To be held on
8 April 2019
AT 6.00pm
Cnr Baylis and Morrow Streets,
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
PO Box 20, Wagga Wagga
Phone: 1300 292 442
Fax: 02 6926 9199
In pursuance of the provisions of the Local Government Act, 1993 and the Regulations there under, notice is hereby given that an Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the City of Wagga Wagga will be held in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Corner Baylis and Morrow Streets, Wagga Wagga, on Monday 8 April 2019 at 6.00pm.
Council live streams video and audio of Council meetings. Members of the public are advised that their voice and/or image may form part of the webcast.
Mr Peter Thompson
General Manager
Mayor Councillor Greg Conkey OAM |
Deputy Mayor Councillor Dallas Tout |
Councillor Yvonne Braid |
Councillor Paul Funnell |
Councillor Dan Hayes |
Councillor Vanessa Keenan |
Councillor Rod Kendall |
Councillor Tim Koschel |
Councillor Kerry Pascoe |
The quorum for a meeting of the Council is a majority of the Councillors of the Council who hold office for the time being who are eligible to vote at the meeting.
Reports submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council to be held on Monday 8 April 2019.
Ordinary Meeting of Council AGENDA AND BUSINESS PAPER
Monday 8 April 2019
Notices of Motions of Rescission
Reports from Staff
RP-1 DA17/0572 for 9 Lot Subdivision at Genista Place, Springvale NSW 2650 5
RP-2 DA17/0691 - Childcare Centre at 24 Higgins Avenue, Wagga Wagga, Lot 10 DP225843. 15
RP-3 Evocities extension of MOU 19
RP-5 Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 - 2034 38
Committee Minutes
M-1 Airport Advisory Committee Meeting - 6 February 2019 239
Confidential Reports
CONF-4 Potential Council Event 273
CONF-5 Farrer Road Gas Pipeline Relocation 274
Confirmation of Minutes
That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 25 March 2019 be confirmed as a true and accurate record.
1⇩. |
Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 25 March 2019 |
275 |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 8 April 2019 |
NOR-1 |
Notice of Motions of Rescission
Councillor: Councillor Tim Koschel
Councillor Yvonne Braid
Councillor Paul Funnell
Summary: |
The purpose of this report is to rescind resolution No. 19/086 from the 25 March 2019 Council Meeting and put a new motion that recommends the inclusion of a representative from Neighbourhood Watch as a voting representative on the Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group. |
That Council: a rescind Resolution No. 19/086 Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Group, which reads as follows: That Council: a establish a Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group b endorse the Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group Terms of Reference as tabled with this report c invite the identified stakeholders outlined in the Terms of Reference document with the following additions to join as members to the Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group i two additional community representatives with at least one under the age of 25 at the date of application ii three Councillors in addition to the Mayor d advertise an expression of interest process to appoint the community members on to the Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group b establish a Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group c endorse the Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group Terms of Reference provided under sepeate cover with the following amendments to the voting members: i two additional community representatives with at least one being under the age of 25 at the date of application ii three Councillors in addition to the Mayor iii one representative from Neighbourhood Watch d invite the identified stakeholders outlined in the Terms of Reference document and above to join as members to the Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group e advertise an expression of interest process to appoint the community members |
At the 25 March 2019 Council Meeting it was resolved:
That Council:
a establish a Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group
b endorse the Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group Terms of Reference as tabled with this report
c invite the identified stakeholders outlined in the Terms of Reference document with the following additions to join as members to the Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group
i two additional community representatives with at least one under the age of 25 at the date of application
ii three Councillors in addition to the Mayor
d advertise an expression of interest process to appoint the community members on to the Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group
We are presenting this Rescission Motion for Councillors to consider the inclusion of a representative from Neighbourhood Watch as a voting member of the Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group.
Financial Implications
Policy and Legislation
Wagga Wagga City Council Code of Meeting Practice
Link to Strategic Plan
Safe and Healthy Community
Objective: We are safe
Outcome: We feel safe
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 8 April 2019 |
RP-1 |
RP-1 DA17/0572 for 9 Lot Subdivision at Genista Place, Springvale NSW 2650
Author: Cameron Collins
General Manager: Peter Thompson
Summary: |
The report is for a development application and is presented to Council for determination. The application has been referred to Council under Section 1.10 of the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010 (WWDCP) as the number of submissions received is more than 10.
At its meeting of 25 February 2019, Council resolved to defer its determination “pending further consultation with the applicant, the objectors and Council”. This report has been prepared to address the outcomes of the further consultation. |
That Council approve DA17/0572 for 9 Lot Subdivision at Genista Place, Springvale NSW 2650 subject to conditions outlined in the Section 4.15 assessment report for DA17/0572 including a deferred commencement condition requiring Council and the developer to execute the ‘Genista Place Planning Agreement’ and including any amendments detailed in the recommendations contained in this report. |
Development Application Details
Applicant |
Watsons Hill Pty Ltd Directors – Robert Salisbury, Lena Alatalo, Antti Alatalo, Mike Alatalo Secretaries – Robert Salisbury, Antii Alatalo, Jennifer Priest, Mike Alatalo, Anthony Moyle, Paul Eady
Owner |
Watsons Hill Pty Ltd Directors & Secretaries – see above.
Development Cost |
$100,000 |
Development Description |
The applicant seeks approval for subdivision under Torrens title of the existing lot (Lot 39 DP 1085747) to create 9 lots in total.
Eight residential lots are proposed ranging from 2.000 hectares to 2.039 hectares in area. The residential allotments will be provided access to Genista Place, Wisteria Place and Featherwood Drive via 3 existing access handles serving the parent allotment.
Lot 9 will have an area of 8.542 hectares and will be dedicated as public reserve to Council. This allotment is the subject of a Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) (identified as the draft “Genista Place Planning Agreement”) which will allow for the dedication of proposed Lot 9 in lieu of the payment of developer contributions under s.7.11 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
At its meeting of 29 January 2019, Council resolved to enter into this VPA and authorised the General Manager to execute the agreement.
Key Issues
· Protection of existing vegetation and E2 (Environmental Conservation ) zoned land
· Bushfire prone land
· Establishment of appropriate building envelopes
· Access and servicing of allotments
· Stormwater impacts on downstream properties
· Public access from Springvale to hill top reserve
· 22 objections received
· Dedication of public reserve in lieu of developer contributions and associated Voluntary Planning Agreement
Site Location
The subject land, Lot 39 DP 1085747, is at the northern end of Genista Place, Springvale, extending over the hill to the rear of properties fronting Clifton Street, Bourkelands. It is bordered to the west by Holbrook Road and to the east by residential properties fronting Mulga Place. The lot has access handles to Genista Place, Wisteria Place and Featherwood Road.
At its meeting of 25 February 2019, Council resolved to defer its determination “pending further consultation with the applicant, the objectors and Council”. This report has prepared to address the outcomes of the further consultation.
Additional consultation
The following additional consultation occurred as requested by Council.
Site inspection for Councillors
This inspection occurred on 14 March 2019. Three Councillors were in attendance. Councillors inspected options for possible pedestrian linkages through the development site and also issues surrounding the management of stormwater and existing natural stormwater/overland flow issues on the site.
Consultation with concerned residents
All 22 residents who made submissions were sent a written offer to attend individual or group meetings during the week commencing 18 March 2019, with Council’s Manager City Development and Council’s Development Assessment Coordinator. One resident met with Council staff and staff received telephone calls from 3 other residents. The following key issues were discussed during this consultation:
· The desire to obtain pedestrian access through the development to the hill top reserve and Wiradjuri Walking Track.
· Concerns relating to the development causing additional overland stormwater impacts on residents down stream. And also existing natural overland flow.
· Aboriginal cultural heritage concerns
Matters raised during this additional consultation are discussed below. This discussion incorporates recommended amendments to the original proposed conditions of consent where appropriate.
Pedestrian Access
Staff have discussed with the applicant options to provide a Springvale linkage through to the hill top reserve and Wiradjuri Walking Track. Investigation has confirmed that that opportunities to provide this link through the central areas of the development are problematic due to the steepness of the grade and also the practicality of extending the linkage between the proposed allotments and through to either Wisteria Place or Featherwood Drive.
The applicant has, however, offered to extend the reserve along the western boundary (Holbrook Road boundary) of the development and then through to Genista Place to provide continuity. The following diagram details how the proposed reserve (marked in pink) could be extended. A full version of this plan is provided as an attachment to this report.
Whilst the link is provided at the western edge of the development, it will follow a more acceptable grade through to the top of the hill and will also coincide with the area currently used as an informal access track/trail. The link will also provide for an informal access for Springvale residents to enter the reserve at the Holbrook Road end. The existing Casuarina Place access to the reserve will continue to remain available to residents.
Pedestrian Access Recommendation
That Council approve the amended subdivision plan (Plan No. 00017161 Rev A – Amendment 5 dated 20/3/19) incorporating the proposed amendment to the public reserve allotment (Lot 9) linking it to Genista Place.
It is recommended that the proposed conditions of consent be modified to include reference to the modified plans and a requirement to appropriately fence the reserve prior to dedicating to Council.
Stormwater drainage generated from subdivision development
Council’s ‘Engineering Guidelines for Subdivision and Developments’ requires the developer to provide appropriate stormwater infrastructure for the development and to address potential issues surrounding stormwater flows from the development onto adjoining properties. All large lot subdivisions are variable in terms of their lot size, configuration and topography. For this reason, Council’s Development Engineer will have regard to these aspects when assessing a stormwater management system for a large lot development against the requirements of the guidelines.
The following existing recommended conditions of consent require this system to be designed and approved prior to Council releasing the construction certificate for commencement of any works:
Existing recommended condition No. 2
Prior to the release of the Construction Certificate, detailed drainage design for the subdivision must be submitted to Council for approval. In addition, detailed calculations on stormwater management shall also be submitted to Council for approval. The details shall be approved by Council prior to the release of the Construction Certificate.
Note 1: All upstream catchments that will be diverted and concentrated to typical points of discharge i.e. to Genista Place, Wisteria Place and Featherwood Drive shall be designed to accommodate flows up to the 100 year critical ARI. Overland flow calculations and cross section for diversion banks shall be shown on Construction Certificate plans.
Note 2: All underground drainage discharge points into the existing open swale drains along Genista Place, Wisteria Place and Featherwood Drive shall be designed to minimise erosion. Water dissipation measures shall be incorporated into the design.
Note 3: All stormwater drainage dedicated to Council shall be designed in accordance with Councils Engineering Guidelines for Subdivision & Development.
Note 4: All existing and proposed contour banks/diversion shall be shown on the Construction Certificate plan. The removal of existing banks will not be approved unless the applicant can provide Council with justifiable grounds.
Existing recommended condition No. 5
Prior to release of construction certificate, it shall be demonstrated to Council that the road access points shall at no time impede existing water flows. Calculations shall be submitted at each access point to ensure the size of the drainage structure is adequate to handle the proposed stormwater runoff and existing conditions. Stormwater Runoff generated from the new access roads shall also be incorporated in the design.
Note: The proposed access points shall not be designed as a rural residential driveway.
Existing recommended condition No. 8
Prior to the issue of Construction Certificate two copies of engineering plans, specifications and calculations in relation to the development together with payment of any relevant fees must be submitted to Council. The works are to comply with Council’s Engineering Guidelines for Subdivision and Developments.
Whilst preliminary desktop investigation into the capacity and ability to service subdivisions with utilities and infrastructure is undertaken in the planning process preceding the lodgement of a development application, the detailed design of the utility/infrastructure provision does not occur until the construction certificate phase.
The recommended conditions of consent for a subdivision bind the developer to ensuring the standards imposed by the relevant authority are met with regard to the utility/infrastructure provision prior to issue of any construction certificate permitting the commencement of works.
Given the topography of this site and the proposed position of building envelopes upslope of adjacent development, the developer has proposed that each lot has access to a piped connection that will cater for a 1 in 10 year storm event. The developer has proposed the extension of a piped system from the adjacent road to each allotment, an example of which is shown in the diagram below (pipes with blue line) for the servicing of the 3 proposed allotments accessing Genista Place.
Stormwater collected from future dwellings and hardstand surfaces will be piped to the stormwater pit provided to the lot and then discharged to the table drain in the road via a headwall structure (shown in diagram above). This system will be required to accommodate a 1 in 10 year storm event based on catchment calculations and in accordance with Council’s guidelines.
In addition to this (and as identified in the condition above), if the developer proposes to divert any existing natural flows as part of the development works, these flows will need to be directed to the road drainage infrastructure (e.g. via contours/diversion banks) and will need to accommodate overland flows up to the 1 in 100 year storm event.
It is noted that the proposed subdivision consent will not result in works which will result in increased overland flow to adjoining downhill properties. The location of dwelling envelopes will be refined through modelling and engineering design to ensure that future development of those envelopes will not result in increased overland flow to adjoining downhill properties.
The final catchment of developed stormwater from the lots will ultimately be determined at the time when future dwellings are designed and constructed on these allotments. To assist in ensuring that these developments do not exacerbate stormwater issues on adjacent properties, it is recommended that covenants be placed on the titles of each allotment requiring future landowners to ensure that:
· All developed hardstand and roofed areas be connected to the piped stormwater system for each allotment; and
· All developed hardstand and roofed areas be provided with an overland flow path directing water to the public road drainage system via the shared driveway servicing the lot for flows up to the 100 year critical ARI.
Further to this, it is also recommended that building envelopes be adjusted to ensure future dwellings (that are required to be sited within the envelope) can be drained to the piped infrastructure provided. This will also ensure that any overland flow from the developed areas that exceed the capacity of the piped system can also follow the required overland flow path to the shared driveways and the existing road drainage system. To ensure this occurs, it is recommended that proposed condition 7 (identified in the attached assessment report) be supplemented to reference the requirement for the proposed envelopes to be adjusted accordingly.
Finally, it also recommended that the 4 notations identified in the stormwater condition (existing condition No. 4) above, be drafted as part of the condition (as opposed to notes) so as to strengthen this condition and to ensure these requirements are met by the applicant.
Stormwater from undeveloped areas of the site.
Stormwater / overland flow that is naturally generated from other parts of the proposed allotments that are not developed or are not impacted by the proposed development, will continue to follow its natural path which may currently impact on adjoining properties. As identified above, the developer is only responsible for ensuring that stormwater flows onto adjoining land do not exceed the existing undeveloped run-off rate.
For example, water generated from the higher slopes of the site that follows natural drainage paths that are not be interrupted by the developed areas of the allotments, will continued to follow these paths and discharge as per existing. A further example of this is the ‘water soaks’ or natural springs referred to in submissions received from concerned landowners in the area. This is naturally occurring groundwater that is discharging from the hill and is originating from water entering the system either from areas upslope or potentially from other areas beyond the site. Subject to the pathway of this water not being interrupted by the proposed developed areas, this water will continue to affect downhill property owners.
Whilst the developer may consider options to incorporate this water into their system design, they will not be required to manage this water flow. If the developer proposes to interfere with or alter these flows, they will be required to comply with the conditional requirements discussed earlier.
Stormwater Recommendations
As discussed above, it is recommended that
1. Existing recommended condition No. 35 (relating to the imposition of covenants over the proposed allotments) be amended to include the additional requirement for a covenant over each residential allotment requiring future landowners to ensure that:
· All developed hardstand and roofed areas be connected to the piped stormwater system for each allotment; and
· All developed hardstand and roofed areas be provided with an overland flow path directing water to the public road drainage system via the shared driveway servicing the lot for flows up to the 100 year critical ARI.
2. Existing recommended condition No. 7 (relating to the final configuration of the building envelopes on each allotment) be supplemented to require each building envelopes to be configures that :
· stormwater collected from future dwellings and hardstand surfaces can be directed to the proposed piped stormwater system; and
· any overland flow from the developed areas that exceed the capacity of the piped system can follow an overland flow path to the shared driveways and the existing road drainage system.
3. Existing recommended condition No. 4 (relating to the required stormwater drainage design) be amended so that the 4 notations become part of the conditional requirements (as opposed to notes).
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage
A recorded scar tree exists within one of the proposed residential allotments. As previously discussed, no approval will be granted for the removal of any trees on the site. In addition, building envelope restrictions will apply requiring appropriate setbacks to existing trees located on the allotments. Should future proposed development represent a potential impact on this scar tree appropriate actions would need to be put in place to address that issue.
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Recommendations
To further assist in ensuring the protection of this particular tree, it is recommended that exiting recommended condition No. 33 (relating to the preparation of Property Management Plans) be amended to incorporate a specific requirement for the plan to contain management practices for the ongoing protection of the tree and its surrounds. Once the Property Management Plan is finalised and approved, it is linked to a covenant over the land (see recommended condition No. 35) requiring its implementation by all future landowners.
Reasons for Approval
1. The proposed subdivision has been assessed against and is consistent with the relevant provisions of the Wagga Wagga Local Environmental Plan 2010 and the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010.
2. A Bush Fire Safety Authority under Section 100B of the Rural Fires Act has been issued by the NSW Rural Fire Service for the development.
3. Council has resolved, at its meeting of 29 January 2019, to enter into a Voluntary Planning Agreement with the developer in lieu of developer contributions being paid under s.7.11 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
Financial Implications
Link to Strategic Plan
The Environment
Objective: We plan for the growth of the city
Outcome: We have sustainable urban development
Risk Management Issues for Council
Refusal of the application may result in an appeal process in the Land and Environment Court which will have to be defended by Council. The reasons for refusal will have to be justified and withstand scrutiny and cross examination in Court.
Approval is not considered to raise risk management issues for Council as the proposed development is generally consistent with the relevant provisions of the Wagga Wagga Local Environmental Plan 2010 and the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010.
Internal / External Consultation
Pursuant to this provision of Section 1.10 of the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010, notification of the application is required. Notification was conducted to properties surrounding the development between 25 October and 13 November 2017. The application was also advertised between 30 October - 13 November 2017.
The application received 22 submissions objecting to the development.
A site inspection for Councillors occurred on 14 March 2019.
Further consultation in the form of individual meetings was offered by letter dated 8 March 2019 to the 22 residents who made a submission to the application original. See discussion earlier in this report.
Media |
Community Engagement |
Digital |
Rates notices insert |
Direct mail |
Letterbox drop |
Council news story |
Council News advert |
Media releases |
TV/radio advertising |
One-on-one meetings |
Your Say website |
Community meetings |
Stakeholder workshops |
Drop-in sessions |
Surveys and feedback forms |
Social media |
Email newsletters |
Website |
Digital advertising |
Consult |
x |
x |
x |
x |
1⇨. |
DA17/0572 - Section 4.15 Assessment Report - Provided under separate cover |
2⇨. |
DA17/0572 - Amended Subdivision Plan - Provided under separate cover |
3⇨. |
DA17/0572 - Original Superseded Subdivision Plan - Provided under separate cover |
4⇨. |
DA17/0572 - Redacted Submissions - Provided under separate cover |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 8 April 2019 |
RP-2 |
RP-2 DA17/0691 - Childcare Centre at 24 Higgins Avenue, Wagga Wagga, Lot 10 DP225843.
Author: Cameron Collins
General Manager: Peter Thompson
Summary: |
The report is for a development application and is presented to Council for determination. The application has been referred to Council under Section 1.10 of the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010 as the number of submissions received is more than 10. |
That Council approve DA17/0691 for a child care centre at Lot 10 in DP225843, 24 Higgins Avenue, Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 subject to conditions outlined in the Section 4.15 assessment report for DA17/0691.
Development Application Details
Applicant |
Carole Harmer and Lionel Harmer |
Owner |
Carole Harmer and Lionel Harmer |
Development Cost |
$650,000 |
Development Description |
The proposed development is for a new childcare centre catering for 48 children between 0-6 years of age, split between two playrooms. Within the building there will also be an office area, lobby, nappy change rooms, a kitchen, laundry, reception, store rooms, toilets and craft rooms. To the rear (south east) of the building a covered and open outdoor play area will be developed. A small storage shed is proposed in the southern corner of the site. The proposed building will have a footprint of approximately 420sq.m and be set back from the road by approximately 30 metres. Parking and landscaping will be provided in the set back area, a total of 12 parking spaces will be provided on site. There will be one driveway in and out of the site, accessed from Higgins Avenue. The centre is proposed to operate from 6am to 6pm Monday to Friday and will employ a minimum of 6 staff members at any one time. |
Key Issues
· Characteristic or riverine and stormwater flooding at the site.
· Suitability of proposed use on flood prone land.
· Impacts of development on amenity of surrounding residential area including potential noise impacts.
· Traffic and parking impacts.
· 17 objections received - summary of main issues raised in submissions is provided in the table below:
Submission Summary |
Impact on safety of users of Higgins Avenue and surrounding streets from additional traffic generated by the development. |
Configuration of carpark is dangerous to users. |
Inadequate on site parking provisions will result in additional parking on Higgins Avenue. |
The proposal does not meet the requirements of Council’s DCP for child care centres. |
Noise and privacy impacts on immediately adjoining residential properties. |
Hours of operations (6am - 6pm) is inappropriate for a residential areas. |
Risk to the development and occupants as a result of flooding. |
Impacts of noise, vibration and visual exposure from proximity and height of adjoining rail viaduct to rear. |
Negative impact on surrounding property values. |
A full assessment of the submissions within the assessment report and a full copy of the redacted submissions are provided attachments under separate cover.
This proposal has been assessed having regard to the Heads of Consideration under Section 4.15(1) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, the provisions of Wagga Wagga Local Environmental Plan 2010 and all relevant Council DCPs, Codes and Policies.
Council has engaged an independent assessment of flooding (riverine and storm water) at the site to establish the flooding characteristics at the site. The development has been assessed with regard to the finding of the assessment and it is satisfied that the potential impacts of flooding on the proposed use are manageable subject to compliance with recommended conditions of consent.
Having regard for the information contained in the attached Section 4.15 assessment report, it is satisfied that the development is consistent with objectives and controls of the relevant plans and policies applicable to the development. The assessment has also concluded that the impacts of the development are acceptable with regard to the site and surrounding land uses.
It is therefore recommended that DA17/0572 be approved subject to conditions of development consent recommended.
Reasons for Approval
The impacts of the development and the suitability of the site have been assessed as being acceptable. The development has also been assessed as being consistent with the relevant plans and policies applicable to the development including:
· State Environmental Planning Policy (Educational Establishments and Child Care Facilities) 2017
· NSW Child Care Planning Guideline and National Regulation
· State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007
· Wagga Wagga Local Environmental Plan 2010
· Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010
Site Location
The subject site is identified as 24 Higgins Avenue, Lot 10 in DP225843. The site is located on the southern side of Higgins Avenue approximately 200 metres to the east of Tarcutta Street. The site measures 1296 m² and is a long, narrow site with a frontage of 17 metres and approximate length of 75 metres. The site adjoins the railway along its south eastern boundary. The site is currently vacant.
Financial Implications
Link to Strategic Plan
The Environment
Objective: We plan for the growth of the city
Outcome: We have sustainable urban development
Risk Management Issues for Council
Refusal of the application may result in an appeal process in the Land and Environment Court which will have to be defended by Council. The reasons for refusal will have to be justified and withstand scrutiny and cross examination in Court.
Approval is not considered to raise risk management issues for Council as the proposed development is generally consistent with the relevant provisions of the Wagga Wagga Local Environmental Plan 2010 and the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010.
Internal / External Consultation
Pursuant to this provision of Section 1.10 of the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010, notification and advertising of the application was required. The application was advertised to the public and notified surrounding properties from 12 to 26 March 2018 in accordance with the provisions of the DCP. Seventeen submissions were received during the notification period.
A further notation period was provided between 12 and 22 March 2019 for those that provided submissions. No further submissions were received during this period.
Media |
Community Engagement |
Digital |
Rates notices insert |
Direct mail |
Letterbox drop |
Council news story |
Council News advert |
Media releases |
TV/radio advertising |
One-on-one meetings |
Your Say website |
Community meetings |
Stakeholder workshops |
Drop-in sessions |
Surveys and feedback forms |
Social media |
Email newsletters |
Website |
Digital advertising |
Consult |
x |
x |
x |
1⇨. |
DA17/0691 - Section 4.15 Assessment Report - Provided under separate cover |
2⇨. |
DA17/0691 - Development Plans - Provided under separate cover |
3⇨. |
DA17/0691 - Flood Data Assessment - Provided under separate cover |
4⇨. |
DA17/0691 - Public Submissions (Redacted) - Provided under separate cover |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 8 April 2019. RP-3
RP-3 Evocities extension of MOU
Director: Natalie Te Pohe
Summary: |
To review Council’s participation in the Evocities program. |
That Council a “sit out” the current program for the 2019/20 Evocities campaign and investigate how we might monitor the actual benefit of the campaign to regional cities b authorise the General Manager to write to the Steering Committee informing them of Council’s approach c continue the budget allocation that would have been for Evocities for targeting businesses to relocate to Wagga Wagga highlighting the opportunities for growth and expansion |
Council deferred this report at the 17 December 2018 meeting and requested that additional information be provided in relation to the success of the program and how the expenditure (currently $80,000 for 2019/20) has directly produced a meaningful result. Unfortunately there is no further data available that demonstrates the direct link of Evocities campaigns and people relocating.
Evocities have recently launched a video and radio campaign in Sydney. This has significantly increased the visits to the website, which promotes opportunities for metropolitan residents to consider a move to Regional NSW. Based on the latest ratings, it is anticipated that Evocities’ 40 ads will be viewed over 2.2 million times (expected audience per 30 second placement is between 51,000 and 61,000).
Evocities have recently had a $300,000 injection from the State Government to further support the marketing campaign. The group has requested that State Government continue this support to the organisation to ensure the brand can continue to reach metropolitan markets and encourage people to consider moving to regional cities in NSW.
It is important to note that the Evocities MOU is non-binding and Wagga Wagga could remove itself from the program at the completion of any financial year.
Wagga Wagga City Council has been a partner to the Evocities program since its inception in July 2005. On 1 March 2009, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the partner Councils of Albury, Armidale, Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange, Tamworth and Wagga Wagga, was entered into to formalise the collaboration. Since this time, the MOU has been renewed in 2011, 2013, and 2015 with the current MOU due to expire on 30 June 2019.
Evocities’ three core functions are promotion, advocacy and assistance.
The seven cities of Albury, Armidale, Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange, Tamworth and Wagga Wagga work together to promote regional city living; to advocate for innovative regional policy development; and to assist people as they make the decision to move from an overpopulated capital city where things like congestion and cost of living can make everyday a trial, to an Evocity, where the lifestyle is idyllic and there are exceptional employment opportunities.
One of the primary objectives of the campaign is to change capital city residents’ perception of regional city living by dispelling misconceptions about regional cities, and promote the Evocities as vibrant and thriving cities offering fantastic employment, investment, community, and lifestyle opportunities. In order to achieve this objective, the campaign utilises a strategic mix of marketing and public relations (PR) activities that drive people to our Evocities websites where they can learn more about what our regions have to offer, and how they can escape capital city congestion and making a 'city change' their reality. While it is clear people visit the website, no data has been collected to measure whether it has any impact.
The MOU being presented (attached to this report) for Council’s consideration has been prepared and supported by the Evocities Steering Committee and the NSW Inland Forum. The proposed term of the MOU is 1 July 2019 – 30 June 2023, to align with the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework that guides Local Government operations.
Evocity Councils have collectively invested $2.65 million in the Evocities brand to date. The program has also received funding from State ($530,000) and Federal Governments ($1.7 million) as well as corporate sponsors ($395,000).
The market penetration achieved since its launch in September 2010, and level of brand awareness that exists in the Sydney marketplace, along with the other east coast capital cities is unknown.
While it is recognised that continued State and Federal Government support for Evocities would aid in achieving awareness, the connection between awareness and outcomes remains unknown. The operating model proposed by the member Councils is such that maintenance of the Evocities brand presence and core campaign elements over the term of the MOU will be possible, regardless of whether additional government funding is secured.
Given the Evocities are the targeted beneficiaries of the program outcomes, it is considered appropriate and reasonable that they provide core program funding. However, the program does directly support State government objectives.
As such, Evocities are currently drafting a funding proposal that asks the NSW Government to contribute approximately $2 million over the next four years (approximately 90% matched funding). This funding would be utilised so that Evocities can continue to build on the momentum produced by recent campaigns; achieve substantial market penetration; and deliver significant outcomes for all the cities involved, for the surrounding regions and for Sydney. This has always been the goal. The position that Wagga Wagga currently has to consider is that Wagga Wagga has been requesting data to relate expenditure to actual benefit since 2015 and it has still not been provided.
Some key outcomes from the campaign since its launch in September 2010, to the end of September 2018, include:
· 638,988 visits to;
· Over 2.4 million visits to;
· Over 47,500 jobs promoted;
· 8,078 responses made to potential relocator’s enquires; and
· 2,922 media placements across both traditional and online media reaching a potential audience of more than 180.5 million people.
Since launching in September 2010, the Evocities have collectively welcomed 3,619 new households (as at end September 2018) who contribute to the economies of the participating regional cities, and provide other benefits including lifting median incomes, encouraging business growth, increasing tourism and growing participation in community groups.
These 3,619 households are only the relocators who have had direct contact with Council staff and confirmed they have made the move. While it is difficult for each of the Evocities to track relocators to their city, some Evocity Councils monitor and interact with the new residents, which adds value to the campaign. It is not possible however to count how many other households were inspired by an Evocities ad, found a job on Evojobs or researched their city change on (or all of the above) before making the move.
The Evocities MOU 2019/20 to 2022/23 provides guidance for the future of the campaign, detailing the program objectives including plans to:
· build on the historical investment and success of the Evocities program;
· attract people, businesses, and skilled labour to the regions; grow and develop the Evocities’ collaboration;
· advocate for the Evocities to influence relevant regional, State and Federal Government plans, strategies and policies.
In order to enable effective implementation of all the Evocities objectives, it is important that each Council confirm its continued commitment to the program, including financial contributions and in-kind support of staff.
Indirectly it could be argued that the Evocities program has raised the credibility of NSW inland regional cities with a range of different stakeholders and provided the cities with a collective voice in their discussions with both levels of government.
The program has previously received strong support from the Federal Government and has the capacity to assist in the achievement of the Government’s plans and strategies for regional development. The NSW State Government has also supported the Evocities and continues to work with us to identify projects that can be supported within its program guidelines. This has been reinforced by the recent success of Evocities in securing the Regional Growth – Marketing and Promotion Fund administered by the Department of Premier and Cabinet. Discussions in relation to future partnership opportunities are continuing.
However, there remains the fact that there is no specific data available providing a clear linkage between people moving to Wagga Wagga, and the Evocities campaign. Two options are put forward for Council to consider:
Option 1
That Council
a continue its participation in the Evocities program until 30 June 2023
b authorise the Mayor and General Manager to execute the Memorandum of understanding between the Evocities for the period 2019/20 to 2022/23
c approve the budget variations for future financial years as detailed in the financial implications section of the report
d repeat our request for data to be collected which records what direct benefit accrues from the expenditure.
Option 2
d “sit out” the current program for the 2019/20 Evocities campaign and investigate how we might monitor the actual benefit of the campaign to regional cities
e authorise the General Manager to write to the Steering Committee informing them of Council’s approach
f continue the budget allocation that would have been for Evocities for targeting businesses to relocate to Wagga Wagga highlighting the opportunities for growth and expansion
Financial Implications
From 2015/16 when each council contributed $60,000, the financial contributions have increased $5,000 per annum, reaching $75,000 in 2018/19.
The annual increase proposed in the attached MOU ($2,000 per annum) aims to cover the cost of inflation, as well as ensure a self-sustaining model for the Evocities campaign, maintaining an aggressive advertising schedule. The below figures are GST exclusive:
Year 1 – 2019/20 $80,000
Year 2 – 2020/21 $82,000
Year 3 – 2021/22 $84,000
Year 4 – 2022/23 $86,000
At present, there is currently no funding in Council’s long term financial plan past the current 2018/19 financial year, however during the development of the draft Long Term Financial Plan, the above amounts were set aside to ensure that if Council did resolve to continue with the Evocities project, that funding was available.
If the Evocities project discontinues, then it is recommended that the budget allocation is set aside for activities focussing on targeting businesses to relocate to, or set up in Wagga Wagga through highlighting the opportunities for growth and expansion.
Policy and Legislation
Link to Strategic Plan
Growing Economy
Objective: We are a hub for activity
Outcome: We have vibrant precincts
Risk Management Issues for Council
In the event Council did not continue its participation in the Evocities campaign it is unclear that any subsequent marketing efforts to attract relocators would achieve the same return on investment. By leveraging off the collaboration and combined resources of the Evocities collective, market penetration will invariably be more successful, however there are no statistics that can support this.
Internal / External Consultation
Internal Council staff workshops and a Councillor Workshop was undertaken on 19 November 2018.
1⇩. |
Evocities MOU |
2⇨. |
Evocities Summary - Provided under separate cover |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 8 April 2019 |
RP-4 |
Author: Ben Creighton
Director: Natalie Te Pohe
Summary: |
Council previously resolved to accept a funding offer from the NSW Government for the implementation of Stage 2 of the Riverside Precinct project.
This report proposes community and stakeholder engagement on a draft Concept Plan that has been produced in accordance with the Riverside Strategic Master Plan. |
That Council: a receive the Riverside Stage 2 Concept Plan b undertake community and stakeholder engagement on the Riverside Stage 2 Concept Plan for 28 days from 10 April 2019 to 1 May 2019 c receive a further report following the engagement process: i addressing the feedback received in respect to the Riverside Stage 2 Concept Plan ii proposing adoption of the Riverside Stage 2 Concept Plan unless there are any recommended amendments deemed to be substantial that may require further community and stakeholder engagement |
At the Ordinary Meeting of Council held 14 May 2018 it was resolved:
That Council:
a accept the State Government grant offer of $5,000,000 to implement Riverside Stage 2
b note that a further report will be provided to Council on the outcomes of an Investigation into the provision of a caravan park in close proximity to the central business district
c authorise the affixing of Council’s Common Seal to all relevant documents as required
d approve the budget variation as detailed in the budget section of the report
The development of the Concept Plan for Riverside Stage 2 commenced following:
· a review of the Riverside Master Plan recommendations
· the previous engagement undertaken with the community during the development of the Community Strategic Plan
· previous consultation undertaken with stakeholders and the community in the development of the Recreation Open Space and Community Strategy
The key items that have been identified for inclusion are:
Car Parking Upgrade
The car parking upgrade is inclusive of trees for shade, CCTV and lighting.
Containerised Food and Beverage Outlets
The modified containers provide flexibility to offer a variety of food and beverage opportunities and will be removable when flood waters are predicted to reach the building levels.
Event Spaces
The Precinct when completed will provide large, medium and small event spaces, which will be able to be used individually or combined for larger events. These spaces will have infrastructure enabling a wide variety of events.
Playground and Water Play
This facility when completed will include a large destination playground inclusive of water play elements that will be designed to ensure minimum impact during a flood event.
The provision of another amenities block inclusive of an adult change facility.
Other items not shown on the Concept Plan:
a. Council recently placed on Public Exhibition the draft Inland Water Safety Management Plan. One item identified during this process was boating access at the Wagga Beach, which would allow for emergency access as required. This item will be included in the draft Concept Plan but is outside the scope of the Riverside Stage 2 project and funding. The final management plan will be presented for adoption at the 29 April Ordinary Meeting of Council.
b. Disabled Access to the water’s edge will be provided via the use of matting and a beach wheelchair. These items will be included in the final fit out of the Riverside Stage 2.
c. In accordance with Council’s previous resolution, the site no longer has provision for onsite accommodation. Council staff have undertaken preliminary investigations into the provision of caravan parks within Wagga Wagga, which will be the subject to a future Councillor Workshop and report to Council.
Financial Implications
The total estimated project cost to implement Riverside Stage 2 is $6,746,530. The funding model for this project is:
Proposed Funding Source |
Amount |
Regional Growth Environment and Tourism Fund |
$5,000,000 |
Proposed 2019 7.11 Contribution Plan (formally Section 94) |
$1,746,530 |
Total |
$6,746,530 |
Council’s funding contribution is proposed to be funded from the new Section 7.11 development contribution plan, which has recently been exhibited for public comment and is anticipated to be adopted by mid-2019.
If there was a delay in the implementation of this plan, bridging funding in the form of an internal loan would be required until such time the contribution plan was adopted.
If in the event the new contributions plan that is adopted does not include the $1,746,530 funding as outlined above, this amount would be required to be funded from borrowings. The provision for repayments would then be required to be included within future long-term financial plans.
Future maintenance costs of this Precinct will increase with the implementation of Riverside Stage 2. These costs will be determined by the final design and will need to be incorporated into future long-term financial plans.
Policy and Legislation
Wagga Wagga Community Strategic Plan
Recreation Open Space and Community Strategy and Implementation Plan 2040
Riverside Strategic Master Plan
Link to Strategic Plan
The Environment
Objective: Create and maintain a functional, attractive and health promoting built environment
Outcome: We improve the facilities of our places and spaces
Risk Management Issues for Council
Previous implementation cost estimates were high level only. The final implementation costs will be subject to the final scope and design that will determined through community engagement.
The risks associated with implementing this strategy relate to process, cost, environmental, WHS and contractor performance. These risks are addressed as part of the Council’s project management and contractor performance management systems.
Internal / External Consultation
Extensive community and Councillor consultation was held during the development of the Riverside Strategic Master Plan.
Councillor’s received an individual briefing on the Riverside Stage 2 Concept Plan during February 2019.
Further consultation will be undertaken with stakeholders and the community as outlined in the matrix below.
Media |
Community Engagement |
Digital |
Rates notices insert |
Direct mail |
Letterbox drop |
Council news story |
Council News advert |
Media releases |
TV/radio advertising |
One-on-one meetings |
Your Say website |
Community meetings |
Stakeholder workshops |
Drop-in sessions |
Surveys and feedback forms |
Social media |
Email newsletters |
Website |
Digital advertising |
Consult |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
1⇨. |
Riverside 2 Concept Map - Provided under separate cover |
2⇨. |
Riverside 2 Concept Plan - Provided under separate cover |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 8 April 2019. RP-5
RP-5 Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 - 2034
Author: Belinda Maclure
Director: Natalie Te Pohe
Summary: |
After consideration of the outcomes of the significant stakeholder engagement process, the Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 - 2034 is presented to Council for adoption. |
That Council: a notes that the stakeholder engagement process and public submissions received have been utilised to develop the draft Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 – 2034 b adopts the draft Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 – 2034 c notes that the document will be designed to ensure it’s reflective of Wagga Wagga and surrounds, and the maps will be reformatted during this design stage d authorise the General Manager or their delegate to make minor amendments to the Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 – 2034 provided that where amendments need to occur that change the intent, impact on the stakeholders or result in a conflict with other strategic documents, the proposed changes are to be reported to Council and placed on public exhibition prior to being implemented e authorise the General Manager or their delegate to send a copy of the Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 – 2034 to the Minister as soon as practicable, in accordance with Section 7.18(4) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 f repeal the City of Wagga Wagga Section 94 Contributions Plan 2006 – 2019 and the City of Wagga Wagga S94A Levy Contributions Plan 2006 g notes that an advertisement will be paced in the local newspaper to advise the community that the Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 – 2034 will take effect from 1 July 2019 in accordance with Section 31 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 h update Wagga Wagga City Council’s Long Term Financial Plan with the Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 – 2034 |
Section 7.11 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment (EP&A) Act 1979, remains a principal means of funding public infrastructure provided by local government. The legitimacy of the development contributions system has been confirmed in NSW since 1979 and while the legislation has expanded markedly the underpinning principles of nexus, reasonableness and accountability remain the basis of the system.
The Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 – 2034 was developed to replace the City of Wagga Wagga S94A Levy Contributions Plan 2006 and the City of Wagga Wagga Section 94 Contributions Plan 2006 – 2019. The combination of the Section 94 and Section 94A (now Section 7.11 and 7.12) plans into one Plan aims to make the contribution framework easier to understand for all stakeholders and easier to implement for Council.
The review of the Plan has included a far more detailed assessment of future infrastructure provision and has aligned with Council’s overarching strategies such as the Wagga Wagga Integrated Transport Strategy and Implementation Plan 2040 (WWITS) and the Recreation, Open Space and Community Strategy and Implementation Plan 2040 (ROSC).
On 26 November 2018 Council resolved:
That Council:
a endorse placing the draft Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2018, including the Appendices on public exhibition for a period of 92 days from 1 December 2018 until 2 March 2019, and invite public submissions until 16 March 2019 on the draft Plan
b receive a further report following the exhibition and submission period
i addressing any submission made in respect of the draft Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2018
During the public exhibition period a total of six submissions were received. Two submissions were received from community members and three from Council officers. The following table summarises these submissions.
Submission |
Feedback Received |
Response |
Action |
Community |
Details problems with The Rock Collingullie Road |
The issues raised were out of scope for the Plan but have been referred to the appropriate Manager |
No change to Plan recommended |
Community |
1. Improve lighting at intersection of Old Narrandera Road and Pine Gully Road 2. Emergency services parking in Johnston Street needs to be changed 3. Facebook communication needs to be improved. Responses to comments need to be quicker. |
1. This is included in the draft Plan as Project TT2 item 2 2. Referred to appropriate Manager 3. Referred to appropriate Manager |
No change to Plan recommended |
Council Officers |
Funding from contributions for ROS 9 should be $1,746,530 rather than $1,686,633 |
The funding deed confirms the amount contributed to the project by Council (via section 7.11 contributions) is $1,746,530. |
Figure changed in Plan |
Council Officers |
Change the date of the Plan from 2018 to 2019 to 2034 |
Date change reflects when the Plan will be implemented |
Changes made to Plan |
Council Officers |
Intersection treatment required at Boorooma Street and Bradman Drive |
This project is carried over from the current Section 94 Plan |
No change to Plan recommended |
A joint submission in relation to the draft Plan was received from an industry stakeholder group comprising of nine organisations on 18 March 2019, being two days after submissions had closed. A summary of the issues raised in the submission received forms Attachment 3 to this report. The critical issues of the submission are summarised in the table below with a response from Council officers.
Feedback Received |
Response |
The difference in the rate for Forrest Hill and Estella is not conducive to a level playing field |
The difference in the rates reflects the difference in projects identified for each area. The Forrest Hill rate includes Bakers Lane, an additional park and the shared paths and footpaths above the Wagga Wagga wide projects. The northern growth area contributes to Farrer Road, Boorooma Street, Pine Gully Road corridor, Amundsen Street bridge shared paths and footpaths and a number of recreational spaces. |
Fix the rate for all developments to $13,955.82 per lot anywhere in Wagga Wagga |
The concept of one rate for the whole of the local government area can't be applied to a Section 7.11 rate due to the need to justify the nexus between each development and project. |
Appendix A has population at 11,868. Catchments as explained in Appendix C says population is 4,648 * 2.6 = 12,084. Table C3 of Appendix C indicates a population growth of 67,673 increasing to 79,741 a population increase of 12,068. |
The population increase and the increase in the number of dwellings both illustrate the predicted growth of the city but are slightly different in their makeup and therefore should only be compared at a high level. |
TT1 Glenfield Road - Industry suggest 2,600 population increase in Lloyd therefore shouldn't have to pay 40% of the project cost. |
The level of service of this road is currently satisfactory but the traffic model data shows it will need to be upgraded in the future to cater for the growing city. The development of the Lloyd area is a significant driver for the need to upgrade the Glenfield Road corridor. However, it is considered fair that the load is also carried by the new population expected to come into the city, so 40% is allocated to other Wagga Wagga. It should be noted that 20% ($3,498,730) of the cost of this project is being funded by carrying over money from the current Section 94 Plan to the draft Contributions Plan. The rate in the draft Plan has been revised by the Executive and Councillors via a series of workshops and individual review meetings. |
TT3 Red Hill road upgrade is apportioned at 45%, but should be 15% to reflect the increase in population growth. |
Red Hill Road is the only east-west link road included in the Plan. The level of service on this road is currently satisfactory and the increased population is the trigger for the upgrade required. Therefore this apportionment is reasonable. It should be noted that $2,138,520 (or 55%) is being transferred from the current Section 94 Plan to the new Contributions Plan project. The apportionment in the draft Plan has been revised by the Executive and Councillors via a series of workshops and individual review meetings. |
Maps do not show the works area properly and there are maps that list an item on the top of the page which are not included in the maps. Maps are incorrect and Council should consider an overall map. |
Maps are being reviewed. Maps will be reformatted during the design of the document. To ensure the data is useful during the implementation phase of the Plan, projects will be mapped on Council's mapping system. |
Shared paths and footpaths in Boorooma/Estella/Gobbagombalin and footpaths in Bourkelands and Lloyd are conditioned to be built by developers and not required |
These footpaths are in addition to those required to the constructed by developers. These are to connect the neighbourhoods within the development areas and improve the linkages to the wider network. |
Estella Rise Park (ROS4) – This area has already been constructed therefore needs to be reviewed. Estimated cost to complete is $150,000 not $500,000. |
It is acknowledged that some infrastructure is already in this open space. The works identified in this project have not been constructed and the budget reflects the remaining infrastructure to be constructed in the open space. The budget is considered accurate.
ROS2 North Gobbagombalin Park – no longer required at this location |
This park was identified in the Recreation, Open Space and Community Strategy (reference is BEG8). This is still required and Council is planning to deliver the required infrastructure at a revised nearby location which better services the overall precinct. The result is project LA2 of the Contributions Plan is not required therefore removed from the Contributions Plan. This results in a decrease to the Estella/Boorooma/Gobbagombalin contribution rate from the $18,638 in the exhibited Plan to $18,573, a reduction of $65. |
There were a number of comments relating to recoupment items being completed and therefore should not be included in the Plan. Also included recoupment items are from cost overruns in the previous Plan and should be taken out of GPR. The total cost listed for recoupment items are budget figures and not actual costings. We request Council provide actual cost figures on various projects. |
All recoupment items have been constructed and service the new populations.
Recoupment items are all based on actual costs. |
The Long Term Financial Plan 2018/2028 contains a number of projects. These should be included in the Plan. |
These projects will be implemented under the current Plan and are budgeted accordingly. |
Prioritisation should be given to Pine Gully road (TT2) and Farrer road (TT4) as the highest priority projects. |
Both Pine Gully and Farrer roads are listed as high priorities in the draft Plan. |
Developers in, or represented by the stakeholder group, have contributed more than $20 million in the past 12 years to the existing Section 94 Plan. The use of the funds has not been made readily available and developers are unaware of where and how these contributions have been used. It is recommended that a section 7.11 balance sheet is added to the annual financial statements to improve transparency. |
Council is required to include a summary of the movements in each reserve in Note 23 of the Wagga Wagga City Council General Purpose Financial Statements, which are audited every year. It is proposed to provide industry stakeholders with a more detailed report each year in November once the Statements have been audited and adopted by Council. |
After consideration of all submissions, the revised Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 - 2034 (Attachment 1 to this report):
· identifies the land to which the developer contributions apply
· identifies the type of development to which the developer contributions apply
· lists the development exempt from contributions
· details the local infrastructure to be partly funded by contributions from developers under the Plan
· clearly outlines the contribution rates for the four identified catchments (development areas) across the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area
· explains how and when contributions will be imposed
· how contributions will be calculated, and
· how contributions will be required to be settled.
The supporting appendices detail (Attachment 2 to this report):
· infrastructure schedules and location maps
· descriptions of the infrastructure projects
· relationships between expected development and demand for infrastructure
· summaries of key infrastructure studies
· infrastructure cost apportionment details, and
· a sample cost summary report required under Section 7.12.
The EP&A Act 1979 and associated Regulations prescribe the process for adoption and notification of approved contributions plans. In accordance with these provisions, it is recommended that Council adopt the draft plans and undertake the required processes thereafter accordingly.
Financial Implications
The Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 – 2034 is based on a forecasted increase of 4,648 residential blocks and a population rise of 11,868 people. The implementation period of the draft Plan is 15 years.
Approximately $19 million will be carried over from the existing City of Wagga Wagga Section 94 Plan 2006-2019 to assist funding the infrastructure projects detailed in the Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 - 2034. The forecasted developer contributions income to be received over the next 15 years under the Contributions Plan is approximately $69 million. To support the growth of the city, the delivery of 87% of the projects identified in the Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan are scheduled for the first 8 years of the draft Plan.
It is critical over the life of the proposed Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan that lot forecasts and revenue received are regularly monitored. If forecast contributions are lower or received slower than forecasted, the project delivery schedule will need to be adjusted (i.e. projects would need to be delayed to reflect actual development growth). This may also affect the need to borrow funds (listed as items B1 and B2 of the Plan) to allow for the delivery of these projects.
The end of year balance of the Section 7.11 Contributions Reserve is forecast to remain in a positive position throughout the 15 year life of the Contributions Plan using the funding model included in the Plan. This is shown on the below graph.
The local infrastructure projects included in the Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan, are listed in Appendix A to the Plan and are attached to this report.
Proposed Contribution Rates
The proposed contributions rates detailed in the Contributions Plan are outlined below:
Draft Plan Catchment |
Draft Plan Contribution Rate |
Current Plan Catchment |
Current Plan Contributions Rate Indexed June 2018 |
Percentage Change |
Other Wagga Wagga |
$10,012 |
$7,964 |
26% |
Estella / Boorooma / Gobbagombalin |
$18,573 |
Estella |
$16,478 |
13% |
Estella West |
$19,339 |
-4% |
Boorooma |
$16,500 |
13% |
Forest Hill - East Wagga Wagga |
$10,737 |
$12,429 |
-14% |
Lloyd |
$18,045 |
$15,026 |
20% |
The rates increases for most areas reflect the considerable expenditure on local infrastructure, particularly to support the high growth northern (Estella/Boorooma/ Gobbagombalin) and southern (Lloyd) areas.
The rate increase for catchment area Other Wagga Wagga, which includes the Wagga CBD, is mainly attributable to the fact that the existing City Wide contribution rate is relatively low in the current Section 94 Plan.
In summary, the Local Infrastructure Contributions Plans will provide upgrades to key roads, parks and recreational facilities that will be impacted significantly by the expected growth of the city.
It is important to note that the Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan will be reviewed regularly (at least every 4 years in line with the Integrated Planning and Reporting (IPR) Framework). To ensure the Plan remains relevant it will also be updated in between the IPR cycle if required - as an example, this could be as a result of land rezoning or in response to the development of Council infrastructure plans, such as the Cultural Plan which will identify facilities needing to be upgraded and is currently being developed.
It is also important to note that a Reconciliation Schedule will be developed after the Long Term Financial Plan has been amended, that will demonstrate the difference in the Contributions Plan and the Long Term Financial Plan. The difference being that the project costs within the Contributions Plan are in current day dollars (it is the developer contributions that are indexed), whereas the Long Term Financial Plan needs to ensure that the budget accurately reflects what is required in the future years, with the budgets therefore being indexed accordingly.
Policy and Legislation
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, Section 7.11, 7.12 and 7.18
Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000, Part 4, Division 4, Clause 32
Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000, Part 4, Division 3, Clause 31
City of Wagga Wagga Section 94 Contributions Plan 2006 – 2019
City of Wagga Wagga S94A Levy Contributions Plan 2006
While not policy, it should be noted that when adopted, the new contribution plan would be legally binding, meaning that a breach of the contributions plans would constitute a breach of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
Link to Strategic Plan
The Environment
Objective: We plan for the growth of the city
Outcome: We have sustainable urban development
Risk Management Issues for Council
If the Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan is not adopted, Council faces an extreme risk of the reduction in developer contributions received (and therefore income) over the next 15 years as the existing Plans are coming to the end of their implementation period.
The projects listed in the Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan will not be delivered in the required timeframe if developer contributions are not collected and allocated to local infrastructure projects.
Looking forward, if Council doesn’t continue to review and update contributions plans regularly there is a high risk that identified infrastructure projects will cost more than budgeted for in the plans.
There is a medium risk that development will slow and effect the contributions received and the requirement to deliver infrastructure to support the growth of the city. If this is the case it may impact on the need for Council to borrow money to facilitate the delivery of identified projects required in the medium term. This risk will be monitored and mitigated through an annual review of contributions income received, projects delivered and actual annual expenditure from the Reserve.
Internal / External Consultation
Relevant Council staff from across the organisation have been involved in the review of the Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan. A project team was established in March 2018 to develop the infrastructure project schedule and support the development of the Plan. This team has met regularly over the past year and has been integral to the development of the Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan. This team has representatives from Finance, Technical and Strategy and City Strategy.
During 2018, the Executive regularly reviewed the draft project schedules, draft contribution rates and resulting cash flow models for the Contributions Reserve during the development of the Contributions Plan 2019 -2034. Two Councillor Workshops and two rounds of individual Councillor Sessions took place in 2018 to review the project schedules and contribution rates and the resulting draft Contributions Plan. Industry stakeholders were also consulted during August and September 2018 and the outcomes of this process informed the development of the draft Contributions Plan presented to Council on 26 November 2018.
The draft Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan was on Council’s website for the duration of the public exhibition from 1 December 2018 until 16 March 2019.
During the public exhibition period, workshops were conducted with industry representatives in December 2018 and February 2019 to review the draft Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan. All industry stakeholders were invited by email to review the draft Plan and provide feedback. An invitation was extended to the industry to meet with Council staff individually and discuss the draft Plan.
On 22 February 2019, Council News included a story about the draft Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan and invited community members to make a submission. During the last two weeks of the public exhibition period Facebook was used to promote the draft Plan, encourage people to make a submission and invite people to either attend a community drop in session or call for an individual meeting if they could not make the drop in session times. Three sessions were conducted, one from 8am in the morning, one over the lunchtime period and another in the evening from 5pm.
The following table notes the consultation undertaken during the development of the Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan.
Media |
Community Engagement |
Digital |
Rates notices insert |
Direct mail |
Letterbox drop |
Council news story |
Council News advert |
Media releases |
TV/radio advertising |
One-on-one meetings |
Your Say website |
Community meetings |
Stakeholder workshops |
Drop-in sessions |
Surveys and feedback forms |
Social media |
Email newsletters |
Website |
Digital advertising |
Consult |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Involve |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Collaborate |
A Councillor Workshop was conducted on 1 April 2019 to review the submissions received in relation to the draft Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 – 2034 which included the changes to the draft Plan presented to Council on 26 November 2018.
1⇩. |
DRAFT Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan Summary of Public Submissions March 2019 |
2⇩. |
DRAFT Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019-2034 – Appendices – Provided unders separate Cover |
3⇨. |
DRAFT Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019-2034.pdf – Provided under separate cover |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 8 April 2019 |
RP-6 |
General Manager: Peter Thompson
Summary: |
Wagga Wagga City Council is currently a full member of the Riverina Eastern Regional Organisation of Councils (REROC). Council is also an associate member of the Canberra Region Joint Organisation (CRJO). The REROC provides various operational forms of support to member Councils, however few of these provide any value to Council. This report reviews the benefit to Council accruing from its membership of REROC. |
That Council: a discontinue its membership with the Riverina Eastern Regional Organisation of Councils (REROC) at the end of the 2018/19 Financial Year b provide written notice to REROC of this decision and thank them for their support over a long period of time c delegate authority to the Mayor and General Manager to negotiate an exit from REROC d approve the budget variation/s as detailed in the Financial Implications section of the report |
The Riverina Eastern Regional Organisation of Councils (REROC) is a voluntary association of nine General Purpose Councils and two Water County Councils located in the eastern Riverina region of NSW.
REROC was formed over 20 years ago after a number of Councils operating in the region identified a need to work more closely together. The current members of REROC are the councils of: Bland, Coolamon, Cootamundra-Gundagai, Greater Hume, Junee, Lockhart, Temora, Goldenfields Water and Riverina Water. Snowy Valleys has recently advised REROC that it will be leaving REROC at the end of this financial year.
Wagga Wagga City Council is still a member of REROC, but is not a member of the recently proclaimed Riverina JO (RJO) which is a separate entity. Council is an associate member of the Canberra Region (CRJO) as per the resolution in November 2019.
REROC and the Riverina Joint Organisation
The REROC Board at its February 2018 meeting resolved to form the RJO and adopted a model that allowed for the continued operation of REROC, in its current structure side-by-side with the new Joint Organisation. Council’s preference was for a stand-alone JO as per the resolution from the 26 February 2018 Ordinary Council meeting.
The RJO was proclaimed in May 2018 with the following member Councils:
Bland |
Coolamon |
Cootamundra-Gundagai |
Greater Hume |
Junee |
Lockhart |
Temora |
With REROC continuing to provide operational activities to member Councils, it is timely for Council to consider what benefits arise from ongoing membership given the cost of that membership. Below is a breakdown of the general activities of REROC:
· Operational committees / working groups
· Conferences and training
· Campaigns e.g. waste
· Externally funded resources e.g. biodiversity officer
· Specific projects e.g. Southern Lights
· Joint procurement activities
Council staff hold the view that there is little, if any value to Wagga Wagga City Council from these activities. Wagga Wagga City Council resolves its operational issues and demands using resources internally or by direct funding from other levels of government.
Review of Operations of both REROC and the RJO
It is proposed that there will be a review of the operation of the two entities. This review will be by an independent consultant. It is anticipated that a report will be presented to both the REROC and the RJO Boards in early June 2020 after which time the members will determine the future operations of both organisations.
Canberra Region JO (CRJO)
The Canberra region has strong strategic linkages for Wagga Wagga including commerce, transport (particularly airport), tourism and sport. The member councils involved in the CRJO include:
Bega Valley |
Hilltops |
Upper Lachlan |
Eurobodalla |
Queanbeyan-Palerang |
Goulburn Mulwaree |
Snowy Monaro |
Yass Valley |
ACT Government |
Snowy Valleys |
Wagga Wagga is ideally located and is only a two and a half hours drive from Canberra. The broader Canberra Region also offers a dynamic and diverse range of industries running from the Alpine, through the Tablelands and down to the Coast, contributing to an increasingly influential regional economy.
While we are not a full member of a JO, (and do not seek to be a full member) the CRJO associate membership has provided Wagga Wagga with access to JO discussions and initiatives which are offering value. The CRJO have provided invaluable support and connections since our participation, including advocacy for priority projects and setting up meetings with Ministers and key staff.
Staff have conducted an analysis of the benefit to Council from the REROC programs. The conclusion from this review is that Wagga Wagga derives little benefit from the REROC programs, one exception to this statement is the Southern Lights Project however there remains no outcome from this project.
It is recommended that Council discontinue its membership with REROC at the end of the 2018/19 Financial Year and continue to pursue strategic opportunities through the CRJO.
It is also recommended that the Mayor and General Manager continue to negotiate the option of joining the RJO as a full member provided the fees for membership are not increased without the agreement of Council.
Financial Implications
The REROC Contribution fee for 2018/19 was $60,995 (including GST) which has also been budgeted for in future financial years.
If Council’s membership with REROC is discontinued, then it is recommended that the budget allocation is set aside for an RJO membership (if required) and a fund for strategic initiatives by Council.
Policy and Legislation
Local Government Amendment (Regional Joint Organisations) Act 2017 No 65
Whilst the choice to join a JO is voluntary, the NSW Government has supported JO’s that comprise membership from councils within the mandated State Planning Regions.
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Leadership and Collaboration
Objective: We have strong leadership
Outcome: We have leaders that represent us
Risk Management Issues for Council
It is anticipated that the impact on Council operations as a result of leaving REROC will be minimal. Council has the resources at its disposal internally and through the CRJO to cover the functions under the auspice of REROC. There are a number of activities that are not restricted to REROC members which we may opt into and Council is already working in partnership with the CRJO and RAMJO on other projects.
If Council is not part of the RJO there is a risk that the city of Wagga Wagga will be included in strategic plans and discussions that Council has no involvement in.
Internal / External Consultation
Council has participated in numerous meetings with the CRJO and have held various discussions with REROC member councils and councils in the greater Riverina Murray Planning area regarding JO’s. Various workshops have also been held with Councillors over the past 12 months.
Internal stakeholders were consulted and feedback was sought on the level of engagement Council currently has with REROC.
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 8 April 2019. M-1
M-1 Airport Advisory Committee Meeting - 6 February 2019
Director: Caroline Angel
Summary: |
The Airport Advisory Committee held a meeting on 6 February 2019. |
That Council receive the minutes of the Airport Advisory Committee Meetings held on 6 February 2019. |
A meeting of the Airport Advisory Committee was held on 6 February 2019. The minutes of this meeting are attached for Councillors' reference.
Financial Implications
During the 2018/19 financial year, Council staff will work with the Airport Advisory Committee to review both the future operations and the capital requirements of the Airport. The comments and recommendations of the Airport Advisory Committee together with the financial position of the Airport will be presented to Council for approval of the sustainable fees and charges.
Policy and Legislation
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Leadership and Collaboration
Objective: We are informed and involved in decision making
Outcome: Everyone in our community feels they have been heard and understood
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
Fees and charges will form part of the public exhibition process.
1⇩. |
Airport Advisory Committee Minutes - 6 February 2019 |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday 8 April 2019 |
M-2 |
Author: Bill Harvey
Director: Caroline Angel
Summary: |
The Local Traffic Committee met on 14 March 2019. At this meeting, Traffic Committee considered 13 reports. The Minutes of the meeting are attached for Councillors’ reference. |
That Council: a receive the minutes of the Traffic Committee Meeting held on 14 March 2019 b endorse the recommendations of the Traffic Committee c approve the budget variations included in this report
The table below provides a summary of each item’s risk and budget implications in particular:
No. |
RP1 |
Traffic Committee Dates for 2019 |
N/A |
N/A |
RP2 |
John Woodman Classic Wagga to Albury Bicycle Race |
High |
Nil |
Event Organiser |
RP3 |
Tolland Open Bicycle Race |
High |
Nil |
Event Organiser |
RP4 |
Touch Football Carnival at Jubilee Park – 22 to 24 February 2019 |
High |
$38,000 |
No Budget |
RP5 |
Mardi Gras Parade |
High |
Nil |
Event Organiser |
RP6 |
Adoption of Risk Assessment Matrix and Process That is Found in the Traffic Control at Work Sites Manual |
N/A |
N/A |
RP7 |
Travers Street – Advance Warning Near Murrumbidgee Turf Club Race Track |
Medium |
$500 |
Lines and Signs Budget |
RP8 |
Bardo Lane Access to Berry Street Multideck Car Park |
Low |
Nil |
RP9 |
Alma Crescent, Jade Place and Jandee Place Intersection Treatment and Controls |
Medium |
Nil |
Developer to fund |
RP10 |
Gregadoo East Road Line Marking West of Elizabeth Avenue Intersection |
High |
$600 |
Lines and Signs Budget |
RP11 |
Church Street Timed Parking Outside Watermark Apartments |
Nil |
$300 |
Lines and Signs Budget |
RP12 |
Pine Gully Road and Old Narrandera Road – Overall Concept for Intersections and Road Lengths |
N/A |
N/A |
RP13 |
Lake Albert Road Marked Parking Bays at 276 to 282 |
Nil |
$500 |
Lines and Signs Budget |
Items of Particular Interest
RP-4 Touch Football Carnival at Jubilee Park – 22 to 24 February 2019
There was no budget allocated for this event therefore a budget variation will be presented in the Financial Performance Report as at 31 March 2019, which is to be included in the agenda for the 29 April 2019 Council meeting.
RP-7 Advance Warning Near Murrumbidgee Turf Club Race Track
This item was raised by the NSW Jockeys’ Association and the Murrumbidgee Turf Club (MTC). An improvement to the layout of the line marking scheme in Travers Street has been identified. That is the responsibility of the Road Authority to implement should Council confirm the recommendation. The second part of the item relates to the proposed installation of flashing warning lights, to be operated on a timer and located in conjunction with existing static warning signs. The cost of supply, installation and maintenance of these lights is to be met by a combination of the MTC and the Jockeys’ Association if Council confirms the recommendation of Traffic Committee.
RP-8 Bardo Lane Access to Berry Street Multi-deck Car Park
This item arose as a result of a request from a resident, seeking a change to the traffic flow arrangement in the Berry Street car park, particularly at the Bardo Lane exit. Traffic Committee have recommended against making any change to the current arrangement. The Roads and Services representative pointed out that there have been two crashes in this area in recent years, one of which related to a vehicle making the exact manoeuvre that the resident suggested should be permitted.
Financial Implications
The below table shows the budget required, and the current available budget for the proposed funding source for each of the items requiring funding:
Item |
Total Budget Required |
Proposed Funding Source |
Current Proposed Funding Source Budget |
Current Funding Source Expenditure including commitments as at 26/03/2019 |
Current Available Budget |
RP7, RP10, RP11, RP13 |
$500 $600 $300 $500 $1,900
Lines & Signs |
$348,125 |
$324,452 |
$23,673 |
Policy and Legislation
Link to Strategic Plan
Safe and Healthy Community
Objective: We are safe
Outcome: We create safe spaces and places
Risk Management Issues for Council
No specific issues identified.
Internal / External Consultation
The Traffic Committee consists of a Councillor, NSW Police, Roads and Maritime Services and a representative of the Local Member. Representatives from Council’s Infrastructure and Planning staff provide advice to the Committee. Representatives from other agencies and entities may be invited to attend meetings as required.
1⇩. |
Traffic Committee Meeting - Minutes - 14 March 2019 |
Reports submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council to be held on Monday 8 April 2019.
Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Monday 8 April 2019. CONF-1
Author: Sylvester Otieno
Director: Caroline Angel
Thi report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -
(d) (i) commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.
Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Monday 8 April 2019. CONF-2
Author: Sylvester Otieno
Director: Caroline Angel
This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -
(d) (i) commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.
Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Monday 8 April 2019. CONF-3
Author: Rupesh Shah
Director: Caroline Angel
This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -
(d) (i) commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.
Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Monday 8 April 2019 |
CONF-4 |
CONF-4 Potential Council Event
Author: Dominic Kennedy
Director: Natalie Te Pohe
This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -
(d) (i) commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.
Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Monday 8 April 2019. CONF-5
CONF-5 Farrer Road Gas Pipeline Relocation
Author: David Butterfield
Director: Natalie Te Pohe
This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -
(d) (i) commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.
Reports submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council to be held on Monday 8 April 2019.
The Mayor, Councillor Greg Conkey OAM
Councillor Yvonne Braid OAM
Councillor Paul Funnell
Councillor Dan Hayes
Councillor Vanessa Keenan
Councillor Rod Kendall
Councillor Tim Koschel
Councillor Kerry Pascoe
In Attendance
General Manager (Mr P Thompson)
Director Finance (Mrs N Te Pohe)
Director Community (Mrs J Summerhayes)
Director Commercial Operations (Ms C Angel)
Manager Audit, Risk & Governance (Ms I Hensley)
Manager Executive Support (Mr S Gray)
Manager Project Delivery (Mr R Shah)
Manager Community Services (Mrs M Scully)
Visitor Economy & Events Coordinator (Mrs F Hamilton)
Land and Real Property Coordinator (Mrs D Wright)
Communications & Engagement Officer (Mr J Lang)
Governance Officer (Ms B King)
Governance Administration Officer (Mrs S Karpanen)
Almighty God,
Help protect our Mayor, elected Councillors and staff.
Help Councillors to govern with justice, integrity, and respect for equality, to preserve rights and liberties, to be guided by wisdom when making decisions and settling priorities, and not least of all to preserve harmony.
Acknowledgement Of Country
I would like to acknowledge the Wiradjuri people who are the Traditional Custodians of this Land. I would also like to pay respect to the Elders both past and present of the Wiradjuri Nation and extend that respect to other Community members present.
No apologies were received.
Council note that a leave of absence was granted to Councillor D Tout for 25 March 2019 (inclusive) at the Ordinary Council Meeting 25 February 2019. |
ConFirmation of Minutes
CM-1 Ordinary Council Meeting - 11 March 2019 |
19/078 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors P Funnell and D Hayes That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 11 March 2019 be confirmed as a true and accurate record. CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
Declarations Of Interest
Councillor Funnell declared a Non-Significant, Non-Pecuniary Interest in RP-4 Financial Performance Report as at 28 February 2019 the reason being that he is the Deputy Chairperson of the Riverina Water County Council and remained in the chamber during its consideration.
The Mayor Councillor G Conkey declared a Non-Significant, Non-Pecuniary Interest in CONF-3 Major Events, Festivals and Films Sponsorship the reason being that he is a member of an organisation referred to in the body of the report and remained in the chamber during its consideration.
Councillor K Pascoe declared a Non-Significant, Non-Pecuniary Interest in CONF 3 Major Events, Festivals and Films Sponsorship the reason being that he is a member of an organisation referred to in the body of the report and remained in the chamber during its consideration.
Councillor D Hayes declared a Non-Significant, Non-Pecuniary Interest in RP-1 RIVERINA MEDICAL SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT & RETENTION COMMITTEE the reason being that his employer is a member of this group but the funding does not go to his workplace and remained in the chamber during its consideration.
Councillor K Pascoe declared a Non-Significant, Non-Pecuniary Interest in RP-7 WAGGA WAGGA CITY COUNCIL CRIME PREVENTION WORKING GROUP as a family member is president of the Wagga Business Chamber which was raised as an amendment in the resolution, where at this time he vacated the chamber during its consideration.
19/079 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors R Kendall and K Pascoe That the standing orders be varied for the meeting as set out hereunder: · Items where councillors wish to speak · Items where no councillors wish to speak · Confidential · Matter of urgency · Closure of Meeting That RP-5, RP-6, RP-9, RP-10 and CONF-2 be adopted as recommended in the business papers. CARRIED |
19/080 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors P Funnell and D Hayes That Council: a provide $10,000 (exclusive of GST) per annum to the Riverina Medical Specialist Recruitment and Retention Committee for three years from 2019/20 to 2021/22 b authorise the General Manager or their delegate to liaise with the Riverina Medical Specialist Recruitment and Retention Committee to update the existing Heads of Agreement c review the commitment prior to the 2022/23 financial year CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
RP-2 Medical Scholarship Funding Request |
19/081 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors P Funnell and R Kendall That Council does not contribute to the Bush Bursary/CWA scholarship program. CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
RP-3 Payroll tax changes to encourage business growth and support employment of mature aged workers |
19/082 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors R Kendall and T Koschel That Council authorise the Mayor and General Manager to: a actively lobby the NSW government and the opposition to review existing payroll tax legislation to ensure the state, and especially the regions, are an attractive place for business to locate and thrive, and include the following key recommendations: i to reduce payroll taxes for businesses operating in regional areas to encourage relocation from congested cities to be in line with Victorian rates ii to remove payroll taxes for blue-collar workers above the age of 55 iii write to the NSW Treasurer, Minister for Regional NSW and local member after the State Election in relation to the aforementioned. CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
RP-4 Financial Performance Report as at 28 February 2019 |
19/083 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors P Funnell and T Koschel That Council: a approve the proposed 2018/19 budget variations for the month ended 28 February 2019 and note the balanced budget position as presented in this report b provide financial assistance of the following amounts in accordance with Section 356 of the Local Government Act 1993: 1) Climate Action Wagga Group $150.00 2) 4th Dimension Art Practice $25.00 c note the Responsible Accounting Officer’s reports, in accordance with the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 (Part 9 Division 3: Clause 203) that the financial position of Council is satisfactory having regard to the original estimates of income and expenditure and the recommendations made above d note details of the external investments as at 28 February 2019 in accordance with section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993 e apply for bulk water supply rates for the LMC through the Riverina Water County Council and report the outcome back to Wagga City Council f review options such as the installation of a water sub-metering system at the LMC to measure individual water usage to charge relevant users for their respective water consumption and report the outcome back to Council CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
RP-5 NSW Department of Planning & Environment - Low Cost Loans Initiative |
19/084 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors R Kendall and K Pascoe That Council: a note the update on the Low Cost Loans Initiative (LCLI) announced by NSW Environment & Planning b note the delay in progressing with some projects proposed under the LCLI program c adjust the timing of the projects in Council’s Long Term Financial Plan as per the suggested timing documented in this report d approve the change in funding source to Loan Borrowings for the projects identified in the report e note that a variation to the funding agreement may be required, subject to the timing of the loan drawdowns and the interest rates provided at the time of the loan applications f approve the interest subsidy being returned to the appropriate funding sources upon receipt CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
19/085 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors R Kendall and K Pascoe That Council: a make application to the NSW Department of Industry – Crown Lands for appointment as Crown Land Manager for the following land parcels: i Lot 1 DP 535470, 1-9 Brunskill Road, Lake Albert ii Lot 7307 DP 1132470, O’Reilly Street, Wagga b make application to the Minster administering the Crown Land Management Act 2016 to categorise Crown Reserves managed or proposed to be managed by Council as recommended by this report c delegate authority to the General Manager or their delegate to execute any necessary documents on behalf of the Council d authorise the affixing of Council’s common seal to all relevant documents as required CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
A Motion was moved by Councillors D Hayes and V Keenan That Council: a establish a Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group b endorse the Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group Terms of Reference as tabled with this report c invite the identified stakeholders outlined in the Terms of Reference document with the following additions to join as members to the Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group i one additional community representative under the age of 25 ii three Councillors in addition to the Mayor d advertise an expression of interest process to appoint three community members on to the Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group
An AMENDMENT was moved by Councillor Y Braid OAM and Councillor P Funnell That Council: a establish a Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group b endorse the Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group Terms of Reference as tabled with this report c invite the identified stakeholders outlined in the Terms of Reference document with the following additions to join as members to the Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group i one additional community representative under the age of 25 ii three Councillors in addition to the Mayor iii one member from Neighbourhood Watch iv one member from Wagga Business Chamber d advertise an expression of interest process to appoint three community members on to the Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group
Councillor R Kendall signalled a foreshadowed Amendment to the Mayor.
Councillor K Pascoe vacated the chamber at this point due to the Business Chamber being included in the Motion, the time being 6.35pm
The Amendment on being put to the meeting was LOST. Councillor K Pascoe re-entered the chamber, the time being 6.50pm. An AMENDMENT was moved by Councillor R Kendall and Councillor P Funnell That Council: a establish a Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group b endorse the Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group Terms of Reference as tabled with this report c invite the identified stakeholders outlined in the Terms of Reference document with the following additions to join as members to the Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group i two additional community representatives with at least one under the age of 25 at the date of application ii three Councillors in addition to the Mayor d advertise an expression of interest process to appoint the community members on to the Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group RECORD OF VOTING ON THE AMENDMENT
The Amendment on being put to the meeting was CARRIED and became the Motion. |
19/086 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors D Hayes and V Keenan That Council: a establish a Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group b endorse the Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group Terms of Reference as tabled with this report c invite the identified stakeholders outlined in the Terms of Reference document with the following additions to join as members to the Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group i two additional community representatives with at least one under the age of 25 at the date of application ii three Councillors in addition to the Mayor d advertise an expression of interest process to appoint the community members on to the Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
G Conkey OAM |
Y Braid OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
19/087 RESOLVED: On the Motion of The Mayor, Councillor G Conkey OAM That council elect three Councillors in addition to the Mayor to be on the Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group. CARRIED |
Councillor P Funnell self-nominated.
Councillor T Koschel self-nominated.
Councillor K Pascoe self-nominated.
Councillors P Funnell, T Koschel and K Pascoe were elected as Councils representatives on the Wagga Wagga City Council Crime Prevention Working Group.
RP-8 AFM Statewide Mutual Risk Management Scholarship 2018 |
19/088 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors V Keenan and D Hayes That Council: a endorse the attendance of Andrew Mason at the Infrastructure Resilience, Loss Prevention and Risk Management training course in Boston, USA, as part of a scholarship awarded by FM Global Insurance Group b note that all costs of attending the training course are covered by a scholarship, with no cost to Council CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
19/089 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors R Kendall and K Pascoe That Council: a note the contents of the report b approve the reset Capital Works Program for 2018/19, including the proposed budget variations c approve the proposed Capital Works Program for 2019/20, including the proposed adjustments to the long term financial plan CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
RP-10 Response to Questions/Business with Notice |
19/090 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors R Kendall and K Pascoe That Council receive and note the report. CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
The following questions/business with notice will be addressed in the next available business paper:
1. Councillors P Funnell, R Kendall and The Mayor, Councillor G Conkey OAM congratulated the Local Member for Wagga Wagga Dr Joe McGirr on his recent election and look forward to working with him in the future.
2. Councillor P Funnell thanked staff for actioning his request for ramp access located at the Victory Memorial Gardens which was raised at the previous Council Meeting.
3. Councillor R Kendall requested that Council facilitate a workshop to prepare a list of Wagga Wagga electorate priorities to be presented to the Member for Wagga Wagga Dr Joe McGirr.
5. The Mayor, Councillor G Conkey OAM thanked staff for their involvement at the following events at a Council function held Friday, 22 March 2019: · Touch NSW Carnival · Wagga Wagga Mardi Gras Parade · Candlelight Night Vigil for the 50 innocent lives lost in Christchurch, New Zealand which was held at the Victory Memorial Gardens. The Mayor noted that a booklet of condolences received on the night will be prepared for the community along with a message from himself and Local Member for Wagga, which will be forwarded to the Mayor of Christchurch.
closed COUNCIL
19/091 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors D Hayes and V Keenan That the Council now resolve itself into a Closed Council, the time being 7.07pm. CARRIED |
CONF-1 Loan Facility - Refinancing of Existing Loans |
19/092 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors P Funnell and D Hayes That Council defer consideration of Loan Facility - Refinancing of Existing Loans pending a further investigation into facilities and funding options. CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
CONF-2 RFT2019-27 Natural Gas Supply to Oasis Regional Aquatic Centre |
19/093 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors R Kendall and K Pascoe That Council: a accepts the offer of Origin Energy LGP Pty Ltd (ABN: 77 000 508 369) for the supply of natural gas to the Oasis Regional Aquatic Centre at the rate submitted with their offer for a one-year contract period with an option to extend for a further 12 months b authorises the General Manager or their delegate to enter into a contract with Origin Energy LGP Pty Ltd (ABN: 77 000 508 369) for the supply of natural gas to the Oasis Regional Aquatic Centre at the rate submit c authorises the affixing of Council’s Common Seal to all relevant documents as required CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
CONF-3 Major Events, Festivals and Films Sponsorship |
19/094 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors R Kendall and D Hayes That Council: a authorise the General Manager or their delegate to enter into an agreement to sponsor the following events through the 2018/19 Major Events Sponsorship budget: i Pink Salt Production’s Salty Lemon Festival to the amount of $15,000 ii Classic and Historic Automobile Club of Australia’s Wagga Swap Meet to the amount of $10,000 iii ReAqua’s Renewables in Agriculture Conference to the amount of $4,500 iv Agricultural Societies Council of NSW Next Generation’s ShowSkills Seminar and ShowAll Ball to the amount of $3,000 b advise all applicants of outcomes in writing CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
19/095 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors V Keenan and D Hayes That Council: a advertise the Botanic Gardens restaurant and café for leasing via an Expression of Interest process b endorse the selection criteria identified in the body of this report ensuring that amendments are made to support applications from the broader industry groups, noting that Council may be willing to consider a co-contribution to proposed fit-outs that are then recouped over the lease term c receive a further report at the conclusion of the Expression of Interest process d receive a further report regarding the final financial impact on the 2018/19 financial year budget result CARRIED |
For the Motion |
Against the Motion |
Y Braid OAM |
G Conkey OAM |
P Funnell |
D Hayes |
V Keenan |
R Kendall |
T Koschel |
K Pascoe |
Reversion to open COUNCIL
19/096 RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillors V Keenan and D Hayes That this meeting of the Closed Council revert to an open meeting of the Council, the time being 7.31pm CARRIED |