To be held on
14 April 2020
AT 6:00pm
Cnr Baylis and Morrow Streets,
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
PO Box 20, Wagga Wagga
Phone: 1300 292 442
Fax: 02 6926 9199
In pursuance of the provisions of the Local Government Act, 1993 and the Regulations there under, notice is hereby given that an Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the City of Wagga Wagga will be held in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Corner Baylis and Morrow Streets, Wagga Wagga, on Tuesday 14 April 2020 at 6:00pm.
Council live streams video and audio of Council meetings. Members of the public are advised that their voice and/or image may form part of the webcast.
Mr Peter Thompson
General Manager
Mayor Councillor Greg Conkey OAM |
Deputy Mayor Councillor Dallas Tout |
Councillor Yvonne Braid |
Councillor Paul Funnell |
Councillor Dan Hayes |
Councillor Vanessa Keenan |
Councillor Rod Kendall |
Councillor Tim Koschel |
Councillor Kerry Pascoe |
The quorum for a meeting of the Council is a majority of the Councillors of the Council who hold office for the time being who are eligible to vote at the meeting.
Reports submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council to be held on Tuesday 14 April 2020.
Ordinary Meeting of Council AGENDA AND BUSINESS PAPER
Tuesday 14 April 2020
Confirmation of Minutes
CM-1 Ordinary Council Meeting - 30 March 2020 3
Councillor Report
Reports from Staff
RP-2 Draft Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan Amendment to Section 10 for Mixed Use Development 15
RP-3 Revaluation of Property Land Values for Rating Purposes 22
RP-4 Section 356 Financial Assistance Requests - March 2020 35
RP-5 Cultural Plan 2020-2030 47
RP-6 Response to Notice of Motion - Stockpiling Materials in the Floodplain 58
Committee Minutes
Confidential Reports
CONF-5 RFQ2020-535 Supply of Two Skid Steer Loaders 107
CM-1 Ordinary Council Meeting - 30 March 2020
That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 30 March 2020 be confirmed as a true and accurate record.
1⇩. |
Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 30 March 2020 |
108 |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday 14 April 2020 |
CR-1 |
Author: Councillor Paul Funnell
That Council: a repeal and sever, any and all Sister City agreements, Friendship programmes and arrangements, and Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) associated with the People’s Republic of China b notify our Sister City Committee of this decision of Council |
Wagga Wagga City Council has one Sister City relationship with Kunming China, and two Friendship relationships being City of Tieling, Peoples Republic of China (PRC) and Province of JiangSu, RuGao City China. In addition, there is one Memorandum of Understanding with the Kunming International Friendship Cities Education Co-operation Declaration.
Given that these current arrangements are actually with the governing and ruling authorities of the said Provinces and educational facilities, we are therefore in relations with the Totalitarian Communist Regime of the People’s Republic of China. This is the same Chinese Communist Government that delights in lies, subterfuge and coverups, for example by now trying to claim that the US military is responsible for the spread of Covid-19.
As a result of this regimes’ actions, and in point, inaction post virus outbreak, this very regime has brought death and destruction across the world with COVID-19, and Wagga Wagga LGA has not been spared. The consequences of this are ongoing and will continue to be felt for generations to come. The human suffering and financial outcome won’t be known for decades.
We can only act on behalf of our constituents here in our own LGA, however we have a moral duty to stand and defend the very people that have elected us and to act in what we believe to be for the greater good of our people. The beauty of our democratic process is that we can and should put forward what we believe are not only in the best interests of our constituents, but also an opportunity to stand up for our principles, and that of the people that chose us to represent them.
If we don’t sever ties with the afore mentioned anti-democratic organisations we are giving tacit approval to the PRC regime that what they are doing is alright, just by our ongoing relationship.
We must show solidarity with all the victims of Covid-19, health care workers, frontline services, and also to our Sister City and friends in places such as Fort Leavenworth in the United States. Another military town like our own city of Wagga. We must not show solidarity with the very regime that bears ultimate responsibility.
We must take a stance, there is no right way to do the wrong thing. Council must do the right thing and take a stance to demonstrate its rejection of the corrupt Chinese government that has caused such death, destruction and turmoil across the World.
The World has now changed forever as we know it. It is now time for the World to start changing how it looks at the Chinese Communist regime. It is time for council to change its approach to this regime as well. Doing nothing is not an acceptable choice for Councillors.
Sending a letter expressing our disappointment or conducting some form of symbolic gesture is not enough. We must make a decision, take a stance, show solidarity, sever ties and show leadership and representation of and for the very people that elected us and defend all.
Further, this will send a clear message that we support a truly democratic and free society without fear nor favour of freedom of speech, opinion or thought, and that irresponsible governance will not be tolerated at any level.
Financial Implications
Policy and Legislation
Wagga Wagga City Council Code of Meeting Practice
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Leadership and Collaboration
Objective: We have strong leadership
Outcome: We have leaders that represent us
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
1⇩. |
Memorandum of Understanding - Kumning - 3 December 2019 |
2⇩. |
Sister City - Friendship Relationships |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday 14 April 2020 |
RP-1 |
Author: Sam Robins
General Manager: Peter Thompson
Summary: |
This report is for a development application and is presented to Council for determination. The application has been referred to Council under Section 1.11 of the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010 (WWDCP) as a variation is sought and the number of submissions received is more than 10. |
That Council approve DA19/0257 for a mixed use development at 7-9 Baylis Street, Wagga Wagga, NSW, 2650 subject to the conditions outlined in the Section 4.15 assessment report. |
Development Application Details
Applicant |
Mr Robert Gizzi Design Workshop Australia |
Owner |
Wagga Baylis Pty Ltd Wenyan Fang – Director Junbin Fang - Director |
Development Cost |
$15,527,057.00 |
Development Description |
Six storey mixed use development, ground floor commercial and car parking, one floor of car parking and four floors of hotel rooms. |
Key Issues
· Compliance with Section 2.2 of the WWDCP relating to supply of required car parks
· Compliance with Section 12 of the WWDCP relating to impact of the development on the character of the area
· 12 submissions were received during the first notification period and 0 during the second notification period
This proposal has been assessed having regard to the Heads of Consideration under Section 4.15(1) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, the provisions of Wagga Wagga Local Environmental Plan 2010 and all relevant Council DCPs, Codes and Policies.
Having regard for the information contained in the attached Section 4.15 assessment report, it is satisfied that the development is consistent with objectives and controls of the relevant plans and policies applicable to the development. The assessment has also concluded that the impacts of the development are acceptable with regard to the site and surrounding land uses.
It is therefore recommended that DA19/0257 be approved subject to conditions of development consent recommended.
Reasons for Approval
1. The proposed mixed use development has been assessed against and is generally consistent with the relevant provisions of the Wagga Wagga Local Environmental Plan 2010 and the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010.
Site Location
The site consists of Lots 1 and 2 in DP 455265 and Lot 6 DP 855 and is known as 7-9 Baylis Street. The site is located at the southern end of Baylis Street on the eastern side and is bound by Edward Street to the south and Baretta Lane to the east.
The site is currently vacant and measures 1390.04m2.
The surrounding area is a mix of uses that are expected within the CBD area.
The site contains a right of way (ROW) 3.96m wide along its northern boundary.
Financial Implications
Link to Strategic Plan
The Environment
Objective: We plan for the growth of the city
Outcome: We have sustainable urban development
Risk Management Issues for Council
Refusal of the application may result in an appeal process in the Land and Environment Court, which will have to be defended by Council. The reasons for refusal will have to be justified and withstand scrutiny and cross examination in Court.
Approval is not considered to raise risk management issues for Council as the proposed development is generally consistent with the relevant provisions of the Wagga Wagga Local Environmental Plan 2010 and the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010.
Internal / External Consultation
Pursuant to this provision of Section 1.10 of the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010, notification and advertising of the application was required. The application was advertised to the public and notified surrounding properties from 11/06/19 to 25/06/19 in accordance with the provisions of the DCP. Twelve submissions were received during the notification period.
A further notation period was provided between 7/2/20 to 21/2/20 to persons who lodged a submission during the original notification period. No submissions were received during this period.
Media |
Community Engagement |
Digital |
Rates notices insert |
Direct mail |
Letterbox drop |
Council news story |
Council News advert |
Media releases |
TV/radio advertising |
One-on-one meetings |
Your Say website |
Community meetings |
Stakeholder workshops |
Drop-in sessions |
Surveys and feedback forms |
Social media |
Email newsletters |
Website |
Digital advertising |
Consult |
x |
x |
x |
Involve |
Collaborate |
1. |
DA19-0257 Section 4.15 Report - Provided under separate cover |
2. |
DA19-0257 Statement of Environmental Effects - Provided under separate cover |
3. |
DA19-0257 Plans - Provided under separate cover |
4. |
DA19-0257 Redacted Submissions - Provided under separate cover |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday 14 April 2020 |
RP-2 |
RP-2 Draft Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan Amendment to Section 10 for Mixed Use Development
Author: Crystal Atkinson
Director: Michael Keys
Summary: |
At its ordinary meeting of 16 December 2019, Council adopted changes to the Wagga Wagga Local Environmental Plan 2010 that reclassifies land located on Morgan, Murray and Forsyth Streets from ‘community’ to ‘operational’ and rezones land from RE1 Public Recreation and R1 General Residential to B4 Mixed Use.
The consideration of floor space ratio and height of building amendments were deferred to be considered alongside an amendment to the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010. The aim of the DCP amendment is to provide greater surety for the community, Council and the developer on future development of the site.
The report requests the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010 amendment be endorsed for public exhibition. |
That Council: a endorse the draft amendment to the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010 for public exhibition purposes b receive a further report after the public exhibition period: i addressing any submissions made in respect of the planning proposal and development control plan amendment ii proposing adoption of the development control plan amendment unless there are any recommended amendments deemed to be substantial and requiring a further public exhibition period iii having regard to the height of building and floor space ratio amendments proposed in LEP19/0002 – Planning Proposal for land located on Morgan, Murray and Forsyth Streets |
Council previously considered a Planning Proposal (LEP19/0002) for land located on Morgan, Murray and Forsyth Streets seeking to amend the Wagga Wagga Local Environmental Plan 2010 (LEP). The proposal intended to reclassify community land, rezone land from RE1 Public Recreation and R1 General Residential to B4 Mixed Use, increase the height of building provisions to 35 metres and remove floor space ratio provisions.
The planning proposal generated a large amount of public interest and submissions.
At the ordinary Council meeting of 16 December 2019, Council endorsed the proposed changes to the LEP except for the increase in building height to 35 metres and removal of the floor space ratio provisions.
In consideration of the issues raised, Council staff identified key concerns relating to bulk, height and scale. Consideration of the increase in building height and removal of floor space ratio provisions were deferred pending further investigation and review of the concerns raised and in consideration of an amendment to the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010 (DCP).
Reasons for a Site-Specific Development Control Plan
In consideration of the planning proposal, it was identified that existing DCP provisions are limited and do not adequately address matters of specific concerns to the site.
The current controls do not adequately address the following key issues:
· traffic and parking
· design and layout
· height
· setbacks
· public open space and recreation
· stormwater
Under the current DCP and LEP controls, it is possible for development to result in 16m high buildings on the boundaries of the subject site.
Given that the site is a key opportunity site within proximity to the central business district and emerging health precinct it lends itself to a more intense mixed-use development on the site. To enable this, it is appropriate to develop site specific controls relying on a high-quality design and a master plan approach.
Proposed Controls
The objectives of the proposed DCP amendment are:
· Development on the site is appropriate to the built context or desired future built context and aligns with Council’s strategic vision for the locality and broader city.
· The design and layout of development on the site retains a high-level amenity for all users on and off the site.
· Buildings on the site achieve an appropriate relationship to the public domain including streets, lanes, parks and community spaces.
· The design and layout of residential development provides improved liveability through enhanced internal and external apartment amenity in accordance with best design practices.
· Development supports sustainability strategies by including building design and siting to reduce energy consumption, the use of solar power in building design and water recycling.
It is proposed that these objectives are supported by controls that provide guidance in relation to traffic and parking, design, layout, height, setbacks, public open space and recreation and stormwater management.
In terms of height, it is proposed that the roof height of the tallest building on the site, shall not exceed 32m. Height distribution strategy diagram(s) have been developed and included in the proposed DCP amendment to indicate how height and bulk could be appropriately distributed across the site to ensure that the objectives and controls can be achieved. The height of development is intended to graduate up from the external boundaries of the site reaching a peak in the centre. This will provide transition that is not detrimental to surrounding neighbourhoods. Noting that the design of future development on the site has not been finalised, the illustrations below indicate how the height strategy diagrams (read with the supporting objective and controls) will be utilised to guide future development.
The draft DCP amendment proposed for public exhibition is provided as Attachment A. The public exhibition will inform Council and the community on how their concerns have been addressed as well as the opportunity to provide feedback in this regard.
Other considerations
Developments of a mixed-use nature will trigger the need for the developments to consider other NSW Guidelines and Policies. They include the following:
§ NSW Apartment Design Guide
§ NSW Low Rise Medium Density Housing Code (
§ NSW State Environmental Planning Policy No 65 (SEPP 65) – Design Quality of Residential Apartment Development (
The development of the proposed DCP controls has taken into consideration the above and in particular the NSW Apartment Design Guide (the Guide) which provides a consistent planning and design standard for apartments across the State. The Guide provides criteria and general guidance about how development proposals can achieve design quality principles including, but not limited to, the following:
· deliver better quality design for buildings that respond appropriately to the character of the area, landscape setting and surrounding built form
· improve liveability through enhanced internal and external apartment amenity, including better layout, apartment depth and ceiling heights, solar access, natural ventilation and visual privacy
· deliver improved sustainability through better traffic and transport solutions, greater building adaptability and robustness, improved energy efficiency and water sensitive urban design
· improve the relationship of apartments to the public domain including streets, lanes and parks
· deliver design guidance and assist in the provision of more diverse housing mix and choice
· support council’s in developing planning controls and master plans through improved guidance
Council is currently undertaking a review of the DCP with the aim to rewrite the DCP due to inconsistencies and difficulties experienced with interpreting the provisions. The rewrite will align the DCP with current and new best practice strategic documents, guides and directives.
The DCP is an extensive project and due to the timeframes associated with a rewrite, interim amendments occur to address pressing issues that need immediate attention. This amendment will address key issues for the assessment of mixed-use developments on the proposed site. This has been developed in response to community and council concerns.
Financial Implications
The amendment to the Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010 has been generated internally to address concerns raised during the public exhibition period for LEP19/0002. As this is generated internally, there are no application fees.
It is anticipated that the DCP amendment will result in new development on the subject land in future. This has financial implications for Wagga Wagga City Council.
Section 7.11 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the City of Wagga Wagga’s Section 94 Contributions Plan 2006-2019 / Levy Contributions Plan 2006 enables Council to levy contributions, where anticipated development will or is likely to increase the demand for public facilities.
Section 64 of the Local Government Act 1993, Section 306 of the Water Management Act 2000 as well as the City of Wagga Wagga’s Development Servicing Plan for Stormwater 2007 and/or City of Wagga Wagga Development Servicing Plan for Sewerage 2013 enable Council to levy developer charges based on the increased demands that new development will have on sewer and/or stormwater.
The Section 7.11 and Section 64 contribution applies and will apply to any future development on the land.
Policy and Legislation
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations 2000
Wagga Wagga Local Environmental Plan 2010
Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan 2010
Link to Strategic Plan
The Environment
Objective: We plan for the growth of the city
Outcome: We have sustainable urban development
Risk Management Issues for Council
The proposed amendments aim to solve current design, parking, traffic and access concerns through additional development controls. In the absence of these site-specific controls there is a risk that future development is proposed that could exacerbate or contribute to these concerns.
There is the potential that Council will be requested to delay or postpone consideration of planning amendments during the Covid-19 community restrictions. The risk with postponing or not proceeding with these processes is that planning for and facilitating future growth opportunities across the City may be delayed or restricted. In responding to the changing circumstances and restrictions of Covid-19 it is important for future growth and development within the community to continue to position the community in a way in which it can be resilient and recover from the effects of the pandemic through continuing development opportunities that promote employment and investment in our community and economy.
Internal / External Consultation
A Councillor workshop was held on 3 February 2020. The outcomes of the workshop were to incorporate diagrams in the draft DCP controls and a report be presented to Council on the proposed amendment including diagrams.
The DCP amendment will be the subject of public consultation for 42 days and will include notices to surrounding residents as well as people who have made submissions as part of the previous round of consultation in relation to the original planning proposal for Morgan Street.
Notices will be place in the local newspaper and a website with all the relevant information will be made available to the public.
Given the level of community interest in the overall redevelopment of this site and associated LEP Amendments, community consultation and engagement will be important.
In consideration of the Government restrictions due to COVID19 the public exhibition and consultation methods have been adjusted to ensure compliance and to prioritise the health sand safety of staff and the community. The consultation and exhibition will include the following:
· Dedicated consultation page
· Social media promotion
· Online Q&A Webinar hosted by Council staff
· Online Q&A Webinar published and transcript available to download and print or hardcopy on request
· Online submissions via consultation page
· Staff available to take submissions via telephone for people without digital access
· Access to staff via phone and email throughout exhibition period
We have an extensive list of interested community members who will be contacted directly if Council determines to proceed with public exhibition of this amendment.
If required an extension of the exhibition period could also be provided to ensure adequate community consultation is available.
The following provides an overview of the engagement methods that will be utilised during public exhibition:
Media |
Community Engagement |
Digital |
Rates notices insert |
Direct mail |
Letterbox drop |
Council news story |
Council News advert |
Media releases |
TV/radio advertising |
One-on-one meetings |
Your Say website |
Community meetings |
Stakeholder workshops |
Drop-in sessions |
Surveys and feedback forms |
Social media |
Email newsletters |
Website |
Digital advertising |
Consult |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
1. |
Draft Development Control Plan Amendment - Section 10 - Business Development - Provided under separate cover |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday 14 April 2020. RP-3
RP-3 Revaluation of Property Land Values for Rating Purposes
Author: Craig Katsoolis
Director: Natalie Te Pohe
Analysis: |
The purpose of this report is to detail the results of the recent General Revaluation that has occurred on all land within the Wagga Wagga Local Government area, and the likely impact on ratepayers.
The City of Wagga Wagga’s rates income for 2020/21 is only permitted to be increased by 2.6%. This is as per the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) allowable annual rate peg percentage. |
That Council: a note that NSW Valuer General has conducted a general revaluation of all parcels of land within the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area b note that the new land values will be used for all properties for the 2020/21 rating year c note that Council is only permitted to increase the total rates received by all property owners by the annual IPART allowable rate peg percentage, which is 2.6% for the 2020/21 rating year |
Key Reasons
The NSW Valuer General has advised that a general revaluation of all land within the City of Wagga Wagga Local Government Area has been undertaken. General revaluations occur every three years and Council must, in conjunction with the preparation of the Long-Term Financial Plan determine the rating structure on an annual basis in accordance with section 494 of the Local Government Act 1993.
Property holders should receive their Notice of Valuation during March 2020. The date of the property valuations is 1 July 2019 and will be used to calculate the 2020/21 property rates.
On average land values have risen approximately 26.5% in the three years since the last general revaluation, with comparison data shown below in Table 1: Total Land Values by Category:
Table 1: Total Land Values by Category
Rating Category |
2016 Land Valuations |
2019 Land Valuations |
% Variation |
Residential – City and Suburbs |
3,251,374,606 |
11.00% |
Residential – Other |
277,428,300 |
409,734,020 |
47.7% |
Residential – Villages |
87,482,720 |
10.3% |
Business – City and Suburbs |
733,066,226 |
824,955,335 |
12.5% |
Business – Villages and Rural |
49.6% |
Farmland |
64.7% |
Totals and Average % |
5,357,153,340 |
6,775,777,631 |
26.5% |
The above land values are used in the calculation of the annual rates of each rateable property in the local government area. It is important to note that a property’s annual land rates will not increase by the same percentage increase of their property valuation - the rate in the dollar used to calculate a property’s rates is adjusted, ensuring that Council only receive the total allowable rates income over all rating categories.
Average Land Value Movements by Suburb
Attachment A provides a summary of the average land value movements for each locality by rating category.
Total 2020/21 Permissible Income Allowed
Under Section 509 of the Local Government Act 1993, Council is only permitted to increase the total rates received by all property owners by the annual IPART allowable rate peg percentage, which is 2.6% for the 2020/21 rating year
To calculate the allowable 2.6% increase in rates, Council’s 2019/20 Notional Income is used to determine the 2020/21 Permissible Income.
Attachment B shows the calculation of the 2020/21 Permissible Income (including definitions of Notional and Permissible income). In summary:
2019/20 Notional Income $45,446,842
2.6% allowable IPART increase $ 1,181,618
Adjustments for Rateable/Exempt and catchup $ 29,078
Total 2020/21 Permissible Income Allowed $46,657,538
Proposed Rates Structure 2020/21
To ensure Council does not exceed the IPART Rates Cap of 2.6% total rates income it is necessary to reduce the respective rate in the dollar levied for each rate category, which is detailed in Attachment C.
The adopted 2019/20 and proposed 2020/21 rates in the dollar (Ad Valorem amount) and minimum rates are shown in table 2 below. The 2020/21 Ad Valorem rates and minimum rates are to be included in Council’s Draft 2020/21 Revenue Pricing Policy.
Table 2: Comparison between 2019/20 rates and 2020/21 rates by Rating Category
Rating Category |
2019/20 |
2020/21 |
Ad Valorem Amount |
Minimum Rate |
Ad Valorem Amount |
Minimum Rate |
Residential - City and Suburbs |
$698.00 |
$716.00 |
Residential - Other |
$313.00 |
$321.00 |
Residential – Villages |
$262.00 |
$268.00 |
Business - City and Suburbs |
$669.00 |
$686.00 |
Business - Villages and Rural |
$111.00 |
$113.00 |
Farmland |
$302.00 |
$309.00 |
SRV-Levee Special Rate |
Residential - City and Suburbs Special Rate - Levee upgrade |
N/A |
N/A |
Residential – Other Special Rate - Levee upgrade |
N/A |
N/A |
Residential – Villages Special Rate - Levee upgrade |
N/A |
N/A |
Business - City and Suburbs Special Rate - Levee upgrade |
N/A |
N/A |
Business - Villages and Rural Special Rate - Levee upgrade |
N/A |
N/A |
Farmland - Special Rate - Levee upgrade |
N/A |
N/A |
Impact on ratepayers
Whilst Council is only permitted to increase its total rate income by 2.6% for the 2020/21 rating year, the application of the 1 July 2019 Land Value Revaluation will impact on ratepayers whose land values have moved either greater than or less than the average for their respective rate category.
For example, Residential Wagga land values have increased on average by 11.0% from the 2016 base date land values. Some suburbs have experienced land value increases and decreases greater than the overall average increase.
The Acting District Valuer – Valuer General NSW has provided the following comments in Attachment D regarding the City of Wagga Wagga Revaluation Base Date 1 July 2019.
As noted earlier the movement in land values does not result in additional income for Council. The rate in dollar for each rating category has been adjusted to ensure that only a 2.6% increase in total rates income will be received by Council for the 2020/21 financial year.
Ratepayers whose land values have increased significantly over the respective rating category average land value movement will experience an increase in rates greater than the average rate increase.
Conversely ratepayers whose land values have not increased to the same level or greater than the average movement for their respective rate category will experience a reduction in rates payable compared to their category average.
Financial Implications
As noted earlier, the adjustments to land values applicable to the 1 July 2019 revaluation does not net Council any additional income. The rate in the dollar for each rating category has been adjusted down to ensure that there is overall only a 2.6% increase in total rates income to be received by Council for the 2020/21 financial year.
Local Government Act 1993, section 494
This will have an impact on Council’s Revenue and Pricing Policy for 2020/21.
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Leadership and Collaboration
Objective: We have strong leadership
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
The Valuer General has provided commentary on the 2019 Revaluation for the City of Wagga Wagga (from 2016 to 2019).
1⇩. |
Attachment A - Average Land Value Movements by Category and Locality |
2⇩. |
Attachment B - Calculation of permitted increase in rates income for 2020/21 |
3⇩. |
Attachment C - 2020/21 Proposed Rates Structure |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday 14 April 2020 |
RP-4 |
RP-4 Section 356 Financial Assistance Requests - March 2020
Author: Craig Katsoolis
Director: Natalie Te Pohe
Summary: |
To consider the Section 356 financial assistance requests that have been received. |
That Council: a in accordance with Section 356 of the Local Government Act 1993, provide financial assistance to the following: i Mangoplah-Cookardinia United Eastlakes Football & Netball Club - $865 (Request 1) ii Suicide Prevention Network $95 (Request 2) iii South Wagga Apex $250 (Request 3) iv Women in Business Wagga $95 (Request 4) v Shave 4 SMRF Fundraiser - $95 (Request 5) vi Wagga & Bidgee District Pony Club - $865 (Request 6) b note the remaining budget available for financial assistance requests for the 2019/20 financial year |
Six (6) Section 356 financial assistance requests have been received for Council’s consideration:
1. MCUE Football & Netball Club Inc.- $865
The Secretary of the Mangoplah-Cookardinia United Eastlakes Football & Netball Club (MCUE) has written to Council requesting a fee waiver for the associated yearly community licence fees of $655 for the use of the Mangoplah Sporting ground for which Council is Trustee of this Crown land. The waiving of the $210 lease preparation fee (5 Year Lease) is also requested.
The MCUE Football & Netball Club note in their attached letter
“The MCUE Committee are requesting Council, in its role of Trustee of the Mangoplah Sporting Ground / Crown Land, absorb the cost of the yearly licence fees (see invoice No. 502983) in the amount of $655.00, as an acknowledgement of the huge amount of volunteer time and effort that the MCUE club does annually to maintain this land (on behalf of the Council who is the Trustee of the Land).
We note this is an annual fee and would ask Council consider waiving this fee annually. This has been waived for the last 5 years – see Council’s April 2015 resolution – PSRP-14.”
Council at its meeting of April 2015 granted the Club a five-year fee waiver up to 1 January 2020.
It is proposed that Council consider a 12-month fee waiver of $655 (Annual Community Licence Fee) and the associated $210 Renew Licence preparation fee.
It is considered appropriate to provide the requested fee waiver for only the 2020 year (ending 1 January 2021) as the process for considering fee waivers is currently under review.
Given the relatively minor amount requested it is proposed to fund this fee waiver request from the Property Section budget (Yearly Property Management Income fees budget $713,848 Cost Centre 523017).
The above request aligns with Council’s Strategic Plan “Safe and Healthy Community – Objective: We promote a healthy lifestyle.
2. Suicide Prevention Network - $95
The Suicide Prevention Network group has written to Council (see attached letter) requesting consideration for the provision of financial assistance by waiving the hire fees for the use of Apex Park on the 4 March 2020.
The group advises in their attached letter:
“We are a small charity group called the Suicide Prevention Network and have been approved to use the park for a community reembrace service and free BBQ. It would be greatly appreciated if the fee could be waived.”
The above request aligns with Council’s Strategic Plan “Safe & Healthy Community – Objective: We have services that support us”.
3. South Wagga Apex Club – South Wagga Duck Race & Fisherama $250
The Secretary of South Wagga Apex has written on behalf of the South Wagga Club to Council (refer attached letter) requesting Council’s consideration for the waiver of the fees for the use of the Wagga Beach and Wollundry Lagoon to stage the South Wagga Duck Race (29 February 2020) and the Fisherama (Sunday 8 March 2020).
The writer notes:
“As you may know, South Wagga Apex is a not for profit organisation that seeks to offer these public events with a view to establish stronger and more engaged communities in and around the Wagga region. We have enjoyed a particularly strong relationship with the Wagga City Council and would appreciate your consideration of our request.”
The above request aligns with Council’s Strategic Plan “Community Place and Identity – Objective: We have opportunities to connect with others”.
It is proposed that the request be absorbed from within the Parks Cost Centre budget.
It is further noted that Council provided $3,000 financial assistance to the South Wagga Apex Club as part of the allocation of the 2019/20 Annual Grants allocation towards the staging of the World Championship Gumi Race event 2020 (Council Officers Report RP-4 22nd July 2019 Council Meeting).
4. Women in Business Executive Committee - International Women’s Day Event $95
The President of Women in Business Wagga has written on behalf of the Committee (refer attached letter) requesting Council’s consideration for the waiver of the fees for the use of Collins Park to stage an International Women’s Day event on Sunday 8 March 2020.
The writer notes:
“The event will be held on Sunday 8 March for members & guests and will be a celebration of the IWD theme of Generation Equality. Please note that this is the only regional event in Wagga that we are aware of that will be occurring on the actual IWD.
With over 300 members, WIB is the leading networking, educational & advocacy organisation for Women in the Riverina. The organisation is run by a dedicated Executive Committee of nine leading business women & all administration costs are kept low to ensure that our events are accessible to all women.”
The above request aligns with Council’s Strategic Plan “Community Place and Identity – Objective: We have opportunities to connect with others”.
It is proposed that the request be absorbed from within the Parks Cost Centre budget.
5. Shave 4 SMRF Fundraiser - $95
Keira Dunlop has written to Council requesting consideration for the waiver of the fees for the use of Collins Park on 28 February 2020 to conduct a fund-raising hair shaving event for Specialist Medical Resources Foundation (SMRF).
The above request aligns with Council’s Strategic Plan “Safe & Healthy Community – Objective: We have services that support us”.
It is proposed that the request be absorbed from within the Parks Cost Centre budget.
6. Wagga & Bidgee District Pony Club - $865
The Wagga and Bidgee District Pony Club has written to Council (see attached letter) requesting consideration to the waiving of the Annual Community Licence Fee of $655 and the lease preparation fee of $210.
The club notes it’s a not for profit organisation relying on fund raising and donations to operate the club.
Given the relatively minor amount requested it is proposed to fund the fee waiver from the Property Section budget (Yearly Property Management Income fees budget $713,848 Cost Centre 523017).
The above request aligns with Council’s Strategic Plan “Safe and Healthy Community – Objective: We promote a healthy lifestyle”.
Financial Implications
The Section 356 financial assistance budget for the 2019/20 financial year is $48,123.50, of which $39,907 is already committed in the adopted 2019/20 Delivery and Operational Plan.
Section 356 Financial Assistance Budget Summary |
Unallocated balance of S356 fee waiver financial assistance budget 2019/20 |
$2,333.50 |
1) Mangoplah-Cookardinia United Eastlakes Football & Netball Club - $865 |
Funded from the Property Section Budget |
2) Suicide Prevention Network group - $95 |
Funded from the Parks Open Space Cost Centre Budget |
3) South Wagga Apex - $250 |
Funded from the Parks Open Space Cost Centre Budget |
4) Women in Business Executive Committee -$95 |
Funded from the Parks Open Space Cost Centre Budget |
5) Specialist Medical Resources Foundation (SMRF) $95 |
Funded from the Parks Open Space Cost Centre Budget |
6) Wagga and Bidgee District Pony Club -$865 |
Funded from the Property Section Budget |
Balance of Section 356 fee waiver financial assistance budget for the remainder of the 2019/2020 Financial Year |
$2,333.50 |
Policy and Legislation
Section 356 of the Local Government Act 1993
Council’s Financial Assistance Policy – POL 078
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Leadership and Collaboration
Objective: We have strong leadership
Outcome: We are accountable and transparent
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
Relevant internal stakeholders were consulted with the assessment of these requests.
1⇩. |
Section 356 Financial Assistance Request - Mangoplah Cookardinia Eastlakes United Football and Netball Club (MCEU) |
2⇩. |
Section 356 Financial Assistance Request - Suicide Prevention Network |
3⇩. |
Section 356 Financial Assistance Request - South Wagga Apex |
4⇩. |
Section 356 Financial Assistance Request - Women in Business Executive Committee |
5⇩. |
Section 356 Financial Assistance Request - SMRF Fund Raiser |
6⇩. |
Section 356 Financial Assistance Request - Wagga & Bidgee District Pony Club |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday 14 April 2020 |
RP-5 |
Author: Madeleine Scully
Director: Janice Summerhayes
Summary: |
The Wagga Wagga City Council Cultural Plan 2020-30 outlines a ten-year vision and strategy for programming and infrastructure projects to support arts, culture, creative industries and heritage in Wagga Wagga.
The Cultural Plan was placed on public exhibition from 22 January to 24 February 2020. Subject to Council’s endorsement of amendments requested by the community during the public exhibition period, the Cultural Plan is presented to Council for endorsement. |
That Council: a note all submissions and feedback received relating to the exhibited Wagga Wagga City Council Cultural Plan 2020-2030 b adopt the Wagga Wagga City Council Cultural Plan 2020-2030 with the recommended changes as detailed in the report |
The draft Wagga Wagga City Council Cultural Plan 2020-2030 was placed on public exhibition from 22 January to 24 February 2020. During the submission period, Council received 28 written submissions responding to specific recommendations contained within the document along with feedback on the document in its entirety. Consultation was also conducted during this period with external stakeholders and relevant Council staff.
The document has been amended to reflect the submissions and comments received, as outlined in the table below. All changes with the exception of one item involved minor sentence revisions and of which did not change the intent of the action item or document reference. The exception was for the Public Art Plan item - Riverside Project. This is a budget amendment to reflect Council’s Ordinary meeting resolution for RP8 on 20 January 2020.
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday 14 April 2020 |
RP-5 |
Detailed Summary Schedule – Wagga Wagga City Council Cultural Plan 2020-2030
Feedback |
Action |
Recommended changes |
Association of Riverina Cultural Clubs Inc. (ARCC) |
General support for plan; specific support for Community Arts Centre project |
Noted in support of recommendation 1.01 |
N/A |
Bidgee Blues Club Inc. |
General support; specific support for expansion of live music development opportunities |
Noted in support of recommendations 2.13 and 2.14 |
N/A |
Charles Sturt University (School of Communication and Creative Industries) |
General support for plan; specific support for recommendations 1.01, 1.03, 1.06, 2.06, 2.16, 2.26, and 2.37-2.42 |
Noted in support of recommendations 1.01, 1.03, 1.06, 2.06, 2.16, 2.26, and 2.37-2.42 |
N/A |
Eastern Riverina Arts |
General support for plan; specific support for recommendations 1.01, 2.01-2.08, 2.16, 2.25, 2.32, and 2.40; request to amend organisation details in recommendation 2.32 and Appendix 2 |
Noted in support of recommendations 1.01, 2.01-2.08, 2.16, 2.25, 2.32, and 2.40; amend as requested |
2.32: Amend first sentence of first paragraph from “In partnership with all 9 councils […]” to “In partnership with all 8 councils […]”; Appendix 2: Amend organisation type from ‘Government’ to ‘Community’ |
Triple AAA FM |
Request to amend organisation details in Appendix 2 |
Amend as requested |
Appendix 2: Amend organisation name from ‘2AAA FM’ to ‘Triple AAA FM’ |
U3A Wagga Wagga Inc. (University of the Third Age) |
General support for plan; support for expansion and improvement of venues for cultural learning and activity; request to consider accessibility in scope of Community Arts Centre project |
Amend recommendation 1.01 |
1.01: Amend second sentence of third paragraph from “With flexible spaces and provision of lock-up storage […]” to “With fully accessible and flexible spaces and provision of secure storage […]” |
Dr Sam Bowker |
Support for engagement between industry, community and tertiary education; support for recommendations 1.01, 2.25, 2.28, 2.37 |
Amend recommendations 1.01 and 2.25; note in support of recommendations 2.28 and 2.37 |
1.01: Amend third paragraph to include: “The venue may also be designed to include studio spaces available for individual practice, facilitating professional practice and residencies, and promoting exchange between individuals and community organisations.” 2.28: Amend second sentence of third paragraph from “[…] the expectations of a growing and increasingly diverse community.” to “[…] the expectations of a growing and increasingly diverse community across multiple generations.” |
Wagga View (anonymous submission) |
Support for improvements and expansion to the Wagga Wagga Civic Theatre; proposal for professional management and staffing for Riverside performance spaces; proposal for training in event delivery and management |
Noted in support of recommendation 1.03; amend recommendations 1.05 and 2.14 |
1.05: Amend third paragraph to include: “Planning and design for this project should also include the identification of responsibility for management, maintenance and industry liaison.” 2.14: Amend scope to include: “Encourage the development of education and training programs in event delivery and event management” |
(anonymous submission) |
Proposal to install First Nations artwork at Tarcutta/Edward St railway passes |
Noted for consideration as potential future site of public art installation |
N/A |
Wagga View (anonymous submission) |
Support for improvements to the Wagga Wagga Civic Theatre |
Noted in support of recommendation 1.03 |
Wagga View (anonymous submission) |
Proposal for dedicated performance, preparation and administration space for the School of Arts Wagga Wagga (SOACT) |
Noted for consideration against recommendation 1.03 |
N/A |
Wagga View (anonymous submission) |
General support for plan; specific support for improvements and expansion to the Wagga Wagga Civic Theatre
Noted in support of recommendation 1.03 |
Wagga View (anonymous submission) |
General support for plan |
Noted as general support |
N/A |
Wagga View (anonymous submission) |
Proposal for expanded central Seniors Centre; support for expansion of Wagga Wagga Civic Theatre |
Noted for consideration against recommendation 1.01; noted in support of recommendation 1.03 |
Wagga View (anonymous submission) |
Request for information on proposed Plumpton Road camping ground; proposal to address Lake Albert and improve amenities; support for CBD activation |
Request directed to relevant Council division; proposal noted for consideration against recommendation 2.10; noted in support of recommendations 2.16 and 2.17 |
N/A |
Wagga View (anonymous submission) |
Support for streetscape beautification and art in public spaces; proposal to increase funding for galleries and museums |
Noted in support of recommendation 2.28; noted for consideration against recommendation 2.36 |
N/A |
Wagga View (anonymous submission) |
General support for plan; specific support for Riverside Event Spaces project; support for improvements to Wagga Wagga City Library; support for improvements to Botanic Gardens |
Noted in support of recommendations 1.02, 1.04, 1.05 |
N/A |
Wagga View (anonymous submission) |
Proposal for mid-week and late-night events |
Amend recommendation 2.17 |
2.17: Amend second sentence of first paragraph from “Increased activity in the CBD on weekends and evenings […]” to “Increased activity in the CBD on weekends and mid-week evenings […]” |
Wagga View (anonymous submission) |
General support for plan; specific support for inclusive and diverse multicultural programming; offer to assist in implementation of recommendations |
Noted as general support and support for recommendations 2.09, 2.10 and 2.24; noted for consultation against recommendations 2.09, 2.10 and 2.24 |
N/A |
Wagga View (anonymous submission) |
Support for recommendation 2.09 and proposal that Council underwrite insurance for community access to facilities. |
Amend recommendation 2.09 |
2.09: Amend scope to include: |
Wagga View (anonymous submission) |
General support for plan; specific support for increase in available rehearsal spaces; support for improvements and expansion to Wagga Wagga Civic Theatre; support for Riverside Event Spaces project |
Noted in support of recommendations 1.03 and 1.05 |
N/A |
Wagga View (anonymous submission) |
General support for plan; specific support for increase in rehearsal and performance spaces; support for Community Art Centre project |
Noted in support of recommendations 1.01 and 1.03 |
N/A |
Wagga View (anonymous submission) |
Proposal to celebrate 21 February as International Mother Language Day |
Council staff to contact customer regarding opportunities to seek support for this project idea within the Annual Grants 2020 program guidelines
N/A |
Wagga View (anonymous submission) |
General support for plan; specific support for Community Art Centre project and Riverside Event Spaces project |
Noted in support of recommendations 1.01 and 1.05 |
N/A |
Wagga View (anonymous submission) |
Support for recommendation 2.16 |
Noted in support of recommendation 2.16 |
N/A |
Wagga View (anonymous submission) |
Proposal for venue availability for diverse multicultural practice |
Amend recommendation 1.01 and note for implementation |
Amend third sentence of second paragraph from “At the same time, demand is growing, as new organisations form and existing groups expand and evolve.” to “At the same time, demand is growing, as new organisations form, existing groups expand and evolve, and the increasing diversity of our city’s demography brings new opportunities for cultural expression.” |
Wagga View (anonymous submission) |
Proposal to increase Council subsidy for hire of Wagga Wagga Civic Theatre by community cultural organisations; support for expansion of cultural programming throughout suburbs and villages |
Noted for consideration against recommendation 1.03; noted in support of recommendations 2.22 and 2.24 |
N/A |
Wagga View (anonymous submission) |
General support for plan; proposal to further emphasise support for individual creative practitioners; proposal to include individual studio space options in Community Art Centre project |
Amend recommendation 1.01 and note for implementation |
1.01: Amend third paragraph to include: “The venue may also be designed to include studio spaces available for individual practice, facilitating professional practice and residencies, and promoting exchange between individuals and community organisations.” |
Staff |
Amend wording at recommendation 1.03 |
Amend as proposed |
1.03: Amend second sentence of second paragraph from “The singular, inflexible space does not suit the majority community events […]” to “The single, inflexible space does not suit many community events […].” |
Staff |
Amend project costs for River Life at recommendations 2.02, 2.07, and 2.13 |
Amend as proposed |
2.02: Amend cost from $50,000 to $132,236 as per resolution 20 January 2020 Council meeting RP8 2.07: Amend cost from $0 to “Project dependent” 2.13: Amend cost from $0 to “Project dependent” |
Staff |
Amend wording at recommendations 2.17 and 2.19 |
Amend as proposed |
2.17: Amend scope to include: “Give consideration to the provision of access to essential services for residents, visitors and businesses such as free Wi-Fi” 2.19: Amend scope to include: |
Staff |
Amend wording at recommendation 2.34 |
Amend as proposed |
2.34: Amend first item of second paragraph from “Increase temperature and humidity controls to meet the touring requirements of major touring exhibitions, and improve the conservation of the permanent collections.” to |
Staff |
Amendments to design layout to improve clarity |
Amend as proposed |
Amendments to design layout |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday 14 April 2020 |
RP-5 |
Financial Implications
The financial implications of the Cultural Plan recommendations are outlined within the plan’s Integrated Implementation Schedule and are either shown as funded, part-funded, project dependent or not funded. Where projects are listed as not funded, Council Staff will identify and seek relevant external funding opportunities over the course of this plan. Budgeting for short, medium and long-term projects will be incorporated into Council’s Integrated Planning & Reporting processes.
Policy and Legislation
Community Strategic Plan 2040: Wagga View (2017)
Recreation, Open Space & Community Strategy and Implementation Plan 2040 (2017)
Wagga Wagga Integrated Transport Strategy 2040 (2018)
City of Wagga Wagga Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017-2021 (2017)
City of Wagga Wagga Reconciliation Action Plan 2021 (2019)
Wagga Wagga Development Control Plan (2010)
Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019-2034 (2019)
POL 109 Public Art Policy (2017)
Create in NSW: The NSW Arts and Cultural Policy Framework (2015)
NSW Cultural Infrastructure Plan (2019)
NSW Local Government Act (1993)
NSW State Priorities (2015)
NSW Premier’s Priorities (2019)
A 20-Year Economic Vision for Regional NSW (2016)
Riverina Murray Regional Plan 2036 (2017)
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Place and Identity
Objective: We are proud of where we live and our identity
Outcome: We are a centre for arts and culture
Risk Management Issues for Council
Financial and Reputational: Some projects within this plan are dependent upon sourcing external funding and are subject to Council adopted budgets for future financial years and will not proceed if funding is not secured. As with all long-term plans, ongoing communication by Council is required to communicate key project milestones and progress associated with the plan.
Safety: Risks must be attended to by all relevant project teams and contractors.
Internal / External Consultation
External consultation for the development of the draft Cultural Plan was conducted in two stages between February and July 2019. In the first stage, February-April 2019, focus groups and personal interviews were conducted with representatives of community, cultural and educational organisations and institutions.
The second stage of consultation, May-July 2019, was led by online public engagement through the ‘Wagga View’ platform. The platform was promoted to the community through Council News stories and advertisement; radio interviews; and social media marketing through Facebook. Further consultation was conducted at drop-in sessions in conjunction with Council’s Community Engagement program; presentations at Council and other events including the Australian International Animation Festival; and two discussion forums: the Mayoral School Captain’s Breakfast; and a public event at Romano’s Hotel.
The draft Cultural Plan was placed on public exhibition from 22 January to 24 February 2020. During this period, further consultation with the public was conducted through the ‘Wagga View’ platform, supported by promotion through Council News stories and advertisements, direct email, phone calls and e-newsletters, along with social media marketing through facebook and instagram platforms. While the draft Cultural Plan was on public exhibition, staff met and briefed representatives from interested community arts organisations.
Internal consultation has been ongoing since October 2018 across relevant Council teams and directorates. Supporting this process has been data gathered through previous community consultations, including the Community Strategic Plan and Youth Survey, as well as external data sets e.g. Music NSW’s venue census.
Media |
Community Engagement |
Digital |
Rates notices insert |
Direct mail |
Letterbox drop |
Council news story |
Council News advert |
Media releases |
TV/radio advertising |
One-on-one meetings |
Your Say website |
Community meetings |
Stakeholder workshops |
Drop-in sessions |
Surveys and feedback forms |
Social media |
Email newsletters |
Website |
Digital advertising |
Consult |
x |
x |
x |
Involve |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Collaborate |
x |
x |
x |
x |
1. |
Cultural Plan Submissions This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, as it deals with: personnel matters concerning particular individuals. - Provided under separate cover |
2. |
Cultural Plan 2020-2030 - Provided under separate cover |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday 14 April 2020 |
RP-6 |
RP-6 Response to Notice of Motion - Stockpiling Materials in the Floodplain
Author: Andrew Mason
Director: Caroline Angel
Summary: |
This report is in response to the Notice of Motion raised by Councillors Pascoe and Funnell at the Ordinary Council Meeting held 25 November 2019. |
That Council receive and note the report, including: i the action plan to remove the stockpiles and levees ii the update in relation to vegetation management within the floodplain |
At its meeting of 25 November 2019, Council sought further information in relation to stockpiling materials and vegetation management on the floodplain. In response, an outline of current Council stockpiling and levees within the floodplain has been prepared in consultation with the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee (Attachment 1). This work also includes an action plan and an update in relation to vegetation management within the floodplain.
The action plan includes the following items:
· removing 10,000m³ of waste material from the Borrow Pit to the Gregadoo Waste Management Centre (GWMC) (pending funding)
· Initiating discussions with the EPA regarding placement of some Borrow Pit material into the new borrow areas
· Rehabilitating the Borrow Pit after the Main City Levee material extraction is complete
· Removing a small amount of remaining material from the Fuller and Cooradook Stockpile sites to the GWMC
· Rehabilitating the Fuller and Cooradook sites to current standards
· Ensuring the Hampden Avenue levees comply with recommendations
In terms of vegetation management, investigations are underway and grant funding has been sought to develop a comprehensive weed and tree management program for the riparian and floodplain zones.
Financial Implications
The funding source for removal of waste material from the borrow pit is yet to be determined. Grant applications have been submitted to fund a vegetation management program.
Policy and Legislation
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Leadership and Collaboration
Objective: We are informed and involved in decision making
Outcome: Everyone in our community feels they have been heard and understood
Risk Management Issues for Council
Public misconception.
Internal / External Consultation
At its 4 February 2020 workshop, the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee was provided with a report and recommended actions on stockpiling materials in the floodplain (attached).
1⇩. |
Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee Report |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday 14 April 2020 |
RP-7 |
Author: Ben Creighton
Director: Michael Keys
Summary: |
Following discussions with the Canberra Raiders it was agreed that the 2020 NRL Premiership Match that was scheduled to be held at McDonald’s Park would be cancelled due to the impacts of the Covid-19 (Coronavirus). It is now proposed that Council’s agreement be rolled forward and that a match be held during the 2021 season. |
That Council: a note the reasons for cancelling the hosting of a Canberra Raiders NRL Premiership match in Wagga Wagga in 2020 b endorse the General Manager or their delegate to enter into an agreement with the Canberra Raiders to host a 2021 NRL Premiership Match |
At the 27 August 2018 Council Meeting it was resolved:
That Council:
a authorise the General Manager or their delegate to enter into an agreement with the Canberra Raiders and National Rugby League for the hosting of NRL premiership matches in 2019 and 2020 (with an additional one year option) on the commercial terms discussed within the body of the report
b note the anticipated cost neutral position and expected economic impact to the city by hosting this event
In 2019 a successful premiership match was held in Wagga Wagga with an attendance in excess of 10,000 people.
Planning had been undertaken and ticket sales had commenced for a premiership match to be held on the 18 April 2020. Following discussions with the Canberra Raiders, it was agreed that the 2020 NRL Premiership match that was to be held at McDonald’s Park would be cancelled due to the impacts of the Covid-19 (Coronavirus). The primary reasons for this were:
· the uncertainty around the NRL fixture
· the additional logistics and planning required to deliver a regional match
· the reduced community and financial outcomes if the event had to be held without a crowd in attendance
Instead it was proposed that Council’s agreement be rolled forward and a match be held during the 2021 season.
It is proposed that this event be held under a similar financial arrangement as Council’s 2019/2020 agreement which was forecast to achieve a cost neutral position.
Financial Implications
It is estimated that the 2021 match would achieve a cost neutral position.
The cost to Council incurred for the planning, cancelling and refunding of tickets for the 2020 game is estimated to be between $5,000 and $10,000. This is to be funded from within Council’s Strategic Parks and Recreation budget.
Policy and Legislation
Recreation, Open Space and Community Strategy and Implementation Plan 2040
Draft Event Strategy and Action Plan 2020-2024
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Place and Identity
Objective: We are proud of where we live and our identity
Outcome: We are the city of good sports
Risk Management Issues for Council
If the estimated number of tickets sold is not achieved, and/or the estimated expenses are more than what are budgeted it could result in a net financial loss and Council having to fund the event shortfall.
Internal / External Consultation
External consultation was undertaken with the Canberra Raiders. The Canberra Raiders also undertook consultation with the National Rugby League and ACT Government.
Internal consultation was undertaken with the City Strategy and Events teams.
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday 14 April 2020 |
RP-8 |
Author: Dianne Wright
Director: Michael Keys
Summary: |
This report concerns a proposal to close Council public roads within the Wagga Wagga Base Hospital Grounds and transfer ownership to the NSW Health Corporation. |
That Council:
a agree to the closure of parts of Doris Roy Lane, Lewis Drive, Yabtree Street and Yathong Street within the Wagga Wagga Base Hospital grounds as identified in the body of this report in accordance with the provisions of s38A of the Roads Act 1993
b undertake public notice of the proposed road closures in accordance with s38B of the Roads Act 1993
c upon closure classify the land as operational land in accordance with s31(2) of the Local Government Act 1993
d agree to sell the land parcels created by the road closure to the NSW Health Corporation on the terms outlined in the body of this report
e delegate authority to the General Manager or their delegate to execute any necessary documents on behalf of Council
f authorise the affixing of Councils common seal to all relevant documents as required
g transfer the compensation paid to Council’s bottom line
Council has received a request from NSW Health Infrastructure to close certain public roads within the boundaries of the Wagga Wagga Base Hospital grounds. The roads concerned are as follows:
· Lewis Drive – between Sturt Highway (Edward Street) and Yabtree Street
· Doris Roy Lane – west of Peck Street
· Yabtree Street – west of Peck Street
· Yathong Street – west of Peck Street
· Lewis Drive – between Yathong Street and Rawson Lane
Under the Roads Act 1993 provisions, Council may propose closure of a public road where the road is not required for legal access, for continuity of the public road network or reasonably required for public use.
NSW Health Infrastructure advise the roads are proposed to physically remain open and trafficable by vehicles after legal closure. The legal closure of the roads as proposed removes Council as the roads authority and facilitates transfer of ownership to NSW Health.
As the landowner NSW Health will manage the roads as part of their internal driveway network. This will allow them to make changes such as amending speed limits, introducing traffic calming measures and otherwise managing access to their site and use of the roads without reference to Council as the road’s authority.
This removes unnecessary bureaucracy for NSW Health and is consistent with the treatment of internal roads in other large independent facilities such as Calvary Hospital and Settlers Village. This proposal is supported by Council’s traffic and planning and development divisions.
Transfer of the land to NSW Health Corporation is proposed to occur by way of sale and transfer with compensation payable to Council in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991. This approach is consistent with Council’s dealings as the acquiring authority from NSW State Government entities such as Crown Lands.
All costs associated with the road closure and transfer including Council’s reasonable costs, survey costs, legal costs, registration fees, valuation fees are to be borne by NSW Health.
Financial Implications
The compensation payable to Council will be transferred to Council’s bottom line.
Policy and Legislation
Roads Act 1993
Local Government Act 1993
Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991
Link to Strategic Plan
Safe and Healthy Community
Objective: We have access to health and support services that cater for all our needs
Outcome: Our health and support services meet the needs of our community
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
Council undertook consultation with NSW Health Infrastructure, Council’s Traffic Committee and Council’s Development Assessment Division. Under the provisions of s.38B of the Roads Act Council must undertake public notice of the proposed road closure and allow notifiable authorities and the community at least 28 days to respond.
Media |
Community Engagement |
Digital |
Rates notices insert |
Direct mail |
Letterbox drop |
Council news story |
Council News advert |
Media releases |
TV/radio advertising |
One-on-one meetings |
Your Say website |
Community meetings |
Stakeholder workshops |
Drop-in sessions |
Surveys and feedback forms |
Social media |
Email newsletters |
Website |
Digital advertising |
Consult |
X |
X |
Involve |
Collaborate |
1⇩. |
Location Map |
2⇩. |
Draft Survey |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday 14 April 2020 |
RP-9 |
Author: Dianne Wright
Director: Michael Keys
Summary: |
This report relates to a proposed Crown Lands access licence for replacement of the Mona Vale Bridge at Ladysmith.
That Council:
a enter into a construction access licence with the NSW Department of Industry (Crown Lands) for replacement of the Mona Vale Bridge
b receive a further report concerning the requirement to compulsorily acquire land for the bridge
c delegate authority to the General Manager or their delegate to execute any necessary documents on behalf of Council
d authorise the affixing of Council’s common seal to all relevant documents as required |
Council has received funding from the Department of Industrial Development, Regional Development and Finance through round 4 of the Bridge Renewal Program for replacement of the Mona Vale Bridge.
The Mona Vale Bridge comprises a single lane timber bridge crossing of the Kyeamba Creek at Ladysmith. The bridge represents the only access for two rural properties and is being replaced due to age and safety concerns.
In this location Kyeamba Creek is identified as a Crown waterway and therefore an access licence is required to authorise occupation by Council for construction activities.
Accordingly, an application has been lodged with the NSW Department of Industry (Crown Lands) for the appropriate access licence. This will allow Council to occupy land for the purpose of construction, stockpiling, staging and associated works.
Crown Lands have further advised that Council will be required to acquire land for the purpose of public road at current market rates upon completion. The land acquisition is via compulsory process and will be subject to a separate report to Council.
Costs associated with the access licence including application fee and one year’s annual fee are estimated at $1,000. It is recommended that Council enter into a licence agreement to enable construction of the new bridge.
Financial Implications
As noted above, the costs associated with the access licence and annual fees are estimated to be $1,000 and is to be funded from within Council’s property section budget.
Policy and Legislation
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Leadership and Collaboration
Objective: We have strong leadership
Outcome: We are accountable and transparent
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
Council undertook consultation with Council’s Commercial Operations - Project Management Office (PMO) and NSW Department of Industry – Crown Lands.
1⇩. |
Map - Licence Location Area |
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday 14 April 2020 |
RP-10 |
Author: Scott Gray
General Manager: Peter Thompson
Summary: |
This report is to provide responses to Questions/Business with Notice arising from previous Ordinary Council Meetings. |
That Council receive and note the report. |
Councillor D Hayes and Councillor D Tout requested information on library services and what consideration has been given in relation to future plans for the community to access the catalogue and books not only in our local government area but others, and a possible “takeaway function” for book collection. |
A response to this matter was provided by the Director of Community to all Councillors via email on Thursday 2 April 2020. |
Councillor P Funnell requested the General Manager look at alternate work opportunities for Council staff who are unable to perform their normal role and duties. |
Council continues to look for opportunities to redeploy staff to alternative duties and roles. The recent initiative of supporting the community in partnership with community agencies will provide opportunities for staff to assist community organisations in the preparation and delivery of food to vulnerable members of our community. The interest and willingness from staff to be involved in this space, shows that staff are willing to operate outside of their day to day roles. Where staff can be redeployed to other parts of the business those opportunities will continue to be explored in partnership with individuals and management. |
Councillor P Funnell requested information on what Council are doing to disinfect community areas in the City. |
Council’s main cleaning contractor has increased cleaning frequency for touch points, including toilets, handbasins, taps, and vanities. They are using a hospital-grade disinfectant.
Additional daily cleans have been implemented across the following sites:
Amenities (cleaning seven days per week with one additional clean per day between 1200 and 1400hrs) · Rest Centre · Visitors Centre · 104 Baylis St Sister City walkway · 144 Baylis St Bangayarra walkway · Botanic Gardens car park · Collins Park · Beach · Apex Park · Uranquinty Rest Stop
Tarcutta Truck Stop (two extra cleans per day: one between 1200 and 1400hrs and one 1700-1900hrs)
The contractor also services the Airport. The Airport terminal is cleaned and sanitised twice a day, once at night after the final flight and again mid-morning. In addition, hand sanitisers, sanitising wipes, and sanitising spray are available at all points throughout the terminal where staff and the public may be within close proximity or contact. Masks and gloves are available for all airport staff (Council and external). Additional soap dispensers have been installed in the bathrooms.
The CBD Maintenance Crew are adding industrial strength disinfectant to the water tank of the high-pressure washer used to clean street furniture. The Maintenance Officer is spraying disinfectant on and around bus shelters in addition to their regular routine cleaning. |
Councillor P Funnell requested that the monthly financial report to Council include for each four-week period, the estimated total cost of changes to Council services and the impact on Council’s Long Term Financial Plan as a result of those changes. |
The indicative financial impact of Covid-19 on Council will be reported to the 27 April Council Meeting. This will include adjustments to date as well as forecasted budget impact to 30 June 2020. Staff will provide updates to Council if the estimated 2019/20 forecasted position changes.
The Long-Term Financial Plan will include scenarios of the ongoing budget impact with high level assumptions. |
Councillor D Tout requested an update as to whether lobbying has occurred for all local government areas by the Office of Local Government and LGNSW on 2021 projected Budget and Long Term Financial Plan in the wake of the COVID-19 situation and has there been any discussions on the adoption and revisit at a later date. |
Officers are aware that the Office of Local Government will seek to extend the current Integrated Planning and Reporting cycle for 12 months, with the next cycle to be truncated to three years as a result of deferring elections, however there is no known lobbying occurring in relation to the timing of the projected 2021 Budget and Long Term Financial Plan. Each month Council’s position is reviewed and adjusted. This can still occur in 2020/21 also when further information becomes available. |
Financial Implications
Policy and Legislation
Code of Meeting Practice
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Leadership and Collaboration
Objective: We have strong leadership
Outcome: We have leaders that represent us
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday 14 April 2020 |
M-1 |
Author: Scott Gray
General Manager: Peter Thompson
Summary: |
A Sister City Community Committee meeting was held on 20 February 2020. The minutes of the meeting are attached for the information of Councillors. |
That Council: a receive the minutes of the Sister City Community Committee Meeting held on 20 February 2020 b not proceed with hosting the proposed combined Sister City delegation visit scheduled for later this year |
A Sister City Community Committee meeting was held on the 20 February 2020. The minutes of that meeting are attached for the information of Councillors.
At this meeting, the Committee discussed details regarding the scheduled combined sister city visit to be hosted in Wagga later this year.
Given the current circumstances with COVID-19, it is recommended that this be cancelled.
Financial Implications
Policy and Legislation
Sister City Community Committee Terms of Reference
Link to Strategic Plan
Community Leadership and Collaboration
Objective: We are informed and involved in decision making
Outcome: Everyone in our community feels they have been heard and understood
Risk Management Issues for Council
Internal / External Consultation
1⇩. |
Sister City Community Committee Minutes 20 February 2020 |
Reports submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council to be held on Tuesday 14 April 2020.
Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Tuesday 14 April 2020 |
CONF-1 |
Author: Dianne Wright
Director: Michael Keys
This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -
(b) discussion in relation to the personal hardship of a resident or ratepayer.
Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Tuesday 14 April 2020 |
CONF-2 |
Author: Dianne Wright
Director: Michael Keys
This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -
(d) (i) commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.
Report submitted to the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday 14 April 2020 |
CONF-3 |
Author: Sylvester Otieno
Director: Caroline Angel
This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -
(d) (i) commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.
Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Tuesday 14 April 2020 |
CONF-4 |
Author: Peter Ross
Director: Caroline Angel
This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -
(d) (i) commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.
Report submitted to the Confidential Meeting of Council on Tuesday 14 April 2020. CONF-5
CONF-5 RFQ2020-535 Supply of Two Skid Steer Loaders
Author: David Butterfield
Director: Natalie Te Pohe
This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: -
(d) (i) commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.