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Agenda and
Business Paper


Traffic Committee




To be held on
Thursday 14 September 2023

at 9.30am



Civic Centre cnr Baylis and Morrow Streets,
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 (PO Box 20)
P 1300 292 442
P council@wagga.nsw.gov.au



Reports submitted to the Traffic Committee to be held on Thursday 14 September 2023.


Thursday 14 September 2023


CLAUSE               PRECIS                                                                                            PAGE

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY                                                                          2

APOLOGIES                                                                                                                 2

DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST                                                                                    2


RP-1            William Street - Loading Zone                                                         3

RP-2            Illeura Road & Kaloona Drive - Give Way sign                            5

RP-3            Edmonson Street - NO PARKING                                                      20

RP-4            Fernleigh Road - NO STOPPING and associated traffic controls  22

RP-5            Farrer Road - Installation of control devices                      38

QUESTIONS WITH NOTICE                                                                                         56








Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Thursday 14 September 2023




RP-1               William Street - Loading Zone

Author:          Frank Goodyer         




The traffic committee approve the installation of a 15-metre length of loading zone on William Street, with the additional words 7AM -7PM MON - FRI.



The operators of the Black Swan Hotel are undertaking major renovations and expansion of operations under two separate development approvals. The kitchen and entertainment areas will be extended resulting in increased goods deliveries to the premises.


Deliveries are currently made to the front of the premises on Gardiner Street by small trucks and vans between 7am and 7pm but they are often restricted by vehicle already parked. The new development will prevent through access and exit to delivery vehicles and prevent turning manoeuvres on site.


The recommendation supports the operation of the business without compromising on-street parking for the community and customers outside of the signposted hours and on weekends.

Risk Management Issues for Council

Nil identified

Internal / External Consultation

Consultation with the business proprietor as a result of a customer request.





William Street North Wagga Black Swan - Loading Zone




Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Thursday 14 September 2023




Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Thursday 14 September 2023



RP-2               Illeura Road & Kaloona Drive - Give Way sign

Author:          Frank Goodyer         




That Traffic Committee approve the installation of a Give Way sign on Illeura Road at the intersection of Kaloona Drive.



This recommendation supports a requirement of a development application DA22/0760, a 4 lot residential subdivision at 92 Kaloona Road, Bourkelands. This includes the creation of a new intersection with Illeura Road to join Kaloona Drive.


Condition C.6 of the Notice of Development Consent states:


Prior to the release of the Subdivision Works Certificate a plan shall be submitted to and approved by the General Manager or delegate, that identifies the provision of a Give Way sign at the intersection of Illeura Road and Kaloona Drive. This plan is required to be referred to, and approved by the Local Traffic Committee before it is approved as these works incorporate a prescribed traffic control device.


The attached plan of the proposed intersection indicates the location of the sign, which has been assessed as the appropriate traffic control device for this intersection.

Risk Management Issues for Council


Internal / External Consultation

External consultation was conducted as per the development application process and internally between council staff and the developer.





Development Application (DA) Consent DA22 0760



Proposed GIVEWAY sign Illeura & Kaloona Drive intersection




Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Thursday 14 September 2023



Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Thursday 14 September 2023



Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Thursday 14 September 2023



RP-3               Edmonson Street - NO PARKING

Author:          Frank Goodyer         




That Traffic Committee approve the installation of a length of NO PARKING zone, on Edmonson Street, 10 metres either side of the driveway to Kildare College, as per the attached diagram.



Council has been contacted by the management at Kildare Catholic College regarding the entry/exit to the college’s boarding house/chapel driveway located on the western side of Edmonson Street. This driveway is heavily used on school days, especially during morning and afternoon peaks and on weekends by parents, service vehicles and other patrons of the college and chapel.


The school has requested that a NO PARKING zone be established on either side of the driveway to restrict vehicles parking adjacent to the driveway for extended periods as it is causing safety issues relating to sight distance for drivers entering and exiting the driveway. This will not restrict parents who currently drop off and pick up students adjacent to the driveway.


There is currently a NO STOPPING zone to the south of the driveway which is associated with the pedestrian crossing and the NO PARKING zone would be installed adjacent to that zone and would encompass 10 metres either side of the driveway.


The attached diagram depicts the zone as it would appear when installed.

Risk Management Issues for Council

Nil. This will enhance safety at the location.

Internal / External Consultation

Consultation with the customer – Kildare Catholic College





Kildare Catholic High School - Edmondson Ave NO PARKING - 23 August 2023




Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Thursday 14 September 2023




Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Thursday 14 September 2023



RP-4               Fernleigh Road - NO STOPPING and associated traffic controls

Author:          Frank Goodyer         




That Traffic Committee approve the installation of the following traffic controls on Fernleigh Road in accordance with a notice of development consent for DA22/0787 and as per the attached design plan drawing by Spotto Consulting, No. 0195-01.

a.         a length of NO STOPPING zone on the northern side of Fernleigh Road from the intersection with Bourke Street to a point 45 metres west of the proposed exit driveway


b.         a length of NO STOPPING zone on the northern side of Fernleigh Road, spanning 6 metres either side of the western most driveway entry to the new carpark


c.         a length of NO STOPPING zone on the southern side of Fernleigh Road, Bourke Street to western side of the driveway at 124 Fernleigh Road


d.         all signs to depict the following:



8AM – 9.30AM

2.30PM – 4PM



e.         the words KEEP CLEAR be painted on the east bound lane of Fernleigh Road immediately outside the western driveway entry to the new carpark


f.          a left turn only arrow sign be installed on the northern side of Fernleigh Road at the exit driveway from the new carpark



A notice of development consent (DA22/0787) has been issued for the construction of a new car-park (54 spaces) with amended access arrangements to Fernleigh Road, demolition of structures, tree removal and landscaping associated with the Henschke Primary School.


Condition C.9 of the consent states:


Prior to the commencement of works, a plan shall be submitted to and approved by

the General Manager or delegate, that identifies the following:


i) On the northern side of Fernleigh Road - A "No Stopping" zone shall be established

during school hours from the intersection with Bourke Street to 45m west of the

proposed exit driveway.


ii) On the northern side of Fernleigh Road - A "No Stopping" zone shall be established 6m either side of the (western) entry driveway to the carpark.


iii) On the southern side of Fernleigh Road. A "No Stopping" zone shall be established during school hours from the intersection with Bourke Street to western side of the driveway at 124 Fernleigh Road. This plan is required to be referred to and approved by the Local Traffic Committee before it is approved as these works incorporate a prescribed traffic control device.


The attached plan diagram depicts the proposed layout of the proposed traffic controls.

The purpose of the KEEP CLEAR is to maintain accessibility for vehicles turning right from the westbound lane and keeping that travel lane free in heavy traffic conditions.


Similarly, the left turn only at the exit will facilitate free movement of traffic in one direction only to prevent vehicles turning right, which would impact on eastbound traffic flow at peak times.

Risk Management Issues for Council

No risks identified for this proposal.

Internal / External Consultation

Consultation as per the development application process.





DA Consent DA22 0787_PAN-293442.pdf




Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Thursday 14 September 2023



Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Thursday 14 September 2023



RP-5               Farrer Road - Installation of control devices

Author:          Frank Goodyer         




That the Traffic Committee endorse the installation of regulatory signs and line marking on and fronting Farrer Road as shown on Sheet Numbers B5001, B5002 and B5003 of Xeros Piccolo Project Number 220534 Revision E Plans dated 7 June 2023. 




A development consent (DA22/0610) has been issued for construction works at The Riverina Anglican College to provide inter alia, parking and access to the site, including   construction of new vehicle and bus access points off Farrer Road and construction of a new dedicated bus bay off Farrer Road with capacity for seven stacked buses as Stage 1 of the development. This report only deals with Stage 1 of the consent. Stage 2 of the consent is an additional 179 carparking spaces along the western and southern boundaries of TRAC and access to Messenger Ave. 


Conditions C.10 and C.45 of the consent are: 


C.10      Prior to the release of the commencement of works relating to any of the matters listed below, detailed plans shall be submitted to and approved by the General Manager or delegate for the works. The plans shall identify any specific matters noted: 


·       Stage 1, showing directional signage, line marking, parking arrangements, driveway locations, internal access roads, pedestrian pathways, aisle widths and the like, demonstrating compliance with relevant Australian Standards.


·       Stage 2, showing directional signage, line marking, parking arrangements, driveway locations, internal access roads, pedestrian pathways, aisle widths and the like, demonstrating compliance with relevant Australian Standards. In addition, wheel stops or a sufficient kerb must be provided to prevent damage to boundary fences with adjoining properties. 


·       Works within Farrer Road to provide a right-hand turn treatment to the site, as required under Condition C.34.  


·       Where relevant, these plans are required to be referred to, and approved by the Local Traffic Committee before it is approved as the works incorporate a prescribed traffic control device.  


NOTE 1:   A prescribed traffic control device is a sign, signal, marking, structure or other device to direct or warn traffic on a road or road related area.  


NOTE2: The Local Traffic Committee only meets two-monthly and only between the months of March and November. Therefore to avoid delays the timing of meetings should be taken into account. 


C.45      Prior to either 30th June 2023, or an increase in the number of bus movements from the site, whichever occurs first, a central median shall be installed in Farrer Road to deny right turn movements from the site to Farrer Road, for both buses and light vehicles. 


Prior to the installation of the median, detailed designs for the median shall be submitted to Council, for approval, to the satisfaction of the General Manager or delegate. 


This plan is required to be referred to, and approved by the Local Traffic Committee before it is approved as these works incorporate a prescribed traffic control device.  


Until such time that the median is installed, the existing approved restrictions on traffic exiting the site shall be maintained. 


NOTE 1:   A prescribed traffic control device is a sign, signal, marking, structure or other device to direct or warn traffic on a road or road related area.  


NOTE2:    The Local Traffic Committee only meets two-monthly and only between the months of March and November. Therefore to avoid delays the timing of meetings should be taken into consideration in preparing your plan for submission. 


TfNSW provided an initial response during the assessment of the DA that they raised no objection to the proposed development on the basis that it was carried out in accordance with submitted information. 


However, following amendment of the traffic impact assessment to take into account a potential median in Farrer Road that would deny right turn exit movements from the site for light vehicles and buses, TfNSW provided further comment. Following discussion, TfNSW requested the imposition of a condition that would require consultation be carried out with bus providers in relation to the changes needed for school bus routes, prior to the installation of the median. 


Condition C.11 was inserted into the consent and is: 


C.11        Prior to the installation of the median in Farrer Rd, as required under this consent, consultation shall be undertaken with the school bus operators impacted by the left-out only egress restriction to Farrer Road. 


The plans submitted to Council as required by conditions C.10 and C.45 are attached for the consideration of the committee. 


Responses from Transport for NSW and a letter on behalf of school bus operators who service the college as required by condition C.11 are also provided as attachments for the consideration of the committee. 

Risk Management Issues for Council

No risks have been identified with the matters specific to this report


Internal / External Consultation

Extensive consultation has occurred with internal council staff and external stakeholders including bus operators, Transport for NSW and the proponent.





TfNSW Response - DA22_0610 - Farrer Road



Letter Wagga Council re TRAC Farrar Road Proposed Median Strip



Plan diagram C_220534




Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Thursday 14 September 2023



Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Thursday 14 September 2023



Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Thursday 14 September 2023




Reports submitted to the Traffic Committee to be held on Thursday 14 September 2023.