Ordinary Meeting of Council





To be held on
26 April 2016

AT 6.00pm




Cnr Baylis and Morrow Streets,
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
PO Box 20, Wagga Wagga


Phone: 1300 292 442
Fax: 02 6926 9199


In pursuance of the provisions of the Local Government Act, 1993 and the Regulations there under, notice is hereby given that an Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the City of Wagga Wagga will be held in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Corner Baylis and Morrow Streets, Wagga Wagga, on Tuesday 26 April 2016 at 6.00pm.




Mr Alan Eldridge

General Manager






Councillor Rod Kendall

Deputy Mayor

Councillor Dallas Tout

Councillor Yvonne Braid

Councillor Alan Brown

Councillor Greg Conkey OAM

Councillor Paul Funnell

Councillor Gary Hiscock

Councillor Julian McLaren

Councillor Andrew Negline

Councillor Kerry Pascoe

Councillor Kevin Poynter








The quorum for a meeting of the Council is a majority of the Councillors of the Council who hold office for the time being who are eligible to vote at the meeting.







Reports submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council to be held on Tuesday 26 April 2016.

Ordinary Meeting of Council AGENDA AND BUSINESS PAPER

Tuesday 26 April 2016


CLAUSE               PRECIS                                                                                            PAGE

PRAYER                                                                                                                          2

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY                                                                            2

APOLOGIES                                                                                                                    2


CM-1           ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING - 29 MARCH 2016                                      2

DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST                                                                                      2

Reports from Policy and Strategy Committee

PS-1            POLICY AND STRATEGY COMMITTEE MEETING - 11 APRIL 2016              3  

Councillor Report

CR-1            2016 AUSTRALIAN LOGISTICS COUNCIL FORUM                                    20

Reports from Staff

RP-1            RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS/BUSINESS WITH NOTICE                           26

RP-2            INTEGRATED PLANNING AND REPORTING - DRAFT COMBINED DELIVERY PROGRAM AND OPERATIONAL PLAN 2016/17 AND LONG TERM FINANCIAL PLAN 2016/26                                                                                             28

RP-3            ANNUAL GRANTS PROGRAM                                                                   38

RP-4            2016 NSW LOCAL ROADS CONGRESS                                                     40   

Confidential Reports

CONF-1       PROPOSED LEASE TO BIG RIVER GROUP PTY LTD                                44

CONF-2       PROPOSED ACQUISITION OF PART LOT 42 DP 1000852 AT ESTELLA FOR ROAD PURPOSES                                                                                                45

CONF-3       PROPOSED CREATION OF AN ESSENTIAL ENERGY EASEMENT OVER LOT 1 SECTION 4 DP 758642 AT MANGOPLAH                                                   46  

QUESTIONS/BUSINESS WITH NOTICE                                                                         47











Confirmation of Minutes

CM-1              ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING - 29 MARCH 2016       



That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 29 March 2016 be confirmed as a true and accurate record.





Ordinary Council Meeting - Minutes - 29 March 2016








Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday 26 April 2016.                                                            PS-1


Reports from Policy and Strategy Committee



That the Minutes of the Policy And Strategy Committee Meeting held on 11 April 2016 be confirmed and recommendations numbered PSCM-1, PSRP-1 to PSRP-11 and PSM-1 contained therein be adopted.





Minutes - Policy and Strategy Committee Meeting - 11 April 2016






Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday 26 April 2016.                                                            PS-1


Minutes of the Policy and Strategy Committee Meeting held on Monday 11 April 2016.


Councillor Yvonne Braid (Chairperson)

The Mayor, Councillor Rod Kendall

Councillor Alan Brown

Councillor Greg Conkey OAM

Councillor Paul Funnell

Councillor Garry Hiscock

Councillor Julian McLaren

Councillor Kerry Pascoe

Councillor Kevin Poynter

Councillor Dallas Tout

In Attendance

General Manager                                                                    (Mr A Eldridge)

Acting Director Commercial & Economic Development   (Mrs S Nolan)

Acting Director Corporate Services                                      (Mrs C Priest)

Acting Director Environmental & Community Services    (Mr R Knight)

Acting Manager Corporate Strategy, Communications

& Governance                                                                         (Mr B Koschel)

Manager Finance                                                                   (Mrs C Rodney)

Manager Engineering                                                            (Mr A Fenwick)

Manager Waste & Stormwater Services                             (Mr G Veneris)

Manager Development Services                                          (Mr C Farmer)

Manager Strategic Planning                                                 (Mrs L Rankin)

Manager Executive Support                                                  (Mr S Gray)

Strategic Partner – Corporate Governance & Risk           (Mrs N Johnson)

Senior Town Planner                                                             (Mrs A Gray)

Town Planner                                                                          (Mr S Robins)

Town Planner                                                                          (Mr M Collins)

Governance Officer                                                                (Miss B King)


Acknowledgement Of Country


I would like to acknowledge the Wiradjuri people who are the Traditional Custodians of this Land. I would also like to pay respect to the Elders both past and present of the Wiradjuri Nation and extend that respect to other Community members present. 





Apologies for non-attendance were received and accepted for Councillor A Negline, Mrs J Summerhayes, Director Environment and Community Services, Mr C Richardson, Director Corporate Services and Mr J Bolton, Director Commercial and Economic Development Services on the Motion of Councillors D Tout and K Pascoe.









                   On the Motion of Councillor A Brown and The Mayor, Councillor R Kendall

That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Policy and Strategy Committee Meeting held on 14 March 2016 be confirmed as a true and accurate record.



Declarations Of Interest

No Declarations of Interest were received.




·        Mrs Trudie Gilbert – Speaking in favour of the report

·        Mr Gary Salvestro – Salvestro Planning – Speaking in Favour of the report



·        Mr Andrew Blake – Speaking against the report

·        Mr Gerald Wurf – Speaking against the report







                        On the Motion of Councillors P Funnell and A Brown 

That Council bring forward consideration of PSRP-1 DA16/0007 - 23 LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION AT 1-101 OLD BOMEN ROAD CARTWRIGHTS HILL NSW 2650 and PSRP-5 DA15/0602 USE OF EXISTING ADDITION TO GARAGE 18 FREER STREET WAGGA WAGGA LOTS 9 and 10 DP 2910 to follow the public discussion forum.







A Motion was moved by Councillor D Tout and The Mayor, Councillor R Kendall


That Council approve Development Application DA16/0007, 23 Lot Residential Subdivision at 1-101 Old Bomen Road, Cartwrights Hill, subject to conditions outlined in the Section 79C Assessment Report for DA16/0007 with the amendment to the following condition:

33.       Access to the subject land is only to occur via Old Bomen Road and the proposed new access road identified on the subdivision layout. No entrance, exit, access, gate, or driveway must be constructed onto either Bomen Road or the Olympic Highway.


An AMENDMENT was moved by Councillor G Conkey OAM and seconded by Councillor A Brown


Councillor K Poynter signalled a FORSHADOWED AMENDMENT to the chairperson


That Council defer a decision on Development Application DA16/0007, 23 Lot Residential Subdivision at 1-101 Old Bomen Road, Cartwrights Hill, subject to a further report from the General Manager that deals with legal and other issues.



For the Amendment

Against the Amendment

G Conkey OAM

R Kendall


Y Braid


A Brown


P Funnell


G Hiscock


K Pascoe


K Poynter


J McLaren


D Tout


The AMENDMENT on being put to the meeting was LOST.


An AMENDMENT was moved by Councillor K Poynter and seconded by Councillor P Funnell


The Mayor, Councillor R Kendall signalled a FORSHADOWED AMENDMENT to the Chairperson


That Council:


a          approve Development Application DA16/0007, 23 Lot Residential Subdivision at 1-101 Old Bomen Road, Cartwrights Hill, subject to conditions outlined in the Section 79C Assessment Report for DA16/0007 with the amendment to the following condition:

33.       Access to the subject land is only to occur via Old Bomen Road and the proposed new access road identified on the subdivision layout. No entrance, exit, access, gate, or driveway must be constructed onto either Bomen Road or the Olympic Highway.

b          include the substantive recommendation that is brought to the Council Meeting for determination be altered to include the conditions of consent



For the Amendment

Against the Amendment

R Kendall

G Conkey OAM

Y Braid


A Brown


P Funnell


G Hiscock


K Pascoe


K Poynter


J McLaren


D Tout



The AMENDMENT on being put to the meeting was CARRIED and became the Motion.


An AMENDMENT was moved by The Mayor, Councillor R Kendall and Councillor D Tout


That Council:

a          approve Development Application DA16/0007, 23 Lot Residential Subdivision at 1-101 Old Bomen Road, Cartwrights Hill, subject to conditions outlined in the Section 79C Assessment Report for DA16/0007 with the amendment to the following condition:

33.       Access to the subject land is only to occur via Old Bomen Road and the proposed new access road identified on the subdivision layout. No entrance, exit, access, gate, or driveway must be constructed onto either Bomen Road or the Olympic Highway.

b          include the substantive recommendation that is brought to the Council Meeting for determination be altered to include the conditions of consent

c          amend the current Cartwrights Hill Deferred Area Planning Proposal to reflect the outcomes of the Development Application (DA16/0007) determination and seek a gateway determination from the Department of Planning to proceed with an amendment to the Wagga Wagga Local Environmental Plan 2010






For the Amendment

Against the Amendment

R Kendall

Y Braid


A Brown


G Conkey OAM


P Funnell


G Hiscock


K Pascoe


K Poynter


J McLaren


D Tout


The AMENDMENT on being put to the meeting was LOST.



                   On the Motion of Councillors K Poynter and P Funnell

That Council:


a          approve Development Application DA16/0007, 23 Lot Residential Subdivision at 1-101 Old Bomen Road, Cartwrights Hill, subject to conditions outlined in the Section 79C Assessment Report for DA16/0007 with the amendment to the following condition:

33.       Access to the subject land is only to occur via Old Bomen Road and the proposed new access road identified on the subdivision layout. No entrance, exit, access, gate, or driveway must be constructed onto either Bomen Road or the Olympic Highway.

b          include the substantive recommendation that is brought to the Council Meeting for determination be altered to include the conditions of consent



For the Motion

Against the Motion

R Kendall

G Conkey OAM

Y Braid


A Brown


P Funnell


G Hiscock


K Pascoe


K Poynter


J McLaren


D Tout







                   On the Motion of Councillors P Funnell and G Hiscock

That Council:

a          approve development application DA15/0602 for use of existing Addition to Garage, subject to conditions outlined in the Section 79C Assessment Report for DA15/0602

b          alter the substantive recommendation that is brought to the Council Meeting for final determination to include the conditions of consent




For the Motion

Against the Motion

R Kendall

K Poynter

Y Braid

D Tout

A Brown


G Conkey OAM


P Funnell


G Hiscock


K Pascoe


J McLaren





Reports from Staff




                   On the Motion of Councillors P Funnell and J McLaren

That Council:

a          approve Development Application DA15/0669 for proposed 9m x 10m detached brick shed at 30 Plunkett Drive Lake Albert, Lot 32 DP 1142732 subject to the conditions outlined in the Section 79C Assessment Report for DA15/0669

b          alter the substantive recommendation that is brought to the Council Meeting for final determination to include the conditions of consent



For the Motion

Against the Motion

R Kendall


Y Braid


A Brown


G Conkey OAM


P Funnell


G Hiscock


K Pascoe


K Poynter


J McLaren


D Tout









                   On the Motion of Councillors K Pascoe and G Hiscock

That Council:

a          approve Development Application DA16/0132 for use of existing carport, shed and additions to rear of dwelling at 5 James Street Kooringal, Lot B DP 163948 in accordance with the conditions outlined in the Section 79C Assessment Report for DA16/0132

b          alter the substantive recommendation that is brought to the Council Meeting for final determination to include the conditions of consent



For the Motion

Against the Motion

R Kendall


Y Braid


A Brown


G Conkey OAM


P Funnell


G Hiscock


K Pascoe


K Poynter


J McLaren


D Tout









                   On the Motion of Councillors K Pascoe and A Brown

That Council:

a          approve Development Application DA16/0077 for a Shed with Toilet Amenities to Rear of Dwelling at 25 Samson Avenue in Estella, subject to conditions outlined in the Section 79C Assessment Report for DA16/0077

b          alter the substantive recommendation that is brought to the Council Meeting for final determination to include the conditions of consent



For the Motion

Against the Motion

R Kendall


Y Braid


A Brown


G Conkey OAM


P Funnell


G Hiscock


K Pascoe


K Poynter


J McLaren


D Tout









                   On the Motion of Councillors K Pascoe and P Funnell

That Council:

a       approve Development Application DA16/0117 dwelling and attached garage at 21 Turner Street, Turvey Park, subject to conditions outlined in the Section 79C assessment report for DA16/0117

b       alter the substantive recommendation that is brought to the Council Meeting for final determination to include the conditions of consent



For the Motion

Against the Motion

R Kendall


Y Braid


A Brown


G Conkey OAM


P Funnell


G Hiscock


K Pascoe


K Poynter


J McLaren


D Tout









                   On the Motion of Councillors D Tout and A Brown

That Council:

a       receive and note the report on the Amendment to the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010

b       endorse the exhibition of the proposed amendments to the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010 in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 public consultation provisions




For the Motion

Against the Motion

R Kendall


Y Braid


A Brown


G Conkey OAM


P Funnell


G Hiscock


K Pascoe


K Poynter


J McLaren


D Tout









                   On the Motion of Councillors P Funnell and D Tout

That Council:

a       receive and note the report on the public exhibition of the Wagga Wagga Local Environmental Plan 2010 amendment

b       adopt the planning proposal as exhibited

c       use Council’s delegated authority to gazette the plan and notify the Department of Planning and Environment of the decision




For the Motion

Against the Motion

R Kendall


Y Braid


A Brown


G Conkey OAM


P Funnell


G Hiscock


K Pascoe


K Poynter


J McLaren


D Tout









                   On the Motion of Councillors K Poynter and A Brown

That Council adopt the POL 013 Return on Investment Council Business Policy as amended.







                   On the Motion of Councillors K Pascoe and G Hiscock

That Council:

a       approve the variations to the 2015/16 original budget for the month ended 29 February 2016 and note the forecast balanced budget as presented in this report

b       note the Responsible Accounting Officer’s reports, in accordance with the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 (Part 9 Division 3: Clause 203) that the financial position of Council is satisfactory having regard to the original estimates of income and expenditure and the recommendations made above

c       note Council’s external investments as at 29 February 2016








                   On the Motion of Councillors K Poynter and K Pascoe 

That Council:

a       enter into a licence agreement with the Uranquinty Neighbourhood Centre Management Committee, upon the following terms:

i         Property – Part Lot 2 DP 590564 known as the Uranquinty Neighbourhood Centre located at 80 Connorton Street, Uranquinty

ii        Term – five (5) years commencing 1 February 2016 and expiring 31 January 2021

iii       Rental – annual amount of $550.00 (GST inclusive) adjusted annually according to Council’s minimum community rent as set out in the Revenue and Pricing Policy

b       authorise the execution of all necessary documents by delegation to the General Manager








                   On the Motion of Councillors P Funnell and G Hiscock

That Council

a          receive and note the minutes from the Traffic Committee meeting held 10 March 2016, including a summary of each item’s risk and budget implications

b          receive a further report on the details of RP-14, RP-20, RP-21 and RP-22 before a determination is made on these particular items






The following Questions/Business with Notice were raised to be addressed in the next available Business Paper.

1.      The Mayor, Councillor R Kendall raised the following questions:

·        Has Council considered submitting application under black spot funding so that we can be proactive with projects prior to accidents happening.

·        Has Council instigated any discussions with the Local Health district on Council owned roads within the hospital site.

2.      Councillor A Brown requested advice on when the Development Application for 57 Best Street will go before Council.

3.      Councillor G Conkey requested further information on Councils access to the Traffic Management Study for the old Wagga Wagga Base Hospital. He is concerned about trucks exiting Yathong Street onto Murray Street and damage by the trucks to the bitumen and culverts.

4.      Councillor K Pascoe requested advice on what Council are doing regarding parking around the Wagga Wagga Rural Referral Hospital. Can Council investigate the air space over the NSW Government property and see if it would be possible to put in a parking station.

5.      Councillor K Poynter requested further information on when Traffic Management Plans are required for sub divisions.

6.      Councillor D Tout requested clarification about speed limits on Eunony Bridge Road and if the correct signage has been erected in the area.

7.      Councillor Y Braid requested the speed limit on Edward Street near Fox Street and Dobney Avenue be investigated to possibly make it 50km/hr.


Councillor J McLaren vacated the chamber and did not return, the time being 9:11pm.









Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday 26 April 2016.                                                           CR-1


Councillor Report


Author:          The Mayor, Councillor Rod Kendall



That Council receive and note the report.



The Mayor, Councillor Rod Kendall attended the 2016 Australian Logistics Council (ALC) Forum held on 2-3 March 2016 in Sydney.


This year’s forum had a particular focus on improving freight efficiency in New South Wales, where the state’s freight task is expected to double by 2030. The logistics industry will have to attract broad community support if it is to achieve regulatory reform and approval for major infrastructure projects, so there is a need for action across a range of fronts to improve the efficiency of Australia’s supply chains.


Notes from the Forum are set out below.


Day One – Wednesday, 2 March 2016


Welcome: Chairman, Australian Logistics Council, Mr Don Telford

Welcome to all attendees and introduction of the new chair, Mr Ian Murray AM.


An overview of the ALC is on their web site The conference presentations will be placed on that site as well. Mr Murray stressed the importance of innovation, and seeking better ways of doing things.


The forum objectives are to highlight the importance of logistics; and to develop practical steps to having the right infrastructure in the right place. The NSW infrastructure agenda is the biggest ever in that state.


Opening Address: The Hon Duncan Gay MLC, Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight

Minister Gay acknowledged the work of Don Telford, congratulated Mr Murray on his appointment and payed tribute to the work of The Hon. Warren Truss as former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development. The government has made a priority of recognising the importance of infrastructure that enables freight logistics. There are 4600 projects currently under way. It is important to fix the last mile constraints; we need to be innovative for future funding.


Minister Gay’s focus is how to get the best value out of allocated funds, by having interest in the project at the beginning and then selling down the asset, thereby releasing funds to reinvest.


Moorebank is not the only intermodal needed in the state, he is approached weekly in regard to new intermodals. A whole of network approach is critical. The private sector will develop the terminals, the state’s role is the background infrastructure and links.

In regional NSW there are current plans for at least 11 new intermodals. Minister Gay has established the Regional Intermodal Taskforce, but he didn't seem aware that the taskforce had visited Wagga Wagga. In regards to inland rail, the state’s investment must return to this state. Does the intrastate route return on investment?


In regard to investing record money on enabling infrastructure in the bush, Minister Gay highlighted the Kapooka Bridge as a key structure. This week Councils will be asked to submit final details of Fixing Country Rail proposals in the second round of funding, and he also outlined the Fixing Country Rail program.


‘State of Play’: Mr Michael Photios, Chairman, PremierState

Mr Photios indicated he will share candidly and frankly the state of play. He acknowledged the current work of the NSW state government in its infrastructure investment. Minister Gay and Minister Skinner are examples of exemplar ministers who came to their portfolios with experience. In NSW we have the only popular state government and popular premier. It's almost inevitable that this government will be returned in 2019.


Federally we are in a totally different paradigm. This is largely the result of no fixed term and too short a term with a poor senate that results in continuing politics. We may be about to see a seven (7) week Federal election campaign. This will be difficult for the micro parties. If a double dissolution election is called it must be after the budget in May and therefore cannot be until 2 July due to the Electoral Act. The coalition will need a national action plan and will need to be very disciplined. He thinks The Hon. Malcolm Turnbull will be re-elected as Prime Minister. He cannot make the same mistake as was made with the tax debate. There must be firm proposals.


After the next election we will see the real Mr Turnbull, when he has a personal mandate. In the USA, the country is losing its traditional ideology and is becoming popularist. This is a concern. In Australia, the Prime Minister must come out with a real agenda and this will give momentum. Mr Bill Shorten MP remains an asset for the coalition.


The government is not going to spend any new money at this time. They must save money now and all initiatives must be at least revenue neutral. For industry, building relationships on both sides of Parliament is very important at all times.


‘The Infrastructure Australia 15 Year Infrastructure Plan’: Mr Phil Davies, CEO, Infrastructure Australia

Mr Davies spoke in relation to logistics and supply chain. The plan was released two (2) weeks ago, and is available on their web site, it has 78 recommendations. The infrastructure priority list has been updated and there are 93 in the list. They have identified future corridors.


In developing the Plan, we have prioritised the user – the commuter waiting for a train, the family paying their electricity bill and the business looking to capitalise on overseas markets. If the Plan is delivered, Australians can expect more affordable, innovative and competitive energy, telecommunications, water and transport services.


Alongside the Plan is Infrastructure Australia's reinvigorated Infrastructure Priority List (IPL) which identifies potential infrastructure solutions for investment over the next 15 years. It will be updated regularly throughout each year. The Plan was developed following consultation on the Australian Infrastructure Audit report. Infrastructure Australia will update the Plan at least every five (5) years.


‘A Rail Perspective from the Port of Rotterdam’: Mr Hans Peter Voorhoeve, Account-Director Freight Relations, ProRail (Rotterdam, the Netherlands)

Mr Voorhoeve outlined characteristics of the Netherlands logistics, and the forward plans to increase the use of rail in particular. Historically the Netherlands has relied on trade and been a key player in world’s trade logistics. Over 40% of Dutch economy is attributable to logistics and trade. The Netherlands is the most attractive logistics location as determined by a German Study.


Key points from this presentation are:

·        Rail needs to be innovative

·        Supply chain network management is necessary to coordinate.

·        Who pays and who benefits?

·        Are politicians willing?


‘The Renaissance of American Rail’: Mr Anthony Hatch, Principal, ABH Consulting (New York, USA)

Mr Hatch believes rail freight is a continental issue. Canada is similar to Australia and they have developed a model we could all aspire to. Genesee Wyoming is a major USA player.


Deregulation in the Staggers Act of the Carter presidency started the Renaissance. It allowed the railway to compete against road. The grand bargain: raise prices, improve service, improve efficiency, improve profitability, improve use, reduce costs and reduce prices. Rail continues to gain share from road.


Challenges Mr Hatch identified are:

·        Deregulation

·        Decline of coal

·        Increased energy costs

·        Network blockages

·        The USA have a double stack network which is incredibly efficient

·        Trucking companies are now becoming bi-modal


Logistics Reforms for the Future Productivity: Session Chair – Mr Andrew Ethell, Group Director Corporate Affairs, Toll and Chair, ALC Infrastructure Committee

Logistics reforms were discussed in a panel format.  Long term investment planning and infrastructure investment protection is important. Logistics is an area where there is a very significant opportunity to drive economic gains. One of the biggest inhibitors to change is the lack of confidence in government.


How has Local Government spent its additional $1B in Roads to Recovery. How many last mile issues have been addressed.


The National Vehicle Regulator has data in relation to movement blockages and transport usage. This data can be accessed and will be useful information for funding priority.


NSW Ports and Intermodal: Session Chair – Ms Rachel Johnson, Chair, Port Botany Rail Optimisation Group

Most imports have a metro destination. Most exports have a regional origin.


Role of Infrastructure Funds in the Australian Logistics Industry: Session Chair – Mr Lachlan Benson, MD, Blue Arcadia

This panel gave an insight into superannuation fund investment strategies. Investments are often very long term, risk and debt are well managed.


Day Two – Thursday, 3 March 2016


‘Improving Supply Chain Visibility and Interoperability’: Ms Bonnie Ryan, Industry Manager – Trade & Transport, GS1 Australia

Outlined the new Australian freight labelling system that will result in significant savings and efficiency. A common label will apply to all carriers.


The Future of CBD Freight Delivery: Session Chair – Mr Charlie Macdonald, Manufacturing, Transport & Logistics Industry Executive, Telstra and Chair, ALC Technology Committee

Spoke about the continuing issues of logistics in the Sydney CBD. Telstra’s Sydney web site gives live information. Also discussed the current and emerging delivery expectations and trends.


‘Strategic Planning and Logistics Infrastructure - Can we get the balance right’: Mr Brian Haratsis, Executive Chairman, MacroPlan Dimasi


Issues covered in this presentation are:


·        Growth

·        Fragmented state plans

·        National freight plan identifies the major challenges

·        No matter the national plan states still act independently

·        Eastern seaboard population doubling in the next 15 years


Supply Chain Dynamics: Session Chair – Ms Danella Wilmshurst, Partner, Holding Redlich

Ms Wilmshurst spoke in relation to changes to the verified mass of containers and the safety and logistics issues that result from false container weight declarations. New international regulations (SOLAS) are to be imposed. Issues still exist with variations in international standards of weights. Container safety is a hot topic due to safety and contribution to accidents.


Dynamics of Port Supply Chains: Session Chair – Dr Hermione Parsons, Director, Institute for Supply Chain and Logistics

Ports are key supporters of the economy. Inland rail must also have dedicated freight rail connections to ports.


Five key objectives for port growth:


1.      Sufficient road connection

2.      Rail transportation must be grown

3.      Use land and infrastructure efficiently

4.      Grow port capacity

5.      Protect ports from urban encroachment


Q. Why are there no inland ports in Australia? And why have city port operators not decentralised?


Inland Rail: Session Chair – Mr John Fullerton, CEO and MD, Australian Rail Track Corporation

Pros and cons were discussed.


Future of Air Freight: Session Chair – Mr Michael Kilgariff, MD, ALC

Biggest issue is Sydney airport curfew and congestion. There is an opportunity for back haul freight that will open opportunities for regional products.


Closing Session: The Hon Anthony Albanese MP, Shadow Minister for Infrastructure & Transport

Economic debate is how we move on after the mining boom. Picking the right infrastructure spends will be critical.


How do we create certainty on infrastructure spend given the short political cycle. Infrastructure Australia will play an important role. Spend must be based on business cases not on politics.





Impact on Public Utilities


Link to Strategic Plan

1. We are an engaged and involved community

1.2 We have opportunities and places for connection

QBL Analysis
















Risk Management and Work Health and Safety Issues for Council

No specific issues identified.

Internal / External Consultation



Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday 26 April 2016.                                                            RP-1


Reports from Staff


Acting Director:        Priest, Christine          



That Council receive and note the report outlining responses to Questions/Business with Notice.



The report below addresses the Questions/Business with Notice raised during the Ordinary Council meeting held Monday, 29 March 2016:


1.      Councillor P Funnell requested details of emergency storage/discharge protection at the treatment plants in regard to the river.


Response provided by Infrastructure Services:


In regards to the protection of waterways from sewage treatment discharges, Council is heavily regulated through an Environmental Protection Licence by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA). Council has the capacity to bypass the discharge to waterways in the event of either a high flow or a toxic shock incident.


The bypass of effluent is captured into an emergency storage pond where it is tested, analysed and returned through the treatment process to meet all Council’s conditioned quality limits prior to discharge to waterway.


As an update the construction of a 20 ML Emergency Storage Pond to protect the Narrung Street Sewage Treatment Plant from high inflow/infiltration during periods of heavy and sustained rainfall and toxic shock events is underway.


Designed to function in flood events up to and including a 1:100 year flood event, the structure is being built to enable it to receive screened and de-gritted sewage for later withdrawal and processing by the plant operators after high inflows have subsided.


The construction of the pond must meet stringent environmental conditions which are regulated through the EPA. The pond has an initial lime stabilised clay liner that is to be covered by builders plastic, then a BIDIM geotextile fabric, capped off with 400 cover layer consisting of soil, sand and matured biosolids.


Council has a number of these emergency storage ponds available at both the Narrung and Kooringal Treatment Plants. Council is capable of containing a minimum of two (2) days of total flows within storage prior to the commencement of a return back through the treatment process.





Impact on Public Utilities



Link to Strategic Plan

1. We are an engaged and involved community

1.1 We are a community that is informed and involved in decisions impacting us


QBL Analysis














Questions with Notice are addressed in accordance with the provisions contained within Council’s adopted Code of Meeting Practice.


Risk Management and Work Health and Safety Issues for Council

No specific issues identified.

Internal / External Consultation






Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday 26 April 2016.                                                            RP-2



Author:                        Rodney, Carolyn

Acting Director:        Priest, Christine          



That Council:

a       place the following documents on public exhibition for 28 days commencing 27 April 2016 and concluding on 24 May 2016:

i         draft Combined Delivery Program and Operational Plan for the Financial Year 2016/17

ii        draft Long Term Financial Plan 2016/26

b       receive submissions from the community in relation to these documents throughout the exhibition period

c       consider a further report addressing the submissions received at the Policy and Strategy meeting on 14 June 2016

d       note the information regarding Activities on Footpath Policy (POL 041), which includes comparative data with other Councils, and the projected reduction in revenue if the policy was amended


Executive Summary

This report addresses Council’s requirements in ensuring legislative compliance and meeting the requirements of the Office of Local Government in adopting and implementing the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework.


Provided in the report is a summary of the key issues associated with the draft Delivery Program/Operational Plan 2016/17 with particular emphasis on the budget and Long Term Financial Plan.


It is important that the plans are well publicised during the exhibition period to gain community input and feedback in order for Council to give consideration to all comments and submissions prior to the adoption of the plans at the 27 June 2016 Council meeting.


Also included in this report as an attachment is information surrounding POL 041 Activities on Footpath Policy. The attached document includes comparison data with similar councils and the projected reduction in revenue if the policy was amended.  This information was requested by Councillors at the 29 February 2016 Council Meeting.




Draft Combined Delivery Program and Operational Plan


Council’s draft Combined Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2016/17 and Long Term Financial Plan 2016/26 have been formulated with consideration to the Community Strategic Plan – Ruby and Oliver previously endorsed by Council, as well as Council’s Workforce Plan and Asset Management plan adopted by Council in June 2013.


These documents together form a suite of plans focussed on Council’s sustainability into the future. The current suite of plans may be viewed on Council’s website at



IPR Image


The review of the 2016/17 Combined Delivery Program and Operational Plan has included a minor revision and update of the Delivery Program and a complete review of the Operational Plan with the inclusion of relevant projects and activities for the coming 12 months. The 2016/17 Combined Delivery Program and Operational Plan consists of:


·    Mayor and GM Welcome

·    Clear links to ‘Ruby and Oliver’ Community Strategic Plan (CSP)

·    Delivery and Operational Plan activities and KPI’s

·    Delivery Program four (4) year budget

·    Delivery Program Capital Works (New Projects, recurrent and concepts)

·    Contributions and Donations


The Revenue and Pricing Policy outlines the scheduled fees and charges for Council's services and activities including:


·    Rates and Charges Policy

·    Waste Management Charges

·    Sewer Charges

·    Stormwater Charges

·    Pricing Policy

·    Fees and Charges



Draft 2016/26 Long Term Financial Plan


The Draft Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) is attached to this report.  The LTFP outlines the following areas:


·    Executive Summary

·    Special Rate Variation (pending successful IPART determination)

·    Fit for the Future

·    Financial Strategy

·    Planning Assumptions

·    Major Projects

·    Financial Forecast Assumptions

·    Sensitivity Analysis

·    Scenarios - Financial Modelling

·    Appendices including 10 Year Capital Program


The LTFP assists in financial decision making and enables Council to plan for the long term financial sustainability of the organisation. Consideration is given to key components of the LTFP such as rate movements, service levels to our community, major infrastructure asset replacement and renewals, as well as borrowings and cash reserves. The key objective of Council’s LTFP is to maintain financial sustainability whilst achieving the objectives detailed in both the Operational and Delivery Plan.


Plans for Review


The following plans are attached to this report for Council’s review:


·    Draft Combined Delivery Program and Draft Operational Plan 2016/17 (including the Revenue and Pricing Policy 2016/17)

·    Draft Long Term Financial Plan 2016/26


It is recommended that Council endorse these plans for placement on public exhibition for a period of 28 days commencing 27 April 2016 and concluding on 24 May 2016.


During the exhibition period Council will invite submissions from the community through the following engagement methods which will inform the final version of these plans to be presented to Council for adoption in June 2016:

·    Public Notices

·    Council News stories

·    Consultation via “Your Say”

·    Media Releases

·    Social Media – Facebook, Twitter and Instragram

·    Public display at the Civic Centre


Policy 041 - Activities on Footpath Policy


At the 29 February 2016 Council Meeting, Councillors requested further information in relation to POL 041 – Activities on Footpath Policy.   Included in the attached documents is comparison data with other similar councils, and the revenue reduction Council would experience if the policy was amended.  The draft Revenue and Pricing Policy 2016/17 does not propose a reduction/removal of any fees in relation to activities on footpaths.





Impact on Public Utilities



Link to Strategic Plan

1. We are an engaged and involved community

1.1 We are a community that is informed and involved in decisions impacting us


QBL Analysis





Social issues have been thoroughly considered in the preparation of all plans within IPR.



Environmental issues have been thoroughly considered in the preparation of all plans within IPR.



Economic issues have been thoroughly considered in the preparation of all plans within IPR.



Meets all criteria within the legislative requirements for IPR.



Risk Management and Work Health and Safety Issues for Council

A number of risk management issues were identified and are being actively managed. A summary of these risks are as follows:


-     Lack of engagement from the community

-     Inability to meet everyone’s expectations

-     Inability to resource and deliver on plans


There are no implications for Work Health and Safety associated with this report.

Internal / External Consultation

Comprehensive internal consultation has taken place in the review and development of these plans including three (3) workshops with Councillors.





Draft Combined Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2016/17 - Provided under separate cover



Draft Long Term Financial Plan 2016/26 - Provided under separate cover



Activities on Footpath Policy Report - POL 041




Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday 26 April 2016.                                                                                  RP-2


Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday 26 April 2016.                                                            RP-3



Author:          Scully, Madeleine

Director:       Summerhayes, Janice          



That Council appoint at least two (2) Councillors with two (2) alternate Councillors being nominated to form a panel to assess applications received under the annual grants program.



Council’s 2016-2017 Annual Grants Program opened for applications on 21 March 2016. Each year Council undertakes to distribute funding (up to a total of $175,800 for 2016/2017) in small grants to the community to deliver a range of community capacity building projects, which meet the selection criteria. Applications close on 30 May 2016.


The assessment panel will meet on Tuesday 14, Wednesday 15, Thursday 16 and Friday 17 June 2016. The panel will consist of Councillors, Council officers and community representatives.


The six (6) grant categories to be assessed are:


·        Community Health and Wellbeing

·        Connected Rural and Urban Communities

·        Arts and Culture

·        Local Heritage

·        Event

·        Natural Environment 


To establish the panel it is recommended that Council appoint at least two (2) Councillors with two (2) alternate Councillors being nominated to assess applications received under the annual grants program.


Project Name & Component

Existing Budget

Expenditure to Date

Proposed Budget Variation

Effect on LTFP


Annual Grants Program 










Budget Summary

2016/2017 draft budget estimates $175,800


POL 078 – Donations under Section 356 of the Local Government Act 1993.

Impact on Public Utilities



Link to Strategic Plan

1. We are an engaged and involved community

1.2 We have opportunities and places for connection


QBL Analysis





Assisting community groups to undertake projects that enhance community health and wellbeing.



Assisting community groups to lead sustainable environmental practices.



Grants may generate income for the City through events or improved infrastructure. 



A transparent process is in place to ensure the equitable distribution of funds through the grants process.


Risk Management and Work Health and Safety Issues for Council

No specific issues identified.

Internal / External Consultation

Internal and external consultation has been carried out by the assessment panel. Two workshops will be undertaken with members of the community to explain the Annual Grants process and how to apply.





Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday 26 April 2016.                                                            RP-4


RP-4               2016 NSW LOCAL ROADS CONGRESS

Author:                        Fenwick, Alex

General Manager:    Eldridge, Alan          



That Council:

a       endorse the attendance of the Mayor or a Councillor at the 2016 NSW Local Roads Congress

b       appoint the Mayor or nominate a Councillor to attend the 2016 NSW Local Roads Congress

c       receive a report on the outcome of the 2016 NSW Roads Congress



This report seeks the endorsement of the Council for the Mayor and/or Councillor/s to represent Council at this year’s 2016 NSW Local Roads Congress in Sydney on Monday 6 June 2016. The 2016 NSW Local Congress provides a platform to engage with the State Government on road and infrastructure policies and initiatives.


The theme of the Congress is 'Roads and Transport - Driving a New Direction’. Areas of discussion will encompass the following:


·        Do your infrastructure assets meet community expectations?

·        Are there better funding models?

·        Access to new Grant Funds – what’s available?

·        Closer links to the Road Industry to enhance performance?

·        Discussion paper for Special Schedule 7, what do you need to know?


Given the increasing fiscal pressure on all levels of Government, it is important that Wagga Wagga City Council is represented at the Congress along with other Local Government representatives to present a united front when dealing with the Government on road and transport issues, particularly funding.


A copy of the Congress draft program is attached to this report for the reference of Councillors.


Council is a member of the Roads and Transport Directorate.  As a member, Council is entitled to a complimentary registration for a Councillor with a paying delegate.


Given current resource levels and workloads, it may not be possible to send a member of staff to the Congress. Consideration may be given to the attendance by the Manager Engineering or another other delegate, who would accompany the Mayor and/or Councillor/s if representation at the Congress is endorsed.


The cost of registration for the Congress is $800. This cost together with associated travel costs would be met by the Councillors’ Conferences/Seminars budget of which there are currently funds to the value of $16,983 available. However, should a Councillor attend with a paying delegate there would be no registration cost incurred for the Councillor. 


Name & Component

Existing Budget

Expenditure to Date

Proposed Budget Variation

Effect on LTFP


Councillors’ Conferences/ Seminars











POL 025 - Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities to Councillors.


POL 025 also requires that a resolution be passed in open session at a Council meeting to authorise a Councillor’s attendance at a conference.

Impact on Public Utilities


Link to Strategic Plan

1. We are an engaged and involved community

1.1 We are a community that is informed and involved in decisions impacting us

QBL Analysis





Opportunity to be informed and to discuss road and transport issues at a state level and provide input into ways that these issues may be addressed.









Councillor professional development. Alignment with Council Policy 025.


Risk Management and Work Health and Safety Issues for Council

No Specific Issues Identified.

Internal / External Consultation

The conference provides the opportunity to network with other councillors and policy makers from government agencies and key industry stakeholders in relation to the sustainable management of roads and transport.




2016 NSW Local Roads Congress - Draft Program



Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday 26 April 2016.                                                                                  RP-4



Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Tuesday 26 April 2016.                                                CONF-1


Confidential Reports


Author:          Johnson, Grant

Director:       Bolton, James         

This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -

(c)          information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business.



Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Tuesday 26 April 2016.                                                CONF-2



Author:          Johnson, Grant

Director:       Bolton, James         

This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -

(c)          information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business.



Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Tuesday 26 April 2016.                                                CONF-3



Author:                        Veneris, Geoff

General Manager:    Eldridge, Alan         

This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -

(c)          information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business.




Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Tuesday 26 April 2016.





Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday 26 April 2016.


Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 29 March 2016.


The Mayor, Councillor Rod Kendall

Councillor Yvonne Braid

Councillor Alan Brown

Councillor Greg Conkey OAM

Councillor Paul Funnell

Councillor Garry Hiscock

Councillor Julian McLaren

Councillor Andrew Negline

Councillor Kerry Pascoe

Councillor Kevin Poynter

Councillor Dallas Tout

In Attendance

General Manager                                                                    (Mr A Eldridge)

Acting Director Commercial & Economic Development   (Mr J Bolton)

Director Corporate Services                                                  (Mr C Richardson)

Acting Director Environment & Community Service          (Mr D Walker)

Manager Engineering                                                            (Mr A Fenwick)

Manager Finance                                                                   (Mrs C Rodney)

Director Riverina Regional Library                                       (Mr R Knight)

Manager Waste & Stormwater Services                             (Mr G Veneris)

Manager Strategic Planning                                                 (Ms L Rankin)

Manager Executive Support                                                  (Mr S Gray)

Manager Art Gallery                                                               (Mr S Payne)

Strategic Partner – Corporate Governance & Risk           (Mrs N Johnson)

Communications & Engagement Officer                             (Mr J Lang)

Corporate Governance & Risk Coordinator                        (Mrs J Watkins)





Almighty God,


Help protect our Mayor, elected Councillors and staff.


Help Councillors to govern with justice, integrity, and respect for equality, to preserve rights and liberties, to be guided by wisdom when making decisions and settling priorities, and not least of all to preserve harmony.



Acknowledgement Of Country

I would like to acknowledge the Wiradjuri people who are the Traditional Custodians of this Land. I would also like to pay respect to the Elders both past and present of the Wiradjuri Nation and extend that respect to other Community members present.


An apology for non-attendance was received and accepted for Director, Environment and Community Services, Ms J Summerhayes, on the Motion of Councillors A Negline and A Brown.








16/051       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors A Brown and D Tout

That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Supplementary Council Meeting held on 14 March 2016 be confirmed as a true and accurate record.




Declarations Of Interest


Councillor A Brown declared a Pecuniary Interest in M-1 – AUDIT AND RISK COMMITTEE MINUTES the reason being that he provides professional services to Council and an item contained in the minutes may be interpreted as a conflict of interest and remained in the chamber during its consideration.


Councillor A Brown declared a Significant Non-Pecuniary Interest in RP-2 – VILLAGE SEWER PROPOSALS – OURA AND SAN ISIDORE the reason being that he has a close friend that is a landowner in San Isidore and vacated the chamber during its consideration.


Councillor D Tout declared a Pecuniary Interest in RP-2 – VILLAGE SEWER PROPOSALS – OURA AND SAN ISIDORE the reason being that he is a resident of Oura and vacated the chamber during its consideration.


Councillor D Tout declared a Significant Non-Pecuniary Interest in RP-7 – KURRAJONG EARLY CHILDHOOD INTERVENTION SERVICE the reason being that his spouse is an employee of the organisation and he assists in fundraising and vacated in the chamber during its consideration.






16/052       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of the Mayor, Councillor R Kendall

That Council:

a          advertise for Expressions of Interest for the construction of Bomen enabling roads at the Bomen Business Park

b          continue to seek an immediate commitment from the NSW Government towards the Bomen Enabling Roads









The Mayor, Councillor R Kendall requested Councillors to nominate any recommendations from the minutes they wished to discuss.


16/053       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors G Conkey OAM and G Hiscock

That the Minutes of the Policy and Strategy Committee Meeting held on 14 March 2016 be confirmed and recommendations numbered PSCM-1, PSRP-1, PSRP-6, PSRP-7, PSRP-9, PSRP-10, PSRP-12, PSM-13 and PSM-1 contained therein be adopted.









                   On the Motion of Councillors P Funnell and G Hiscock

That Council approve the development application for DA15/0421 for Dual Occupancy (2 x 3 Bedrooms Dwellings) with Community Title Subdivision – Amended Description of Development, subject to the following conditions:


At the Council meeting of 23 November 2015 it was resolved to:


a       defer the determination of DA15/0421 – MULTI-DWELLING HOUSING (3 x3 BEDROOM DWELLINGS) WITH COMMUNITY TITLE SUBDIVISION AT 34 LINDSAY STREET, TURVEY PARK, NSW 2650 Lot 5 Sec 7 DP12786 and encourage the applicant to work with Council staff to redesign the development to more fully comply with the applicable controls of the WWDCP2010


b       advertise and notify any changes to the DA15/0421 – MULTI-DWELLING HOUSING (3 x 3 BEDROOM DWELLINGS) WITH COMMUNITY TITLE SUBDIVISION AT 34 LINDSAY STREET, TURVEY PARK, NSW 2650 Lot 5 Sec 7 DP12786


c       receive a further report on any amendments to the application at the earliest possible Policy and Strategy Committee Meeting


In accordance with the above resolution (c) the amended plans are being presented to the March 2016 Policy and Strategy Committee meeting.




Approved Plans and Documentation

1.         The development must be carried out in accordance with the approved plans and specifications as follows.



Plan/Doc Title

Prepared by




Site Plan and Subdivision Plan

Sewell design




Floor Plan and Basix Commitments

Sewell design




Elevations and Section

Sewell design




Statement of Environmental Effects

Sewell design





BASIX Certificates

Sewell Design




The Development Application has been determined by the granting of consent subject to and as amended by the conditions of development consent specified below.

NOTE:           Any modifications to the proposal shall be the subject of an application under Section 96 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979.

REASON:  It is in the public interest that work is carried out in accordance with the approved plans. Section 79C(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.


Prior to release of Construction Certificate


2.         Prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate details of all structural concrete and structural steelwork shall be submitted to the Principal Certifying Authority for approval, all such details shall be certified by a practising Structural Engineer.

REASON:  It is in the public interest that all building elements are able to withstand the combination of loads and other actions to which it may be subjected.  Section 79C(1)(b) and (e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

3.         Prior to the release of Construction Certificate a geo-technical report must be submitted to the Principal Certifying Authority that demonstrates that the foundation upon which a footing/slab is to be located is classified in accordance with Part 3.2.4 "Site Classification", of the Building Code of Australia and AS 2870 Residential Slabs and Footings.

This report must be carried out by an experienced geo-technical engineering consultant, with associated testing being conducted by a NATA registered laboratory.  The report shall identify the type of "site classification" that exists on the subject site.  Any footing/slab design is to be designed having regards to the identified site classification.

REASON:  It is in the public interest that all building elements are designed to be able to withstand the combination of loads and other actions to which they may be subjected. Section 79C(1)(b) and (e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

4.         Prior to the issue of Construction Certificate the developer must lodge a bond with Council of:-

$2000.00 for security deposit on the kerb and gutter and footpath

NOTE 1:        Applicants will be required to reference the INDIVIDUAL kerb and gutter bond number (BKG 0385) when lodging bond monies. Please reference the BKG number on the application form which is available from customer service and on Council’s website under the planning tab > document quick links > applications / or alternatively reference BKG 0385 number when making electronic payment.

NOTE 2:        All monetary conditions are reviewed annually, and may change on 1 July each year.

NOTE 3:        Works in the form of driveways, kerb and gutter and footpath may require you to obtain a Section 138 Roads Act 1993 approval. Please contact Council’s Road Reserve Officer on 1300 292 442 prior to undertaking such works.

NOTE 4:        Council will accept a once off security deposit for the kerb and gutter and footpath for applicants who lodge multiple DA’s with council. If the applicant has security deposits held by Council for kerb and gutter and footpath at the time of Construction Certificate application, then Council may waive the need for an additional bond to be paid.

OPTIONAL NOTE:  The bond held on the kerb and gutter and footpath is fully refundable upon completion of all works and upon inspection by Council to ensure that any damage to Council infrastructure has been repaired. The bond will not be refunded in the event that damage done to Council‘s infrastructure is not repaired to the satisfaction of Council. All damage is to be repaired at the full cost of the applicant

REASON:  It is in the public interest that such fees are paid in accordance with Council’s Management Plan.  Section 79C(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

5.         Pursuant to s94 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and City of Wagga Wagga Section 94 Contributions Plan 2006-2019, prior to the release of a Construction Certificate, a monetary contribution of $9892 must be paid to Council towards the cost of Contributions Plan preparation and management, Civic, Community and Cultural - Future, Civic, Community and Cultural - Recoupment, Roads and Traffic Management - Future, Open Space and Recreation - Recoupment, Open Space and Recreation - Future (without land and dedication), Open Space and Recreation - Future (with land dedication) to meet the development. The amount payable under this condition must be indexed in accordance with Clause 2.12 of the City of Wagga Wagga Section 94 Contributions Plan 2006 - 2019. A copy of the City of Wagga Wagga Section 94 Contributions Plan 2006 - 2019 is available for inspection at Council Chambers, corner Baylis and Morrow Streets, Wagga Wagga.


NOTE 1:        The Section 94 base figure is $3,595

The Section 94 contribution (updated by the CPI) required to be paid is $4,095.14

NOTE 2:        Section 94 contributions shall be indexed in accordance with CPI annually at the commencement of the financial year.

NOTE 3:        The figures outlined in this consent are based on the current rate of CPI. Please be advised that CPI changes on a regular basis and you are advised to contact Council prior to payments being made, to ensure no further CPI increases/decreases have occurred since the date of this consent.

REASON: Having considered the development in accordance with Section 94 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended, Council is satisfied that the development will require the provision of, or increase the demand for, public infrastructure, public amenities or services within the area. Section 80A(1)(h) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

6.         Prior to the release of Construction Certificate a compliance certificate under s306 of the Water Management Act 2000 must be obtained in respect of the development relating to water management works that may be required in connection with the development.

NOTE1:         ‘Water management work’ is defined in s283 of the Water Management Act to mean a ‘water supply work‘, ‘drainage work‘, ‘sewage work’ or ‘flood work’. These terms are defined in that Act.

NOTE 2:        Riverina Water is responsible for issuing compliance certificates and imposing requirements relating to water supply works for development in the Council’s area - please contact Riverina Water to ascertain compliance certificate water supply related requirements. A copy of such a compliance certificate is required prior to release of Construction Certificate.

NOTE 3:        The Council is responsible for issuing compliance certificates and imposing requirements relating to sewerage, drainage and flood works for development in its area.

NOTE 4:        Under s306 of the Water Management Act 2000, Riverina Water or the Council, as the case requires, may, as a precondition to the issuing of a compliance certificate, impose a requirement that a payment is made or works are carried out, or both, towards the provision of water supply, sewerage, drainage or flood works.

NOTE 5:        The Section 64 Sewer base figure is $3,538

The Section 64 Sewer contribution (updated by the CPI) required to be paid is $3,759.78

NOTE 6:        The Section 64 Stormwater base figure is $1,364.88

The Section 64 Stormwater contribution (updated by the CPI) required to be paid is $1,658.35

NOTE 7:        Section 64 contributions shall be indexed in accordance with CPI annually at the commencement of the financial year.


NOTE 8:        The figures outlined in this consent are based on the current rate of CPI. Please be advised that CPI changes on a regular basis and you are advised to contact Council prior to payments being made, to ensure no further CPI increases/decreases have occurred since the date of this consent.

REASON: It is in the public interest that Council maintain the ability to provide adequate water and sewer reticulation services. Section 79C(1)(c) and (e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

7.         Prior to the issue of the Construction Certificate a revised site plan shall be submitted to the Principal Certifying Authority for approval that indicates;

i)       The stormwater/sewer connecting to the spur provided

ii)      The finished paving levels demonstrating that the stormwater overland flow path is directed towards the street or an alternative appropriate point of discharge. If the discharge is to rear block drainage onsite detention shall be required to limit post development flows from the site to pre-developed flows for all storms up to and including the 100 year ARI event. Full plan details of any proposed On-Site Detention (OSD) system and supporting calculations shall be provided.

iii)     A stormwater plan indicating pipe and pit levels, inverts and sizes. This plan shall also show existing and proposed surface contours within the site and along its boundaries with immediately adjacent properties, and shall define overland flow paths for storms which exceed a 1 in 10 year event.

REASON:  It is in the public interest that plumbing and drainage work is carried out in accordance with AS/NZS 3500 and the relevant provisions of the New South Wales Code of Plumbing Practice, Plumbing and Drainage.  Section 79C(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.


8.         Prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate stormwater drainage shall be designed to limit post development flows from the site to 20 litres per second for the rain event up to the 1 in 10 year ARI event. If onsite detention is required full plan details of any proposed On-Site Detention (OSD) system and supporting calculations shall be provided.


REASON: To prevent the proposed development having a detrimental effect on the developments existing on the adjoining lands. Section 79C(1)(b) and (e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.


9.         No works are to take place to any services without prior written approval from the relevant authority.

NOTE:           Underground assets may exist in the area that is subject to your application. In the interests of health and safety and in order to protect damage to third party assets please contact Dial before you dig at or telephone on 1100 before excavating or erecting structures.

REASON: To ensure that the servicing requirements of public utility authorities have been met, to service the development. Section 79C(1)(b) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.


Prior to Commencement of Works


10.      Prior to works commencing on site, toilet facilities must be provided, at or in the vicinity of the work site on which work involved in the erection or demolition of a building is being carried out, at the rate of one toilet for every 20 persons or part of 20 persons employed at the site. Each toilet provided must be:

a)         a standard flushing toilet connected to a public sewer, or

b)        if that is not practicable, an accredited sewage management facility approved by Council, or

c)         if that is not practicable, any other sewage management facility approved by Council.

NOTE 1:        The provision of toilet facilities in accordance with this condition must be completed before any other work is commenced and the toilet facility must not be removed without the prior written approval of Council.

NOTE 2:        “Vicinity” in this condition is defined to mean within 50 metres of the subject building site.

NOTE 3:        The toilet facilities are to comply with all WORK COVER NSW requirements.

REASON:  To provide adequate sanitary facilities during the construction phase.  Section 79C(1)(b) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

11.      A CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATE pursuant to Section 109C of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended from either Council or an accredited certifying authority certifying that the proposed works are in accordance with the Building Code of Australia PRIOR to any works commencing.

NOTE 1:        No building, engineering, excavation work or food premises fitout must be carried out in relation to this development until the necessary Construction Certificate has been obtained.

NOTE 2:        YOU MUST NOT COMMENCE WORK UNTIL YOU HAVE RECEIVED THE CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATE, even if you made an application for a Construction Certificate at the same time as you lodged this Development Application.

NOTE 3:        It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the development complies with the provision of the Building Code of Australia in the case of building work and the applicable Council Engineering Standards in the case of subdivision works. This may entail alterations to the proposal so that it complies with these standards.

REASON:  To ensure the design of the proposed work may be assessed in detail before construction commences and because it is in the public interest that the development complies with the appropriate construction standards. Section 79C(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

12.      Prior to works commencing a container must be erected on site for the enclosure of all building rubbish and debris, including that which can be wind blown. The enclosure shall be approved by Council and be retained on site at all times prior to the disposal of rubbish at a licenced Waste Management Centre.

Materials and sheds or machinery to be used in association with the construction of the building must not be stored or stacked on Council’s footpath, nature strip, reserve or roadway.

NOTE 1:        No building rubbish or debris must be placed, or be permitted to be placed on any adjoining public reserve, footway, road or private land.

NOTE 2:        Weighbridge certificates, receipts or dockets that clearly identify where waste has been deposited must be retained. Documentation must include quantities and nature of the waste.  This documentation must be provided to Council prior to application for an Occupation Certificate for the development.

NOTE 3:        The suitable container for the storage of rubbish must be retained on site until an Occupation Certificate is issued for the development.

REASON:  To ensure that the building site and adjoining public places are maintained in a clean and tidy condition so as not to interfere with the amenity of the area. Section 79C (1)(b) and (e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

13.      Prior to the commencement of works erosion and sediment control measures are to be established and maintained to prevent silt and sediment escaping the site or producing erosion.  This work must be carried out and maintained in accordance with Council’s:-

a)         Development Control Plan 2010 (Section 2.6 and Appendix 2)

b)        Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines for Building Sites; and

c)         Soils and Construction Volume 1, Managing Urban Stormwater

Prior to commencement of works, a plan illustrating these measures shall be submitted to, and approved by, Council.

NOTE:           All erosion and sediment control measures must be in place prior to earthworks commencing. 

REASON:  To ensure the impact of the work on the environment in terms of soil erosion and sedimentation is minimised. Section 79C (1)(b) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.


14.      A Section 68 Approval must be obtained by a Licensed Plumber and Drainer prior to any sewer or stormwater work being carried out on the site. Plans must be supplied for assessment and approval as part of the s68 application and must indicate that pipe and pit sizing meets the requirements of AS3500 and the Plumbing Code of Australia.

Further, a final inspection must be carried out upon completion of plumbing and drainage work prior to occupation of the development.

The licensed plumber must submit to Council, at least two (2) days prior to the commencement of any plumbing and drainage works on site a “Notice of Works”.

NOTE:           A copy of the Notice of Works form can be found on Council’s website.

REASON: It is in the public interest that plumbing work is carried out with the relevant approvals required under the Local Government Act 1993 and the Plumbing Code of Australia. Section 79C(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

15.      Building work (within the meaning of the Home Building Act 1989) must not be carried out unless the Principal Certifying Authority for the development:

a)         in the case of work done by a licensee under the Act:

i)          has been informed in writing of the licensee’s name and contractor license number, and

ii)         is satisfied that the licensee has complied with the requirements of Part 6 of that Act, OR

b)        in the case of work to be done by any other person:

i)          has been informed in writing of the person’s name and owner-builder permit number, or

ii)         has been given a declaration, signed by the owner of the land, that states that the reasonable market cost of the labour and materials involved in the work is less than the amount prescribed for the purposes of the definition of owner-builder work in Section 29 of the Act,

and, is given appropriate information and declarations under paragraphs a) and b) whenever arrangements for the doing of the work are changed in such a manner as to render out of date any information or declaration previously given under either a) or b).

NOTE:           A certificate issued by an approved insurer under Part 6 of the Home Building Act 1989 that states that the person is the holder of an insurance policy is sufficient evidence to satisfy this condition.

REASON:  To ensure the development complies with the requirements of Clause 98 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations 2000, and Section 80A(11) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.


16.      Prior to works commencing, a sign must be erected in a prominent position on any work site on which work involved in the erection or demolition of a building is being carried out:

a)         stating that unauthorised entry to the site is prohibited, and

b)        showing the name of the person in charge of the work site and a telephone number at which that person may be contacted outside work hours

c)         the development consent or complying development consent number, the name and contact details of the Principal Certifying Authority.

Any sign must be removed when the work has been completed.

NOTE:           This condition does not apply to:

a)   building work carried out inside an existing building, or

b)  building work carried out on premises that must be occupied continuously (both during and outside work hours) while the work is being carried out.

REASON:  To ensure the development complies with the requirements imposed under Clause 98 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations 2000, as amended, and Section 80A(11) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

17.      At least two (2) days prior to the commencement of any works, the attached ‘Notice of Commencement of Building or Subdivision Works and Appointment of Principal Certifying Authority’, must be submitted to Council.

REASON:  Because it is in the public interest that Council receive notification in accordance with the provision of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended. Section 79C(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

18.      Prior to works or activities commencing within the road reserve, approval under Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993 is required from Council.

A written application for Consent to Work on a Road Reserve is required to be submitted to and approved by Council. This shall include the preparation of a certified Temporary Traffic Management Plan (TTP) for the works.

It should be noted that work in the existing road reserve can only commence after the plan has been submitted and approved and then only in accordance with the submitted TTP. Please contact Council‘s Activities in Road Reserves Officer on 1300 292 442.

REASON: It is in the public interest that proposed works being carried out within the road reserve, in association with the subject development, are assessed for compliance against  relevant traffic management standards and the terms and conditions of the Roads Act 1993. Section 79C(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

During works


19.      Vehicular access within the road reserve must be constructed to Council standards, at full cost to the developer, by a licensed Council approved contractor to a minimum of 150mm reinforced concrete. 

REASON:  To ensure that the proposed access is constructed by an approved Council Contractor. Section 79C(1)(c) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

20.      If the Council is appointed as the Principal Certifying Authority the following inspections must be undertaken by Council and a satisfactory Inspection Report must be issued by Council for such works prior to any further works being undertaken in respect of the subject development.  Inspection Stages for construction are listed in Column 1 and must be inspected by Council at the times specified in Column 2.





When the footings have been excavated and all steel reinforcement has been placed in position.


When reinforcement steel has been placed in position in any concrete slab, whether or not the slab is suspended, on the ground, or on fill.

Wall frame

When the frame has been erected and prior to sheeting and or brick veneer outer wall has been constructed and tied to the frame.

Roof frame

When external roof covering has been installed and prior to the installation of the ceiling lining and eaves soffit lining.

Wet areas

When waterproofing has been applied to all wet areas, prior to tiling or finishing of surface.


Required prior to occupation of the building


NOTE 1:        A Final Occupation Certificate in relation to the building cannot be issued by Council until all Inspection Reports required by this condition have been issued by Council. Prior to or at the time of the application for Occupation Certificate the application for “Occupation Certificate” form attached to the Council issued Construction Certificate must be completed and submitted to Council with all required attachments - failure to submit the completed Occupation Certificate application form will result in an inability for Council to book and subsequently undertake occupation certificate inspection.

NOTE 2:        The above Inspection Reports are required whether or not the work has been inspected by a Structural Engineer, a lending authority or any other person. If the Inspection Reports are not issued Council may refuse to issue a Building Certificate under Section 149A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

NOTE 3:        Submission of the bracing plan and the Truss and Frame Certificate is required seven (7) working days before the frame inspection.

REASON:  It is in the public interest that critical stage inspections be issued for these components of the development in accordance with Section 162A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations 2000 as amended.

21.      The Builder must at all times maintain, on the job, a legible copy of the plans and specifications approved with the Construction Certificate.

REASON:  It is in the public interest that a copy of the Construction Certificate plans are available, and Section 79C(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

22.      All excavation and backfilling associated with the erection/demolition of the building must be properly guarded and protected to prevent them from being dangerous to life or property.

Excavations must be undertaken in accordance with the terms and conditions of Section 9.4.6 of the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010.

REASON:  It is in the public interest that all building elements are able to withstand the combination of loads and other actions to which it may be subjected.  Section 79C(1)(b) and (e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

23.      Any alterations or additions marked by Council on the approved plans and/or the specifications must be carried into effect.


REASON:  It is in the public interest that work is carried out in accordance with the approved plans. Section 79C(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

24.      The concrete slab floor shall be treated against termites in accordance with AS 3660-1 2000 Termite Management:

a)         NON CHEMICAL - where a non chemical treatment (physical barriers) is to be used the applicant shall submit details to Council prior to any work commencing.

b)        CHEMICAL RETICULATION - where a chemical method of treatment is to be used by way of reticulation, details shall be provided to Council for approval prior to installation accompanied by a signed maintenance contract with a Pest Control Operator.

Applicants and owners are to ensure that an annual inspection is undertaken to determine need for treatment.

c)         CHEMICAL TREATMENT - where a chemical method of treatment is to be used by way of hand spray treatment before laying the slab, details shall be provided to the Council for approval prior to installation.

Warning - Applicants and owners are warned that the expected life of the under floor barrier (Chemical Treatment) is only 10 years and the external barrier (Chemical Treatment) is only five (5) years. The actual protection will depend on factors such as termite hazards, climate and soil conditions.

Council recommends in all cases of chemical treatment including reticulation that regular annual inspection be carried out by a licensed Pest Control Operator to determine the need for re-treatment.

d)        Upon installation of the method of treatment, a Certificate shall be issued to Council by the licensed installer of the system certifying that the system installed is in accordance with AS 3660-1 and in accordance with any specific requirements of the Council.

e)         A durable notice must be permanently fixed to the building in the electricity meter box indicating:

i)          The method of protection

ii)         The date of installation of the system

iii)        Where a chemical barrier is used, its life expectancy as listed on the National Registration Authority label.

iv)        The need to maintain and inspect the system on a regular basis.

REASON:  It is in the public interest that where appropriate termite management treatments are used in compliance with AS 3660.1.2000 Termite Management New Building Work. Section 79C(1)(b) and (e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

25.      The demolition must be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Australian Standard AS2601-2001: The Demolition of Structures.

Within 14 days of completion of demolition, the following information shall be submitted to Council for assessment and approval:


a)        an asbestos clearance certificate prepared by a competent person; and

b)        a signed statement verifying that demolition work and the recycling of materials was undertaken in accordance with any Waste Management Plan approved with this consent. In reviewing such documentation Council will require the provision of actual weighbridge receipts for the recycling/disposal of all materials.


NOTE 1:        Developers are reminded that WorkCover requires that all plant and equipment used in demolition work must comply with the relevant Australian Standards and manufacturer specifications.

NOTE 2:        Demolition works involving the removal and disposal of asbestos cement must only be undertaken by contractors who hold a current WorkCover “Demolition Licence” and a current WorkCover “Class 2 (Restricted) Asbestos Licence”.

NOTE 3:        Competent Person (as defined under Safe Removal of asbestos 2nd Edition [NOHSC: 2002 (2005)] means a person possessing adequate qualifications, such as suitable training and sufficient knowledge, experience and skill, for the safe performance of the specific work.

NOTE 4:        A licence may be required for some of the tasks described in the document entitled Safe Removal of Asbestos 2nd Edition as requiring a competent person.

REASON:  It is in the public interest that the demolition be carried out in a safe manner and that the utilities be protected from damage.  Section 79C(1)(a) & (e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

26.      The permitted construction hours are Monday to Friday 7.00am to 6.00pm and Saturday 7.00am to 5.00pm, excepting public holidays. All reasonable steps must be taken to minimise dust generation during the demolition and/or construction process. Demolition and construction noise is to be managed in accordance with the Office of Environment and Heritage Guidelines.

REASON:  To ensure building works do not have adverse effects on the amenity of the area.  Section 79C(1)(b) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

27.      All earthworks, filling, building, driveways or other works, must be designed and constructed (including stormwater drainage if necessary) so that at no time, will any ponding of stormwater occur on adjoining land as a result of this development.

REASON:  To prevent the proposed development having a detrimental effect on the developments existing on the adjoining lands.  Section 79C(1)(b) and (e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

28.      Stormwater drainage must be constructed and maintained so as to provide a 1 in 10 year pipe system, satisfactory overland flow path and not adversely affect adjacent properties.


REASON:  To prevent the proposed development having a detrimental effect on the developments existing on the adjoining lands.  Section 79C(1)(b) and (e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.


29.      Any upgrades or alterations to existing Council infrastructure required as a result of the development shall be at the full cost of the applicant.


REASON: In order to cover the cost of any works to Public Infrastructure as a result of the development. Section 79C(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.


30.      Any existing earthenware drainage lines beneath the proposed development must be replaced with PVC to comply with the relevant provisions of AS3500.


REASON:  It is in the public interest that plumbing and drainage work is carried out in accordance with AS/NZS 3500 and the relevant provisions of the Plumbing Code of Australia.


31.      A Compliance Certificate for the plumbing and drainage work identified in Column 1 at the times specified in Column 2 must be obtained from Council.




Internal Sewer Drainage

When all internal plumbing work is installed and prior to concealment.

External Sewer Drainage

When all external plumbing work is installed and prior to concealment.

Stormwater Drainage

When all external stormwater drainage work is installed and prior to concealment.


Prior to occupation of the building.

REASON:  It is in the public interest that plumbing work is certifying as complying with AS/NZS 3500.2003 and Plumbing Code of Australia.

32.      All building work must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Building Code of Australia (as in force on the date the application for the relevant Construction Certificate or Complying Development Certificate was made).

REASON:  To ensure the development complies with the requirements imposed under Clause 98 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations 2000, as amended, and Section 80A(11) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

Prior to release of Survey Certificate


33.      A Subdivision Certificate, pursuant to Section 109C of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended must be obtained from Council, prior to its lodgement with the Lands Titles Office.

The Final Survey Plan (two (2)  paper copies and an electronic copy) must be submitted to Council along with the application for Subdivision Certificate and associated checklist.

NOTE:           Council will only consider issuing a Subdivision Certificate in relation to this subdivision when it is satisfied that all conditions of development consent relating to the subdivision have been complied with and the appropriate fee paid.

REASON:  It is in the public interest that the plan is certified in accordance with the provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended. Section 79C(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

34.      The final Survey Plan must show an easement to drain stormwater over the existing drainage line in the South West corner. 

REASON:  Those works referred to (including access works) and which are sited, or must be sited, on the subject land should be protected by an easement. Section 79C(1)(b) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

35.      Prior to the issue of the Subdivision Certificate the following documents shall be submitted to Council to demonstrate that the requirements of the public utility services have been met:-

i)          Essential Energy: Notification of Arrangement OR Certificate of Acceptance

ii)         APA Gas: Certificate of Acceptance

iii)        Riverina Water: Certificate of Compliance

REASON:  To ensure that the servicing requirements of public utility authorities have been met, to service the development. Section 79C(1)(b) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.


Prior to release of Occupation Certificate / Prior to Operation


36.      Prior to issue of occupation certificate the redundant kerb layback in Lindsay Street shall be replaced with conventional barrier kerbing, and Council’s footway rehabilitated, in accordance with Council’s Engineering Guidelines for Subdivisions and Developments.

REASON:  To minimise vehicular access to the public roadway and to increase the capacity of the roadway for conveying storm water drainage runoff. Section 79C(1)(c) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

37.      Prior to the issue of Occupation Certificate, the paving of all vehicular movement areas must be either a minimum of 150mm thick flexible pavement and sealed or 150mm thick reinforced concrete.

REASON:  To provide all weather vehicular movement and to minimise nuisances to adjoining development from noise and dust. Section 79C(1)(b) and (c) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

38.      All retaining walls shown on the approved plans shall be completed prior to the issue of a Final Occupation Certificate.

REASON: It is in the public interest to ensure that all required and approved works are completed prior to occupation of the development. Section 79C(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

39.      An Occupation Certificate, must be obtained pursuant to Section 109C of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, from either Council or an accredited certifying authority, prior to occupation of the building.

In order to obtain this, the “Final Occupation Certificate” form must be completed and submitted to Council with all required attachments - failure to submit the completed Occupation Certificate Application form will result in an inability for Council to book and subsequently undertake Occupation Certificate inspection.

NOTE:           The issuing of an Occupation Certificate does not necessarily indicate that all conditions of development consent have been complied with. The applicant is responsible for ensuring that all conditions of development consent are complied with.

REASON:  It is in the public interest that an Occupation Certificate be issued prior to occupation of the building. Section 79C (1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

40.      A final inspection must be carried out upon completion of plumbing and drainage work and prior to occupation of the development, prior to the issuing of a final plumbing certificate Council must be in possession of Notice of Works, Certificate of Compliance and Works as Executed Diagrams for the works. The works as Executed Diagram must be submitted in electronic format in either AutoCAD or PDF file in accordance with Council requirements.

All plumbing and drainage work must be carried out by a licensed plumber and drainer and to the requirements of the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2011.

NOTE:           Additional fees for inspections at the Plumbing Interim Occupancy / Plumbing Occupation stage may apply.  This will depend on the number of inspections completed at this stage of the work/s.

REASON: To ensure compliance with the relevant provisions of the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2011 and Regulations.

41.      Prior to the issue of an Occupation Certificate a Water Plumbing Certificate from Riverina Water County Council shall be submitted to Council.

NOTE 1:        The applicant is to obtain a Plumbing Permit from Riverina Water County Council before any water supply/plumbing works commence and a Compliance Certificate upon completion of the works. Contact Riverina Water County Council’s Plumbing Inspector on 6922 0618. Please be prepared to quote your Construction Certificate number.

REASON: To ensure that the water servicing requirements of the development have been approved by the relevant authority. Section 79C (1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

42.      The commitments listed in any relevant BASIX Certificate for this development must be fulfilled in accordance with the BASIX Certificate Report, Development Consent and the approved plans and specifications.

REASON:  To ensure the development complies with the requirements imposed under Clause 97A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations 2000, as amended, and Section 80A (11) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.





43.      Should asbestos material be found, it is to be handled, transported and disposed of in accordance with the legislative requirements and standards determined by NSW WorkCover. All weighbridge receipts must be provided to Wagga Wagga City Council, within 14 days of the completion of the demolition/removal. 

NOTE 1:        All asbestos material needs to be double wrapped in 200μm thick plastic and disposed of at an EPA licensed facility. In this regard it should be noted that Wagga Wagga City Council's Gregadoo Waste Facility is the only EPA licensed facility within the Local Government Area to accept asbestos material. Council's Waste Management Supervisor requires 24 hours notice prior to disposal of this material

NOTE 2:        Demolition works involving the removal and disposal of asbestos cement must only be undertaken by contractors who hold a current WorkCover ― Demolition Licence and a current WorkCover ― Class 2 (Restricted) Asbestos Licence.

NOTE 3:        Competent Person (as defined under Safe Removal of Asbestos 2nd Edition [NOHSC: 2002 (2005)] means a person possessing adequate qualifications, such as suitable training and sufficient knowledge, experience and skill, for the safe performance of the specific work.

NOTE 4:        A licence may be required for some of the tasks described in the document entitled Safe Removal of Asbestos 2nd Edition as requiring a competent person.

REASON: To minimize the risk to human and environmental health, Contaminated Land Management Act 1997 No 140 and Section 79C(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended. 


44.      No part of the development, including cut, fill, or footings is to encroach the easement. Footings will need to address the angle of influence taking into account the depth of existing sewer and stormwater mains in the easement.

REASON: To ensure the integrity of infrastructure within the easement is retained. Section 79c (1) (c) and (e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

45.      Wagga Wagga City Council’s Engineering Guidelines for Subdivisions and Development shall be referred to for the design of engineering requirements. Any aspect of the design which is not covered in Council’s document should reference relevant specifications selected from other sources. Any aspect of the design that is not in accordance or not covered in council's document shall be listed and submitted with the plans for separate approval.


REASON: So that Council may ensure that the design and construction is in accordance with Council’s requirements and for the information of the emergency services. Section 79c (1) (e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.




For the Motion

Against the Motion

R Kendall


Y Braid


A Brown


G Conkey OAM


P Funnell


G Hiscock


J McLaren


A Negline


K Pascoe


K Poynter


D Tout







16/055       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors A Brown and K Poynter

That Council approve Development Application DA16/0033 for Alterations and Additions to an Existing Dwelling located at 6 Lakehaven Drive, Lake Albert, lot 78 DP 847296 in accordance with the following conditions:



Approved Plans and Documentation


1.        The development must be carried out in accordance with the approved plans and specifications as follows:


Plan/Doc Title

Prepared by




Site Plan





Floor Plan










Statement of Environmental Effects

Applicant - F. Moloney




BASIX Certificate

Direct Concepts



The Development Application has been determined by the granting of consent subject to and as amended by the conditions of development consent specified below.

NOTE:           Any modifications to the proposal shall be the subject of an application under Section 96 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979.

REASON:  It is in the public interest that work is carried out in accordance with the approved plans. Section 79C(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.


Prior to Commencement of Works

2.        Prior to works commencing on site, toilet facilities must be provided, at or in the vicinity of the work site on which work involved in the erection or demolition of a building is being carried out, at the rate of one toilet for every 20 persons or part of 20 persons employed at the site. Each toilet provided must be:

a)         a standard flushing toilet connected to a public sewer, or

b)        if that is not practicable, an accredited sewage management facility approved by Council, or

c)         if that is not practicable, any other sewage management facility approved by Council.

NOTE 1:        The provision of toilet facilities in accordance with this condition must be completed before any other work is commenced and the toilet facility must not be removed without the prior written approval of Council.

NOTE 2:        “Vicinity” in this condition is defined to mean within 50 metres of the subject building site.

NOTE 3:        The toilet facilities are to comply with all WORK COVER NSW requirements.

REASON:  To provide adequate sanitary facilities during the construction phase.  Section 79C(1)(b) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.


3.        A CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATE pursuant to Section 109C of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended from either Council or an accredited certifying authority certifying that the proposed works are in accordance with the Building Code of Australia PRIOR to any works commencing.

NOTE 1:        No building, engineering, excavation work or food premises fitout must be carried out in relation to this development until the necessary Construction Certificate has been obtained.

NOTE 2:        YOU MUST NOT COMMENCE WORK UNTIL YOU HAVE RECEIVED THE CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATE, even if you made an application for a Construction Certificate at the same time as you lodged this Development Application.

NOTE 3:        It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the development complies with the provision of the Building Code of Australia in the case of building work and the applicable Council Engineering Standards in the case of subdivision works. This may entail alterations to the proposal so that it complies with these standards.

REASON:  To ensure the design of the proposed work may be assessed in detail before construction commences and because it is in the public interest that the development complies with the appropriate construction standards. Section 79C(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

4.        Prior to works commencing a container must be erected on site for the enclosure of all building rubbish and debris, including that which can be wind blown. The enclosure shall be approved by Council and be retained on site at all times prior to the disposal of rubbish at a licenced Waste Management Centre.

Materials and sheds or machinery to be used in association with the construction of the building must not be stored or stacked on Council’s footpath, nature strip, reserve or roadway.

NOTE 1:        No building rubbish or debris must be placed, or be permitted to be placed on any adjoining public reserve, footway, road or private land.

NOTE 2:        Weighbridge certificates, receipts or dockets that clearly identify where waste has been deposited must be retained. Documentation must include quantities and nature of the waste.  This documentation must be provided to Council prior to application for an Occupation Certificate for the development.

NOTE 3:        The suitable container for the storage of rubbish must be retained on site until an Occupation Certificate is issued for the development.

REASON:  To ensure that the building site and adjoining public places are maintained in a clean and tidy condition so as not to interfere with the amenity of the area. Section 79C (1)(b) and (e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.


5.         Prior to the commencement of works erosion and sediment control measures are to be established and maintained to prevent silt and sediment escaping the site or producing erosion.  This work must be carried out and maintained in accordance with Council’s:-

a)         Development Control Plan 2010 (Section 2.8 and Appendix 2)

b)        Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines for Building Sites; and

c)         Soils and Construction Volume 1, Managing Urban Stormwater

Prior to commencement of works, a plan illustrating these measures shall be submitted to, and approved by, Council.

NOTE:           All erosion and sediment control measures must be in place prior to earthworks commencing. 

REASON:  To ensure the impact of the work on the environment in terms of soil erosion and sedimentation is minimised. Section 79C (1)(b) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.


6.         A Section 68 Approval must be obtained from Council prior to any sewer or stormwater work being carried out on the site.

The licensed plumber must submit to Council, at least two (2) days prior to the commencement of any plumbing and drainage works on site a “Notice of Works”.

NOTE:           A copy of the Notice of Works form can be found on Council’s website.

REASON: It is in the public interest that plumbing and drainage work is carried out with the relevant approvals required under the Local Government Act 1993 and the Plumbing Code of Australia. Section 79C(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.


7.         Building work (within the meaning of the Home Building Act 1989) must not be carried out unless the Principal Certifying Authority for the development:

a)         in the case of work done by a licensee under the Act:

i)          has been informed in writing of the licensee’s name and contractor license number, and

ii)         is satisfied that the licensee has complied with the requirements of Part 6 of that Act, OR

b)        in the case of work to be done by any other person:

i)          has been informed in writing of the person’s name and owner-builder permit number, or

ii)         has been given a declaration, signed by the owner of the land, that states that the reasonable market cost of the labour and materials involved in the work is less than the amount prescribed for the purposes of the definition of owner-builder work in Section 29 of the Act,

and, is given appropriate information and declarations under paragraphs a) and b) whenever arrangements for the doing of the work are changed in such a manner as to render out of date any information or declaration previously given under either a) or b).

NOTE:           A certificate issued by an approved insurer under Part 6 of the Home Building Act 1989 that states that the person is the holder of an insurance policy is sufficient evidence to satisfy this condition.

REASON:  To ensure the development complies with the requirements of Clause 98 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations 2000, and Section 80A(11) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.


8.         Prior to works commencing, a sign must be erected in a prominent position on any work site on which work involved in the erection or demolition of a building is being carried out:

a)         stating that unauthorised entry to the site is prohibited, and

b)        showing the name of the person in charge of the work site and a telephone number at which that person may be contacted outside work hours

c)         the development consent or complying development consent number, the name and contact details of the Principal Certifying Authority.

Any sign must be removed when the work has been completed.

NOTE:           This condition does not apply to:

a)   building work carried out inside an existing building, or

b)  building work carried out on premises that must be occupied continuously (both during and outside work hours) while the work is being carried out.


REASON:  To ensure the development complies with the requirements imposed under Clause 98 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations 2000, as amended, and Section 80A(11) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

9.         At least two (2) days prior to the commencement of any works, the attached ‘Notice of Commencement of Building or Subdivision Works and Appointment of Principal Certifying Authority’, must be submitted to Council.

REASON:  Because it is in the public interest that Council receive notification in accordance with the provision of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended. Section 79C(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

During works


10.     If the Council is appointed as the Principal Certifying Authority the following inspections must be undertaken by Council and a satisfactory Inspection Report must be issued by Council for such works prior to any further works being undertaken in respect of the subject development.  Inspection Stages for construction are listed in Column 1 and must be inspected by Council at the times specified in Column 2.





When the footings have been excavated and all steel reinforcement has been placed in position.


When reinforcement steel has been placed in position in any concrete slab, whether or not the slab is suspended, on the ground, or on fill.

Wall frame

When the frame has been erected and prior to sheeting and or brick veneer outer wall has been constructed and tied to the frame.

Roof frame

When external roof covering has been installed and prior to the installation of the ceiling lining and eaves soffit lining.

Wet areas

When waterproofing has been applied to all wet areas, prior to tiling or finishing of surface.


Required prior to occupation of the building

NOTE 1:        A Final Occupation Certificate in relation to the building cannot be issued by Council until all Inspection Reports required by this condition have been issued by Council. Prior to or at the time of the application for Occupation Certificate the application for “Occupation Certificate” form attached to the Council issued Construction Certificate must be completed and submitted to Council with all required attachments - failure to submit the completed Occupation Certificate application form will result in an inability for Council to book and subsequently undertake occupation certificate inspection.

NOTE 2:        The above Inspection Reports are required whether or not the work has been inspected by a Structural Engineer, a lending authority or any other person. If the Inspection Reports are not issued Council may refuse to issue a Building Certificate under Section 149A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

NOTE 3:        Submission of the bracing plan and the Truss and Frame Certificate is required seven (7) working days before the frame inspection.

REASON:  It is in the public interest that critical stage inspections be issued for these components of the development in accordance with Section 162A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations 2000 as amended.


11.     The Builder must at all times maintain, on the job, a legible copy of the plans and specifications approved with the Construction Certificate.

REASON:  It is in the public interest that a copy of the Construction Certificate plans are available, and Section 79C(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.


12.     All excavation and backfilling associated with the erection/demolition of the building must be properly guarded and protected to prevent them from being dangerous to life or property.

Excavations must be undertaken in accordance with the terms and conditions of Section 9.4.6 of the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010.

REASON:  It is in the public interest that all building elements are able to withstand the combination of loads and other actions to which it may be subjected.  Section 79C(1)(b) and (e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

13.     The concrete slab floor shall be treated against termites in accordance with AS 3660-1 2000 Termite Management:

a)         NON CHEMICAL - where a non-chemical treatment (physical barriers) is to be used the applicant shall submit details to Council prior to any work commencing.

b)        CHEMICAL RETICULATION - where a chemical method of treatment is to be used by way of reticulation, details shall be provided to Council for approval prior to installation accompanied by a signed maintenance contract with a Pest Control Operator.


Applicants and owners are to ensure that an annual inspection is undertaken to determine need for treatment.

c)         CHEMICAL TREATMENT - where a chemical method of treatment is to be used by way of hand spray treatment before laying the slab, details shall be provided to the Council for approval prior to installation.

Warning - Applicants and owners are warned that the expected life of the under floor barrier (Chemical Treatment) is only 10 years and the external barrier (Chemical Treatment) is only five (5) years. The actual protection will depend on factors such as termite hazards, climate and soil conditions.

Council recommends in all cases of chemical treatment including reticulation that regular annual inspection be carried out by a licensed Pest Control Operator to determine the need for re-treatment.

d)        Upon installation of the method of treatment, a Certificate shall be issued to Council by the licensed installer of the system certifying that the system installed is in accordance with AS 3660-1 and in accordance with any specific requirements of the Council.

e)         A durable notice must be permanently fixed to the building in the electricity meter box indicating:

i)          The method of protection

ii)         The date of installation of the system

iii)        Where a chemical barrier is used, its life expectancy as listed on the National Registration Authority label.

iv)        The need to maintain and inspect the system on a regular basis.

REASON:  It is in the public interest that where appropriate termite management treatments are used in compliance with AS 3660.1.2000 Termite Management New Building Work. Section 79C(1)(b) and (e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.


14.      The permitted construction hours are Monday to Friday 7.00am to 6.00pm and Saturday 7.00am to 5.00pm, excepting public holidays. All reasonable steps must be taken to minimise dust generation during the demolition and/or construction process. Demolition and construction noise is to be managed in accordance with the Office of Environment and Heritage Guidelines.

REASON:  To ensure building works do not have adverse effects on the amenity of the area.  Section 79C(1)(b) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.


15.     A Compliance Certificate for the plumbing and drainage work identified in Column 1 at the times specified in Column 2 must be obtained from Council.




Internal Sewer Drainage

When all internal plumbing and drainage work is installed and prior to concealment.

External Sewer Drainage

When all external plumbing and drainage work is installed and prior to concealment.

Stormwater Drainage

When all external stormwater drainage work is installed and prior to concealment.


Prior to occupation of the building or structure.

REASON:  It is in the public interest that plumbing work is certifying as complying with AS/NZS 3500.2003 and Plumbing Code of Australia.


16.      All building work must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Building Code of Australia (as in force on the date the application for the relevant Construction Certificate or Complying Development Certificate was made).

REASON:  To ensure the development complies with the requirements imposed under Clause 98 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations 2000, as amended, and Section 80A(11) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.


Prior to release of Occupation Certificate / Prior to Operation


17.     The applicant must obtain an Occupation Certificate, pursuant to Section 109C of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, from either Council or an accredited certifying authority, prior to occupation of the building.

NOTE:           The issuing of an Occupation Certificate does not necessarily indicate that all conditions of development consent have been complied with. The applicant is responsible for ensuring that all conditions of development consent are complied with.

REASON:  It is in the public interest that an Occupation Certificate be issued prior to occupation of the building. Section 79C (1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.


18.      A final inspection must be carried out upon completion of plumbing and drainage work and prior to occupation of the development, prior to the issuing of a final plumbing certificate Council must be in possession of Notice of Works, Certificate of Compliance and Works as Executed Diagrams for the works. The works as Executed Diagram must be submitted in electronic format in either AutoCAD or PDF file in accordance with Council requirements.

All plumbing and drainage work must be carried out by a licensed plumber and drainer and to the requirements of the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2011.

NOTE:           Additional fees for inspections at the Plumbing Interim Occupancy / Plumbing Occupation stage may apply.  This will depend on the number of inspections completed at this stage of the work/s.

REASON: To ensure compliance with the relevant provisions of the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2011 and Regulations.


19.      Prior to the issue of an Occupation Certificate a Water Plumbing Certificate from Riverina Water County Council shall be submitted to Council.

NOTE 1:        The applicant is to obtain a Plumbing Permit from Riverina Water County Council before any water supply/plumbing works commence and a Compliance Certificate upon completion of the works. Contact Riverina Water County Council’s Plumbing Inspector on 6922 0618. Please be prepared to quote your Construction Certificate number.

REASON: To ensure that the water servicing requirements of the development have been approved by the relevant authority. Section 79C (1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.


20.      The commitments listed in any relevant BASIX Certificate for this development must be fulfilled in accordance with the BASIX Certificate Report, Development Consent and the approved plans and specifications.

REASON:  To ensure the development complies with the requirements imposed under Clause 97A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations 2000, as amended, and Section 80A (11) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.



21.      The building must not be used for the purposes of a secondary dwelling or separate domicile.

REASON: Development consent is for purposes other than a secondary dwelling. Section 79C(1)(a)(i) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.


22.      (1)       For the purposes of Section 80A (11) of  the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, it is a prescribed condition of the development consent that if the development involves an excavation that extends below the level of the base of the footings of a building on adjoining land, the person having the benefit of the development consent must, at the person’s own expense:

(a)       protect and support the adjoining premises from possible damage from the excavation, and

(b)       where necessary, underpin the adjoining premises to prevent any such damage.

(2)       The condition referred to in subclause (1) does not apply if the person having the benefit of the development consent owns the adjoining land or the owner of the adjoining land has given consent in writing to that condition not applying.

REASON: To ensure the development complies with the requirements imposed under Clause 98E of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations 2000, as amended, and Section 80A (11) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.




For the Motion

Against the Motion

R Kendall


Y Braid


A Brown


G Conkey OAM


P Funnell


G Hiscock


J McLaren


A Negline


K Pascoe


K Poynter


D Tout







16/056       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors A Brown and Y Braid

That Council approve the development application DA16/0017 for Dwelling, Garage and Retaining wall at 18 Plunkett Drive in Lake Albert, subject to the following conditions:




Approved Plans and Documentation


1.      The development must be carried out in accordance with the approved plans and specifications as follows.



Plan/Doc Title

Prepared by




Floor plan

Matt Jenkins Homes




Floor Plan

Matt Jenkins Homes




North and East Elevations

Matt Jenkins Homes




South and West Elevations

Matt Jenkins Homes




Site plan

Matt Jenkins Homes





Matt Jenkins Homes





Matt Jenkins Homes




Basix commitments

Matt Jenkins Homes


Received  01/03/2016


BASIX certificate

Matt Jenkins Homes




Statement of Environmental Effects

Matt Jenkins Homes




Written justification (email)

Matt Jenkins Homes



The Development Application has been determined by the granting of consent subject to and as amended by the conditions of development consent specified below.

NOTE:           Any modifications to the proposal shall be the subject of an application under Section 96 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979.

REASON:  It is in the public interest that work is carried out in accordance with the approved plans. Section 79C(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.


Prior to release of Construction Certificate


2.      Prior to the release of the Construction Certificate two (2) copies of the details, plans and or specifications for the proposed retaining walls shall be submitted to and approved by Council.

REASON: It is in the public interest that all building elements are able to withstand the combination of loads and other actions to which it may be subjected. Section 79C(1)(b) and (e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

3.      Prior to the issue of Construction Certificate the developer must lodge a bond with Council of:-

$1,000.00 for security deposit on the kerb and gutter and footpath

Plus a non-refundable administration fee of $55.

NOTE 1:           The applicant currently has an ONGOING security bond lodged with Council bond number BKG 0026. This ongoing bond will be attached to this development to act as a security deposit on the kerb and gutter and footpath. No further payment under this condition is required.

NOTE 2:           All monetary conditions are reviewed annually, and may change on 1 July each year.

NOTE 3:           Works in the form of driveways, kerb and gutter and footpath may require you to obtain a Section 138 Roads Act 1993 approval. Please contact Council’s Road Reserve Officer on 1300 292 442 prior to undertaking such works.

NOTE 4:           Council will accept a once off security deposit for the kerb and gutter and footpath for applicants who lodge multiple DA’s with Council. If the applicant has security deposits held by Council for kerb and gutter and footpath at the time of Construction Certificate application, then Council may waive the need for an additional bond to be paid.

OPTIONAL NOTE:      The bond held on the kerb and gutter and footpath is fully refundable upon completion of all works and upon inspection by Council to ensure that any damage to Council infrastructure has been repaired. The bond will not be refunded in the event that damage done to Council’s infrastructure is not repaired to the satisfaction of Council. All damage is to be repaired at the full cost of the applicant


REASON: It is in the public interest that such fees are paid in accordance with Council’s Management Plan. Section 79C(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

Prior to Commencement of Works


4.      Prior to works commencing on site, toilet facilities must be provided, at or in the vicinity of the work site on which work involved in the erection or demolition of a building is being carried out, at the rate of one (1) toilet for every 20 persons or part of 20 persons employed at the site. Each toilet provided must be:

a)         a standard flushing toilet connected to a public sewer, or

b)        if that is not practicable, an accredited sewage management facility approved by Council, or

c)         if that is not practicable, any other sewage management facility approved by Council.

NOTE 1:           The provision of toilet facilities in accordance with this condition must be completed before any other work is commenced and the toilet facility must not be removed without the prior written approval of Council.

NOTE 2:           “Vicinity” in this condition is defined to mean within 50 metres of the subject building site.

NOTE 3:           The toilet facilities are to comply with all WORK COVER NSW requirements.

REASON: To provide adequate sanitary facilities during the construction phase.  Section 79C(1)(b) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

5.      A CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATE pursuant to Section 109C of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended from either Council or an accredited certifying authority certifying that the proposed works are in accordance with the Building Code of Australia PRIOR to any works commencing.

NOTE 1:           No building, engineering, excavation work or food premises fitout must be carried out in relation to this development until the necessary Construction Certificate has been obtained.

NOTE 2:           YOU MUST NOT COMMENCE WORK UNTIL YOU HAVE RECEIVED THE CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATE, even if you made an application for a Construction Certificate at the same time as you lodged this Development Application.

NOTE 3:           It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the development complies with the provision of the Building Code of Australia in the case of building work and the applicable Council Engineering Standards in the case of subdivision works. This may entail alterations to the proposal so that it complies with these standards.


REASON:  To ensure the design of the proposed work may be assessed in detail before construction commences and because it is in the public interest that the development complies with the appropriate construction standards. Section 79C(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

6.      Prior to works commencing a container must be erected on site for the enclosure of all building rubbish and debris, including that which can be wind blown. The enclosure shall be approved by Council and be retained on site at all times prior to the disposal of rubbish at a licenced Waste Management Centre.

Materials and sheds or machinery to be used in association with the construction of the building must not be stored or stacked on Council’s footpath, nature strip, reserve or roadway.

NOTE 1:           No building rubbish or debris must be placed, or be permitted to be placed on any adjoining public reserve, footway, road or private land.

NOTE 2:           Weighbridge certificates, receipts or dockets that clearly identify where waste has been deposited must be retained. Documentation must include quantities and nature of the waste.  This documentation must be provided to Council prior to application for an Occupation Certificate for the development.

NOTE 3:           The suitable container for the storage of rubbish must be retained on site until an Occupation Certificate is issued for the development.

REASON:  To ensure that the building site and adjoining public places are maintained in a clean and tidy condition so as not to interfere with the amenity of the area. Section 79C (1)(b) and (e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

7.      Prior to the commencement of works erosion and sediment control measures are to be established and maintained to prevent silt and sediment escaping the site or producing erosion. This work must be carried out and maintained in accordance with Council’s:

a)         Development Control Plan 2010 (Section 2.6 and Appendix 2)

b)        Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines for Building Sites; and

c)         Soils and Construction Volume 1, Managing Urban Stormwater

Prior to commencement of works, a plan illustrating these measures shall be submitted to, and approved by, Council.

NOTE:           All erosion and sediment control measures must be in place prior to earthworks commencing. 

REASON:  To ensure the impact of the work on the environment in terms of soil erosion and sedimentation is minimised. Section 79C (1)(b) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.


8.      A Section 68 Approval must be obtained from Council prior to any sewer or stormwater work being carried out on the site.

The licensed plumber must submit to Council, at least two (2) days prior to the commencement of any plumbing and drainage works on site a “Notice of Works”.

NOTE:              A copy of the Notice of Works form can be found on Council’s website.

REASON: It is in the public interest that plumbing and drainage work is carried out with the relevant approvals required under the Local Government Act 1993 and the Plumbing Code of Australia. Section 79C(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

9.      Building work (within the meaning of the Home Building Act 1989) must not be carried out unless the Principal Certifying Authority for the development:

a)           in the case of work done by a licensee under the Act:

i)          has been informed in writing of the licensee’s name and contractor license number, and

ii)         is satisfied that the licensee has complied with the requirements of Part 6 of that Act, OR

b)           in the case of work to be done by any other person:

i)          has been informed in writing of the person’s name and owner-builder permit number, or

ii)         has been given a declaration, signed by the owner of the land, that states that the reasonable market cost of the labour and materials involved in the work is less than the amount prescribed for the purposes of the definition of owner-builder work in Section 29 of the Act,

and, is given appropriate information and declarations under paragraphs a) and b) whenever arrangements for the doing of the work are changed in such a manner as to render out of date any information or declaration previously given under either a) or b).

NOTE:           A certificate issued by an approved insurer under Part 6 of the Home Building Act 1989 that states that the person is the holder of an insurance policy is sufficient evidence to satisfy this condition.

REASON: To ensure the development complies with the requirements of Clause 98 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations 2000, and Section 80A(11) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

10.    Prior to works commencing, a sign must be erected in a prominent position on any work site on which work involved in the erection or demolition of a building is being carried out:

a)           stating that unauthorised entry to the site is prohibited, and


b)           showing the name of the person in charge of the work site and a telephone number at which that person may be contacted outside work hours

c)           the development consent or complying development consent number, the name and contact details of the Principal Certifying Authority.

Any sign must be removed when the work has been completed.

NOTE:              This condition does not apply to:

a)   building work carried out inside an existing building, or

b)  building work carried out on premises that must be occupied continuously (both during and outside work hours) while the work is being carried out.

REASON:  To ensure the development complies with the requirements imposed under Clause 98 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations 2000, as amended, and Section 80A(11) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.


11.    At least two (2) days prior to the commencement of any works, the attached ‘Notice of Commencement of Building or Subdivision Works and Appointment of Principal Certifying Authority’, must be submitted to Council.

REASON: Because it is in the public interest that Council receive notification in accordance with the provision of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended. Section 79C(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.


During works


12.    Vehicular access within the road reserve must be constructed to Council standards, at full cost to the developer, by a licensed Council approved contractor.

REASON: To ensure that the proposed access is constructed by an approved Council Contractor. Section 79C(1)(c) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.


13.    If the Council is appointed as the Principal Certifying Authority the following inspections must be undertaken by Council and a satisfactory Inspection Report must be issued by Council for such works prior to any further works being undertaken in respect of the subject development.  Inspection Stages for construction are listed in Column 1 and must be inspected by Council at the times specified in Column 2.




Site Inspection

When all earthworks (cut and fill) approved under this consent are completed (excluding earthworks that are exempt development) and prior to any footings being excavated on the subject site.  The applicant shall contact Council to arrange for this inspection.


When the footings have been excavated and all steel reinforcement has been placed in position.


When reinforcement steel has been placed in position in any concrete slab, whether or not the slab is suspended, on the ground, or on fill.

Wall frame

When the frame has been erected and prior to sheeting and or brick veneer outer wall has been constructed and tied to the frame.

Roof frame

When external roof covering has been installed and prior to the installation of the ceiling lining and eaves soffit lining.

Wet areas

When waterproofing has been applied to all wet areas, prior to tiling or finishing of surface.


When the stormwater and roof water drainage system has been completed.


Required prior to occupation of the building

NOTE 1:           A Final Occupation Certificate in relation to the building cannot be issued by Council until all Inspection Reports required by this condition have been issued by Council. Prior to or at the time of the application for Occupation Certificate the application for “Occupation Certificate” form attached to the Council issued Construction Certificate must be completed and submitted to Council with all required attachments - failure to submit the completed Occupation Certificate application form will result in an inability for Council to book and subsequently undertake occupation certificate inspection.

NOTE 2:           The above Inspection Reports are required whether or not the work has been inspected by a Structural Engineer, a lending authority or any other person. If the Inspection Reports are not issued Council may refuse to issue a Building Certificate under Section 149A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.



NOTE 3:           Submission of the bracing plan and the Truss and Frame Certificate is required seven (7) working days before the frame inspection.

REASON: It is in the public interest that critical stage inspections be issued for these components of the development in accordance with Section 162A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations 2000 as amended.

14.    The Builder must at all times maintain, on the job, a legible copy of the plan and specification approved with the Construction Certificate.

REASON: It is in the public interest that a copy of the Construction Certificate plans are available, and Section 79C(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

15.    All excavation and backfilling associated with the erection/demolition of the building must be properly guarded and protected to prevent them from being dangerous to life or property.

Excavations must be undertaken in accordance with the terms and conditions of Section 9.4.6 of the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010.

REASON: It is in the public interest that all building elements are able to withstand the combination of loads and other actions to which it may be subjected. Section 79C(1)(b) and (e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

16.    Any alterations or additions marked by Council on the approved plans and/or the specifications must be carried into effect.

REASON: It is in the public interest that work is carried out in accordance with the approved plans. Section 79C(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.


17.    The concrete slab floor shall be treated against termites in accordance with AS 3660-1 2000 Termite Management:

a)           NON CHEMICAL - where a non chemical treatment (physical barriers) is to be used the applicant shall submit details to Council prior to any work commencing.

b)           CHEMICAL RETICULATION - where a chemical method of treatment is to be used by way of reticulation, details shall be provided to Council for approval prior to installation accompanied by a signed maintenance contract with a Pest Control Operator.

Applicants and owners are to ensure that an annual inspection is undertaken to determine need for treatment.

c)           CHEMICAL TREATMENT - where a chemical method of treatment is to be used by way of hand spray treatment before laying the slab, details shall be provided to the Council for approval prior to installation.



Warning - Applicants and owners are warned that the expected life of the under floor barrier (Chemical Treatment) is only 10 years and the external barrier (Chemical Treatment) is only five (5) years. The actual protection will depend on factors such as termite hazards, climate and soil conditions.

Council recommends in all cases of chemical treatment including reticulation that regular annual inspection be carried out by a licensed Pest Control Operator to determine the need for re-treatment.

d)           Upon installation of the method of treatment, a Certificate shall be issued to Council by the licensed installer of the system certifying that the system installed is in accordance with AS 3660-1 and in accordance with any specific requirements of the Council.

e)           A durable notice must be permanently fixed to the building in the electricity meter box indicating:

i)          The method of protection

ii)         The date of installation of the system

iii)        Where a chemical barrier is used, its life expectancy as listed on the National Registration Authority label.

iv)        The need to maintain and inspect the system on a regular basis.

REASON: It is in the public interest that where appropriate termite management treatments are used in compliance with AS 3660.1.2000 Termite Management New Building Work. Section 79C(1)(b) and (e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

18.    The permitted construction hours are Monday to Friday 7.00am to 6.00pm and Saturday 7.00am to 5.00pm, excepting public holidays. All reasonable steps must be taken to minimise dust generation during the demolition and/or construction process. Demolition and construction noise is to be managed in accordance with the Office of Environment and Heritage Guidelines.

REASON: To ensure building works do not have adverse effects on the amenity of the area. Section 79C(1)(b) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

19.    The fill material use for the proposed development shall only be “Virgin Excavated Natural Material” as described in Schedule 1 of the Protection of the Environment and Operations Act 1997.

Prior to the material being received on site registration numbers of vehicles delivering material to the development and the address of origin for the fill shall be documented.  Documentation must include quantities and nature of the fill.

A log of the above mentioned information is to be kept including the date that the materials were received. This log is to be submitted to Council upon completion of works.


REASON: To minimize the risk to human and environmental health, Contaminated Land Management Act 1997 No 140 and Section 79C(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

20.    A Compliance Certificate for the plumbing and drainage work identified in Column 1 at the times specified in Column 2 must be obtained from Council.




Internal Sewer Drainage

When all internal plumbing and drainage work is installed and prior to concealment.

External Sewer Drainage

When all external plumbing and drainage work is installed and prior to concealment.

Stormwater Drainage

When all external stormwater drainage work is installed and prior to concealment.


Prior to occupation of the building or structure.

REASON: It is in the public interest that plumbing work is certifying as complying with AS/NZS 3500.2003 and Plumbing Code of Australia.

21.    All building work must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Building Code of Australia (as in force on the date the application for the relevant Construction Certificate or Complying Development Certificate was made).

REASON: To ensure the development complies with the requirements imposed under Clause 98 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations 2000, as amended, and Section 80A(11) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

22.    The Cut and Fill Batters are to be treated with vegetation (ground covers) to protect them from erosion and further ground movements.

REASON: To ensure the impact of the work on the environment in terms of soil erosion and sedimentation is minimised. Section 79C (1)(b) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.


Prior to release of Occupation Certificate / Prior to Operation


23.    Prior to issue of an occupation certificate the building number must be displayed in a position clearly visible from the street in letters having a height of not less than 75 mm (3 inches). The number must be visible against the background on which it is placed.

REASON: It is in the public interest that the building/property be easily identifiable. Section 79C(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

24.    All retaining walls shown on the approved plans shall be completed prior to the issue of a Final Occupation Certificate.

REASON: It is in the public interest to ensure that all required and approved works are completed prior to occupation of the development. Section 79C(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

25.    An Occupation Certificate must be obtained pursuant to Section 109C of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, from either Council or an accredited certifying authority, prior to occupation of the building.

In order to obtain this, the “Final Occupation Certificate” form must be completed and submitted to Council with all required attachments - failure to submit the completed Occupation Certificate Application form will result in an inability for Council to book and subsequently undertake Occupation Certificate inspection.

NOTE:              The issuing of an Occupation Certificate does not necessarily indicate that all conditions of development consent have been complied with. The applicant is responsible for ensuring that all conditions of development consent are complied with.

REASON: It is in the public interest that an Occupation Certificate be issued prior to occupation of the building. Section 79C (1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

26.    A final inspection must be carried out upon completion of plumbing and drainage work and prior to occupation of the development, prior to the issuing of a final plumbing certificate Council must be in possession of Notice of Works, Certificate of Compliance and Works as Executed Diagrams for the works. The works as Executed Diagram must be submitted in electronic format in either AutoCAD or PDF file in accordance with Council requirements.

All plumbing and drainage work must be carried out by a licensed plumber and drainer and to the requirements of the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2011.

NOTE:              Additional fees for inspections at the Plumbing Interim Occupancy / Plumbing Occupation stage may apply.  This will depend on the number of inspections completed at this stage of the work/s.

REASON: To ensure compliance with the relevant provisions of the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2011 and Regulations.

27.    Prior to the issue of an Occupation Certificate a Water Plumbing Certificate from Riverina Water County Council shall be submitted to Council.

NOTE 1:           The applicant is to obtain a Plumbing Permit from Riverina Water County Council before any water supply/plumbing works commence and a Compliance Certificate upon completion of the works. Contact Riverina Water County Council’s Plumbing Inspector on 1300 292 442. Please be prepared to quote your Construction Certificate number.


REASON: To ensure that the water servicing requirements of the development have been approved by the relevant authority. Section 79C (1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.


28.    The commitments listed in any relevant BASIX Certificate for this development must be fulfilled in accordance with the BASIX Certificate Report, Development Consent and the approved plans and specifications.

REASON: To ensure the development complies with the requirements imposed under Clause 97A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations 2000, as amended, and Section 80A (11) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.



29.    (1)     For the purposes of Section 80A (11) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, it is a prescribed condition of the development consent that if the development involves an excavation that extends below the level of the base of the footings of a building on adjoining land, the person having the benefit of the development consent must, at the person’s own expense:

a)      protect and support the adjoining premises from possible damage from the excavation, and

b)      where necessary, underpin the adjoining premises to prevent any such damage.

(2)     The condition referred to in subclause one (1) does not apply if the person having the benefit of the development consent owns the adjoining land or the owner of the adjoining land has given consent in writing to that condition not applying.

REASON: To ensure the development complies with the requirements imposed under Clause 98E of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations 2000, as amended, and Section 80A (11) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.




For the Motion

Against the Motion

R Kendall


Y Braid


A Brown


G Conkey OAM


P Funnell


G Hiscock


J McLaren


A Negline


K Pascoe


K Poynter


D Tout






A Motion was moved by Councillors G Hiscock and K Pascoe.


That Council in line with the recommendations of the Wagga Wagga Spatial Plan 2013-2043, defer consideration of land identified as potential urban land and potential intensification until a residential strategy is complete.



An AMENDMENT was moved by Councillor P Funnell and seconded by Councillor K Poynter.


That Council defer a decision until the April 2016 Ordinary Council Meeting.


The AMENDMENT on being put to the meeting was CARRIED and became the Motion.



For the Amendment

Against the Amendment

Y Braid

R Kendall

A Brown

G Conkey OAM

P Funnell

K Pascoe

G Hiscock

D Tout

J McLaren


A Negline


K Poynter




16/057       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors G Hiscock and K Pascoe

That Council defer a decision until the April 2016 Ordinary Council Meeting.





For the Motion

Against the Motion

R Kendall


Y Braid


A Brown


G Conkey OAM


P Funnell


G Hiscock


J McLaren


A Negline


K Pascoe


K Poynter


D Tout







16/058       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors K Pascoe and A Brown

That Council:

a       receive and note the report on the public exhibition of the Wagga Wagga Local Environmental Plan 2010 amendment proposal 2015/1

b       adopt the planning proposal as exhibited

c       use Council’s delegated authority to gazette the plan and notify the Department of Planning and Environment of the decision




For the Motion

Against the Motion

R Kendall


Y Braid


A Brown


G Conkey OAM


P Funnell


G Hiscock


J McLaren


A Negline


K Pascoe


K Poynter


D Tout






16/059       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors K Poynter and K Pascoe

That Council:

a       note the favourable budget variation that resulted from savings in electricity payments, allocate $262,000 to the Fit for the Future Reserve and $250,000 to the Sustainable Energy Reserve from those savings and approve all other budget variations as noted in the report

b       note the Responsible Accounting Officer’s reports, in accordance with the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 (Part 9 Division 3: Clause 203) that the financial position of Council is satisfactory having regard to the original estimates of income and expenditure and the recommendations made above

c       note Council’s external investments as at 31 January 2016







16/060       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors G Conkey OAM and G Hiscock

That Council:

a       receive and note the minutes of the Floodplain Risk Management Meeting held on 1 December 2015

b       not send a Councillor or community representative of the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee to the 2016 Floodplain Management Australia National Conference to be held in Shoalhaven in May 2016






16/061       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors A Negline and K Pascoe

That RP-4, RP-5 and RP-6 be adopted as recommended in the business papers.








16/062       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors P Funnell and A Negline

That Council

a          receive and note the report outlining responses to Questions/Business with Notice

b         receive a further report at the May 2016 Ordinary Council Meeting that details the reasoning behind the roundabout decisions






Councillor D Tout declared a Pecuniary Interest and vacated the chamber, the time being 6:59pm.


Councillor A Brown declared a Significant Non-Pecuniary Interest and vacated the chamber, the time being 7:11pm.


A Motion was moved by Councillors P Funnell and K Pascoe.

That Council:

a       decline offers of funding through the Restart NSW Regional Water and Waste Water Backlog scheme noting the impacts any new village sewer projects have on the financial viability of the overall sewer business

b       not proceed with the proposed village sewer schemes for Oura and San Isidore at this time noting the financial and scenario information provided within the report

c        communicate the outcome of Council’s decision to residents of San Isidore and Oura


An AMENDMENT was moved by Councillor P Funnell and seconded by Councillor K Pascoe


That Council:

a       proceed with the second round application for San Isidore through the Restart NSW Regional Water and Waste Water Backlog scheme

b       not proceed with the proposed village sewer schemes for Oura at this time noting the financial and scenario information provided within the report

c        communicate the outcome of Council’s decision to residents of San Isidore and Oura


A FORESHADOWED AMENDMENT was signalled to the Mayor by Councillor K Poynter.


The AMENDMENT on being put to the meeting was CARRIED and became the Motion.


An AMENDMENT was moved by Councillor K Poynter and seconded by Councillor G Hiscock.


That Council:

a       proceed with the second round application for San Isidore through the Restart NSW Regional Water and Waste Water Backlog scheme

b       not proceed with the proposed village sewer schemes for Oura at this time noting the financial and scenario information provided within the report

c        explain Council’s decision to residents of San Isidore and Oura and seek further feedback on sewerage systems in villages


The AMENDMENT on being put to the meeting was CARRIED and became the Motion.

16/063       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors K Poynter and G Hiscock

That Council:

a       proceed with the second round application for San Isidore through the Restart NSW Regional Water and Waste Water Backlog scheme

b       not proceed with the proposed village sewer schemes for Oura at this time noting the financial and scenario information provided within the report

c       explain Council’s decision to residents of San Isidore and Oura and seek further feedback on sewerage systems in villages



Councillors D Tout and A Brown re-entered the meeting, the time being 7:45pm.





16/064       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors K Poynter and P Funnell

That Council authorise the affixing of Council’s Common Seal to all relevant documents as required in relation to the Healthshare Linen Services Liquid Trade Waste Services Agreement and Approval.






16/065       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors A Negline and K Pascoe

That Council:

a       endorse the draft POL 029 Asbestos Policy and place on public exhibition for a period of 28 days and invite public submissions on the draft policy

b       receive a further report following the public exhibition period:

(i)         addressing any submissions made in respect of the proposed policy

(ii)     proposing adoption of the policy unless there are any recommended amendments deemed to be substantial and requiring a further public exhibition period






16/066       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors A Negline and K Pascoe

That Council:

a       endorse submitting a motion to the National General Assembly of Local Government Annual Conference on 19 to 22 June 2016

b       endorse the Mayor’s attendance at the conference







16/067       RESOLVED:

                   On the Motion of Councillors A Negline and K Pascoe

That Council adopt the revised Audit and Risk Committee Charter.






Councillor D Tout declared a Significant Non-Pecuniary Interest and vacated the chamber, the time being 7:48pm.