the land and rivers. We also recognise the resilience, strength and pride of the Wiradjuri and First Nations communities
Councillors, let us in silence reflect upon our responsibilities to the community which we represent, and to all future generations and faithfully, and impartially, carry out the functions, powers, authorities and discretions vested in us, to the best of our skill and judgement.
That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 7 August 2024 be confirmed as a true and accurate record.
1⇩. |
Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 5 August 2024 |
196 |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 26 August 2024 |
RP-1 |
Reports from Staff
RP-1 DA24/0188 - Alterations and additions including retention of Home Hotel, ground floor commercial tenancies, off-street parking, shop top housing (levels 1-4) and strata subdivision
Author: Emma Molloy
General Manager: Peter Thompson
Summary: |
The report is for a development application and is presented to Council for determination. The application includes a request for a variation of a development standard under the provisions of clause 4.6 of the Wagga Wagga Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2010. The variation is over 10%.
Section 4.1 of the Department of Planning and Environment document “Guide to Varying Development Standards (November 2023)”, states that a variation of over 10% in a regional location is to be determined by Council.
The details of the variation are contained within the attached Section 4.15 Assessment Report.
A full assessment of the development application, including an assessment of the request for variation to the development standard under Clause 4.6 of the LEP 2010, is provided as an attachment to this report.
That Council approve DA24/0188 for Alterations and additions including retention of Home Hotel, ground floor commercial tenancies, off-street parking, shop top housing (levels 1-4) and strata subdivision at 142, 146-150 Fitzmaurice Street, Wagga Wagga (Lot 1 DP82415, Lot 1 DP8430 and Lot 1 DP655798) subject to the conditions outlined in the Section 4.15 Assessment Report.
Development Application Details
Applicant |
Takajo Nominees Pty Ltd |
Owner |
Takajo Nominees Pty Ltd |
Directors |
Paul and Judith Galloway |
Development Cost |
$15,700,000 |
Development Description |
Alterations and additions including retention of Home Hotel, ground floor commercial tenancies, off-street parking, shop top housing (levels 1-4) and strata subdivision.
Site Location
The subject site comprises of three lots being:
· Lot 1 DP82415 known as 142 Fitzmaurice Street
· Lot 1 DP8430 known as 142 Fitzmaurice Street
· Lot 1 DP655798 known as 146 – 150 Fitzmaurice Street
The site is located on the corner of Fitzmaurice and Kincaid Streets and is within the Heritage Conservation Area. The site currently contains an existing building known as the “Home Hotel”. The Home Hotel commenced trading in 1875 in a single storey brick building. The second storey was added in 1927.
The surrounding locality comprises of a variety of uses reflective of the sites location within the CBD. The built form within the locality is reflective of Wagga’s early town centre. To the east of the site is the “Prince of Wales Hotel” a listed item within Schedule 5 of the LEP and to the south is Uneke which contains a two storey brick building constructed in 1911.
· The application seeks consent for (3D render shown below):
o Demolition of the later additions to the north and west.
o Construction of a five storey building to include:
§ Ground floor commercial tenancy, carparking and services
§ 4 levels of 19 shop top housing units including:
· 3 x 1 bedroom units
· 8 x 2 bedroom units
· 8 x 3 bedroom units
§ Communal areas to include open garden space and common rooms
o Strata subdivision.
· The site is located within the E2 – Commercial Core. The development is characterised as “shop top housing” which is permissible within the zone.
· The development is generally consistent with the provisions of the LEP with the exception of a proposed variation in regard to Clause 4.3.
· The variation is in regard to Clause 4.3 Height of buildings. It is proposed to vary the standard to allow for a maximum building height of 23 metres which is a variation of 7 metres (16 metres is the maximum). The variation has been assessed in accordance with Clause 4.6 it is satisfied that there are sufficient environmental planning grounds to justify the variation and that strict compliance with the standards would be unreasonable in the circumstances. It is also satisfied that the development, incorporating the variations, will meet the public interest test required under the clause. An appropriate degree of flexibility has been applied to the standards and it is recommended that the variations be supported.
· The development complies with Chapter 4 of State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) 2021 (SEPP). In accordance with the SEPP, the quality of the design of the development has been evaluated against the design principles for residential apartment development set out in Schedule 9 of the SEPP and also the relevant sections and objectives of the NSW Government Apartment Design Guideline (as assessed within the s4.15 report).
· The development is generally consistent with the DCP as assessed within the attached s4.15 report.
· No submissions were received during the notification period.
· Having regard for the information contained in the attached Section 4.15 assessment report, it is considered that the development is acceptable for the following reasons and recommended for approval.
Reasons for Approval
· The application is for alterations and additions to an existing building and shop top housing in the E2 Commercial Centre which is permitted with consent.
· The development complies with the requirements of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, the State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) 2021 and will not compromise the outcomes sought within the Wagga Wagga Local Environmental Plan 2010.
· An assessment of the application against the relevant provisions within the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010 demonstrates that the proposed development will not cause any significant adverse impacts on the surrounding natural environment, built environment, infrastructure, community facilities or local character and amenity.
Financial Implications
State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) 2021
Wagga Wagga Local Environmental Plan 2010
Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010
Link to Strategic Plan
The Environment
Objective: Future growth and development of Wagga Wagga is planned for in a sustainable manner
Ensure sustainable urban development
Risk Management Issues for Council
Approval of the application is not considered to raise risk management issues for Council as the proposed development is consistent with SEPP (Housing) 2021, LEP and DCP controls.
Internal / External Consultation
Full details of the consultation that was carried out as part of the development application assessment is contained in the attached s4.15 Report.
Traditional Media |
Community Engagement |
Digital |
Rates notices insert |
Direct mail |
Letterbox drop |
Council news |
Media release |
Media opportunity |
TV/radio advertising |
One-on-one meeting(s) |
Community meeting(s) |
Stakeholder workshop(s) |
Drop-in session(s) |
Survey/feedback form(s) |
Have your Say |
Email newsletter |
Social media |
Website |
Inform |
x |
x |
Consult |
x |
x |
Involve |
Collaborate |
Other methods (please list specific details below) |
1. |
DA24_0188_Submitted Statement of Environmnetal Effects - Provided under separate cover |
2. |
DA24_0188_Statement of Heritage Impact - Provided under separate cover |
3. |
DA24_0188_Clause 4.6 Variation Justification - Provided under separate cover |
4. |
DA24_0188_ ADG Compliance Summary - Provided under separate cover |
5. |
DA24_0188_Plans - Provided under separate cover |
6. |
DA24_0188 - s4.15 Assessment Report - Provided under separate cover |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 26 August 2024 |
RP-2 |
RP-2 DA23/0588 - Self storage units and signage, 226-236 Hammond Ave, East Wagga Wagga NSW, Lot 31 DP 874819 and Lot 32 DP 874819
Author: Victoria Rice
General Manager: Peter Thompson
Summary: |
The report is for a development application and is presented to Council for determination.
In accordance with the provisions of POL 046 ‘Processing Development Applications lodged by Councillors, Staff and Individuals of Which a Conflict of Interest May Arise, or on Council Owned Land Policy’ the Development Application is required to be referred to Council for determination. A director of the company that is the owner of the land on which this application is made is a current Councillor. In addition, a different director of the landowning company is a relative of a current Councillor.
The proposed development seeks consent for demolition of an existing shed, earthworks, construction of 1,030 self-storage units and signage.
A full assessment of the Development Application is contained within the attached Section 4.15 Assessment Report. |
That Council approve DA23/0588 for demolition of an existing shed, earthworks, construction of 1,030 self-storage units and signage at 226-236 Hammond Ave, Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 (Lot 31 DP 874819 and Lot 32 DP 874819) subject to the conditions outlined in the Section 4.15 Assessment Report.
Development Application Details
Applicant |
JLM Commercial Pty Ltd |
Owner |
Wollundry Investments Pty Ltd |
Directors |
Richard Pottie John Tyrrell Allen Thompson Robert Davies Christopher Chamberlain Rodney Kendall |
Development Cost |
$6,620,000.00 |
Development Description |
Self-storage units and signage |
Key Issues
· Traffic and access
· Flooding
Site Location
The subject site is known as Lot 31 DP 874819 and Lot 32 DP 874819 located at 226-236 Hammond Ave, Wagga Wagga NSW 2650. DA22/0346 approved a boundary adjustment to create a right of way either side of a lot. The lot at the front will accommodate a service station and this lot will be accessed by right of ways either side.
The site is approximately 3.36ha and is elevated from Hammond Avenue, the site is relatively flat. The site contains some vegetation and a large shed on the site which will demolished as part of this development.
The locality is generally industrial/large floor area commercial in nature, with surrounding uses including an iron foundry and an electrical contractor. Opposite the site to the north is rural land.
· The Development Application seeks consent for demolition of an existing shed, earthworks, construction of 1,030 self-storage units and signage. The development will be constructed in four stages as follows:
o Stage 1; Building A-D, demolition of the existing shed and erection of signage.
o Stage 2; Building E-H.
o Stage 3; Building I-K.
o Stage 4; Building L-N.
· The site is zoned E3 Productivity Support under the provisions of the Wagga Wagga Local Environmental Plan 2010.
· Self-storage units are a type of storage premises and are permitted with consent in the E3 zone.
· Two wall signs are proposed on the northern elevation. This is a variation to the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010 controls which permit a maximum of one wall sign per elevation. It is considered due to the size of the site, setback of the building from the street and positioning behind the proposed service station that two signs are not excessive and the impacts are acceptable. The variation is recommended for approval.
· The proposal is located on land subject to flooding in both 1% riverine flood events and 1% major overland flow flood events. A Flood Impact Assessment was submitted with the Development Application demonstrating the development results in only very minor additional flooding (10-30mm) in a 1% riverine flood event, on a small area of adjoining land, clear of any existing buildings. The impact of flooding on adjoining land is otherwise reduced in a 1% event. Flooding impacts have been assessed and are considered acceptable subject to the imposition of relevant conditions of consent.
· The development relies on access, including works within the road reserve, approved as part of the adjacent recently approved service station development. Conditions of consent have been recommended requiring the completion of these works prior to the release of the Occupation Certificate.
· The development complies with the controls of the Wagga Wagga Local Environmental Plan 2010 and generally with the controls of the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010 (noting comments regarding signage).
· No public submissions were made during the notification period.
A complete assessment of the Development Application under Section 4.15 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 is provided under separate cover. Having regard to the information contained in the attached Section 4.15 assessment report, it is considered that the development is acceptable for the following reasons and recommended for approval.
Reasons for Approval
1. The proposed development is consistent with the provisions of the Wagga Wagga Local Environmental Plan 2010.
2. The proposed development is consistent with the controls and matters for consideration in relevant State Environmental Planning Policies.
3. The proposed development is generally consistent with the objectives and controls of the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010 and the impacts are acceptable.
4. The development has been assessed as being consistent with the public interest.
Financial Implications
Wagga Wagga Local Environmental Plan 2010
State Environmental Planning Policy (Transport and Infrastructure) 2021
State Environmental Planning Policy (Industry and Employment) 2021
State Environmental Planning Policy (Resilience and Hazards) 2021
Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010
Link to Strategic Plan
The Environment
Objective: Future growth and development of Wagga Wagga is planned for in a sustainable manner
Ensure sustainable urban development
Risk Management Issues for Council
Refusal of the application may result in an appeal process to the Land and Environment Court which will have to be defended by Council. The reasons for refusal will have to be justified and withstand scrutiny and cross examination in Court.
Approval of the application is not considered to raise risk management issues for Council as the proposed development is generally consistent with LEP and DCP controls and the proposed variations, where supported, have been fully assessed and justified.
Internal / External Consultation
Full details of the consultation that was carried out as part of the development application assessment is contained in the attached s4.15 Report.
Traditional Media |
Community Engagement |
Digital |
Rates notices insert |
Direct mail |
Letterbox drop |
Council news |
Media release |
Media opportunity |
TV/radio advertising |
One-on-one meeting(s) |
Community meeting(s) |
Stakeholder workshop(s) |
Drop-in session(s) |
Survey/feedback form(s) |
Have your Say |
Email newsletter |
Social media |
Website |
Inform |
Consult |
x |
x |
Involve |
Collaborate |
Other methods (please list specific details below) |
1. |
DA23/0588 - Section 4.15 Assessment Report - Provided under separate cover |
2. |
DA23/0588 - Plans - Provided under separate cover |
3. |
DA23/0588 - Statement of Environmental Effects - Provided under separate cover |
4. |
DA23/0588 - Traffic Report - Provided under separate cover |
5. |
DA23/0588 - Flood Assessment - Provided under separate cover |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 26 August 2024 |
RP-3 |
Author: Carolyn Rodney
Summary: |
This report is for Council to consider information presented on the 2024/25 budget and Long-Term Financial Plan, and details Council’s external investments and performance as at 31 July 2024. |
That Council:
a approve the proposed 2024/25 budget variations for the month ended 31 July 2024 and note the balanced budget position as presented in this report
b approve the proposed budget variations to the 2024/25 Long Term Financial Plan Capital Works Program including new projects and timing adjustments
c note the Responsible Accounting Officer’s reports, in accordance with the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 (Part 9 Division 3: Clause 203) that the financial position of Council is satisfactory having regard to the original estimates of income and expenditure and the recommendations made above
d note the details of the external investments as of 31 July 2024 in accordance with section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993
e accept the grant funding offers as presented in this report
Wagga Wagga City Council (Council) forecasts a balanced budget position as of 31 July 2024.
Proposed budget variations including adjustments to the capital works program are detailed in this report for Council’s consideration and adoption.
Council has experienced a positive monthly investment performance for the month of July when compared to budget ($594,981 up on the monthly budget). This is mainly due to better than budgeted returns on Council’s investment portfolio as a result of the recent interest rate movements, as well as a higher than anticipated investment portfolio balance. Council did experience a positive return on its NSW T-Corp Managed Fund for the month of July, as domestic and international shares provided solid returns.
Key Performance Indicators
Total operating income is 8% of approved budget and is tracking on budget for the month of July 2024. An adjustment has been made to reflect the levy of rates that occurred at the start of the financial year. Excluding this adjustment, operating income received is 60% when compared to budget.
Total operating expenditure is 14% of approved budget and is tracking over budget at this stage of the financial year, this is due to the payment of annual one-off expenses such as rates and insurance during the month of July, as well as the finalisation of the operating carryover budgets from 2023/24 that are still to be included.
Total capital income is 2% of approved budget. It is important to note that the actual income from capital is influenced by the timing of the receipt of capital grants and contributions in relation to expenditure incurred on the projects.
Total capital expenditure including commitments is 15% of approved budget including pending projects. This relates to capital project carryover budgets not being finalised and reflected in these budgeted amounts, as well as some purchase orders being raised for the full contract amount for multi-year projects. Excluding commitments, the total expenditure is 1% when compared to the approved budget.
2024/25 Revised Budget Result – (Surplus) / Deficit |
$’000s |
Original 2024/25 Budget Result as adopted by Council Total Budget Variations approved to date Budget Variations for July 2024 |
$0K $0K $0K |
Proposed Revised Budget result for 31 July 2024 - (Surplus) / Deficit |
$0K |
The proposed Operating and Capital Budget Variations for 31 July 2024 which affect the current 2024/25 financial year are listed below.
Budget Variation |
Amount |
Funding Source |
Net Impact (Fav)/ Unfav |
3 – Growing Economy |
LMC Safety Issues
LMC Traffic Management Plan |
$11K |
LMC Reserve ($150K) |
Nil |
Funds are required to rectify several safety issues that have been identified at the Livestock Marketing Centre (LMC). The works that are required are: - The removal and replacement of asbestos flooring that is failing. - The renovation of aged/damaged male and female amenities in response to the health and safety concerns for users. - The removal and replacement of concrete sills that are loose/dislodged creating a safety risk with exposure to weather damage of a major asset. - The development and delivery of a Traffic Management Plan in line with the outcomes of the Independent Safety Audit. It is proposed to fund the required works from the LMC Reserve. Estimated Completion: 30 June 2025 Job Consolidations: 45134, 45135 & 45136 |
Permit Plug Pilot Program |
$500K |
Transport for NSW Grant Funds ($500K) |
Nil |
Council has been advised they have been awarded $500,000 through Transport for NSW’s Permit/Plug/Play Pilot Program Grant Fund. The amount of $500,000 is to be received now that Deeds of Agreements have been executed. This project will streamline approval processes for events and fund simple infrastructure to enable efficient delivery of events. The four selected Councils for this funding are Wollongong, Newcastle, Port Macquarie-Hastings and Wagga Wagga. Estimated Completion: 30 June 2025 Job Consolidation: 23962 |
5 – The Environment |
CPTIGS 2023/24 |
$20K |
NSW Government Grant Funds ($20K) |
Nil |
Council has been successful in securing State Government grant funds under the Country Passenger Transport Infrastructure Grants Scheme (CPTIGS). The grant funds will be utilised for the installation of a new bus shelter at 48 Chaston Street, at the front of Kurrajong Disability Services. Estimated Completion: 30 June 2025 Job Consolidation: 23934 |
NSW Natural Disaster Funding |
$2,070K |
Transport for NSW ($2,070K) |
Nil |
Council has been successful in securing additional Transport for NSW grant funding under the Essential Public Asset Reconstruction Works program for the NSW flooding events from 14 September 2022 onwards. The grant funds cover 97 different locations in the Wagga LGA both local and regional. This will bring the total grant funds for this program to $5,103K. Estimated Completion: 30 June 2025 Job Consolidation: 22180 |
Pavement Rehabilitation |
$1,661K |
Roads to Recovery ($1,661K) |
Nil |
Council have been advised of the Roads to Recovery grant funding amount to be received for 2024/25. This amount of $2,666K is higher than the estimated budget amount of $1,005K. It is proposed to allocate the additional grant funds to the Pavement Rehabilitation program for Hampden Avenue, Vincent Road, Tobruk Street and Merino Drive. Estimated Completion: 30 June 2025 Job Consolidation: 16532 |
Murray Street & Brookong Avenue Intersection Works |
$76K |
Transport for NSW Contribution Income ($76K) |
Nil |
Funds are required for the installation of a traffic island and associated signs and line marking at the intersection of Murray Street and Brookong Avenue. The works are required as part of the Hospital Redevelopment. Council will manage the project with the expenditure incurred by Council to be reimbursed by Transport for NSW at the end of the project. Estimated Completion: 30 June 2025 Job Consolidation: 21902 |
The following project has been reviewed and it is proposed to bring forward funds to allow for works to be undertaken in 2024/25. There has been no change to the total budgets for the projects.
Job No. |
Project Title |
2024/25 Current One-Off Confirmed |
2024/25 Proposed One-Off Confirmed |
2025/26 Current |
2025/26 Proposed |
70168 |
GWMC Plant Shed |
0 |
100,000 |
2,360,646 |
2,260,646 |
2024/25 Capital Works Summary
Approved Budget |
Proposed Movement |
Proposed Budget |
One-off |
$116,634,150 |
$835,240 |
$117,469,390 |
Recurrent |
$23,746,070 |
$1,661,093 |
$25,407,163 |
Pending |
$35,526,215 |
$0 |
$35,526,215 |
Total Capital Works |
$175,906,435 |
$2,496,333 |
$178,402,768 |
Please note that the above table excludes the capital project budgets that are in the process of being carried over from 2023/24 to the 2024/25 financial year. These will be finalised for the next monthly report, which will be presented to the 28 October 2024 Council meeting.
Current Restrictions
Investment Summary as at 31 July 2024
In accordance with Regulation 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021, details of Wagga Wagga City Council’s external investments are outlined below.
Institution |
Rating |
Balance |
Balance |
July |
July |
Investment |
Maturity |
Term |
At Call Accounts |
AA- |
211,553 |
318,407 |
4.35% |
0.11% |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
AA- |
73,244,111 |
71,506,709 |
4.35% |
24.66% |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
AA- |
7,645,298 |
7,672,947 |
4.40% |
2.65% |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Macquarie Bank |
A+ |
9,713,458 |
9,750,705 |
4.15% |
3.36% |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Total At Call Accounts |
90,814,421 |
89,248,768 |
4.33% |
30.78% |
Short Term Deposits |
BBB+ |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
5.40% |
0.34% |
15/11/2023 |
15/11/2024 |
12 |
Heritage and People's Choice |
BBB+ |
1,000,000 |
0 |
0.00% |
0.00% |
10/07/2023 |
10/07/2024 |
12 |
AA- |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
5.27% |
0.69% |
31/08/2023 |
30/08/2024 |
12 |
Australian Unity |
BBB+ |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
5.49% |
0.34% |
27/11/2023 |
27/11/2024 |
12 |
Suncorp |
AA- |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
5.46% |
0.69% |
30/11/2023 |
29/11/2024 |
12 |
ING Bank |
A |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
5.46% |
0.34% |
30/11/2023 |
29/11/2024 |
12 |
BankVic |
BBB+ |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
5.45% |
0.34% |
4/12/2023 |
4/12/2024 |
12 |
BBB+ |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
5.35% |
0.69% |
14/12/2023 |
16/12/2024 |
12 |
Australian Unity |
BBB+ |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
5.19% |
0.34% |
30/01/2024 |
30/01/2025 |
12 |
Suncorp |
AA- |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
5.12% |
0.34% |
7/03/2024 |
7/03/2025 |
12 |
ING Bank |
A |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
5.31% |
0.34% |
3/06/2024 |
3/06/2025 |
12 |
BankVic |
BBB+ |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
5.34% |
0.69% |
26/06/2024 |
26/06/2025 |
12 |
Bank of Sydney |
NR |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
5.47% |
0.69% |
28/06/2024 |
30/06/2025 |
12 |
AA- |
0 |
1,000,000 |
5.30% |
0.34% |
30/07/2024 |
30/07/2025 |
12 |
AA- |
0 |
2,000,000 |
5.45% |
0.69% |
2/07/2024 |
2/07/2025 |
12 |
AA- |
0 |
2,000,000 |
5.40% |
0.69% |
8/07/2024 |
8/07/2025 |
12 |
Suncorp |
AA- |
0 |
1,000,000 |
5.43% |
0.34% |
10/07/2024 |
10/07/2025 |
12 |
Total Short Term Deposits |
18,000,000 |
23,000,000 |
3.97% |
5.86% |
Medium Term Deposits |
Westpac |
AA- |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
1.32% |
0.69% |
28/06/2021 |
29/06/2026 |
60 |
Westpac |
AA- |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
1.80% |
0.69% |
15/11/2021 |
17/11/2025 |
48 |
A |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
2.03% |
0.69% |
6/11/2019 |
6/11/2024 |
60 |
A |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
1.83% |
0.69% |
28/11/2019 |
28/11/2024 |
60 |
A- |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
2.00% |
0.34% |
28/02/2020 |
28/02/2025 |
60 |
Police Credit Union |
NR |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
2.20% |
0.34% |
1/04/2020 |
1/04/2025 |
60 |
A |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
1.85% |
0.34% |
29/05/2020 |
29/05/2025 |
60 |
A |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
1.86% |
0.34% |
1/06/2020 |
2/06/2025 |
60 |
A |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
1.75% |
0.69% |
25/06/2020 |
25/06/2025 |
60 |
A |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
1.75% |
0.69% |
25/06/2020 |
25/06/2025 |
60 |
A |
3,000,000 |
3,000,000 |
5.07% |
1.03% |
30/06/2022 |
30/06/2027 |
60 |
A |
2,000,000 |
0 |
0.00% |
0.00% |
7/07/2020 |
8/07/2024 |
48 |
A |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
1.50% |
0.69% |
17/08/2020 |
18/08/2025 |
60 |
BoQ |
A- |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
1.25% |
0.34% |
7/09/2020 |
8/09/2025 |
60 |
BoQ |
A- |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
1.25% |
0.69% |
14/09/2020 |
15/09/2025 |
60 |
AA- |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
5.23% |
0.34% |
14/09/2023 |
16/09/2024 |
12 |
A |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
1.20% |
0.34% |
7/12/2020 |
8/12/2025 |
60 |
AA- |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
0.95% |
0.69% |
29/01/2021 |
29/01/2026 |
60 |
AA- |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
1.08% |
0.34% |
22/02/2021 |
20/02/2026 |
60 |
AA- |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
1.25% |
0.69% |
3/03/2021 |
2/03/2026 |
60 |
AA- |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
1.40% |
0.69% |
21/06/2021 |
19/06/2026 |
60 |
Westpac |
AA- |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
1.32% |
0.69% |
25/06/2021 |
25/06/2026 |
60 |
A |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
1.32% |
0.34% |
25/08/2021 |
25/08/2026 |
60 |
BBB+ |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
1.00% |
0.69% |
18/10/2021 |
17/10/2024 |
36 |
Westpac |
AA- |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
1.56% |
0.69% |
30/11/2021 |
29/11/2024 |
36 |
Westpac |
AA- |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
2.00% |
0.69% |
8/02/2022 |
10/02/2025 |
36 |
P&N Bank |
BBB+ |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
2.40% |
0.69% |
9/03/2022 |
10/03/2025 |
36 |
P&N Bank |
BBB+ |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
4.90% |
0.69% |
11/03/2024 |
11/03/2026 |
24 |
MyState |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
2.20% |
0.69% |
2/03/2022 |
3/03/2025 |
36 |
AA- |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
3.99% |
0.69% |
4/05/2022 |
5/05/2025 |
36 |
ING Bank |
A |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
5.11% |
0.34% |
23/05/2024 |
25/05/2026 |
24 |
BoQ |
A- |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
4.50% |
0.34% |
7/07/2022 |
7/07/2025 |
36 |
AA- |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
4.25% |
0.34% |
12/08/2022 |
12/08/2025 |
36 |
P&N Bank |
BBB+ |
3,000,000 |
3,000,000 |
4.55% |
1.03% |
29/08/2022 |
29/08/2025 |
36 |
Australian Military Bank |
BBB+ |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
4.55% |
0.69% |
2/09/2022 |
2/09/2025 |
36 |
P&N Bank |
BBB+ |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
4.40% |
0.34% |
9/09/2022 |
9/09/2025 |
36 |
BoQ |
A- |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
4.70% |
0.34% |
4/10/2022 |
4/10/2024 |
24 |
BBB+ |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
4.95% |
0.69% |
21/10/2022 |
21/10/2024 |
24 |
A |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
5.20% |
0.69% |
21/10/2022 |
21/10/2025 |
36 |
BBB+ |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
4.75% |
0.34% |
15/11/2022 |
14/11/2024 |
24 |
BBB+ |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
4.80% |
0.34% |
21/11/2022 |
20/11/2025 |
36 |
P&N Bank |
BBB+ |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
4.75% |
0.69% |
16/12/2022 |
16/12/2024 |
24 |
Police Credit Union |
NR |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
5.04% |
0.69% |
15/02/2023 |
17/02/2025 |
24 |
Police Credit Union |
NR |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
4.94% |
0.69% |
14/03/2023 |
14/03/2025 |
24 |
P&N Bank |
BBB+ |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
5.00% |
0.69% |
14/03/2023 |
15/03/2027 |
48 |
Hume Bank |
BBB+ |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
4.75% |
0.69% |
31/03/2023 |
31/03/2025 |
24 |
Auswide |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
4.95% |
0.69% |
13/04/2023 |
13/04/2026 |
36 |
P&N Bank |
BBB+ |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
5.20% |
0.69% |
20/04/2023 |
20/04/2027 |
48 |
P&N Bank |
BBB+ |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
5.20% |
0.34% |
26/05/2023 |
26/05/2026 |
36 |
ING Bank |
A |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
5.38% |
0.69% |
28/06/2024 |
28/06/2029 |
60 |
ING Bank |
A |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
5.37% |
0.69% |
21/08/2023 |
21/08/2025 |
24 |
P&N Bank |
BBB+ |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
5.45% |
0.34% |
30/11/2023 |
28/11/2025 |
24 |
ING Bank |
A |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
5.20% |
0.69% |
14/12/2023 |
15/12/2025 |
24 |
ING Bank |
A |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
5.14% |
0.69% |
3/01/2024 |
5/01/2026 |
24 |
P&N Bank |
BBB+ |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
5.10% |
0.69% |
4/01/2024 |
4/01/2027 |
36 |
Suncorp |
AA- |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
5.08% |
0.34% |
8/01/2024 |
8/01/2026 |
24 |
Australian Unity |
BBB+ |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
4.93% |
0.34% |
7/03/2024 |
9/03/2026 |
24 |
ING Bank |
A |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
5.10% |
0.69% |
23/04/2024 |
24/04/2028 |
48 |
AA- |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
5.10% |
0.69% |
6/05/2024 |
6/05/2026 |
24 |
ING Bank |
A |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
5.12% |
0.34% |
24/05/2024 |
24/05/2027 |
36 |
ING Bank |
A |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
5.26% |
0.34% |
31/05/2024 |
31/05/2028 |
48 |
ING Bank |
A |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
5.26% |
0.69% |
6/06/2024 |
6/06/2028 |
48 |
Australian Military Bank |
BBB+ |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
5.20% |
0.34% |
11/06/2024 |
11/06/2026 |
24 |
Australian Military Bank |
BBB+ |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
5.20% |
0.69% |
11/06/2024 |
11/06/2026 |
24 |
Total Medium Term Deposits |
107,000,000 |
105,000,000 |
3.62% |
36.21% |
Floating Rate Notes - Senior Debt |
Suncorp |
AA- |
1,260,926 |
0 |
0.00% |
0.00% |
30/07/2019 |
30/07/2024 |
60 |
AA- |
2,503,419 |
2,513,960 |
BBSW + 83 |
0.87% |
27/09/2019 |
27/09/2024 |
60 |
AA- |
2,023,701 |
2,006,893 |
BBSW + 77 |
0.69% |
21/01/2020 |
21/01/2025 |
60 |
Newcastle Permanent |
BBB+ |
1,109,887 |
1,115,340 |
BBSW + 112 |
0.38% |
4/02/2020 |
4/02/2025 |
60 |
Macquarie Bank |
A+ |
2,018,028 |
2,026,898 |
BBSW + 84 |
0.70% |
12/02/2020 |
12/02/2025 |
60 |
BOQ Covered |
556,187 |
558,899 |
BBSW + 107 |
0.19% |
14/05/2020 |
14/05/2025 |
60 |
A+ |
1,516,972 |
1,504,885 |
BBSW + 87 |
0.52% |
30/07/2020 |
30/07/2025 |
60 |
AA- |
2,023,636 |
2,008,980 |
BBSW + 70 |
0.69% |
14/01/2022 |
14/01/2027 |
60 |
Rabobank |
A+ |
2,016,397 |
2,002,524 |
BBSW + 73 |
0.69% |
27/01/2022 |
27/01/2027 |
60 |
Newcastle Permanent |
BBB+ |
1,001,124 |
1,007,110 |
BBSW + 100 |
0.35% |
10/02/2022 |
10/02/2027 |
60 |
AA- |
2,414,343 |
2,427,597 |
BBSW + 72 |
0.84% |
25/02/2022 |
25/02/2027 |
60 |
Bendigo-Adelaide |
A- |
1,657,210 |
1,664,931 |
BBSW + 98 |
0.57% |
17/03/2022 |
17/03/2025 |
36 |
AA- |
2,029,105 |
2,040,568 |
BBSW + 97 |
0.70% |
12/05/2022 |
12/05/2027 |
60 |
AA- |
1,714,990 |
1,722,695 |
BBSW + 90 |
0.59% |
30/05/2022 |
30/05/2025 |
36 |
Suncorp |
AA- |
909,302 |
913,597 |
BBSW + 93 |
0.32% |
22/08/2022 |
22/08/2025 |
36 |
AA- |
2,557,747 |
2,572,295 |
BBSW + 120 |
0.89% |
4/11/2022 |
4/11/2027 |
60 |
AA- |
2,548,236 |
2,562,931 |
BBSW + 120 |
0.88% |
25/11/2022 |
25/11/2027 |
60 |
Suncorp |
AA- |
1,117,201 |
1,125,082 |
BBSW + 125 |
0.39% |
14/12/2022 |
14/12/2027 |
60 |
AA- |
2,049,420 |
2,033,784 |
BBSW + 115 |
0.70% |
13/01/2023 |
13/01/2028 |
60 |
Bank Australia |
BBB+ |
1,921,581 |
1,933,705 |
BBSW + 155 |
0.67% |
22/02/2023 |
22/02/2027 |
48 |
Bendigo-Adelaide Covered |
1,010,032 |
1,016,223 |
BBSW + 115 |
0.35% |
16/06/2023 |
16/06/2028 |
60 |
AA- |
2,530,535 |
2,546,076 |
BBSW + 95 |
0.88% |
17/08/2023 |
17/08/2028 |
60 |
AA- |
2,116,748 |
2,128,236 |
BBSW + 93 |
0.73% |
11/09/2023 |
11/09/2028 |
60 |
Bank Australia |
BBB+ |
1,671,045 |
1,656,944 |
BBSW + 150 |
0.57% |
30/10/2023 |
30/10/2026 |
36 |
AA- |
2,534,241 |
2,548,742 |
BBSW + 96 |
0.88% |
5/02/2024 |
5/02/2029 |
60 |
AA- |
1,004,261 |
1,011,400 |
BBSW + 98 |
0.35% |
19/03/2024 |
19/03/2029 |
60 |
ING Bank |
A |
501,822 |
504,953 |
BBSW + 95 |
0.17% |
22/03/2024 |
22/03/2027 |
36 |
BoQ |
A- |
1,672,676 |
1,660,742 |
BBSW + 128 |
0.57% |
30/04/2024 |
30/04/2029 |
60 |
Bendigo-Adelaide |
A- |
806,594 |
811,376 |
BBSW + 100 |
0.28% |
14/05/2024 |
14/05/2027 |
36 |
AA- |
1,502,541 |
1,512,536 |
BBSW + 86 |
0.52% |
18/06/2024 |
18/06/2029 |
60 |
Teachers Mutual |
BBB+ |
901,315 |
907,912 |
BBSW + 130 |
0.31% |
21/06/2024 |
21/06/2027 |
36 |
Total Floating Rate Notes - Senior Debt |
51,201,220 |
50,047,812 |
17.26% |
Fixed Rate Bonds |
ING Covered |
694,111 |
702,551 |
1.10% |
0.24% |
19/08/2021 |
19/08/2026 |
60 |
Northern Territory Treasury |
AA- |
3,000,000 |
3,000,000 |
1.00% |
1.03% |
24/08/2021 |
16/12/2024 |
40 |
Northern Territory Treasury |
AA- |
3,000,000 |
3,000,000 |
1.50% |
1.03% |
24/08/2021 |
15/12/2026 |
64 |
BoQ |
A- |
1,768,954 |
1,793,770 |
2.10% |
0.62% |
27/10/2021 |
27/10/2026 |
60 |
BoQ |
A- |
2,004,277 |
2,048,602 |
5.30% |
0.71% |
30/04/2024 |
30/04/2029 |
60 |
Northern Territory Treasury |
AA- |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
1.50% |
0.69% |
6/08/2021 |
15/12/2026 |
64 |
Northern Territory Treasury |
AA- |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
1.50% |
0.34% |
14/07/2021 |
15/12/2026 |
65 |
Northern Territory Treasury |
AA- |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
1.30% |
0.69% |
29/04/2021 |
15/06/2026 |
61 |
Northern Territory Treasury |
AA- |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
1.00% |
0.69% |
30/11/2020 |
15/12/2025 |
60 |
Northern Territory Treasury |
AA- |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
1.00% |
0.34% |
20/11/2020 |
15/12/2025 |
61 |
Northern Territory Treasury |
AA- |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
1.00% |
0.69% |
21/10/2020 |
15/12/2025 |
62 |
Total Fixed Rate Bonds |
20,467,343 |
20,544,923 |
1.70% |
7.09% |
Managed Funds |
NSW Tcorp |
NR |
2,065,270 |
2,124,114 |
2.85% |
0.73% |
17/03/2014 |
1/07/2029 |
183 |
Total Managed Funds |
2,065,270 |
2,124,114 |
2.85% |
0.73% |
288,844,506 |
289,261,869 |
Council’s investment portfolio is dominated by Term Deposits, equating to approximately 44% of the portfolio across a broad range of counterparties. Cash equates to 31%, with Floating Rate Notes (FRNs) around 17%, fixed rate bonds around 7% and growth funds around 1% of the portfolio.
Council’s investment portfolio is well diversified in complying assets across the entire credit spectrum. It is also well diversified from a rating perspective. Credit quality is diversified and is predominately invested amongst the investment grade Authorised Deposit-Taking Institutions (ADIs) (being BBB- or higher), with a smaller allocation to unrated ADIs.
All investments are within the defined Policy limits, as outlined in the Rating Allocation chart below:
Investment Portfolio Balance
Council’s investment portfolio balance increased slightly over the past month, up from $288.84M to $289.26M.
Monthly Investment Movements
Redemptions/Sales – Council redeemed/sold the following investment securities during July 2024:
Institution and Type |
Amount |
Investment Term |
Interest Rate |
Comments |
ICBC (A) Term Deposit |
$2M |
4 years |
1.42% |
This term deposit was redeemed on maturity and these funds were reinvested in a new 12-month NAB term deposit (as below). |
Heritage and People’s Choice Bank (BBB+) Term Deposit |
$1M |
12 months |
5.08% |
This term deposit was redeemed on maturity and these funds were reinvested in a new 12-month Suncorp Bank term deposit (as below). |
Suncorp Bank (AA-) Floating Rate Note |
$1.2M |
5 years |
BBSW + 78bps |
This floating rate note was redeemed on maturity and funds were used to purchase a new 12-month NAB term deposits (as below). |
New Investments – Council purchased the following investment securities during July 2024:
Institution and Type |
Amount |
Investment Term |
Interest Rate |
Comments |
NAB (AA-) Term Deposit |
$2M |
12 months |
5.45% |
The NAB rate of 5.45% compared favourably to the rest of the market for this term. The next best rate for this term was 5.43%. |
NAB (AA-) Term Deposit |
$2M |
12 months |
5.40% |
The NAB rate of 5.40% compared favourably to the rest of the market for this term. The next best rate for this term was 5.37%. |
NAB (AA-) Term Deposit |
$1M |
12 months |
5.30% |
The NAB rate of 5.30% compared favourably to the rest of the market for this term. The next best rate for this term was also 5.30%. |
Suncorp Bank (AA-) Term Deposit |
$1M |
12 months |
5.43% |
The Suncorp Bank rate of 5.43% compared favourably to the rest of the market for this term. The next best rate for this term was 5.40%. |
Rollovers – Council did not roll over any investment securities during July 2024.
Monthly Investment Performance
Interest/growth/capital gains/(losses) for the month totalled $1,185,235, which compares favourably with the budget for the period of $590,254 - outperforming budget for the month by $594,981.
Council’s outperformance to budget for July is mainly due to better than budgeted returns on Councils investment portfolio as well as a higher than anticipated investment portfolio balance. This is a result of the recent movements in the cash rate made by the Reserve Bank of Australia, with the latest increase in early November 2023 bringing the cash rate to 4.35% from a record low of 0.10% in April 2022.
Council also experienced a positive return on its NSW T-Corp Managed Fund for the month of July, with the fund returning +2.85% (or $58,844) as domestic (+4.19%) and international (+1.70%) shares provided solid returns.
On Cash and At‑Call accounts returned 4.35% (annualised) for the month. These funds are utilised for daily cash flow management and need to be available to meet operating and contractual payments as they fall due.
Over the past year, Council’s investment portfolio has returned 3.92%, marginally underperforming the AusBond Bank Bill index by -0.46%. Councils investment portfolio has continued to outperform the AusBond Bank Bill Index* over the longer-term time period, returning 2.75% per annum over the past 3 years – outperforming the benchmark by 0.18% over this time.
* The AusBond Bank Bill Index is the leading benchmark for the Australian fixed income market. It is interpolated from the RBA Cash rate, 1 month and 3-month Bank Bill Swap rates.
Report by Responsible Accounting Officer
I hereby certify that all of the above investments have been made in accordance with the provision of Section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993 and the regulations there under, and in accordance with the Investment Policy adopted by Council on 24 June 2024.
Carolyn Rodney
Responsible Accounting Officer
Policy and Legislation
Budget variations are reported in accordance with Council’s POL 052 Budget Policy.
Investments are reported in accordance with Council’s POL 075 Investment Policy.
Local Government Act 1993
Section 625 - How may councils invest?
Local Government (General) Regulation 2021
Section 212 - Reports on council investments
Link to Strategic Plan
Community leadership and collaboration
Objective: Wagga Wagga City Council leads through engaged civic governance and is recognised and distinguished by its ethical decision-making, efficient management, innovation and quality customer service
Ensure transparency and accountability
Risk Management Issues for Council
This report is a control mechanism that assists in addressing the following potential risks to Council:
· Loss of investment income or capital resulting from ongoing management of investments, especially during difficult economic times
· Failure to demonstrate to the community that its funds are being expended in an efficient and effective manner
Internal / External Consultation
All relevant areas within Council have consulted with the Finance Division in relation to the budget variations listed in this report.
The Finance Division has consulted with relevant external parties to confirm Council’s investment portfolio balances.
1⇩. |
Capital Works Program 2024/25 to 2033/34 |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 26 August 2024 |
RP-4 |
RP-4 Henwood Park Netball Court Project
Author: Sue Hanrahan
Executive: John Sidgwick
Summary: |
This report recommends a one-off funding contribution towards construction of a netball court at the northern end of Henwood Park bottom oval. |
That Council:
a endorse the General Manager or their delegate entering into an agreement with the East Wagga Kooringal Football and Netball Club to construct a netball court at Henwood Park
b provides a contribution of $30,000 to East Wagga Kooringal Football Netball Club for the construction of the court
c note that East Wagga Kooringal Football Netball Club will be responsible for all other costs towards the project
d approve the budget variation/s as detailed in the Financial Implications section of the report
Since 2021, Council staff have been in consultation with East Wagga Kooringal Football Netball Club (EWKFNC) regarding a request from the club to construct a netball court at Henwood Park in Kooringal.
EWKFNC are proposing to complete the construction works which will be an additional community asset to the Henwood Park site. In the past, EWKFNC have held training at Henwood Park, however due to limited resources, all training is now undertaken at Gumly Gumly. The proposal put forward is to develop a netball court at the northern end of the bottom oval at Henwood Park (attachment 1) which would provide the whole junior football and netball club with the ability to utilise the space and will improve the club’s ability to increase accessibility for all members and increase registration numbers.
The construction will be managed and delivered through the trades available within the club. These trades have a strong reputation within the community and capacity to deliver the project to a high standard. Additionally, football goals will be installed on-site. The new netball court and football goals will not impact the existing soccer and cricket fields at Henwood Park.
The club has requested a financial contribution from Council to assist with the delivery of the project which is proposed to be funded through existing budgets.
The project aims to enhance the facilities at Henwood Park, support local sports development, and increase participation in netball and football within the community.
Financial Implications
The total cost for this project is estimated at $90,000. The funding from Council is based on the East Wagga Kooringal Football Netball Club contributing $60,000 in cash and in-kind support. Council has an annual recurrent budget to Renew Recreational Facilities. During the planning period for the 2024/25 long term financial plan, this project was identified, and it is proposed that $30,000 be funded from this annual budget.
Policy and Legislation
Recreation Open Space and Community Strategy and Implementation Plan 2040
Link to Strategic Plan
Safe and Healthy Community
Objective: Our community has access to health and support services that cater for all of our needs
Support and continue to develop services to improve and promote community health and wellbeing
Risk Management Issues for Council
The risks associated with implementing this project relate to process, cost, environmental, WHS and contractor performance. These risks are addressed as part of the Council’s project management and contractor performance management systems.
Internal / External Consultation
Meetings and external consultations have occurred with East Wagga Kooringal Football Netball Club, AFL Riverina, Cricket Wagga and Football Wagga. This project will not impede the existing football fields.
Internal consultation has occurred within Council’s Strategic Recreation and Parks Operations divisions.
1⇩. |
Henwood Park netball court location |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 26 August 2024 |
RP-5 |
RP-5 Request to waive Section 64 Sewer contributions for DA24/0109
Author: Belinda Maclure
Executive: John Sidgwick
Summary: |
The applicant of DA24/0109 at Shop 3, 2 Messenger Avenue, Boorooma NSW 2650 requests a waiver for Section 64 Sewer contributions. |
That Council does not waive Section 64 Sewer infrastructure contributions associated with DA24/0109 at Shop 3, 2 Messenger Avenue, Boorooma NSW 2650.
The proposed development described in DA24/0109 is for Shop 3, 2 Messenger Avenue, Boorooma (Lot 4 DP287007) is for a beauty salon. The applicant of DA24/0109 is Montanna Richardson, the business owner who will be operating the beauty salon. Council’s records show 2 Messenger Avenue in the Boorooma Shopping Centre and is owned by the Roman Catholic Church.
Section 64 Sewer contributions for beauty salons are based on the number of basins proposed in the development. Section 64 Sewer contributions for DA24/0109 are calculated correctly based on an additional 2 basins. This results in a charge of $7,281 (in 2024/25 dollars).
A request was received from the applicant to waive the Section 64 Sewer contributions. This request is based on the development providing an important service to an area of the city which is currently not serviced by such businesses; that the sewer network has already been constructed in the area; that Section 64 Sewer contributions are not applied in the central business area and; that the contributions were not expected and not budgeted for by the business.
Financial Implications
Section 64 Sewer and Stormwater infrastructure contributions are calculated to reflect the impact of development on the sewer network. The Section 64 Sewer contribution relates to the increased number of basins.
The Section 64 contributions are allocated to fund sewer projects in the Development Servicing Plans.
Policy and Legislation
Wagga Wagga City Council, Development Servicing Plan Sewerage Services July 2013
Link to Strategic Plan
The Environment
Objective: Future growth and development of Wagga Wagga is planned for in a sustainable manner
Ensure sustainable urban development
Risk Management Issues for Council
Without receiving adequate sewer contributions there would be a funding gap to maintain and renew the vital sewer network Council assets.
Should Council waive fees there is a risk that a precedent could be set, which may lead to financial shortcomings and inability for Council to pay for citywide infrastructure projects.
Internal / External Consultation
Consultation has occurred with key stakeholders from the organisation.
1⇩. |
DA24/0109 request to waive Section 64 Sewer contributions |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 26 August 2024 |
RP-6 |
RP-6 Proposed Planning Agreement Tolland Renewal Project
Author: Belinda Maclure
Executive: John Sidgwick
Summary: |
On 28 March 2024 Council received a proposed planning agreement from Homes NSW. The proposed planning agreement offers to construct active travel infrastructure, recreational assets and community facilities in the Tolland Renewal area in addition to the requirements of the development, in lieu of the payment of Section 7.11 contributions required for the subdivision development. Homes NSW provided a Contributions Works Delivery Plan, which supports the draft deed and provides details of the infrastructure projects included in the offer, including costs and delivery timeframes.
Following the resolution of the Ordinary Council Meeting 27 May 2024, the draft proposed planning agreement was placed on public exhibition from 31 May 2024 to 12 July 2024. Five submissions received during the exhibition period.
Follow the formal exhibition period, staff became aware that the draft planning agreement deed must be exhibited with an explanatory note. As the explanatory note did not accompany the draft deed when it was placed on public exhibition earlier in the year, both documents must be publicly exhibited again. |
That Council:
a note the five (5) public submissions received during the public exhibition period for the draft planning agreement in relation to the Tolland Renewal Project development
b place the proposed Planning Agreement and Explanatory Note on public exhibition again for a period of 28 days
c receive a further report following the exhibition and submission period:
i addressing any submission made in respect of the proposed planning agreement and Explanatory; and
ii recommending to either enter into the proposed planning agreement or recommending to not enter into a proposed planning agreement
At its ordinary meeting held on 27 May 2024 Council resolved in respect to the proposed planning agreement for the Tolland Renewal Project as follows:
That Council:
a receive and note 29 submissions and two (2) petitions were received during the public exhibition period between 11 September 2023 to 24 October 2023 on the Tolland Concept Masterplan
b adopt the finalised Tolland Concept Masterplan
c provide
in principle support for the proposed Planning Agreement in relation to the
Tolland Renewal Project
d place the proposed Planning Agreement on public exhibition for a period of 28 days from 31 May 2024 to 28 June 2024 and invite submissions until 12 July 2024
e receive a further report following the exhibition and submission period:
i addressing any submission made in respect of the proposed planning agreement; and
ii recommending whether or not to enter into the proposed planning agreement
f approve dispensation from Council’s Developer Infrastructure Agreements Policy (POL 121) and allow one public exhibition period for the proposed planning agreement
g approve dispensation from Council’s Developer Infrastructure Agreements Policy (POL 121) in relation to the requirement of an unconditional bank guarantee
In March 2024, Council received a draft deed for a proposed planning agreement from Homes NSW. The proposed planning agreement offers to construct active travel infrastructure, recreational assets and community facilities in the Tolland area in addition to the requirements of the development, in lieu of the payment of Section 7.11 contributions required for the subdivision development.
Homes NSW provided a Contributions Works Delivery Plan, which supports the draft deed and which provides details of the infrastructure projects included in the offer, including costs and delivery timeframes.
Following the Ordinary Council Meeting of 27 May 2024, Council exhibited the draft deed for the planning agreement for a period of 28 days. Five public submissions were received during the exhibition period, with all of the submissions supportive of the proposed planning agreement.
Following the exhibition period, staff have become aware that Part 9, Division 1, Section 205 (3) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021 states “a copy of the explanatory note must be exhibited with the copy of the proposed agreement, amendment or revocation when it is made publicly available in accordance with the Act”. As the explanatory note was not publicly exhibited with the draft deed, the draft deed and explanatory note will need to be placed on public exhibition for an additional 28 days.
Financial Implications
Section 7.11 contributions required for the development are estimated to be $3.5 million (in 2023/24 dollars), with Homes NSW offering to enter into a planning agreement with a value of works totalling $7.1 million (in 2023/24 dollars). This means that the value of the infrastructure to be provided under the proposed planning agreement is significantly more than the Section 7.11 contributions required for the development.
While section 7.11 contributions will not be collected in this instance, and therefore Council will not collect funds to be allocated to projects identified in the Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 -2034 (LICP), when the current LICP was developed, the Tolland area was expected to increase by only 5 lots. The Tolland Renewal Project increases the lots in the area by approximately 300, with significantly more contributions collected than what was anticipated in the current LICP.
Policy and Legislation
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, Sections 7.4 and 7.11 (formerly Sections 93F and 94)
Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021, Part 9, Division 1, Section 205 (3)
Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 - 2034
Link to Strategic Plan
The Environment
Objective: Future growth and development of Wagga Wagga is planned for in a sustainable manner
Ensure sustainable urban development
Risk Management Issues for Council
The draft deed for the proposed planning agreement includes clauses to manage the risks for Council and the developer alike during the implementation stage. As the developer in this case is the State Government the likelihood of the identified risks in the draft Deed becoming issues is considered low.
Internal / External Consultation
The draft planning agreement has been on public exhibition for a period of 28 days.
1⇩. |
Tolland Renewal Project draft Planning Agreement Explanatory Note Aug 2024 |
2⇩. |
Tolland Renewal Project draft Planning Agreement August 2024 |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 26 August 2024 |
RP-7 |
Author: Belinda Maclure
Executive: John Sidgwick
Summary: |
The draft Addendum to the Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan (LICP) was placed on public exhibition from 17 May 2024 to 28 June 2024. |
That Council:
a notes there were no submissions received relating to the draft addendum to the Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Plan 2019 – 2034
b adopts the Addendum to the Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 – 2034 Change to Active Travel and Shared Paths Projects
On 11 March 2024 at their Ordinary Meeting, Council resolved:
That Council:
a. note the status of the Active Travel Stage 1 project
b. authorise the General Manager or their delegate to draft the amendment to the Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan (LICP) as outlined in the Financial Implications section of this report
c. authorise the General Manager or their delegate to place the draft amendment to the Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan (LICP) on public exhibition for a period of 28 days and invite public submissions
d. receive a further report following the exhibition and submission period addressing any submission made in respect of the draft document
A draft Addendum to the Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan (LICP) was developed and placed on public exhibition from 17 May 2024 to 28 June 2024. During this period 1 submission was received suggesting a location for pedestrian crossing. This submission does not have an impact on the draft Addendum.
Financial Implications
The amendment to the LICP included the following adjustments to projects:
Job No. |
Link |
Amount |
Budget Remaining |
19608 |
S7.11 TT8 - Shared Paths - Ashmont and Glenfield |
$42,275 |
$0 |
19609 |
S7.11 TT9 – Shared Paths - Boorooma, Estella, Goobagomblin |
$200,000 |
$60,044 |
19610 |
S7.11 TT10 – Shared Paths – Bourkelands and Lloyd |
$11,306 |
$0 |
19611 |
S7.11 TT11- Shared Paths – Central and North Wagga Wagga |
$51,613 |
$0 |
19612 |
S7.11 TT12 – Shared Paths – Between the CBD and Forest Hill |
$200,963 |
$0 |
19613 |
S7.11 TT13 – Shared Paths – Forest Hill |
$147,660 |
$0 |
19614 |
S7.11 TT14 – Shared Paths – Lake Albert and Tatton |
$6,594 |
$0 |
19615 |
S7.11 TT15 – Shared Paths – Mount Austin, Tolland and Turvey Park |
$24,680 |
$0 |
19618 |
S7.11 TT17 – Footpaths - Boorooma, Estella, Goobagomblin |
$100,000 |
$155,319 |
19620 |
S7.11 TT19 – Footpaths – Central and North Wagga |
$33,390 |
$36,304 |
19622 |
S7.11 TT21 – Footpaths – Forest Hill |
$120,000 |
$88,725 |
19623 |
S7.11 TT22 – Footpaths - Kooringal |
$130,000 |
$22,835 |
19624 |
S7.11 TT23 – Footpaths – Lake Albert and Tatton |
$100,000 |
$129,050 |
19625 |
S7.12 TT24 – Footpaths - Mount Austin, Tolland and Turvey Park |
$50,000 |
$232,210 |
Additional unallocated S7.11 contributions received via CPI increases in contribution rate |
$200,000 |
N/A |
Total |
$1,418,481 |
The amendments to the Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 – 2034 are proposed to be processed with this Council resolution, and the budget adjustments to the projects will be reported to Council in the monthly finance report after the caretaker period.
Policy and Legislation
Budget variations are reported in accordance with Council’s POL 052 Budget Policy
Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 – 2034.
Link to Strategic Plan
Safe and Healthy Community
Objective: Our community embraces healthier lifestyle choices and practices
Promote access and participation for all sections of the community to a full range of sports and recreational activities
Risk Management Issues for Council
The Addendum is a risk mitigation strategy to ensure Section 7.11 contributions collected for shared paths and footpaths are allocated effectively to provide active travel infrastructure required to support development in the network.
Internal / External Consultation
The draft Addendum to the Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 – 2034 was placed on public exhibition from 17 May 2024 to 28 June 2024.
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 26 August 2024 |
RP-8 |
Author: Matthew Dombrovski
Executive: John Sidgwick
Summary: |
This report deals with a request from the Demonstration Gardens Wagga Wagga Inc to increase their operational footprint. |
That Council endorse the request from Demonstration Gardens Wagga Wagga Incorporated to extend their licensed area at 49 Shaw Street, Wagga Wagga (being Lot 2 in Deposited Plan 229422) as outlined in this report.
At the meeting of 2 May 2022, Council resolved (Resolution 22/140) to enter into a formal licence agreement with Demonstration Gardens Wagga Wagga Incorporated in relation to a site currently utilised for the purpose of community gardens. This served to formalise the longstanding occupation arrangements of that organisation.
The report also noted as follows:-
“It is also noted that Shaw Street Demonstration Gardens Inc has indicated that they will be seeking support from Council in relation to a proposed expansion of their operations over an additional part of Lot 2 DP 229422. A separate report will be submitted in relation to this matter once a determination has been made in relation to the formalisation of a Licence Agreement.”
Council has now received a formal proposal in respect of the proposed expansion, a copy of which is provided at Attachment 1. The proposal seeks that Council provide an additional 1,134sqm of land to Demonstration Gardens Wagga Wagga Incorporated to facilitate an expansion of its operations. The site in question (being part of Lot 2 in Deposited Plan 229422) is Council owned community land which is zoned RE1 Public Recreation.
Representatives of the Demonstration Gardens Wagga Wagga Incorporated have worked constructively with Council officers in developing a detailed proposal that effectively utilises the site whilst acknowledging its previous uses including as a former brick pit may not be compatible with certain proposed activities.
Internal consultation confirmed that Council officers are supportive of the proposed extension to the site given the substantial track record of community support and outreach education. It is also notable that Demonstration Gardens Wagga Wagga Incorporated is an inclusive & active organisation that contributes to the health and wellbeing, social connection and diversity of both the immediate neighbourhood and the broader Wagga community.
It is therefore recommended that the Council endorse the request to extend the Licence Area. It is proposed that if this recommendation is endorsed by Council, the additional area would be incorporated into the existing Licence Agreement.
Financial Implications
If the recommendation is endorsed it is proposed that the additional area will be incorporated into the existing Licence Agreement. Accordingly, there would be no additional income for Council.
Policy and Legislation
Local Government Act 1993
Acquisition, Disposal and Management of Land Policy POL 038
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Place and Identity
Objective: Our community feel welcome, included and connected
Activate community spaces to promote connectedness
Risk Management Issues for Council
Council needs to responsibly manage assets including property. The site is a former Council brick pit and depot. Consideration has been given to the suitability of the site for use as a community garden (particularly for the growth of food for human consumption) in light of that former use. However, it is noted that the site has been used for a community garden for over 20 years, and the proposal clearly articulates the strategies adopted to mitigate the potential risks.
Internal / External Consultation
Internal consultation has been conducted with Council’s Regional Activation, Community and Operations Directorates.
In accordance with Sections 47 & 47A of the Local Government Act 1993, Council will be required to give public notice of a proposal to lease or licence land classified as community land. If any objecting submissions are received a further report will be submitted to Council for consideration.
Traditional Media |
Community Engagement |
Digital |
Rates notices insert |
Direct mail |
Letterbox drop |
Council news |
Media release |
Media opportunity |
TV/radio advertising |
One-on-one meeting(s) |
Community meeting(s) |
Stakeholder workshop(s) |
Drop-in session(s) |
Survey/feedback form(s) |
Have your Say |
Email newsletter |
Social media |
Website |
Inform |
x |
x |
Other methods (please list specific details below) |
1⇩. |
Demonstration Gardens Wagga Wagga Community Garden Extension Application June 2024 |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 26 August 2024 |
RP-9 |
Author: Ben Creighton
Executive: John Sidgwick
Summary: |
At the 11 December 2023 Ordinary Meeting of Council, it was resolved in response to the petition that Council would receive a further report once a review of the plaques naming policy was completed. |
That Council:
a place the draft Plaques Policy (POL 028) on public exhibition for a period of 28 days and invite public submissions for a further 14 days on the draft Policy
b receive a further report following the public exhibition and submission period:
i addressing any submissions made with respect to the proposed Plaques Naming Policy (POL 028)
ii proposing adoption of the policy unless there are any recommended amendments deemed to be substantial and requiring a further public exhibition period
Council received a petition dated 23 October 2023 from 62 signatories. As per Council’s Petition Policy (POL 086), a request can be made to Council seeking action or special consideration of a particular matter, that Council is authorised to determine, which is signed by at least ten different residents / ratepayers / interest parties from at least 10 different addresses.
The petition was:
“seeking the introduction of a Council Policy which would provide for the removal of naming plaques and / or signage recognising a person or persons in circumstances where such a person or persons have subsequently fallen from grace through inappropriate or unacceptable actions or behaviours.”
The petition’s accompanying letter to the petition further stated that:
“There are a number of recent instances in various jurisdictions where local identities once recognised for a variety of reasons have fallen from grace and their public recognition subsequently removed. It is considered appropriate Wagga Wagga City Council adopt a policy which provides for such removal in such circumstances. The adoption of a fit and proper person test as used to determine the application of many awards, licences, appointments including professional awards and appointments would be the appropriate mechanism where a request from the community in this context was considered on just grounds. Examples could include imprisonment, criminal convictions, convictions for fraud and other civil finding, dishonesty, bankruptcy and other like matters.”
At the 11 December 2023 Ordinary Meeting of Council, it was resolved in response to the petition that Council would receive a further report once a review of the plaques naming policy was completed.
The removal of naming plaques and signage predominately falls under two existing policies within Council. The first being the Parks Naming Policy – POL 055 and the Plagues Policy – POL 028. Both policies already have provisions which allow for the removal of a plaque, name or signage under a variety of circumstances.
Within the Parks Naming Policy a clause has been included which states:
“Council reserves the right to renew the name of any open space area at its discretion”.
Within the Plaques Policy, there is a section that outlines the requirements of Plaques that have been installed as memorials. This includes a clause that states:
Council does not guarantee to retain the plaque in perpetuity and would normally retain the plaque at its location for a period of not less than five years from the time of installation with the following exceptions:
· The area in which the plaque is located is being redeveloped
· The structure or support on which the item is located is to be removed or permanently altered
· The use of the area in which the memorial is placed changes significantly in character and the plaque is not deemed suitable for the site.
Although not guaranteeing the retaining of a plaque in perpetuity, this clause provides only limited options for removal of a plaque up until five years have elapsed.
The adoption of an all-encompassing fit and proper person test can be difficult to implement as it can be subjective. Instead, it is proposed to utilise the existing Policies to manage this issue. In simple terms, if it is identified by a community member that an individual is potentially not worthy of the recognition that has been given, then a report could be made to Council allowing consideration of the matter.
To facilitate this within the plaques policy it is proposed that the policy is amended to allow for the addition of a clause that states:
“Council reserves the right to remove any plaque at its discretion”.
If the revised policy were to be adopted, Council would then have a policy base for the removal of any plaque, name or signage if it is identified and resolved by Council that the person is no longer worthy of the recognition.
Financial Implications
Policy and Legislation
Plaques Policy - POL 028
Parks Naming Policy – POL 055
Link to Strategic Plan
Community leadership and collaboration
Objective: Our community is informed and actively engaged in decision making and problem-solving to shape the future of Wagga Wagga
Communicate with our community
Risk Management Issues for Council
Council policies are essential to ensure transparent legal, fair and consistent decision making across the Council. They support Council in achieving its corporate objectives and provide a critical guide for staff, councillors and other stakeholders. In the absence of effective policies there is a greater risk of inconsistency, confusion and inefficiency and can lead to non-compliance with the requirements of legislation and regulations.
Internal / External Consultation
Internal consultation has occurred within the Regional Activation and Governance directorates of Council.
1⇩. |
Draft Plaques Policy (POL 028) |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 26 August 2024 |
RP-10 |
Author: Kimberly Parker
Executive: Janice Summerhayes
Summary: |
Council is in receipt of four applications for the second and last round of the 2024/25 Major Events, Festivals and Film Sponsorship Program. The funding is available to support events held from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025. |
That Council:
a authorise the General Manager or their delegate to enter into an agreement to sponsor the following events through the 2024/25 Major Events and Sponsorship budget:
i Lords of the Soils Film by Kensington House Entertainment Pty Ltd to the amount of $7,060 through the incubator event stream
ii Country Women’s Association of NSW 2025 State Conference by CWA Riverina Branch to the amount of $9,940 through the incubator event stream
iii Easter Egg Hunt by Bidgee Strawberries and Cream to the amount of $15,000 through the developing event stream
iv Wagga Wagga Mardi Gras to the amount of $20,000 through the developing event stream
Council is in receipt of four applications for the second and final round of the 2024/25 Major Events, Festival and Films Sponsorship Program. This funding is available to support events held from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.
Applications have been assessed by the Major Events Advisory Panel (the Panel) consisting of two community members and two council staff. The Panel has assessed the applications in line with the Major Events, Festivals and Films Sponsorship guidelines. The details of the applications received along with the recommended sponsorship funding amounts are summarised as follows:
Event Name & Organisation |
Amount Requested |
Project Budget |
Reason |
Lords of the Soils Film by Kensington House Entertainment Pty Ltd |
$10,000 |
$144,193 |
The Panel recommends sponsorship of the film to the partial amount of $7,060 requested for the delivery of the postproduction of the film. The Panel recognised that the film has broad appeal to the community and has demonstrated how they are inclusive and support local creative industries. The application demonstrated strong community and strategic partnerships to demonstrate their capabilities to deliver a film of this scale. The Panel agreed to partially fund the project noting that the event would have a modest economic impact and noting the funds available for this round. |
Country Women’s
Association of |
$9,940 |
$80,285 |
The Panel recommends sponsorship of the event to the full amount of $9,940 requested for the delivery of the conference. The Panel scored the event well and acknowledged the high economic impact the event would generate. The application demonstrated new and unique offerings for the Wagga Wagga conference. |
Easter Egg Hunt by Bidgee Strawberries and Cream
$20,000 |
$59,873 |
The Panel recommends sponsorship of the event to the partial amount of $15,000 for the programming and delivery of this event. The Panel recognised that the event has broad appeal to the community and has demonstrated growth in attendance since 2019. The applicant effectively demonstrated their commitment to inclusivity and their support for local businesses in delivering an event of this scale. |
Wagga Wagga Mardi Gras |
$20,000 |
$94,543.80 |
The Panel recommend sponsorship of the event to the full amount requested $20,000 to support the programming delivery of this festival. The Panel agreed that the Mardi Gras event provided significant social and economic impact and therefore scored highly against the criteria. The application detailed a strong strategic plan to grow and develop event programming across time. |
Film Details: Lords of the Soils Film by Kensington House Entertainment Pty Ltd
Lords of the Soil is a fiction film set in the 1860’s inspired by true history of Wagga Wagga and the Riverina. It is a film that showcases a lost way of life and explores the complex relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people of the region. With a tendency towards kindness and compassion, the aim of the film leaves audiences in an open and reflective state to further explore the nation’s history and engage in healthy discussion about the past and future.
The core
producing team of "Lords of the Soil" consists of experienced
professionals dedicated to creating a culturally and historically rich film.
Jake Speer, Leeton-born actor (Netflix: Clickbait, Home and Away) and producer,
leads the team alongside Director Chris Butel, known for his international
documentaries and wholistic filmmaking approach. The production team also
includes Elijah Ingram and Bernard Higgins (Miil Miil Productions), Letetia
Harris, Dale Alison, and Adam Alexander. Together, this team combines diverse
skills and knowledge to deliver a film with artistic significance and
cultural impact. The film celebrates Wagga Wagga’s history, supports
local talent, and promotes cultural preservation.
This application seeks funding for final completion, including the hiring of a local recording studio for the original score, engaging a senior Wiradjuri language expert, and covering fees for local Riverina vocalists and musicians.
Event Summary
· Program delivery: November 2024
· Proposed venue: N/A
· Project cost: $144,193
· Total amount requested: $10,000
· Committee members: Jake Speers, Letetia Harris, Adam Alexander and Dale Alison.
If successful in securing the requested funding the applicant will acknowledge Council’s funding through logo placement on all marketing material and promotion through media opportunities as they arise.
The Panel has assessed this application against the Major Events, Festivals and Films Sponsorship Guidelines for an Incubator Event/Project and recommends a partial amount of $7,060 in funding to contribute towards the delivery of post-production of the film.
The Panel’s assessment and recommendation is summarised as follows:
· The applicant demonstrated a proven track record and experience in film production to ensure that the project will come to fruition.
· The applicant demonstrated strong community ties including local synopsis, Wiradjuri language specialists, and local postproduction engagement
· The Panel noted that the film would provide destination awareness and media coverage for the city which scored will against the criteria for a film
· The Panel agreed to partially fund the project noting that the event would have a modest economic impact and noting the funds available for this round.
Event Details: Country Women’s Association of NSW 2025 State Conference
18 - 22 May 2025
The Country Women’s Association (CWA) of NSW is the State’s largest rural issues advocacy group with over 8,000 members and 400 branches across NSW. The organisation’s annual conference is held in a different regional location each year attracting approximately 800 delegates and hundreds more visitors and observers from across the state.
The 2025 event is scheduled to be held in Wagga Wagga’s Range Function Centre and Equex Multipurpose Stadium showcasing a lineup of conference speakers, workshops, expos, and site tours across Wagga Wagga and surrounds region to showcase the culture, landscape, economics, industries and education/health services.
The CWA of NSW State Conference in Wagga Wagga is anticipated to attract 800-1000 attendees with approximately 600 of those being from outside the Local Government Area which will generate a significant boost to the city’s visitor economy sector including accommodation, hospitality, and retail.
Event Summary
· Date: 18 – 22 May 2025
· Expected attendance: 800 - 1000
· Visitors outside of the Local Government Area: 600
· Program duration: 5 days
· Proposed venue: The Range Function Centre and Equex Multipurpose Stadium
· Total event cost: $80,285
· Total amount requested: $9,940
· Committee members: Carol Grylls, Ann Adams OAM, Toni Nugent, Lyn Jacobsen OAM, Anette Forsyth, Leonie Kohlhagen and Rachel Whiting.
If successful in securing the requested funding the applicant will acknowledge Council’s funding through logo placement on all marketing material and promotion through media opportunities as they arise.
The Panel has assessed this application against the Major Events, Festivals and Films Sponsorship Guidelines for an Incubator Event and recommends the full requested amount of $9,940 in funding to contribute towards the delivery of the conference.
The Panel’s assessment and recommendation is summarised as follows:
· The application demonstrated that the event would generate a strong economic impact from number of visitors to the city and scored highly against the criteria.
· The event demonstrated strong community engagement and showcased the region and therefore scored highly in terms of social economic impact.
· The Panel agreed that the event would generate far reaching exposure for the City noting the strong attendance from all across the state.
· The Panel agreed that the event had new and unique offerings for the Wagga Wagga conference.
Event Details: Easter Egg Hunt by Bidgee Strawberries and Cream | 18 April 2025
Bidgee Strawberries and Cream’s annual Easter Egg Hunt is a great family day out. It features live music, farm fresh produce, food and beverage vendors and children’s activities including pony rides, face painting, jumping castles and an Easter Egg hunt in the strawberry patch.
Since its inaugural event in 2019 which featured less than 1,000 attendees, the Easter Egg Hunt has continued to grow with over 1,200 in attendance in 2024. The 2025 event will be even bigger with the addition of camel rides, a rock-climbing wall and putt putt golf. The event will be held on Friday 18 April and is anticipated to attract 2,500 attendees with approximately 825 of those being from outside the Local Government Area which will generate a significant boost to the City’s visitor economy sector over the Easter weekend.
Event Summary
· Date: 18 April 2025
· Expected attendance: 2,500
· Visitors outside of the Local Government Area: 825
· Program duration: Single day
· Proposed venue: Bidgee Strawberries and Cream
· Total event cost: $59,873
· Total amount requested: $20,000
· Committee members: Kylie Cashen
If successful in securing the requested funding the applicant will acknowledge Council’s funding through logo placement on all marketing material and promotion through media opportunities as they arise.
The Panel has assessed this application against the Major Events, Festivals and Films Sponsorship Guidelines for a Developing Event and recommends a partial amount of $15,000 in funding to contribute to programming and event logistics.
The Panel’s assessment and recommendation is summarised as follows:
· The Panel recognised that the delivery and timing of the event was strategic as it offers a fun family experience during a peak visitor time and when businesses tend to close
· The application demonstrated that it was inclusive and had a strong use of local businesses to deliver the event
· The Panel noted that the applicant demonstrated a proven track record of hosting events and that event attendance was growing.
· The Panel agreed to partially fund the event due to a smaller return on investment when compared to larger fully funded events held in our city such as Gears & Beers and Wagga Wagga Mardi Gras.
Event Details: Wagga Wagga Mardi Gras | 5 April 2025
Wagga Wagga Mardi Gras festival aims to raise the visibility of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTIQ+) communities in the Riverina, providing an opportunity to express their creativity and celebrate their identity. In 2025, the festival program will span across a week of celebrations, raising awareness and acceptance for the LGBTIQ+ community in Wagga Wagga, the Riverina and beyond. A mixture of free and ticketed events for all ages means that everyone has a chance to participate in April 2025.
Since its inaugural event in 2019 which featured 17 floats and 700 participants in the parade, Wagga Mardi Gras has grown significantly to over 50 floats and 1500 parade participants in 2022 and 2023 (after a hiatus in 2020 and 2021 due to COVID-19 restrictions). In 2023 the drag events were strongly attended by over 400 people, and the roller disco saw 180 attendees. Wagga Wagga Mardi Gras Festival is managed by a volunteer committee with the support of Council and other sponsors such as Charles Sturt University.
The Wagga Wagga Mardi Gras festival to be held on Saturday 5 April 2025 includes a parade that will take place in Baylis Street and a free family-friendly after party at Victory Memorial Gardens commencing at 6:00pm. The after party will host a wide variety of food and drink vendors that include local operators, not for profit stalls with community information such as headspace Wagga, Aids Council of NSW (ACON), Wellways and offer a main stage show. The event will also host the Pride Markets as a recovery event on Sunday with 100 market stalls at the Victory Memorial Gardens.
Event Summary
· Date: 5 April 2025
· Expected attendance: 7,500
· Visitors outside of the Local Government Area: 1,500
· Program duration: Single day
· Proposed venue: Baylis Street and Victory Memorial Gardens
· Total event cost: $94,543.80
· Total amount requested: $20,000
· Committee members: Holly Conroy, Cristy Houghton, Alex Osgood, Helen Foley, Matt Luff, Christina Scurr and Margot Schoonmaker.
If successful in securing the requested funding the applicant will acknowledge Council’s funding through logo placement on all marketing material and promotion through media opportunities as they arise.
The Panel has assessed this application against the Major Events, Festivals and Films Sponsorship Guidelines for a Flagship Event and recommends this event receives the full request of funding of $20,000 for programming and event logistics.
The Panel’s assessment and recommendation is summarised as follows:
· The applicant demonstrated extensive planning, a skilled committee with resources to continue the growth of the event.
· The Panel agreed that the Mardi Gras event provided significant social and economic impact and scored highly against the criteria.
· The applicant provided a detailed strategic plan to grow and develop the programming of the event.
· Demonstrated commitment to continuing to develop the skills of the volunteer committee team and work toward achieving a sustainable business model for this major event in the years to come.
Financial Implications
2024/25 Major Events Sponsorship Budget |
$100,000 |
Less Current Commitments |
· Gears & Beers Festival (year two of three) |
($20,000) |
· Carols by Candlelight |
($10,000) |
· Wagga Wagga Swap Meet |
($3,000) |
· Christmas with the Con |
($15,000) |
Total Current Commitments |
($48,000) |
Recommended sponsorship |
· Lords of the Soil Film |
($7,060) |
· CWA of NSW 2025 State Conference |
($9,940) |
· Easter Egg Hunt by Bidgee Strawberries and Cream |
($15,000) |
· Wagga Wagga Mardi Gras |
($20,000) |
Total Major Events Sponsorship funding recommended in this report |
($52,000) |
Remaining budget for 2024/25 Major Events, Festivals and Films Sponsorship |
$0 All funds exhausted |
This funding opportunity is widely promoted through digital social media platforms, industry newsletters and through direct consultation with event organisers throughout the year.
This 2024/25 funding stream is now fully exhausted. The 2025/26 round of funding will open in February 2025 for delivery in the second half of 2025.
Job number 15308 – Major Events Sponsorship
Policy and Legislation
POL087 – Major Events, Festivals and Films Sponsorship
Link to Strategic Plan
Growing Economy
Objective: Wagga Wagga is an attractive tourist destination
Provide a variety of events, festivals, and activities
Risk Management Issues for Council
Risk management will be addressed as part of any future sponsorship agreement, with terms and conditions ensuring events are managed appropriately. A staged payment schedule based on event planning and delivery milestones will also be implemented to mitigate against non-delivery of event with each applicant.
Internal / External Consultation
Traditional Media |
Community Engagement |
Digital |
Rates notices insert |
Direct mail |
Letterbox drop |
Council news |
Media release |
Media opportunity |
TV/radio advertising |
One-on-one meeting(s) |
Community meeting(s) |
Stakeholder workshop(s) |
Drop-in session(s) |
Survey/feedback form(s) |
Have your Say |
Email newsletter |
Social media |
Website |
Inform |
Consult |
Involve |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Collaborate |
Other methods (please list specific details below) |
1. |
MAJOR EVENTS FESTIVALS AND FILMS SPONSORSHIP 202425 ROUND 2 - Lords of the Soil Film funding application This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, as it deals with: commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council. - Provided under separate cover |
2. |
MAJOR EVENTS FESTIVALS AND FILMS SPONSORSHIP 202425 ROUND 2 - Country Women's Association of NSW This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, as it deals with: commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council. - Provided under separate cover |
3. |
MAJOR EVENTS FESTIVALS AND FILM SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM 202425 ROUND 2 - Easter Egg Hunt funding This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, as it deals with: commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council. - Provided under separate cover |
4. |
MAJOR EVENTS FESTIVALS AND FILMS SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM 202425 ROUND 2 - Wagga Mardi Gras funding This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, as it deals with: commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council. - Provided under separate cover |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 26 August 2024 |
RP-11 |
RP-11 Marrambidya Wetland Plan of Management 2024/2034
Author: Samantha Pascall
Executive: Janice Summerhayes
Summary: |
The draft Marrambidya Wetland Plan of Management (draft PoM) is a ten-year document that provides clear direction as to the future use and management of Council owned land and the Council managed Crown land that make up the site. The draft PoM was placed on public exhibition for 42 days with eight (8) submissions received. The PoM is provided to Council for consideration and adoption. |
That Council
a receive and note the submissions received during the public exhibition of the draft Marrambidya Wetland Plan of Management 2024-2034
b note the Marrambidya Wetland Plan of Management 2024-2034 has received final approval and Minister’s consent from NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure
c adopt the Marrambidya Wetland Plan of Management 2024-2034
The draft Marrambidya Wetland Plan of Management 2024-2034 has been developed through extensive agency and community consultation and supports the vision and objectives expressed in the Biodiversity Strategy: Maldhangilanha 2020-2030.
At its meeting on Monday, 27 May 2024 Council endorsed the draft PoM to be placed on public exhibition for a 42-day period from 31 May 2024 to 12 July 2024 and invited submissions. During the exhibition a total of eight (8) submisfsions were received, with seven (7) of these categorised as supportive.
The table below gives an overview of the key issues or comments received in the submissions, along with the staff response and any recommended amendments to the draft PoM. The full submissions are provided under separate cover.
Submission Summary |
1 |
Supportive Be guided by First Nations Peoples and have them maintain and care for the wetland. |
Recommended Changes |
No amendment recommended Extensive consultation has been completed through multiple Mawang Gaway meetings, Reconciliation Action Plan meetings, and individual stakeholder meetings on site. The PoM includes action ‘EM9 – Investigate opportunities to employ Wiradjuri/Wiradyuri person(s) to maintain the wetland and other natural areas’. Other actions to allow further engagement and usage of the wetland include: · ‘E1 – Include Cultural Knowledge holders in major Council events at the Marrambidya Wetland’ · ‘E5 – Encourage harvesting of appropriate plants for cultural use’ and · ‘E6 – Encourage use of the site for Wiradjuri/Wiradyuri cultural tours’. |
Submission Summary |
2 |
Not supportive Viewed as a waste of money. |
Recommended Changes |
No amendment recommended The PoM is a legal requirement under the Local Government Act 1993 and Crown Land Management Act 2016. |
Submission Summary |
3 |
Supportive Has suggested additional seating, shade and promotion. |
Recommended Changes |
No amendment recommended The PoM includes the actions: · ‘IU6 - Improve seating locations and design’ and · ‘E4 – Increase promotion of the wetland’. |
Submission Summary |
4 |
Supportive Does not want to see lighting, BBQs or anything changed that will negatively impact on flora and fauna. Keep it natural but control invasive species. |
Recommended Changes |
No amendment recommended It is not intended for BBQs to be installed at the wetland. Public BBQs are located nearby at Wiradjuri Reserve for community use. Permissible and future uses are listed page 35-36 of the document. If lighting was to be required, low impact lights could only be used in a limited capacity and be located away from the natural habitat areas. The PoM includes action ‘M1 – Control vegetation and weeds’. |
Submission Summary |
5 |
Supportive Has suggested: i. Removal of Willows along riverbank ii. Existing walking track to remain open iii. Acknowledgment of variable width public road around river frontage and the great work in formalising access from Wiradjuri Reserve along river frontage iv. Island as shown in diagram of lands should be included in management of wetlands v. Enlargement of vehicle parking on site not needed vi. Undesirable to place additional structures. |
Recommended Changes |
No amendment recommended The PoM includes the following relevant actions for i and ii; · ‘EM8 – Undertake selective vegetation thinning’ · ‘M5 – Maintain and repair walking tracks and levee banks’ Point iii is acknowledged on Page 32 within Table 1: Crown and Council land classification and category details as depicted in Figure 2. The island shown in the diagram is currently under the ‘Aboriginal Places of Significance Plan of Management’, not this PoM. Consultation has suggested additional carparking is required therefore ‘IU4 – Increase size of existing carpark’ was included as a potential future infrastructure upgrade. Any structure that is proposed to be built within the wetland would undergo an assessment to understand the impacts on the floodplain and will only proceed if appropriate. |
Submission Summary |
Supportive Has suggested to minimise aspects of a manicured park by limiting bins and avoid installing BBQs. Remove streetsweeper waste and restrict dogs off lead. |
Recommended Changes |
No amendment recommended There is no intent to install additional bins and BBQs at the wetland. Public BBQs are located nearby at Wiradjuri Reserve for community use. The street sweeper waste cannot continue to be stored within the wetland in the future to comply with the new classification of the land and will be removed. Staff are considering alternate options for managing this. The PoM includes action ‘IU1 – Install additional wetland safety, enforcement and directional signage’ which includes dogs off leads at the wetland. |
Submission Summary |
7 |
Supportive Has provided positive feedback on the accessibility to the wetland to enable the community to value this natural place. |
Recommended Changes |
No amendment recommended |
Submission Summary |
8 |
Supportive Provided positive feedback on the conservation and protection of natural the ecosystem and providing habitat for native wildlife. Suggested adding cat control as an action. Has suggested several species additions to ‘Appendix 1 Flora and Fauna Species list.’ |
Recommended Changes |
Amend wording of action ‘EM1 – Engage licensed contractor to undertake feral animal control’ to now say ‘EM1 – Engage licensed contractor to undertake vertebrate pest management control’ which can include cats. Additional species suggestions have been added to Appendix 1: Flora and Fauna Species list. |
The Marrambidya Wetland Plan of Management 2024-2034 has received final approval and Minister’s consent from NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure. The PoM is now provided to Council for adoption.
Financial Implications
To meet community expectations aligning with responses received during consultation and included in the draft PoM, an additional $4,000 per year maintenance budget was allocated during the compilation of the 2024/25 long term financial plan, bringing the total annual maintenance budget for the Marrambidya Wetlands area up to $10,000 per annum.
Policy and Legislation
Council has an obligation to ensure compliance with the Local Government Act 1993 and the Crown Land Management Act 2016 to provide clarity in the future development, use and management of the community land and ensure consistent management that supports a unified approach to meeting the varied needs of the community.
The draft Marrambidya Wetland PoM was developed to assist in achieving Council’s obligations under various legislation and to align with a number of key Council plans including the:
· Wagga Wagga Community Strategic Plan 2040: Wagga View
· Wagga Wagga Local Strategic Planning Statement 2040
· Wagga Wagga Recreation, Open Space & Community Strategy and Implementation Plan 2040
· Wagga Wagga Biodiversity Strategy: Maldhangilanha 2020-2030
· Riverina Murray Regional Plan 2036.
Link to Strategic Plan
The Environment
Objective: Our natural areas are protected and enhanced
Preserve and improve our natural assets
Risk Management Issues for Council
The draft Marrambidya Wetland PoM will assist Council to manage risk by ensuring we better address our obligations under various State and Commonwealth legislation.
Internal / External Consultation
The draft PoM has been developed in consultation with internal and external stakeholders. Internal stakeholders included relevant staff from the Property, Recreation, Parks and Gardens, Infrastructure, Finance and Community Service areas of Council. External consultation included relevant agencies, as well as wider Wiradyuri and community consultation.
This included:
· Drop-in consultation sessions at the Marrambidya Wetland
· Meetings with NSW Crown Lands
· Meetings with Mawang Gaway
· Meeting with the Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group
· Consultation with Community Interest Groups
· Community wide online survey.
The community wide online survey received 347 responses. The main themes included additional mowing and weed control, signage, maintenance of walking tracks, additional seating and education around dogs on leash.
A 42-day public exhibition period took place from Friday 31 May until Friday 12 July 2024, receiving eight submissions as outlined in this report.
1. |
Submissions - Marrambiidya Wetland Plan of Managment This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, as it deals with: personnel matters concerning particular individuals. - Provided under separate cover |
2. |
Wagga R6426 Wetland Additional Purpose - Crown Lands - Provided under separate cover |
3. |
Marrambidya Wetland Plan of Management 2024-2034 - Provided under separate cover |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 26 August 2024 |
RP-12 |
Author: David Galloway
General Manager: Peter Thompson
Summary: |
Council has prepared it’s State of the City Report which provides a summary of the progress on the implementation and effectiveness of the Community Strategic Plan 2040 and focuses on the period 1 July 2021 through to 30 June 2024. |
That Council receive and note the State of the City Report. |
The State of the City Report is a legislative requirement under the Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) framework and must be tabled at the last Council meeting of the term of the current Council prior to the elections in September 2024.
The State of the City Report is a summary of the progress made in delivering the objectives set out in the Community Strategic Plan 2040 – the blueprint of what the community wanted council to accomplish during this term.
The Community Strategic Plan 2040 is broken up into five focus areas:
1. Community leadership and collaboration
2. Safety and health community
3. Growing economy
4. Community place and identity; and
5. The environment.
Through this report, a summary is provided on what Council set out to achieve, and what key items have been accomplished during the term (noting the State of City Report is not all encompassing).
The State of City Report is prepared as an additional section of the Annual Report in the final year of Council's term in office.
As such, please read this report in conjunction with the annual and performance reports spanning our elected term of 2021/22 through to 2023/24, available at
Financial Implications
Policy and Legislation
Section 428(2) of the Local Government Act 1993
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Leadership and Collaboration
Objective: We have strong leadership
Outcome: We are accountable and transparent
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
The State of the City Report has been developed internally and consultation has occurred with representatives from each Directorate. The Community Satisfaction Survey was conducted by Micromex Research during January 2024. The final State of the City and Annual Report will be published on Council’s website.
1. |
State of the City Report - Provided under separate cover |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 26 August 2024 |
RP-13 |
Author: David Galloway
General Manager: Peter Thompson
Summary: |
This report provides Councillors with an update on the status of all resolutions of Council including Notices of Motion. |
That Council receive and note the following registers: a active Resolutions as at 20 August 2024 b active Notice of Motions as at 20 August 2024 c resolutions including Notice of Motions completed from 18 June 2024 to 20 August 2024 |
Council officers in the lead up to the final Council meeting of the current term of Council have undertaken a thorough review of Council’s active resolutions to provide a current status of each one.
In regard to the reporting of active resolutions including Notice of Motions, additional analysis of the status has been undertaken to include:
· Active with internal action being taken
· Active with a policy or plan to be developed
· Active with further report to be presented to Council
· On hold - waiting on external party ie. Crown Lands, grant funding body etc
· On hold - legislative or strategy requirements
It is acknowledged that a number of these resolutions have been outstanding for a period of time. The Executive team have endorsed that they will review these as part of a strategic session, with an approach to address these and future resolutions to be presented back to Council by the end of the calendar year.
The attached registers, outline details of each resolution with the following analysis provided as a snapshot as at 20 June 2024:
· 88 active resolutions
· 9 active Notices of Motions
· 48 resolutions including Notice of Motions have been completed from 18 June 2024 to 20 August 2024
Financial Implications
Policy and Legislation
Council’s Code of Meeting Practice
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Leadership and Collaboration
Objective: We are informed and involved in decision making
Outcome: Everyone in our community feels they have been heard and understood
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
1. |
Active Resolutions as at 20 August 2024 - Provided under separate cover |
2. |
Active Notice of Motions as at 20 August 2024 - Provided under separate cover |
3. |
Resolutions including Notice of Motions have been completed from 18 June 2024 to 20 August 2024 - Provided under separate cover |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 26 August 2024 |
RP-14 |
Author: Scott Gray
Summary: |
This report is to list questions with notice raised by Councillors in accordance with Council’s Code of Meeting Practice. |
That Council receive and note the report. |
The following questions with notice were received prior to the meeting, in accordance with the Code of Meeting Practice.
Can Council write to the NSW Minister for Housing, The Hon. Rose Jackson MLC, to take up the offer she made to local developers during her recent visit to Wagga to provide additional resources to Council. |
Allocated to respond: Peter Thompson (General Manager)
A letter has been sent to the NSW Minister for Housing, The Hon. Rose Jackson MLC. A copy of this letter is attached to this report. |
Councillor R Kendall What role does Council play in making sure the retail of illegal vapes are stopped in this community? |
Allocated to respond: Janice Summerhayes (Director Community)
NSW Health are the responsible agency. If you think a retailer other than a pharmacy is selling e-cigarettes that contain nicotine, please report it to NSW Health or call the Tobacco Information Line on 1800 357 412. Information collected will help to guide the enforcement of tobacco and e-cigarette retailing laws by NSW Health Inspectors.
Locally there is a Tobacco Compliance Officer within the Public Health Unit. Complaints can be made via contact number is 02 59432046 and on-line at or generally at |
Financial Implications
Policy and Legislation
Code of Meeting Practice
Link to Strategic Plan
Community leadership and collaboration
Objective: Our community is informed and actively engaged in decision making and problem-solving to shape the future of Wagga Wagga
Ensure our community feels heard and understood
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
1⇩. |
Letter to NSW Minister for Housing, The Hon. Rose Jackson MLC |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 26 August 2024 |
M-1 |
Committee Minutes
M-1 Local Traffic Committee - Minutes - 13 June 2024
Author: Warren Faulkner
Summary: |
The Local Traffic Committee meeting on the 13 June 2024 was conducted as an E Meeting and considered three (3) formal reports. The Committee were unanimous in supporting two (2) of the Officers recommendations. Majority consensus was not reached for one report. Two of the reports were referred to the 7 August 2024 Local Traffic Committee meeting for reasons outlined in the body of this report. Minutes of the meeting were adopted by the Local Traffic Committee at its meeting on the 7th August 2024. |
Local Traffic Committee
That Council receive and note the Minutes of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting held as an E-Meeting on 13 June 2024.
The Traffic Committee met via an E-Meeting on 13 June 2024 and considered three (3) reports. A summary of each report is as follows:
RP-1 Active Travel Plan - Central link - Beckwith Street
At the 13 June 2024 Local Traffic Committee meeting, the active travel plan for the Beckwith Street segment of the Active Travel Project was an agenda item.
The item was for the entire length of Beckwith Street and the plan that was referenced in the recommendation was for the entire length of Beckwith Street.
However, the plan referenced in the recommendation (design plan C2129) was not attached to the report and included in the business paper. Rather, plans for the intersection of Beckwith Street with Gurwood Street (design plan C2254) and Kincaid Street (design plan C2258) only were attached.
It is for this reason that this report was referred to the next Local Traffic Committee meeting on the 7th August 2024.
Hence the recommendation of the Committee at this meeting has not been presented to the Council for resolution.
RP-2 kincaid Street – centre of road parking
At the 13 June 2024 Local Traffic Committee meeting, the Centre of Road Parking arrangement on Kincaid Street between Fitzmaurice Street and Trail Street was an agenda item.
Concerns were raised by the Transport for NSW representative that the length of the centre parking bays were not long enough for the length of some vehicles commonly used today. This was also supported by the Police representative.
The item did not receive the unanimous support of the Committee. It is for the reasons outlined above that the plan was reviewed and referred to the next Local Traffic Committee meeting on the 7th August 2024.
RP- 3 butch menz memorial ride – 2024
This is an annual event which has been conducted successfully for a number of years by the Wagga Cycling Club. The race is conducted over a course of 70 kilometres along MR 543 with the start and finish point at the Crossroads Hotel at Collingullie on MR59.
The race was conducted on Sunday 29 July 2024. Given the event has occurred, it is for this reason the recommendation of the committee has not been presented to the Council for resolution.
Financial Implications
Policy and Legislation
Roads Act 1993
Transport Administration Act 1998 – Delegations to Councils, regulation of traffic
TfNSW – A guide to the delegation to Councils for the regulation of traffic
Australian Standards
Link to Strategic Plan
Community leadership and collaboration
Objective: Our community is informed and actively engaged in decision making and problem-solving to shape the future of Wagga Wagga
Communicate with our community
Risk Management Issues for Council
There are no risk management issues for Council in adopting the recommendations.
Internal / External Consultation
1⇩. |
Local Traffic Committee - Minutes - 13 June 2024 |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 26 August 2024 |
M-2 |
M-2 Local Traffic Committee - Minutes - 7 August 2024
Author: Warren Faulkner
Summary: |
The Local Traffic Committee met for an ordinary meeting on 7 August 2024 and considered seven (7) formal reports. The Committee were unanimous in proceeding with the Officer recommendation for five (5) of the reports. There was a majority consensus for the Officer recommendation on the other two (2) reports. The Committee also provided two (2) additional recommendations for the Councils consideration. The Committee recommendations are all provided for the resolution of Council. Draft minutes of the meeting have been sent to the Committee members for their feedback/comments. A copy of the draft minutes are attached for the information of the Council. |
That Council:
a receive the minutes of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on 7 August 2024
b endorse the installation of a length of NO STOPPING and other prescribed traffic control devices on Hammond Avenue as shown on Xeros Piccolo Line and Signage Plan for Project Number 230318, Sheet C8 Revision E dated 08.04.2024 and stamped Accepted for Construction by Transport for NSW on 26 June 2024
c endorse the installation of a Give Way sign and line marking for a CHR(s) treatment as shown on MJM Sheet Number C5 of Project Number 200102
d endorse the installation of a Give Way sign and line marking as shown on MJM Sheet Number C6 of Project Number 210613
e approve the conduct of the 2024 Lake Run and Ride Event on Sunday 29 September 2024
f support the conduct of the 2024 Gears and Beers Event on Sunday 6 October 2024
g endorse the installation of regulatory signs for the centre-of-road parking arrangement in Kincaid Street between Fitzmaurice Street and Trail Street as detailed on Council Plan Registration C1970 Sheet Number 004 Issue 1 dated 15 July 2024 with the islands widened out to 6.4m
h consider a 40kph High Pedestrian Zone and 450 angled parking in Kincaid Street between Fitzmaurice Street and Trail Street as part of the CBD Masterplan
i approve the installation of traffic control devices relating to the Active Travel Project, as per the attached design plan C2129, issue B, dated 1 August 2024
The Traffic Committee met on 7 August 2024 and considered 7 reports. A summary of each report is as follows:
RP-1 - DA22/0346.01 New Service Station at 226-236 Hammond Avenue East Wagga Wagga - No Parking and other Prescribed Traffic Control Devices
Condition C.17 of the determination for Development Application DA22/0346.01 requires that prior to the release of the Construction Certificate a plan shall be submitted to and approved by the General Manager or delegate, that identifies a no stopping restriction in Hammond Avenue for the length of the site, as well as any other proposed prescribed traffic control devices. The plan is required to be referred to and approved by the Local Traffic Committee before it is approved as these works incorporate a prescribed traffic control device.
The plan has been Approved for Construction by Transport for NSW as the Roads Authority by way of a Works Authorisation Deed as required by condition C.18 of the determination.
The majority of the Local Traffic Committee were in support of the officers recommendation. The officers recommendation is being presented for the resolution of Council.
Development Application DA22/0192 is a 44 Lot residential subdivision that is being completed in 5 stages.
The first stage of the development involves the creation of a new access into the subdivision off Gregadoo Road to create 8 Lots.
Condition C.12 of the consent for the development requires that prior to the release of the Subdivision Works Certificate for Stage 1 a plan shall be submitted to and approved by the General Manager or delegate, that identifies the intersection design of Road 1 and Gregadoo Road. This plan is required to be referred to, and approved by the Local Traffic Committee before it is approved as these works incorporate a prescribed traffic control device.
The plan for the intersection submitted to Council as part of the Subdivision Works Certificate application (SWC24/0002) was submitted to the Local Traffic Committee.
The Local Traffic Committee were unanimous in their support of the officers recommendation. The officers recommendation is being presented for the resolution of Council.
RP-3 - Blakeleys Road and Dunns road interesection - springvale
Development Application DA22/0094.01 is a 16 Lot residential subdivision that is currently under construction.
Condition C.59A of the consent for the development requires that prior to the release of the Subdivision Certificate a plan shall be submitted to and approved by the General Manager or delegate, that identifies signage and linemarking required for the intersection of Dunns Road and Blakelys Road. This plan is required to be referred to, and approved by the Local Traffic Committee before it is approved as these works incorporate a prescribed traffic control device.
The plan for the intersection submitted to Council as part of the Subdivision Works Certificate application (SWC24/0001) was submitted to the Local Traffic Committee.
The Local Traffic Committee were unanimous in their support of the officers recommendation. The officers recommendation is being presented for the resolution of Council.
The Wagga Lake Run and Ride is a free to enter, community participation event where participants walk, run 5km or run, walk or cycle 10km through the streets of Wagga and around Lake Albert.
10km Cycle, Run and Walk: Starts at Eastlake Drive, Lake Albert, continues north along Lake Albert Road. The route turns near the intersection with Lord Baden Powell Drive and participants will reverse direction along Lake Albert Road to a point near the northern end of Lake Albert at Lakeside Drive where the event leaves the road network and continues on the shared path around the western side of Lake Albert.
5km Run and walk: Starts at Eastlake Drive, Lake Albert, also continues north along Lake Albert Road to the northern end of Lake Albert at Lakeside Drive where the event leaves the road network and continues on the shared path around the western side of Lake Albert.
Lake Albert Road will be divided by witches hats and participants will keep to the RIGHT to avoid the necessity of participants crossing paths at the point where the event leaves the road network or participants need access to drinks stations.
The Gears and Beers Festival and the Dirty 130, has been held annually in Wagga Wagga since 2013. It is one of the largest and most popular events on the Australian and international gravel cycling calendar.
The 2024 Gears and Beers Festival is to be conducted along Baylis Street, Fitzmaurice Street and Morrow Street in Wagga Wagga on Sunday 6 October 2024. The event will involve five separate escorted bicycle rides over varying lengths from 10 kilometres to 130 kilometres.
On Sunday 6th October, Baylis street will be closed from Morrow Street to Johnson Street between the hours of 5.30am – 4.00pm.
Morrow street will be closed between Peter Street and O’Reilly Street’s.
5 Rides will depart the start finish area between the Council chambers and Victory Memorial Gardens. First ride beginning at 7.00am last ride to leave at 10.00am. It is expected all rides will return before 2.30pm.
The event is not a race or a time trial. Participants will be discouraged from undertaking any form of behaviour that could be construed to come within the definition that is contained in Section 115 of the Road Transport Act 2013.
A high standard of traffic control can only be undertaken through the systematic consideration of the conditions that may be encountered during the event and the implementation of specific traffic control and contingency plans.
At the 13 June 2024 Local Traffic Committee meeting, the Centre of Road Parking arrangement on Kincaid Street between Fitzmaurice Street and Trail Street was an agenda item.
Concerns were raised by the Transport for NSW representative that the length of the centre parking bays were not long enough for the length of some vehicles commonly used today. This was also supported by the Police representative. Typically a lot of larger cars (4WD’s/Ford Rangers/Twin cab utes) are around 6m long.
With this in mind, the layout for the centre of road parking has been redesigned to increase the length of the parking bays to 6.4m to give the following proposed allocations for the travel lanes, centre parking and parallel parking to address these concerns as well as make the arrangement compliant with AS 2890.5
Turning paths for 5.2m passenger vehicles (common passenger vehicle) and 6.4m small rigid vehicles (ie. representative of large utilities such as Dodge RAM 1500 or Ford F-150) show that the arrangement is satisfactory to accommodate all movements in a forward direction for the 5.2m vehicle, however for the 6.4m vehicle, reversing is required to get the vehicle into the centre parking from the east bound (northern) travel lane. These movements are shown following.
It is for this reason that the length of vehicles that can park in the centre parking bays be limited to 6m. It is proposed to install the following parking sign for the centre parking bays.
The Transport for NSW representative requested that Council explore alternate centre of road parking, for example 45 degree parking which would provide an area of safety for users accessing the rear compartment of their vehicles.
Council has investigated 45 degree centre parking, however the departure paths for forward movements cannot be accommodated within the formation width of the road as shown following:
60 degree centre angle parking bays were also considered as shown following with the same outcome being that the departure paths for forward movements cannot be accommodated within the formation width of the road.
As a further risk mitigation measure, the Local Traffic Committee requested that Council consider a 40kph High Pedestrian Zone and 450 angled parking in Kincaid Street between Fitzmaurice Street and Trail Street as part of the CBD Masterplan.
Resurfacing of Kincaid Street between Fitzmaurice Street and Trail Street will take place before the longer 6.4m bays will be installed. Construction of the permanent islands and installation of the associated line marking and signage as shown on the attached plans will be undertaken in conjunction with the resurfacing works.
At the 13 June 2024 Local Traffic Committee meeting, the active travel plan for the Beckwith Street segment of the Active Travel Project was an agenda item.
The item was for the entire length of Beckwith Street and the plan that was referenced in the recommendation was for the entire length of Beckwith Street.
However, the plan referenced in the recommendation (design plan C2129) was not attached to the report and included in the business paper. Rather, plans for the intersection of Beckwith Street with Gurwood Street (design plan C2254) and Kincaid Street (design plan C2258) only were attached.
The proposed extension of the Active Travel network was originally conceived as a barrier-separated, contraflow cycleway on the western kerbside of Beckwith Street.
After undertaking extensive community consultation, the concept was redesigned to provide dedicated bicycle lanes along Beckwith Street and improve pedestrian facilities at all adjoining intersections.
Features include:
· dedicated one-way pair cycle lanes
· additional kerb blisters
· pedestrian refuge
· centre medians
· all associated line marking and signage
New raised medians are to be constructed at the intersection of Beckwith Street and The Esplanade to slow traffic and provide a left turn slip lane and pedestrian refuge.
Additional kerb blisters will be installed at each adjoining intersection to narrow the roadway and create inset parking bays and left turn slip lanes.
It is proposed that Gurwood Street be narrowed to two lanes from the western approach to reduce the number of lanes being crossed by cyclists and pedestrians and allow for the creation of additional angled parking spaces between Beckwith Street and Simmons Street.
A new centre median and pedestrian refuge will also be installed at the intersection of Beckwith Street and Travers Street, in conjunction with a kerb blister to allow the cycle lane to transition into the existing Travers Street shared path.
Feedback received from the Police and Transport for NSW committee members on the 13th June 2024 report was mainly concerned with the interaction of the path with the alfresco dining area of the Sporties Hotel on the corner of Beckwith and Kincaid Streets. Council will consult with the Sporties Hotel before implementation of the ATP at this location to minimise the interaction.
The local Police representative also requested that the existing north and south bound Give Way movement control on Beckwith Street at its intersection with Kincaid Street be changed to a Stop control in accordance with Australian Standards. Those in attendance at the Committee meeting unanimously agreed with the Police request.
Financial Implications
Policy and Legislation
Roads Act 1993
Transport Administration Act 1998 – Delegations to Councils, regulation of traffic
TfNSW – A guide to the delegation to Councils for the regulation of traffic
Australian Standards
Link to Strategic Plan
Community leadership and collaboration
Objective: Our community is informed and actively engaged in decision making and problem-solving to shape the future of Wagga Wagga
Communicate with our community
Risk Management Issues for Council
There are no risk management issues for Council in adopting the recommendations.
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Local Traffic Committee Minutes - 7 August 2024 |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 26 August 2024 |
M-3 |
Author: Andrew Mason
Executive: Warren Faulkner
Summary: |
The Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee (FRMAC) is an advisory Committee of Council. This Report seeks that Council endorse the recommendations made by the Committee at its meeting held on 8 August 2024. |
That Council receive and note the minutes of the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee Meeting held on 8 August 2024. |
The Minutes of the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee Meeting held on 8 August 2024 are presented to Council for consideration. Below is a summary of items considered at the meeting.
RP-1 - Local & Regional Risk Reduction Stream - Levee Pump Augmentation
Stantec have completed extensive analysis of the four floodgates and determined that floodgates 8 and 25 are a priority. Stantec have been undertaking damage assessments across the two catchments to enable the determination of a BCR balanced across the risk appetite, time of inundation, capital cost of the pumps and required infrastructure, and perceived utilisation of the pumps under flood conditions.
Stantec have also been developing an inundation model for the area around gate 25 for when the Kooringal Road Spillway comes into effect in a 0.20% AEP event.
Stantec provided a presentation on the above to the FRMAC meeting.
RP-2 - 2021-22-FM-0024 - Glenfield Drain and Flowerdale Storage Flood Mitigation Works
To ensure the MOFFS model is providing more reliable outputs and reflects more accurately overland flood behaviours, Lyall and associates recommended that the 2021 model provided to them be updated to:
· Reduce the cell size to 2.5 m (from 5 m) to more accurately define the capacity of the overland flow paths.
· Incorporate additional stormwater pits and pipes, particularly in the headwaters of the study area to ensure that the rate and volume of runoff that discharges to each detention basin is accurately represented.
· Update the location where the discharge hydrographs are injected into the TUFLOW model.
In addition to the above, Lyall & Associates also anticipated that it would be necessary to update the way buildings are represented in the model and the invert levels of the already modelled piped drainage system.
A variation to the contract was approved in February 2024 to update the model.
Lyall and Associates update for this report is:
“We have completed the bulk of the model development and are now in model testing phase.”
Lyall and Associates have advised that their program is currently running about a fortnight out of sync with the revised timeline submitted to the 15 February 2024 FRMAC meeting, however they should still be able to complete this project in July 2025.
RP-3 - 2021-22-FM-0032 - Uranquinty Levee Upgrade - Investigation and Design
Royal Haskoning DHV (RHDHV) have completed the preliminary design and conducted their first round of community consultation in Uranquinty. The second round of community consultation is booked in for the 13 August 2024 at Uranquinty.
Council has asked RHDHV to investigate a new alignment of the eastern levee as shown following so that it enables land that is zoned RU5 to be used for village expansion.
RP-4 -2021-22-FM-0039 - Lake Albert Flood Mitigation Options - Feasibility Study
Stantec provided the following update.
Completed tasks to date:
· Data review and FRMS&P model review, summarised in a Stage 1 report
· Initial environmental assessment summarised in a draft report
· Initial stakeholder consultation with directly affected organisations (boat club, sailing club, country club and dragon boat club) was completed on the 1st and 2nd of August. A Council officer was in attendance as well.
Using feedback from these initial stakeholder discussions completed recently, we can proceed with initial review and update of preliminary design. Next steps include:
· Initial community consultation, to commence in the next several months. Consultation materials have been drafted
· Preliminary design of combined option and updated flood modelling
· Site investigations including Geotech investigations and utilities assessment.
RP-5 - 2022-FMP-0103 Humula and Mangoplah Flood Studies
Council engaged WMAwater in late September 2023, to undertake the Humula and Mangoplah Flood Study.
The relevant LiDar data has been provided to WMAWater for development of the flood models and they are planning to conduct community consultation towards the end of August in the two villages to calibrate the models against historical records and memories.
RP-6 - Flood Project Implementation Status
A spreadsheet providing an update on the recommendations/actions from recently completed studies was provided to the Committee.
Council staff provided a presentation to the Committee on the current status and type of information available on the Council webpage with regard to flooding and a brief outline of the future direction for this page. This action is in response to RE3 of the 2018 FRMSP and RM04 of the 2021 MOFFS,
RP-7 - Reconnecting River Country Program
Information was provided to the Committee on the Reconnecting River Country Program.
The Reconnecting River Country Program is a NSW Government program that aims to increase the frequency and extent rivers connect to wetlands and floodplains, to improve the health of Country in the Murray and Murrumbidgee valleys and make the best use of water for the environment.
The program is proposing to remove constraints along environmental flow corridors to enable the flexible use of water for the environment. Removing these constraints is critical to achieving the Murray-Darling Basin’s Plan’s environmental outcomes.
The program has identified Mundowy Lane as a barrier to delivery of higher environmental flows and is scoping a package of early works to raise its southern section. The road is owned, operated and maintained by Wagga Wagga City Council.
The program is considering raising the southern section of Mundowy Lane to a level that will prevent inundation during flows up to 45,000 ML/day at Wagga Wagga.
The other projects under consideration in the Wagga LGA are:
· Beavers Island Rd
· A pedestrian bridge adjacent to Parken Pregan Bridge on the ATP.
· Houlaghans Creek crossing on River Rd
RP-8 - Floodgate 15 A
This report was provided to the Committee to advise that the repairs to the connection of the tail out pipe to Floodgate 15A has been completed and the levee reinstated.
The works included:
· A spigot plate on the inside of the well structure to protect the failed joint
· Guttering on the roof to stop water falling directly onto the levee
· Bracing in the levee to restrain the sheetpiles.
Financial Implications
Policy and Legislation
The outcomes from the various studies will be critical in the terms of future amendments to the Council Local Environmental Plan and its Development Control Plan.
Link to Strategic Plan
Community leadership and collaboration
Objective: Wagga Wagga has strong community leadership and a shared vision for the future
Our leaders represent our community
Risk Management Issues for Council
No specific issues identified.
Internal / External Consultation
NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPIE) (previously the Office of Environment and Heritage) has been heavily consulted throughout the process of planning and executing these projects. DPIE is the responsible funding body and receives quarterly status update reports.
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Floodplain Risk Management Committee Minutes - 8 August 2024 |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 26 August 2024 |
M-4 |
Author: Melinda Conolly
General Manager: Peter Thompson
Summary: |
The Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) is an advisory committee of Council. This Report seeks that Council endorse the recommendations made by the Committee at the meeting on 15 August 2024. Those recommendations relate to the role of the Committee in providing independent assurance and assistance to Council on financial reporting, risk management, internal controls, governance, and internal and external audit and accountability responsibilities. |
That Council endorse the recommendations contained in the minutes of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Meeting held on 15 August 2024. |
The minutes of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Meeting held on 15 August 2024 are presented to Council for adoption.
Financial Implications
Council has granted certain authorities to the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee within the scope of its role and responsibilities, as defined within its Charter. As an advisory committee to Council, the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee has no authority to action items that may have a budget and/or resource implication outside of this authority unless Council resolves to adopt the recommendations.
Policy and Legislation
Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Charter
Link to Strategic Plan
Community leadership and collaboration
Objective: Wagga Wagga City Council leads through engaged civic governance and is recognised and distinguished by its ethical decision-making, efficient management, innovation and quality customer service
Ensure transparency and accountability
Risk Management Issues for Council
The Committee considered matters relating to their role in providing independent assurance and assistance to Council on risk management, as outlined in the attached Minutes and which included consideration of Council’s Corporate Strategic Risk Register.
Internal / External Consultation
The ARIC Chairperson Report was distributed to Councillors via the Councillor Bulletin on 23 August 2024.
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Minutes - ARIC - 15 August 2024 |
Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Monday 26 August 2024 |
Confidential Mayoral Minutes
MM-CONF-1 General Managers Performance Review - 6 August 2024
This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -
(a) personnel matters concerning particular individuals.
Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Monday 26 August 2024 |
CONF-1 |
Confidential Reports
Author: Matthew Dombrovski
Executive: John Sidgwick
This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -
(c) information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business; and
(d) (ii) commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council.
Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Monday 26 August 2024 |
CONF-2 |
Author: Lauren Reynolds
Director: Janice Summerhayes
This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -
(d) (i) commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.