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Agenda and
Business Paper


Traffic Committee




To be held on
Thursday 8 February 2024

at 9.30am




Civic Centre cnr Baylis and Morrow Streets,
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 (PO Box 20)
P 1300 292 442
P council@wagga.nsw.gov.au


Reports submitted to the Traffic Committee to be held on Thursday 8 February 2024.


Thursday 8 February 2024


CLAUSE               PRECIS                                                                                            PAGE

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY                                                                          2

APOLOGIES                                                                                                                 2

Confirmation of Minutes

CM-1           CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES - 16 NOVEMBER 2023 LOCAL TRAFFIC COMMITTEE MEETING                                                                                                   2

DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST                                                                                    2


RP-1            Proposed Mobility Parking Space - Forsyth Street adjacent to the Market Place Mall                                                                             3

RP-2            Installation of 70/50 Speed Limit Sign - Indigo Drive to Deakin Avenue, Lloyd                                                                                                       5

RP-3            Change of Date - August 2024 Local Traffic Committee Meeting   9

RP-4            Request for a change of Movement Control - Kincaid & Beckwith Street Intersection, Wagga Wagga                                                          10

QUESTIONS WITH NOTICE                                                                                         12







Confirmation of Minutes



Officer Recommendation

That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on the 16 November 2023 be confirmed as a true and accurate record.






Minutes - Local Traffic Committee Meeting - 16 November 2023





Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Thursday 8 February 2024




RP-1               Proposed Mobility Parking Space - Forsyth Street adjacent to the Market Place Mall

Author:          Warren Faulkner         



Officer Recommendation

That the Local Traffic Committee approve the installation of a compliant 7.8 metre length of Mobility Parking Scheme zone on the southern side of Forsyth Street immediately west of the traffic light controlled pedestrian crossing between Baylis and Berry Streets, using standard R5-1-3 series signs with the additional information “2P’ to be displayed on the sign and the adjacent T & L marked spaces to be adjusted accordingly to a minimum of 6 metres each.




Council has received a request from a business along Forsyth Street requesting a Mobility Parking Space be installed on the southern side of Forsyth Street between the Traffic Signals connecting the Market Place and Sturt Malls and the main street.


The area out the front of the Market Place and directly adjacent to the traffic light controlled pedestrian crossing is heavily trafficked with pedestrians and motor vehicles and the need for a designated mobility parking space for disabled persons is high.


Investigations into the number and compliant Mobility Parking Scheme (MPS) zones (disabled parking zones) in proximity to this site has found that the inclusion of a Mobility parking Space at this location would greatly improve the community’s access to not only nearby businesses and health care practices such as dentist and optometrists but the main street central business area as well.


The current parking arrangements are marked T&L standard 1 hour parallel parking spaces in this portion of Forsyth Street.  The proposed two hour time limit would be appropriate for the holders of MPS permits.


It is therefore proposed that a MPS space be installed immediately west of the traffic light controlled pedestrian crossing as shown following images.



The inclusion of one MPS at this location would not adversely affect the current parking, only improve access for the disabled.


Risk Management Issues for Council

There are no risk management issues associated with this report for Council

Internal / External Consultation

No external consultation has taken place.






Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Thursday 8 February 2024



RP-2               Installation of 70/50 Speed Limit Sign - Indigo Drive to Deakin Avenue, Lloyd

Author:                        Warren Faulkner         



Officer Recommendation

That the local Traffic Committee endorse the installation of R4-1 70/50 Speed Limit signs where Indigo Drive and Deakin Avenue meet as shown on Sheet 2 of 67 of the Eslers “Lloyd Stage 10” Plan, Revision D dated June 2021 attached.



Development Application DA17/0051 is a 229 Lot residential subdivision that is being completed  in 6 stages.


The first stage of the development is the extension of Deakin Avenue in Lloyd to connect with Indigo Drive in Springvale to create 41 Lots.  Construction of this stage commenced in April 2022 and is nearing completion as shown in the following aerial image and photograph




Lloyd Stage 10 Subdivision (November 2023)







Photo of Deakin Avenue extension (24 January 2024)


The land either side of Deakin Avenue is zoned R1 residential development and as such is kerb and guttered road construction with a posted speed limit of 50km/h.


The land either side of Indigo Drive is zoned R5 large lot residential development and as such is rural type road construction with table drains with a posted speed limit of 70km/h.


Sheet 2 of the approved construction plans identified “New Speed Signage at road change-over from urban to rural road to meet Transport for NSW approval” in the highlighted circle shown on the attached plan.


Council has marked up the plan to show the speed limit signs for the consideration of the Local Traffic Committee.

Risk Management Issues for Council

There are no risk management issues associated with this report for Council

Internal / External Consultation

Not Applicable






Eslers Lloyd Stage 10 Sheet 2 of 67, Revision D dated June 2021 Plan



Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Thursday 8 February 2024



Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Thursday 8 February 2024



RP-3               Change of Date - August 2024 Local Traffic Committee Meeting

Author:          Warren Faulkner         


Officer Recommendation

That the Local Traffic Committee endorse the change of meeting date from 29 August 2024 to 8 August 2024 to ensure the advice of the Local Traffic Committee will be considered by the current Council at its Ordinary Meeting on the 26th August 2024.


At the last meeting of the Local Traffic Committee on 16 November 2023, the Local Traffic Committee considered and endorsed the 2024 meeting schedule.


Subsequently, an error has been picked up in the 2024 Meeting Schedule for the Local Traffic Committee in that the meeting date scheduled for the 29 August 2024 does not align with the Council Meeting scheduled for 26 August 2024.


It is recommended that the August 2024 Local Traffic Committee meeting date be changed to the 8th August 2024 to enable align with the Council Meeting.

Risk Management Issues for Council

Local Government elections for the Council are on the 14th September 2024.  The last scheduled ordinary meeting of the current Council is on the 26th August 2024.  If the August meeting date is not changed to a time before the last meeting to enable the advice of the committee to be considered by the current council at this meeting, then there will be a considerable delay in getting the recommendations of the Committee endorsed and approved by Council.

Internal / External Consultation

Not Applicable




Report submitted to the Traffic Committee on Thursday 8 February 2024



RP-4               Request for a change of Movement Control - Kincaid & Beckwith Street Intersection, Wagga Wagga

Author:          Warren Faulkner         


Officer Recommendation

That the Local Traffic Committee consider changing the north and south bound Give Way movement control on Beckwith Street at its intersection with Kincaid Street to a Stop control in accordance with Australian Standards.


A request has been received from the Local Highway Patrol to consider changing the north and south bound Give Way regulatory control on Beckwith Street at its intersection with Kincaid Street to a Stop control.


The Supervisor of the Riverina Highway Patrol – Wagga Wagga will speak to this request at meeting.

Risk Management Issues for Council

There are no risk management issues associated with this report for Council

Internal / External Consultation

No internal or external consultation has taken place.


Reports submitted to the Traffic Committee to be held on Thursday 8 February 2024.



Reports submitted to the Traffic Committee to be held on Thursday 8 February 2024.