Business Paper
Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee
To be held on
15 May 2024
at 8.30 am
Civic Centre cnr Baylis and Morrow Streets,
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 (PO Box 20)
P 1300 292 442
Reports submitted to the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee to be held on Wednesday 15 May 2024.
Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee AGENDA AND BUSINESS PAPER
Wednesday 15 May 2024
Confirmation of Minutes
Reports from Staff
RP-1 2018-19-FM-0071 - North Wagga Flood Mitigation Options 3
RP-2 2021-22-FM-0039 - Lake Albert Flood Mitigation Options - Feasibility Study 11
RP-3 2021-22-FM-0032 - Uranquinty Levee Upgrade - Investigation and Design 12
RP-4 2022-FMP-0103 Humula and Mangoplah Flood Studies 15
RP-5 DCCEEW 2024 Floodplain Grants 16
RP-6 Floodgate 15 A 17
RP-7 Flood Project Implementation Status 19
That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee Meeting held on 15 February 2024 & 27 February 2024 be confirmed as a true and accurate record, noting Council’s adoption of these minutes at its meeting 11 March 2024.
1⇩. |
FRMAC Minutes - 15 February 2024 |
41 |
2⇩. |
FRMAC Minutes - 27 February 2024 |
Report submitted to the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee on Wednesday 15 May 2024 |
RP-1 |
Reports from Staff
RP-1 2018-19-FM-0071 - North Wagga Flood Mitigation Options
Author: Andrew Mason
Director: Phil McMurray
Summary: |
The project has reached finalisation and the consultant is presenting the final report and recommendations for adoption. |
That the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee receive and note the final report and recommends to the Council that it receive and adopt the report and the recommendations in full. |
As per the scope and brief of this study the consultant CIE, Woolcott, WMAwater and NGH have completed the four key areas of analysis:
· Economic
· Environmental
· Social
· Cultural
In discussion with this committee, the final report has been developed to reflect the findings of this analysis and has the following conclusion for Flood Mitigation for North Wagga:
Of the different options that could be adopted:
– The combined L4A with a targeted VHR/VHP to high risk residents outside North Wagga delivers the best outcome for the community. However, there may be challenges for some households due to accessibility issues which could result in additional costs above the assumed $120,000/property raising.
– L4B by itself or in combination with any other strategies is too expensive to be cost effective, regardless of the size of potential benefits.
– VHR and VHP delivers positive outcomes for the community where it is applied to high risk properties where the risk reduction is greater than the cost of the actions. This suggests a strategic approach to the application of these policies based on estimated risk reduction. Further, the VHP policy could be more efficient where the purchase applies only after flooding. A pre-emptive policy would immediately “destroy” the value of the property with certainty, compared to the comparatively low probability of this. An alternative would be to purchase a property pre-emptively but maintain it as part of the housing stock until it is damaged by a flood event which could be in, say, 10 years’ time.
In implementing the proposed levee it is important to recognise that water is diverted to other parts of the floodplain, potentially negatively impacting on some properties. However, where negative impacts occur these are typically only result in minor increases flood depths. The risk reduction benefits of the levee substantially outweighs the potential negative impacts on some properties.
Based on the draft report the FRMC had developed the following likely recommendation for Council:
a. Upgrading the existing North Wagga Levee system (Stage 1 of L4B - 5% AEP (1 in 20)) and offering Voluntary House Raising and Purchase subject to risk reduction and cost effectiveness
b. Increasing the road heights and bridges along Hampden Ave to provide a safe evacuation route (Stage 2 of Option L4B) subject to funding.
Public Exhibition
Public exhibition of the Flood Mitigations Options for North Wagga was required by the Local Government Act (1993, Section 38). This section stipulates that Council must exhibit the draft plan for public comment for a period of at least 28 days, and that submissions must be considered by the council before the plan is endorsed or amended.
The Draft Report was endorsed for public exhibition at the Council meeting on the 11 March 2024. The Public Exhibition period commenced on the 15 March 2024 and was closed on the 26 April 2024, after a period of 42 days.
Digital copies of the report were available on the Council website through the “Have Your Say” page and one on one sessions with Council Officers were available to be booked through this page.
The Reports, as attached, were presented for public exhibition, and included:
· Flood Mitigation Options for Wagga Wagga, Evaluation of options (CIE, Feb 2024)
· Flood Mitigation Options for Wagga Wagga, Evaluation of options (CIE, Oct 2023)
· North Wagga Flood Mitigation Community Engagement Report Phase 2 (Woolcott Research, 2024)
· North Wagga Flood Risk Mitigation Community and stakeholder Engagement Study (Woolcott Research, 2023)
· Assessment of Environmental Constraints North Wagga Flood Mitigation Options (NGH, 2023)
· Biodiversity Assessment Report North Wagga Flood Levee (NGH, 2023)
· Flood Impacts of Flood Mitigation Options for North Wagga (WMA Water, 2024)
There were six submissions received from the public and one from Biodiversity Conservation and Science during the PE period and an outline of these is included as an attachment to the final report.
The three submissions and the three one on one meetings did not highlight any significant problems or concerns with the proposed mitigation options.
The submission from Biodiversity Conservation and Science stated:
BCS has reviewed the Biodiversity Assessment Report North Wagga Flood Levee (NGH 2023). We agree the proposed works are likely to cause significant impact on threatened species. While that impact is likely to vary depending on the option(s) that are eventually built, we consider it important to determine the precise nature of that impact per option, and to use that information iteratively to avoid and minimise harm to biodiversity.
Given significant impact is likely, section 7.12(3) of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 establishes Council is not to give consent without either the concurrence of the Environment Agency Head or a Biodiversity Assessment Development Report (BDAR). The review of environmental factors (REF) established by Part 8 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021 is a good opportunity for Council to decide which of those two pathways best suit the activity. Given the proposed activity involves various options, we strongly recommend a BDAR is the best approach.
The BDAR relies on a method that will determine which option best avoids and minimises harm, mitigation measures that can be applied locally to maintain habitats and populations in situ, and price offsets per option to inform Council’s decision. The BDAR will also rely on the Biodiversity Offset Scheme to mitigate harm. That approach means Council does not have the ongoing burden of managing offset work.
The initial information Council has is that a BDAR will take 15-18 months to complete and has a cost of approximately $100,000.
Implementation timeline for adopted recommendation
Stage |
Duration |
Commencement |
Topographic Survey |
6 months |
August 2024 |
Voluntary House Raising (VHR) and Voluntary House Purchase (VHP) project development and implementation
3-5 years |
January 2025 |
Environmental Assessment |
18 months |
September 2024 |
Civil Design |
12-15 months |
July 2025 |
Levee contractor procurement |
4 months |
November 2026 |
Levee construction |
24 months |
March 2027 |
There are some significant issues that the committee need to be aware of regarding the recommendations from this report.
Evacuation Level for North Wagga
With the existing levee in place, the current evacuation trigger for North Wagga is a river height of 9.3m. The existing road network around North Wagga is inundated at a river height of approximately 9.4m. The “banks” along Hampden Ave between the Wiradjuri Bridge and Parken Pregan Bridge adjacent to Wilks Park are not keyed into the underlying ground and cannot be assumed to offer a safe evacuation route beyond the existing 9.3m. The Mill St causeway between East St and the Marah St is inundated at 9.4m and the East St section of North Wagga becomes isolated beyond this river height.
If a 10.1m levee plus freeboard is constructed around North Wagga and the existing road network or the “banks” are not modified then the evacuation trigger for North Wagga will probably remain at 9.3m.
The NSW State Emergency Service have been consulted regarding this issue and have provided the following response:
The NSW SES further recommend:
· Continuing to progress flood mitigation and management options in accordance with the NSW Flood Prone Land policy as set out in the Flood Risk Management Manual 2023 (the Manual) and supporting guidelines. This would include a detailed assessment during the next phase of the mitigation process to understand flood behaviour and constraints.
· Investigating ways to improve emergency access and egress during a flood.
· Carefully considering any locations of proposed increase in density of development and its associated increased risk to life and property. This flood mitigation option will address some residual risk to life and property.
· Considering Development Control Plan 2010 (DCP) which strengthen the land use planning process to identify areas where risk to life from flooding is intolerable.
The second point in the above extract may allow Council to investigate the formalisation of the Wilks Park banks to enable the construction of similarly sized banks to a suitable standard to allow them to be licenced as levees and potentially for the SES and Council to raise the evacuation trigger for North Wagga to a level closer to the design height of the new levee.
The secondary issue with evacuation and egress is that the residents along East St will possibly still have to evacuate at 9.3m. Mill St between East St and the ring levee becomes inundated at around 9.3m - 9.4m.
There is no simple infrastructure solution to this and it may require the new levee design to incorporate a helicopter rescue pad into the East St levee for emergency evacuations.
If the banks along Wilks Park are formalised, the section of North Wagga protected by the ring levee will still be able to evacuate at 9.7m while the section of North Wagga along East St will need to evacuate at approximately around 9.3m.
Newly Inundated Houses
If a 5% AEP levee is constructed around North Wagga without the excavation to offset the displacement of water, there will be adverse effects to over 1100 other houses. In a larger flood event (1 in 200, 1 in 500) when the main city levee is overtopped there will be increased water in a significant number of houses. These houses already have over floor flooding but will have an increased amount of water of up to 200mm flowing through them.
There are a few properties that will now be flood affected that weren’t previously inundated around East Wagga in a 5% AEP. Those 25 properties will be part of the targeted VHR/VHP program.
· Council has $6.3M in funding raised through the levee Special Rate Variation (SRV)
· Council has $1M available through the CDG0789 grant, this must be expended by December 2025
· Council has applied for the next round of BCS DCCEEW Floodplain grants for $5M to allow for the environmental analysis, detailed design and construction of the North Wagga levee system
· Council has applied for the next round of BCS DCCEEW Floodplain grants for a VHP and VHR feasibility Scoping Study for the 25 houses that will be adversely affected by the construction of Stage 1 of the Flood mitigation options for North Wagga.
This final report is being presented to the committee for acceptance and the committee is required to recommend to Council that it receive the report and accept the recommendations in full. A detailed report will then be presented for consideration at the Council meeting on 27 May 2024.
Financial Implications
Policy and Legislation
Local Government Act
Development Control Plan 2010
Flood Risk Management Manual
Link to Strategic Plan
Safe and Healthy Community
Objective: Our community feel safe
Be responsive to emergencies
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
The Committee are advised that the consultants will attending this meeting remotely and presenting via zoom.
1. |
CIE Report_Wagga Wagga CC_Flood Mitigation Options - Provided under separate cover |
Report submitted to the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee on Wednesday 15 May 2024 |
RP-2 |
RP-2 2021-22-FM-0039 - Lake Albert Flood Mitigation Options - Feasibility Study
Author: Andrew Mason
Director: Phil McMurray
Summary: |
Work on this project has commenced and Stantec are working on the project in line with the program, two reports are provided for the committee. |
That the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee receive and note the update provided in relation to the Lake Albert Flood Mitigation Project. |
Stantec have completed two stages of their program and provided the reports that have been accepted by Council. Stantec are planning the consultation phase of the project and will start with targeted meetings to specific user groups.
Council staff have sought advice from an industry consultant regarding mitigation options specifically for the boat club and will provide these to the consultant for the meetings with the stakeholders.
Financial Implications
Policy and Legislation
Link to Strategic Plan
Safe and Healthy Community
Objective: Our community feel safe
Be responsive to emergencies
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
Report submitted to the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee on Wednesday 15 May 2024 |
RP-3 |
RP-3 2021-22-FM-0032 - Uranquinty Levee Upgrade - Investigation and Design
Author: Andrew Mason
Director: Phil McMurray
Summary: |
The project is progressing as per the required program. The preliminary design has been completed. |
That the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee receive and note the update provided in relation to the Uranquinty Levee project. |
RHDHV have completed the preliminary design and conducted their first round of community consultation in Uranquinty. They are working on the issues raised by the community and continuing to finalise their design. Their update on the project status and a sample of their design drawings is attached to this report.
Financial Implications
Policy and Legislation
Link to Strategic Plan
Safe and Healthy Community
Objective: Our community feel safe
Be responsive to emergencies
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
1⇩. |
Uranquinty Levee Upgrade - Progress Report |
Report submitted to the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee on Wednesday 15 May 2024 |
RP-4 |
RP-4 2022-FMP-0103 Humula and Mangoplah Flood Studies
Author: Andrew Mason
Director: Phil McMurray
Summary: |
WMAwater have commenced the study for Humula and Mangoplah and will be conducting some community consultation in the villages next few weeks |
That the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee receive and note the update provided in relation to the Humula and Mangoplah Flood Studies Project. |
Council engaged WMAwater in late September 2023, to undertake the Humula and Mangoplah Flood Study.
The relevant LiDar data has been provided to WMAWater for development of the flood models and they are planning to conduct community consultation within the next few weeks in the two villages to calibrate the models against historical records and memories.
Financial Implications
Policy and Legislation
Link to Strategic Plan
Safe and Healthy Community
Objective: Our community feel safe
Be responsive to emergencies
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
Report submitted to the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee on Wednesday 15 May 2024 |
RP-5 |
RP-5 DCCEEW 2024 Floodplain Grants
Author: Andrew Mason
Director: Phil McMurray
Summary: |
This Report provides an outline of the DCCEEW Floodplain Grant Applications for 2024 |
That the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee receive and note the report with regard to the 2024-25 Floodplain Management Program. |
As a direct outcome of the North Wagga Flood Mitigation Options Study, Council has applied for two grants under the DCCEEW 2024-25 Floodplain Management Program.
The grants are targeted at two projects:
· North Wagga levee construction
· Wagga Wagga Voluntary House Raising and Purchase Scheme - Investigation and Design
The outcome of the grant applications will be announced towards the end of 2024.
Financial Implications
Policy and Legislation
Link to Strategic Plan
Safe and Healthy Community
Objective: Our community feel safe
Monitor and enforce public safety
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
Report submitted to the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee on Wednesday 15 May 2024 |
RP-6 |
RP-6 Floodgate 15 A
Author: Andrew Mason
Director: Phil McMurray
Summary: |
The repair of Floodgate 15A is being undertaken and reinstatement of the levee, placement of the pipe collar and replacement of the footpath is nearing completion. |
That the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee receive and note the report in relation to repairs to Floodgate 15A. |
Floodgate 15A is a major component in the stormwater and flood infrastructure in the City of Wagga Wagga. It was initially constructed in 2008, damaged in the 2010 and 2012 floods, repaired in 2013 and became fully functional in 2016.
The pipe outlet at the base of the well shaft has been compromised and an immediate repair and rehabilitation project has begun to restore the floodgate to full functionality.
Stantec were initially contracted to undertake engineering assessment of the issue and to develop an immediate repair and long-term solution. Huon and Tye Jackson Welding were engaged to implement the solution developed by Stantec and Council. The project is being undertaken to the required specifications with the levee repaired, the failed grout replaced with a more suitable product and the stainless-steel sleeve installed to protect the pipe/wall connection from water turbulence in the future.
Financial Implications
The DRFA funding of $1M from the Office of Local Government NSW has been identified to complete this repair project, the project is on track to be completed within the allocated budget.
Policy and Legislation
Link to Strategic Plan
Safe and Healthy Community
Objective: Our community feel safe
Be responsive to emergencies
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
Report submitted to the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee on Wednesday 15 May 2024 |
RP-7 |
RP-7 Flood Project Implementation Status
Author: Andrew Mason
Director: Phil McMurray
Summary: |
This Report outlines the status of the flood projects across the various studies that Council currently has underway. |
That the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee receive and note the report in relation to Flood Project Implementation Status |
Council has over 60 recommendations from the three recently completed studies and is working its way through the studies. The spreadsheet tracking these projects is an attachment to this report.
Financial Implications
Policy and Legislation
Link to Strategic Plan
Safe and Healthy Community
Objective: Our community feel safe
Be responsive to emergencies
Risk Management Issues for Council
As outlined in the Report.
Internal / External Consultation
1⇩. |
Flood Studies Project Status - FRSMP 2018 |
2⇩. |
Flood Studies Project Status - EWS |
3⇩. |
Flood Studies Project Status - MOFFS 2021 |
4⇩. |
Flood Studies Project Status - VOFFS 2021 |
Reports submitted to the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee to be held on Wednesday 15 May 2024.
Reports submitted to the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee to be held on Wednesday 15 May 2024.