To be held on
13 August 2018
AT 6.00pm
Cnr Baylis and Morrow Streets,
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
PO Box 20, Wagga Wagga
Phone: 1300 292 442
Fax: 02 6926 9199
In pursuance of the provisions of the Local Government Act, 1993 and the Regulations there under, notice is hereby given that an Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the City of Wagga Wagga will be held in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Corner Baylis and Morrow Streets, Wagga Wagga, on Monday 13 August 2018 at 6.00pm.
Council live streams video and audio of Council meetings. Members of the public are advised that their voice and/or image may form part of the webcast.
Mr Peter Thompson
General Manager
Mayor Councillor Greg Conkey OAM |
Deputy Mayor Councillor Dallas Tout |
Councillor Yvonne Braid |
Councillor Paul Funnell |
Councillor Dan Hayes |
Councillor Vanessa Keenan |
Councillor Rod Kendall |
Councillor Tim Koschel |
Councillor Kerry Pascoe |
The quorum for a meeting of the Council is a majority of the Councillors of the Council who hold office for the time being who are eligible to vote at the meeting.
Reports submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council to be held on Monday 13 August 2018.
Ordinary Meeting of Council AGENDA AND BUSINESS PAPER
Monday 13 August 2018
CM-1 Ordinary Council Meeting - 23 July 2018 2
CM-2 Extraordinary Council Meeting - 6 August 2018 2
Councillor Report
CR-2 Councillor Report - Inland Rail Conference 7
Reports from Staff
RP-2 2018 Local Government NSW Annual Conference - Election of Delegates and Motions 13
RP-3 Section 356 Requests for Financial Assistance - August 2018 30
RP-7 Response to Questions/Business with Notice 53
Committee Minutes
Confidential Reports
CONF-2 Proposed Sale of Lot 1 DP1136194 at Copland Street, East Wagga 70
Confirmation of Minutes
CM-1 Ordinary Council Meeting - 23 July 2018
That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 23 July 2018 be confirmed as a true and accurate record.
1⇩. |
Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 23 July 2018 |
72 |
CM-2 Extraordinary Council Meeting - 6 August 2018
That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Extraordinary Council Meeting held on 6 August 2018 be confirmed as a true and accurate record.
1⇩. |
Minutes - Extraordinary Council Meeting - 6 August 2018 |
85 |
Author: The Mayor, Councillor Greg Conkey OAM
That Council receive and note the report on the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) National General Assembly (NGA) 2018 Conference, from the Mayor, Councillor G Conkey OAM and Councillor D Hayes. |
The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) held their national general assembly (NGA) in Canberra from June 17 to 20. ALGA is the national voice of local government, representing 560 councils throughout Australia.
Attending from Wagga Wagga City Council were the Mayor, Cr Greg Conkey, Cr Dan Hayes and the General Manager, Peter Thompson.
ALGA states that the purpose of the NGA is to provide an opportunity for Local Government to engage directly with the Federal Government, to develop national policy and to influence the future directions of councils and communities. This is done through different aspects of the NGA such as the voting on motions put forward by member councils for the ALGA board to consider, presentations and discussions with Federal Members of Parliament and other presentations, stalls, and other activities.
Guest speakers at the conference included:
· Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull
· Leader of the Opposition, Bill Shorten
· Shadow Minister for Regional Services, Territories and Local Government, Stephen Jones
· Minister for Rural Health, Sport and Regional Communications, Senator Bridget McKenzie,
· Minister for Regional Development, Territories and Local Government- Dr John McVeigh
Full speakers list and presentations can be found at:
President of the ALGA, David O’Loughlin, listed the following priorities for ALGA:
1. Restoring the quantum of the Financial Assistance Grants to a level equal to or more than 1% of Commonwealth taxation revenue as per 1996
2. Constitutional recognition for Local Government
3. Improving the safety and management of local roads by doubling Roads to Recovery funding to $800m per year (80 percent of roads in Australia are managed by Local Government)
4. Improving the safety and management of local bridges by making the Bridges Renewal Program permanent
5. Realising the productive potential of Australia’s freight routes by establishing a local freight productivity investment plan funded at $200m per year for five years
6. Achieving more sustainable local communities by funding community infrastructure at a cost of $300m per year for four years
7. Establishing a preventative health and activity program of $100m over four years
8. Investing in targeted disaster mitigation of $200m per year for four years
9. Renewal of the national partnership agreement on remote indigenous housing
10. Creating a climate change fund partnership of $200m over four years
11. Invest in a digital transformation program of $100m per year and a digital regional telecommunications program of $100m over four years.
What did we learn?
· Funding challenges exist for Local Government due to reduced Federal funding and increased expectation of service delivery.
· Labor and The Nationals support constitutional recognition for Local Government, no comment from the Liberal Party in regards to this. Local Government will be asked by ALGA to help fund a referendum campaign if the Federal Government proceed.
· Opportunities exist for micro-factories especially in regards to transferring waste products into new products.
· Local Government will continue to face the ongoing challenge of collecting, analysing and utilising large amounts of data. This will require investment in skills alongside any software or other technology needs.
· A number of stall holders presented new products that may be worth exploring for the city of Wagga Wagga such as data analysis, tender processes, booking software and others.
· Ensure our cyber security policies and procedures are up to date, and possibly look at ransomware insurance.
· Procurement needs to consider using environmentally friendly or recyclable materials.
· Utilise Australian Business Register data to better work with business community and business development planning.
What was the value for ratepayers and the city of Wagga Wagga?
Apart from the above learnings, WWCC was able to identify, influence, and vote on the priorities of ALGA in the build up to a Federal election.
It would be pertinent to re-evaluate the need for two councillors to attend the NGA.
Financial Implications
Policy and Legislation
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Leadership and Collaboration
Objective: We have strong leadership
Outcome: We have leaders that represent us
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 13 August 2018. CR-2
CR-2 Councillor Report - Inland Rail Conference
Author: The Mayor, Councillor Greg Conkey OAM
That Council receive and note the report from the Mayor, Councillor G Conkey OAM regarding the Inland Rail Conference held in Parkes on the 18-19 July 2018. |
The first Inland Rail Conference was held at Parkes on July 18 and 19 and was attended by representatives from local, state and federal governments as well as contractors and suppliers for the $9 billion project.
Guest speakers included the Deputy Prime Minister and Member for Riverina, Michael McCormack, the Minister for Roads Maritime and Freight, Melinda Pavey, the Shadow Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development, Anthony Albanese, the CEO of Australian Rail Track Corporation, John Fullerton, the CEO of the Inland Project, Richard Wankmuller together with a host of representatives from public and private enterprises associated with Inland Rail.
In all around 400 delegates attended the event.
Inland Rail linking Melbourne with Brisbane is due to be completed by 2024/2025.
It will cut the current train journey (via Sydney) from around 33 hours to under 22 hours and remove thousands of trucks off the road network.
The CEO of the Australian Rail Track Corporation, John Fullerton, said the project was about the future prosperity of the country. He said this was a rail system that would meet the needs of the nation for the next 100 years and beyond which was badly needed (and probably 30 years late).
At present double stack trains can only operate between Parkes and Perth. When completed this rail line will enable double stacked trains to operate between Melbourne and Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth via Parkes and Brisbane to Perth. It will also provide links to a number of other ports, cities and towns. “Australian producers are dependent on a world class freight system to get their product to overseas markets … Inland Rail will finish the job of achieving this goal.”
Mr Fullerton said the east coast of Australia currently comprises 79 percent of Australia’s population and with this figure expected to rise a major overhaul of the rail network was needed.
Melinda Pavey said NSW was currently experiencing a golden age of infrastructure and that the State Government’s Fixing Country Rail fund currently sat at $400m.
The Minister said that the freight cost component of getting produce to market ranged from between 20 and 50 percent and for this country to remain competitive, that figure had to be lowered.
Anthony Albanese recommitted the Labor Party’s support for Inland Rail which was started with a $300 million injection from the then Gillard Government. He is concerned the current project is behind schedule and that the route of the final “mile” of getting Inland Rail to the ports of Melbourne and Brisbane had not been established. “It is vital for Inland Rail to connect to those ports.”
Other speakers spoke about:
· the importance of providing a reliable, safe service;
· the difficulty of getting truck drivers (Australia Post needs an additional 200 drivers now);
· the need to remove trucks off the congested road system;
· the fact the Port of Brisbane is only operating at eight percent of its capacity;
· the current difficulty of getting freight slots on metropolitan rail networks;
· the fact inland rail must be fast, reliable and beneficial;
· the creation of 16,000 jobs to complete the project; and
· the fact inland rail will take 200,000 trucks off the road network.
The conference was told that $250 million worth of contracts had already been let for the project with another $1.2 billion due to be let by July 2019.
Financial Implications
Policy and Legislation
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Leadership and Collaboration
Objective: We have strong leadership
Outcome: We have leaders that represent us
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 13 August 2018. RP-1
Author: Amanda Gray
General Manager: Peter Thompson
Analysis: |
The application for a 24 Lot subdivision was previously reported to Council on 26 March 2018 with a recommendation for refusal. Determination was deferred to allow for a workshop between staff and Councillors.
Since the Council meeting of 26 March the application has been amended by the applicants and now proposes a 20 lot subdivision. The amended application has been notified to neighbouring properties and has been the subject of a workshop discussion with Councillors.
The amended application is presented to Council for determination. |
That Council refuse DA16/0595 for a 20 Lot Subdivision, Best St, Uranquinty for the following reasons: 1. The proposed subdivision is inconsistent with Section 2.3 of the Wagga Wagga Local Environmental Plan 2010. Specifically the Zone objectives of RU5 Village as the development does not protect and maintain the rural village character of the land
2. The proposed subdivision is inconsistent with Section 6.2 of the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010 as the development does not respect the underlying subdivision pattern in this part of Uranquinty.
3. The proposed development by reason of the loss of native vegetation results in unacceptable impacts to the natural environment.
4. The development would create an undesirable precedent for urban type development within this part of Uranquinty which is not in the public interest. |
Development Application Details
Applicant |
Wagga Wagga Local Aboriginal Land Council |
Owner |
Wagga Wagga Local Aboriginal Land Council |
Development Cost |
$400,000 |
Development Description |
Subdivision of the subject site into 20 residential lots ranging in size from 1014sq.m to 1149sq.m.
Removal of trees to allow for the development of the proposed lots |
Key Issues
· Compliance with Wagga Wagga LEP and DCP
· Removal of Native Vegetation
· Submissions in objection to the development
· The application site is within the village of Uranquinty and is zoned as RU5 Village.
· The proposed development is to subdivide an existing vacant block of land into 20 residential lots ranging in size from 1014sq.m to 1149sqm.
· It is proposed to remove 14 trees from the block to allow for the creation of residential building envelopes.
· The objectives for development in the village zone are to provide for a range of land uses, services and facilities that are associated with a rural village and to protect and maintain the rural village character of the land.
· The controls relating to development within the villages focus on the need to respect the underlying pattern of subdivision.
· The surrounding pattern of subdivision is characterised by lots of 2000sq.m in size with 40metre frontages. Whilst there are examples of some smaller lots these are not considered to represent the character of the village in this area of Uranquinty.
· A number of the trees proposed for removal are not dangerous or dying and are to be removed simply to allow for smaller sized residential blocks.
· The redesign of the development to allow for the retention of trees on larger blocks has been encouraged by Council staff.
· The amended layout is not supported due to not complying with the character of the village and the unnecessary removal of native vegetation.
· There is an un-resolved issue as to whether one of the trees on site is a scar tree. An independent assessment has not been provided to confirm the significance of the tree and whether there is a need for an Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit (AHIP) to be prepared.
· There are a number of submissions in objection to the development.
Reasons for Refusal
Based on the assessment of the development the application is recommended for refusal based on the following grounds:
· It is inconsistent with Section 2.3 of the Wagga Wagga Local Environmental Plan 2010, specifically the Zone objectives of RU5 Village as the development does not protect and maintain the rural village character of the land.
· It is inconsistent with Section 6.2 of the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010 as the development does not respect the underlying subdivision pattern in this part of Uranquinty.
· The proposed development by reason of the loss of native vegetation results in unacceptable impacts to the natural environment.
· The development would create an undesirable precedent for urban type development within this part of Uranquinty which is not in the public interest.
Site Location
The site is located within the village of Uranquinty, to the north of the railway line and the Olympic Highway. The site extends to an area of 2.15 hectares and has historically been in use as a reserve. There are a number of trees on the site at present.
Financial Implications
Wagga Wagga Local Environmental Plan 2010
Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010
Link to Strategic Plan
The Environment
Objective: We plan for the growth of the city
Outcome: We have sustainable urban development
Risk Management Issues for Council
As the recommendation is to refuse the application there is the risk that an appeal could be lodged with the Land and Environment Court. The recommended reasons for refusal are justified in the Section 4.15 assessment report.
Internal / External Consultation
Full details of the consultation that was carried out as part of the development application assessment is contained in the attached s4.15 assessment report.
1. |
DA16/0595 - S4.15 Assessment Report - Provided under separate cover |
2. |
DA16/0595 - Amended Plan of Subdivision - Provided under separate cover |
3. |
DA16/0595 - Plan of tree removal - Provided under separate cover |
4. |
DA16/0595 - Additional Supporting Information from Applicant - Provided under separate cover |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 13 August 2018. RP-2
RP-2 2018 Local Government NSW Annual Conference - Election of Delegates and Motions
Author: Nicole Johnson
General Manager: Peter Thompson
Analysis: |
The Local Government NSW (LGNSW) Annual Conference will be held 21 to 23 October 2018. The purpose of this report is to elect Council delegates to attend the conference and to support the submission of motions. |
That Council: a endorse that the Mayor and three Councillors attend the Local Government NSW Annual Conference to be held in Albury from Sunday 21 October to Tuesday 23 October 2018 b elect three Councillor delegates referred to in (a) above to attend the conference c note that Councillors elected to attend the conference will be Council’s voting delegates for any Local Government NSW elections for the following twelve months d endorse submitting motions to the conference as outlined in the report |
The Local Government NSW (LGNSW) Annual Conference will commence the evening of Sunday 21 October 2018 and continue through to Tuesday 23 October 2018 at the Albury Entertainment Centre, Albury.
It is recommended that nominations be called for three Councillors to attend the conference along with the Mayor, noting that the Mayor is Council’s voting delegate.
Accommodation has been secured at the Mantra for two nights. Further information will be forwarded to the elected delegates closer to the date.
A copy of the Draft Program is attached.
Motions for inclusion at the conference are currently being called for, with a due date of 26 August 2018. Motions should be strategic, affect members state-wide and introduce new or emerging policy issues and actions. Outlined below are Motions for submission to the conference on behalf of Wagga Wagga City Council:
· That LGNSW lobbies the NSW State Government to Advocate for a reduction in payroll tax for businesses in regional NSW to be comparable to the rate offered to regional Victorian employers (2.425 per cent)
· That LGNSW lobbies the NSW State Government to consider providing adult laydown facilities at roadside rest stops at regular intervals along the major highways (under RMS responsibility)
· That LGNSW lobbies the Federal Government to increase the funding allocated to Local Government through the FAGs program to reflect 1% of total tax income received by the Federal Government as per the figure in 1996
· That the NSW State Government provides additional funding towards infrastructure backlog as a result of the sale of Snowy Hydro and the announcement regarding stadiums
· That LGNSW advocate for the NSW State Government to provide funding towards the establishment of an Engineering Scholarships / Apprenticeships program utilising funds from the sale of Snowy Hydro to assist alleviate a shortage in the industry
· That the NSW State Government remove all legislative requirements to provide public notice through local newspapers
· That the NSW State Government review its decision to pass on responsibility for payment of damages in addition to compensation where a native title claim is determined in favour of a native title interest.
Financial Implications
Council Policy POL 025 - Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities to Councillors identifies the Annual LGNSW Conference as one of four conferences where elected delegates may have their spouse/partner accompany them to the conference.
POL 025 specifies that Council will cover the cost of registration and official conference dinners of the delegate’s spouse/partner. There is no registration cost for spouses/partners for this year’s conference. However, all other expenses incurred by the accompanying person including optional tours, functions and activities shall be the responsibility of the individual Councillor.
Cost per delegate (all GST exclusive costs):
Early Bird Registration (increases to $940 after 17 September 2018) |
$840 |
Two Nights’ Accommodation |
$380 |
Cost Per Delegate |
$1,220 |
Total Registration and Accommodation Cost For All Delegates |
$4,880 |
The above cost, and any other allowable expenses relating to Councillors attendance at the conference will be funded from the Councillors Conferences/Seminars budget which has a budget of $25,000 for the 2018/19 Financial Year with $1,475 expended as at 31 July 2018.
Policy and Legislation
POL 025 - Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities to Councillors.
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Leadership and Collaboration
Objective: We have strong leadership
Outcome: We have leaders that represent us
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
1⇩. |
Registration Brochure - LGNSW Annual Conference 2018 |
2⇩. |
Draft Program - LGNSW Annual Conference 2018 |
RP-3 Section 356 Requests for Financial Assistance - August 2018
Author: Craig Katsoolis
Director: Natalie Te Pohe
Analysis: |
This report includes requests for financial assistance for the use of Council facilities. As the monthly Financial Report is submitted to Council later this month, a separate report has been prepared for Council’s consideration. |
Section 356 Financial Assistance Requests
Four Section 356 Donation requests have been received for consideration at the 13 August 2018 Ordinary Council meeting.
Details of the donation requests are shown below. It is noted that apart from a donation of fees to the Carwrights Hill CWA Branch at Councils 24 July 2017 meeting there have been no other donations or grant funding to the above groups in the last 12 months.
· Community Sleepout – St. Vincent De Paul Society $280
The St. Vincent De Paul Society has requested the donation of the hiring fees for McDonald Park to stage a “Community Sleepout”” on the 30 August 2018.
In the attached email Maree McCulloch – Community Development Officer at St Vincent De Paul Society NSW Wagga Wagga Central Council notes:
“The event is to raise much needed funds to sustain the continuation of the substantial works St. Vincent de Paul performs in our community. Those works support some our most vulnerable individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness, a lack of basic needs such as food & clothing and financial hardship in the Wagga Wagga region.
As you may be aware a similar event “CEO Sleepout” is held in the capital cities of each state and this year we will be replicating the event in Wagga Wagga albeit it on a smaller scale. It is hoped that we will attract participants consisting of business leaders, community leaders and others to the event.
The above request is supported and aligns with Council’s Strategic Plan “Community Leadership and Collaboration – Outcome: we recognise we all have a role to play”.
· Triple H Forum (Housing, Homelessness and Human Services ) $90
The Chair of the Triple H (Housing, Homelessness and Human Services) Forum, Mr Damien Morgan has written to Council requesting the waiver of the fees for the hire of the Victory Memorial Gardens on Friday the 10 August 2018 to promote Homelessness Week and local support services that can help those in need.
Mr Morgan in his attached letter advises in regards to the event:
“Last year we held our first Homelessness Week Expo at the Tolland Community Hub, where local homelessness services set up a table each with their information. Although this was a great event, it was in one specific area and we are wanting to have it in a more central location this year to enable greater access to the general public.”
The above request aligns with Council’s Strategic Plan “Safe & Healthy Community – Outcome: we have access to health and support services that cater for all our needs”.
· North Wagga Football Club (Josh Hanlon Funding Raising Event) $90
North Wagga Football Club has requested Council’s consideration to the waiver of the hire fees for the use of McPherson Oval on 29 September 2018 to conduct a fund raising event for Josh Hanlon.
Josh Hanlon (20) suffered a life threatening infection, which resulted in emergency medical treatment and subsequent loss of limbs.
The above request aligns with Council’s Strategic Plan “Community Place and Identity” – Outcome: we activate our community spaces to promote connectedness”.
· CWA Cartwrights Hill - Kerbside Waste Domestic Rural Charge – $330
The Country Women’s Association (CWA) - Cartwrights Hill Branch has requested the waiver of the Kerbside Waste Domestic rural charge applied to their property in Cooramin Street Cartwrights Hill.
The CWA – Cartwrights Hill building is located in Cooramin Street and has been levied a Kerbside Waste Domestic Rural charge of $330 for the first time due to the extension of the Kerbside Waste Collection Service area to include the Cartwrights Hill area from 2018/19.
The Cartwrights Hill CWA Branch advise:
“It is a small group of very senior ladies serving the local community, and does not have the capacity to pay these charges”
Council at its meeting of the 24 July 2017 donated $207.75 to the CWA Cartwrights Hill branch to cover the costs of Onsite Inspection and Sewerage Management Fees.
This donation request for 2018/19 charges is modest and given the valuable community work undertaken by the CWA and the local branch’s limited financial resources the request is supported for the 2018/19 financial year.
It is noted that consideration of future year’s waiver of the kerbside waste charges for the group would be assessed at a future time as the process for the consideration of financial assistance to all community groups is currently being reviewed.
The above request aligns with Council’s Strategic Plan “Community Leadership and Collaboration – Outcome: we recognise we all have a role to play”.
Financial Implications
The Section 356 donation budget for the 2018/19 financial year is $50,255.50, of which $41,689 is already committed in the adopted Delivery and Operational Plan 2018/19.
This leaves a balance of $8,566.50 available for additional fee waiver requests received for the 2018/19 financial year. It is noted that Council approved in 2017/18 two S356 donations for the 2018/19 financial year and those two donations are noted below.
2018/19 Section 356 financial assistance budget allocation |
$50,255.50 |
Proposed financial assistance, as per 2018/19 DPOP |
($41,689.00) |
Revised Remaining Budget for 2018/19 |
$8,566.50 |
Mayoress Concert fee waiver – Council meeting 27 November 2017 |
($975.00) |
Live Life Get Active proposed fee waiver – Council meeting 12 June 2018 |
($460.00) |
Balance of Section 356 financial assistance budget – available for requests received for the remainder of the 2018/19 financial year not including this meeting’s requests
$7,131.50 |
As noted earlier at this meeting four donation requests have been received for Council’s consideration:
Unallocated balance of S356 Fee waiver financial assistance budget 2018/19 |
$7,131.50 |
St. Vincent De Paul Society |
($ 280.00) |
Triple H Forum |
($ 90.00) |
North Wagga Football Club (Josh Hanlon Fund raising event) |
($ 90.00) |
Country Women’s Association of NSW (Cartwrights Hill Branch) |
($ 330.00) |
Total Section 356 Donation Requests – 13 August 2018 Council Meeting |
($ 790.00) |
Balance of S356 Fee waiver financial assistance budget remaining 2018/19 |
$6,341.50 |
Policy and Legislation
Council’s POL 078 Financial Assistance Policy
Section 356 of the Local Government Act 1993
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Leadership and Collaboration
Objective: We are informed and involved in decision making
Outcome: Everyone in our community feels they have been heard and understood
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
Council’s Community Engagement Strategy and IAP2 considers the community to be “any individual or group of individuals, organisation or political entity with an interest in the outcome of a decision….”
Relevant internal stakeholders were consulted in the assessment of this request.
1⇩. |
Section 356 Donation request - St Vicent De Paul Society |
2⇩. |
Section 356 Donation request - Triple H Forum |
3⇩. |
Section 356 Donation request - North Wagga Football Club (Josh Hanlon Fund Raising Event ) |
4⇩. |
Section 356 Donation request - CWA -Cartwrights Hill Branch |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 13 August 2018. RP-4
Author: David Butterfield
Director: Natalie Te Pohe
Analysis: |
The purpose of this report is to authorise an Expression of Interest process be undertaken for the former Ashmont Preschool site. |
That Council: a surrender the lease between Council and Ashmont Preschool Incorporated commencing 1 February 2014 and expiring 31 January 2019 b offer the Ashmont Preschool for lease for the purposes of early childhood education via an Expression of Interest process upon the terms noted in the body of this report c agree to the selection criteria identified in the body of this report d note a further report will be received regarding the outcome of the expression of interest |
Council provides an early childhood education site for the benefit of the community on the corner of Moxham and Blakemore Streets, Ashmont. This facility comprises a purpose built two room preschool constructed circa 1975 with capacity for around 45‑50 children.
In May 2018, the Ashmont Preschool Incorporated advised Council of their intention to cease trading at the end of June 2018 due to financial difficulties. Preschool services at the facility ceased on 15 June 2018 and the premises are now vacant.
Council has received enquiries from a number of early childhood educators and non-government community organisations with interest in the site. Offering the preschool for leasing by suitably qualified and licenced early childhood educators via an expression of interest is consistent with policy and ensures interested proponents have an equal opportunity to apply.
Applicable selection criteria for the Expression of Interest are outlined below. Subject to a resolution of Council, the Expression of Interest will be conducted during August 2018. A further report will be submitted to Council in September 2018 with a view to commencing a new lease agreement around 1 November 2018 (following public notice of the proposed lease as per the requirements of s47 and s47A of the Local Government Act 1993 for community land).
Selection Criteria |
Incorporation status as a charity or not for profit organisation |
Evidence of licensing by the NSW Department of Education as a pre-school or long day care centre |
Demonstrated evidence of a pre-school education program |
Proposed days and hours of operation |
Demonstrated service capacity to meet the needs of families living in the Ashmont neighbourhood with emphasis on demographics and social justice principles |
Proposed Enrolment ages |
Demonstrated experience in the operation of similar services |
Demonstrated financial capability to meet lease costs and maintenance of the premises based on current condition |
Other Considerations |
Proposed enrolment ages |
Indication of interest in the purchase of the premises (subject to re-classification and resolution of Council) |
Indication of potential investment to improve premises based on current condition of premises |
Details of proposed service model e.g. preschool or long day care, after school care |
Proposed standard terms for lease agreements are set out below.
Agreement Duration |
Five years |
Fees |
Rent and other occupation fees as per the Council’s adopted Revenue and Pricing Policy current as at the date of commencement of the renewed agreement. (Currently minimum community rent is $620 per annum including GST). |
Fee increases |
Rent and other occupation fees adjusted annually on the anniversary of commencement as per the Council’s adopted Revenue and Pricing Policy. |
Public Liability Insurance |
Public Liability Insurance - no less than $20 million with the Council of the City of Wagga Wagga listed as an interested party. Plate Glass Insurance – the lessee will be required to have valid plate glass insurance. Contents – lessee to insure their own contents. |
Occupation Costs |
Tenant to meet costs associated with occupation of the premises including but not limited to Council rates, water, gas, electricity, non-domestic sewer and waste disposal. |
Maintenance Responsibilities |
Tenant is responsible for routine upkeep including landscaping, external maintenance, servicing of equipment such as air conditioners and fire detection equipment, cleaning and general maintenance. The Council is responsible for works of a capital or structural nature. |
Preparation Fees |
Lease preparation fees are borne by the tenant. |
Building Replacement Insurance Costs |
The lessee is required to reimburse Council for building replacement insurance. |
Financial Implications
Council will receive rent and other occupation fees as per Council’s adopted Revenue and Pricing Policy current as at the date of commencement of the renewed agreement. (Currently the minimum community rent is $620 per annum including GST).
Policy and Legislation
Leasing & Licensing Policy 038
Link to Strategic Plan
Safe and Healthy Community
Objective: We have access to health and support services that cater for all our needs
Outcome: Our health and support services meet the needs of our community
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
Council’s Community Directorate (Social Planning)
Council’s Commercial Operations Directorate (Buildings)
1⇩. |
Location Map - Ashmont Preschool |
Author: David Butterfield
Director: Natalie Te Pohe
Analysis: |
This report notes changes to the road closure process for formed Council public roads affecting current Council road closures. |
That Council: a note that the Crown Land Legislation Amendment Act 2017 has changed the process for closure of Council public roads b propose the closure of part of the Council public road reserve adjoining Lot 52 DP 862255 known as 52 Webb Street, Bomen under Part 4 Division 3 of the Roads Act 1993 c provide public notice of the proposal as per the Roads Act 1993 (as amended by the Crown Land Legislation Amendment Act 2017, schedule 3) d delegate authority to the General Manager or their delegate to execute any necessary documents on behalf of Council e authorise the affixing of Council’s Common Seal to any necessary document as required |
By Resolution 18/070 on 26 February 2018, Council resolved to make an application to the Department of Industry to close; and subsequently sell, part of a formed Council public road adjoining 52 Webb Street as follows:
That Council:
a make an application to the Department of Industry – Crown Lands & Water Division to close part of the Council public road reserve adjoining Lot 52 DP 862255 known as 52 Webb Street, Bomen
b upon closure and vesting of the land in the ownership of Council, classify the land as operational land
c sell the land to 52 Webb Street Pty Ltd being the owner of Lot 52 DP 862255 on the terms detailed in the body of the report
d delegate authority to the General Manager or their delegate to execute any necessary documents on behalf of Council
e authorise the affixing of Council’s Common Seal to any necessary document as required
Shortly after the date of the resolution the NSW Department of Industry – Lands & Water (Crown Lands) instigated a moratorium on acceptance of new road closure applications.
This was due to the pending activation of new legislation that would transfer authority for all Council public road closures from Crown Lands to Councils. This legislation was activated from 1 July 2018 and comprised amendments to the Roads Act 1993 introduced by the Crown Land Legislation Amendment Act 2017.
Under the amended legislation Council can propose the closure of Council public roads under s38A of Roads Act 1993 if:
(a) the road is not reasonably required as a road for public use (whether for present or future needs), and
(b) the road is not required to provide continuity for an existing road network, and
(c) if the road provides a means of vehicular access to particular land, another public road provides lawful and reasonably practicable vehicular access to that land.
As detailed in the earlier report to Council (copy attached) the part of the road proposed for closure was originally designed for a cul-de-sac but has subsequently been replaced with a ‘T-intersection’. It is no longer required for public use, does not affect the continuity of the road network or restrict legal access to any land.
While the legislation changes do not necessarily require a new resolution of Council, the former resolution only requested application of the road closure to a higher authority in the Crown. This resolution however, will ensure that the process is transparent because of the changes in legislation, in that Council is formally proposing the road closure.
For these reasons, and to allow completion of the sale proposed under the prior resolution of Council it is recommended that Council propose closure of a portion of Webb Street, Bomen adjacent to Lot 52 DP 862255.
Financial Implications
Policy and Legislation
Roads Act 1993
Crown Land Legislation Amendment Act 2017
Link to Strategic Plan
The Environment
Objective: We plan for the growth of the city
Outcome: We have sustainable urban development
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
NSW Department of Industry – Crown Lands & Water
The proposal to close a portion of Webb Street, Bomen must be publically notified and can only proceed if objections received are satisfactorily resolved. Public notification will comprise advertising in the local newspaper, and direct notification of authorities as indicated below.
Media |
Community Engagement |
Digital |
Rates notices insert |
Direct mail |
Letterbox drop |
Council news story |
Council News advert |
Media releases |
TV/radio advertising |
One-on-one meetings |
Your Say website |
Community meetings |
Stakeholder workshops |
Drop-in sessions |
Surveys and feedback forms |
Social media |
Email newsletters |
Website |
Digital advertising |
Consult |
X |
X |
Involve |
Collaborate |
1⇩. |
Location Map - Webb Street, Bomen |
2. |
Report - Webb St Closure and Sale - 26 February 2018 This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, as it deals with: information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business. |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 13 August 2018. RP-6
Author: David Butterfield
Director: Natalie Te Pohe
Analysis: |
Council has received a funding offer from the NSW Office of Local Government for the development of Plans of Management required under Crown Land reforms. |
That Council: a accept the grant offer of $54,658 of funding through the NSW Office of Local Government for assistance in implementing the new Crown Land Management Act 2016 b authorise the General Manager or their delegate to enter into a funding agreement with the NSW Office of Local Government c authorise the affixing of Council’s Common Seal to all relevant documents as required d approve the budget variation as detailed in the budget section of the report |
The introduction of the Crown Land Management Act 2016, which came into force on 1 July 2018 requires Councils take various implementation steps.
A key change brought about by the new legislation is the appointment of Councils as Crown Land Managers of Crown reserves where Council is currently the trust manager. As Crown Land Managers Councils are authorised to manage Crown Reserves under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 as community land.
This change affects approximately 70 reserves in the Wagga Wagga LGA. Consistent with management responsibilities for community land Council is required to develop and adopt Plans of Management (POM) for these Crown Reserves to govern use and management. Where no POM exists, Council is precluded from changing the nature or use of a reserve under s44 of the Local Government Act 1993.
Councils have been allowed a period of three years from 1 July 2018 to adopt appropriate POM’s for Crown Reserves. To further assist, the NSW Office of Local Government (OLG) is providing Councils with POM templates, officer training, resources and financial support for POM preparation.
Council has been allocated $54,658 in grant funding which represents a contribution to the cost of developing POM’s. Council is required to enter into a funding agreement that sets out the terms and conditions of grant funding including the requirement for annual reporting and acquittal processes.
Due to the new requirements and existing community land management requirements, the following POM’s will require development or update and adoption:
· Crown Land – General Community Use
· Crown Land – Areas of Cultural Significance
· Council Land – General Community Use (update)
· Crown & Council Land – Sportsgrounds
· Crown & Council Land – Parks
· Crown & Council Land – Natural Areas (Bushland)
· Crown & Council Land - Willans Hill (update including Botanic Garden)
· Crown & Council Land - Lake Albert
· Crown & Council Land - Riverside (update)
· Crown Land - Wiradjuri Precinct
· Crown Land - Bolton Park
· Crown Land - Pomingalarna Park
· Crown & Council Land - Wollundry Lagoon (update)
· Crown & Council Land - Rawlings Park (update)
Development of POM’s for Lake Albert, Bolton Park and Pomingalarna Park have been identified as priorities and are currently underway using existing staff resources.
OLG have advised that Councils may use the funding in a flexible manner. For example, Council could fund staff positions, or engage consultants to develop compliant plans of management.
Training for Council officers in POM development and issue of POM templates by OLG will occur in August 2018. This will assist in the determination of the best means by which Council will address the above POM’s and allocate the funding.
Financial Implications
Council has been allocated $54,658 in grant funding which represents a contribution to the cost of developing POM’s.
Policy and Legislation
Crown Land Management Act 2016
Local Government Act 1993
Link to Strategic Plan
The Environment
Objective: Create and maintain a functional, attractive and health promoting built environment
Outcome: We look after and maintain our community assets
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
Councils Community Directorate (Environment)
Council’s City Strategy Directorate (Parks Strategic)
NSW Department of Industry – Crown Lands and Water
1⇩. |
NSW Office of Local Government Funding Offer - Plan of Management Development - July 2018 |
RP-7 Response to Questions/Business with Notice
Author: Scott Gray
General Manager: Peter Thompson
Analysis: |
This report is to provide responses to Questions/Business with Notice arising from previous Ordinary Council Meetings. |
That Council receive and note the report. |
The following is in response to Questions/Business raised at the 23 July 2018 Ordinary Council meeting.
Councillor R Kendall congratulated staff on the work undertaken on the road verges in preparation of the road seal on Captain Cook Drive and requested advice if Council are planning on doing any work on the lookout areas to improve them during these works or in the near future. |
Response provided by the Commercial Operations Directorate
The access road to the northern lookout will be included in the reseal preparation for Captain Cook Drive. There are currently no plans to upgrade the facilities at the northern lookout or at the lookout area adjacent to the Riverina Water County Council water tank. Both lookout areas receive a high level of vandalism and this would need to be considered prior to any beautification being undertaken. |
Financial Implications
Policy and Legislation
Code of Meeting Practice
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Leadership and Collaboration
Objective: We have strong leadership
Outcome: We have leaders that represent us
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 13 August 2018. M-1
Author: Bill Harvey
Director: Caroline Angel
Analysis: |
The Local Traffic Committee met on 12 July 2018. At this meeting, Traffic Committee considered fourteen reports.
The Minutes of the meeting are attached for Councillors’ reference. |
That Council: a receive the minutes of the Traffic Committee Meeting held on 12 July 2018 b endorse the recommendations of the Traffic Committee c add the Bourke Street Service Road – Mobility Parking Scheme Spaces Near Mount Austin Public School project estimated at $12,000 to Council’s current unfunded list |
The table below provides a summary of each item’s risk and budget implications in particular:
No. |
RP1 |
John Woodman Classic Handicap Cycle Race – On-Street Event |
High |
0 |
Not Required |
RP2 |
Lost Lanes – On-Street Event |
High |
0 |
Not Required |
RP3 |
Avocet Drive – Increase in Length of NO STOPPING Zone Near Franklin Drive |
High |
150 |
Lines and Signs |
RP4 |
Moran Street and Hawkes Place – Extension of the NO STOPPING zone |
High |
250 |
Lines and Signs |
RP5 |
Bourke Street Service Road – Traffic Controls for The Northern End of the Road That is on The East Side of Bourke Street |
High |
350 |
Lines and Signs |
RP6 |
Edward Street – Extension of the NO STOPPING Zones on the Western Side of the Intersection With Murray Street |
Extreme |
250 |
Lines and Signs |
RP7 |
Estella Road – Upgrade of Sight Board at the Intersection With Pine Gully Road |
High |
300 |
Lines and Signs |
RP8 |
Bourke Street Service Road – Mobility Parking Scheme Spaces Near Mt Austin Public School |
Nil |
12,000 |
Lines and Signs Unfunded |
RP9 |
Forsyth Street West of Murray Street – Correct Signs to Implement Two-Hour Parking Zone |
Not Applicable |
0 |
Not Required |
RP10 |
Hampden Avenue Service Road – NO STOPPING Zone West of William Street |
Medium |
300 |
Lines and Signs |
RP11 |
Huthwaite Street – DA18/0265 – KEEP CLEAR Traffic Control at Bourke Street |
Medium |
200 |
Lines and Signs |
RP12 |
Plunket Drive – NO STOLLING Zone at Approach to Gregadoo Road |
Nil |
200 |
Lines and Signs |
RP13 |
Morgan Street – Mobility Parking Scheme Spaces Associated with All Abilities Playground |
Medium |
12,500 |
Bolton Park All inclusive Playground project |
RP14 |
Brookong Avenue Timed Parking Restriction – Correct Signage to Notify The Intention of the Zone to Drivers |
Nil |
100 |
Lines and Signs |
Items of Particular Interest
RP-8 deals with the installation of two by six metre parking bay lengths of Mobility Parking Scheme spaces at the front of Mt Austin Public School. The spaces are required to meet the needs of students who attend the school. While the installation of two signs to denote the use of the spaces is an inexpensive exercise, the construction of the necessary ramps and footpath connections that make the spaces compliant with Australian Standard 2890 is costly, estimated at $12,000.
As there is no discernible risk that is associated with this item at this time, it is proposed to allocate this project to Council’s current Unfunded List. Also considering how early it is in the financial year, at this stage it is not proposed to utilise the $50K allocated for Traffic Committee items. If in the future a suitable funding source is identified, it will be presented back to Council for adoption.
RP-14 deals with the correct signage that will notify drivers that four parallel parking spaces on the northern side of Brookong Avenue near the intersection with Docker Street are subject to a two hour time limit.
There were no other items of particular interest that were dealt with by Traffic Committee at this meeting.
Financial Implications
The below table shows the budget required, and the current available budget for the proposed funding source for each of the items requiring funding:
Item |
Total Budget Required |
Proposed Funding Source |
Current Proposed Funding Source Budget |
Current Funding Source Expenditure including commitments as at 25 July 2018 |
Current Available Budget |
RP-3 RP-4 RP-5 RP-6 RP-7 RP-8 RP-10 RP-11 RP-12 RP-14 Total |
$150 $250 $350 $250 $300 $250 $300 $200 $200 $100 $2,350 |
Lines and Signs |
$340,305 |
$9,214 |
$331,091 |
RP-8 |
$12,000 |
Unfunded |
- |
- |
- |
RP-13 |
$12,500 |
Bolton Park All inclusive Playground |
$585,000 |
$159,989 |
$425,011 |
Policy and Legislation
Link to Strategic Plan
Safe and Healthy Community
Objective: We are safe
Outcome: We promote safety and safe behaviours
Risk Management Issues for Council
No specific issues identified
Internal / External Consultation
The Traffic Committee consists of a Councillor, NSW Police, Roads and Maritime Services and a representative of the Local Member. Representatives from Council’s Infrastructure and Planning staff provide advice to the Committee. Representatives from other agencies and entities may be invited to attend meetings as required.
1⇩. |
Traffic Committee - Minutes - 12 July 2018 |
Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Monday 13 August 2018. CONF-1
Director: Caroline Angel
This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -
(d) (i) commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.
Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Monday 13 August 2018. CONF-2
CONF-2 Proposed Sale of Lot 1 DP1136194 at Copland Street, East Wagga
Author: David Butterfield
Director: Natalie Te Pohe
This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -
(c) information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business.
Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Monday 13 August 2018. CONF-3
Author: David Butterfield
Director: Natalie Te Pohe
This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -
(c) information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business.
Reports submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council to be held on Monday 13 August 2018.
The Mayor, Councillor Greg Conkey OAM
Councillor Yvonne Braid OAM
Councillor Paul Funnell
Councillor Dan Hayes
Councillor Vanessa Keenan
Councillor Rod Kendall
Councillor Kerry Pascoe
In Attendance
General Manager (Mr P Thompson)
Director Finance (Mrs N Te Pohe)
Director Community (Mrs J Summerhayes)
Manager Audit, Risk & Governance (Mrs N Johnson)
Manager Finance (Mrs C Rodney)
Manager Community Services (Ms M Scully)
Manager City Strategy (Mr T Kell)
Manager Executive Support (Mr S Gray)
Strategic Planning Coordinator (Mr A Stander)
Communications & Engagement Officer (Mr J Lang)
Governance Officer (Ms B King)
Almighty God,
Help protect our Mayor, elected Councillors and staff.
Help Councillors to govern with justice, integrity, and respect for equality, to preserve rights and liberties, to be guided by wisdom when making decisions and settling priorities, and not least of all to preserve harmony.
Acknowledgement Of Country
I would like to acknowledge the Wiradjuri people who are the Traditional Custodians of this Land. I would also like to pay respect to the Elders both past and present of the Wiradjuri Nation and extend that respect to other Community members present.
An apology for non-attendance was received and accepted for Ms Caroline Angel, Director Commercial Operations on the Motion of Councillors K Pascoe and D Hayes.
18/253 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors K Pascoe and D Hayes That Council grant a leave of absence for Councillors T Koschel and D Tout for 23 July 2018. CARRIED |
CM-1 Ordinary Council Meeting - 9 July 2018 |
18/254 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors K Pascoe and R Kendall That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 9 July 2018 be confirmed as a true and accurate record. CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
K Pascoe |
Declarations Of Interest
Councillor D Hayes declared a Significant, Non-Pecuniary Interest in CONF-2 WAGGA WAGGA CITY COUNCIL LEASE TO RELATIONSHIPS AUSTRALIA the reason being that Relationships Australia are the commissioned service provider operating headspace as funded and coordinated through my employer the Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network. That decision does not involve me, my team nor is it discussed with me. The manager of headspace while not a significant person of interest as declared by myself, he is a good friend of mine and vacated the chamber during its consideration.
Councillor P Funnell declared a Non-Significant, Non-Pecuniary Interest in CONF-1 RFT 2018-29 ENERGY PERFORMANCE CONTRACT the reason being that the company mentioned in the report are the same company he uses as his accountants and remained in the chamber during its consideration.
Councillor K Pascoe declared a Non-Significant, Non-Pecuniary Interest in RP-5 Annual Grants Program 2018/2019 the reason being that he is a patron of the MG Car Club of Wagga Wagga and remained in the chamber during its consideration.
Councillor D Hayes declared a Significant, Non-Pecuniary Interest in RP-5 Annual Grants Program 2018/2019 the reason being that he has a family connection with one of the grant recipients and vacated the chamber during its consideration.
· Mr Stuart Lamont, Murrumbidgee Turf Club – Speaking in favour of the report
· Mr Garry Salvestro, Salvestro Planning – speaking in favour of the report
18/255 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors P Funnell and D Hayes That Council bring forward consideration of the follow items to follow the public discussion forum. · RP-8 BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT - WAGGA CRICKET GROUND RESERVE · RP-9 TARCUTTA TRANSPORT AND FARMING MUSEUM CARRIED |
18/256 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors D Hayes and R Kendall That Council: a consent to an application by the Murrumbidgee Turf Club to NSW Department of Industry – Crown Lands for an adjustment to the boundary between the Wagga Cricket Ground Reserve and Wagga Wagga Racecourse Reserve b note the Wagga Wagga City Council Crown Reserves Reserve Trust licence to The Director General of the Department of Premier and Cabinet will transfer to the Wagga Wagga Race Course Reserve Trust under s3.44 of the Crown Land Management Act 2016 No 58 if the application is approved c delegate authority to the General Manager or their delegate to execute any necessary document under Council’s common seal if required CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
K Pascoe |
18/257 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors P Funnell and D Hayes That Council: a approve the site layout plan provided by the Tarcutta Transport and Farming Museum for the lease area at Gresham Street, Tarcutta b note all future development elements are subject to development consent CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
K Pascoe |
18/258 RESOLVED: On the Motion of The Mayor, Councillor G Conkey OAM That Council: a endorse the NSW Public Libraries Association and Local Government NSW library funding advocacy initiative, Renew Our Libraries b make representation to the local State Member in relation to the need for additional funding from the NSW State Government for the provision of public library services c write to the Hon. Don Harwin, Minister for the Arts and the Hon. Walt Secord, Shadow Minister for the Arts, calling for bi-partisan support for the provision of a significant increase in state funding for NSW public libraries, supported by a sustainable future funding model d take a leading role in activating the campaign locally e endorse the distribution of the NSW Public Libraries Association and Local Government NSW library funding advocacy initiative information in Council libraries, as well as involvement in any actions arising from the initiative f formally advise the NSW Public Libraries Association and Local Government NSW that Council has endorsed the library funding advocacy initiative CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
K Pascoe |
The General Manager, Peter Thompson advised that CONF-1 RFT 2018-29 ENERGY PERFORMANCE CONTRACT has been withdrawn and will be deferred to a future Council meeting. |
18/259 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors D Hayes and K Pascoe That the standing orders be varied for the meeting as set out hereunder: · Items where councillors wish to speak · Items where no councillors wish to speak · Confidential · Matter of urgency · Closure of Meeting That RP-3, RP-6, RP-7, RP-10, RP-11 be adopted as recommended in the business papers CARRIED |
18/260 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors R Kendall and P Funnell That Council: a support Amendment 14 of the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010 b place the amendment on public exhibition from 28 July 2018 to 25 August 2018 (inclusive) and invite public submissions on the amendment until 8 September 2018 c receive a further report following the exhibition and submission period i addressing any submissions made in respect of the amendment ii proposing adoption of the amendment unless there are any recommended amendments deemed to be substantial and requiring a further public exhibition period
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
K Pascoe |
RP-2 30 June 2018 Investment Report |
18/261 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors P Funnell and K Pascoe That Council note details of the external investments as at 30 June 2018 in accordance with section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993.
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
K Pascoe |
18/262 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors D Hayes and K Pascoe That Council: a approve the proposed 2017/18 capital and operating project budget revotes as presented in this report b note the 2017/18 capital and operating project works in progress (carryovers) as presented in this report
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
K Pascoe |
18/263 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors V Keenan and R Kendall That Council: a be represented at the Cities Power Partnership Summit 2018 to be held in Kiama, NSW on 18-19 October 2018 b appoint the Mayor or their delegate to attend the summit CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
K Pascoe |
RP-5 Annual Grants Program 2018/2019 |
Councillor D Hayes declared a Significant, Non-Pecuniary Interest and vacated the chamber, the time being 6:37pm. |
18/264 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors V Keenan and R Kendall That Council: a approve the successful applications for the 2018/19 Annual Grants Program as detailed in the report totalling $163,574 b approve the budget transfers as detailed in the financial implications section of the report CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
K Pascoe |
Councillor D Hayes re-entered the chamber, the time being 6:40pm.
18/265 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors D Hayes and K Pascoe That Council: a endorse the Mayor attending Leavenworth with Miss Wagga Wagga and Miss Community Princess for a Sister City visit from 28 August to 6 September 2018 b endorse paying all reasonable delegation related expenses for the Mayor CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
K Pascoe |
RP-7 Proposed Licence to St. John's Ambulance (NSW) - Wagga Wagga Division |
18/266 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors D Hayes and K Pascoe That Council: a enter a licence agreement with St John’s Ambulance (NSW) – Wagga Wagga Division upon the following basis: i Property – Glenfield Community Centre ii Duration – 5 years iii Rent – minimum community rent as set out in Council’s 2018/2019 Fees and Charges iv Rent Reviews – annually on the anniversary of commencement in accordance with the minimum community rent set out in Council’s Fees and Charges b delegate authority to the General manager or their delegate to execute any necessary documents c authorise the affixing of Council’s Common Seal as required d approve the budget variation/s as set out in the budget section of the report CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
K Pascoe |
RP-8 BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT - WAGGA CRICKET GROUND RESERVE was moved forward for consideration following the public discussion forum.
RP-9 TARCUTTA TRANSPORT AND FARMING MUSEUM was moved forward for consideration following the public discussion forum.
18/267 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors D Hayes and K Pascoe That Council: a enter into a licence agreement with Graham John White for the use of land at Lot 3 DP 877763 on the terms contained in the body of this report b authorise the General Manager or their delegate to execute any necessary documents c affix Council’s Common Seal as required d approve the budget variations as detailed in the budget section of this report CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
K Pascoe |
RP-11 Response to Questions/Business with Notice |
18/268 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors D Hayes and K Pascoe That Council receive and note the report. CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
K Pascoe |
The following Questions/Business with Notice were raised and will be addressed in the next available Business paper:
Councillor R Kendall congratulated staff on the work undertaken on the road verges in preparation of the road seal on Captain Cook Drive and requested advice if Council are planning on doing any work on the lookout areas to improve them during these works or in the near future.
The Mayor, Councillor G Conkey thanked Scott Gray for acting as the General Manager for the past week.
closed COUNCIL
18/269 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors P Funnell and V Keenan That the Council now resolve itself into a Closed Council, the time being 6.43pm. CARRIED |
Councillor D Hayes vacated the chamber and did not return, the time being 6:43pm.
Confidential Reports
Council withdrew consideration of RFT 2018-29 ENERGY PERFORMANCE CONTRACT, deferring the matter to a future Council meeting. |
18/270 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors V Keenan and R Kendall That Council: a enter into a lease agreement with Relationships Australia Canberra and Region Incorporated (or equivalent entity) upon the terms outlined in the body of this report b delegate authority to the General Manager or their delegate to execute any necessary documents on behalf of Council, under seal if require c approve the budget variation/s as detailed in the budget section of the report CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
K Pascoe |
Reversion to open COUNCIL
18/271 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors V Keenan and P Funnell That this meeting of the Closed Council revert to an open meeting of the Council, the time being 6.45pm. CARRIED |
The Mayor, Councillor Greg Conkey OAM
Councillor Yvonne Braid OAM
Councillor Paul Funnell
Councillor Dan Hayes
Councillor Vanessa Keenan
Councillor Rod Kendall
Councillor Tim Koschel
Councillor Kerry Pascoe
Councillor Dallas Tout
In Attendance
General Manager (Mr P Thompson)
Director Finance (Mrs N Te Pohe)
Director Community (Mrs J Summerhayes)
Director Commercial Operations (Ms C Angel)
Manager Audit, Risk & Governance (Mrs N Johnson)
Manager City Strategy (Mr T Kell)
Manager Executive Support (Mr S Gray)
Strategic Asset Planner (Parks & Recreation) (Mr B Creighton)
Governance Officer (Ms B King)
Almighty God,
Help protect our Mayor, elected Councillors and staff.
Help Councillors to govern with justice, integrity, and respect for equality, to preserve rights and liberties, to be guided by wisdom when making decisions and settling priorities, and not least of all to preserve harmony.
Acknowledgement Of Country
I would like to acknowledge the Wiradjuri people who are the Traditional Custodians of this Land. I would also like to pay respect to the Elders both past and present of the Wiradjuri Nation and extend that respect to other Community members present.
No apologies received
Declarations Of Interest
No Declarations of Interest received.
18/272 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors D Tout and P Funnell That Council: a endorse a variation of RFT 2016/008 to include the Scope of Services for Stage Two of the Riverina Intermodal Freight and Logistics Hub program as outlined in the body of this report b note that Parsons Brinckerhoff Australia Pty Ltd (now WSP Australia Pty Limited) were awarded the contract pursuant to a competitive tender process and the contract included an option to vary the Scope of Services to include Stage Two of the Riverina Intermodal Freight and Logistics Hub program should it proceed c note that this component of work is urgent and critical for the design and costing of the rail siding, rail terminal and adjacent industrial subdivision d approve the budget variation as detailed in the budget section of the report e extend the exclusivity period in the Heads of Agreement that was subject to resolution 18/147 to March 2019 to enable funding confirmation and approvals to be finalised along with the completion of designs
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
D Tout |
The following Questions/Business with Notice were raised and will be addressed in the next available Business paper:
Councillor P Funnell requested that Council follow up with RMS regarding Traffic noise (in particular limiting exhaust break noise) on Edward Street near Baylis Street, as a result of resident complaints.
closed COUNCIL
18/273 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors R Kendall and K Pascoe That the Council now resolve itself into a Closed Council, the time being 5.33pm. CARRIED |
18/274 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors V Keenan and R Kendall That Council appoint the two community members recommended in the body of this report to the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee. CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
D Tout |
Reversion to open COUNCIL
18/275 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors D Hayes and P Funnell That this meeting of the Closed Council revert to an open meeting of the Council, the time being 5.37pm. CARRIED |