To be held on
17 December 2018
AT 6.00pm
Cnr Baylis and Morrow Streets,
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
PO Box 20, Wagga Wagga
Phone: 1300 292 442
Fax: 02 6926 9199
In pursuance of the provisions of the Local Government Act, 1993 and the Regulations there under, notice is hereby given that an Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the City of Wagga Wagga will be held in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Corner Baylis and Morrow Streets, Wagga Wagga, on Monday 17 December 2018 at 6.00pm.
Council live streams video and audio of Council meetings. Members of the public are advised that their voice and/or image may form part of the webcast.
Mr Peter Thompson
General Manager
Mayor Councillor Greg Conkey OAM |
Deputy Mayor Councillor Dallas Tout |
Councillor Yvonne Braid |
Councillor Paul Funnell |
Councillor Dan Hayes |
Councillor Vanessa Keenan |
Councillor Rod Kendall |
Councillor Tim Koschel |
Councillor Kerry Pascoe |
The quorum for a meeting of the Council is a majority of the Councillors of the Council who hold office for the time being who are eligible to vote at the meeting.
Reports submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council to be held on Monday 17 December 2018.
Ordinary Meeting of Council AGENDA AND BUSINESS PAPER
Monday 17 December 2018
Mayoral Minutes
MM-1 Mayoral Minute - High Speed Rail Network Access 4
Motions Of Which Due Notice Has Been Given
Reports from Staff
RP-1 Financial Performance Report as at 30 November 2018 9
RP-5 Sewer and Stormwater Infrastructure in Gobbagombalin 48
RP-9 Petition - Church Street Parking Time Limits 78
RP-10 The Riverina Anglican College Sewer Connection 80
RP-11 Evocities extension of MOU 85
RP-13 RFQ2017/529 - Densely Graded Asphalt Supply & Lay 112
RP-14 Proposed application for appointment as Crown Land Managers 116
RP-17 Response to Questions/Business with Notice 126
Committee Minutes
Confidential Reports
CONF-2 New Positions for Gregadoo Waste Management Centre and Livestock Marketing Centre 144
CONF-3 Regional Growth Environment and Tourism Fund 145
Confirmation of Minutes
That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 26 November 2018 be confirmed as a true and accurate record.
1⇩. |
Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 26 November 2018 |
151 |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 17 December 2018. MM-1
MM-1 Mayoral Minute - High Speed Rail Network Access
Summary: |
The Premier of NSW Gladys Berejiklian announced $4.6m to investigate the delivery of a high-speed rail network for NSW. The northern route would service the Central Coast and Newcastle; the southern route would service Wollongong and Nowra; the western route would service Lithgow, Bathurst and Parkes; and the south western route would service Goulbourn and Canberra. |
That Council authorise the General Manager and Mayor to: a write to the Premier and Deputy Premier expressing concern in relation to the announcement of a high speed rail network that does not correlate with the Future Transport Strategy, Federal Strategy and recent Victorian Strategy b write to the Deputy Prime Minister to ensure that any high-speed rail activity is consistent with a national strategy c write directly to Professor McNaughton to consider the existing corridor between Sydney and Melbourne as a priority |
On 4 December 2018, the Premier of NSW Gladys Berejiklian announced a high speed rail commitment, which included $4.6 million dollars in planning from the Snowy Hydro fund. A British expert, Professor Andrew McNaughton is to consider a northern route from Sydney to Newcastle, a western route to service Lithgow, Bathurst and Parkes; a southern route to service Wollongong and Nowra and a south western route to service Goulbourn and Canberra.
High speed rail would travel at speeds more than 250km per hour with the intention to make regional cities more accessible to Sydney. The advice from Professor McNaughton will identify existing corridors, while undertaking long term visionary planning.
In March 2018, Transport for NSW in conjunction with RMS released the Future Transport Strategy. This strategy had a focus on the role of transport in delivering movement and place outcomes that support the character of the places and communities we want for the future. The plan also identified key corridors to support the growth of Regional Cities.
Wagga Wagga was included within the Adopted Future Transport Strategy 2056. The endorsed plan is to have a high speed connection between Sydney and Melbourne, while the Draft Plan initially excluded Wagga Wagga (Figure 1). Council wrote to the Minister for Transport and prepared a comprehensive submission to justify its inclusion, illustrated in Figure 2.
Figure 1, Draft Future Transport High Speed Connections
Figure 2, Final Future Transport Plan High Speed Connections
To not incorporate Wagga Wagga and Albury in the initial planning for high speed rail study is imprudent for the following reasons:
· This is counter to the premier’s 20-year Economic vision of supporting Albury and Wagga Wagga, regional cities southwest of Sydney to grow to 100,000.
· It is inconsistent with the 2056 Future Strategy, developed by Transport for NSW in consultation with regional and metropolitan stakeholders.
· Melbourne to Sydney are in the top five most travelled air routes in the world.
· Victoria and NSW undertaking a regional rail network in isolation, which counters cross-border collaboration.
· It is inconsistent with the Federal Governments’ high speed rail network, which incorporates Wagga Wagga and Albury-Wodonga as hubs on the network.
Financial Implications
Policy and Legislation
Link to Strategic Plan
Growing Economy
Objective: We are a Regional Capital
Outcome: We have complete and accessible transport networks, building infrastructure, improving road travel reliability, ensure on-time running for public transport
Risk Management Issues for Council
Wagga Wagga is the largest regional city in NSW, located halfway between Melbourne and Sydney; not including Wagga Wagga on the high speed regional network would restrict the long term potential of the city.
Internal / External Consultation
Motions Of Which Due Notice Has Been Given
Author: Councillor Tim Koschel
Summary: |
This Notice of Motion is being presented to Council to call for a report on options of developing an app or web based application that provides a single point of reference for residents and visitors to the city. |
That council staff bring forward a report on options to develop a native app or web based application that collates key information about Wagga Wagga that can be used by residents and visitors of the city. |
The purpose of this notice of motion is for Council to consider options for developing a native app or web based application that provides a single reference point for residents and visitors to use. Cairns City Council have a great app that can be referenced as an example (see attached pictures). The proposed application would be a one stop shop for all things Wagga. This will have a great impact on people who live and visit or city.
Functions available within the app could include:
· what’s happening this week in Wagga (might be able to sell advertising space)
· things to do in Wagga major attractions
· online service functions e.g. customer requests, complaints, rates
· council news
· feedback
· waste management education and training on new kerbside bin system
· notifications/reminders e.g. bin night, council works
Financial Implications
Policy and Legislation
Wagga Wagga City Council Code of Meeting Practice
Link to Strategic Plan
Growing Economy
Objective: We are a Regional Capital
Outcome: We are enabled by technology
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 17 December 2018. RP-1
RP-1 Financial Performance Report as at 30 November 2018
Author: Carolyn Rodney
Director: Natalie Te Pohe
Summary: |
This report is for Council to consider and approve the proposed 2018/19 budget variations required to manage the 2018/19 budget and Long Term Financial Plan, and details Council’s external investments and performance as at 30 November 2018. |
That Council: a approve the proposed 2018/19 budget variations for the month ended 30 November 2018 and note the balanced budget position as presented in this report b provide financial assistance of the following amounts in accordance with Section 356 of the Local Government Act 1993: i) Oz Fish Wagga Chapter $ 80.20 ii) The Compassionate Friends NSW $ 175.00 iii) NSW Rural Fire Service $ 105.00 iv) Australian Army Band Kapooka $1,750.81 (funded as detailed in the report) c note the Responsible Accounting Officer’s reports, in accordance with the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 (Part 9 Division 3: Clause 203) that the financial position of Council is satisfactory having regard to the original estimates of income and expenditure and the recommendations made above d note details of the external investments as at 30 November 2018 in accordance with section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993 |
Wagga Wagga City Council (Council) forecasts a balanced budget position as at 30 November 2018. Proposed budget variations are detailed in this report for Council’s consideration and adoption.
Council has experienced a negative monthly investment performance for the month of November, when compared to budget. This is mainly due to a negative movement for Councils Floating Rate Note (FRN) portfolio during November.
Key Performance Indicators
Total operating income is 41% of approved budget, which is tracking on budget for the end of November (this percentage excludes capital grants and contributions). An adjustment has been made to reflect the levy of rates that occurred at the start of the financial year. Excluding this adjustment, operating income received is 73%.
Total operating expenditure is 42% of approved budget and is tracking on budget for the full financial year.
Total capital income is 14% of approved budget. It is important to note that the actual income from capital is influenced by the timing of the receipt of capital grants and contributions relating to projects. This income also includes the sale of property, plant and equipment.
Total capital expenditure including commitments is 27% of approved budget.
COMMT'S 2018/19 |
Revenue |
Rates & Annual Charges |
(65,998,971) |
0 |
(65,998,971) |
(28,237,717) |
0 |
(28,237,717) |
43% |
User Charges & Fees |
(26,844,544) |
150,317 |
(26,694,227) |
(10,401,341) |
0 |
(10,401,341) |
39% |
Interest & Investment Revenue |
(2,917,452) |
(205,000) |
(3,122,452) |
(1,602,560) |
0 |
(1,602,560) |
51% |
Other Revenues |
(2,983,104) |
(333,552) |
(3,316,656) |
(1,749,592) |
0 |
(1,749,592) |
53% |
Operating Grants & Contributions |
(13,894,989) |
(1,533,569) |
(15,428,557) |
(4,658,331) |
0 |
(4,658,331) |
30% |
Capital Grants & Contributions |
(36,517,290) |
(16,722,608) |
(53,239,899) |
(7,410,842) |
0 |
(7,410,842) |
14% |
Total Revenue |
(149,156,350) |
(18,644,412) |
(167,800,762) |
(54,060,383) |
0 |
(54,060,383) |
32% |
Employee Benefits & On-Costs |
44,786,608 |
87,445 |
44,874,053 |
17,864,971 |
10,580 |
17,875,551 |
40% |
Borrowing Costs |
3,752,580 |
(121,277) |
3,631,304 |
886,120 |
0 |
886,120 |
24% |
Materials & Contracts |
32,384,231 |
5,901,808 |
38,286,039 |
13,163,661 |
3,438,746 |
16,602,407 |
43% |
Depreciation & Amortisation |
35,418,997 |
0 |
35,418,997 |
14,757,915 |
0 |
14,757,915 |
42% |
Other Expenses |
12,125,204 |
(2,478,954) |
9,646,250 |
4,891,186 |
84,482 |
4,975,667 |
52% |
Total Expenses |
128,467,621 |
3,389,022 |
131,856,643 |
51,563,853 |
3,533,808 |
55,097,660 |
42% |
Net Operating (Profit)/Loss |
(20,688,729) |
(15,255,390) |
(35,944,119) |
(2,496,530) |
3,533,808 |
1,037,277 |
Net Operating (Profit)/Loss before Capital Grants & Contributions |
15,828,561 |
1,467,219 |
17,295,780 |
4,914,312 |
3,533,808 |
8,448,119 |
Capital / Reserve Movements |
Capital Exp - Renewals |
33,260,752 |
13,373,398 |
46,634,150 |
5,889,726 |
17,054,669 |
22,944,395 |
49% |
Capital Exp - New Projects |
31,336,485 |
17,374,328 |
50,000,415 |
5,782,784 |
3,667,254 |
9,450,037 |
19% |
Capital Exp - Project Concepts |
25,044,335 |
145,641 |
23,900,375 |
27,648 |
84,079 |
111,727 |
0% |
Loan Repayments |
3,129,777 |
(225,924) |
2,903,853 |
1,304,074 |
0 |
1,304,074 |
45% |
New Loan Borrowings |
(6,108,672) |
1,755,867 |
(4,352,805) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0% |
Sale of Assets |
(952,795) |
(2,701,703) |
(3,654,498) |
(353,509) |
0 |
(353,509) |
10% |
Net Movements Reserves |
(29,602,157) |
(14,466,217) |
(44,068,374) |
0 |
5,200 |
5,200 |
0% |
Total Cap/Res Movements |
56,107,727 |
15,255,390 |
71,363,116 |
12,650,723 |
20,811,201 |
33,461,925 |
COMMT'S 2018/19 |
Net Result after Depreciation |
35,418,997 |
0 |
88,658,896 |
17,565,035 |
24,345,009 |
34,499,202 |
Add back Depreciation Expense |
35,418,997 |
0 |
35,418,997 |
14,757,915 |
0 |
14,757,915 |
42% |
Cash Budget (Surplus)/Deficit |
0 |
0 |
53,239,899 |
2,807,120 |
24,345,009 |
19,741,287 |
Revised Budget Result - Surplus/(Deficit) |
$’000s |
Original 2018/19 Budget Result as adopted by Council Total Budget Variations approved to date Budget variations for November 2018 |
$0 $0 $0 |
Proposed revised budget result for 30 November 2018 |
$0 |
The proposed Budget Variations to 30 November 2018 are listed below:
Budget Variation |
Amount |
Funding Source |
Net Impact Fav/ (Unfav) |
2 – Safe and Healthy Community |
Ladysmith Asphalt Bike Track & Access Paths |
$21K |
NSW State Government Grant ($21K) |
Nil |
Council has been successful in securing grant funding under the Community Building Partnership Program for the construction of an asphalt seal bike track and access paths at Ladysmith Sports Ground. The program requires 50:50 funding with Councils contribution proposed to be funded from existing recreation facilities renewal budgets in 2019/20, to bring the total project budget to $42K. In-kind contributions will be provided by the Ladysmith Community. Estimated Completion Date: March 2020 |
4 – Community Place and Identity |
Future Library Plan Project |
($17K) |
NSW State Library Grant $17K |
Nil |
Council have been advised that the 2018/19 NSW State Public Library Grant Subsidy Funding will be $17K lower than budgeted. The total subsidy expected was $53K and will now be $36K. These funds will be utilised for the library plan project to review the Library’s footprint and future growth needs, of which has been supported by the state library for these funds. |
5 – The Environment |
Road Reserves Activities Officer |
$33K |
Sewer Reserve ($10K) Infrastructure Planning Salary Savings ($23K) |
Nil |
Funds are required for a Road Reserves Activities Officer (30% Sewer & 70% GPR funded) as there is currently a temporary arrangement in place which is taking another employee away from their core duties. If approved this position is expected to be recruited and filled in February 2019. It is proposed to fund the GPR portion for 2018/19 from salary savings within the Technical and Strategy Division with future years to be included in the 2019/20 LTFP budget process. |
Nil |
Current Restrictions
30 NOVEMBER 2018 |
PROPOSED CHANGES for Council Resolution |
Externally Restricted |
Developer Contributions - Sect 7.11 |
(19,959,750) |
7,405,683 |
2,050,333 |
(10,503,733) |
Developer Contributions - Sect 7.12 |
(465,272) |
358,500 |
112,629 |
5,857 |
Developer Contributions – S/Water DSP S64 |
(5,478,298) |
500,000 |
96,347 |
(4,881,951) |
Sewer Fund |
(26,204,212) |
4,267,364 |
2,638,508 |
10,000 |
(19,288,341) |
Solid Waste |
(20,184,154) |
9,600,364 |
1,155,611 |
(9,428,179) |
Specific Purpose Grants |
(3,519,384) |
0 |
3,519,384 |
0 |
SRV Levee |
(2,847,382) |
1,807,667 |
892,802 |
(146,914) |
Stormwater Levy |
(3,167,296) |
162,032 |
102,841 |
(2,902,423) |
Total Externally Restricted |
(81,825,747) |
24,101,610 |
10,568,454 |
10,000 |
(47,145,683) |
Internally Restricted |
Airport |
(63,685) |
(158,452) |
(330,776) |
(552,913) |
Art Gallery |
(49,209) |
13,262 |
0 |
(35,947) |
Ashmont Community Facility |
(6,000) |
(1,500) |
0 |
(7,500) |
Bridge Replacement |
(201,972) |
(100,000) |
0 |
(301,972) |
CBD Carparking Facilities |
(863,695) |
160,302 |
50,801 |
(652,592) |
(74,476) |
(10,000) |
0 |
(84,476) |
Cemetery Perpetual |
(65,479) |
(129,379) |
51,958 |
(142,900) |
Cemetery |
(452,507) |
420 |
139,581 |
(312,506) |
Civic Theatre Operating |
0 |
(55,000) |
55,000 |
0 |
Civic Theatre Technical Infrastructure |
(92,585) |
(50,000) |
4,911 |
(137,675) |
Civil Projects |
(155,883) |
0 |
0 |
(155,883) |
Community Amenities |
(76,763) |
0 |
0 |
(76,763) |
Community Works |
(61,888) |
(59,720) |
0 |
(121,608) |
Council Election |
(255,952) |
(76,333) |
44,045 |
(288,240) |
Emergency Events |
(220,160) |
0 |
29,000 |
(191,160) |
Employee Leave Entitlements |
(3,322,780) |
0 |
0 |
(3,322,780) |
Environmental Conservation |
(131,351) |
20,295 |
0 |
(111,056) |
Estella Community Centre |
(230,992) |
178,519 |
0 |
(52,473) |
Event Attraction Reserve |
0 |
0 |
(4,421) |
(4,421) |
Family Day Care |
(320,364) |
75,366 |
(1,556) |
(246,555) |
Fit for the Future |
(5,340,222) |
4,444,014 |
661,863 |
(234,345) |
Generic Projects Saving |
(1,056,917) |
150,000 |
115,306 |
(791,611) |
Glenfield Community Centre |
(19,704) |
(2,000) |
0 |
(21,704) |
Grants Commission |
(5,199,163) |
0 |
0 |
(5,199,163) |
Grassroots Cricket |
(70,992) |
0 |
0 |
(70,992) |
Gravel Pit Restoration |
(767,509) |
0 |
0 |
(767,509) |
30 NOVEMBER 2018 |
PROPOSED CHANGES for Council Resolution |
Gurwood Street Property |
(50,454) |
0 |
0 |
(50,454) |
Information Services |
(369,113) |
77,858 |
285,000 |
(6,256) |
Infrastructure Replacement |
(193,634) |
(68,109) |
15,000 |
(246,743) |
Insurance Variations |
(28,644) |
0 |
(71,603) |
(100,246) |
Internal Loans |
(518,505) |
(631,470) |
680,054 |
(469,921) |
Lake Albert Improvements |
(62,349) |
(21,563) |
64,054 |
(19,858) |
LEP Preparation |
(3,895) |
0 |
1,350 |
(2,545) |
Livestock Marketing Centre |
(5,724,767) |
(1,146,762) |
1,098,260 |
(5,773,270) |
Museum Acquisitions |
(39,378) |
0 |
0 |
(39,378) |
Oasis Building Renewal |
(209,851) |
(85,379) |
0 |
(295,230) |
Oasis Plant |
(1,140,543) |
390,000 |
100,000 |
(650,543) |
Parks & Recreation Projects |
(79,648) |
49,500 |
0 |
(30,148) |
Pedestrian River Crossing |
(10,775) |
10,775 |
0 |
Plant Replacement |
(3,935,062) |
253,958 |
1,043,434 |
(2,637,671) |
Playground Equipment Replacement |
(164,784) |
69,494 |
0 |
(95,290) |
Project Carryovers |
(2,006,338) |
402,808 |
1,585,155 |
(18,376) |
Public Art |
(208,754) |
30,300 |
64,997 |
(113,457) |
Robertson Oval Redevelopment |
(92,151) |
0 |
0 |
(92,151) |
Senior Citizens Centre |
(15,627) |
(2,000) |
0 |
(17,627) |
Sister Cities |
(36,328) |
(10,000) |
0 |
(46,328) |
Stormwater Drainage |
(180,242) |
0 |
22,000 |
(158,242) |
Strategic Real Property |
(475,000) |
401,305 |
(395,655) |
(469,350) |
Street Lighting Replacement |
(74,755) |
0 |
18,206 |
(56,549) |
Subdivision Tree Planting |
(582,108) |
40,000 |
0 |
(542,108) |
Sustainable Energy |
(588,983) |
95,000 |
259,414 |
(234,569) |
Traffic Committee |
(21,930) |
0 |
20,138 |
(1,792) |
Unexpended External Loans |
(841,521) |
0 |
841,521 |
0 |
Workers Compensation |
(40,000) |
0 |
(53,251) |
(93,251) |
Total Internally Restricted |
(36,795,390) |
4,244,732 |
6,404,558 |
0 |
(26,146,100) |
Total Restricted |
(118,621,137) |
28,346,342 |
16,973,012 |
10,000 |
(73,291,783) |
Section 356 Financial Assistance Requests
Four Section 356 financial assistance requests have been received for consideration at the 17 December 2018 Ordinary Council meeting.
It should be noted that in the last 12 months no grants or Section 356 contributions have been provided to any of the four groups who have requested financial assistance in this current report.
Details of the current financial assistance requests are shown below:
· Oz Fish Wagga Chapter $80.20
The Oz Fish Wagga Chapter conducted a clean-up event at the Eunony Reserve on Sunday 25 November 2018. Approximately 1.5 tonnes of general rubbish was collected by the Fishing group (see Facebook link of event attached).
The Oz Fish Wagga Chapter is seeking Council’s consideration to the waiving of the Gregadoo Waste Management waste fees paid by the volunteers on the clean-up day of $80.20. Council’s Solid Waste Service Business Unit can accommodate the cost of waiving the above collection fees for the Volunteer Group.
The above request aligns with Council’s Strategic Plan “Environment” – Outcome: We create a sustainable environment for future generations “.
· The Compassionate Friends NSW $175.00
The Wagga Chapter of the Compassionate Friends NSW has written to Council (Attachment No 1) seeking financial assistance for their Candle Lighting day an event to honour lost children. The group held a candle lighting event on the 10 December 2017 at Collins Park that had Council hire fees of $85.
The Wagga group is seeking to establish their Candle Lighting day as an annual event and are holding a candle lighting event on Sunday 9 December 2018 at Collins Park. The fees for 2018/19 are $90.
In total, the group is seeking financial assistance of $175 for their 2017/18 and 2018/19 Candle Lighting events.
The above request aligns with Council’s Strategic Plan “Safe and Healthy Community – Outcome: We have access to health and support services that cater for all our needs.
· NSW Rural Fire Service $105.00
The NSW Rural Fire Service has written to Council (Attachment No 2) requesting Council’s consideration to the waiver of the fees of $105 (Council Charge Item 0680 Section 138 Permit – Application Fee) for the consent for work on a Road Reserve (Public Reserve Illeura Road Bourkelands – Permit Number ROC18/0110 ) .
The NSW Rural Fire Service wish to place a Variable Message Sign (VMS) mounted on a registered trailer at the Illeura Road Bourkelands location to deliver community safety messages.
The NSW Rural Fire Service has requested that any future Council Section 138 Permits for the placement of their Variable Message Sign on Council Road Reserves be at no charge.
It is proposed when updating the Draft 2019/20 Council Fees and Charges that a new charge item Section 138 – Application Fee (NSW Rural Fire Service – Variable Message Sign) – Nil charge, be established to facilitate the use of the above community safety communication equipment.
The above request aligns with Council’s Strategic Plan “Safe and Healthy Community – Outcome: We are safe”.
· The Australian Army Band Kapooka $1,750.81
The Australian Army Band Kapooka have offered to stage a community Christmas music event at the Victory Memorial Gardens on the Saturday the 15 December 2018 (commencing at 7.30pm and closing at approximately 9.00 pm).
Councils’ proposed contribution would assist with the costs of the venue hire $90 (Victory Memorial Gardens), Traffic Management costs (Closure of Morrow Street (from Baylis to the Esplanade) $600 plus $240 Road Closure advertising i.e. total financial assistance - $930.
The above costs are proposed to be funded from the Major Events Budget which has a current available budget of $73,445 i.e. remaining budget if this allocation is approved would be $72,515.
It is further proposed that Council absorb the costs for the provision of additional general waste/recycling bins $294 and portable toilets $526.81 required for the event, which is proposed to be funded from Council’s Waste Services Business Unit and Sewer Business Unit which have the capacity to absorb this cost.Thus the total funding from Council for the Australian Army Band Kapooka Christmas community
event would be $1,750.81.
The above request aligns with Council’s Strategic Plan “Community Place and Identity – Outcome: Groups, programs and activities bring us together “.
The Section 356 financial assistance budget for the 2018/19 financial year is $50,255.50, of which $41,689 is already committed in the adopted Delivery and Operational Plan 2018/19.
A balance of $2,359.00 is currently available for additional fee waiver requests received for the reminder of the year following financial assistance approved at the 26 November 2018 Council meeting.
Unallocated balance of S356 fee waiver financial assistance budget 2018/19 |
$2,359.00 |
The Compassionate Friends NSW |
($175.00) |
NSW Rural Fire Service |
($105.00) |
Total Section 356 Financial Assistance Requests 17 December 2018 Council Meeting |
($280.00) |
Balance of Section 356 fee waiver financial assistance budget for the remainder of the 2018/19 Financial Year |
$2,079.00 |
Note the Australian Army Band Kapooka financial assistance as noted above is proposed to be funded from the Major Events Budget for $930; the Solid Waste Business Unit for $294; and Sewer Business Unit for $526.81 (total funding for the music event $1,750.81).The Oz Fish Wagga Chapter financial assistance is proposed to be funded from the Solid Waste Business Unit for $80.20.
Investment Summary as at 30 November 2018
In accordance with Regulation 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, details of Wagga Wagga City Council’s external investments are outlined below:
Institution |
Rating |
Closing Balance |
Closing Balance |
November |
November |
Investment |
Maturity |
Term |
Short Term Deposits |
A |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
2.95% |
1.38% |
1/06/2018 |
31/05/2019 |
12 |
A |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
2.95% |
0.69% |
5/06/2018 |
2/01/2019 |
7 |
Auswide |
BBB- |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
2.70% |
1.38% |
5/12/2017 |
5/12/2018 |
12 |
A |
2,000,000 |
0 |
0.00% |
0.00% |
17/05/2018 |
13/11/2018 |
6 |
A |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
2.95% |
0.69% |
17/05/2018 |
17/05/2019 |
12 |
Police Credit Union |
NR |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
2.86% |
1.38% |
28/05/2018 |
28/05/2019 |
12 |
A |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
2.95% |
1.38% |
29/05/2018 |
24/01/2019 |
8 |
Westpac |
AA- |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
2.80% |
0.69% |
28/06/2018 |
28/06/2019 |
12 |
Australian Military Bank |
NR |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
3.01% |
0.69% |
16/07/2018 |
16/07/2019 |
12 |
Suncorp-Metway |
A+ |
2,000,000 |
0 |
0.00% |
0.00% |
31/08/2018 |
30/11/2018 |
3 |
Bankwest |
AA- |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
2.76% |
1.38% |
31/08/2018 |
23/04/2019 |
8 |
AA- |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
2.65% |
0.69% |
7/09/2018 |
7/12/2018 |
3 |
Australian Military Bank |
NR |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
2.86% |
0.69% |
7/09/2018 |
8/07/2019 |
10 |
Total Short Term Deposits |
20,000,000 |
16,000,000 |
2.85% |
11.03% |
At Call Accounts |
AA- |
1,001,924 |
2,444,058 |
1.50% |
1.68% |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
AA- |
12,745,357 |
13,768,719 |
2.19% |
9.49% |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
A |
347 |
0 |
2.30% |
0.00% |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Total At Call Accounts |
13,747,628 |
16,212,777 |
2.09% |
11.18% |
Medium Term Deposits |
RaboBank |
A+ |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
3.16% |
0.69% |
5/06/2017 |
6/06/2022 |
60 |
ING Bank |
A |
3,000,000 |
3,000,000 |
2.75% |
2.07% |
24/08/2017 |
26/08/2019 |
24 |
ME Bank |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
4.28% |
1.38% |
2/09/2014 |
2/09/2019 |
60 |
Rabobank |
A+ |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
4.10% |
0.69% |
5/12/2014 |
5/12/2019 |
60 |
BBB+ |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
3.10% |
1.38% |
7/07/2017 |
7/07/2020 |
36 |
Institution |
Rating |
Closing Balance |
Closing Balance |
November |
November |
Investment |
Maturity |
Term |
A |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
3.00% |
1.38% |
2/08/2018 |
3/02/2020 |
18 |
Newcastle Permanent |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
3.00% |
0.69% |
12/08/2016 |
12/08/2019 |
36 |
Rabobank |
A+ |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
3.20% |
0.69% |
25/08/2016 |
25/08/2021 |
60 |
Newcastle Permanent |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
3.00% |
0.69% |
31/08/2016 |
30/08/2019 |
36 |
Newcastle Permanent |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
3.00% |
1.38% |
10/02/2017 |
11/02/2019 |
24 |
Westpac |
AA- |
3,000,000 |
3,000,000 |
3.10% |
2.07% |
10/03/2017 |
10/03/2022 |
60 |
Auswide |
BBB- |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
2.95% |
1.38% |
5/10/2018 |
6/10/2020 |
24 |
ING Bank |
A |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
2.92% |
0.69% |
16/10/2017 |
16/10/2019 |
24 |
ING Bank |
A |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
2.92% |
1.38% |
6/11/2017 |
6/11/2019 |
24 |
BBB+ |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
3.35% |
1.38% |
3/01/2018 |
4/01/2022 |
48 |
ING Bank |
A |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
2.80% |
0.69% |
5/01/2018 |
6/01/2020 |
24 |
Police Credit Union |
NR |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
3.05% |
1.38% |
29/10/2018 |
29/10/2020 |
24 |
Australian Military Bank |
NR |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
2.95% |
0.69% |
29/05/2018 |
29/05/2020 |
24 |
BBB+ |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
3.50% |
0.69% |
1/06/2018 |
1/06/2022 |
48 |
Westpac |
AA- |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
3.02% |
1.38% |
28/06/2018 |
28/06/2021 |
36 |
Westpac |
AA- |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
2.88% |
1.38% |
28/06/2018 |
29/06/2020 |
24 |
ING Bank |
A |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
2.86% |
1.38% |
16/08/2018 |
17/08/2020 |
24 |
BBB+ |
3,000,000 |
3,000,000 |
3.25% |
2.07% |
28/08/2018 |
29/08/2022 |
48 |
ING Bank |
A |
3,000,000 |
3,000,000 |
2.85% |
2.07% |
30/08/2018 |
14/09/2020 |
24 |
P&N Bank |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
3.10% |
0.69% |
16/10/2018 |
18/10/2021 |
36 |
Westpac |
AA- |
0 |
2,000,000 |
3.05% |
1.38% |
13/11/2018 |
15/11/2021 |
36 |
Police Credit Union |
NR |
0 |
1,000,000 |
3.07% |
0.69% |
20/11/2018 |
20/11/2020 |
24 |
P&N Bank |
0 |
1,000,000 |
3.30% |
0.69% |
20/11/2018 |
21/11/2022 |
48 |
ING Bank |
A |
0 |
2,000,000 |
2.93% |
1.38% |
29/11/2018 |
30/11/2020 |
24 |
AA- |
0 |
2,000,000 |
3.01% |
1.38% |
30/11/2018 |
30/11/2021 |
36 |
Bendigo-Adelaide |
BBB+ |
0 |
1,000,000 |
3.25% |
0.69% |
30/11/2018 |
30/11/2022 |
48 |
Total Medium Term Deposits |
44,000,000 |
53,000,000 |
3.09% |
36.53% |
Floating Rate Notes - Senior Debt |
BBB+ |
2,014,400 |
2,016,400 |
BBSW + 110 |
1.39% |
5/08/2014 |
24/06/2019 |
58 |
Bendigo-Adelaide |
BBB+ |
1,011,267 |
1,005,595 |
BBSW + 110 |
0.69% |
18/08/2015 |
18/08/2020 |
60 |
Bendigo-Adelaide |
BBB+ |
1,011,267 |
1,005,595 |
BBSW + 110 |
0.69% |
28/09/2015 |
18/08/2020 |
59 |
Suncorp-Metway |
A+ |
1,012,377 |
1,013,863 |
BBSW + 125 |
0.70% |
20/10/2015 |
20/10/2020 |
60 |
Rabobank |
A+ |
2,047,672 |
2,032,486 |
BBSW + 150 |
1.40% |
4/03/2016 |
4/03/2021 |
60 |
Newcastle Permanent |
1,006,577 |
1,008,944 |
BBSW + 160 |
0.70% |
22/03/2016 |
22/03/2019 |
36 |
2,012,294 |
2,016,868 |
BBSW + 160 |
1.39% |
1/04/2016 |
1/04/2019 |
36 |
AA- |
1,014,407 |
1,015,193 |
BBSW + 118 |
0.70% |
7/04/2016 |
7/04/2021 |
60 |
Suncorp-Metway |
A+ |
1,017,076 |
1,018,503 |
BBSW + 138 |
0.70% |
21/04/2016 |
12/04/2021 |
60 |
A |
1,014,427 |
1,007,254 |
BBSW + 135 |
0.69% |
24/05/2016 |
24/05/2021 |
60 |
Westpac |
AA- |
1,016,926 |
1,009,414 |
BBSW + 117 |
0.70% |
3/06/2016 |
3/06/2021 |
60 |
AA- |
1,015,117 |
1,015,283 |
BBSW + 121 |
0.70% |
12/07/2016 |
12/07/2021 |
60 |
AA- |
2,035,952 |
2,020,728 |
BBSW + 113 |
1.39% |
16/08/2016 |
16/08/2021 |
60 |
BBB+ |
1,509,566 |
1,511,631 |
BBSW + 117 |
1.04% |
26/10/2016 |
26/10/2020 |
48 |
AA- |
1,009,807 |
1,010,344 |
BBSW + 105 |
0.70% |
21/10/2016 |
21/10/2021 |
60 |
Teachers Mutual |
1,505,427 |
1,508,708 |
BBSW + 140 |
1.04% |
28/10/2016 |
28/10/2019 |
36 |
Bendigo-Adelaide |
BBB+ |
1,010,597 |
1,004,965 |
BBSW + 110 |
0.69% |
21/11/2016 |
21/02/2020 |
39 |
Westpac |
AA- |
1,010,757 |
1,010,524 |
BBSW + 111 |
0.70% |
7/02/2017 |
7/02/2022 |
60 |
AA- |
1,012,257 |
1,004,885 |
BBSW + 100 |
0.69% |
7/03/2017 |
7/03/2022 |
60 |
755,840 |
757,623 |
BBSW + 130 |
0.52% |
20/03/2017 |
20/03/2020 |
36 |
Heritage Bank |
BBB+ |
601,925 |
603,315 |
BBSW + 130 |
0.42% |
4/05/2017 |
4/05/2020 |
36 |
Institution |
Rating |
Closing Balance |
Closing Balance |
November |
November |
Investment |
Maturity |
Term |
Teachers Mutual |
1,008,347 |
1,010,494 |
BBSW + 142 |
0.70% |
29/06/2017 |
29/06/2020 |
36 |
AA- |
3,017,811 |
3,017,955 |
BBSW + 90 |
2.08% |
5/07/2017 |
5/07/2022 |
60 |
Suncorp-Metway |
A+ |
1,010,367 |
1,002,605 |
BBSW + 97 |
0.69% |
16/08/2017 |
16/08/2022 |
60 |
Westpac |
AA- |
2,000,796 |
1,999,392 |
BBSW + 81 |
1.38% |
30/10/2017 |
27/10/2022 |
60 |
ME Bank |
1,501,692 |
1,505,048 |
BBSW + 125 |
1.04% |
9/11/2017 |
9/11/2020 |
36 |
AA- |
2,009,894 |
1,993,872 |
BBSW + 80 |
1.37% |
10/11/2017 |
10/02/2023 |
63 |
AA- |
1,499,232 |
1,496,814 |
BBSW + 77 |
1.03% |
18/01/2018 |
18/01/2023 |
60 |
Bendigo-Adelaide |
BBB+ |
499,599 |
499,488 |
BBSW + 105 |
0.34% |
25/01/2018 |
25/01/2023 |
60 |
Newcastle Permanent |
1,496,127 |
1,496,859 |
BBSW + 140 |
1.03% |
6/02/2018 |
6/02/2023 |
60 |
Westpac |
AA- |
2,007,814 |
1,991,052 |
BBSW + 83 |
1.37% |
6/03/2018 |
6/03/2023 |
60 |
A+ |
2,011,394 |
1,998,432 |
BBSW + 90 |
1.38% |
8/03/2018 |
8/03/2023 |
60 |
Heritage Bank |
BBB+ |
1,405,498 |
1,408,687 |
BBSW + 123 |
0.97% |
29/03/2018 |
29/03/2021 |
36 |
ME Bank |
1,603,453 |
1,606,760 |
BBSW + 127 |
1.11% |
17/04/2018 |
16/04/2021 |
36 |
AA- |
2,002,656 |
1,998,512 |
BBSW + 93 |
1.38% |
9/05/2018 |
9/05/2023 |
60 |
AA- |
2,015,174 |
1,997,392 |
BBSW + 90 |
1.38% |
16/05/2018 |
16/05/2023 |
60 |
AA- |
2,015,454 |
1,997,152 |
BBSW + 93 |
1.38% |
16/08/2018 |
16/08/2023 |
60 |
Bank Australia |
755,458 |
751,383 |
BBSW + 130 |
0.52% |
30/08/2018 |
30/08/2021 |
36 |
603,145 |
604,596 |
BBSW + 125 |
0.42% |
6/09/2018 |
6/09/2021 |
36 |
A |
1,505,277 |
1,496,499 |
BBSW + 108 |
1.03% |
10/09/2018 |
10/09/2021 |
36 |
AA- |
2,008,954 |
2,003,470 |
BBSW + 93 |
1.38% |
26/09/2018 |
26/09/2023 |
60 |
Bendigo-Adelaide |
BBB+ |
1,002,115 |
1,003,127 |
BBSW + 101 |
0.69% |
19/10/2018 |
19/01/2022 |
39 |
Total Floating Rate Notes - Senior Debt |
58,626,191 |
58,477,709 |
40.31% |
Managed Funds |
NSW Tcorp |
NR |
1,402,531 |
1,387,903 |
-1.04% |
0.96% |
17/03/2014 |
1/11/2023 |
115 |
Total Managed Funds |
1,402,531 |
1,387,903 |
-1.04% |
0.96% |
137,776,350 |
145,078,389 |
100.00% |
4,436,102 |
4,235,919 |
133,340,248 |
140,842,469 |
Council’s investment portfolio is now dominated by Term Deposits, equating to approximately 48% of the portfolio across a broad range of counterparties. Cash equates to 11% of the portfolio with Floating Rate Notes (FRNs) around 40% and growth funds around 1% of the portfolio.
Council’s investment portfolio is well diversified in complying assets across the entire credit spectrum. It is also well diversified from a rating perspective. Credit quality is diversified and is predominately invested amongst the investment grade Authorised Deposit-Taking Institutions (ADIs) (being BBB- or higher), with a smaller allocation to unrated ADIs.
All investments are within the defined Policy limits, as outlined in the Rating Allocation chart below:
Investment Portfolio Balance
Council’s investment portfolio balance has increased from the previous month’s balance, up from $133.3M to $140.8M. This is reflective of the 2nd quarter rates instalments being due on 30 November.
Redemptions/Sales – Council redeemed the following investment security during November 2018:
Institution and Type |
Amount |
Investment Term |
Interest Rate |
Comments |
AMP Bank Term Deposit |
$2M |
6 months |
2.95% |
This term deposit was redeemed on maturity and funds were reinvested in a 3‑year term deposit with Westpac Bank (see below). |
Suncorp Bank Term Deposit |
$2M |
3 months |
2.65% |
This term deposit was redeemed on maturity and funds were reinvested in a 3‑year term deposit with NAB (see below). |
New Investments – Council purchased the following investment security during November 2018:
Institution and Type |
Amount |
Investment Term |
Interest Rate |
Comments |
Westpac Bank Term Deposit |
$2M |
3 years |
3.05% |
The Westpac Bank rate of 3.05% compared favourably to the rest of the market for this investment term. This term was chosen to fill a maturity gap within Council’s investment portfolio. |
Police Credit Union Term Deposit |
$1M |
2 years |
3.07% |
The PCU rate of 3.07% compared favourably to the rest of the market for this investment term. This term was chosen to fill a maturity gap within Council’s investment portfolio. |
P&N Bank Term Deposit |
$1M |
4 years |
3.30% |
The P&N Bank rate of 3.30% compared favourably to the rest of the market for this investment term. This term was chosen to fill a maturity gap within Council’s investment portfolio. |
ING Bank Term Deposit |
$2M |
2 years |
2.93% |
The ING Bank rate of 2.93% compared favourably to the rest of the market for this investment term. This term was chosen to fill a maturity gap within Council’s investment portfolio. |
NAB Term Deposit |
$2M |
3 years |
3.01% |
The NAB rate of 3.01% compared favourably to the rest of the market for this investment term. This term was chosen to fill a maturity gap within Council’s investment portfolio. |
Bendigo-Adelaide Bank Term Deposit |
$1M |
4 years |
3.25% |
The Bendigo-Adelaide Bank rate of 3.25% compared favourably to the rest of the market for this investment term. This term was chosen to fill a maturity gap within Council’s investment portfolio. |
Rollovers – Council did not rollover any investment securities during November 2018.
Interest/growth/capital gains for the month totalled $179,774, which compares unfavourably with the budget for the period of $244,709, underperforming budget for the month of November by $64,935. This is mainly due to a negative movement for Councils Floating Rate Note (FRN) portfolio during November.
It should be noted that a majority of Councils FRNs continue to trade at a premium. The capital market value of these investments will fluctuate from month to month and Council continues to receive the coupon payments and the face value of the investment security when sold or at maturity.
Council’s T-Corp Long Term Growth Fund also detracted from the overall performance for the month of November following losses suffered in domestic and international markets. Even though the fund was down 1.04% for the month of November, the fund has returned 8.38% per annum since the original investment in March 2014. Overall, the Growth Fund remains Council’s best performing asset over 1-3 years by a considerable margin.
It is important to note Council’s investment portfolio balance is tracking well above what was originally predicted. This is mainly due to the timing of some of the major projects that are either not yet commenced or not as advanced as originally predicted. It is anticipated that over the 2018/19 financial year the portfolio balance will reduce in line with the completion of major projects. This will result in Councils investment portfolio continuing to maintain a higher balance until these projects commence or advance further.
The longer-dated deposits in the portfolio, particularly those locked in above 4% yields, have previously anchored Council’s portfolio performance. It should be noted that the portfolio now only includes two investments yielding above 4% and Council will inevitably see a fall in investment income over the coming months compared with previous periods. Council staff and Council’s Independent Financial Advisor will continue to identify opportunities to lock in higher yielding investments as they become available.
In comparison to the AusBond Bank Bill Index* (1.91%), Council’s investment portfolio returned 2.76% (annualised) for November. Cash and At-Call accounts returned 2.09% (annualised) for this period. These funds are utilised for daily cash flow management and need to be available to meet operating and contractual payments as they fall due.
* The AusBond Bank Bill Index is the leading benchmark for the Australian fixed income market. It is interpolated from the RBA Cash rate, 1 month and 3 month Bank Bill Swap rates.
Report by Responsible Accounting Officer
I hereby certify that all of the above investments have been made in accordance with the provision of Section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993 and the regulations there under, and in accordance with the Investments Policy adopted by Council on 26 February 2018.
Carolyn Rodney
Responsible Accounting Officer
Policy and Legislation
Budget variations are reported in accordance with Council’s POL 052 Budget Policy.
Investments are reported in accordance with Council’s POL 075 Investment Policy.
Local Government Act 1993
Section 625 - How may councils invest?
Local Government (General) Regulation 2005
Section 212 - Reports on council investments
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Leadership and Collaboration
Objective: We have strong leadership
Outcome: We are accountable and transparent
Risk Management Issues for Council
This report is a control mechanism that assists in addressing the following potential risks to Council:
· Loss of investment income or capital resulting from ongoing management of investments, especially during difficult economic times
· Failure to demonstrate to the community that its funds are being expended in an efficient and effective manner
Internal / External Consultation
Council’s Community Engagement Strategy and IAP2 considers the community to be “any individual or group of individuals, organisation or political entity with an interest in the outcome of a decision….”
All relevant areas within the Council have consulted with the Finance Division in regards to the budget variations listed in this report.
The Finance Division has consulted with relevant external parties to confirm Council’s investment portfolio balances.
1⇩. |
Section 356 Financial Assistance request - The Compassionate Friends NSW |
2⇩. |
Section 356 Financial Assistance request - NSW Rural Fire Service |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 17 December 2018. RP-2
General Manager: Peter Thompson
Summary: |
The city of Wagga Wagga is the regional capital of the Riverina with an urban population in excess of 65,000 people and servicing a catchment of over 185,000 people.
The city is ideally located between Sydney and Melbourne (450kms each way) and is only two and a half hours drive from Canberra. Wagga Wagga is an important economic hub for the state of NSW and is the ninth fastest growing inland city in Australia.
The population is expected to exceed 80,000 people by 2040, however we must plan for a city that could grow to beyond 100,000 people with the NSW State Government working towards achieving this target.
To assist in achieving these growth targets it is proposed that Council establish a new Regional Activation Directorate with a focus on developing and implementing economic opportunities and growth initiatives that will establish Wagga Wagga as a future focused, thriving, and recognised regional hub. |
That Council: a receive and note this report b adopt the Organisation Structure as outlined in this report, noting the inclusion of the Regional Activation Directorate c approve the budget variation as detailed in the Financial Implications section of the report |
In 2016 Wagga Wagga City Council undertook a major organisational restructure. One of the major implications of this restructure was the removal of the Commercial and Economic Development Directorate (CEDD). The Director role was removed from the structure and the remainder of the functions of the CEDD were re-distributed across the remaining directorates.
Since the 2016 restructure, the organisation has not had a dedicated economic development area. These skills, expertise and business acumen are required in the organisation to attract industry and commercial investment to the city.
Drivers for Change
Wagga Wagga is the regional capital of the Riverina with an urban population in excess of 65,000 people, servicing a catchment of over 185,000 people. The city is ideally located between Sydney and Melbourne (450kms each way) and is only two and a half hours drive from the National Capital Canberra. Wagga Wagga is an important economic hub for the state of NSW and is the ninth fastest growing inland city in Australia. The city is well connected with excellent air, rail and road links and is an important agricultural, industrial, health, education, military, and transport hub.
In August 2018 the Premier announced investment into a new rail siding at Bomen saying that it will create “more jobs and more investment for Wagga”. The next stages of the RiFL Hub including the development of the 60-hectare industrial estate adjacent will be critical to the success of the entire 10-year project to transform Bomen and leverage off the investment already made by the Federal Government, NSW Government, Council and the private sector. The industrial estate will be uniquely attractive for manufacturing, distribution and logistics businesses who can gain efficiencies by being so close to the RIFL and the inland rail route which will link Wagga Wagga with the Ports of Brisbane and Melbourne.
The Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) is currently conducting a review on potential locations for Special Activity Areas (SAA) across the state, and Bomen is currently under strong consideration. SAA’s are intended to streamline and expedite development processes to support regional industrial development in NSW. If Bomen is announced as a SAA, interest in investing in the region is likely to increase due to anticipated reductions in red tape.
The economic outlook for Asia and the Pacific remains strong, and the region continues to be the most dynamic of the global economy. Growth in Asia is forecast at 5.6 percent in 2018 and 2019, while inflation is projected to be subdued. Strong and broad-based global growth and trade, reinforced by the US fiscal stimulus, are expected to support Asia’s exports and investment. There are opportunities for Wagga Wagga engage with businesses from the Asia Pacific region to invest in the city.
Wagga Wagga is also well placed to benefit from decentralisation policies for Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra. Decentralisation can act as an effective catalyst for regional growth in population and employment. By planning for growth, Wagga Wagga has significant potential to be an effective location for decentralisation. Additional contributors to growth will be the revitalisation of the CBD as a central place for retail and business activity and the establishment of a health precinct for health related services.
Proposed Structure
Diagram 1 below outlines the current organisational structure and the high level functions within each of the Directorates.
It is important to note that the organisation has been operating without the Commercial Development Directorate and a Director for approximately 18 months. In the absence of the Commercial Development Directorate, the Development Assessment and Building functions have been reporting directly to the General Manager and Council Businesses have been reporting to the Director Commercial Operations.
Diagram 1: Current Organisational Structure
Under the proposed structure as per Diagram 2 below, it is recommended that that the Development Assessment and Building functions continue to report to the General Manager, with Council Businesses continuing to report to the Director Commercial Operations. As a result, the Commercial Development Directorate will be removed from the structure and the funding for the Director role will be transferred to the new Regional Activation Director position. A permanent solution for management oversight of Council businesses will be included for discussion as part of 2019/20 budget process.
It is proposed that the City Strategy Division and the Property Management Section be transitioned from the Finance Directorate to new Regional Activation Directorate. The Finance Directorate will also change its name back to the Corporate Services Directorate to more broadly reflect the traditional functions of the area.
Diagram 2: New Organisational Structure
Financial Implications
At this stage there will be no further financial implications for this change. It is recommended that the Regional Activation Director position (Senior Staff Contract) be funded by the Commercial Development Director position which has been vacant since June 2017.
Policy and Legislation
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Leadership and Collaboration
Objective: We have strong leadership
Outcome: We have leaders that represent us
Risk Management Issues for Council
There is a risk that Wagga Wagga falls behind without the appropriate resources developing economic strategies and encouraging investment in the city.
Internal / External Consultation
Discussions have been held with Councillors at the General Manager’s Performance Review Committee meetings, with one of the agreed annual priorities for 18/19 being the establishment of an Economic Development Directorate.
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 17 December 2018. RP-3
Author: Mark Gardiner
Director: Janice Summerhayes
Summary: |
Councils in NSW have an opportunity to reduce level 2 parking fines from $112 down to $80 and have been notified by the Hon Dominic Perrottet MP Treasurer and Minister for Industrial Relations, to resolve on a position to opt in as part of the process by 1 January 2019. |
That Council: a receive and note the report b make a determination from the options outlined in the report |
Council has received correspondence (attached) from the Hon Dominic Perrottet MP, Treasurer and Minister for Industrial Relations, regarding the opportunity for Councils to reduce the parking fine amounts within their Local Government Area.
The State Government sets the value of parking fines within NSW and have announced a new framework to allow Councils to reduce the value of 52 level 2 parking fines from $112 down to $80.
Councils wishing to opt in to reduce the value of the parking fines have an opportunity to do so prior to 1 January 2019, with the lower fines becoming effective from 1 March 2019. A list of Councils who opt in will be made public after 1 January 2019. There is also an opportunity to opt in at a later date.
The fines proposed to be reduced represent approximately 45% of the revenue from total parking fines issued over the past 12 months. The proposed reduction from $112 to $80 represents a 28% decrease in the value of those fines, which will impact on the current and future budgets if Council opts in prior to 1 January 2019. This equates approximately to:
· A reduction of $19,000 - $21,000 for the period 1 March – 30 June 2019
· A reduction of $85,000 - $95,000 for financial year 2019/2020 and ongoing
It is recommended that Council select one of the options outlined below.
Option 1:
That Council:
a receive and note the report
b opt in to reducing parking fines as outlined in the report, commencing from the 1 March 2019
c notify the Hon Dominic Perrottet MP, Treasurer and Minister for Industrial Relations of Councils decision
d endorse the budget variations outlined in the report
Option 2:
That Council:
a receive and note the report
b opt in to reducing parking fines as outlined in the report, commencing from the 1 September 2019
c notify the Hon Dominic Perrottet MP, Treasurer and Minister for Industrial Relations of Councils decision
d endorse the budget variations outlined in the report
Option 3:
That Council:
a receive and note the report
b not opt in to reducing parking fines as outlined in the report
c notify the Hon Dominic Perrottet MP, Treasurer and Minister for Industrial Relations of Councils decision
Financial Implications
The fines proposed to be reduced represent approximately 45% of the revenue from total parking fines issued. The proposed reduction from $112 to $80 represents a 28% decrease in the value of those fines, which will impact on the current and future budgets if Council opts in prior to 1 January 2019. This equates approximately to:
· A reduction of $19K - $21K for the period 1 March 2019 – 30 June 2019
· A reduction of $85K - $95K for 2019/20 and ongoing in the LTFP
It is expected that Council’s 2018/19 interest on investment income will exceed the current $2.9M income budget. Council staff will be submitting a further report to the 29 January 2019 Council meeting, reforecasting the expected interest income for the remaining six (6) months of the 2018/19 financial year.
If Option 1 is resolved, it is proposed to fund this estimated reduction in income of $19K - $21K in 2018/19 from this additional interest on investments income.
The estimated $85K - $95K reduction in income from 2019/20 and ongoing for the 10 years of the LTFP will be funded as part of the 2019/20 LTFP budget process.
Policy and Legislation
Road Transport (General) Amendment (Parking Fine Flexibility and Grace Period) Regulation 2018
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Leadership and Collaboration
Objective: We have strong leadership
Outcome: We have leaders that represent us
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
Internal consultation has included the Executive Team and Finance section.
1⇩. |
Correspondence from the Hon Dominic Perrottet MP Treasure and Minister for Industrial Relations |
Author: Craig Katsoolis
Director: Natalie Te Pohe
Summary: |
A Sale of Land for Unpaid Rates Auction was held on 17 November 2018 in the Council Chambers. This report details the result of the above public auction and recommends the write off of outstanding rates and charges on properties sold pursuant to the requirements of the NSW Local Government Act 1993 and associated Regulations. |
That Council: a note the results of the Sale of Land for Unpaid Rates Auction held 17 November 2018 b pursuant to the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 – Regs 131 (3) and 4(b), write off rates and charges of $31,224.12 as detailed in the table below:
Council at its Ordinary meeting held the 12 June 2018 resolved in respect of RP-4 Sale of Land for Unpaid rates as follows:
That Council:
a continue to discuss and negotiate with property holders whose outstanding rates are greater than five years in an effort to arrange an acceptable payment plan
b if an acceptable payment plan with ratepayers is not able to be achieved, or is not adhered to, then pursuant to Section 713 of the Local Government Act 1993, sell the land and properties detailed in this report to recover unpaid rates, annual charges, interest and extra charges
c authorise the General Manager or their delegate, to set the reserve price for properties put to public auction or sold after public auction
d authorise the affixing of the Council Seal to the transfer documents in order to effect the transfer of ownership for properties sold by Council at or after the public auction for unpaid rates and charges
e receive a further report following the public auction, outlining the outcomes of each property sale
Six properties (under seven lots) were submitted for the Sale of Land for Unpaid Rates Public Auction held on the 17 November 2018. Details of the results of the public auction are outlined in the table below:
No |
Property |
Owner |
Rates and Charges Balance as at 17 November 2018 including accrued interest |
Public Auction Sale Price |
Net write off |
Pro Rata – Rates Payable by New Owner for 2018/19 from 17/11/2018 |
1 & 2 |
Lot 1 & 2 DP 193746 - 797 Livingstone Gully Rd BIG SPRINGS NSW 2650 |
Yarran Park Pty Ltd & GCB Pty Limited |
$14,795.06 |
$5,000.00 |
9,609.87 |
$185.19 |
3 |
Lot 1 DP317480 3012 Westbrook Rd OBERNE CREEK NSW 2650 |
Astley George Pearce, LaurenceAugustus Wilkinson & Edmund Macleod Curr
$8,794.18 |
$3,000.00 |
$5,634.51 |
$159.67 |
No |
Property |
Owner |
Rates and Charges Balance as at 17 November 2018 including accrued interest |
Public Auction Sale Price |
Net write off |
Pro Rata – Rates Payable by New Owner for 2018/19 from 17/11/2018 |
4 |
Lot 2 DP 178044 1187 Mates Gully Rd TARCUTTA NSW 2652 |
Alfred James Turner |
$8,766.06 |
$1,000.00 |
$7,606.21 |
$159.85 |
5 |
Lot 1 & Lot 2 DP 433411 1215 Humula Rd TARCUTTA NSW 2652 |
Philip Craig |
$9,033.16 |
$500.00 |
$8,373.53 |
$159.63 |
6 |
Lot 1 DP665045 1580 Downfall Rd HUMULA NSW 2652 |
Arthur Fredrick Hooper |
$8,764.75 |
Passed in. To be put to sale via Private Treaty |
N/A |
N/A |
7 |
19 Humula Eight Mile Rd HUMULA NSW 2652 |
Perpetual Trustee Co Ltd |
$7,962.78 |
Passed in. To be put to sale via Private Treaty |
N/A |
N/A |
$58,115.99 |
$9,500.00 |
$31,224.12 |
$664.34 |
As noted in RP-4 Sale of Land for unpaid Rates report presented to the 12 June 2018 Council meeting:
“A sale of land for unpaid rates is considered the last remaining avenue available to Council to recover these outstanding amounts. The proceeds received from the sale of properties will reduce Council’s rates outstanding percentage (the percentage of rates outstanding versus the total rates collectible), which was 5.10% at 30 June 2017 (5.91% at 30 June 2016).
All proceeds of sale are paid to the Council and in accordance with Section 718 of the Local Government Act 1993 are to be discharged in the following order:
a) Reimbursement of all Council expenses associated with the sale, then:
b) Discharge of any rate or charge in respect of the land due to the Council, or any other rating authority, and any debt in respect of the land (being a debt which the Council has notice) due to the Crown.
Should insufficient funds be recovered to satisfy all rates, charges and debts, then a pro-rata of funds to debts occurs with all debts then deemed satisfied, which is ultimately writing off the outstanding balance.
Surplus funds (if any) are held within Council’s Trust Fund (separate bank account) pending discharge to persons having interest in the properties. Where no claim is forthcoming, the balance of sale proceeds is remitted to the State Government in accordance with the Unclaimed Moneys Act.”
The public auction by Council of the above properties provided an opportunity to resolve the above land title issues, and going forward Council will now receive rates for the above properties sold at public auction.
A further report will be presented to Council when the remaining two unsold properties are sold by Council - by private treaty pursuant to Section 716 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993.
Financial Implications
Pursuant to Section 718 and Section 719 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993, as the outstanding rates and charges on the sold properties are greater than the sale proceeds, the balance is to be written off. The total write off for the 5 property lots is $31,224.12.
Funding Source:
It is expected that Council’s 2018/19 interest on investment income will exceed the current $2.9M income budget. Council staff will be submitting a further report to the 29 January 2019 Council meeting, reforecasting the expected interest income for the remaining six (6) months of the 2018/19 financial year.
Policy and Legislation
NSW Local Government Act 1993, sections 718, 719
Debt Management Policy
Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 – Reg 131
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Leadership and Collaboration
Objective: We are informed and involved in decision making
Outcome: Everyone in our community feels they have been heard and understood
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
The 2017/18 Sale of Land for Unpaid rates process was advertised via a sales campaign in the Daily Advertiser and on the appointed real estate’s website. Along with the public notices, each of the adjoining owners of the properties that were put to public auction on 17 November 2018 were contacted by phone and in writing regarding the 2018 Sale of Land for Unpaid Rates Auction.
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 17 December 2018. RP-5
RP-5 Sewer and Stormwater Infrastructure in Gobbagombalin
Author: Belinda Maclure
Director: Natalie Te Pohe
Summary: |
Development is beginning to occur on the zoned land to the north of Harris Road in Gobbagombalin. This development has the potential to provide an additional 761 lots for the city. To support the development sewer and stormwater infrastructure is required to be delivered by November 2019. |
That Council: a approve the budget variation of $2,600,000 for the Gobbagombalin stormwater infrastructure funded from the Section 64 Developer Contributions (Stormwater) Reserve b approve the budget variation of $805,000 for the Gobbagombalin sewer infrastructure funded from the Sewer Reserve c note that the Development Servicing Plans for both stormwater and sewer are currently under review and will involve the community and Councillors at the appropriate stages throughout their development |
Development has commenced on the zoned land in Gobbagombalin to the north of Harris Road. This development has the potential to provide an additional 761 lots for the city.
To support this development and ensure the management of sewerage and stormwater in the wider Gobbagombalin area, it is proposed Council construct the sewer and stormwater infrastructure required to the north of Harris Road. This infrastructure is required to be delivered by November 2019.
The delivery of this infrastructure is proposed to be funded from the Section 64 Sewer and Stormwater Developer Contributions Reserves. The costs will then be included in the updated Sewer and Stormwater Development Servicing Plans that are currently being reviewed.
There are two distinct stormwater projects in the two separate catchments in the development. A detention basin and adjoining stormwater pipes are required to the south of the development adjacent to Harris Road. In the north of the development, stormwater pipe is required to connect to a detention basin. This will discharge to Charles Sturt University land to the west of the development and will need to be managed effectively through to the south side of Old Narrandera Road.
The sewer infrastructure required includes sewer pipe across the five current lots to a pump station and 1.2km of rising main to connect to the existing network.
Financial Implications
Gobbagombalin Stormwater Infrastructure Project
Council has collected approximately $1.2 million Section 64 Stormwater Developer Contributions for development to date from the Gobbagombalin development area. The proposed potential 761 lots (when developed) would contribute approximately $1.5 million Section 64 Stormwater developer contributions based on current rates.
The total cost of the stormwater infrastructure is estimated to be $2.6 million. This project is currently not in the Stormwater Development Servicing Plan or in the Long Term Financial Plan 2018/28.
The below graph shows the forecasted effect of constructing the proposed stormwater infrastructure on the Section 64 Developer Contributions (Stormwater) Reserve, which shows sufficient funding is available for this project.
It is proposed to allocate a budget of $2.6 million from the Section 64 Developer Contributions (Stormwater) Reserve to complete the proposed Gobbagombalin stormwater infrastructure project.
Gobbagombalin Sewer Infrastructure Project
Council has collected approximately $2 million Section 64 Sewer Contributions for development to date from the Gobbagombalin development area. The proposed potential 761 lots (when developed) would contribute approximately $3 million Section 64 Sewer contributions based on current rates.
The total estimated cost of the sewer infrastructure required is approximately $805K. The pump station and rising main component of these works are included in the Sewer Development Servicing Plan 2013, with no current allocation for the project in the Long Term Financial Plan 2018/2028.
The below graph illustrates the effect of the proposed expenditure on the Sewer Reserve which shows sufficient funding is available for this project.
It is proposed to allocate a budget of $805K from the Sewer Reserve to complete the proposed Gobbagombalin Sewer infrastructure project.
Policy and Legislation
Local Government Act 1993, Section 64
Water Management Act 2000, Division 5
Link to Strategic Plan
The Environment
Objective: We plan for the growth of the city
Outcome: We have sustainable urban development
Risk Management Issues for Council
The risks of constructing this infrastructure are as follows:
· Gobbagombalin is not identified in the Stormwater Development Servicing Plan, however Council has been collecting contributions, which is permitted in accordance with legal advice.
· There are additional sewer pipes required, which are not included in the Sewer Development Servicing Plan.
· There is a risk for Council building infrastructure on privately owned land however easements would be created to mitigate this risk.
The risks of not constructing this infrastructure include:
· A shortage of land supply to support the growing population and therefore the Premier’s priority of Wagga Wagga becoming a city of 100,000 by 2036.
· Potential legal implications of not constructing the appropriate infrastructure for land already zoned.
· Environmental impacts on adjoining landowners.
· Reputational risk.
Internal / External Consultation
If the budget variation is endorsed, Council staff will engage with each landowner effected by the development and the delivery of the sewer and stormwater infrastructure.
Media |
Community Engagement |
Digital |
Rates notices insert |
Direct mail |
Letterbox drop |
Council news story |
Council News advert |
Media releases |
TV/radio advertising |
One-on-one meetings |
Your Say website |
Community meetings |
Stakeholder workshops |
Drop-in sessions |
Surveys and feedback forms |
Social media |
Email newsletters |
Website |
Digital advertising |
Consult |
x |
x |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 17 December 2018. RP-6
Author: Scott Gray
General Manager: Peter Thompson
Summary: |
Council resolved at the 12 November 2018 Ordinary Meeting to enter into a licence agreement with the National Roads and Motorists’ Association Limited (NRMA) to establish an electric vehicle charging station. Part (f) of the resolution stated that by resolution, Council has the right to impose a licence review in the event the licensee commences to charge any fee for the use of the charging station.
Council has since received correspondence from the NRMA outlining reasons why they are unwilling to proceed with entering into the licence agreement if part (f) of the resolution remains.
The purpose of this report is for Council to consider the request from the NRMA and to reconsider the inclusion of part (f) of the resolution. |
That Council: a enter into a licence agreement with the National Roads and Motorists’ Association Limited for the purpose of establishing an electric vehicle charging station upon the following terms: i Location – part 8 Cross Street, Wagga being part Lot 3 DP 828377 ii Term – four years with a four year option iii Annual rent - $1.00 (if demanded) iv Relocation – at the cost of the licensee if during the option term of four years b agree to the creation of the necessary easements for services within Lot 3 DP 828377 c delegate authority to the General Manager or their delegate to execute any necessary documents on behalf of Council d authorise affixing of Council’s Common Seal to all relevant documents as required |
At the 12 November 2018 Ordinary Council meeting, Councillors considered a recommendation to enter into a licence agreement for the establishment of an electric vehicle charging station at 8 Cross Street, being part Lot 3 DP 828377.
The report was presented to Council after an expression of interest process was undertaken with interested parties and pertains to the following pledge item from the Cities Power Partnership Program:
Provide fast-charging infrastructure throughout the city at key locations for electric vehicles.
Council has an opportunity to allow a free EV charging station to be installed in the vicinity of the CBD. The proposal is at nil cost to Council, just provision of a car park space for peppercorn lease. An EOI process will be followed by Council to progress this. By providing this key infrastructure Council is encouraging the uptake of electric vehicles in the wider community. |
At the meeting it was resolved:
That Council:
a enter into a licence agreement with the National Roads and Motorists’ Association Limited for the purpose of establishing an electric vehicle charging station upon the following terms:
i Location – part 8 Cross Street, Wagga being part Lot 3 DP 828377
ii Term – four years plus four years
iii Annual rent - $1.00 (if demanded)
b agree to the creation of the necessary easements for services within Lot 3 DP 828377
c delegate authority to the General Manager or their delegate to execute any necessary documents on behalf of Council
d authorise affixing of Council’s Common Seal to all relevant documents as required
e after four years following installation should Council require the site to be relocated it will be at the cost of the licensee determined by Council resolution
f in the event the licensee commences to charge any fee for the use of the charging station, Council by resolution has the right to impose a licence review
On 21 November 2018 the Mayor and General Manager received the attached email from the National Roads and Motorists’ Association Limited (NRMA). Within the email the NRMA indicated support for part (e) of the resolution, but were unwilling to enter into license agreement of part (f) remains.
Some of the reasons outlined in the correspondence include:
· it is expected the vast majority of charging will be free with the level of paid charging to be minimal.
· the network is part of a $10M community investment that the NRMA is making to ensure publically accessible and universal fast charging infrastructure (that supports both Tesla and the growing non-Tesla market) is available outside of major cities as more EVs come into the market place.
· As a mutual, any profits the NRMA makes must be used to support Members in the communities they live, work and visit.
· each charger represents a significant investment of around $100k with the annual support fee covering customer assistance, software, maintenance and insurances of around $15k annually.
· the level of commercial charging anticipated is likely to be relatively low as most will benefit from the free charging they can access as a Member.
· payback of this investment over the life of the lease is not anticipated.
· they are committed to bringing the benefits of the growing EV tourism market into towns and cities as the very nature of EV fast charging means you will be in the town for 30min to an hour depending on charge.
· They are not undertaking this as a commercial venture, but rather a way to support motorists.
Accordingly, Council is requested to consider the request from the NRMA for the reasons outlined in the attached email.
Financial Implications
Policy and Legislation
POL 038 Leasing & Licensing Policy
Link to Strategic Plan
The Environment
Objective: We plan for the growth of the city
Outcome: We have sustainable urban development
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
1⇩. |
Report to Council - 12 November 2018 |
2⇩. |
NRMA email to Mayor Conkey - 21 November 2018 |
3⇩. |
Location Map - NRMA Charging Station |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 17 December 2018. RP-7
Author: Ben Creighton
Director: Natalie Te Pohe
Summary: |
The Bolton Park Precinct is Wagga Wagga’s premier sporting facility located within the central business district. In recent years, staff have received numerous requests for the upgrade of this facility to a standard that will enable it to cater for elite level sporting events and allow for the future growth of the city.
The Bolton Park Precinct has also been identified as a possible location for the development of a Regional Sports Hub in Wagga Wagga within the NSW Government’s draft Riverina Murray Sport and Active Recreation Plan.
In order to determine the future requirements for this precinct a draft Master Plan has been developed following community and stakeholder engagement. |
That Council: a receives the Bolton Park Master Plan b place the draft Bolton Park Master Plan on public exhibition for a period for 56 days from 20 December 2018 to 14 February 2019 and invite public submissions until 21 February 2019 on the draft document c receive a further report following the public exhibition and submission period: i addressing any submission made in respect of the proposed Bolton Park Master Plan ii proposing adoption of the Bolton Park Master Plan unless there are any recommended amendments deemed to be substantial and requiring a further public exhibition period |
The outcomes of the draft Bolton Park Master Plan (Attachment 1) are consistent with the recommendations of the draft Wagga Wagga Recreation, Open Space and Community Strategy. They are also consistent with the recommendations of the NSW Government’s draft Riverina Murray Sport and Active Recreation Plan (Attachment 2) where it is recommended that a Regional Sports Hub be developed in Wagga Wagga.
The draft Master Plan is not intended to be a replacement for the carrying out of detailed project planning. All identified projects and actions will require a detailed business case to confirm project feasibility, project cost estimates and allow for their consideration against all other Council priorities. As a Master Plan it is also not intended that all projects be completed concurrently, instead it is to be used as a guide for future development and implemented as growth, community demand and budget allows.
The Bolton Park Master Plan began with a series of interviews with park stakeholder user groups, sporting clubs and regional sports administration organisations.
A number of key themes began to emerge:
• Wagga Wagga is an ideal location for Riverina regional sporting events and infrastructure
• Many sports organisations would like to establish a ‘hub’ facility in Wagga to provide advanced training and supporting facilities including administration
• Many sports codes would like to host major events in Bolton Park including premier sporting events and other entertainment events
• Wagga is an ideal location for regional sports carnivals, however current facilities often prohibit events of this scale
• Increased female/male participation requiring additional change facilities
• Identification of appropriate entry points and movement pathways within the park
• Inadequate provision of indoor stadium spaces within the park
• Viability of Oasis cafeteria
• Location of the PCYC complex within Bolton Park
Cox Architecture began to investigate a combined regional sports hub building connecting to a new higher capacity Robertson Oval grandstand and new indoor stadium facilities. The logical site for this hub precinct was directly facing the built edge of the Wagga CBD to the West, also located in close proximity to the proposed PCYC complex. The connection of the combined stadium precinct and its relationship to Bolton Park is a key issue to the success of the Master Plan.
With the major built forms proposed to be located to the West of Bolton Park, the remainder of the sporting facilities are proposed to be rationalised generally allowing retention of open space towards the Eastern end of the Precinct.
The first drafts of the Master Plan were then presented to the stakeholder groups and workshopped with Councillors for feedback. The Master Plan was generally well received with minor amendments added to the layout which is proposed to go on public exhibition
Key items considered and included within the draft Master Plan are:
Development of Regional Sports Hub
The development of a Regional Sports Hub would allow for the co-location of administration facilities with elite level sporting and training facilities for a wide range of sports. These hubs would then service the broader region and act as a centre for athlete development providing pathways for younger athletes whilst also providing high quality facilities for the broader community.
Robertson Oval Improvements
The redevelopment of Robertson Oval during 2012 provided a field surface that is at an elite standard however much of the surrounding infrastructure requires upgrading to be of a similar standard. The proposed improvements within the Master Plan would include:
· Scoreboard – It is proposed to replace the existing digital scoreboard with a much larger, higher quality screen
· Lighting – TV Standard to allow for elite level games to be held in the evening reducing the potential for player and spectators to be impacted by extreme heat conditions
· Grandstand – Demolish and rebuild a new grandstand with a capacity of between 1200-1500 seats
· Landscaped seating areas on the eastern hill
· 4 new change rooms
· Hospitality and Corporate Boxes (These will become meeting and training spaces between events usage)
· The construction of a second netball court
· Indoor cricket training facilities
During initial consultations Cricket NSW, AFL NSW and Wagga Tigers Australian Football and Netball Club have indicated a willingness to provide funding contributions and support applications for funding the implementation of this project.
Jim Elphick Tennis Centre Improvements
Elements of the Jim Elphick tennis centre were redeveloped in 2011 alongside the Robertson Oval upgrade. However, large sections of the facility including the amenities and club house are significantly dated and require redevelopment. The proposed redevelopment of the tennis centre would include:
· a reduction of 3 courts to an 18 Court facility of which 10 courts would be constructed with an ITF (International Tennis Federation) approved hard court surface
· a new amenities facility that would be relocated to be adjacent to Robertson Oval allowing for dual use of the facilities during events
During initial consultations, Tennis NSW indicated a willingness to provide a funding contribution, support funding applications and support Council in implementing a sustainable management model to minimise future operational costs.
Tennis NSW has also proposed that when completed, the venue could be used to host major international events such as a Fed Cup ties on a rotational basis.
Geoff Lawson Oval Improvements
The redevelopment would allow for the expansion of Geoff Lawson Oval on the western side, and allow for field and pitch improvements.
Bolton Park Amenities
Within the draft Bolton Park Master Plan, it is proposed that the existing amenities block at Bolton Park be demolished and a new amenities block be constructed in a location adjacent to the tennis facilities. This change in location will allow for the slight reconfiguration of the ovals and ensure Bolton Park facilities are capable of hosting large competitions with multiple teams playing across multiple fields.
Gymnastics Redevelopment
It is proposed that the Gymnastics facility would be relocated and be included as a part of the regional sport hub facility. It is proposed that this facility would be capable of training athletes to an elite level and be capable of hosting large scale events.
Oasis Redevelopment
The Oasis opened in 2003. Within the draft Master Plan, it is proposed that there will need to be upgrades to cater for future population and participation growth. This would include:
· the conversion of the 25m indoor pool into a 50m indoor pool
· the relocation of the diving pool to an indoor pool (providing indoor training facilities and removing a constriction point on Robertson Oval)
· the development of an indoor splash park in the existing location of the indoor toddlers pools
· the development of indoor/outdoor waterslides
· the relocation of the Oasis café to the rear of the Oasis adjacent to the new Bolton Park lane allowing it to cater for both the Oasis, the Bolton Park Sports hub and the broader community.
Demolition of Bolton Park Stadium
Following construction of the PCYC facilities and the Bolton Park Sports Hub inclusive of the Gymnastics facility, it is proposed that the existing Bolton Park Stadium would be demolished. The existing stadium is in excess of 40 years old and does not meet current community expectations or standards.
The demolishing of the building would allow for the additional spectator space on the eastern side of the outdoor 50m pool (a current limitation of the complex) and allow for the development of a pedestrian entrance into Robertson Oval.
Car Parking
It is proposed that car parking for the facilities would be considered on a precinct basis. Instead of using high value community land within the precinct itself, it is proposed that existing Council car parks on the corner of Morgan and Blake Streets and on Fitzharding Street could be upgraded to multi-deck car parks allowing for the parking needs of the precinct whilst also providing additional car parking for the CBD precinct.
Integration with PCYC
During the ongoing discussions with PCYC, the importance of the integration of facilities has been discussed at length with a number of mutual benefits identified. This has resulted in discussions between Cox Architecture and PCYC’s architect to ensure the building levels and the overall building layouts allow for movement between the two facilities.
Events and Conferencing
The sports hub building when completed will have significant capacity to host a number of different types of events utilising the different spaces in different configurations. It is estimated that the facility could cater for events in excess of 2000 people depending on the type and configuration of the events.
Skate Plaza
There has been discussion around the construction of Skate Plaza facilities around the perimeter of the Bolton Park precinct for a number of years. The Master Plan has identified the future development of these facilities that could include a number of youth hang out spaces as well as paths and other skate facilities.
During consultation with the Wagga Wagga Croquet Club it was indicated that the club would like an expanded area to allow for the construction of additional courts, lighting and with amenities to facilitate growth in membership along with larger state and national competitions. The club indicated a willingness to consider alternate locations for the club if expanded facilities are unable to be accommodated within the Bolton Park Precinct. Under the current layout there would not be space to accommodate an expanded facility without impact on existing open space. These discussions are ongoing and further detail will be provided in the Council report presenting the outcomes of the public exhibition period.
Bolton Park Lane
The construction of the proposed Bolton Park off Fitzhardinge Street would allow for vehicle movements and drop off and pickup zones as well as cater for some onsite parking. These spaces would then become pedestrian boulevards during major events.
Financial Implications
The total cost of implementing all items within the Master Plan is estimated to be approximately $65,000,000 which is mostly unfunded. Following the public exhibition period during the development of the final Master Plan, a detailed quantity surveyed estimate of the projects will be developed.
The funded portions include $2,216,350 currently identified within the Long Term Financial Plan. The Plan includes $216,350 in 2022/23 and $2,000,000 in 2023/24 within the Potential Projects, and is funded through borrowings of $1,847,693; developer contributions of $68,657 and a potential contribution from Royal Lifesaving NSW of $300,000. In addition, $6,000,000 is identified within the draft developer contributions plan (currently on exhibition) for the proposed Master Plan.
In order for the final Master Plan to be implemented, grant funding along with other stakeholder funding will have to be secured following the development of detailed business cases.
Policy and Legislation
Recreation, Open Space and Community Strategy and Implementation Plans 2040
Draft Riverina Murray Sport and Active Recreation Plan
Link to Strategic Plan
Growing Economy
Objective: We are a hub for activity
Outcome: We have vibrant precincts
Risk Management Issues for Council
The risks associated with implementing this Master Plan relate to process, cost, environmental, WHS and contractor performance. These risks will be addressed as part of the Council’s project management and contractor performance management systems.
Internal / External Consultation
A number of stakeholder engagement sessions were held during the development of the Master Plan. This also included an open community session held in the foyer of the Oasis that enabled individuals to provide suggestions as well as internal staff sessions allowing staff to provide input.
The outcomes of the external stakeholder engagement is summarised in Attachment 3:
During the public exhibition period it is proposed that staff will undertake extensive community engagement in a similar format to what was completed for the Wagga Wagga Integrated Transport Strategy and Recreation, Open Space and Community Strategy.
Media |
Community Engagement |
Digital |
Rates notices insert |
Direct mail |
Letterbox drop |
Council news story |
Council News advert |
Media releases |
TV/radio advertising |
One-on-one meetings |
Your Say website |
Community meetings |
Stakeholder workshops |
Drop-in sessions |
Surveys and feedback forms |
Social media |
Email newsletters |
Website |
Digital advertising |
Consult |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
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1. |
Draft Bolton Park Master Plan - Provided under separate cover |
2. |
Draft Riverina Murray Sport and Active Recreation Plan 2018 - 2023 - Provided under separate cover |
3. |
Master Plan External Stakeholder Engagement - Provided under separate cover |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 17 December 2018. RP-8
Author: Mark Gardiner
Director: Janice Summerhayes
Summary: |
Council has received a petition requesting Council designate an area at Wiradjuri Reserve as an off-leash dog area. This request times with a current review by staff for additional off- leash areas, as a response to a growing city. Along with the petition request a further two areas are also proposed as designated off-leash areas. |
That Council: a receive and note the petition b place on public exhibition between 28 January and 1 March 2019, the proposal to declare three locations as dog off-leash areas, as outlined in the report c receive a further report following the public exhibition and consultation period: (i) addressing any submission made in respect of the proposal (ii) outlining any amendments to the proposal considered appropriate whether as a result of the public submissions or otherwise |
Council has received a petition from Mr Jonathan Woodcock containing 98 signatures. The petition was received on the 25 October 2018. The submission has been submitted in accordance with POL086 Petitions Management Policy and a response to the petition is provided in this report.
The petition requests Council designate an area at Wiradjuri Reserve as an Off-Leash Dog area. The petition states “Resident dog owners of Wagga Wagga request reclassification of the area between the pebble beach (Geo approx. -35.091842, 147.369571) and the boat ramp area (Geo approx. -35.089584, 147.367752) at the Wiradjuri Reserve, to be an off leash area for the purpose of exercising and socialising their dogs.” Refer to attached map for approximate location.
The Companion Animals Act 1998 allows Council to declare a public place to be an off-leash area. Such a declaration can be limited so as to apply during a particular period or to different periods of different days.
The petition notes the nominated location is currently being used by a large number of people exercising dogs in the area adjacent to the Murrumbidgee River. This location is considered suitable for this purpose and aligns with the intended use of the reserve being public recreation.
Council currently provides six designated off-leash areas for dogs across the city, including an enclosed agility track at O’Halloran Park, Lake Albert.
The other five off leash areas are located at:
· Narrung St Off-Leash Area
This fenced area is located at Narrung Street on the southern boundary of the Wiradjuri Golf Centre driving range.
· Wilks Park Off-Leash Area
This area covers the Eastern side of Wilks Park North Wagga Wagga. The area is bounded by Parkan Pregan Lagoon, Hampden Avenue and the Island Lane.
· Willans Hill Off-Leash Area
The parts of the Willans Hill reserve area south of Lord Baden Powell Drive to east of Captain Cook Drive, and all of the Willans Hill Reserve between Leavenworth Drive and Red Hill Road.
· Lake Albert Boat Club Off-Leash Area
Boat Club Reserve, between Plumpton Road and Boat Club Carpark on the southern side of Nelson Road.
· Forest Hill Off-Leash Area
This area covers the land running between Kurrajong Avenue at the intersection of Cypress St and the western edge of the RAAF base Wagga.
Off-leash areas allow dogs to run freely, exercise and socialise with other dogs and other users.
In addition to the request outlined in the petition it is proposed a further two areas be considered as being designated Off Leash Areas. This includes:
· San Isadore Oval, 2-4 Kapooka Road San Isadore. This area is currently used for dog obedience training which includes dogs being off leash. The site is 4.6 hectares which includes a fenced area for the purpose of dog obedience training. Refer to attached map.
· Part of Explorer Park Boorooma. This area was identified during community consultation during the design phrase of the Explorer Park development. The site is fenced and covers approximately 0.34 hectares. Refer to attached map.
In addition to the standard requirements of use for the Off Leash Areas it is proposed these three off leash areas be restricted to daylight hours only.
It is recommended the proposed areas be placed on public exhibition between 28 January and 1 March 2019, and a further report be received outlining any submissions.
Financial Implications
Costs for advertising and signage is estimated to be $1,500 and will be funded from the existing budget for Companion Animals. It is not anticipated maintenance of these areas would increase as a result of being a dog off-leash area.
Policy and Legislation
POL086 Petitions Management Policy
Companion Animals Act 1998
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Leadership and Collaboration
Objective: We are informed and involved in decision making
Outcome: Everyone in our community feels they have been heard and understood
Risk Management Issues for Council
Users of the off-leash areas are required to ensure they abide by the conditions of use.
Internal / External Consultation
Internal consultation has been completed. Public Exhibition will occur between 28 January and 1 March 2019.
Media |
Community Engagement |
Digital |
Rates notices insert |
Direct mail |
Letterbox drop |
Council news story |
Council News advert |
Media releases |
TV/radio advertising |
One-on-one meetings |
Your Say website |
Community meetings |
Stakeholder workshops |
Drop-in sessions |
Surveys and feedback forms |
Social media |
Email newsletters |
Website |
Digital advertising |
Consult |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
1⇩. |
Proposed Dog Off-leash area Wiradjuri Reserve |
2⇩. |
Proposed Dog Off-leash area San Isidore |
3⇩. |
Proposed Dog Off-leash Area Explorer Park, Boorooma |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 17 December 2018. RP-9
RP-9 Petition - Church Street Parking Time Limits
Author: Peter Ross
Director: Caroline Angel
Summary: |
A petition has been received by Council in respect to a request to implement two hour time parking immediately adjacent to 14-20 Church Street. |
That Council: a receive and note the petition b endorse the installation of a 37 metre length of two hour timed parking on the eastern side of Church Street, adjacent to 14-20 Church Street c refer this resolution to the Local Traffic Committee for technical advice as to the correct signage to be installed that will achieve the aims of item b above d implement the required signage, once advice on the correct control device is received from the Local Traffic Committee |
A petition and letter (copy of letter attached) containing 46 signatures was received at Council on 3 September 2018.
The petition sets out a request for the introduction of two hour parking time limits in Church Street, from 14-20 Church Street, to address ambulatory and in-home medical requirements of the residents of the BaptistCare Watermark facility.
The eastern side of Church Street is subject to 60° angle, front to kerb parking. There are 17 marked angle parking bays adjacent to the Watermark property. The proposed length of 37 metres encompasses 12 of those marked parking bays.
Observations in Church Street revealed that the parking bays in this area are generally occupied on an all-day basis, Monday to Friday, by people who work in the area. There is adequate parking available for all-day users at the beach car park and in the Cross Street (Old Gas Works) car park, requiring little more effort for users to walk to their respective destinations.
It is important to keep some parking spaces that are close to the Watermark complex available for use by care and health service providers who visit residents on a daily basis. Implementation of a two-hour time limit will result in a desirable level of vehicle turnover for those spaces.
This issue was previously referred to Traffic Committee in November 2015 with a report made to Traffic Committee recommending the following:
That Traffic Committee endorse the installation of 37 metres of two hour timed parking, using standard R5-1-1 series signs, on the eastern side of Church Street adjacent to 14-20 Church Street, in the position that is indicated by the diagram in the report.
The recommendation was not endorsed by Traffic Committee and this result was recorded in the minutes of the meeting. The minutes of Traffic Committee were then reported to the 7 December 2015 Policy and Strategy meeting with the minutes of this meeting subsequently adopted by Council at its meeting of 14 December 2015.
The issue of whether to implement a length of timed parking is a strategic issue which is not the subject of the delegation from Roads and Maritime Services to Council for the operation of Traffic Committee. Traffic Committee must provide advice on the appropriate signage to achieve the resolution of Council on any strategic consideration. This current request will be reviewed again by Traffic Committee seeking advice on the appropriate control device to use to achieve the desired result.
Financial Implications
The estimated cost for the installation of the 2 hour timed parking signs is $350 and will be funded from Council’s Lines and Signs budget ($340,305 budget, $125,701 expended and committed to date).
Policy and Legislation
POL 086 Petitions Management Policy
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Leadership and Collaboration
Objective: We are informed and involved in decision making
Outcome: Everyone in our community feels they have been heard and understood
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
Consultation with all relevant parties will be undertaken during the investigation and preparation of a report for Traffic Committee.
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 17 December 2018. RP-10
RP-10 The Riverina Anglican College Sewer Connection
Author: Peter Ross
Director: Caroline Angel
Summary: |
The Riverina Anglican College (TRAC) development located in Farrer Road was first approved in 1998/99. The need for the College to connect to the existing sewer network by gravity at that time was deferred, however an alternative sewer option was accepted with conditions. It was also noted at the time that, when required, Council would be responsible for providing a connection point for the school. TRAC would now like to connect, by gravity, to the sewer network. Council will need to construct a sewer main extension to provide a connection point for the school. |
That Council: a note the contents of the report b approve i the provision of a sewer connection point to enable The Riverina Anglican College to discharge by gravity to the Council sewer network ii the design of the required sewer infrastructure to support (i) of the above iii the construction of the required sewer infrastructure to support (ii) of the above c approve the budget variations as detailed in the financial implications section of this report |
The Riverina Anglican College (TRAC) development located in Farrer Road was first approved in 1998/99. Council agreed, at that time, to defer the requirement to connect to the existing sewer network as the development of the school was to be carried out in stages and it would be unduly expensive to provide for the ultimate sewer service before the first students arrived.
The accepted alternative for providing a sewer service for the development was to install an on-site sewage treatment and disposal system for the school with associated Council conditions (Refer attachment TRAC Letter - 1999). At present, a pumped rising main exists to connect the school’s sewer system to Council’s sewer network.
In a letter from Council to TRAC dated 12 Feb 1999 (Refer attachment TRAC Letter – 1999), Council stated that it would be responsible for extending its sewer network to the school’s property boundary. It is expected practice for Council to provide properties with gravity access to the sewer network.
The TRAC Board have now requested that it would like Council to honour its commitment given in 1999 to provide a sewer connection point to allow the school to connect to the sewer network by gravity. TRAC has indicated that its internal sewer system is becoming uneconomical to run and is reaching capacity due to the growth of the school.
An initial investigation by Council officers has revealed that if a sewer spur were to be located near the South-Eastern corner of the TRAC property, the school would be able to drain their current sewer system to it. This spur would need to extend to an existing main approximately 200m to the south within Lineal Park (Council parkland). The exact alignment of the sewer main extension has not been finalised, but a tentative alignment is shown in attachment TRAC Sewer Alignment (Draft). This alignment avoids trees and other infrastructure within the reserve.
A preliminary costing has indicated that to construct 200m of sewer main, with necessary manholes and spur, would be approximately $65,000. Additional survey and design costs would be in the order of $15,000. These costs need to be verified once the detailed design has been completed.
Financial Implications
It is appropriate that this estimated $80K project be funded from Council’s Sewer Reserve which has the capacity to fund these works.
Policy and Legislation
POL 036 Sewer Policy
Link to Strategic Plan
The Environment
Objective: We create a sustainable environment for future generations
Outcome: We are proactive with our waste management
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
Discussions have taken place with The Riverina Anglican College regarding this issue and the need for Council to provide a connection point to allow the school gravity access to the sewer network.
1⇩. |
WWCC Letter to TRAC - 12 February 1999 |
2⇩. |
TRAC Sewer Alignment (Draft) |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 17 December 2018. RP-11
RP-11 Evocities extension of MOU
Author: Tristan Kell
Director: Natalie Te Pohe
Summary: |
To present the extension of the Evocities program for the period 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2023, for Council’s consideration. |
That Council: a continue its participation in the Evocities program until 30 June 2023 b authorise the Mayor and General Manager to execute the Memorandum of understanding between the Evocities for the period 2019/20 to 2022/23 c approve the budget variations for future financial years as detailed in the financial implications section of the report |
Wagga Wagga City Council has been a partner to the Evocities program since its inception in July 2005. On 1 March 2009, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the partner Councils of Albury, Armidale, Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange, Tamworth and Wagga Wagga, was entered into to formalise the collaboration. Since this time, the MOU has been renewed in 2011, 2013, and 2015 with the current MOU due to expire on 30 June 2019.
Evocities’ three core functions are promotion, advocacy and assistance.
The seven cities of Albury, Armidale, Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange, Tamworth and Wagga Wagga work together to promote regional city living; to advocate for innovative regional policy development; and to assist people as they make the decision to move from an overpopulated capital city where things like congestion and cost of living can make everyday a trial, to an Evocity, where the lifestyle is idyllic and there are exceptional employment opportunities.
One of the primary objectives of the campaign is change capital city residents’ perception of regional city living by dispelling misconceptions about regional cities, and promote the Evocities as vibrant and thriving cities offering fantastic employment, investment, community, and lifestyle opportunities. In order to achieve this objective, the campaign utilises a strategic mix of marketing and public relations (PR) activities that drive people to our Evocities websites where they can learn more about what our regions have to offer, and how they can escape capital city congestion and making a 'city change' their reality.
The MOU being presented (attached to this report) for Council’s consideration has been prepared and supported by the Evocities Steering Committee and the NSW Inland Forum. The proposed term of the MOU is 1 July 2019 – 30 June 2023, to align with the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework that guides Local Government operations.
Evocity Councils have collectively invested $2.65 million in the Evocities brand to date. The program has also received funding from State ($530,000) and Federal Governments ($1.7 million) as well as corporate sponsors ($395,000).
The market penetration achieved since its launch in September 2010, and level of brand awareness that exists in the Sydney marketplace, along with the other east coast capital cities is significant and arguably should not be abandoned.
While it is recognised that continued State and Federal Government support for Evocities would aid in achieving awareness and identified outcomes, the operating model proposed by the member Councils is such that maintenance of the Evocities brand presence and core campaign elements over the term of the MOU will be possible, regardless of whether additional government funding is secured.
Given the Evocities are direct beneficiaries of the program outcomes, it is considered appropriate and reasonable that they provide core program funding. However, the program does directly support State government objectives and has proven its value in driving growth and development in regional NSW while also assisting in solving congestion issues in the capital cities, particularly metropolitan Sydney.
As such, Evocities are currently drafting a funding proposal that asks the NSW Government to contribute approximately $2 million over the next four years (approximately 90% matched funding). This funding would be utilised so that Evocities can continue to: build on the momentum produced by recent campaigns; achieve substantial market penetration; and deliver significant outcomes for all the cities involved, for the surrounding regions and for Sydney.
Some key outcomes from the campaign since its launch in September 2010, as at end September 2018, include:
· 638,988 visits to;
· Over 2.4 million visits to;
· Over 47,500 jobs promoted;
· 8,078 responses made to potential relocator’s enquires; and
· 2,922 media placements across both traditional and online media reaching a potential audience of more than 180.5 million people.
Since launching in September 2010, the Evocities have collectively welcomed 3,619 new households (as at end September 2018) who contribute to the economies of the participating regional cities, and provide other benefits including lifting median incomes, encouraging business growth, increasing tourism and growing participation in community groups.
These 3,619 households are only the relocators who have had direct contact with our Evocities staff and confirmed they have made the move. While it is difficult for each of the Evocities to track relocators to their city, the processes put in place by each Evocity Council to monitor and interact with the new residents, indicates the success of the campaign. It isn’t possible to count how many other households were inspired by an Evocities ad, found a job on Evojobs or researched their city change on (or all of the above) before making the move.
The Evocities MOU 2019/20 to 2022/23 provides guidance for the future of the campaign, detailing the program objectives including plans to: build on the historical investment and success of the Evocities program; attract people, businesses, and skilled labour to the regions; grow and develop the Evocities’ collaboration; and advocate for the Evocities to influence relevant regional, State and Federal Government plans, strategies and policies.
In order to enable effective implementation of all the Evocities objectives, it is important that each Council confirm its continued commitment to the program, including financial contributions and in-kind support of staff.
Evocities is one of the most successful regional marketing campaigns undertaken in Australia to date. It has attracted significant market penetration and delivered some fantastic key outcomes for all the cities involved, including boosting the economic activity across the seven cities. Indirectly, the Evocities program has raised the credibility of NSW inland regional cities with a range of different stakeholders and provided the cities with a collective voice in their discussions with both levels of government.
The program has previously received strong support from the Federal Government, and has the capacity to assist in the achievement of the Government’s plans and strategies for regional development. The NSW State Government has also supported the Evocities and continues to work with us to identify projects that can be supported within its program guidelines. This has been reinforced by the recent success of Evocities in securing the Regional Growth – Marketing and Promotion Fund administered by the Department of Premier and Cabinet. Discussions in relation to future partnership opportunities are continuing.
Evocities is about changing the perceptions of capital city residents, in particular Sydney, to help them understand the value and benefits of living, working and investing in the regional NSW cities. With the program nearing an important 10-year anniversary milestone in the marketplace, Evocities is in a position to demonstrate its considerable success, despite the competition for consumer attention. In order to fully capitalise on the significant public investment in this program to date, it should continue until 30 June 2023.
Council’s participation ensures we have the opportunity to continue to promote Wagga Wagga as a regional city, its jobs, lifestyle offer and investment opportunities. It also allows Council to leverage off the indirect benefits that arise from involvement in this program, which include enhancing and further developing relationships with the State and Federal Government and partner Councils, to assist Council in pursuing its strategic priorities.
Financial Implications
From 2015/16 when each council contributed $60,000, the financial contributions have increased $5,000 per annum, reaching $75,000 in 2018/19. In light of increasing costs faced in relation to goods and services, and to ensure Evocities continues its momentum and growth, it has been deemed appropriate to continue increasing Council’s financial contributions to ensure the same high level of service delivery and market penetration can be maintained.
An ongoing focus will be placed on resource efficiency, including minimising administration expenses and maximising marketing and PR design, production and placements, as well as research, website updates and project implementation. Furthermore, third party contracts will be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure adequate return on investment.
The annual increase proposed ($2,000 per annum) aims to cover the cost of inflation, as well as ensure a self-sustaining model for the Evocities campaign, maintaining an aggressive advertising schedule. The below figures are GST exclusive:
Year 1 – 2019/20 $80,000
Year 2 – 2020/21 $82,000
Year 3 – 2021/22 $84,000
Year 4 – 2022/23 $86,000
At present, there is currently no funding in Council’s long term financial plan past the current 2018/19 financial year. If Council resolve to continue with the Evocities project, this will require future year budget allocations for 2019/20 to 2022/23.
Policy and Legislation
Link to Strategic Plan
Growing Economy
Objective: We are a hub for activity
Outcome: We have vibrant precincts
Risk Management Issues for Council
In the event Council did not continue its participation in the Evocities campaign it is unlikely that any subsequent marketing efforts to attract relocators would achieve the same return on investment. By leveraging off the collaboration and combined resources of the Evocities collective, market penetration will invariably be more successful.
Internal / External Consultation
Internal Council staff workshops and a Councillor Workshop was undertaken on 19 November 2018.
1⇩. |
Evocities MOU |
2. |
Evocities Summary - Provided under separate cover |
Author: Carolyn Rodney
Director: Natalie Te Pohe
Summary: |
Council’s new draft Debt Management Policy was presented to Council at the 27 August 2018 Council meeting. No public submissions were received during the public exhibition period. It is now appropriate for Council to formally adopt the new Policy. |
That Council: a note that there were no public submissions received during the public exhibition period b formally adopt POL 017 Debt Management Policy |
Council, at its 27 August 2018 Council meeting resolved:
That Council:
a endorse the draft POL 017 Debt Management Policy, that is to be placed on public exhibition for a period of 28 days from 1 September 2018 to 29 September 2018 and invite public submissions until the 15 October 2018 on the draft Policy
b receive a further report following the public exhibition and submission period:
i addressing any submissions made in respect of the proposed POL 017 Debt Management Policy
ii proposing adopting of the Policy unless there are any recommended amendments deemed to be substantial and requiring a further public exhibition period
Council officers wish to advise that there were no public submissions received. It is now appropriate to formally adopt POL 017 Debt Management Policy.
Financial Implications
The management of outstanding debts can be a costly and timely exercise. Whilst debts remain outstanding, it affects Council’s cash flow along with the time it takes staff to manage the debt.
Policy and Legislation
POL 017 Draft Debt Management Policy
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Leadership and Collaboration
Objective: We have strong leadership
Outcome: We are accountable and transparent
Risk Management Issues for Council
If Council officers are unable to recover outstanding debts, it negatively impacts on Council’s cash flow. At its worst, this could affect Council’s overall budget, and may impact Council’s ability to provide programs and services to the community.
Internal / External Consultation
Council’s Community Engagement Strategy and IAP2 considers the community to be “any individual or group of individuals, organisation or political entity with an interest in the outcome of a decision….”
The Finance Division consults with the appropriate areas of the organisation, where required, in determining those amounts to write-off.
A Councillor workshop was held on 21 May 2018, with the following Councillors in attendance:
· Mayor, Greg Conkey OAM
· Deputy Mayor, Cr Dallas Tout
· Cr Yvonne Braid
· Cr Rod Kendall
The draft Debt Management Policy was presented to the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee meeting held on 10 August 2018. The Committee provided feedback and recommended its endorsement by Council.
The following consultation methods were utilised during the public exhibition period with no submissions being received.
Media |
Community Engagement |
Digital |
Rates notices insert |
Direct mail |
Letterbox drop |
Council news story |
Council News advert |
Media releases |
TV/radio advertising |
One-on-one meetings |
Your Say website |
Community meetings |
Stakeholder workshops |
Drop-in sessions |
Surveys and feedback forms |
Social media |
Email newsletters |
Website |
Digital advertising |
Consult |
x |
x |
x |
1⇩. |
POL 017 - Debt Management Policy |
RP-13 RFQ2017/529 - Densely Graded Asphalt Supply & Lay
General Manager: Peter Thompson
Summary: |
On 24 April 2017 Council resolved to enter into a contract with CRS (NSW) Pty Ltd for a schedule of rates for the supply and laying of densely graded asphalt for road repairs, new work and restorative work on the City’s road network. This contract is due to expire April 2019. The purpose of this report is to suggest that works exceeding a value of $400K be subject to a project specific tender process rather than using the schedule of rates contract. |
That Council: a receive an note the contents of this report b conduct project specific tender processes for works exceeding a value of $400K for the supply and laying of densely graded asphalt for the remainder of the contract term for RFQ2017/529 c approve the budget variation as detailed in the Financial Implications section of the report |
Council requires the supply and laying of densely graded asphalt for road repairs, new work and restorative work on its road network. Council does not currently have the equipment to produce or lay densely graded asphalt and is required to engage suitable contractors for the provision of this service.
Council sought quotations closing 15 March 2017 for this service via VendorPanel under Local Government Procurement (LGP) contract LGP213 Bitumen, Emulsion & Asphalt Materials and Services.
VendorPanel enables Council to either purchase direct from a schedule of rates contract or obtain quotes from LGP quotation based contracts. As a result of utilising this process, Council only needed to seek quotations for the service because the panel members had already been through a thorough tender process.
Five suppliers under contract LGP213 Bitumen, Emulsion & Asphalt Materials and Services were invited to bid with four submitting offers.
A report was presented at the 24 April 2017 Ordinary Council meeting recommending that Council accept the offer of CRS (NSW) Pty Ltd, with the following resolved:
That Council:
a accept the offer of CRS (NSW) Pty Ltd. in the schedule of rates submitted with their offer for the supply and laying of densely graded asphalt
b authorise the General Manager or their delegate to enter into a contract with CRS (NSW) Pty Ltd for the supply and laying of densely graded asphalt
c authorise the affixing of Council’s Common Seal to all relevant documents as required
It is acknowledged that the details contained within this report were insufficient and didn’t provide the level of information required to make a fully informed decision.
Contract Details
This contract is a schedule of rates contract for the supply, delivery and laying and compacting of Asphaltic Concrete generally within a 16km radius of the Civic Centre. The haulage rates for delivery are from the Contractor's plant to the job site. Council also reserves the option for carting asphalt from the Contractor's plant with its own trucks.
There is provision in the Contract for the supply of hire to Council of suitable equipment to profile asphalt prior to the placement of new material.
The major components of this Contract are but not limited to;
· Supply, delivery and lay of densely graded asphalt (including asphaltic concrete and cold mix)
· Traffic Control including preparation and application of Traffic Control Plans and Speed Zone Authorisations (SZA) requests/approvals
· Provision of profiling services
The contract was for an initial period of 12 months with an option to extend for a further 12 months. The contract has been extended under this provision and is due to cease in April 2019.
Feedback from Councillors
Staff have received feedback from some Councillors with concerns on how works are currently being awarded to CRS (NSW) Pty Ltd under this contract. An example is the Lake Albert Road – Stage 1 project currently being undertaken by CRS (NSW) Pty Ltd.
Some Councillors have suggested that Council may get better value by testing the market through an open tender process for larger works such as the Lake Albert – Stage 1 project.
It is important to note that while the report in April 2017 lacked the necessary detail for Councillors at the time to consider, all works have been legitimately awarded to CRS (NSW) Pty Ltd under the provisions of RFQ2017/529.
Due to the concerns raised and to provide direction to staff, it is proposed that Council conduct a project specific tender process for any works exceeding $400K for the remainder of the contract term with CRS (NSW) Pty Ltd for the supply, delivery and lay of densely graded asphalt.
Financial Implications
The supply and laying of densely graded asphalt for road repairs, new work and restorative work on Council’s road network is funded from the recurrent roads budgets and new capital works budgets, which vary year to year.
The works for Lake Albert Road - Stage 1 involves new asphalt from Faye Avenue to Lord Baden Powell Drive. This project is being funded from existing roads program budgets along with unallocated Roads to Recovery Funding as per the following:
Budget |
Allocation |
Reseal Budget |
$150K |
Heavy Patching |
$354K |
Urban Asphalt |
$786K |
Unallocated Roads To Recovery Funding |
$415K |
This brings the total budget for Lake Albert - Stage 1 to $1,705K.
Policy and Legislation
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Leadership and Collaboration
Objective: We have strong leadership
Outcome: We are accountable and transparent
Risk Management Issues for Council
Council engaged the services of CRS (NSW) Pty Ltd after seeking quotations via VendorPanel, under Local Government Procurement (LGP) contract LGP213 Bitumen, Emulsion & Asphalt Materials and Services. By capping the value of materials to be provided under this contract, Council may incur additional time delays and / or costs for works undertaken between now and April 2019 if a tender process is required for any works above the capped limit.
Internal / External Consultation
Some Councillors raised concerns regarding the works being undertaken by the contractor under RFQ2017/529 - Densely Graded Asphalt Supply & Lay. A meeting with the General Manager was coordinated and held on Friday 16 November to discuss these concerns with the following Councillors in attendance:
· Councillor Y Braid
· Councillor P Funnell
· Councillor K Pascoe
· Mayor, Councillor G Conkey
1. |
Confidential Council Report - 24 April 2017 - RFQ2017/529 - Densely Graded Asphalt Supply & Lay This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, as it deals with: commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it. - Provided under separate cover |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 17 December 2018. RP-14
RP-14 Proposed application for appointment as Crown Land Managers
Author: Dianne Wright
Director: Natalie Te Pohe
Summary: |
This report recommends Council apply for appointment as Crown Land Managers for two additional parcels of land. |
That Council: a make application to the NSW Department of Industry – Crown Lands for appointment as Crown Land Managers for the following land parcels: i Lot 7082 DP 1116229 at Narrung Street ii Lot 214 DP 757255 at Tarcutta b delegate authority to the General Manager or their delegate to execute any necessary documents on behalf of the Council c authorise the affixing of Council’s common seal to all relevant documents as required |
This report recommends that Council apply to the NSW Department of Industry – Crown Lands (Crown Lands) for appointment as Crown Land Managers for the below listed parcels.
Identifier |
Location |
Council Purpose |
Lot 7082 DP1116229 being Crown Reserve 757249 for Future Public Requirements |
On the southern foreshore of the Murrumbidgee River between the Wiradjuri Recreation Reserve and the Marrimbidya Wetlands |
A “shared path” standard track has been constructed on part of this land forming part of the Wiradjuri Walking Track. |
Lot 214 DP 757255 being Crown Reserve 63975 for Infrastructure or Government Services |
76 Spring Street, Tarcutta |
Tarcutta Waste Transfer Station |
In both cases, Council has developed public infrastructure on the land and has assumed reasonably long-term responsibility for management of the land. It is therefore appropriate Council apply for appointment as Crown Land Managers for future autonomy and ease of management.
Under the provisions of the Crown Land Management Act 2016, Council will manage the land as though it were Community Land under the Local Government Act 1993. Council will have responsibility for Native Title Management and be required to prepare an appropriate Plan of Management for the land parcels.
With the addition of these two reserves, the total number of Crown Reserves managed by Council will increase to 75.
Financial Implications
Council has already assumed responsibility for the management of these areas so no additional costs or maintenance burden is expected.
Policy and Legislation
Crown Lands Management Act 2016
Local Government Act 1993
Link to Strategic Plan
The Environment
Objective: Create and maintain a functional, attractive and health promoting built environment
Outcome: We look after and maintain our community assets
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
NSW Department of Industry – Crown Lands
Council’s Commercial Operations Directorate (Waste Management)
Council’s Finance Directorate (Parks Strategic)
1⇩. |
Location Map - Lot 7082 DP1116229 at Narrung Street |
2⇩. |
Location Map - Lot 214 DP757255 at Tarcutta |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 17 December 2018. RP-15
Director: Janice Summerhayes
Summary: |
Council has been notified that the Murrumbidgee Music Muster event to be held 30 March 2019 has been cancelled. Given this notification, it is recommended to rescind the 26 November 2018 resolution to sponsor this event for the amount of $30,000. This report also recommends to allocate the $30,000 back into the 2018/19 Major Event Sponsorship budget line. |
That Council a rescind resolution 18/446 endorsed 26 November 2018 to sponsor Empire Touring’s 2019 ‘The Murrumbidgee Music Muster’ event to the amount of $30,000 excluding GST b allocate the $30,000 back into the 2018/19 Major Event Sponsorship budget line |
Council was in receipt of an out of round application for Major Events, Films and Festivals Sponsorship funding. The application request was for $30,000 from Empire Touring for a new all day country music event entitled The Murrumbidgee Music Muster to be held Saturday, 30 March 2019 at the Murrumbidgee Turf Club, Wagga Wagga.
Council resolved at its meeting 26 November 2018:
That Council authorise the General Manager or their delegate to enter into an agreement to sponsor Empire Touring’s ‘The Murrumbidgee Music Muster’ event to the amount of $30,000 excluding GST to be committed from the Major Event Sponsorship budget.
Council was notified Saturday 1 December by the event organisers Empire Touring that the event scheduled for 30 March 2019 has been cancelled. Given this notification, it is recommended to rescind the above-mentioned Council resolution of the 26 November, 2018.
It is proposed to allocate the $30,000 back to the Major Events Sponsorship budget cost centre line. Commencement of the advertising for round 2 of the Major Events, Festivals and Films sponsorship program will be Friday 14 December 2018 for events held in the second half of 2019. The closing dates for applications will be 4 March 2019.
Financial Implications
If Council resolves to allocate the $30,000 back to the Major Events Sponsorship budget the balance available in the 2018/19 Major Event Sponsorship line will be $72,755 assuming approval is given for the allocation of funds to the Australian Kapooka Army Band for the Christmas Spectacular Music Event subject to a separate report to this Ordinary Council meeting.
Policy and Legislation
POL087 Major Events, Films and Festivals Sponsorship Policy
Link to Strategic Plan
Growing Economy
Objective: We are a tourist destination
Outcome: We have a variety of events, festivals and activities
Risk Management Issues for Council
Amount of available funds for release to the community under the Major Events, Festivals and Films program.
Internal / External Consultation
External consultation with Empire Touring.
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 17 December 2018. RP-16
Author: Emma Stuart
General Manager: Peter Thompson
Summary: |
The purpose of this report is to provide Council with an update on future options for statutory and non-statutory notifications to the community. Council currently uses the print publication “Council News” lift out in the Daily Advertiser to meet these requirements. This contract ends in June 2019 with an option to extend for a further 12 months. |
That Council: a authorise the General Manager or their delegate to exercise the option to extend contract RFT2018-27 with Fairfax Media Publications Pty Limited (ABN: 33 003 357 720) until 30 June 2020 for the provision of a four-page option for print media council notices b authorise the affixing of Council’s Common Seal to all relevant documents as required c receive further reports to open Council in 2019 to articulate the development of a strategy for conveying public notices and other information to the community and to provide avenues for public comment and debate |
As a Local Government Authority, Council has a range of statutory obligations to place pubic notices in a newspaper circulating in the local area. In addition to this requirement, there are a range of other public notices which either need to be published as a requirement under an agreement or grant or because it is good Local Government practice to provide public notice of an issue.
Council issued a tender process in 2018 seeking prices from any parties interested in providing this public notification by way of a “Council News” style printed publication.
A report was presented at the 12 June 2018 Council Meeting where it was resolved:
That Council:
a accept the offer of Fairfax Media Publications Pty Limited (ABN: 33 003 357 720) for the provision of a four-page option for print media council notices in the amount of $143,000 for a period of one year, noting the options to extend for one plus one year
b authorise the General Manager or their delegate to enter into a contract with Fairfax Media Publications Pty Limited (ABN: 33 003 357 720) for the provision of print media council notices
c authorise the affixing of Council’s Common Seal to all relevant documents as required
d receive a detailed report regarding future options at or prior to the December 2018 Ordinary Council Meeting
As per the resolution, the tender of Fairfax Media Publications Pty Limited (Daily Advertiser) was accepted to the amount of $143,000 (inc. GST). The tender was accepted on an initial 12-month term with a further 12-month option available.
History of Council News
In 2014 it was identified that the annual spend of the business for all legally required public notices was significant enough to warrant a negation for a bulk media buy contract. The outcome of this process was the inception of the Council News publication.
The overall spend on advertisements and public notices was aggregated from business units to purchase a four-page insert into the Daily Advertiser. Business units then published their notices and marketing advertisements in Council News instead of directly in the Daily Advertiser. This was a considerably cheaper option to advertising directly.
The main objectives of Council News is to:
· meet legislative requirements for public notices;
· provide a channel for internal businesses to market or advertise as required; and
· inform the community of council activities, services and facilities
The following information reflects the information we have in relation to the success and penetration of “Council News” as a means of issuing public notices to our community;
· Readership, reach, page views and electronic direct mail distribution of approximately 103,000 (not unique) via print, social media and digital communication channels.
· The majority of the 103,000 are currently reached via the printed publication Council News.
Refer to the separate cover attachment titled “Attachment 1 – Councillor Workshop Presentation - Print Media Contract” for more details relating to the existing contract and penetration.
Potential Alternate Options
Other options which Council may consider for public notices and information dissemination to the community in the future include, but are not limited to the following;
1. Discontinue with the Council News publication and publish public notices and grants only as required via an external publication (as required under legislation). With a limited reach via Council’s digital or direct communication channels this will require significant investment to ensure Council can still communicate regarding a range of information that may be of interest or relevant to the community.
2. Reduce the current four-page Council News print publication to a two-page publication for public notices and grants only and review and implement 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4
3. Continue with the current Council News to publish public notices and grants whilst developing a communications strategy and building capability within Council throughout 2019.
In August 2018 notice was given that Geoff Pettitt News Print Pty Ltd (Wagga Weekly) would be wound up and a liquidator was appointed. As a result, there is now a reduction for competition within the market and it is unlikely that Council would obtain better contract terms by returning to the market.
For this reason, it is recommended that the option to extend the contract with Fairfax Media Publications Pty Limited be exercised. If this recommendation is accepted, Council will have a contract for publishing Council News until 30 June 2020.
From the information presented above is it clear that as a Council there is ample scope to improve the way we issue public notices to the community. The same can be said for how we convey a range of information that might be of interest to members of our community. It is also recommended that Council continue to work on a fresh strategy for conveying public notices and other information to the community.
Financial Implications
The cost of the contract is budgeted within internal advertising budgets across the organisation. Council News provides better value for money than traditional advertising, as demonstrated by previous year's advertising spending. By centralising all advertising Council can benefit through a reduced print price and enabling editorial content to be generated for the wider community. This editorial content helps keep our community informed about the services, facilities and events Council offers and reduces reliance of traditional media who may deem some things as not "newsworthy".
Policy and Legislation
Council’s POL 110 Procurement and Disposal Policy is relevant and has been applied, along with section 55 of the Local Government Act 1993.
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Leadership and Collaboration
Objective: City of Wagga Wagga services reflect the needs of the community
Outcome: We have access to the City of Wagga Wagga
Risk Management Issues for Council
If the existing contract is not extended, Council will have to publish public notices directly through a local newspaper at a significantly higher rate. This would also mean that Council will have to provide other Council related information through its own distribution channels e.g. social media, email distribution etc.
Internal / External Consultation
A workshop was held with Councillors on 3 December 2018 with the following in attendance:
· Mayor, Councillor G Conkey OAM
· Councillor Y Braid OAM
· Councillor D Hayes
· Councillor V Keenan
· Councillor R Kendall
· Councillor T Koschel
· Councillor K Pascoe
· Councillor D Tout
1. |
Attachment 1 – Councillor Workshop Presentation - Print Media Contract This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, as it deals with: commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council. - Provided under separate cover |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 17 December 2018. RP-17
RP-17 Response to Questions/Business with Notice
Author: Scott Gray
General Manager: Peter Thompson
Summary: |
This report is to provide responses to Questions/Business with Notice arising from previous Ordinary Council Meetings. |
That Council receive and note the report. |
The following is in response to Questions/Business raised at the 26 November 2018 Ordinary Council Meeting.
Councillor D Hayes requested if Council could receive information or a quarterly report on what information Council should be receiving from its involvement in external committees that we elect to have representation on? Those being Murray Darling Association, Conservatorium of Music, Rural Fire Service Agreement Management Committee, and Riverina Water. |
Response provided by the Governance Directorate
As it stands, there is no provision in an existing Council policy or procedure that stipulates the requirement to receive a report back to Council from representatives on external committees. Councillors are encouraged to provide relevant updates and information back to other Councillors so they are across all of the issues. To formalise an arrangement, Council could include a section in the Payment Of Expenses And Provision Of Facilities To Councillors Policy (025) requiring regular updates from representatives of external committees. |
Councillor D Hayes requested advice on what Motions were put to the Local Government NSW Conference by Council in October this year that were not supported. |
Response provided by the Governance Directorate
The following motions were submitted but weren’t debated because they are either an existing LGNSW policy; supported by Conference resolutions from recent years; and/or the subject of recent or ongoing representations by LGNSW.
· That Local Government NSW lobbies the NSW State Government to advocate for a reduction in payroll tax for businesses in regional NSW to be comparable to the rate offered to regional Victorian employers (2.425 per cent).
· That Local Government NSW lobbies the Federal Government to increase the funding allocated to local government through the FAGs program to reflect 1% of total tax income received by the Federal Government as per the figure in 1996.
The following motion was debated and lost.
· That the NSW Government remove all legislative requirements to provide public notice through local newspapers. |
Councillor T Koschel has been contacted by a group called Ozfish, a group of local volunteers who clean up the waterways around the area. The group recently cleaned up around 1.5 tonnes of rubbish from the Eunony Bridge area. The group have attempted to contact Council about getting the Gregadoo Waste Management fee reimbursed, but have not received a response back. Can Council staff contact the group to further discuss the matter. |
Response provided by the Commercial Operations Directorate
Council staff have made attempts to contact Ozfish Wagga Chapter to discuss the submission of an application for the waiving of waste disposal fees associated with the recent clean up of the Eunony Bridge area. To date no response has been received, but Council staff will continue to contact the organisation.
A recommendation to provide financial assistance to Oz Fish Wagga Chapter for the amount of $80.20, has been included in the Financial Performance Report to be presented for Councillor consideration at the meeting of 17 December 2018.
Oz Fish Wagga Chapter has been added to the list of organisations to be notified for consideration of a waste subsidy under the POL 078 Financial Assistance Policy.
Councillor K Pascoe requested that traffic islands throughout the City be cleaned up as there are high weeds on some of these traffic islands. |
Response provided by the Commercial Operations Directorate
All roundabouts with vegetation, that are Council’s responsibility, will be receiving attention before the end of the year as part of the Open Space mowing and maintenance program. These works will include spraying, whipper snipping and pruning of vegetation.
Hard stand roundabouts (concrete, paved etc) are to be included in a future city wide weed spraying program which is currently under development between the Civil works department and Parks and Gardens. In the interim spraying will be addressed on a needs basis/resource dependant manner, noting that additional effort is currently underway in preparation for the Christmas/Holiday Season to ensure the presentation of the City is at its best for visitors to Wagga.
Councillor K Pascoe requested information on why Council only allows itself to certify construction in the Lloyd subdivision by excluding private certifiers. A builder has been in contact with Councillor Pascoe to advise it takes about four to five weeks for Council approval, opposed to only about one week with a private certifier. |
Response provided by the Commercial Development Directorate
Complying development is a fast-track approval process for straightforward residential, commercial and industrial development under the provisions of State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 (the SEPP). If the application meets specific criteria, it can be determined by a council or accredited certifier.
The SEPP sets out criteria for land on which complying development may not be carried out including land identified by an environmental planning instrument, in this case Wagga Local Environmental Plan 2010, as being:
(i) within a buffer area, or (ii) within a river front area, or (iii) within an ecologically sensitive area, or (iv) environmentally sensitive land, or (v) within a protected area.
Certain lands within the Lloyd subdivision area, and other areas within the local government area, are identified as environmentally sensitive land and therefore Complying Development may not be undertaken.
The plate below details that part of Lloyd which is affected by environmentally sensitive land mapping, which in this case related to salinity, upon which Complying Development cannot be carried out.
For these areas the NSW Government requires that a Development Application (DA) be required to be lodged with Council.
Once the DA is determined the Applicant may engage council or a private accredited certifier to issue the Construction Certificate and act as Principle Certifying Authority for the development.
It is noted that Council turnaround times for CDC’s are similar to those of a private accredited certifier. |
Councillor K Pascoe requested a report back on details regarding salinity in the Lloyd subdivision. |
Response provided by the Finance Directorate
A detailed report is currently being prepared and will be presented to Council at a future meeting. |
Councillor P Funnell requested information on Council’s compliance regime in reference to fairness to food outlets where a bricks and mortar business trading for over 30 years has been made to jump through hoops to serve coffee when food trucks are being approved without the same rigour. |
Response provided by the Community Directorate
Mobile food vending vehicles used to store, prepare or sell food / drinks (such as coffee) for human consumption, is deemed to be a ‘food business’ and are required to comply with the same provisions of the NSW Food Act 2003, Food Regulation 2015 and Food Standards Code. |
The following is in response to Questions/Business raised at the 10 December 2018 Extraordinary Council Meeting.
Councillor P Funnell requested a timeframe of when his Question/Business with Notice will be reported back to Council regarding signage limiting exhaust brake noise, which was raised at the 6 August 2018 Ordinary Council Meeting. |
Response provided by the Commercial Operations Directorate
Initial advice from the RMS indicated that Council would need acoustic level evidence to support such a request and that it would be the responsibility of Council to collect that evidence. Conversations regarding options and responsibility are continuing and staff will keep Councillors up to date through the bulletin. |
Councillor T Koschel requested a response to his enquiry regarding the horse crossing in Travers Street. |
Response provided by the Commercial Operations Directorate
This matter has been referred to the RMS for a decision on the delegated issues in respect to this request. |
Financial Implications
Policy and Legislation
Code of Meeting Practice
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Leadership and Collaboration
Objective: We have strong leadership
Outcome: We have leaders that represent us
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 17 December 2018. M-1
Author: Bill Harvey
Director: Caroline Angel
Summary: |
The Local Traffic Committee met on 8 November 2018. At this meeting, Traffic Committee considered fourteen reports.
The Minutes of the meeting are attached for Councillors’ reference. |
That Council: a receive the minutes of the Traffic Committee Meeting held on 8 November 2018 b endorse the recommendations of the Traffic Committee c approve the budget variations included in this report |
The table below provides a summary of each item’s risk and budget implications in particular:
No. |
RP1 |
FUSION18 – On-Street Event |
High |
N/A |
Event Budget |
RP2 |
Remembrance Day – On-Street Event |
High |
$3,527 |
Road Closure Events Budget |
RP3 |
Mobility Parking Scheme Spaces in Car Park Off The Esplanade |
Low |
N/A |
Project Budget |
RP4 |
Charleville Road – Proposed GIVE WAY Sign Control at College Avenue |
High |
$300 |
Lines and Signs |
RP5 |
Hampden Avenue Signage for The Harness Racing Facility |
Low |
N/A |
Harness Racing NSW to fund |
RP6 |
Hammond Avenue – Proposed NO STOPPING Controls Associated With Development Application – DA18/1015 |
High |
N/A |
Developer to fund |
RP7 |
Hammond Avenue and Tasman Road – Application for Development of a Vehicle Service Centre |
High |
N/A |
Developer to fund |
Items of Particular Interest
There were no items of particular interest that were dealt with by Traffic Committee at this meeting.
Financial Implications
The below table shows the budget required, and the current available budget for the proposed funding source for each of the items requiring funding:
Item |
Total Budget Required |
Proposed Funding Source |
Current Proposed Funding Source Budget |
Current Funding Source Expenditure including commitments as at 30 November 2018 |
Current Available Budget |
RP2 |
$3,527 |
Road Closure Events Budget |
$40,000 |
$15,852 |
$24,148 |
RP4 |
$300 |
Lines and Signs Budget |
$340,305 |
$125,701 |
$214,604 |
Policy and Legislation
Link to Strategic Plan
Safe and Healthy Community
Objective: We are safe
Outcome: We promote safety and safe behaviours
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
The Traffic Committee consists of a Councillor, NSW Police, Roads and Maritime Services and a representative of the Local Member. Representatives from Council’s Infrastructure and Planning staff provide advice to the Committee. Representatives from other agencies and entities may be invited to attend meetings as required.
1⇩. |
Traffic Committee Minutes - 8 November 2018 |
Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Monday 17 December 2018. CONF-1
General Manager: Peter Thompson
This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -
(d) (ii) commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council.
Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Monday 17 December 2018. CONF-2
CONF-2 New Positions for Gregadoo Waste Management Centre and Livestock Marketing Centre
Author: Darryl Woods
Director: Caroline Angel
This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -
(d) (i) commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.
Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Monday 17 December 2018. CONF-3
CONF-3 Regional Growth Environment and Tourism Fund
Director: Janice Summerhayes
This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -
(d) (i) commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.
Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Monday 17 December 2018. CONF-4
Author: Darryl Woods
Director: Caroline Angel
This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -
(d) (i) commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.
Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Monday 17 December 2018. CONF-5
Author: Darryl Woods
Director: Caroline Angel
This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -
(d) (i) commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.
Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Monday 17 December 2018. CONF-6
Author: Geoff Pym
Director: Caroline Angel
This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -
(d) (i) commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.
Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Monday 17 December 2018. CONF-7
Author: Geoff Pym
Director: Caroline Angel
This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -
(d) (i) commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.
Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Monday 17 December 2018. CONF-8
Author: Sylvester Otieno
Director: Caroline Angel
This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -
(d) (i) commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.
Reports submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council to be held on Monday 17 December 2018.
The Mayor, Councillor Greg Conkey OAM
Councillor Yvonne Braid OAM
Councillor Paul Funnell
Councillor Dan Hayes
Councillor Vanessa Keenan
Councillor Rod Kendall
Councillor Tim Koschel
Councillor Kerry Pascoe
In Attendance
General Manager (Mr P Thompson)
Director Community (Mrs J Summerhayes)
Director Commercial Operations (Ms C Angel)
Acting Director Finance (Mrs C Rodney)
Manager Environmental & City Compliance (Mr M Gardiner)
Manager City Strategy (Mr T Kell)
Manager Executive Support (Mr S Gray)
Corporate Governance Coordinator (Mrs N Johnson)
Strategic Asset Planner (Parks & Recreation) (Mr B Creighton)
Communications & Engagement Officer (Mr S Shaw)
Governance Officer (Ms B King)
Almighty God,
Help protect our Mayor, elected Councillors and staff.
Help Councillors to govern with justice, integrity, and respect for equality, to preserve rights and liberties, to be guided by wisdom when making decisions and settling priorities, and not least of all to preserve harmony.
Acknowledgement Of Country
I would like to acknowledge the Wiradjuri people who are the Traditional Custodians of this Land. I would also like to pay respect to the Elders both past and present of the Wiradjuri Nation and extend that respect to other Community members present.
An apology for non-attendance was received and accepted for Mrs Natalie Te Pohe, Director Finance on the Motion of Councillors V Keenan and R Kendall.
That Council note that a leave of absence was granted at the Ordinary Council Meeting 12 November 2018 to Councillor Dallas Tout for 26 November 2018 inclusive. |
18/421 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors T Koschel and V Keenan That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 12 November 2018 be confirmed as a true and accurate record. CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
Declarations Of Interest
Councillor T Koschel declared a Significant, Non-Pecuniary Interest in RP-14 Proposed Mobile Food Vending Trial the reason being that he works in the industry who supplies shops this will have an impact on and vacated the chamber during its consideration.
Councillor Y Braid OAM declared a Non-Significant, Non-Pecuniary Interest in RP-2 Financial Performance Report as at 31 October 2018 the reason being that she is on the Committee of the Combined Toy Run with Pat Combs and have worked with Mr Combs for some years some time ago and remained in the chamber during its consideration.
Councillor R Kendall declared a Non-Significant, Non-Pecuniary Interest in RP-9 Disabled Access to Waterways the reason being that he chair’s a disability service. This proposal will benefit people with disabilities but will have no material effect on the service he chairs except that opportunities for participants will be improved and remained in the chamber during its consideration.
The Mayor, Councillor G Conkey OAM declared a Non-Significant, Non-Pecuniary Interest in RP-7 PROPOSED APEX BIKE FACILITY AT APEX PARK - LAKE ALBERT the reason being that he is an active member of the club and remained in the chamber during its consideration.
· Presentation to Wagga Wagga City Council - Tidy Towns Sustainable Communities Committee from the Tidy Towns Chairperson – Mr John Rumens
· Presentation from NSW Audit Office regarding RP-1 - PRESENTATION FROM COUNCIL'S EXTERNAL AUDITORS - NSW AUDIT OFFICE ON THE 2017/18 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Mr Michael Kharzoo and Ms Lawrissa Chan
· Mr Andrew Roberts – Speaking in favour of the report
18/422 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors D Hayes and T Koschel That Council bring forward consideration of RP-7 PROPOSED APEX BIKE FACILITY AT APEX PARK – LAKE ALBERT to follow the public discussion forum. CARRIED |
18/423 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors D Hayes and P Funnell That Council: a support the proposed South Wagga Apex Bike Facility project for implementation if future grant funding can be secured b provide in-kind assistance to South Wagga Apex for the planning and with the submission of funding applications for the Facility c approve the budget variation outlined in the Financial Implications section of this report CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
18/424 RESOLVED: On the Motion of The Mayor, Councillor G Conkey OAM That Council: a endorse the Local Government NSW (LGNSW) campaign, Save Our Recycling, to realise the reinvestment of a 100% of the Waste Levy collected each year by the NSW Government in waste minimisation, recycling and resource recovery b make representation to the local State Member, Dr Joe McGirr, in support of this campaign objective - for the NSW Government to commit to reinvest 100% of the Waste Levy in waste minimisation, recycling and resource recovery c make representation to all candidates leading up to the NSW State election scheduled for March 2019 seeking support for the Save Our Recycling campaign d write to the Premier, the Hon Gladys Berejiklian MP, the Opposition Leader, the Hon Michael Daley MP, the Minister for Local Government and the Minister for the Environment, the Hon Gabrielle Upton MP, and the Shadow Minister for the Environment and Heritage, Penny Sharpe MLC, seeking bipartisan support for the 100% reinvestment of the Waste Levy collected each year into waste minimisation, recycling and resource recovery e take a lead role in activating the LGNSW Save Our Recycling campaign locally f endorse the distribution and display of the LGNSW Save Our Recycling information on Council premises, as well as involvement in any actions arising from the initiative g formally advise LGNSW that Council has endorsed the Save Our Recycling advocacy initiative CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
18/425 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors T Koschel and K Pascoe That the standing orders be varied for the meeting as set out hereunder: · Items where councillors wish to speak · Items where no councillors wish to speak · Confidential · Matter of urgency · Closure of Meeting That CR-1, CR-2, RP-1, RP-3, RP-6, RP-8, RP-11 to RP-13, M-1, M-2 and CONF-2 be adopted as recommended in the business papers. CARRIED |
18/426 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors T Koschel and K Pascoe That Council receive and note the report. CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
18/427 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors T Koschel and K Pascoe That Council receive and note the report. CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
RP-1 Presentation from Council's external Auditors - NSW Audit Office on the 2017/18 Financial Statements |
18/428 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors T Koschel and K Pascoe That Council: a note that no public submissions were received regarding the draft Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2018 b receive the Audited Financial Statement, together with the Auditor’s Reports on the Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2018 c receive a presentation from Council’s external auditors, NSW Audit Office CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
RP-2 Financial Performance Report as at 31 October 2018 |
18/429 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors R Kendall and K Pascoe That Council: a approve the proposed 2018/19 budget variations for the month ended 31 October 2018 and note the balanced budget position as presented in this report b provide financial assistance of the following amounts in accordance with Section 356 of the Local Government Act 1993: i) Toy Run (Combined Riders Wagga Wagga ) $ 327.00 ii) Ashmont Baptist Church $ 90.00 iii) Wagga Wagga Seventh Day Adventist Church $ 408.50 c note the Responsible Accounting Officer’s reports, in accordance with the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 (Part 9 Division 3: Clause 203) that the financial position of Council is satisfactory having regard to the original estimates of income and expenditure and the recommendations made above d note details of the external investments as at 31 October 2018 in accordance with section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993 CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
18/430 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors T Koschel and K Pascoe That Council: a endorse becoming an associate member of the Canberra Region Joint Organisation b note the update regarding the Riverina Joint Organisation and REROC c approve the budget variation as detailed in the Financial Implications section of this report CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
RP-4 Council Meeting Schedule 2019 |
Councillor D Hayes signalled a foreshadowed amendment in the event the motion is lost. |
18/431 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors R Kendall and T Koschel That Council endorse the schedule of Ordinary Council meeting dates which makes provision for generally two monthly meetings during the 2019 calendar year, as outlined in the report. CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
G Conkey OAM |
Y Braid OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
R Kendall |
V Keenan |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
With the vote being four votes all, The Mayor, Councillor G Conkey OAM used his casting vote for the Motion.
18/432 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors D Hayes and V Keenan That Council note the process underway on the review of Council’s Complaints Management Framework. CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
RP-6 Draft Planning Proposal LEP18/0008 with Council addendum - reduction to minimum lot size control to Lots 35 - 40 DP 1062621 and Lots 1 - 4, 6 DP 1127328 on Manuka Road and Dandaloo Road, Lake Albert |
18/433 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors T Koschel and K Pascoe That Council: a support the planning proposal LEP18/0008 (and addendum prepared by City Strategy) to amend the Wagga Wagga Local Environmental Plan 2010 b submit a planning proposal to the Department of Planning and Environment for Gateway Determination c adopt the planning proposal to amend the Wagga Wagga Local Environmental Plan 2010 if no submissions are received d receive a further report after the public exhibition period; i addressing any submissions made in respect of the planning proposal ii proposing adoption of the planning proposal unless there are any recommended amendments deemed to be substantial and requiring a further public exhibition period CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
RP-7 PROPOSED APEX BIKE FACILITY AT APEX PARK – LAKE ALBERT was moved forward for the public discussion forum.
RP-8 Draft Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2018 |
18/434 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors T Koschel and K Pascoe That Council: a endorse placing the draft Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2018, including the Appendices on public exhibition for a period of 92 days from 1 December 2018 until 2 March 2019, and invite public submissions until 16 March 2019 on the draft Plan b receive a further report following the exhibition and submission period: i addressing any submission made in respect of the draft Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2018 CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
RP-9 Disabled Access to Waterways |
18/435 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors D Hayes and T Koschel That Council: a receive and note the report b endorse staff completing detailed investigations and reporting back to Council on the proposed accessibility projects. This includes: i the construction of a fishing platform at the Wagga Beach ii the construction of a Wollundry lagoon walkway and model boat platform iii the construction of a jetty in front of the Sailing Club at Lake Albert c endorse the inclusion of the provision of access matting and a beach wheelchair and the inclusion of adult change facilities as part of the Riverside Stage 2 project CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
18/436 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors V Keenan and R Kendall That Council: a endorse the draft Wagga Wagga City Council Inland Water Safety Management Plan and place on public exhibition for a period of 55 days from 1 December 2018 until 24 January 2019, and invite public submissions until 6 February 2019 on the draft Plan b receive a further report following the exhibition and submission period: i addressing any submission made in respect of the draft Wagga Wagga City Council Inland Water Safety Management Plan ii recommending funding options for the Plan’s implementation iii proposing adoption of the Plan unless there are any recommended amendments deemed to be substantial and requiring a further public exhibition period c lobby for the construction of high level water offtakes in Burrinjuck and Blowering dams with a view to increasing water temperature in downstream waterways CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
RP-11 Sporting Hall of Fame |
18/437 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors T Koschel and K Pascoe That Council: a endorse that nominations for the Sporting Hall of Fame and Local Legend be considered by a panel consisting of one Councillor, one Community member and Council officers on a biennial basis, to be open for one month from February to March b endorse that the awards for the Sporting Hall of Fame and Local Legend be presented to inductees at a standalone presentation at the Sporting Hall of Fame exhibit with a Mayoral Reception CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
RP-12 Parramore Park Car Park resurfacing |
18/438 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors T Koschel and K Pascoe That Council: a in accordance with s55(3)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993, not invite tenders for a proposed project delivery contract for the construction sealing of the Parramore Park car park i note the reason for not calling tenders is on the grounds that Council is satisfied that inviting tenders would not achieve a satisfactory result due to the unavailability of competitive tenderers as Wagga Wagga Rugby League will provide the project management and undertake the procurement processes associated with the project b authorise the General Manager or their delegate to enter into a contract with Wagga Wagga Rugby League for the construction sealing of the Parramore Park carpark in the lump sum amount of $74,000 excluding GST c authorise the affixing of Council’s Common Seal to all relevant documents as required d note the source of the budget allocation as detailed in the Financial Implications section of the report CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
18/439 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors T Koschel and K Pascoe That Council: a note the two submissions received during the exhibition period 15 September 2018 and concluding on 29 October 2018 b adopt the following new and amended fees and charges for 2018/19 from 1 December 2018
c remove the following fee for 2018/19 from 1 December 2018
d include additional information in the 2018/19 Fees and Charges document, allowing the ability for Commercial properties (Non Residential and Non Rateable) to opt out of Council’s Commercial Waste Service e pursuant to Sections 377 and 378 of the Local Government Act 1993, delegate authority to the General Manager or their delegate, the ability to assess and approve waste services charges concessions approved in the above list of Fees and Charges amendments f place the following new fees, for Council’s Revenue and Pricing Policy 2018/19 on public exhibition for a period of at least 28 days from 1 December 2018 and invite public submissions from the community during this period in relation to the proposed new fees
g receive a further report following the exhibition and submission period: i addressing any submissions made in respect of the proposed amendments to Council’s Revenue and Pricing Policy 2018/19 ii proposing adoption of the new fees unless there are any recommended amendments deemed to be substantial and requiring a further public exhibition period CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
RP-14 Proposed Mobile Food Vending Trial |
Councillor T Koschel declared a Significant, Non-Pecuniary Interest and vacated the chamber, the time being 7:28pm. |
A MOTION was moved by Councillor K Pascoe and seconded by Councillor P Funnell That Council: a authorise the General Manager or their delegate, to undertake an Expression of Interest Process for a Mobile Food Vending Trial to be conducted allowing the vehicles to operate on public land in the Wagga Wagga local government area according to the following conditions: i vendors are restricted to operating from the following trading zones: · Wagga Beach · Bolton Park · Wiradjuri Reserve · Jubilee Park · Lake Albert (Northern End) · Estella ii vendors can only operate between 6am and 10pm iii vendors cannot operate within 200 metres of a food and drink premise or boundary of an event licensed or approved to occur on Council land (this includes sporting group canteens) b authorise the General Manager or their delegate, after assessment of the submissions, to conduct the Trial from 1 January 2019 to 30 May 2019 with the successful vendors c receive a report following the Trial that: i outlines how the Trial met the objectives outlined within this report ii considers options for late night trading iii recommends whether or not to make the Trial permanent, in which case, a Policy and a Fee and Charge may be proposed d continue to communicate with the representative groups identified in the consultation section in the body of this report and include their feedback in the report back to Council advising the outcomes of the trial An AMENDMENT was moved by Councillor D Hayes and seconded by Councillor R Kendall That Council: a authorise the General Manager or their delegate, to undertake an Expression of Interest Process for a Mobile Food Vending Trial to be conducted allowing the vehicles to operate on public land in the Wagga Wagga local government area according to the following conditions: i vendors can only operate between 6am and 10pm ii vendors cannot operate within 200 metres of a food and drink premise or boundary of an event licensed or approved to occur on Council land (this includes sporting group canteens) iii vendors cannot operate in the Central Business District (CBD) exclusion zone as outlined in the report b authorise the General Manager or their delegate, after assessment of the submissions, to conduct the Trial from 1 January 2019 to 30 May 2019 with the successful vendors c receive a report following the Trial that: i outlines how the Trial met the objectives outlined within this report ii considers options for late night trading iii recommends whether or not to make the Trial permanent, in which case, a Policy and a Fee and Charge may be proposed d continue to communicate with the representative groups identified in the consultation section in the body of this report and include their feedback in the report back to Council advising the outcomes of the trial RECORD OF VOTING ON THE AMENDMENT
18/440 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors D Hayes and R Kendall That Council: a authorise the General Manager or their delegate, to undertake an Expression of Interest Process for a Mobile Food Vending Trial to be conducted allowing the vehicles to operate on public land in the Wagga Wagga local government area according to the following conditions: i vendors can only operate between 6am and 10pm ii vendors cannot operate within 200 metres of a food and drink premise or boundary of an event licensed or approved to occur on Council land (this includes sporting group canteens) iii vendors cannot operate in the Central Business District (CBD) exclusion zone as outlined in the report b authorise the General Manager or their delegate, after assessment of the submissions, to conduct the Trial from 1 January 2019 to 30 May 2019 with the successful vendors c receive a report following the Trial that: i outlines how the Trial met the objectives outlined within this report ii considers options for late night trading iii recommends whether or not to make the Trial permanent, in which case, a Policy and a Fee and Charge may be proposed d continue to communicate with the representative groups identified in the consultation section in the body of this report and include their feedback in the report back to Council advising the outcomes of the trial CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
G Conkey OAM |
Y Braid OAM |
D Hayes |
P Funnell |
V Keenan |
K Pascoe |
R Kendall |
Councillor T Koschel re-entered the chamber, the time being 8:09pm.
18/441 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors T Koschel and K Pascoe That Council receive the minutes of the Riverina Regional Library Advisory Committee Meeting held on 31 October 2018. CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
M-2 Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Minutes - 9 November 2018 |
18/442 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors T Koschel and K Pascoe That Council endorses the recommendations contained in the minutes of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Meeting held on 9 November 2018. CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
The following Questions / Business with Notice were raised and will be addressed in the next available Business Paper: 1. Councillor D Hayes requested if Council could receive information or a quarterly report on what information Council should be receiving from its involvement in external committees that we elect to have representation on? Those being Murray Darling Association, Conservatorium of Music, Rural Fire Service Agreement Management Committee, and Riverina Water.
2. Councillor D Hayes requested advice on what Motions were put to the Local Government NSW Conference by Council in October this year that were not supported. 3. Councillor T Koschel has been contacted by a group called Ozfish, a group of local volunteers who clean up the waterways around the area. The group recently cleaned up around 1.5 tonnes of rubbish from the Eunony Bridge area. The group have attempted to contact Council about getting the Gregadoo Waste Management fee reimbursed, but have not received a response back. Can Council staff contact the group to further discuss the matter.
4. Councillor K Pascoe requested that traffic islands throughout the City be cleaned up as there are high weeds on some of these traffic islands.
5. Councillor K Pascoe requested information on why Council only allows itself to certify construction in the Lloyd subdivision by excluding private certifiers. A builder has been in contact with Councillor Pascoe to advise it takes about four to five weeks for Council approval, opposed to only about one week with a private certifier.
6. Councillor K Pascoe requested a report back on details regarding salinity in the Lloyd subdivision.
7. Councillor P Funnell requested information on Council’s compliance regime in reference to fairness to food outlets where a bricks and mortar business trading for over 30 years has been made to jump through hoops to serve coffee when food trucks are being approved without the same rigour.
8. The Mayor, Councillor G Conkey OAM attended the crowning of the 2019 Miss Wagga Wagga and Community Princess on Saturday night and acknowledged the signification contribution to the City by the previous Miss Wagga Wagga, Zoe Martin and Community Princess, Maddie Smith who have been excellent ambassadors for this City over the past 12 months. He also congratulated the 2019 Miss Wagga Wagga, Stina Constantine and Community Princess, Presley Callen on their selection and look forward to working with them over the next 12 months.
9. Councillor R Kendall attended the Australian Aviation Hall of Fame on Saturday night as he represents Council on this Board. He will be making a recommendation to the Mayor and General Manager that now the organisation is firmly established at the Illawarra Regional Airport in the Shoalhaven area, that Council cease any monterey support including that support of a Wagga City Councillor representative attending board meetings and alike. He advised that he will be offering to continue is involvement with the organisation in his personal capacity at his personal expense.
closed COUNCIL
18/443 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors K Pascoe and D Hayes That the Council now resolve itself into a Closed Council, the time being 8.17pm. CARRIED |
CONF-1 Consideration of RFQ2018-556 Supply of One 4WD Tractor & RFQ2018-557 Supply of One Rotary Multi Deck Mower |
18/444 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors D Hayes and K Pascoe That Council: a accept the offer of Massey Ferguson/Iseki/Fendt Agco Australia Pty Ltd for the amount of $100,454.55 excluding GST b authorise the General Manager or their delegate to enter into a contract with Massey Ferguson/Iseki/Fendt Agco Australia Pty Ltd for the supply of one 4WD Tractor for the amount of $100,454.55 excluding GST c in accordance with Regulation 178(3)(a) of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, decline the offers for the supply of one Rotary Multi Deck Mower RFQ2018-557 and cancel the proposal for the contract d authorise the affixing of Council’s Common seal to all relevant documents as required CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
18/445 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors T Koschel and K Pascoe That Council: a in accordance with clause 178(1)(b) of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 (LG Regulation), decline to accept any of the tenders submitted in response to RFT2018-25 Eunony Bridge Strengthening & widening b invite in accordance with Clause 167, 168 or 169 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, fresh tenders based on the same or different details CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
CONF-3 Major Event Sponsorship Report |
18/446 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors D Hayes and T Koschel That Council authorise the General Manager or their delegate to enter into an agreement to sponsor Empire Touring’s ‘The Murrumbidgee Music Muster’ event to the amount of $30,000 excluding GST to be committed from the Major Event Sponsorship budget. CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
D Hayes |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
CONF-4 RFQ2017/529 - Densely Graded Asphalt Supply & Lay |
18/447 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors P Funnell and R Kendall That Council defer consideration of RFQ2017/529 - Densely Graded Asphalt Supply & Lay until the 17 December 2018, Ordinary Council Meeting. CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
Reversion to open COUNCIL
18/448 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors P Funnell and D Hayes That this meeting of the Closed Council revert to an open meeting of the Council, the time being 8.53pm. CARRIED |